j THE HOUSEHOLD. Btoaewar Cooking; (TtaaallaA'rtls ' Bod nraplnac T " -A "bachelor housekeeper" who is en deavoring to bring about the renals - sance of kitchen pottery presents Its claims after the following convincing fashion In Table Talk i , A kitchen In which pottery appears In plenitude for the various kinds of its capable service wafts an odor of ( purity and. fascinates with a sense of ' cleanliness. In numerous kinds of cookery It has no equal, and In some there are dishes one might bettci abandon than attempt to prepare and serve without Its aid. Many who arc using Iron, tin and copper to the ex clusion of earthenware do so In ig norance of the perfect adaptability and service of the stone pot ;? ' - For the simple forms of boiling, broil ing and ; frying the metals are more convenient,, but for baking, pot roast ing, braising, stewing and frlcasseelng It Is far superior to all Its rivals. Cook lng In the stone pot simplifies the prep aration of all the dishes that come un der these heads, relieves the cook from close attention and constant stirring fo defeat the imperfect action of ap , plied heat and performs its work with unfailing accuracy and without acct dent It gives its best and almost ex clusive service In the baking oven and under close cover. Few avail them' selves of Its reliable and easy use, and being, as , I declare myself, an eiperi menting and progressive housekeeper, I wish to recommend It to others who are anxious to learn and know for themselves .of Its unequaled merits. Any cook will with one demonstrate c understand perfectly its superior action under the influence of, heat nd foi such the details of preparation will be necessary In but one case, I shall there fore confine myself to a single recipe and formula. procure a large earthen pot with a closely flitting cover of the same mate rial This may be found, in almost any house furnishing store. ' Make the first attempt with the ordinary and familiar fricassee of. disjointed chicken. After preparing sprinkle each piece with salt and pepper and dredge with a little flour. Lay the pieces snugly n the pot, which has been rubbed with a little butter or melted suet Pour in a pint or more of hot water, just enough to appear toward jthe surface of the chick en. ; Dredge the top; again. with flour, put on the cover and set in the oven. The oven should be very hot for the first 15 minutes, after which the heat should be reduced to the lowest degree that will keep the pot simmering. At the outset It may be necessary to examine' the pot occasionally to ac quaint oneself with the action of the oven's beat, but when this is once as certained the pot may be left undis turbed from -the beginning till the dish Is about' done. .; Young chickens will require only two hours; older ones, three to. four, more water and the slow est possible heat to bring them out ktender. - " ' . , The chicken will be cooked to a point that the meat will easily come from the-bone and yet, may be served In ds perfect form as when laid In the pot It will hare all the richness of a roast Without the dryness that quite forbids the open oven baking of a chicken. It will have all the juiciness of the fricas see without any of . the wateriness which one wishes to avoid, : very dainty effect Is obtained by the use of point d'esprit over a colored lining or dotted muslin used In . the same way. In colored goods there are the liberty muslins In delicate figures, which cost from 13 to 40 cents a yard, according to quality, and the chintzes, which are very dainty and attractive. The Iron bedsteads which are cnam eled in white may be had for from $2 up, but a good bedstead will cost about' $3. The brass bedstead cost from $12 to $15 and upward, Ho'-Veper. THE ORTING WORLD. Jake Scl. u fer, the billiard expert, was rolllni! rite balls around the table one day wl..