1U DAILY FR PUBLISHED, EiZERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDRY, fol. ir No. 236. KINSTON, N. 0., SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1900. Price Two Cents. GENERAL NEWS. atters of Interest Condensed Into Brief Paragraphs. Italy has agreed to the open door pol- V in China. It is stated that this assures le maintenance of an open door in hina. IThe Democratic caucus at Jackson, iss., on Monday night nominated W. V. hllivan as U. S, senator, to fill the short irm of one year. (Measures are being taken by the gov- inment to prevent the introduction into le United States of the bubonic plague pm tne jrmnppines, also to deal with it I toe .Philippine The seizure of the steamer General by e British arouses German public indig- ation. emperor wiiuam is greatly in toned and has ordered peremptory de- ana lor lull reparation. With the arrival at Manila of the trans- prt Grant,' which left San Francisco l Dec. 21st with the Forty-eighth vol hteers, colored,' Gen. Otis will have 65,- vv troops in the rhilippmes. IA settlement has been reachel between e Allen & Gutter branch of theAmeri- n Tobacco company and the girls of eir iactory at Kicnmona. wno stopped jork Wednesday, and the glrla lave re- rnedtowork. New Tear's Day, near Dunwille, Essex lunty, Va., John and Charles Wheely, e 17 and 18-year-old sons of a leading rmer, went skating on Kobinson's mill nd. One of the youths broke through id his brother tried to rescue him. Both fere drowned. JRev. Mr. Brooks, of the Church Mis- bnary society, stationed at Ping Ying, nina, m tne province of Shan Tung, ks captured in that vicinity and jurdered, Dec. 3, by members of a sedi- bus society called "Boxers," who have i-en active lately, destroying many vil- ges and killing native Christians The b rernor of the province had dispatched Jforce of cavalry to the scene of the dis i r nances, but -the soldiers arrived tool te to save Mr. Brooks. At a joint meeting of the executive, leer- h . ... : I native ana nnance committees of the St. touis world's lair, celebrating theLouisi- ia purchase centennial, a resolution revailed instructing the legislation com- iittee to secure the immediate mtroduc jon into congress of legislation appro bating $o.uuu.uuu in aid of tne fair, bnditional on $10,000,000 beinar raised cally. It was stated officially that less nan ? i,uuu,uuu had now to be raised to nmpiete the local subscription. , At New York, Thursday, while testifv- g for her husband, Louis Gordon, on ial in the court of treneral sessions for paling a watch, Mrs. Mary, Gordon, ?ea , ien irora tne chair in an applo iiecuc ui ana was laKen irom tne room ying. She had protested earnestly that jer husband was innocent, and when she pas cross-examinea ner nervousness and xcuement increased until snddenlv she iiu over, ine jury was deeply impressed nd acquitted Gordon. Mrs. Gordon died ritnout regaining consciousness. - - J. tiooa guarantees every bottle ol Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and wil refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents. This is the best . remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency or a cold to result in pneumonia It's Not What You Get, These Cold Days, IT'S WHAT , YOU NEED ! We have it in our Drinks. Hot CLAM BOUILLON, BEEF (Toros) , BOUILLON, TOMATO BOUILLON, CHOCOLATE, COFFEE (Mocha and Java). Temp Hon DM Phone 50. Brick Block Corner. Ef en in JASON ITEMS. January 4, low; Mr. Kerby Phelps spent Sunday in Institute. Mr. Adolph Gray, of Institute, visited here Sunday. . ... ', .k Mr. Add Phelps entered school at La Grange Monday. V Mr. Noah Sutton, of Falling Creek, spent Sunday at Mr. R. H. Hardy's. Mrs. Jno. L. Phelps, of Boston, spent Christmas in and around here. - Mr. Commodore Lee. of La Grange, visited at Mr. Wiley Gurganus' Sunday. Mr. J. L. Mewborne, of Kinston. spent Christmas here and returned home Sun day-' ; ' -:- .u i Kev. Mr. Adam Burroughs and 'son! Hosinh, spent Christmas with his" father. Mr. Solomon Burroughs, of near here Miss Essie Urzell Spent Christmas' at borne and returned to her : school here Monday: also Mins Lizzie Hill has return ed to her school near here. - , I A CheerfUl Christmas Letter. BLACK AGAINST WHITE.. Oppose Jegro Republican- Clubs The Amendment. Washington, Jan. 4. Several