JHt SPORTING WORLD, Two years ago a little barefooted boy wandered out to Woodbine park at To ronto. lie was af bright faced oung iter and, meeting Alec Shields' of tho racing firm of Carruthers & Shields, expressed his desire to ride one of his horses. ;.- ' , , ; ' v:. .' TrU "I was struck by his appearance,' said Alec Shields jn telling about the circumstance. "I liked bis manly way and pu$ him to work as an exercise -P'. . -t. - . ...... . --. .. . the road f:r n ldng time to come.' boy. San jomranr martin. Francisco racegoers have .had a chance,to see this youngster, for .he Is Johnny Martin;' accounted i by 'shrewd Judges to be one of the most 'promising featherweight jockeys in the i world. His rise in the profession has been unprecedented. , I Last July Martin piloted Topmast to victory la an owners' handicap at Fort .Erie. It was the first race that the lad 'ever scored a .winning bracket He has won sonfe 60 races since then and has shown himself to be a more promising .little Jockey than was Johnny Reiff in 11893 and 1800. Martin is 14 years cf ,atra tin rt nan rAo nt (Vi 'nnnnda ... V"-- - 7 , Qneen of tht Wheel. During the year 181)9 six wheel worn en of New York city pedaled a total of 1211 centuries, wlijle In the same period an equal number of metropolitan wheelmen rode a total of 4oi centuries. jOf- the women cyclists Mrs. E. It Bayne and Miss Carrie Hitchcock com 'pleted the greatest number of hundred .mile runsi the former having 00 to her credit and the hitter only two less. The .two great women century riders of the year, however, were Mrs. Jane Llnd sey of Brooklyn and Miss Jane Yat man' of Manhattan. - Miss " Yafman's Icentury score was 33. and M rsi Llnd :sey's was O-a'-s. a I Both these "women complied their 'season's mileage In a series of record rides that are without parallel among women In the annals of cycling. Pre vious to last year a triple century made oy a woman- was considered a remark jable performance, t But" he rivalry that sprang up between Miss Yatman 'and Mrs. Llndsey for possession of the (title of .queen of the wheel resulted In fthe reeling off of multiple century rides hat occupied several days at a . time, for completion and In which "the public at large evinced a more or'less lively Interest. ". . :; ' .. . Sloane Quits Vm For Good. "I am going back to England the 1st of March." said Tod Sloane, the jockey recently. "V have Interests ' there be sides racing. I am Interested In the Shaftesbury theater of London, aad De -Wolf Hopper is with me In the enterprise- He has made a hit with the English, "and we expect a big run when !ie starts In business. " That will be ;nlj on the side with me. however. I :annot exiect to ride always, and I ,yant something to turn my attention ) wlin I nuit tl) tnrf. 1 think a good .'n . c - : : Champion llarrlmaa Going Abroad. Golf championships in Great-Britain are held earlier than In this country. The dates for the amateur meeting have been fixed for, the week of May IT, at sandwicn, and tne . women a championship will be held the follow ing week at Westward Ho., The open event will be played later In the season at SI. , Andrews. H. M. Harrlmnn ln tends .to make a European tour in the spring, and If so he will visit the fa mous golf courses and try his skill against some of the old country cracks. Cyclist rtoaa Will Be Popalar. Arthur W. Ross, the Irvlngton-Mlll-burn .hero of last year, who sails for Europe shortly to follow the middle distance racing game, wtll .be very jxp ular abroad; Europe gave Jimmy Mi chael to America In 1806, and Europe regretted the gift always. Michael sras popular all over Europe, ne was 4uch a little fellow that the ladles took to him and petted him and made much of him. Since Michael left for' Amer ica all of Europe' has been hunting for , successor. - Barrett & Thompson, . , AEOHITEOTS, v ' usyi Faye'ttev,ine St, - Raleigh, N. C. fQpWde for our Brochure" of in formation.. ., .