-j a well dressed traveling man strolkt in and, not knowing Jake, challenged Mm for a game."' The two banked for shot. The stranger won the bank. ' :' , ;i 1 "Just to make It Interesting suppose we play for a dollar?" said he. , "I nrn willing." saM Jake. The traveling man was an average player and proud of his game, but be f A Hindoo believing in the transmfgnu i rinn nt tenuis ate no animal food, because iin 4, destroying even a worm An Announcement In the Bedreenu , The illustration shows a brass bed stead of good design.' draped In a sim ple but artistic fashion. - The spread and , bolster cover are of pongee silk !in a plain color, with a box plaiting of .the same on the edge of the valance. The canopy drapery Is of figured 611k, in festoons and cascade at the front JACOB SCTIAKFER. lost by a feAv points. He was eager for another game. "I will play you this one for $2," said be. , "All right. If you will let me play two strings to. your one," said the smiling Scbaefcr. The overjoyed stranger was only too willing to accept odds, but he lost again. The odds were again increased, with the same result Jake winning each time by n small but safe margin. I don't believe you know who I am," said Sehaefer as the stranger in sisted on another game. "No, I don't, and I don't care," said the sanguine traveling man. "I am George Slosson," said Jake. "The thunder you are!" exclaimed the victim lu great scorn. "Well, you have none the Iwst of me. My name is Jake Schaefer." etable ' ' meal, told him it was impossible to avoid destruc tion of animal life and, to prove 'r it, fo cused a micro scope on the fruit the Brah min was eating.' That pious person drew dock nomncu ai me living ionns ne saw. What did he do ? Throw away the fruit ? not ne i tie smasnea tne microscope and went on with his meal. ' There are people who are suffering i , hn. i . wiui wcaK lungs. luey nave an oosu nate cough, are weak, emaciated, hope less. Tliey have been taught' there's no hope for them. Some one puts into their hands one of Dr. Pierce's books or ad vertisements and through this medium they see healthy, happy men and women, who declare that their lungs had been weak, they had been racked-by coughs, had been emaciated, feeble, hopeless, and were positively and ; permanently cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery., These cures can be num bered by scores of thousands. Are you. sick? Will vou. throw aside the advertisement, break the. microscope, or will you make one effort" for health? ' Wnte to Dr. R V. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. Y. There is no charge for? consults: Hon by letter. .You'll get a prompt answer, with fatherly sympathy and medical skill combined. ..-. : Thf re is no alcohol, or other stimulant fa '.' GoMen Medical Discovery." We are conducting an exclusive Wholesale Grocery Business in he "might be the brick- store onnositi the CVwir House in Kinston, and invite mer by an ances- chants to inspect , and price our tor. a traveler gooas oeiore purchasing. : coming upon Prices and Goods guaranteed, the Brahmin . . ?. talcing his veg- dUMH tL L & MCLUY, Wholesale Grocers.'KiNSTON.N.C IMOTICE To parties that intend buildinsr stores dwellings, or buildings of any kind, can find out just what it will cost them to Sit a turnkey job by calling to see me. ffice next door to Hodtres machine snop. wear A. fit 2 C. depot. J. F. BAKER, Contractor and Builder. NOTICE to all parties in need of build ing materials can keep posted as to what it will coat them to build by calling and have us quote you prices on such as basn, Doors and Blinds, Porch Columns. Brackets. Sten Newels and ornamental Scrolled and Turning, such as Corner Perches, Rosettes, Stairway Material, Hall unlls, etc. we can make your Mantels so cheap it would surprise you, or we can sell vou a Cabinet Mantel. Cabinet Tile, Hearth Grate Chilled for 915. We also dress lumber as cheap a' any one, and can furnish you yonr Door and Window Frames ready to set, at a very low figure. - r Call and see us before buying the above named material and get our prices We can not only save you high freights, but