11 DAILY FIB PRESS. Entered at P. O. M second olus mail matter. W. S. HERBERT, Editor and Prop'r. America has beeu asked to poke her hand in the grab-bag in the contemplat ed division of China. And why should she not? She has at) good an excuse for it as she had for buying the Philippines, and besides, it will come cheaper and we will not experience near so much trouble in getting possession. If we are com tnited to a land-grabbing policy there is no reason for turning, a good thing down. Durham Herald. The Jacksonville Times-Union says the people of the south know best how to sympathize with the Cubans who hare neither money nor credit, for they were left in that condition after Sherman's army had passed through on its victori ous march. But the south had to fight its battles without Federal appropria tions. Cuba will have to do the same thing. A nation that is composed of freemen will work out their own salva- j lion in spite of obstacles. The Chatham Citizen and Hickory Mercury, which call themselves Populist papers, publish the anti-amendment ad dress issued by Chairman Holton (Re publican) with commendation. The Fu sion office-holders and office seekers have already arranged to fight next year to gether for negro rule in the hope of keep ing or getting back their offices. But they can't deliver the voters. The white folks will avail themselves of the op- portunity of voting white, even if it keeps pie-eaters out of office. Hofses audi iaoliTT.U.newbprn&Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, fc Upheld Iler Dlraf tr Borne of the colored folks ore bound to maintain their dignity. One of these ladies was employed by a wealthy Loulsvllllan who swore by the whole sale. Economy was no object to him when It came to cuss words, and ho scattered these pearls of speech over oil il.lAii)n fl. 1 . grand mistress of her art. She knew I can save you money if yon will j unr pnees favor onr customeis what she knew and could turn out I come and inspect my stock before arenms from tno skillet ana oven, but I purchasing elsewhere. no naa mens 01 uer own aigmty. n O DADDIIC "One mawnm," said, she, "I done r U. O. DMnnUO, Just received two car loads of Western Horses and Mules. I now have 49 head on hand, which must I be sold in 30 days to make room for two more car loads. I believe X (Wholesale Only.)1 WINSTON, C All Who Have Darber Work w i; ; Done, Try Us. Artistic Hair Cutting, Thorough Sham pool ng.Ea sy Sbaving.Cteanliness A I w ay s. Try our preparation for the scalp. , THOS H.GREEN TUB Barter. Shop on Gordon 8&, Just back of Temple Mareton'aDnut tttore cook a ejepant ureuruss. Dere wuz chlckln an 'taters an beat blsklt an cof- fey an mufTns, an dat man he come down stairs, an he do alk scand'lous. I Hssen an, I llssen. He cuss dls an he cuss dat, nn he murabT to hlsself, an I Jes couldu' stan' hit I marches out, an I says, Sah, of you don't Ilk dls hyar cookln, say so, an I goes, but I ain't gwlne hear you cuss me an my wuk.' "'Ilyar, gal.' says he. 'I likes dis cookln. Wot you mean bossin me when I cusses to my own wife?' " 'Dat's all ri't.' I says ml'ty brash. but you don't cuss me er I goes.' "An sence den," declared the colored upholder of her rights and dignity, "ole marse Jes' stuck on my cookiu. nn I'se de only pusson on do lot be neber cuss es." The old man Is right. When you get a good cook, grapple her tc you with hooks or steel, even If you have to leave off swearing. Louisville Times. KINSTON, N. C Hyacinth Bottles Flower Pots, Etc., Just Received . . . .AT. NEW YORK RACKET STORE, are what you want .in a pair of shoes. Try a pair of our Patent leather VICIS, and you get all three combined. We have them in button or lace, Price $5. No. 41 Pridgen Block, KINSTON, - N. C. JOHN F. STRATTON '8 OBiebratodQTJITAE&. . ... a&r To make room for fall stock we will reduce the price every pair of Tan Shoes in stock." of. Hanna has made his last and boldest bid for a big corruption fund from the trusts. : In his speech at Chagrin Falls, Ohio, speaking of the trusts, he said: "Those combinations of capital will sur vive the present prejudice which exists against them," which is equivalent to saying that the Republicans will not try to molest them . Next day the bank accounts of the trusts were at Hanna's disposal. He is the most open' and notorious corruptionist and political leper American politics has known. Earning- of Crollata. Some of the professional bicycle rid ers who devoted their attention to mid die distance racing this season have earned more money than the racing men who followed the sprint events on the circuit As a result of the National Cycling association promoting -the greater number of meets, the riders af filiated with this association have fared the best Harry Elkes holds a com manding lead In the middle distance race in America this year. After start ing early in the spring and training for middle distance events exclusively he made a record of nine victories and one defeat H Is prize earnings are in ex ' cess1 of $4,000. Elkes had a -very, com petent ten m of pacemakers and was forced to pay his pacing men large sal arles. so that his earnings figure out much less than his prize winnings. In view ur tiM -onii)iicntions in racing this wii son ini-ause of the struggle be-, tween the I. A. W. and the N. C A.. there wmv fwr big races run tff than in prevuttw years ana smaller purses offered, hikes' only defeat waa admin istered lv Tt.iit l.luton. lie caught the American in '.poor condition and after bis victory '-.refrwil all sorts of Induce ment ti njntlu ride with Kikes. Next to Elkes. 