4 . i THE DAILY FBHB PBES8. subscription prices: " uno week . 10 eent One month..... ......... ...35 " Time mootHs...... l.D0 Twelve monmB ..$4.00 TIRED OP BEING ANNOYED. Wednesday Evening, April 4, 1900. M. n. E. Shaw will address a meeting at Edwards' bridge next Friday night, when a White Supremacy club will be organized. Deputy Collector J. E. Cameron requests us to state, for the benefit of those inter ested, that a good many people in the country make cider and adulterate and label it tinder different names. AH who do so are liable to f 25 tax. Only pure cider is exempted. Lehr & Williams' Comedy Co. presented last night at the opera house the laugha ble comedy 'Tug, or Escaped from Sing Sing," to a fair sized audience. All who attended were immensely pleased. They Trill present tonight "Triss, or Beyond tfae Bockios," a western border drama in four acts. A special train will be run on the A. & N. C. railroad to Raleigh on April 11th, for the benefit of those who wish to at tend the meeting of the Democratic State convention. Fare for round trip from Kinston to Goldsboro will be 80 cents; from Goldsboro to Raleigh and return, 2.50. The special train leaves Kinston at 5:37 a.m., arriving at Raleigh at8:51. Advertisements point the way to com mercial bargains. The spring shopping has begun, and careful buyers peruse the columns of their favorite newspaper be fore starting out to make purchases. With the special qualities of goods ex plained to them in well worded adver tisements, shopping is made easy, pleas ant and satisfactory. Philadelphia Rec ord. Kinston lodge, No. 174, 1. O.O. F., has decided to hold its anniversary celebra tion meeting Wednesday night, April 25. An invitation to attend has been extend ed to the Snow Iiill lodge. An appro priate address to the occasion will be delivered by Mr. Plato Collins, after which the members will banquet. The Kinston lodge of Odd Fellows has grown to Buch i an ex teat that all the members do not know each other, and it is desired that all of the members be in attendance and become more intimately acquainted. Some of the trees in front and on the side of the new Baptist church are being cut down and the remainder trimmed of all their branches. The seats for the church are being put up. and the first sermon in the church will be delivered on Sunday, April 15th. The interior of the church is arranged in a splendid manner. The floor slants gradually upward in every direction from the pulpit, which' is in the center of the east side of the build ing. The seats are of oak and are very fine. The windows are magnificent. .The celling and walls are of oak finish and beautifully designed. The church is handsome on the outside, but the in side is beautiful and Former Republican Wants Butler's Literature Sent to , Negroes. Rsleijh Post. LaG range N. C, April 2. The follow ing letter was handed me for publica tion, and the writer expressed the wlsn that all Democratic papers in 'the State copy: LaGrancre. N. C, April 2. Hon. Marion Butler, Washington, D. C: I was in the Confederate war; I was a Union man, opposed to the war. After the war I took sides with the Republican party until 1898. then I changed my party affiliations, it being time for white men to stand together. 1 am in full fel lowship witn the Democrats in favor of the amendment, I hope you will not an noy me with any more of yourliterature; better send it to the coons. F. B. Fields. Not a Political Office. Charlotte Observer. In a letter in the Raleigh News-Observer of Sunday, Superintendent of Public In struction Mebane says: "I see in your paper that certain corre spondents are emphasizing the fact that the Democratic party is under no obliga tion to me. I wish to say to all such that I am glad to know, that, in looking back over ray term of office, is found the fact that no political party is under any obli gation to me for party service; that what ever service 1 have rendered, though pub lic