save you money by patronizing home manufacturers, and you can see just wnat you are buying. Your orders will have our prompt attention, , . J. F. BAKER, O'BERRY & CO. fSTOfiice next to Hodges' Machine ohop, near A. x N. C. depot. DR. THOS. H. FAULKNER, DENTIST. Office Hours: "8a in. to 6 p. m. Rooms over the Bank of Kinston. Atlantic & N. C. Kailroao TIME TABUS No.' 0. ' Eastbound. DR. H. D HARPKK, , DRNTAL SURGEON, , KINSTON, N. C. 1. CO I ass i Westbound. STATIONS. gVorvics ovta Dam (jviKsavr'a artmn, m TBI MOBLT PD11PIN0, JIBJtV TO J. A. fBID MN1 DIOH A.M. 710 743 86 826 Oil) 014 YV. T. PARROTT. Ph.G., M. D., Physician and Surgeon. kinston, n. c. 985 1015 10 4 11 15 1181 U06 Offick:- Parrott's. -Located at Dr. Jas. M. and longer drapery caught . back at 1 .a - - w lie sld . Ion ar :':'; Tect ! kV 2 us : . ? i- .. i .v ;,-' - tKTtC DRAPEKT. : :is forms a rich comti r;afe o expensive furn :fs artistic and pretty or. uiay be obtained .i.-i-?r-!,e materials. Cbper Men la Baaeball. That the National league magnates think that they will ; be up 'against some opposition In . 1000 is assured even though they won't really admit it They are making all kinds of bluffs over the 1 decadence of ' the , national game, etc!, i their object being, so it looks, to scare off the new men who are' out for an organization of their own. It is a well known fact that the big league magnates Intend cutting down salaries next year as far as pos Bible, and with this end In view every club In the League has been trying out young players for the past several weeks, their Idea being, it would ap pear, to pay only high salaries to the real stars and to fill out-their teams with cheap men, men who have never before played, in the National and who will be willing to sign for $1,500 or thereabout. A host of veterans have passed away during the past year, notably Ed Mc Kean, Jack Stlvetts, John Clements, Al Maul, Harry Vaughn, "Scrappy Joyce, "Dusty" Miller, Mike Griffin, Mike Tiernan, George Decker, Jake Stenzel, John Grim, Tommy Tucker, Billy Hallman, "Bug Holllday. Jack Crooks, Jimmy McAleer, Billy Nash, Billy Shindle, BUly Hart, Amos Rusle. Pred Klobedanz and Frank pwyer. Nearly every member, of this bunch received the limit, $2,400. or very close to It, and the majority of the men who are now filling their places are being paid at about an $1,800 average. There Is every promise of the big league players being asked to accept a cut when they - are presented with tbeJr contracts for 1900, and as many younpsters as show suQclent speed will be signed to' fill .their positions. The magnates parade themselves as '-p-:n-'ing all their time tryincr to stop rowdyism-, and solving the. umpire inestion. b'jf their. Initial object spems rw"t-in-'T fTpocps fotlPpO. DR. JAMES M. PARROTT, i Physician and Surgeon, kinston, nc. ; Office near Court House. ' Office hours : 8 to 11 a. m.; a to 5 p. m. 710 743 808 8 086 10 16 1C40 11 19 1181 180 CIS 820 843 818 886 881 861 4 til P.M. 840 400 400 480 4 4 46 465 607 610 6 95 860 615 618 680 648 649 664 7071 716 F.M ...Goldsboro... ....He8t'B ... LaGrange... . railing creejc. .... Kinston.... ....Caswell.. .....Dover..... ..Core Creek... ..Tusoarora... Oa&jjcs ....Newbern ....Rlverdfcle... ..Croatan liavelock.... ....Newport.... ... Wildwood... .m Atlantic... . Morehead City. Morebead City. m4 I 1 1 lA.M.Il'.M.Il'.M. 1106 818 868 1043 7 88 S18 1082 708 143 1UZZ 6 83 J la 1018 618 113 58 060 618 1168 I 848 4 80 1140 080 4 00 1040 880 888 1UJ8 018 880 1000 8 87 10 47 8 30 8 18 10 10 8 09 '000 800 040 746 80e..... 789 8 47 ..... 786 888 .... 782 816 ... . 7 06 7 60 ..... A M. A.M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. JTuesday, Thursday and Baturaay. 8. L. DIt.I Mvperlntenden: WILHIEGTOB AID 1ELD01I RAILROAD JONDKNSBD 8CBBDULB. THA1N8 QOI1U bOOTH. T. C. WOOTEN, - Attorney-At-Law, kinston; n.c. ' Circuit : Lenoir, Tones, Greene, Pitt and Onslow counties, and Federal Courts of Eastern North Caro lina. 1 S3"0ffice in rear of court house, fronting Kinf Street..;: 'j,-;h . DATSD June 12tn, 1890. The '99 30 inch. gamble! is on exhibition Leare Wei don... Ajr. KockyMt... I Leare Tarboro.. Lv. Boclty m... Leave Wilson.. 