11. "W, I'lm-c has the second best record f the season and Is rated as wlnnlu's $2.3(H) In prizes. Charles W. Miller onies next with $2,000 and Joseph I;iwoi'y , fourth with $1,500. I-ratiU Waller who did not follow the big races resKlarly. won 1 over $14200. If the 'plan outline! for next season mature. middle distance races will re- Smelling llio Gloati. Bartenders who pride themselves on their mixed drinks have a habit of smelling of the empty glass as soon as the customer has drained; it. In this way they can tell to a dot whether they "hit It right" or not. . I have not seen the bartender who can make, two drinks alike, and none Is ever certain that he has guessed rightly the pro portions of liquor and Its disguises until after the olfactory test. "Fred, this Isn't quite up to the mark." says Tosspot, who drinks every drop. "That so?" smelling of the glass. "You're right Not enough curneoa. Let me make you another." The worst telltale is the beer trlass. Not one-tenth of the beer sold over tho bar or In cases Is fit for a dog to drink. If you are fond of a glass and It does not He easily on the stomach. If there Is an unpin: snut after effect, a disa-1 greeable taste In the mouth or a sud' den disinclination to drink further. smell of the emptied glass, and the chances are that you will conclude you have been putting part of a cow lot inside of j ou. You will resolve never to torch that beer again, "where in you will bo wise. The same test may be applied tc whiskies, wines and Ihiueurs, gins, rums, brandies and curd la Is.'-'' Many a man would save bis breath and hia stomach oy employing his function of smell after the first drink. It 13 the surest prohibition 1 know. New York Press. to porter and Wholesale" Sealer In all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Send for JOHN F. STRATTON cr Catalonia 62 Grand St. New Yon... Prom the Lenoir County Cotton Patch to the Le noir County Foot. A few pair of John Kelly's Ladies' Fine Shoes. Former price was $3; they go now at ........$2.25. All new styles. Come quick, as they wont last long. DAN QUMERLY, Queen Street. KINSTON, N. C. ft i; ;::::-' ' ; -'yr:yv;;":';.?' ' y Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cures Others, Why Not You? My wife has been using Chamberlain's Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her continually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiv ing any benefit from any of them One day we saw an advertisement of this medicine and thought of trying it which we did with the best of satisfav tJOn. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is nlmot well. Adolph Mil let, Manchester, N. il. , , . , w For-sale by J. E. Hood. ' . ' j mopiiliiK a Bit? Steamship. To stop the Ef-rnria. whose displace ment is 0.08! ton, horsepower 14.821 and speed 20, ly knots an hoar. .-8 min utes and 47 neeonds are required, and during the process of stopping the ship Will forge ahead 2,404 feet, or neurlv half a mile. The United States cruiser Columbia, with a displacement of 7,850 tons, 17,991 horsepower and a snpfirl nt S2.8 knots un hour, can be stopped in 2 1 the order minutes ana 10 seconds and within a space or a. 147 feet. In ech case the vessel is supposed to be going at full speed and the stoppage produced by reversing the action of the propeller. It is possible that by purchasing the excellent hosiery, for man, woman and child, made by the ORION MII,tS, of Kinston, N. C, that you may wear socks or stockings made from cotton spun in the Kinston Cotton mills and knit in the Orion Knitting Mills, thus en couraging the cotton grower of 1 Ienoir county and twosplen did manufactories giving em ployment to labor in the coun ty. Thus you will be assist ing the cotton grower, the cot ton picker, the cotton ginner, the cotton spinner and knitter all people of your own neighborhood. BARGAINS EMRMVIHERE I . . . v . The people who trade in Kinston this fall will meet with bargains everywhere. We have a large stock bought, and those who trade here will get their share of the bargains. : Remember we guarantee to protect every customer in regard to quality and price on any article. . - , '. . We are anxious to dispose of a few more goods before the i fall stock arrives. Prices reduced to almost cost on everything. e. w. pridgew & eo.f : QUEBN STREET, K Jiem Carpets We are iust in receipt of our NEW SAMPLES OF CARPETS in all wades for the coming season. It will be to your advantage to make an earl v inspec tion of them, even though you do not j luicuu 10 purcnase udui laier. . YOa. will find our goods and prices compare fayorably with those of any House in the country, as we are direct agents for the largest manufacturers in the United States. - We are in a position to quote special prices for H otels, Lodge Rooms and inurcnes. Carpets may be cut at the Mills and aid on your floor two days after placing ill 4 11 Advertising m the Kejratuoe tO .Sf;flM.--BAftNUM. 3 A Gentle Elemin urn ; 1 JOHN F. STRATTON CO. Importer A Wholesale Dealer in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Viollna, Guitars, Banjoa, Aeeordeons, Barmonleas. All kinds of otrinirs.Ae. IteBdfor JOHN F. STRATTON Ca tetalogne. ea Gran o St. n kw yohk. ....dealers ini... t)iy Qoods, Clothing, Fqiiisliig Qoods, kinston; n. 0. WWW Si, -YJV rap Z4 1 (m The... Fairest of Brides E cannot eclipse in beauty the variety ' of our collection of suitable offerings for Wedding Gifts which our stock . embraces in Sterling Silverware. Call and look; it is a pleasure to us to show onr goods. : ' DEMlVIflFW, Tha Jeweler, . KINSTON, ' - N. C. 3 o 4wJ These are the days when the man who does a successful business must realize the full scope and significance of the great veru, "hustle." You must hustle it you do any business. Every man who has a dollar wants his money's worth before he lets it go. The man who has bargains to offer must let the fact be known. If you have anything special to offer advertise the fact, else die people, will never know it. As a medium for reaching Q The Free Press is the paper par excellent. It reaches the homes of the people throughout this and adjoining counties, and is read by everybody. An advertisement in its columns w&l prove a paying investment. Try it. 4 V o Kates Given On Jlpplleotion. Qf Corpesponden'ee Invited. DAILY AND SEMI-VEEKL, KIIISOII, II. C. . ... " II . TTTTTTYTlT7TY?Vyf7fVTVVirTVTrfTVTVTTVTTTTTVTTVVyTTTV. I tiVVV W VW V V V V