, P EO P UE 4Q F. JH E. 'DAY. , , Gould , gave a dinner" on Board, at v uicu wri ytvbeui American Minis vllaurus Jdkal, who at the age of 79 Is about to take unto himself an 18-ycar-old wife, is the greatest novelist of Hungary and one of- 'the most fa mous in Europe. He Is the author of 1G0 books, 25 romances of (several vol umes each, 320 novelettes and & plays. Ills books have .had a sale of nearly a ter Thomas and Consul General Wins low. Yacht builders at every city where the Niagara drops anchor re ceive an opportunity to Inspect , (ho vessel, and all confess that America can build ships. Mr. Gould makes this voyage in a businesslike manner, and all accounts of stores and supplies million conies in Hungary : alone, and aro kept the same as on an ocean his romances, plays and many 'of his novelettes have been translated into every European language. Jokai was A Thrilling Detective Story; Will ;be Published In this Paper" Beginning Soon. n,iuue now is one or tne more expert t , t? 11 r ir , amateur photographers in Europe and 1 1 , JS r, U 1 1 OI lYI VS terV, is now busy in his country home In I " , 1 Admirably Written steamer. Even the menu for the crew Is printed, and no body of seamen fares so well as t,hose on the Niagara. Emperor William asked to see the bill of fare for -the seamen, and he said that many days his own table did not present such an attractive menu. Stockholm Cor. Chicago Record. Zola a Photographer. Emlle Zola Is one of the more expert XK Pewboni &rjp. WHOLESALE GROCERS, i ' 4 ! , (Waotoaala Oniy.)-. . - KINSTON. N.C " ' SSrOur prices favor our customets, - - i i . ' i U. B. COTIS SOU, Wedding Presents icircsxoisr, IM, c. Are giving big bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Books, Novelties, Notions and Fancy Goods. Tobacco, Snuff, -Cigars Cheroots and Cigarettes.' All kinds plain and fancy Candies, . Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, etc. Canned Goods. Baskets, Brooms and Fishing Tackle, Poles, Lines, Hooks, Corks and Nets. If you need Fishing Tackle don't tail to see us. Also a number one liar ness and saddle 'Horse, Buggy and Harness. L. B. COX & SON. Medan over a mass of snap shots which he took In London. His col lection of pictures' is larce and inter esting. He has hotels, bridges, public houses, wharfs, boats, palaces and an assortment of tatterdemalions and castaways from the meanest quarters ox London And is Entitled The Ivory MACHU8 JOKAI. the founder of the new school of Mag yar literature, the literary, pursuits of his race having become partially, ob solete. The beet known of his books to Americans Is probably "The ; Ro mance of the Next Century," although his 'Toor Rich Man' Is also popular. This is his second matrimonial ven ture, his first having been made 50 years ago, when be wedded Rosa La Vborfalvi, the' greatest of Hungarian actresses.' " . "' ' : ' '' '' A nj.ch Princess. Princess Louise sceins likely to be come one of toe richest members of the English royal family Her marriage with the Marquis of Lome has not necessitated the keeping , up of any, great state,1 and, being childless, her BlCH. ...... MS. i . iPRAvdbK mjyz I Queen. oar own Grand New Bauamsn only Business College in Vlrclnia, and second In the South to own Its building:. An up-to-date school. No catcn-penny metnods. Experienced teachers four of whom are autnors of valuable books Norman Hurst Is the Author. The Scene is Laid' In a Suburb of Chicago. Ladles and srentlemen. No .vacations. All the It r 'ii J7 ' business branches. English and Academic de- Y Oil Will 1 flV partments. ' I J J Reading It. The practical work of this school for 82 years gives business men confidence in it, aa shown y their increasing calls for its students to Special terms to those possessing fair knowledge serve them as book-keepers, stenographers, etc of Enellsh. catalosrue free Leading-Business College south of the Po- tomaenver." rouaaeipma stenograpner. E. F Cox, Pr.es W. C. Fields, V.-Pres R. 0. Strong. Cashier. Look Out for The First Chapters. Commenced Baslness IJarch 1, 1897 IIlBFIIIFilFfflll J. S. BIZZEU,, t - President. W. S. HERBERT, Sec. and Treas. Attorney. FB1KCES3 LOUISE. expenses .are. comparatlTely few. marriage ' she received a dowry $150,000, and she had magnificent wed- On I Board of of ady, W. c. Fields, T. W. Mewborn, B. if. cox. j. w. uraineer. : i. ts. aooa T T I -T TT - . T . Tr . dinr iHftq of diamonds, rabies. mrl nCH,"J"5" J""7i w..ixiuh. r,,i ti, IqtvoIo v t.i i-a ay V yvDixon, 5. H. Abbott. .queen's children, 'she has an Income of 130,000 i year. t : Miles Betwixt. ' Colonel R. S. McKenzie of the Fourth ,Unlted States cavalry was regarded fa 1874 as the; hext candidate fo? the ap pointment of brigadier general, but an other wearer of the silver eagleon bis shoulder straps came into prominence about ithat time in the person of Colo nel Nelson A. Miles of' the Fifth Infan try. In Colonel afcKenzle's regiment there was a erlzzled veteran. Cnntnin I :)NapPleoivMcjt4ugWu starlit . Established upon a rock foundation the confidence of the people. ' TI.A.).A.. -...4-m.A .. 