THE DAILY FBBB PRESS; SUBSCRIPTION PRICES! ' one wee. I. ....... .10 cent . One month..... , .36 " Tbrte montbs. ...........11.00 Twelve months lUW Mokdat Etknino, February 111, 1900. Mr.C. W. Porter, the blind piano tuner. will be in Kinaton this week. V ; Sixteen additions to the M. E. churcb by certificate were announced Sunday. Iter, J. R. Vaugban will deliver a tern notiob to democrats, fiotico to Anthony Davis' Heirs of dividing the estate, personal and real. a n neus 01 sininonv vavis wui meet ai nun run. Lenoir county, North Carolina, on tha 14th day , of lor tno DurooM al. ThoM who cannot attend in person must be represented in writing. This place has been agreed upon as the most convenient w mil persona conccrnco. 1- . : : : :, v . t.c wooten,: . - , . . Atty. for heirs. The Call for the State Convention . To Meet in RaleJarh on April 11. , Italeljrh. Feb. 10. Chairman Simmons tonight issued the following ; . "To Democratic Voters of North Caro lina: ' ' ' ',"v .' ' -''-''''; "Br order of the executive committee, notice is hereby given that the next State convention will assemble at Raleigh April 11th, to nominate candidates for State offices, select delegates to the national Contracts will be let on Satur and determine. 'Each county will be aay,rtDniary 17, 1900,10 Duua two entitled to elect one delegate and one Tobacco Warehouses. - For par- HOtf ICS I perance lecture in the Disciple church to. , te to tjon for every ticulars, call on or address either i ; ' '. I ISO Democratic voters and one delecate I .rii ;j , . On suvnnnt nf th Rnrfin unflatlnir i" . - tk r, Jk S unucr&iraeu. ; Raleigh tomorrow and tomorrow night caat therein at the last gubernatorial 1 ne committee reserves the right the A. A N. C. will sell tickets to Golds- election. Notice is also given that at the to reject any or all bids. , , . : Vnrn and rtnrn for one flrnt-nlMH fare.. ' v v, Ufnt AnnvntnT . ' . ' Iy. T. UUAJfMAN, boro and return for one first-class fare. Dr and Mrs. II. Johnson and children left for Goldsboro Sunday. Dr. Johnson , will take 0 prospecting trip through the .western states with a view of locating in that section, . , ; Mr. C. M. Jordan is having a nice two ' story eight-room residence erected on Lenoir street, in the tobacco section of town. ' Mr. Jordan is having the house built for his own use. Mess. N. J. Rouse,' II. E. Shaw and L. C. Brogden have been appointed as a library committee by the graded school directors. ' The committee will appreciate co ntributionS of books for the graded school library. ' Mr. H. E. Shaw has generously contributed a set of Chambers' Encyclopedia, 15 volumes. orty-eignt applicants ror attorneys' licenses were examined by the supreme court last week. Fifteen failed and thirty three were granted license, among the successful ones being Mr. Emmett R. Wooten, the clever son of Sheriff J. C. "VTooten, of Lenoir county. We congratu late our young townsman. He will ' practice law with Mr. T. C. Wooten. We nave heard it rumored lor sometime that another passenger train would be Sat on the A. & N. t R. R. Saturday's ewbern Journal says such a train Is scheduled to be inaugurated in a short time that it is virtually a daily passenger ' train between Goldsboro and Newbern. This train will be known as a fast freight. It will leave Goldsboro at 7:30 r a. . . a a .a a. m., leaving alter tne arrival 01 toe early train from the north. ' It will leave Newbern at 6 p. m., making tne connec- time of the call of the State convention our executive committee adopted unani mously the following: 4 sk-Xv -;-";; : " " 'Resolved, That the question of pri maries for selection of a candidate for j United States senator be referred to the people In the call for the. next State con vention for such action as that conven tion may deem best.' " , . To Care a Cold lo Ono Day Take Laxativs Bromo Ouinink Tablets. Al druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Crovb's si i.a.ure u on each box. ejc. Special Notices. Subscribe to The Free Press. Wanted. Six first-class Cows now in milk. .Apply to F, Ashford. ' J Fob RENT.The Campbell house, at f 3 per week. Apply to Dr. H. U. IItatt. v: i Position Wanted. 