THE. HOUSEHOLD. Hww. Ideas. la; Tll Deeoratlwiu .A Pretty Frame. . , ::' A: vi-lffiaal Olam. .", v ; Original Ideas In table decoration and Vjoew aya pt serving things come op constantly JiT tUls progressive era of : clever women.-; ; Two brand new and unique Ideas la table decbratlpn were ; recc h fjr evolved 'by abright girl who .tnakea ii Had of getting' up novelties of tbJs Wu Vlat' to Eat tells of her viiw tvoy of serving wlut jelly. f; JVThen rought to '.the tabled the dish , xeicniblt'd ; u" cliopiy sea,'; iaud In the .Jiollow'yT waves a dozen' or more " tiny fish UispoYhKl tlieuiseivea. 1 i(f: Ibi i bov iilie, did (t: Elio made a ; dough; UIcc tbat, used for cookies or otb ! cr simpler forms" of cuke. Out of this. ' partly wl;l a sinall cake cutter, partly ; "with lu-r uumls, slie -shaped the fisb gloves lyery effective, staring, 'fishy ey..H. Tno fisb were then baked tto a '-delifate brown and the Jelly weH manipclatt'il with a fork, to produce s the wavets. Arranging the fisb among the waves was an easy matter. The whole niTaiMook K'ss t'uen 20 minutes, 'r. but the iliikiren of the family con fildcred It a to set before a king, And even ."crown ufw" enjoyed the gur prise. . . Her second kwtpsk require.! a little ; longer to acoiniiuib. but it did not add .a cent to the t-.wi of tie .served terra Pin- , First jrot a !..:n..ful of English 'walnuts. Tinve r!j.Kj.:i iu half not - with ; a mi.tTiirk.'. inn with a pen knife, keepiug enti. l-.nif shell perfect -The nr.ts .,' were p eked out and .; laid aside for use; in cars orjiunbons. , t ,, Each iiiiif shell yvjin then ; painte green. a;uv:K. dnll grtvti.-to' represent . the baolf pf &T teiapIn.' Itead. legs and tail were cut, from paper: tint ;ed to .the proper . m'i:i'-. ah.) attached to the. painted Vi'Uast .KbeI ; ":i .. BehoUfn. f?w niijrjuits aJ dozen : little t-i'a'.Tlia lernVpjus! 1 : 'V . ThoJif?:! tblu.T nMirtlsItp; was a quan '. rtlly of perfeetly et('nwbiteVtlssuo! pa, per. - This was procured in. a new hat box and slabbed with scl3sors . Into long, narrow shreds. Crushed in the hands these paper ' shre.ds made ex cellent "sea foam." When the terrapin had been poured out, smoiimg not. ror serving, tins "sea foam" was .massed in handfuls along the edge of Its shallow dish. , Upon the foam were arranged, of 'coarse, the 12 green little turtles." The effect was en chanting. , the frame, which" can' then be bong u by rings or ribbons. Lettve and Canned Peas. An original sort.of ?dUh Is made by combining lettuce with canned peas. Take the heart of the lettuce leaves and chop them. Drain all the liquid from a can of peas and then wash the peaa In cold water. , Put them tnto a saucepan with the chopped lettuce, add two teaspoons of sugar and a few mint leaves finely minced. Then put In two small slices of cold ham. one table spoon of butter "and two tablespoons of Vater and pepper to taste. Let the whole simmer slowly until the peas are tender. Remove the pieces of ham and add one cup of cream. Let this stew for a moment longer, then serve. Barrett & Thomson, ARCHITECTS,' 115K Fayetteville St., - Ralsigh, N. C. -Write fr ou'riMBrochnre" of in- foxtnation. r . - .: i Alt Who Have Barber Work Done, Try Us. Artistic Hair Cut ting, Thorough Sham pooiiig.Easy Shavlng.CjeanlineBi. Al ways. Try our preparation for the scalp. -. THOS -H.GREEN The ma t3TStxop on Gordon 8U, Just bock of Ttsmple Maroon's Drag store , - JOHN F. STRATTON' elebrateifiTJITAEa A Pretty PTotoffraph Frame. Procure a sheet of stout cardboard, and from tills cut an oval frame the size desired. , Buy some poppy ' heads Cleanlnar Window In Cold Weather. Often the window glass requires to He cleaned,-but It Is so cold and the Ir so full of frost that It does not seem aavisame 10 wasn tne glass with wa ter. Try a flannel clotbr moisten It with paraffin oil and rub the glass with It. Have at hand a fresh flannel cloth and rub over the glass with It This method will give better results than loap and water. . 