4.V.. ucjnnuvi. vwiuwir uiuwkwu i tt t OTT A TIT officers are bonded and tall insurance oaAW , Accounts with farmers, merchants, UO VOU WISH tO DOZTOW aeaiers in leai cooacco ana oiners souc-1 n , ited. i luivuvyr A nicely famished private room, wita stationery free, for the nse and conveni ence of our friends. Come and see us. I mnnfiV? f Dirrctors: B. W. Can- You Will Findss8 IN OUR STORE a fall line of dm pie Dry Good a ad Oroceriec. i We pay cah for our Koods aud itet them nt bottom j.ricen, and will sell as close as any merchant doing a square and honest dusiu-b. We Solicit Both Town and Country Trade. We keep a free dehvery n ation on our etrets tor tne convenience or onr town trade, and a five lot and atables for oar country customers. Come to tee us. Yours very truly, VVM. ALEX LaliOQUE, Queen Street, Phone 67. K1NSTON, N. C. THB KEEItEY INSTITUTE For the Cure of the Lipor, opinm Cocaine andjtlisr Dm Addle Mi Kene EilansM and ToDaceo Ml This is the only Keeley Institute in North Carolina, and owing to its beauti ful and healthy location, its elegant buildings and attractive environments. its well supplied table and skillful man agement, it presents to the unfortunate a oerfect home for rest and complete restoration. -: " - '-- If vou have a friend afflicted with anv of the above addictions, write for theh illustrated hand-book, entitled "Thk Nbw Man." Address . ' Greensboro. N. C. Handsome Silver Tableware. We have everything for bridal gifts from the smallest gift to the most elaborate. Our display is worth your attention. DENMARK, The Jeweler, KINSTON, N. C. Do You Want to Learn TO...... Ride a Bicycle? If so, tall through phone No. 8 or come to see us. We teach yott to ride and furnish the wheel for $1.00. rWe teach the young and old. BELL & SOIMS. SpectaLCle 1 I Am. .. Selling SPECTACLES in this town, and expect to keep at it. I Can Give You a Better Trade and a Better ... FIT ... than any one else. I know the business and know how to run it. Prices from a nickel to $10.00. JSFBvery pair guaranteed. HO. HYATT,; KINSTON, N. a Do you wish to ilend GET... YOUR PRINTING Do you wish tobuv or sell a farm? i Do you wish to buy or sell a city lot? f ' We will rent your prop erty for you ; and, collect the rents. ; r We will look upltitles, from a printer who is willine and capable, and wha will in: j ecc. etc. ; ' terestjhimseli to the extent of Call on us at Wooten & Shaw's making your prirtrng best law office. ir We will rive all busi- ef ( Jwparticnlar weeds, ness our prompt , attention and - i I DtJflrfltitM saficfartinn together In camp on a scout upon the lnUrTISIIC rriuierS, v plains In Texas. Cotonel IcKenzie was walking up1 and' down hear his tent, snapping his fingers and showing many signs of Inward excitement. Suddenly he stopped and iglied tip at the sky. ."What are you looking for. colonel?" ) Inquired Captain McLaughlin; stepping vu. MVU 1U9 HUltU UC. UUU been watching the oflJcer's movements. "Oh, I'm only looking for a starl" said thec?lonel, with somo embarrassment. "ColoneL" said the veteran gravely, "I fear, there's .Miles between you and that star!" Events proved that there was reason in his words. Columbian. who turn out medium or poor ",t;work, make little- attempt to KiMon Real Estate AgeHcy; piea&e you, dui quoie a low cash or cotton on short time. price and, say nothing ; about quality, are many. Will : pay Artistic Printers, .House lasted lnElcston. 1 We have an applicant who desires' to rent a house in Kinston with four rooms and kitchen and dining room. Howard Gould In Sweden. Howard Gould, with , his monster yacht, the Niagara, anchored In the harbor f Stockholm and surprised the citizens by u!a rtEassarains way and open handed liospitality.y.Vll have been welcome to"; view the flo'ating palace. and the clit? of the city, have ayailed .themselves cf the courtesy. . At the conclusion : of .. tli yacht races. Mr. Plantatloii For Kale. who exercise eood taste use Cherry Point tlantation. Craven appropriate- type and newest ffiSeSti onash, ideas, are few. To this class . we strive to belong. We do VUJ Ui pnntine for most of the best mu.- , business and professional men in this section, and would like to do yours. ' ' The Free Press, - KINSTON, N. C. One farm near LaGrange containing 245 acres. One faim near Seven Springs contain ing 327 acres. ' One farm within one mile of Kinston which we will sell in lots to suit cur- chasers. Apply to T. S. Eizzell at Carolina 1 Warehouse, or at Shaw's office. . id I Advertising la the Keystone to Success. Barnum. A Thesb are the days when the man, who does a successful business ' must realize the: x ; full scope and significance of the great vera, "hustle." You must hustle t you do ariy . Q business. Every man who has a dollar wants -, his money's worth before he lets it go. ; The ; " man. who has bargains to offer must let theT t (act! be n0wn. If you have anything special 'x'to.bfTey Vdrertise the fact else the people will' never know it. . As a medium for reaching, " the' people the money-spending classes " Thb Faaa Prsss Is the paper par excellent. It reaches the homesof the people throughout this and adjoining counties, and is read by everybody. ; An advertisement in its columns '? will prove a paying investment. Try. it. ; S DAILY? AND G E M I - W E E K L , 3' ' . ,y Kates Given On Hpplleation. Q Correspondenee Invited. e G'