4. Leare seima.... Lt. Fayetterule. i at. jriorenoe.,.. Ar. Ooldsboro.v, I Lt. Goldsboro... I Lt. Mairnoua.... Ar. Wilmington. A. M. 11 691 18651 18 a .168 ,856 ,4 80 . t OK r. M P M 048 10 80 1G88 1114 1167 110 815 A. M .AT. d9 of a PH. A.M. P. at a a ' a a ... 4 00 ...... ..... 6 46 640 1868 7 10 680 840 a- 7 60 ...... ...... ..... 701 881 ...... ,8. 4f5 045 660 P. . A. M. P. M. DOBBIN L FERRALL, At Tucker's Store, KALEICH.N.C. Special Sales. At 98c. Some of the best styles 50 inch all wool Home spun Plaids rough and re liable making perfect Skirts, reduced to 9,8c a yard ; been selling at $1.50. ' -V. At Si. OOl 45 inch Black- Mohair Crepons, in Escurial,1 Medalion, Disc, and Big unster styles very cnoice in every way reduced to $1.06' a yard; been selling at $1.56 and $1.75. fQ-Samples by mail. Dobbin & Ferrall. '.;t- KEELEY IflSTITUTEi For the Cure of the Lipr opium cocaine asiiotr urnz iiuic nous Kene EDtanstion anil Tctiacco Hail ' GRiraris&oiio, n. c This Is the only Keeley Isstitnta in J North Carolina, and owing to its beautl. foi and healthy location, its elegant buildings and attractive environments. its well supplied table and skillful raan agement, ft presents to the unfortunate a oerf ect home for rest and complete ; restoration. .. i If vou have a friend afflicted with, anv of the above addictions, write for ibtu illustrated hand-book, entitled "Thb Nsw Mam." Address Greensboro. N. C. KINSTON 11 Ell III ! TRAINS XJOO NOBTB. BELL d SOIMS' Lt. Florence..., Lt. PayetteTllle. ArriTe wilBor,. To-Day. , Are giving big bargains in Watches and Lt. Wilmington. Jewelry, Eooks, Novelties, Notions and Ihl'ti"' Fancy Goods. Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Cheroots and Cigarettes. All kinds clainand fancv Candies. ForeieTi and I LeaTB Wilson.... Domestic Fruits, Nuts, etc. Canped Ar. . "f" troods. Baskets, Erooms and Fisning I Arrtve Trboro Tackle, Po!es. Lines, Hooks, Corks and wave Tarooro,. Nets, If you need Fishing Tackle don't lt. Kocy Kt 10 see us., aiso a numuer one Har ness and saddle Horse, Bugy and Harness. v L. B. COX C SON. rim i- Ar. Weldon , A.K. 9 m U 20 1 501 186 P.M. 8S5 S8U: .5 a 56Q IS 21 a 30 4 82 P. M A.M. 15 43 26 7 01 e f P.M T45 46 1064 USX A. It. 1111 13 07 U09 100 A. M. e a SO P.M 700 884 45 P. M 1088 11 & sea P. Mj A.M. 46 11 IS U80 P.M lie 163 It is to yonr advantage to getyour job work done at this ofSee. . Train on tne Ktosron Brancn Road lfiayfB Weldon :S p. m.. Halifax 4:15 d. m..arriTia gcotl nd Keck at 6:08 p. m., Greenyille6.r,7p. m., Kinston 7:55 p. m. Keturnlng leu yes Klin ton 7:50 a. m. Greenville 8:' 2 a. m., artlTin? Ualirax at 11:18. a.m.. Weldon 11-3 a. m.,dall exoeptPnn'tsy. . i ?;! , 11. M. KMERSON.G.n' l'aaa: Ajenr, 1, K KENLT.Oen'lMan&avr. . b. U B A . TralS e M . .n sr-t , J. S. BIZZElMy, - President. W. S. HERBERT, Sec. and Treas. 3. E. SHAW, - Attorney. Do you wish to borrow money? Do you wish to lend money? .. Do you wish to buv or sell a farm? Do you wish to buy, or sell a city lot? . We will rent your prop erty for you and collect the rents. We will look up titles, etc. etc. , , ; Call on us at Wooten & Shaw's r law office. We will sive all bnsi ness our prompt attention and guarantee satisfaction. Kinston Heal Mate Act. IFaiited, ' -r. : 100 acres of farm land. Will pay cash or cotton on short time' - ' Plantation Fcr Salt. . Cherry Point plantation, Craven, county; 500 acres. Terms, one-half cash, oalance on time. For Sale! ; One house and lot in Kinston on Fey ton Avenue, 4 rooms, outhouses, etc. One farm near LaGrange containing 225 acres, -r ;:, , - : : - One 1 aim near Seven Spnnrs contain ing 327 acres. ... One farm within one mile of Kinston which we will sell in 'lots to suit pur chasers.: :.... ; Apply to J. S. Eizzell at Carolina Warehouse, or at Shaw's ofEce.