1 j OR. h. d harpkk; . DRNTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. arorrios Uvs Daw Ocimiiltb rmii. i m MoeiMY BvuDine, Nssr to J. A. Pais pELEY; INSTITUTE, Fot the Cure ol tbt . : Lienor opio cue ml I'ttir Dm: Adllc oce! NEneEitonoatantoBia This Is the ,only Keeley Institute In North Carolina, and owing to its beanti Vnii IVill rinri IN OUR STORE a fall line nf Staple Dry Ooods and Qroceriee. close as any merchant doing as.,Mreand !ta weI1 nmUtA table and skillful man! agement, ft presents to the nn fortunate Wa RnliVif ' rr. oertect home for rest and complete v Mwuviv : vu jk v w u 1 restoration. Newspaper Galdepoata. Wendell Phillips struck the keynote tn modern influences when be said: "Not one man in ten reads books: the newspaper Is parent, school, college, pulpit, theater, example, counselor, all In one; every drop of our blood Is col- .ored by it. - Let me make the hewspa- pers, and I care not who makes the re ligion or the laws." - : ; Importer and Wholesale . Dealer in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, nenqior JOHN F. STRATTON CO. Catalogue 62QRANoSr.Ncwronic JOHN F. STRATTON'S itujccjciMB CelebrateaJteaalan Out Violin Strings, i na nnesi la the World. Every Strung Warranted. UohnP.StrattonCoT Wholesalo Dealer, end for Catalogue. : NEW. YoaV F. R. Cox, t'res W. C. FIELDS, V.-Pre R. Strong,, Cashier. : and Country Trade. We keep a free delivery wajroo on our stretstor tne convenience or oar town trade, and a fr lot and stables for our conn try customers. Coma to see us. Yours very truly, WM. ALEX LallOQUE, Queen Street, Phonr 67. KINSTON, N. C. i m.i. -Til .. 1 I . k If you have a friend afflicted with out of the above addictions, write for tebr illustrated hand-book, entitled "Thb NEW Mak.'? Address . Greensboro. N. C . WILMIIGTOH ASD WELD03 RAILROAD lONDf K8BD BCBKDUiJ: TRAINS OOXXi bUOrH. . , , I IS I I 1 . Il-t'- TRIWilKD WITH POPPY HEADS. ' from the chemists. With a sharp. strong knlfi cut off cleanly the groov -ed circular df:;ks at the end of the poppy Uead.a, Jum these neatly with strong gr.r. br glue on the oval frame. o;itcr nn.l grooved Ride upper most When, dry nd securely fixed, paint tJrwe d!s':s vrit'a gold or silver raetallU- j tilnt and also paint any sur face cf tin curdbonrd left visible be twefu. with t)n. K:inie tint "or a con-trastiu.-- r. :!. T!;p !.t.;-i .:rr'i '.:?ny be fixed to the ...Hiic i'i pcvprnl ways, ac 's -r. !;:. in t!:: owner's es- i-r'v 1t j.hirrd behind a : siMmi'cd by hi!ii v.1 .. ,i;';o::ru nt the back bad; nf r: Cor;!;L'i; M toll.- en a n !;' r 17ZllLI'r-l!iLril!:LJa V'-'l back cf , .The farmer's wife who raises chickens, knows that they must have food enough first to satisfy: - bard hunger, then enough more than that to s make flesh, and fat before they will begin to lay. In plain words you've got to put into the hen in the form of food what yon get out of it in the shape of eggs. An ill nourished hen lays no eggs. T h e difference between - the fanner's wife" and her chickens is that she fancies she can. take put of herself in daily cares and toils hat she does not put back in thpt form of nourishment for nerve and body.