THE DAILY FBBB PBBSS. subscription prices: One wMk , 10 cents Oda month TbJe month. 11.00 tl Tire Ire monlha 1.00 Wednkhdat Evening, Oct. 11, 1809. Thebojsat the white irraded school are getting up a football team. Mr. C. T. Itandolph shipped today four .busies to be put on exhibition at the Kaleiffh State fair, one top and three open buggies. Mrs. J. II. Banks gave her nephew, Mr. Joe Ilallard,and little girl, Miss Genevieve Uonks, a birthday party yesterday. Many children were present and enjoyed the occasion. Confectioneries were serv ed. About 200,000 pounds of tobacco were sold in Kinston today. All lour ware houses had fine breaks. Yesterday there were over 250,000 pounds here. The sales yesterday were blocked. Nearly half a million pounds of tobacco sold in Kington in two consecutive days! Kin- ston is a big tobacco market. The Atlantic Baptist association met at Newbern yesterday, Jtev. C. W. Blanchard, of Kinston, was elected moderator. The association is to divide at the present session. All the churches west of Newbern are to form a new as sociation at LaGranire on the 26th inst, "The attendance at Newbern is large. A meeting of the committee appointed to select a site for the furniture factory was held last nicrht. Two locations are under consideration one on the A. C. L., near Mr. B. H.Abbott's brick ard, on land belonirincr to Mr. J. W. Grainger: the other near the A. & N. C, on the land of Mr. A. Mitchell. A trade for one of these sites will be consummated today. Mr. Joseph G. Chandler, advance agent of Lee, the hypnotist, was here today making arrangements for the appearance here next week of the company. This is the company that has made Buch a furor in Wilmington, Kaleigh, thai lotto and other places in North Carolina. The company is now giving entertainments at Newbern and is meeting with great success tnere, as everywhere they go. Air. Chandler is a son of Senator Chandler, of New Hampshire, and is an exceedingly clever gentleman. "Luck" and "chance" are terms which do not enter into the calculations of the enterprising and energetic merchant. Being a progressive man, he is essentially practical. The competitive conditions with which he must contend require the exercise of good judgment, enterprise and foresight. In the management of his adver tising those qualifications are especially requisite: and u he select as the medium tnrougn which to reach the puoiic, a trusted and influential newspaper he makes assurance doubly sure. There is neither luck nor chance in the right sort ui nuinuniiiji. x v imttliuuiy ui uiuo prontabie results.i'hiladelphia Kecord. Tom Potter was before Justice L. J. Moore this morning charged with as saulting Chas. and Lon Potter with a deadly weapon. It was also asked that Tom Potter be put under a warrant to keep the peace. He was required to give alond of $100 for his appearance at the next term of court and was put under a $100 peace warrant. I le gave both. It seems that on Tuesday a week ago Tom, Chas. and Lon Potter, left Kinston together on a wagon and were drinking. A quarrel arose on the way. over a dis cussion of an old family feud and Tom Potter drove Chas. and Lon Potter out of the wagon. These parties are all tenants on land belonging to Mr. J. W. Daly, in Falling Creek township: and that afternoon, after all had reached home, they renewed their quarrel, resulting in a flcrht. in which .Tom Potter used a heavy stick, inflicting a rew wounds on the other two i'otters. Chas. and Lon Potter used light sticks and it seems were worsted. , PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. S. II. Bountree, Jr., spent yester day in Snow Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Worthington, of Pitt county, were here yesterday. Mr. E. I J Harget, ofj Silver Dale, came last night and will spend a day or so in Kinston. Miss Lottie Thornton, of Fayetteville, who had been visiting Mrs. J. E. Hood, returned home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Gardner, of Grif- ton, were here today. They came to have some dental work done. Itev. E. T. Phillips and son came yester day from Ayden. They left this morning for Johnson county to attend the western conference of the Free Will Baptists. Mrs. J. II. Ball left yesterday for New bern to attend the marriage of Miss Eliz abeth Hodges, of Newbern, to Mr. C. W. Barrow, of lialeigh, which takes place at Newbern today. Mrs. J. W. Grainger and Mrs. J. R. Phillips left this morning for Cincinnati, to attend the jubilee convention of the Christian church. Rev. S. W. Sumrell will join them at Grifton. Miss Bessie Davis, of Beaufort, who came yesterday and stopped at Dr. H. O. Hyatt's, left this morning for Ral eigh, where she will accept a position as teacher in the asylum for the blind. Dr. Wm. Cobb Whitfield, of Quinerly, Eossed through yesterday returning from is father's, Col. N. B. Whitfield, near Seven Springs. His many friends will be glad to learn that he has recovered from a severe case of illness. Mrs. Jacob F. Parrott and Mrs. C. D Ray left yesterday for Newbern to at tend the Atlantic: Baptist association which is in session there, as representa tives from the Woman s Missionary boci ety of the Kinston Baptist church. Attention, Naval Reserves. You are hereby commanded to assem ble in the armory tonight at 8:30 o'clock for drill. Plato Collins, Boatswain Cotton Market. Spot cotton in Kinston 7 to 7.15. New York.Oct. 11. Cotton bids Octo ber. 6.82: November. 