-J 'H : Tlease, nut?. 'Chestnuts!, chest ase; sir, ' will joil boy ; rajf , retarnca uaipn Nof Moore, looking carelessly down on the upturned face, i whose large - brown eye, shadowed Ty tangled twla . of Cascn':!hal;wcre;J'BppeaUog (pltlfnllj , to his oxrn. ("vvhat aa l want or chest , ."Please, sir. do buy eta," pleaded the - little oue. reassured by the rough kind ness of Liu tone. 'N6bpdy; seems to .caw. lor th?m. and" ;;' r. . She fairly T)ur8t Idtd-teara. v and MooreVwl)o had been 0 . Jhe'pqlnt of orusuin;; taieiessiy past uer. stopped instinct iveiy.:' v - ..,;'-'"' " f a Jn wantf ' sobbed (he Mother sent tue out and" $ Nay. Hut oue. ; don't-v err." said I'1 Ralph, suiootfcfol fiejriparled hair.: "1 JdonV want yotir' ebestiiati, but here's a quarier ror you :r n tih qo you any fgood." , siA-iT t ; He did not stay to li eat? delighted i thankH tlu vhilJ poured out through! is rainbow of miiiUch and t-ar. but strode on his way,uaitwUjy3f'Jtween jj I teeth: rrhaivjiii iinjJippl orih j "Are you no ery . u 4tiiemouey,rr:jXV-n M child. same night In bis poor lodgings beside his wlfea kIiIhhi. wbeu n llverbnl servant brought a note from the rich and prosperous banker.' Charles ''And t. "GoodneHK, . Bertha.' h? exclaimed Joyously as he road ifae, words.1 'e suau not starve;1 Mr. Audley lias prom Ised uie tbe position " ; v ,MYou have dropped something from tlie note Jtatyli nald ifrs, .Moore and poimtHi io a i:p or. paper ou ine uoor. Moore stooiK'd to nick It up. It was a tpuv cut . in u 1 iutvjr;ii iij a iitnv VI pn1 per. on which, was, written: V ?ln grateful remembrance of the sll Ter" quarter that a . kind stranger be ptowed vorr o cbstnnt girl 20 years ago.. ..;;.;( r..j vRalph -Moore briil thrown his morsel of bread! upon tbewaters of life, and after, many day ft had returned blm.Chlcaco Herald. a 4of ' krT r . . i . i . x . i a . . uuw i'uit iTwnip uwtt uvgiu miss HopklnsHC Kriti er Hopelessly In love with her or fihe'H been picking him up on pronunciation. Indianapolis Jour JOHN Fl STRATTOKPe :care, tuouiu for tht iu'owtif yed objm K ? really aw cry txu; iian t.a trieiij i " s'ia me wonti. . s hour if a r. wisa i . wa i : rleb euough io help every pior creatm-e tfiout of th' kIoueIj of dijuud.' . " rj- While nalph' Moomast Indulglng'u athese very naHuraf-fitlectiifiiis tbe dark -sforbed little ilamsfl whom lie bad coai; forted : was-flashiw dowii-treet c with ; rapid footstepH.wi,ihi,rlyn','ardIe8s fpt -tne hsket or iiusoia nms tuat fiUU idanglel upon lit-r arm;. Down an ob ' . seure alloy k1i darted and tip a wooden stalfeiifKi's a room wher&;trtenent looklngAFOirjau w(Hvlng as Jjhslly 'tfvtbe'biVtbwfle diWpileiijiipoo ' playing:-!: rlt?"irsbTntf';t bin -supplied the place of the absent fire. "Mary, backrpl"? 7? Surely you; .bav'e noi jBold.yaur cbestnutsj sa Hpi!" 4i ' '-'"Oh,1 mother, see!v ejaculated rtne 'breatbleschibb .A "gentleman-gave "me a'tiuarter!! ,Only think, mother, a 'Whole qualterN-"l'-,-', ; . "j' ' , .' Mr Ralph Moore .'cotjltif only'have seen the rapture which. blsmall silver gift bad brought into that poverty' stricken, home, he would have, grudged still less his privation1 pfycigars. .'V ' ; 'Years came . and ; went" The llttl chestnut girl passed . cntlrely'jbut of Ralph Moore's memory, butlMary, Let never forgot the stranger who had glv ' en her the silver Quarter. ; The crimson window, curldlns. weif , closely drawn to shut out J the storn and blast of the bleak December night ,A fire was glowing cheerily Jn tin grate.'ahd the dinner table was" agllttor wltb cut glass, rare china nrd polished . Bllver, Everything was, 'waiting . for the presence of Mr Audley. i .