and the noontide U Turn not to the rut wbn the Uy is declining J And the florj vf sunset it here " Too ud it the light the far hilltops defining r la outlines too penal vely t.iar.,. - ' , , Though (air wis the tnoruing its gladness is pant, And the day's brightest beams are reserved (or the last. ; . ' . The morn U Lr foi'ti. stion:;er j In all ltut U Ur-..'.l and besi. But; the hands Ihtome weary as sliadows grow And iv look to tlu- evening tor rest .And why nl.oul.1 we sigh for tiie morning's delight When ripe for t lie quiet and peace ot the night f Turn not to l.i,' gt w tun the day is declining, ' Nor tiiu on I in- .4Ui viili s tear, When l.i.l.i o'er tin- liiiltops the red light is And tlii- fciury of sunset it here Enjoy, iln:i. it;i tiioment, the brightest and best When mommy; : iawninj,' away in the west. Alary U. Wheeler in Boston Transcript PEOPLE OF THE DAY. .Senor lynacio Marlscal, the Mexican vice'presldent and minister of foreign Affairs, who represented bis country at the Chicago festlral, has bad an In- ,, teresting career, lie was born in bum ble circumstances at Oaxaca and from his boyhood up. to: the present has dis- Ust of the 12 citizens or tne united States who are to serve as commission ers at the Paris, exposition. The other 11 commissioners are men. President McKlnley decided to appoint Mrs. BE50H IGNACIO MARISCAL. played Inordinate energy and ambi tion. Step by step be climbed the lad der from errand boy to vice president and distinguished himself in all the various stages of his career. The Phil adelphia Saturday Evening Post, re lates this anecdote of Senor-Marlscal: A friend once said to him: f "You have filled every position ex cepting president, haven't you?" Senor Mariscal shook his head grave ly as he replied: "The honor is very great, but It has not enough hard work to suit a man of my active temperament." White' Rxriting Career. Major the Hon. Harry White, the young Englishman who is now serving as mayor of Kttfawayo, the capital of . Rhodesia.' has had a most picturesque and exciting career. lie began active life as 'an 'officer in the Grenadier guards. Incoming later a member of the, staff of Lord Londonderry, lord lieutenant of Ireland. During these days, he was a famous leader of ger mans. Then he fell under the Influ ence of Cecil Rhodes, became an offl cef 4 In- the Chartered company, took part, in the Jameson raid and was brought back to the scene of his for xner society triumphs to occupy a cell In Bow Street prison. When the brief period of his punishment was over, he went back to Africa and got himself chosen mayor of the Rhodesia capital. MRS. POTTER PAXMER. Palmer In recognition of her distin guished services at the World's fair in Chicago and also as a compliment to the women's clubs of the country, Which favored her selection. Mrs. Palmer's selection as one of Commissioner Peck's aids is especially Interesting because of the controversy between these two which took place last summer, when Mr. Peck declared against the selection of women to serve at the exposition because the French government had not then made known Its willingness to accept members of the gentler sex as commissioners. She Helps the Count. Count Tolstoi has paid some very charming tributes to the unselfish de votion and helpfulness of his wife. It Is said that within the first eight years of her married life she made seven copies of her husband's novel. "War and Peace," a work in six volumes, and at tne same time, as now. she con ducted all her husband's business cor respondence. The countess Is an uu sparing critic, and much of her hus band's work has undergone great mod iflcatlon at her suggestion. JOHN F. STRATTON'S Importer and Wholesale uealer la all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Bond for . JOHN V 3THATTON CO. Catalogue 62 G ran o St. NewYork. flotiee To Builders I Our mills will close Saturday Feb. 3, until Monday, Feb. 12, for the purpose of taking account o stock and for general repairs. All owing us on account are re quested to come forward and settle at once. HINES BROS. LUMBER CO. E. F Cox, Pres W. C. Fields, V.