meetings f Republican colored clubs have been wno attenas our Clearance Sale is' ' made happy. : . . Bargains are plentiful. . From Thich Senator Pntchard's resolution to u " ' t ' m. t j 't j t. eclare in advance that the North Can? the surplus stock and marked each ' uoutuiw aiueuuinraii is unconstitu l arucie wlln lonai, was loudly applauded. Atthene meetings speeches were mnda n which the white people of that state vere vigorously denounced, and the clubs hedged themselves to lend all possible na to ,tne Kepubucan party, through peakers furnished and other means, to ,eieac tne amenament. AUGUST FLOWER. a surprising fact." savn Pmf. I 'It is louton, "that in m v travels in all parts I the world, for the last ten years, I ave met more people having used Green's aigus lower tnan any other remedy, r dyspepsia, deranged liver and stom- cn, and tor constipation. I find for ounsts and salesmen, or for persons fill ip office positions, whether headaches nd general bad feelings from irregular abits exist, that Green's Ausust Flower i a grand remedy. It does not injure io system by frequent use, and is excel- nt lor sour stomachs and indication." Pk-a 11. iUipouuiwouCT an i. em pie Aiarston rr-yCo. by sealers ia alldrised ; Get-Out-Quick - Prices. These are Strictly New and Styl Uh Goods, handled a little, but none the worse for that. The free- dom of the store is yours. ; K-Come quick. Yours to please, 0a ths Ccrcrr. KHTSTON, N. O. Atlanta Constitution. ' A correspondent sends us a, copy of a Jetter which was forwarded from Georgia to Texas: : ' ' "Dear John: It is most Christmas, f It will be hfre, if nu thin' happens, on the 25th of this month, as usual. ' John,: this is wrote to tell you the news at borne, Your Uncle Bill is dead. So is your Aunt Jane. Also your two cousins air dead Likewise Mandy Wilkins, whatwusgoin to marry you. Your father has broke his leg on a railroad, an' most of your nends air in jail fer moonshinin. Your arm and two mules wnz sold by the sheriff yesterday. Your dog, Watcb went mad Tuesday. John, I hope these ew lines will fin' you well and happy an' I wish you a merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart." GOEBEL fepUND TO WIN. Republicans Will Be Unseated, to Give His Supporters a Safe ZI& jority: Frankfort, Jan. 5. Contest commit tees to try the gubernatorial and other contests were organized tnis morning, and tne trial of tne, cases will proceed at once, it is asserted i t hat v lioebel intends to unseat Republicans and seat his own men in their places until he can; win the contest for governor These contests will take hnlf the time of the the legislature, and will block needed leg islaiion. ALL AMERICANS RELEASED. Colonels Hare and House Achieve A Most Remarkable Success. "Washington, Jan. 5. The war depart ment received tnis morning a dispatch from Gen. Otis in which he tells of the release of all American prisoners '.. by Cols. Hare and Hovvze. He does not give the names of the Americans released, but at the war department it is believed the dispatch covers all the Americans not heretofore accounted for, 1 including T ! A AIM - ! " . . A special, Jan. 4, from Morganton says: A ternnc forest nre has been rag. ing in the South Mountains near- Mor ganton for the past 24 ' hours. Burke- mont, a peak about 3,000 feet high, wnicn is owned py Mess. Stephens and Brem. of Charlotte, was a mass of flames. the line of fire being four miles long The spectacle presented by the burning moun tain last night was weird and appalling, The cottages on the top of the moun tain, which are in full view from Mor ganton, were surrounded by the flames and several times seemed to ' be on fire, but they escaped uninjured. Many miles of fences and much timber were destroy ed. Several thousand acres have been swept by the fire, and the smoke rising beyond the range today indicate that the fire has reached the large tract of the South Mountain j Land company. .The origin of the fire is, as usual, unknown. , It has been demonstrated repeatedly in every state in the Union and in many for. eign countries that Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy is a certain preventive and cure or croup. It has become the universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Fisher, of Liberty, W. Va., only repeats what