-.., .. THE i r miam i n Self Playing -" $6.00 New York HonpltalUr. The hospitality of smaller places is rare" if not- unknown in New York. Hospitality there Is different andtenda . . . xo ne swampea Dy numoers ana even chilled into an apparent Indifference that is really compelled byx circum stances. Often it makes a brave fight and never wholly gives up, but It Is a struggle against great odds. Not sel dom It happens that the enormous' ag gravation of soclaland Intellectual op portunities that confronts country peo ple who come to live' In New York so discourages them that they, end la liv ing narrower lives in the great city and seeing fewer , people than . In the smaller town from which they came. And If It does not discourage them It is apt to drive them too hard. A New Yorker who already had a house In town and another In the country near by excused himself for building a third in. New IJampshire by saying: "In town or near town I never get away from engagements. . I want a place where I - can have some leisure, and leisure to a v New Yorker means, of course, a chance to 'do some work." Scribner's. , ; - , and upward. Is the latest and most improved of all the Music Boxes with Interchangeable Tune-Disks. The piano cannot produce the richneu attained bv -L . i i . i i 1 .... . ui vutekiun nniess piaren py ma or eigne nan as, ana men ins piayers must oe experts, it is superior to every other make in tone and simplicity of con- .triirfinn Th HllraKilttv innMM'.t. from now. after inferior makes would have been worn out and useless. Disks are easily changed tney-re practically inaestructiDie. Charminsr Home Entertainments mav be hrranred without notice if a Criterion is in the parlor danc ing, singinc, msirumeniai renaenngs nymns ana vnurcu music, 100. 1 sent on imzsr&:si days' trial. You can. return it, and get your money oacif, ii not entirely sattsnea. : write to M. J. PAILLARD it CO.. 68o Bkoadwav, . -. : - ; ' .r ; New York. Or inquire of dealers In musical instruments . and jewelers. Agents Wanted. 5T3-Insist on a CRITERION f there is no "just as good." Catalocub Frbk. ' Valuablo Pottery. . ; 1 An interesting story is told of Lady Helen de Hangest-Genlia, who started a small pottery on her estate, chateau of Oiron, about 1524. In this factory was made the famous Faience d'Oironi She was a widow, cultured and vervartistia A collection of her crayon portraits is said to have been preserved, but it was in the manufacture of china that she made a name for herself. Not more than 60 pieces of 'Faience d'Qiron are now known to be in existence. All of them are small, but of ; surpassing beauty. They are supposed to have been made as gifts for friends. , They have an inlaid ornament of interlacing bands or scrolls, arabesques and geometrical, forms of tinted clays, . yellow and brown, relieved With soft colors on a cream white ground, forming a smooth surface and covered with a soft glaze.