0.85: December 0.87 January, 0.94; February, G.99; March 7.02. KINSTON MARKET. Prices quoted for Country Produca are those paid vy aeaiers. Beeswax per pound 20 Corn per bushel 00 Meal per bushel 60 L. C. Hides per pound M Hams country per pound 12X Salt per sack 80 Lard country por pound 8 Chickens per pair 35 to 50 Eggs per dozen...... 12X Peanuts per bushel 75 Sheep v 1.60 Lamb . 1.C0 Hides dry 4 to 10 Hides green 5 Beef on foot fat 4 to 5 fors fresh 6 fodder 75 to 90 Molases 35 to 60 Flour ..... 4 to 4.75 Artistic Job Printing at The Free Press Office Special Notices. v.Braril Nuts at 10c and Mince Meat at 10c, at Hub Cummings. . Oysters received (daily by J, F. Davis, V Fon Rent:--A house suitable for repair' HUOp. , : :;: j; -- V.:V . 1 A, UOOKEIi. ,Uystebs served well in. any style, at ovvpnces, over T, B. Brown's bar, by y. v . jt onaw. Notice. Board wanted with private iamuy, by two young men. Address X, care bee i'ress. j , v , mob dale. a good delivery wagon ana harness. Apply to Jesse II. Bell, . T wish, to supply a few more regular customers with nice, line, rich fresh milk. . T. li. BBOWN. Take Roberts' Tastleless 25cChill Tonic t,very ootue guaranteed, o cure, no wj, 4 For nam wholesale and retail by J. fc.. iioouv i.emple-Maiton Drog Co. and Henry Dunn. The r ree Press has received a lot of background tints forttatiooery.etc, and is prepared to do elegant priuticg of business stationery in close imitation of lithographer's work. Send or bringyour , orders ior ail sorts ol printing to The Free Press. . IS?) fllmays Picks the Best of everything the dressy and fastidious man does at all times, and that is why he picks our laundry for the renovation of his linen. . . ( Out Artistic and Beautiful Work on fancy white linen and colored shirts, collars and cuffs is the finest that can be done by the most finished experts in this line. m mm STEAU LiUlBT OPERA HODSEl FIVE NIGHTS, COMMENCING Monday, October 6th. 0ETTINGER BROS 17 1 19 N. Qnea St gUlTS I ' ir TO ORDER ! Lee's Great Company .OF. ..Wpuotsts.. Previous to their trip through California, Honolulu, Au stralia and South Africa. roc ; General Admis- ; Children, 25c. Reserved Seats, sion, 35c Seats on sale at S. H. Iyoftin's store. Attention All... I announce today that my stock of Fall And Winter Goods is now complete. My milliner, Miss Jennings, has returned after spending four or five weeks in New York, Philadelphia and Balti more, where she gleaned all the new ideas relating to style and beauty in millinery. Lam now opening my Mil linery Goods. The walking Hats are varied in color and shape. ' rt v 1V7TT t ro To those having their clothing made we wish to announce that we represent three of the largest tailoring houses in the country, and Are Prepared To Show You An Enormous Line of Samples To Select From. vjome in ana see tne tall ana winter styles. A fit guaranteed. OETTINGER BROS. DR. H. D HARPKR, DENTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. t arornoi Ovib dam Qvimiblt's Btom, im TBI aQHUT BVlhDIVQ, riIXT TO J. A. fBID ein s oruBB "ALRIGHT" SOAP, regular large size cakes, two for 5c. As good in quality and inst as large as other washing soaps sold for twice the price. Why pay double for otker soaps when ii.:. s i) ' . r. ima is as goour we guarantee it. Money returned if not perfectly as represented. Try it. We also have ... OCTAGON, BOOT JACK, MAGIC CLEANER, LENOX AND HUMMER SOAPS. B"Electric Washing Powders, Lye and Potash." , FRENCH -& SUGG, KINSTON, N. C. Autumn Dress Goods Worth Your Notice. Values Unequalled ' Drink at the Onyx Fountain. Fresh Peanut Brittle. Fresh Marshmallows. Fresh Apricot; Tablets. : by any other store. Fresh Sour Lemon Drops. Black Crepons best English and I . " French productions. Mohair arid Jt?Tesn Jjime JJrops. ; Fresh Asst. Buttercups. Fresh Cream Almonds. Wool, Silk ard Wool. Looms never created richer weaves in Black. All in novel, elegant and beautiful effects, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, 0t vr ir an1 $V en o vflrd ' - Satin-finished Cloths-twill back r reap flumu uiuuua. -S'Xtahi" Fresh Oream: Chocolate $1.50 a yard. , L " Drops. , and do you know that fancies have FreshOhOCOlate Almonds never been so stylish, nor so- mucn worn as this season ? These are 45 and 46 in. wide, at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 up to $5.00 a yard. We mail samples and furnish estimates. DOBBfll & FE1ALL, , w ; At Tucker's Store, 1 RALEIGH, N. C. and anything you need in 1 Fine Candies. AX, WAYS FRESH AT WB-IIaiil D112 Co. Phone 50. Crick Block Ccrcer. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkLk It Pays to Trade at the Big Stoie. Special Sale Dress Goods For This Week. Just to liven up things a little and show you how it pays to trade at home we will sell this week : Seven pieces 40 in. all wool Venetian Cloths in all the new shades at 48c Yard. 40 in. Black Crepon, beau tiful design arid worth 75c yard, at 50c Yard. ao in. Mohair and Wool 3 Blister Crenons. the kind so 5 much wanted, and worth $1.25 yard, will be sold special this week at 98c Yard. Five pieces 38 in. all wool Novelty Black Goodsvery popular for skirts and full dresses, will be sold at 49c Yard. THE BIG STORE, KINSTON," N. O. Mew Arrivals In Capes, And Furs. (ALL KINDS.) ; . At Lower Prices Than You Ever Bought Them. ; Remember your dollar goes a long way at thfc store. I IIM tone 11, 0a ths Cr.m: . KINSTON. N. C.