has been said around the .globe when he writes: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for several years and always with perfect success. We believe that it is not only the best cough remedy, but that it is a sure cure or croup. It has saved the live of our children a number of times." This rem edy is for sale by J. E. Hood. 2 "LUMBERTON INDIGNANT. ' Sending Troops to Lumberton Is Thought to be Merely a Political Scheme. Lumberton, N. C, Jan. 5. There is great indignation here at the sending of troops by Gov. Russell, for the alleged purpose of preventing a lynching of Ross, the rape fiend. The people here think it was a scheme to help Dockery in his con test by giving them the reputation o: law-breakers. There has never been a lynching in Rob eson county. Ross was in no danger ol lynching. We are not able to learn who asked for troops. No one assumes the authority. Ross' attorneys are severely denounced and deservedly. A mass meetingof citizens was held this afternoon. Speeches were made by Capt, J. H. Morrison, Attorney R. E. Lee, Prof, John Duckett and others. Resolutions declaring the presence of soldiers unneces sary, and an uncalled for outrage, were passed and sent to Kaleigh. There is no dount here, except among Korb' lawyers, of his guilt. He is a heavy browed, brutal looking negro, about 25 years old. with a bullet scar on the mid die of his forehead. The jailor says he is the worst prisoner he has ever known in an . experience of many years. He has been charged with a similar crime before in Harnett county. v STATE NEWS. Interesting North Carolina Items In Condensed Form. DELIVERED TO GRAND JURY. Money Found in Box WJbioh Fig ured in Alleged Bribery Trans action. mrankfore, Ky., .lan. -The box said to hold four $1,000 bills and five f 100 bills, which was to be passed in the al leged bribery transaction between Col John H. , Whallen and Senator Harrell was delivered to the grand jury today to be opened. The box has been guard ed by detectives night and day since the exposure by Senator Harrell. It is unofficially announced that the Franklin county grand jury has found indictments against Col. John H. Whal len and Charles Ryan, who, it is alleged attempted .to bribe Senator; Harrell in the governorship contest - The in dictments are based on conspiracy, and will be similar to those returned against, W. Godfrey Hunter, John H. Wilson, E. T. Franks and others in the Hunter . al leged bribery cases, growing out of the VT A A a nnmer-BiacKDurn senatorial contest in 1897. J--" v -.. The safety deposit box which was turned over to the grand jury was found late today to contain' four f 1,000 bills and five fl 00 bills. The money .was sealed up in a plain white envelope with out writing. This in part corroborates Harrell's story. FLYING SPECIAL'S FAST RUN, 313 Miles Made by the Southern in 270 Minutes, to Overtake An Express. Atlanta, Ga Jan. 4.-A most remark able ''long-distance run was made on the Southern railway today by a special, ar ranged on ; short, notice. The trip was from Salisbury, is. C, to Atlanta, and the solitary passenger who occupied the single car wa G. H. Penniman, of 1070 Fifth avenue. New York. ' The 313 miles between Salisbury and Atlanta wre covered by the New York er's special in 279 minutes, including all stops. The fastest hour's continuous run was 70 miles, made between Salisbury and Greenville, and the train did not at any time make a speed less than 63 miles an honr. ' Mr.Penniman said his anxiety to catch the limited was canoed by an engagement to meet, his daughter in the City of Mexico.-:.;:V:'m..,'-; RAILROADS CONTEST ORDERS. Seaboard Road Fights the North Carolina Commission's , Freight Reductions. Raleigh, Jan. 4.