- But she can't. Sooner or later the woman who tries it breaks down. The warnine siens of ohvsical break down are, among others, headache, weak stomach, flatulence, pain in side or back. difficult ' breathing, palpitation of the heart. These are only some of the m dications of a derangement of the stom ach and organs of digestion and nutri tion. The one sure, remedy for this con dition is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which strengthens the stom ach, purifies the ; Hood and nourishes .and invigorates the nerves. - Mrs. Martha . Bat-ham, of Newville, Prince George Ca,,Va writes : ' I commenced to taki Dr. Fterce'irGolden Medical Discovery in June, 1897, also his Favorite Prescription,' and I can not express the benefit 'I have received from these medicines. I was suffering with what the doctors called chronic indigestion, torpid liver and vertifro. The doctor did not do me any good. -' - Mjr symptoms were giddiness In head., pains in chest and an uneasy feeling all over. I also suffered with female weakness. I was all run-down and could not do any work at all with out suffering from nervous attacks, so I wrote to you lor advice. You advised me to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Favorite- Prescription. When I commenced to use the medicines I weighed only na pounds, now 1 weigh 140 pounds. . I thank God and Dr. JL V. Pierce for my recovery." Commenced easiness 9aieh 1, 1697 Established upon a rock foundation the conhdence of the people. ; ; v Depositors absolutelv' orotected the officers are bonded and . full insurance agjjnst aafe robber. Accounts with farmers, merchants. dealers in leaf tobacco and others solic ited. A nicely furnished private room, wita stationery free, -for the use and conveni ence of our friends. Come and sec us. Board op ; Directors : B. W. Can ady, W. C. Fields, T. W. Mewborn, R. P. Cox, .W. Graineen T. B. Hood. Jesse Jackson, L. Harvey, W. L. Kenne dy u. v. Dixon, S. H. Abbott. fl JLiargcr - Stock . . DATKD rf . w . j . Jan. nth, 1900. 8j, Rik 3 j 3 k da 6? 6? 6 3 6 v..'r. : o 96 a vtaS, a ma, A. M. P M. P H. A.V. P. M. Leave weldon... 1160 8 68 ...... ...... Ar. Kocky Vt... 1166 962... ..... Leave Tarboro.. It 81 ...... n .,v.;. ..... LvBockym.'... loo 968 em nonw Leave Wilson... .168 10 86 7 !' tin I to Leave Belma.... 856 11 oh ..v... ...... ..... Lv.. Fayetteville. 4 80 18 HO...., a Ar, Florenoe.... ' 786 984. ... ..... ...... Pe iMt. A iBft Ar. Ooldsboro... ...... . . 1 (6 u ...... Lv. Golds Doro, 701 886 Lv. MagnoUa ... ,.i ..... Jo 4 6 Ar. Wunuagtoa. .. I , ..... .1 9401 6& I P. X.A. M. P. M. TBA1K . NORTH. As Christ tattght' by parables, so does Coin teach.. The book is an allegory, and ' The Most , Wonderful Book " - OC the Age. Flour that was bought when Flour was lower than it is now. and as a trade inducer will be sold at the same price as prevail ed before the rise. Fresh and Crisp Soda uracKers always on hand. . - , FRENCH & SUGG, KINSTON, Hi :C Phone No. 32. , a-Week Feee Press a year for 1.40. The book alone, 25c. The Daily Fbee Press a year and a copy of the book for $4.1 5. Send orders to THE FREE PRESS f . KINSTON N.C . A.M.I Tp. M." . Lv. Florenoe.... 946 ...... 748........... Lv. KajettevlUe. 18 80 .4... 946 ..... ..... Leave Belma..... 160 ...... 1068 ...... Arrive wilaoo..'. 886 ...... 1183 .. ... ...... Lv. Wilmington. ...... ...... . ni, 660 948 Lv. Masrnolia . 8 80 His ' Lv. Golasboro 00 ...... 987 1888 ' ' P.M. , A. M. P. k.r.K. Leave Wilson.... 886 148 U83 10 80 lit . AT. ROOky.Mt.. 880 1 86 12 CO till .168 1 Arrive Tarboro.; 7 04 ....'. Leave Tarboro... 1881 ...... ..v.. Lv. Rocltyllt.., 880 1J09 U ' Ar. WelOon...... 482 ...... 104 ., P.M. A.M. P.M. , . Train on the Kinston Branch Road iaavm Weldon 8:86 D. m.. Halifax :lft n. m..arrtma Scotland Neck at 6:08 D. m.. Oreenvllla h.-kt n. . m., Klnston 7:56 p. m. Returning- leaves Kins. ton VM a. m. Greenville 8:58 a. m arrlvlnf Halifax at 11:18. a.m.. Weldon lida a. m.. daii except Sunday, r H. M. kmerson, Gen' Pass Asent 3. 