f . ... V I-'-. THE: DA3LY PR ; , ...v-v,; ..;t;, v- - .-.v.'1--.- . ".V1 ,: "'..- ! : ' Vi.- 4'-"t?. . . ' PRESS. PUBLISHED EyERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDRY, Vol. HI No. 2 KINBTON, N. a, MONDAY, 'APRIL 9. 1000. Price Two Cents. GENERAL NEWS. ;. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmm ' Matters of Interest Condensed Into Brief Paragraphs. sign The Southern railroad baa secured the Louisville Air Line road. : " ; Gus " Ruhlin and Tom Sharkey papers for a fight July 10th. Joseph Home & Co.'s immense dry goods store in Fittsburg is burned, loss about ?1,000,000, The Maryland court of appeals has de- cided against Thos , F. Ryan in his Sea board Air Line suit. personator, has been sentenced to three .years imprisonment. , : Near Clareraont, Va., Saturday before day the dwelling of James William was burned and five of his children burned to . death. -- Georgia Populists ignored the Demo cratic invitation to participate in the - latter's convention and will bold one their own party. 1 ' 5 The trial riAn hponiri At Berlin of twn , millionaire bankers on charges of horrible crimes against morality. Une offered 2,000,000 marks bail, which was refused Mai.' Gen Qttowfll return to the United States next month, and Ma, lien. Artbu ;MacArtbuf will succeed him as governor general cf the Philippines. Otis returns on account of ill health. At Porto Puera. a suburb of San Juan i Porto Ricoi a "mob attacked the colored work men from the nearby British inlands. ' Martial law is declared and troops now patrol the streets. England has demanded protection for .her subjects in Porto Rico. The flour mill of GJp.Pugh, at Proctor vine, u., caught nre Saturday - ana was destroyed, together with two blocks, of ; nearly $200,000. Insurance about 80 per cent.'" - - The relations between the officials of - the Southern railway' And the ru em hers of the various labor organizations em ployes on that system are so strained that a general strike is expected, so it is stated, but the statement is denied by officials of tne railway. ' Five men sentenced to death for murder were garroted r at Ponce; Porto ' JRico, Saturday. The five men were convicted Of the murder of Prtidencio M,endejB after Cl'lUUUUlljr (USMttUlblUg UIH WliettUU UUUglJ- ters of their victim, who were compelled . to dance about the corpse. ' The state Prohibition convention of Idaho has nominated a full state ticket and Chosen delegates to the national con vention; The ticket? is headed by Rev. "W. J Roonej of Caldwell, for governor, , and Miss Amanda Way, of jioise, for .representative in congress. " i' " Two building and loan associations at Atlanta, Ga ,-passed into the .hands of receivers Saturday; making three in as many dajs. The assets of all three amount to $ 2,000,000. The failures are a result bf a decision of the supreme court of Georgia that the associations should pay heavy taxes. v a,- The house, afterfourdays of debate, on Friday passed the substitute for the senate bill providing for a' territorial form of , government for" Hawaii. ' The bill now goes to tonference. rThr most interesting feature of the day's proceediTigs was ;the , attempt of Representative Bill, of Conni, to secure the adoption oi two amnd . , ments, one providing for a fedent con J minsioner instead of a delegate in cbn l gressi and, the other declaring that noth ing in the act should be'interpivted as a ? pledge bf statehood.' Both '' were;' Over ' whelmingly defeated. Seldon Shantz was shot and -Instantly ;inea,i;nariesu.Bnyaer snot and daucrr 5 ously wounded, and Senator E. M. Mc- Gallister and Hall Ross, were slightly in- lured in a street duel at Huntington, W. ' Va.,Friday.' Senator McCallister.Edmund JtYy, Seldon Sbantz, and several other -'.Well-known Dentoirats were standing on "s )the sidewalk diwfussing , the municipal j election when Hill Ross, a Republican, and who was an extra policeman, came along. Hemade8omelittiejeeringremark to the Democrats', and whenthey.rewnted ' it backed into the street and opeaed fire on the crowd with a 4 4kraliber revolver. WHITE or BLACK SUPREMACY? Serious Complications Arise From The Absorbing Political Issue. Santiago, April 0. -The bad feeling re sulting from the recent disorganization of the electoral committee of Santiago, when it was demonstrated that the mam political iHsue in this province will be whether the whites or the blacks shall rule was the cause of the publication last night by theCubano Libre, the recojrnized organ of the negroes,' of a scurrilous article against the civil government. This morning Alcalde Pedro Gulnan, on the authority of Governor-General Wood, arrested the entire staff of the paper, numbering five men, and locked them up. The article, which appeared under the caption of ''The Official Sewer," con demns at length all Cubans who bold offices undef Jlted. . Wood. The terms em ployed are filthy .beyond the comprehen sion ;of Americans The mildest expres sion are "hypocrite" and "bootlickers" and ; "canaille.' 'The article was aimed especially at ;fGcrrCastillO, ' the Alcalde and tneir officers. The importance of the affair lies in its indication that the present disagreement of tne Uubans have ajreadv begun in this province with the inevitable serious con flict between the Whites and the blacks. The negroes held an indignation meeting this afternoon at the Maceo club and the speakers declared that the issue between the races means war to the knife. Tele grams were sent to Gens. Mro,Lora and Cabreco, who ate In Havana, asking them to come and place themselves at tne bead of a popular movement in opposition to the henchmen of the hated Americans. The rural . guard has been called to the citv to Prevent DOssime -violence; To night' the Alcalde - tyegrapbed ;to Geh. HUGE DAU BREAKS: Tremenduos Flood Pours Down Awtln; Texas, mmense Ds- struotlon of Property. 30 to 40 Lives Lost. Austin, Texas, April 7.- Thfs city is tonight in pitch darkness with a raging river one mile wide and. swollen far be yond its natural banks, roaring and surging through all the : lower portions of the town, naving spread destruction and death in its wake. In addition to the vast loss to property interests it is calculated that between SO and 40 lives have been. sacrificed and the, reports com ing in from the tributary country tonight do not tend to improve matters. The flood is not unlike the disastrous Johns town flood some years .ago, - m that a raging river, already swollen far beyond its capacity, bore too heavily upon an immense dam spanning the river here, breaking it and letting loose reservoir of water 30 miles long, half a mile wide and sixtv feet deeD. to aid in carrying de- v , 2 W V struction down the vaueyft oij tlie x, Voio rado river. -- f -i The great dam in the Colorado river gave way at noon today from the enor mous pressure oi water and debris and with a roar and crash swept the valleys below the city, wrecking the: immense light and power plant and drowning eight workmen, , t Last Wednesday night i began to rain very bard at this place, the storm ex tending north of here along ; the water- Sh- ds of the ttolorado river, iThe precipi A Happy Marriage. Dover, N. C, April 9. On the afternoon of April 8th, at the home of the bride's parents, the popular Mr. W. M. Tyndal led to Hymen's altar the beautiful and accomplished Miss Lula Gilbert, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathau Gilbert, of Jones county. The i simols but beautiful ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Benson In a very impressive manner. , . ' . , Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple were deluged with congrat ulation? oy tneir many inenas. , Through the kindness of the A. & N. C. R. R. and the Goldsboro Lumber Co., who loaned a car and engine, respectively, the occasion was greatly enlivened by the presence of quite a crowd of Dover's young people. : Soon after the marriage the D. & S. B, special returned to uover and quite a crowd