- Art Ama teur. - - . ' . LoW Prices Special inducements will be given on all woolen Dress Goods for the: next- thirty days. ' - The present stock of Calico sold from 4 to 5c per yard.' t All CAPES and JACKETS to Go at a Sacrifice. Our line of Shoes (Hill and Greene) at a reduction. . L A full line of F; C. Corsets justing v . KINSTON,' N. ,C. : 4. t ( THE LIII( THAT BINDS. ... ' " " Jacksow, Temm. , Nov. 23. X was subject to miscarriage for three years, and suffered constantly with backache. I wrote to you (or advice, and after using three bottles of Wine of Cardul, according to your directions, . X am strong and well, and the mother of a fine girl baby. . ; -' : - 1 Mrs. E. 17. JOWEES. ' ... There is no use talking a baby in the bouse is the link that binds husband and wife together. Nothing is sadder than fruitless, wedlock. . The prattling and cooing of the little ones offset a thousand times the occasional worries and trials of life.. When a wife is barren, there is a derangement somewhere in the genital organs, caused by one or more of those common disorders known as female troubles". Wine of Cardui is the remedy. It puts the organs of generation in a strong and healthy condition, fitting the wife fr the sacred duty of reproducing her kind During the period of gestation the entire system of the expectant mother ' ' is built up to withstand the ordeal of labor, and when the little one makes its advent it is lusty and strong, well-fitted to grow to ma turity in perfect health. The mother, too, passes through the trial with little pain and no dread. Wine of Cardui is truly a wonder ful mecucuie for women. Collies for tlO at Dri:i3ls. UB.tr aby:::3T ecpaitsiit. ForadTiw in eesrini!lnSTell dtmt.ionn. ad'lrcn en Tin? STmi'inm. l.k.orjrU,'t, lhtttUiTAMJObi mt.uici.lk to, Cliattanooga, Tena. .;N F. STRATTON'S . ' Celebrated Xtnastaa Out Violin Strlncra- The Finest Id the world. Every String Warranted. r John F. Stratton Ca ' Wholesale Dealer, 8 Grand Stmkst. end for Catalocae, New York, " i - A ...'., . . j. B.F Cox, Pres : WC.PZBtD8, V..Pre R. C. Stkono, Cashier. II Comneoeed Business JlSareb 1. 1897 I III l mm nmou Ratirk1latir1 nrvin m rivl fMina tlnn A NeW Lot Of the confidence of the people. Depositors absolutelr protected the , nffirtrt lr Knn.rl anrl fnli Inanranrv. '. dealers in leaf tobacco end others solic ited. . , A nicely furnished private room. witA stationery free, for the use and conveni ence of our friends. Come and see us. Board of Directors : B. W. Can ady, W. C. Fields, T. W. Mewborn, B. r F. Cox, T. W. Grainger, T. E. Hood. Jesse Jackson, L. Harvey, W. L. Kenne dy u. v. Dixon, S. H. Abbott. first Quality Inner Tabes .AT..... BELL. ..&VSOIMS1. A Pine Lot of Tennessee Horses and Males TUB PELEY INSTITUTE, For the Cure of the i has just been received at my sale Lipri OplM' (Me HLH.0tt3r UrH iHlllC tloni Kene Eihanstloi tnd Tobacto mi stables. There is no stock capable of doing more service or better suited to this climate than that from Tennessee. Call on me before buying. D. S. BARB US, KINSTON, N.C cynnriSDORo, n. c. This is the only Keeley Institute in North Carolina, and owing to its beauti ful and healthy location, its elegant buildings and attractive environments, its well supplied table and skillful . roan aeement, it presents to the unfortunate oerfect home for rest and complete restoration. ' If you have a friend afflicted with anv of the above addictions, write for theu ALL KINDS CHEAP. I New Man.". Address pine ppaitl ORANGES all kinds Florida, la niaica, CaliforniiTand Valencia all sizes. APPLES Baldwins,Sheepnose York, Imperial, King, and Willowtwigs. Come see our curiosity in the Brazil Pods. , . Bananas, Malaga Grapes, Cocoanuts, Etc. , . L. B. COX & SON. ' Greensboro, N. C - ',, 1 1 ' , ,i Atlantic & N. (Vital Iroad TIME TABIDS No: 91 Eastbound. : . ' 3$ S 1 Aeltt. jiula PeaTa 710 710 840 743 7 48 400 8 1 6 8 06 4 09 8 26 886 4 20 1014 a u i 82 925 9 26 4 40 10 IS 10 15 4 55 10 4- 10 40 5 07 11 15 11 15 B 19 1181 11 ai 5 86 120ft 180 550 ..... E12 816 220 818 ... . 