-, - "What can It be that detains' pa"'" said ' Mrs. Audley, a fair, handsome matron of about 30. as she glanced in her tiny watch. - , , "There's a ' man with him' In 'tin etudy come, on business.'- said ,tlobin Audley, a pretty boy of 12 years, who was reading by the Ore. Til call him again." said Mrs. Aud t ley, - stepping; to the- door 4 Put as she opened It the gaslight fell on the face of a bumble looking man in threadbare garments who was leaving the house, .while her husband stood in the door- - 'way1 ?of' bis 'study, apparently relieved to be rid of his visitor. : . "Charles." sa?d Mrs. Audley, "who h that man and what does he want?" . ' --"Ills name Is Mcore. I believe, love, and be came to see if I would give him the vacant position in the bank." , "And will you?'Vshe eagerly asked. - "Don't know. .Mary. I must think, about It" ...'r, ,. sf:, S : "Charles, give hira khe situation." "Why. my dear?" Tec;n:sc I ask it of you as ar favor, find you hat e said a hundred times you would uovcj'..deay. me' anything." "And I wi.'l hern tny promise. "Mary." raid her lovr,- !s; . .' ;ind. with an affec tionate k!s:." ;-"l v. iU write tbe fellow a cote this very tn-eniiifr." An liour later. wl:en the children rrr trched snirgly i;i Led. Mrs. Aud- togortor and Wholesale MUSICAL MPRruAMiMr. BUY THE GENUINE ... MAMrOTACTtTEKD B7... 1 T ALIEQRNJA FIQ SYRUP CO. hr'x&rsi the wi.iiE. ' JOHW F. STRA -rjCGrl - Importer A Wholemto Bler in aUkindiot -i MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, , violins. Guitars. Kanioo. Acoordeona. Harmonious. -All klmln of h trlnff,e t0' JOHN F STRTTON CO. Catalogue, 62 Grand St. New Yomk.: :n. tr.i i:. res' "That's 1 -.; ' ! 1 .) !.i:s!.:':K' why ?o was in t!'c f.'ite of a man wliose 1 i..;t. i" : i 2') years. '. 'v '- ; :; 1 Lor si..:; ' t.i!e was i' t n:::- who l:-s I :i ! ('.r.y-. ;, -j jt.'j Cox, Prea , W. C. Fields, V.-Pres . ;"r f STrqg, Cashier, r.' ; Commeneed Easiness nareh 1,1897 Established upon a rock foundation the confidence of the oeotde. - " Denositors absolntelv orotected -the officers are bonded and, full insurance asrainsteafe robber. ' f 4 A.ccount9 with. farmers, merchants, dealers in leaf tobacco nd others solic ited. - ,-,., A. nicely furnished private room, wita stionery.free, for the use and conveni ence of our friends. ' Come and see us. Board of Directors B. W. Can ady: X)T, C, Fields, Tt W. Mewborn, R. F. Qox;r. W, Grainger, J. E. Hood, Tesse Jackson, Ir. Harvey, W. L- Kenne dy D. V. Dixon. S. H. Abbott. - All Who Havo Barber Work V;flTr;U$f;i,J.v Artistic Hair Cutting, Thorough Sham poolng.EasyShavldg.CleanllnossAlways. Try our preparation for the Bcalp. ;- THOS H.GREEN TMBarier rwshop oa Gordon 8U, Just back of Tuinple Marstoa'a vng utorn ' r , . i JOHN . STfcATTON'3 fMoKntmn CIbrata Boaalanaat i Viollq Strings, . too Finest u the World. ETerystrnur Warranted. ' MohnP.StrattonCx wholesale Dealer, II Crind Sntn ' , or Catalogue. -NW Xomk fl iliargcyflStoGk OR. H; D HARPhK, i ; DRNTAI SURGEON, .;'.''r WINSTON, N. C. "i.'.f GVorrioi Ovsa Dam OuiNiaLT's Btoai. la vas Mmsliit BoiiDifa, Wait to j. A. Pais - (in aroaa v .