-Pree R. C. Strong, Cashier. I II m LAYING UP A COMPETENCE. Queen Victoria's Usual Garb. The queen Is simply attired In a black dress, says an English writer, not al ways or silk, and wears a. widow's cap with small lappets at the back,9 her sil ver hair plainly brushed on either side her temples. Upon her "fingers are plain memorial : rings, :: and Ishe 'invariably wears a bracelet having the portrait of her latest grandchild or great-grand child placed In It as a medallion.. The queen always has a handkerchief bor 'dered with lace resting in her hands as they lie folded In her lap. the survival or an ancient fashion. ; Claflln'a Apple Woman. - John Claflln Is one of the better men In the world, a traveler, a story teller, a thorough business man and all that, but I wonder if be follows his father's habit of buying an apple every morn ing from the old woman near the front entrance to his great , store ? . II. B. Claflln neveX let a day go by without buying an apple: It was his invariable morning custom! .'He was as regular as the clock. If the old lady missed him, she was sa'd all day, because she knew he was 111 and at home. 1' 1 ; -, ., . - ,, ; : - v - ' Mrs. Palmer a Commissioner. Mrs.. Potter. Palnior's camehea1a the Something That Practically Any Han Can Do Through Self Denial. 'There are some men of genius,' said Mr. Nipplngly, "who accumulate great fortunes by great strokes, but by far the greater number of fortunes, ncluding those of moderate dlmen sions, .and, these form the great ma- orlty of all, are made by-the very sim ple process of living within one's in come and Investing the surplus , with more or less wisdom, but always where it will be safe. "The older I grow the more amazed am that more people don't lay up a competence for themselves, as most anybody can do, by beginning early in Ife to live within their Income and sticking to that course faithfully. Did do this myself? No. Am I, how ever, having learned the wisdom of this course, now making a beginning? am obliged to say 'No.' I am still spending all I get and laying by noth ing. "There are some lessons that we all easily acquire, but never turn to our own advantage. 'One of these Is of the benefits that arise from the exercise of self denial. We get from this at once the direct benefit of what we save,' and, self denial : nourishes, strengthens and broadens the will and enables a man constantly to do and to earn more and more. "There's simply nothing like self de nial. - It Is the key to every one of life's treasures, and everybody has one of these golden keys In his posses sion, eager to help him and waiting only for him to bring It In use.'.' New York Sun. 1, ,. Deadly War Missiles. In 1870 an ordinary shell when It burst broke Into from 19 to 30 pieces. Today it bursts Into 240. Shrapnel Are in 1870 scattered only 37 death dealing missiles. ' Now. it scatter 340. A bomb weighing about 70 pounds 30 years ago would have burst Into 42 fragments. Today, when it is Is charg ed : with peroxilene. It breaks up into 1,200 pieces, each of , which is hurled with much greater- velocity than the largerilumps which were scattered by a gunpowder explosion. Chicago Dem ocrat. . ' No Cause to Be Dlseoaraeed. "Mr. .Youngpop My little girl Is near ly 2 yearsold and hasn't learned to talk yet "VV-'V .vi ? ' . Mr. Henpeckke Don't let that worry you. My wife says she didn't begin to talk until she was nearly 3. and now. Philadelphia Record. ; '.. . -Hew Mexico's Coal. . ' There Is enough coal in New Mexico to supply the whole of the United States for 1.000 years. Commenced Basloess fflareh 1, 1897 Established upon a rock foundation the confidence of the teotle. Depositors absolutely orotected the officers are bonded and fall insurance against safe robber. Accounts with farmers, merchants. dealers in leaf tobacco and others solicited. A nicely furnished private room, witu stationery free, for the nse and conveni ence of our friends. Come and see us. Board op Directors : B. W. Can ady, W. C. Fields, T. W. Mewborn, K. F. Cox, J. W. Grainger, J. E. Hood. Jesse Jackson, L. Harvey, W. L- Kenne dy U. v. Dixon, S. II. Abbott. GET... YOUR PRINTING from a printer who is willing and capable, and who will in terest himself to the extent of making your prirting best suited to your particular needs. Artistic Printers, who exercise gopd ' taste, use appropriate type and newest ideas, are few. i To . this class we strive to belong. We do printing for mos! of the best business and professional men in this section, and would like to do yours. The Free Press, KINSTON, N. C. WE SELL Groves Chill Tonie AT 40c a BOTTLE. Oall on J. E. HOOD ' for it. For Good Substantial REELEY INSTITUTE, For the Cure of the Lipr opium,1 cocaine and otusr unit Addle nous Nerve Eibaustion and ToDacto Haiti This is the only Eeeley Institute la North Carolina, and owing to its beauti ful and healthy location, its elegant buildings and attractive environments, its well supplied table and skillf nl man agement, it presents to the unfortunate a oerfect home for rest and complete restoration. If von have a friend afflicted with anv of the aboye addictions, write for their illustrated hand-book, entitled "Tub New Man." Address ( Greensboro, N. C. DOORS Atlantic & 3. C. ltailroad TIME TABLE No. 9. Eattbound. Westbound. a n fe Cfe S 'stations. s C$ 1 1 J I I! Spu p ; w SdL, A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.iC 7 10 7 10 8 40 ...Goldsboro... 