8 KENLY, Gen'l Manairer. . - r , EMVRHON. Trafflo Manairer - Mrs" if 1 wfm L ft Atlantic & N. C. J.ailroad TIMB TABLE No. 11. . March nth, 1900. EASTBOUND TRAINS. STATIONS. KINSTON THE Mill!!! Call on os at H. E. SHAW'S law office. We will give all busi ness- our prompt attention and guarantee satisfaction. r 1 fflen of Taste IN DRESS Self-Playing Ooldsboro. Bast's. LaG ranee. ...... Falling Creek Klnston... . . .... ., ...... Dover. ,. Core Creek....... TQBcarora.... Clark's Newborn. ........ ...... Rlverdale. . Croatan..... .......... HavelockM.. ...... .... Newport ............... Wildwood AUantlo 1 ........... in Wanted. 100 acres of farm land. cash or cotton on short time. One hundred acres of land cash. . . SG.OO ' ud upward. Will pay for the For Sale ! One house and lot in Kinston on Pev. ton Avenue, 4 rooms, outhouses, etc.. One house and lot on Caswell street, near Knitting Mills. One farm in Sand Ilill townshio. Ilisrh state of improvement. Cheap for cash One farm near LaGrange containing 25 acres. One farm near Seven Springs contain- ng 327 aires. 77:-1.- 71-', u I It the latest and most Improved oi all the Music Boxes with Interchangeable iune-Disks. Are the ?ones that the 'ladies al was favor. There is an indefin able something about a tailor-made Sorenead city:..::::;: . .JW t m . . m . 4 4 L - . sun tnai gives mat aisynguisnea appearance; that trim and tasteful look that gives an individuality never attained in : any other clothing. v Easter is not far off now, and those who have not placed their t ti t XS -21115 4 , P. it. A. M. A. M A. M. 840 710 730 740 4 00 748 78 8 00 4 09 811 810 809 420 888 827 820 4 82 9 14 8 60 8 80 4 48 S 26 908 8 48 4 66 10 IS 9 43 8 65 8 07 10 40 .10 02 9 07 ' Bit) 1116 1080 9 81 6 95 118 1080 925 660 180 1060 960 816 812 1015 618 22 ...... 1013 680 843 ...... 1030 - 6 43 312 ...... 1044 6 4 8 25 ..... 104; . 6 64 8 31 ...... 1Q64 707 8 51 ...... 1107 715 4 01 ..v. 1115 , . P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M WESTBOUND TRAINS. STATIONS. .u7 pj!no "nn,ot p"10" he richness attained by order for a Spring Suit with us will the CwTERiqi unless played by six or eight hands, , .... .1 ... , , . and then the players must be experts. It is superior have tO IlUStle Or ttiey Will De lelt, as we are booking several -orders every day to every otnr make in tone and simplicity of con struction, lhe durability you'll appreciate yean from now, after inferior makes would have oeen worn out and useless. Disks are easily changed they're practically indestructible. . Charming: Home Entertainments may be arranged ing, singine, instrumental renderiegsbymns and Confident yOU Will be pleased With r!' too. I . . .3--.- I mem aDc pjace an oraer, as we aim ore ureeK Clars'a . -aj ft & a Si s 0. r a. a 3 .in a 5 our We will beT pleased to show you LaGmn? ir fine line of samples. We are Kinston.; Goldsboro. JL-C-. O. ...... ........... e reek Klnstoa,. Church music, too. C1T"T n TPTI7 on receipt of price-HWe will Z'T 1 .i.Aii t.i lfilAliMnd ,he cwTEwoiion ten to do high class tailoring. ... .. days' trial. NYou can return it, nd get your, money ow.K, u not entirely sausnea. wnte to a J. PAILLAHD L CO.. 6S0 Eroadway, Niw York, j Or inquire of dealers in musical "instrument! and jewelers.J tf-Insist on a CRITERION; theres no "just gOuJ." CATALOGUK I RE. Thoroughly reliable goods and Sf? superior nt ana unisn are the points upon which we bid for your patronage. PARKER Cl GRA11AH, Tellers. Rlverdale . Croatan .., Ilaveloclc.. Newport V lldwoodL.. Atlantic More dead City ilorcHead City A. M 1105 10 43 10 8a 10 22 1013 9 60 9 42 930 9-0 912 8 37 813 8 0! 8 00 7 . 7 8 t: 7 !".; 7 is I. M 000.. if? at ... 1ft fc. P. M 6 Si 6 63 6 2:1 4&3 4 31 8 1H 800 2 00 138 120; 10 47 1310 10 (X 9 40 9 0c 8 4. 8 P 81 7?- A. P. M 8O1 7 35 7 20 6 57 6 40 615 600 6 87 520 511 4 50 P. N r. u. 7 40 T18 7 07 6 57 6 47 ar 8 27 615 5 67 5 3T 611 5W 600 4 41 4f ii 4; 5 4i r. t S. It. DILL,

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