243 680 .... 812 643 ..... 8 25 6 49 881 654 851 707 ..... 401 715 a P1A Pali ;station8. Wtttbcund. ...Goldsboro... ......Best's..... ... LaQrange... .Falling Greek. ....Klnston.... ....Casweir.... ... ..Dover..... ..Core Creek... . ..Tuacarora,.. .... Clark's..... ....Newbern... ..HBlTerdale... . ..Croatan.... Bavelock... ....Newport... ...Wildwood... ....Atlantic... Morehead city. Morenead City. AJf 1105 1043 1082 1022, 1012 950 942! 9 920 912 887 1 13 809 800 746 789 786 722 706 AMJ par 813 783 7031 f 618 518 420 4 00 8 88 820 1047 1010 oow 9 40 906 8 47 8 88 815 760 1J13 . 113 If Ktt . 11 8 11 M 1910 1018 TOTM 980 Monday Wednesday and Friday, i , Tuesday, Thursday and 8atarday; 8. L. DlL.Lfc Superintendent i WILH1IGT0I &HP WELDOS RAILROAD IONDSN8ED 8CHKDT7LS. ' . ' -7 TBAINU QOrtO bOOTH. DATED Jan. lftn, 1900. - ......FOR THE.... CAMPAIGN OF 1900, BY W. H. IIARVBY, Author of... '.'Coin's Financial School." Price 25c. fci . T.V '" A 4, D m U In size it is fully as larcre as "Coin's Financial School,-' profusely illustrated. with best paper, enameled cover in two coiors. Its treatment of the subjects of Money, Teubts and Imperialism, is exhaustive and yet simple and plain as the A. Ii. C s. It will educate and arouse the American people to acommon defense of theirhomes and the heritage of free institntions. It teaeh&sTJrjranization and points out the remedy .,-lt is educational and practical. It fehciuld be in the hands of every man, woman, boy and en rim the United btates, The book is a SCHOOL, and the little boy COIN the teacher. His school in May, 1894, "Coin's Financial School," electrified a nation and moulded the political sentiment of a national political party., "UoiN on money" may De ex pected to rally anew the forces of human liberty. ' - .. A copy of this book and The Twice- a-VeekFkee .Press a year for ?l.4U. The book alone, 25c. . The Daily Fkee Press a year and a copy of the book for f 4.15. Send orders to , . THE FREE PRESS, KINSTON, N. C I Leave Wei don... I Ar. Bockyxt.... Leave Tarboro... ! Lv. Rocky Mt.. i Leave Wilson.... i Leave Selma..... Lv. Farettenile. r. riorence..,. Ar. GoldsDoro... Lv. Qoldsboro... Lv. Masmoua ... Ar. WlimlDgton. A. M 11 50 12 65 U21 ; loo 168 256 4 80 7 26 P.M. P M 8 58 9 52 952 10 25 1108 12 iiOi 2 24 A. M. P.'M. 8 00 8 87 7 16 te V 7S5 p.'Vi". 25 A. M 840 701 809 940 A. M.I P.M. 1262 840 828 6 00 P. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. . BR gQaa jzj Q gQ ssfi A.M. P M. ' Lv. Florence.... 945 ...... 7 45 ...... ..... Lv. FayettevlUe. 12 20 . . . . 9 45 .... ; LeaveSelma 160 ....,, 1056 .. ... Arrive WllsoB... 286 ...... 1133 ..... A. M. P. M. A. X. Lv. wilmlnsrton. seo 945 Lv. Magnolia ... 8 20 '11 13 Lv. Ooldsoore I 00 .... : 8.; uca - . . . P.M. AIM. P.M. P. M. Leave Wilson.... 2 85 8 43 11 i 10 so 1 1 Ar. Rocky Mt.. 880 6 25 1209 1111 158 Arrive Tvboro.. 704 ...... .7,... Leave Tarboro... 1821.... Lv. Rocsy Mt... 880 ...... Ii09 ....V. .c... Ar. Weldon...... 4 82 ...... 104 P.M. A.M.P. M. . - ' Train on tne Klnxton BraBcaRoad leaves Weldon 8:35 p. m.. Halifax 4:15 p. m.. arrives Scotland Neck at 6.-08 p. m., GreenTiUe 6 r7 p. m., Klnston 75 p. m. Ketarnlnjf leavea kiiig. ton 7-50 a. m. Greenville 8:53 a. m.,arriTit!5 Halifax at 11:18, a.m.. Weldon 11:33 a. m.. dar except 8unday. r u. m.. ajitKuruen' raes. Agere JR' KENLY, Gen'l Man aver. -i. . MRSON.TraacMftriareT -