'A thorouirhly com petent bookkeeper would be glad to get a position. Anyone needing a bookkeeper will please address Box Ifo. 287, Kins- ton.JN.U. S. A.Jolinson antl J.E.FIiysioc have entered into a co partnership to carry on a first-class, up-to-date Mer- cbapt Tailoring business. - W. G. GARRIS, T. L. KEEN, JR., Committee. Grifton, N. C, Feb. 7, 1900 OETTIMGER DHOSJ ' 17 L I N. Qas SL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaviaAaAA 3 It Pujra to Trade t the Big Sto e ; ; "' ; .i " - ',; A 3,000 Yards . Finest ; American Ginghams cameras; and SUPPLIES I'or Photographic Work, A com plete line at manufacturers' prices. ICall on me. J. E. HOOD. ! . We will carry a nice line of Cloth, Cas simeres, Worsteds, Etc., in connection with a fine line of Samples, for all to cnoose irom. . - We promise to eive all who want a tions at Goldsboro that night with the) suit the lowest price that can be mada to northbouud train. On this fast freight guarantee irst-viHs Mercnant Tauor- will be two new passenger coaches that D& THE nave Deen ordered Dy tne road, a num ber of new freight cars that have been ordered and are expected to arrive soon will add to - tne equipment rendered necessary by the increased service. On Sundays the train will run through to Aioreneaa uty ana return. . PERSONAL MENTION. 8. A. JOHNSON. J. E. PHYSIOa Mr. G. R. Richardson spent yesterday in L.aurange. ; Mr. Geo. B. Webb left Sunday for Bal timore on a business trip. Miss Clara Humphrey! of Clarks, is vis- ltiting Miss Gertrude Jones. Mr. J. M. P, Joyner, of Goldsboro, came Saturday to spend a tew days nere. , Mr. Charlie Meacham left Sunday to ppena a tew days m wutawvnie, . u. Mrs. H. C. Bailey and Mies Nina Todd lsfr Kafiipiair rr vitiif of Hf rkunhAn A sHi --rv I 1V1V WUVUIUlkJ VU V A OA V CBJW . ULvl vUCOiVI Sl VJ I Mr. W. D. Pollock returned ' Saturday from attending the supreme court at Raleigh. , ' Miss Mamie Taylor, who had been vis iting her aunt, Mrs. K. W. Whitfield, re turned to KODersonvuie Saturday. Mr, Walton Pace came to Kinston Sat urday and left for LaGrange Sunday. lie noias a position as traveling salesman. Peputy Collector J. E, Cameron came from Raleigh Saturday, to visit his fam ily, and returned to Raleizh this morn- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hill, Jr., and Miss Maud Rice returned Saturday from a visit to relatives and friends at Gardners- Tllle. . , , : Jir. D. Oettinger went to Goldsboro Rnnn o tr mAmirtrf oni Mfntm 4n 4-UA $ WUUauj tUVtiUUIfc UVA IvUUl AJ,CVi 111 tllO Cljl" ternoon, accompanied by Mrs. Oettinger, "uu utw uvt-u yicuduig lur Btiverui uays in uoid8uoro. Mr. and Mrs. li Einstein and their two children returned Saturday from New York. Mr. Einstein spent two . weeks among the manufacturers' mill agents, in the interest of the wholesale department oi ms nrm.and reports having purchased cui euuruiuus otocs. auu ac a Dig saving. Cotton Market. No New York market today closed on account ot Holiday, .Lincoln's birthday. Spot cotton in Kinston, 8. Russell on the Amendment. Raleigh, Feb. 10. Loge Harris left for Chicago today to speak Monday night at me annual luncoin Dirthday banquet. instead of Gov. Russell. He will express the latters views, f He will say North Carolina, once for free trade, is now for protection, lie will speak of the fran- chite amendment. He expresses the belief I it wui Derated and sajs the gov ernor tLLak it cannot be defeated. It'. ' : tic job work i3 ths kind you get at In Buying A Watch : buy as good a case as you can afford, but first get a, move ment which will be' accurate. Every watch movement we sell belongs to until it measures time accurately. , Pick the case, and let us decide on the movement, and you will own a watch and a time keeper. THE JEWELER,, ; : KINSTON, N. C. m n ) , c x Self-Playing C-3'U08ICBOI - $6.00 t. and upward. Is the latest and most improved of all the Music Boxes with Interchangeable Tune-Disks. ' The piano cannot produce