it be, I have tried to render it honestly and conscientiously to the children of this State." That rings right. It will be an evil day for the children of the State when this office is given to any man as a reward for his services to any party. Married. Mr. Fernie Gooding and Miss Huldah Seymour were married yesterday after noon at the register of deeds' office by J. G. Cox, J. r. The Weather. Raleigh, April 4. The weather forecast is fair, colder tonight, with frost Thurs day morning. To Cure a Cold In 0ns Oay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Alt druggists refund the money if it fail to cure. K. W. Grove's signature i on eac tor. 15c, Special Notices. Subscribe to The Free PsEbs. Houses for rent. Apply to J. F. Wooten, House and lot for sale on King street. Apply at Feee Press office. Beautiful New Goods OETTINGER BROS. For Spring and Summer. kkkkkkkkkkikkkkkkkkkkkkk Colored Wash Fabrics in the most popular colors and designs. White I Goods the largest line we have ever bad Beautiful line of Embroieries, Edjrinus and Insertions. All over Cm- broidery Tucking and Puffings. Some of these are matchless in beauty and price. We are receiving and showing some of the newest and most popular ready-to-wear Hats, botn ladies' and children's. New York Racket Store, No. 41 Pridgeu Blo.k, KINSTON, N.C. 4 1 Jt Pwa to T.afle at the Biu Store. THE2 KINSTON I Co. Pill ante ' ''''' can now serve kinds of your wants in all Building Materials. They will astonish you with the number of useful things they can make,you on short notice. ; Get Their Prices Mercerized on want made of anything you hard-wood or pine. Give a home enterprise your patronage. KINSTON MANTEL CO. Meet Mb at the Onyx Fountain. Foulards Canary Birds ! WANTED! at Timber and Mineral Land reasonable figure. Address, J. V. BICKFORD, HAMPTON, VA. A Choice Lot of These Birds Have Just Been Received. FOR SALE ! nrf fwr. f mm vrv point of view. We understand that, 50 ions Agricultural bait. while the men had charge of building the be used in place ot Kainit. 1 1 1 . J! j. 1 i I . I . i cuurcu, miu muies uiuk tuuuui ui uulu- i Jgss COSt. rueunff xne interior, ana tue interior is the best part of it. Can Much T. W. MEWBORN & CO. They are Fine Singers And Can Be Purchased Cheap.... PERSONAL MENTION. Ball left this morning for Mr. Thomas Harvey left this Mr. J. It. Raleigh. for Washington, N. C. v Mr. J. M. P. Joyner came yesterday from Timonsville, 8. C. Miss Eloise Wooten, of Dover, came to Kinston this morning. Dr. and Mrs. H. Tull and baby returned yesterday from Baltimore. - Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, of Newbern, who had been visiting her son. Mr. S. D. Parker, returned home yesterday. The Great Newbern Pair. Rtleigh Pott. weareDUtaomgourauty to our up , country friends in reminding them that the Fisn, Game and Agricultural fair at Newbern takes place on the 16-21 of this month. The exhibits made on these oc casions, and this year it is promised they win exceea an iormer occasions are a revelation, instructive and suggestive, to all not residents of the sea-coast and to North Carolinians a source of great State pride. The boundless resources of our State are not to be appreciated by any mere description that can be given; each section from the Tennessee state line to the sound-washed shores where old ocean vies with terra Anna in con . tributing to the wealth and comfort of the citizen, possesses advantages pecu liar to itself. These must be seen to be approximately appreciated. . The fair at Newbern reflects well, fully we should say, the resources, agricultural as well as industrial, the products of the water, as well as of the air fish and fowl of our entire eastern and coast section. ' Every citizen who can do so should spend a day or more at this fair. Such will be more than repaid for so doing. Tb Best PretcHotloB for Chilli ittd Fever is ft bottle of Gkovs's'Tastssuss Chill ionic it u empty iron and