- - . . v You Will Find. ...i..OF.r.... hJour th'at i was bought i when Flour was lower than it is now, and ;as a trade inducer, : will :be sold at the same price as prevail- uu ut?iut o my iviou.. Fresh and, Orisp, Soda Crackers always. ' on hand. FRENCH & SUGG; KINSTON, N C Phone "No. 3a. i. THE . . .! en rv I1 Self-Playing LIU 1801 : so.oo; ; and op ward. - Is the latest and most Improved o( all tfac Music Boxes wita lDterchangeabie lune-Disks.. The piano cannot produce the richness attained by tne CRjTBRiON unless played oy su or eight Hands, ana men tne players must De experts, it is superior to every other make in tone and simplicity of con struction, ine auraDUity ypu'H appreciate years from -now, after inferior makes would have been worn out and useless. Disks' are . easily changed ineyre pracacauy maesirucuoie. ; v; ' ., , s Charming Home Entertainments May be arranged without notice if a Criterion is in the parlor danc ing, suigiuft, lumrumeniat renaenngs nymns ana Church music, too. . ; : - ; . . . -, Will on ten days' trial. Vou Can return it, and get your 'money dbck, u noi entirely sausneo. w me to - : y tt. J. PAILLARD & CO.. : ; 68o Broadway, ' ; NawYoax. v Or inquire of dealers In musical'instrumenti ' and jewelers.; t-Insist on a CRITERION; theref no "just as good." Catajlogub Frek, . t OmT AW TDTIf on receipt of price UIJ1U VU 1 Xlinu send the . Criterion -' s V V THE Llill THAT BIIIDS: ":-;'-.,-'.';.- ''' Jacksojt, Tbjts. , Nor. 23. . I was subject to miscarriage for three years, and snlfered constantly with backache, i -wrote to you for advice, and after nsing three bottles of Wineof Cardai, accordingtoyonrdirectiona, I am strong- and well, and the mother cf a fine girl baby. Mrt-E. N. J0WEU3. .' prr. ' TJiere is no use talking a baby in the house is tl.3 link that t!nds : hnstimd and wife together. Nothing is sadder t!."-i fruitless wedlock. ' The prattling and cooing of the little ones oilsct a thousand times the occasional worries and trials of life. When aw ..a is barren, there is a ..derangement somewhere in the genital organs, caused by one or more cf : those common disorders known as female troubles". Wine of Cardui is the remedy. It puts the organs of generation in a siror and healthy condition, fating the wife for the sacred duty of repr.- ' t S t kind. l Durlrr the period of gestation the entire system of t:; 4 (..r:Lii;t mother is l ....t f? to withstand the ordeal of Lbor, and v.: ;:i the Litis one makes its advent it is lusty and - :v 5vVj Vi'.; J J IN OOIt STORE a fall.Uno o! SlAple Dry Goodii and GroonrW. ; VV pa j caah for , our xoods land get tnemat oottom prices, and wm Mil a ciofl as any tnercuaptdoing at-.;-ireand nonest DnatneM. We SoHcit Both-Town , -and Country Trade. ": W keep a free delimjr watcoo on onr Biretsior tne conTenience of onr town trade, and a frtw lot and stables for oar country customers. Come to see as. a . Yoan vry truly,' 1 WM. ALEX LaHOQUE, is- : fuj QQeeQ street, ' ' h ' Phons 67, KINSTON, N, C. As Christ taught, by parables; jso does Com teach. . The book; is an allegory, and - -1 . . 4 : ; The Most ; Wonderful . Book -1 Of. the Age: A oopy of this book' and Thb , Twice- a-WekkFheb Press a year for $1.40. The book,alope, 25c." , s The Daily Free Pkess a year and a copy of the book for $4.1 5. ' Send orders to : ' , r THE TREE PRESS , ' , . KINSTON XC PEIiEY IflSTITUTE, ,i : v For the Cure of tlr .. .... f Linnor ' opium cccaus ml utisr mi Lt2: .:tloa None Extaisaoi tm ToUncce Eim - This Is the only Keeley Institute U North, Carolina, and Owing to its tnti ful and healthy ; location, its elegant buildings and attractive environments, Its well supplied table and skillful ruan. agement, it presents to the unfortunate a oerfect home for rest and complete restoration ''''.', c -v x - If you have a friend afflicted with any of the above addictions, write fcr their illustrated hand-book, entitled 'fTrnt NEW .MAW." ; ; Address :": .; '. ,"; . - ' i Greensboro, N C niL!IIEGT03 AKD UELDOU R1ILE01D TBAINtt GODtt bOQril. DATXD Jan. utb, 1900. Leave Weldon., Ar. Rocky Mt... Leare TarDoro.. Lv. Rocky Mtl... Leave wiuon.... Leave 8elma.... Lv. FaretteviUe. Ar, florenoe.... Ar. Ooldsboro... Lv Goldsboro.. LV. Magnolia ... Ar. Wilmington. A M Jl 60 WW M 100 IM 165 180 7 Hi "At Y 43 a F M 6 68 9U 962 10 86 1103 M0 2 21 A. M f 87! 