-rEngpne S. Martin, specia1 masterappointed by Jndge Simon ton, is hearing an interesting case here, involving the power of the corporation commission to reduce the railroad freight rate on fertilizers. Mrs. Matthews, of New York; who is a arge stockholder in the road, took the case to the federal court, on the ground that the reduction would lensen the value of the property. The fight is really being made by the Seaboard Air Line. The Southern railway and Atlantic Coast Line appealed to the State courts rom the order. The commission today introduced many witnesses to support the justice of its order. ' . White's Black Liniment-full size 25c bottle for 15c. It cures pain. . J. E, Hood. ' . The executive committe of the North Carolina Bar association has decided -to hold the next meeting in Asheville "on June 27. At Salisbury little Elsie Webb digd Wednesday night from burns received! that day. -Her clothes caught from a fire of brush in iv neighbor's yard, near which she was standing. Mrs. B. Y. Briggs' millinery store at East Durham was burned Friday morn ing. Loss$(00; insurance $425. Lbs on building $700; insurance $250. Fire , believed to be incendiary. The Wilson News says articles of agree ment have been filed to incorporate the Wells-Whitehead Tobacco Co., to manp-, factnre cigarettes and tobacco. Capital, stock $10,000, with privilege of increas ing to $50,000. A number of insurance companies, mainly life, left the State last spring, after the enactment of the Craige Iaw which requires -them to surrender tire right to transfer coses from State Jto federal courts. The insurance commie- sioner now says they are about to re turn. The executive committee ot the State Democratic . Press association met at Raleigh Thursday in conference with State ' Chairman Simmons, and made plans for publishing campaign literature and for spreading it among the voters. . Hen ry A. JLondou, Kobert Al. Wurman, Jose-, 6 bus Daniels, J, A. Robinson, and W. G. ammer compose the committee. Reidsville Review: Miss Bettie Stew-' art wet with a terrible death on tho t Womack place, six miles north of town, Sunday. She was ' standing near the fire place when death came. She fell into the tire and the top of her head was badly burned.' Miss Stewart was u maiden lady and bad been suffering, with heart trouble- for a number of years. . Raleigh cor. Charlotte Observer: The Asheville Gazette now has a correspon dent here, Roscoe Mitchell, who-" crime here from Washington City. No Repub lican is now considered orthodox iiiiless he takes The Gazette. In fact, it is con-, sidered good form for a Republican - to have a copy always in his breast pocket and to wra p the baby in ' it when tfie - youngster is n ret weighed . Estill Blevins was taken to - Winston . Wednesday night from Ashe county for , : safe ' keeping. On Christmas day Ite killed Jackson Tucker, a good citizSa of Ashe, and there was talk of lynching him. The men were attending a big re ception when the shooting occurred. JJlevins claims that he was drunk and does not remember anything about the trouble between he and Tucker. There is an ' epidemic of smallpox, in Chatham county, this State, and several : persons have died from the disease. It was carried there by negroes from Greensboro, and . this has caused out treaks in several places ; in the county. and in order to ; protect the ; citizens ol the county ngainut any more smallpox cases coming from Greensboro, thB county commissioners have decided to quarantine against the whole of Guu- ord county. - ---v- . v : :X, The trial of A. J. Marshall, a promi nent lawyer of Wilmington, for counter- eitmg, is , being held in Raleigh The . prosecution hua put in some very dam- . aging testimony. A Greek, convicted previously of counterfeiting, was the . principal witness against Marshall. There are nearly 50 witnesses to be ex amined for the defense. On Friday the testimony for the defense was strong, tending to hhow a vile conspiracy to convict Marshall'for political, purposes. A special from .Troy, N. C. Jan. 4, says: News comes from bunny south. Ala., of the great calamity which baa befallen Mr. J. F. Suggs,- former partner of Mr. A. U. Morris, in his dry gootfa stoie, and who removed from this town to Alabama about one year ago. When he left here he took- with him a Mr. Rey-' nolds as his private clerk and business manager. News now comes of the elope ment of Suggs' wife, a beautiful brunette, with Reynolds. Before eloping. Rey nolds checked out seven thousand dol- - are of Suggs' money from the bank. his money they took with them. Tee . aithless wife left behind her two chil dren, aged nine and five, respectively.. Mrs. Susvs was a Miss Smith, and ber people live near Troy. White's Black Liniment. It ceres Sciatica, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Price 16c J. E. Hoop.

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