1106 818 868 7 43 7 43 4 00 Best's 1043 7 83 9 13 8'6 806 4 00 ...Lattrange... 1082 703 143 8 26 8 26 4 20 .Falling Creek. 1023 8 83 113 1014 014 4 82 ....KlnstOQ.... 1012 613 1363 9V5 0 25 4 48 ....CaaweU.... 060 618 1168 1015 1015 4 65 Dover 0 42 4 20 1140 10 4 1C40 6 07 ..Core Creek... 980 4 00 1040 11 15 11 IS 519 ..Tuacarora... 920 888 1018 1181 1131 585 ...Clark's..... 912 8 20 1000 12 05 1 30 5 60 .... Newborn. .. 887 10 47 9 30 12 616 ....Riverd&le... a 18 1010 220 618 . ..Croatan.... 8 09 000.... ... . 243 8 30 Havelock.... 800 9 40 .... 812 643 ....Newport.... 746 906 3 25 6 49 ... Wlldwood... 739 847..... 8 81 6 54 Atlantic... 7 35 8 88..... 851 707 Morenead City. 722 815..-. 4 CI 7 15 Morenead City. 7 05 7 60 P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. .."P.. i that will also look neat and nice get them from BAKER & VAUGHN, Manufacturers of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Mouldings, Sash, Doois, Blinds, Mantels, Stairway Materials, etc. ; f uiv BAKER & VAUGHN, KINSTON, N. C. Call on us at Wooten & Shaw's law office. We will sive all busi ness our prompt attention and guarantee satisfaction. Wanted. ioo acres of farm land. Will pay cash or cotton on short time. Plantation For Sale. Cherry Point, plantation, Craven county; 500 acres. Terms, one-half cash, balance on time. S. D. PARKER, merchant Tailor, i 21 Queen St., - - Room 3. (. . , ' ' I am prepared to do first-class work. such as Suits, Trousers, new and old work altered, repaired, cleaned, dved ana pressed promptly in a neat manner. I have engaged Mr. Henry Graham, wnoiss nrst-ciass cutter, to assist me, We will endavor to please you and guar antee a proper fit and finish. - Call and see my Spring Samples and A ' 1 ITT- 2,1 J1 t ' . .... give us b uicu. v e win ucai iainy wiin you an. , . A Well Dressed Woman is one who wears a Suit or Waist made in our Ladies' Tailoring Department. me toucn ot the artist is shown in the cut, and the skill of the tailor in the fit and finish of the garments. And it is not expensive to patronize , us. The quality of the work is of very .High Grade, but prices are decidedly lo w. For instance.:. Suit, $8 up; Coats, $6 up; Shirt Waists, $l up. ' " S. 0. PARKER. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. B. L. DIIjI Superintendent WILMINGTON AND WELDOH RAILROAD ONDUNSBD 8CHKDTJLB. TRAINS GO ISO bOOTH. DATED fNOT. 19U1, 1889. Leave Weldou.., At. BockyMt.... Leave TarDoro... L.v. BockyMt.... Leave Wilson.... Leave Selma. .. . Lv. Fayetteriile. Ar. Florence.... Ar. Ooldsboro... Lv. Golds bo ro.. Lv. MaireoUa ... Ar. WlUolngtoB. if A. M 11 60 1265 1321 100 168 265 4 '726 r. M P M. P M. A. M. P. M 8 58 ..... .. ...... 963 ...... ...... 0 00 1 952 6 87 640 ISM 1026 7 16 680 240 1110... 12 22 . 224 A.M. . ... .7 65 ...... ...... 701 821 8 09 4(5 ...... ...... 940 160 1 ' - P Lm A M P M TBA1N8 GOING NORTH. Lv. Florence.... Lv. Fayettevlue, Leave Selma..... Arrive wusoe... Lv. Wilmington. Lv. Mag-noiia.... Lv. Uoi&sboro... Leave Wilson... Ar, Bocky Mt.. Arrive Ttrboro., Leave Tarboro... Lv. Rocky Mt.. Ar. Weldon...... A.M. 9 4(1 13 20 160 S86 P. M 2 85 880 tf2 1221 880 4 82l P. JSJ A.M. 100 5 43 6 25 7 04: P. M. 745 945 1066 1183 JLM. 11 S3 1209 2 P.M. 6 50 820 9 271 P. M 10 80 1111 12 09 100 A. MJP. M. 00 . A.K. 9 45 11 19 1280 P.M. 114 168 Train on tne KlnBton Branca Road leans Weldon 8:35 p. m., Halifax 4:15 p. m., arrtvea Scotland Neck at 6:08 P. m.. Greenville 6:57 p. m., Klnaton 7&p. m. Keturnlnjf leaves King ton 70 a. m. GreenvlUe X2 a. m., arrlvlEK HaUfax at 11:18. a.m.. weldon 11:83 a. m.. a&Uy except Sunday. n. jb. emerson. Gen' Pass. Agent i B. 4E!iOr, Geu'l Man seer. T. m. emehson. Traffic Mnsager For Sale ! One house and lot in Kinston on Pey. ton Avenue, 4 rooms, outhouses, etc. One house and lot on Caswell street, near Knitting Mills. One farm in Sand Hill township. High state of improvement. Cheap for cash. One farm near LaGrange containing 225 acres. One farm near Seven Springs contain ing 327 acres. One farm within one mile of Kinston which we will sell in lots to suit purchasers. Hon fleal Estate Ah Another Shipment .OF. Horses and Utiles Received ; ...Friday Night... Our stables are stocked with fine animals. ' Gome early and inspect them. You can procure Easy Terms for good , paper or we will sell cheap for cash. QUIUERLY & BECT0I1, KINSTON, N. C. Brick, - Gordon St,' '