7 161 IB P. !.! A. . ;7 1 8 Of. 9401 A Jl P.M. .,.,4 '. i 40 . . . ... . 9U 4 6 SAO P.M. TRAIN. NORTfi. I.v. Florenoe.... Lv. Pavettevllle. Leave Splma..... Arrive Wilson.. Lv. Wllmlnsrton Lv. Mognolfa.... Lv. QoiOsboro.. Leave Wilson. Ar. Rocky Mt.. Arrive Tarbo re.. Leave Tarboro.. Lv. Rocsy lit'. Ar. Woiaon A. M - 948 12 20 160 886 P.M. l S 85 ..8 30 t IS 21 8 801 '4 831 P. M.I A.M. 8 00 6 43 7 04 "5 P. M.I .i7 43! '9 45 10 66 II KJ .f... A.M 11 83 12 oy '' LI OS 104 A. M. , . . , HliIHHIIlii r rt j T ! O ' sircrT.wctl-f'.trib grow to ma turity' in perfect hr'lh. TI:s 'motlier, too, ra:t:s throui'i i':.2 trLl v : f..Ii.:;..:.-"...: t For ft'3 vif !" - . a r" : : -? ' ' ' "''' ! t. '. ... I ..,wuA CQen of Taste IN DRESS . : Are tbe ones that the ladies al ways favor There is an indefin able something about a tailor-made suit that gives that distinguished appearance; that trim and tasteful look that gives an individuality never attained in . any other clothing. " 1 ' Easter is not far off now, and those who have not placed their order for a Spring Suit with us will have to hustle or they will be left, as-we are booking several orders every day. We will be pleased to show you our fine line of sampks. We are confident you will be pleased with then' and place an order, as we aim to ro high -class tailoring 71 oroulily reliable goods and lor fit and finish are the I .;::ts upon r.-hich we bid for your patronage. v I I V P.M. 6 60 s m 9S7 P.M. 1080! 1111 P. M.I 5 3 in- 1116 im P. M. 1 19 183 Train on tHe Klnston Branen Road inarta Weldon 8: p. m., Halifax 4:15 p. m., arrives oooiiana jNecK at s:utf p. m., ureenviiie 6.fi7 p. m., Klnston 7:68 p. m. Retarnlngr leaves Klns ton 7:no a. m. Greenville 8:59 a. m..arriYin Hafaz at 11:18, a.m. Weldon 1133 a. m..daUy except Sunday. , H. M. EMKRSON, Gen' Pass Aeent1 J. K KBNLY, Gen'l Manairer. ? t ' I . . KMKRKON.TratHo Mnnairrr ., Atlantic C. Uailroatl TIMS TABLE NO. 11.., , - March nth, 1900. . EA8TBOUND TRAINS. STATIONS. Goldsboro.............. Best's... ............. LaGracge ...... ........ Palling Creek...;. .... llABtOD.., i... . Caswell Dover. .................. Core Creek...,... ..;... TuBcarora..., ......... Clark's........ ......... Newborn Rlverd&le..,. Croatan .... ............ Havoiock Newport ............... Wildwood ............. Atlantic... M orebead Cltr . ........ Morebead City... P. M 840 4 00 4 00 4 20 4 82 4 46 4 65 8 07 810 6 35! 6 60 816 618 6 80 6 43 649 6 84 f 07 716 P. MJ CB &, 3? ft III 15 A.M 710 7 43 811 8 6 914 9 25 1016 10 40 11151 11 81 ) 80 818 : 2 ' 243 8 1-J 8 25 8 31 861 4 01 P. M. A. M 7 80 7 63 810 8 27 860 9 08 9 43 10W 10 XOj 10 30 10 60 A. M. 9 O a A. M. 7 40 8 00 8 09 820 8 80 8 46 8M 1 007 921 925 960 1012 10 18 10 30 10 43 1049 10 64 1107 11 15 A. M WESTBOUND TRAINS. STATIONS. v t .gj JJI I I I 1 1 g i - - A. M P. SI. P. M. P. M. GoWsboro.,.'. 1105 as:! 8 0 7J I!i'"t'S 10 43 5 6 t 7a 7 IS I.fturBsre... ,. 1032 52-t 7?i 707 (tiling creek 1022 4 5 1 657 657 Klostoa 1012 431 64H B47 CtBwell 9 60 8 IX 61") er. Dover 9 4; 8 0" 61 1 :? eoreCreek 9t 2W 57 6i" Tuscarora..... 9 20 13-i 6 2'' 6(1 ChirK'a... 91?! 1111 611 5rr NewtH'rn 8 37! 1)47 4 50 5 : 7 IMver Jdle 8 n 10 in 5 1 ! I'roa' aa 8 ( 10 (' 5 t I'd- Ic (-- 9 5t ) wrort.. 7 4 ; P t 4 Vi:.;.vood 7f 1 8 4 4 ' Atiant'c 7 .' 8 1 1 J-Soreiinuil City 7i s 1 ., 4 . ! ilortlit-dd City 7 7 " 4 - - A. ?: . . ; . lv. DILL,

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