the richness attained bv the Criterion unless played by six or eight hands, and then the plavers must be experts. It is -superior to every other make in tone and simplicity of con struction. The durability you'll appreciate years from now, after inferior makes would have been worn out and useless. Bisks are easily changed they're practically indestructible. , : , : Chartnine Home Entertainments may be arranred without notice if a Criterion is in the parlor danc iiiy;, biiikiuk. iiisiruuiciiia rcuucruii; uyuiua nuu Church music, too. . CP11T AW TPTIT on receipt of price. We will OLnl Ufl 1 AlAii Knd the Criterion on" ten i days' trial. You can return it, and get your money back, it not entirely satisnea. write to M. J. PAILLARD & CO.. 68o Broadway, ' ' - New York. Or inquire of dealers in musical instruments ' , and jewelers. - ; Agents Wanted. ' t3"Insist on a CRITERION there is no "just as good' Catalogue r ree. Always Whole. Bui Never "Holey." HOLEPROOF SOX are just- what we say they are. I Sox that are proof against holes;' that are knit by such a novel . and J perfect process, - and of so fine a quality of yarn that they .) Never Need Mending Sold Under .Written Guarantee, 50c a pair OETTINGER BROS: have just been un packed and are offer- 3 ed ijbr sale at the very j lowpnceoi ' 10c Yard. , Only the quantity we bought could make this price pos sible. These goods are perfect copies of the finest French Ginghams, ; both in quality and design.;. ; . Stripes, Checks, Plaids and Plain col: ors. A truly remark able line, and at the price offered should go quick.. BcflrSamples sent on request. A postal does the work. , , 3 t 1M Erery Business Man MM THE BIG STORE, KINSTON N.C, ..Ari.; Materials; Embroidery Silks of latest shades in Filo and Twist. ' Anyone M filling in the lines below to read correctly and bring to us with their order for : Gar den Seed will .receive a nice Pocket Memorandum Book FREE! Stamped Linens. Iinen Xawn for Handker chiefs and beautiful Laces for Trimming. . - - All-Over Lace3 for embellishing Dresses. XCTThese goods just ceived. '-V . re- A. R.1VIILLER, KINSTON, N. C. ' I Spci !y : S-Uctld- f ; d - : ij Son So d fjf In :- jjj S ai-on. f it ' AT...... (' (i I, " i i 1 1 i ' IS A...... ..f ' Fac-Slmila of His . . SIGNATURE, in ike form of f a . RUBBER STAMP. I This stamp and vour siematurtj in wood (used for printing purposes) delivered to any address for ONE DOLLAR. , Also Rubbpr Stamps of eveiv descrip- 1? - T a T-v - a. r . . a 1 uon, trams, jLiaiers. aiencus, seit-ingers. iiey enecjes, tsxgn Markers, Slc, &c. sOCorre8pondenee' solicited. R0BT. t. LUMSDEN, JR., f.lfgr., BOX 202, . n , RALEIGH, N. C. ! EmbroidoriG And 1 Recognized Style has much to do with a ram's advance- QCGS When thc3o2 beautiful Goods! aro"seen!!tha im possibility of finding any ment. We make the clothes which will mOrO artlStlC Or.OI DCttCr take a man. any where. ;The qualitv of ,.. . . vie ierial, perfection of cut a-.d finish, quality Will DO appCtrCHU a.m xnax uressiness wnicn oniy wen a 11 J : tailored anoarel has. are features nnon I . UP cii U U'd lyllio . "-J".- T - - . t . which we base a claim for your, patron- aue. ; ....!.';. -, Siace , receivinjr; our . nobby ! Spring FIn.fh irfS flUIl charm. samples we nave Doosea several orders, and we are obliged to increase our force in order to keep up with the tendy in crease of business, notwithstanding it is yet early for spring trade. Wt? have every facility for turning out work Jrcniptly.i- , " Now is your time 1 1 select your Easter Suit from tV-2 l"::est line of sainp'esever shown in Kin-tea. We guarantee all outwork, w!:tt!,cr new or olJ. Dyeiner, Cl- r :r x aud Tressin done in a firstla. 3 ruaaiier. Vre have tted up a room expressly for the Ladies' Tailorir-r djrartnent, and are Lavinjr as much as we can do in that (':--8 ripest. Every courtssy Bhown t3l:.:::3. The rjood3 wcro bought boforo tho advance, and will bo cold accordmTl7. . Cc..3 Qiiic.i. H -1 J: 21 r i Tiions it. ('Ccr.C-4e:acr iCtixt'.ir T m

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