quiuint in a tasteless toxin, no cure no pay. race, 95c Good printing at low prices. The eix rcEsa runuBnes it. J. W. COLLINS. HAR OWARE, L.rocKery,Lamp ana Lmp fixtures, unware.njmp and Pump Repairs. Plows and Plow Cast in zs f Golds boro and Norfolk), Stoves and Stove Repairs. Wa See and Hear Them ......AT. try to supply the everv dav wants of home and farm. I With thanks for past favora.we ask a continuance of I same. Your interest shall be our interest No. 14 Queen St. Artistic Printers, wno exercise good taste, use appropriate type and newest ideas, are few. To this class we strive to belong. We do printing for most of the best business and professional men in this section, and would like to do yours. The Free Press, KINSTON, N. C. RW-HB1 1 17 & 19 N. Queen St. Muslin Underwear. Good material ! Careful work manship ! Every garment new ! Gowns Mother Hubbard: Yoke trimmed with three Hamburg In- sertions and Tucks; Neck, Front and Sleeves trimmed with neat Cambric Edge, 75c. Gowns Empire, Front trimmed with wide Insertion and Edge, 75c. Sleeves trimmed with Cambric Ruffle and neat Binding, $1.00. Cambric Gown Empire, Puffed Front with two Xace , Insertions, Ribbon and Ribbon Beading, Lawn Revers trimmed with Insertion, Lawn and Lace Ruffles, $1 25. Skirts Cambric, Lawn Flounce, Lawn Ruffle and Lace Edge, $1.00. Muslin Skirts Umbrella, Lawn Flounce, neat Hamburg Edge, 1.25. Drawers M u s 1 i n , Umbrella, Deep Cambric Ruffle with Torchon Insertion and Edge, 50c. Drawers Umbrella, Lace Inser tion, good quality, 75c. Cambrb Corset Cover, with neat Insertions, Ribbon, Ribbon Bead ing and neat Lace Edge around neck and armholes, 506 others for 25c, 65c, ,85c, and a very fine one for $1 00. This indicates only a part of what we have, the rest we will gladly show you. Grand Duchess Paper In One Pound Packages, in Azure and Cream Colors, Latest Shape. Only 25c a Pound. Also TABLETS and' BOX PAPER, and anything you want in Station- ery, at HOOD'S DRUG STORE. Be Uo-to-Date. The Time For Chanqe They look like silk, they feel like silk, and yet there's not a thread of silk about them. Simply mer cerized that's all, but its a wonderful inven tion. Beautiful styles in all the newest col ors. Prices, 18c to 50c Yard. SK3pCome and see. THE BIG STORE, KINSTON N.C. s N' The Perfectly Dressed Man always wears a fashionable Watch Chain or Fob. Good dressers may feel sure that they are in good form when they purchase these necessi ties from us. I -Our stock embraces a vari ety of styles in all gold and heavy rolled plated goods at almost any price. THE JEWELER, KINSTON. N.C. GRAND MILLINERY opening; Thursday arid Friday. 5 and 6, -AT MILLER'S The Public Cordially Invited. KINSTON, n. c, Apr. 2d, 1900. Wear Tailor-Made Clothes. It is now a recognized 1 fact that tailor-made clothes are the cheaper xn tne long run. uesiaes every one looks better and feels more comfortable in clothes made for We have on hand a nice line of s Imported Goods, summer weight, consisting of - Cheviots, Cassimeres, Serge and Unfinished Worsted. Also a nice line of samples for t Flannel Suits and Fancy Vests. 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed, j We have made " suits for all J classes of men and have always given satisfaction and guarantee same to you. Repairing, Cleaning, Pressing and Altering Work don. - r Drop us a postal or call us up on ! phone and we will send after any work you want done. joiinson & piiycioc, KINSTON, N.C. tCTNo. 21 Queen St. Phone No. 55. Upstairs, first room to right, next to uetunger utos. from grave to gay is arbitrarily set by Dame Fashion. Easter banishes the darkness ot winter and brings forth the bright colors The showing ot Dry Goods in every department of this stow is remarkable. Immense variety! exquisite stylej excellent qualin and low prices are some of the a tractive features. , Jieca Atftuv&ls. Lace Striped and Crinkle Silk, i all colors. Phons xi. Cor. Qaeen and Caswell KINSTON, N. C,