gathered at the hospitable, board of Mr. Seth West where a sumptuous supper was served in honor of the bride's return home. " While we condole with Jones county lor the loss of one of its fairest flowers, we congratulate Craven county, . for "what is one's loss is another's gain. ' We congratulate you, Mr. lyndal. on securing such a jewel for a bride, and we congratulate you, Mrs. Tyndal. in having for a husband a young man who has in A fotp VAttra an t.hnrnno4i1w' oofnhKohofl himself in the confidence of the business world. . F. W. ! tation continued until this morning, the Wood an endorsemeht of bW action fn ddwnfallaggregatingsix inches. All this causing tue arre v oi toe xrouoie-TiiaKent. i vast quantity oi water aiongtne water The endorsement was signed 1 by 200 prominent business men. - A BREAK FOR UBERTST. Boer Prisoners Malca a- Desperate Attempt to Escape ? and 1 14 Get Away. Few eft to Tell the Story of tne British Disaster at Readers- Cane Town. AdHI 7. All the Boer oris. oners at Simonsto wn'made a determined sbedsof the Colorado rapidly swelled the current until at 8 o'clock tbis morning the river which bad been rising steadily since last evening, was a raging torrent, hav- ilia rWn 40 feet within 10 Jiours.' ' i!After day light this morning it "iiecame eviqene mat tne mcuanou;, w Benous. The river began to Tine bo rapidly that it was evident that the immense dam and all the power houses land contents, costing $1,500,000, Jwere in imminent danger. To add to the terror of the sit uation, small Irame . nouses, trees and attempt to escape togay. 'jrourtwn'orii,-: AtrtntAnn in vnrvint, Aurm ru.A.TOiirM Mi(ri,biuK j.wwwi quantities began piling up against the are Hearchimr for''them. but no far: thev have not -peen euassfql : in capturing them. It is likely that they are1 being concealed by Dutch sympathizers. y; ; The guards lauded 1,500 prisoners from the prison ships on.-Tuesday.' .Their con dition aboard was deplorable, owiDg to theprevalqes of fever. ' It was some of the fever patients who escaped,' and as the disease1 is contagious there Is con siderable alarm. . , ITearly a.Cleun Sweep. London, April 7 --Only seventeen o' pearly six hundred Urlt lsh troopn attacked at Redd-rshurg escaped. The War Office has mived 'the following dispatch from Lord .Roberts: . v - . , . ' "BloemfonWn.' April 6. Ourcasualties at Reddersburg April S and 4, as report ed ? by a doctor who has return! to Bethany with the wounded, were offi cers, 2 killed and 2 dangerously wound edrnien, 8 killed, 83 wounded, 521 cap tured. Height offlcers were captured. The enemy is said1 to' nave numbered 8,'JOO and to liavehad (flve guns: par vfon coniHtd bf 1 67 mounted ' men and . 424 nfantry.'' OPPOSINO'MlLITAlHr FORCES ' bhInaTLrateaed.t - K' : Ixyhtoia, Apnf 7.A special dispatch from Shanghai annoxaicps thatitheAmer- Mean, British, German and French minis ters have pent a joint note to the Chinese foreign oCce, t!"nnr ;f;r V g ttr.l fup- resfion tt t' 3 odcxy ci "oxira," v ith. ;a t 'D--r-t- r -i rnnouncic.? that otherwise tha powers named will land ' trc-s r-i r'-'-ch i-to the. interior, T -. ...;rjiroi.. -i Tur-r czd CLi U, ia.order to 6ecure cety of foreigners. At Frankfort Come Near Having a Frankfort. Ky. ": April 7,-A clash be- tweeuthepppofing mi Iia was narrowly fotihe rushing waters outstripped' the ...-.o wu.ftu. v cv,.u.c,p tv hnrspmen and maov boused Were nicked the upper face of the dam. This weight was augmented every moment until by 10 o'clock there was a tmiss of debris ed against the "dam which threat ened It he safety of ne structure. ; an ' ad dition, millions of gallons of water, muddy from its long journey, was whirl ing and plunging to the ' fixty foot' fall and it was evident that no wall could withstand the immense pressure. The eruos came shortly altar ii o'ciock when suddenly with a report like the roar of the bcan' the great " wedge,"' 25 feet high, 500 feet wide and about eight feet thick, rolled out of the center section of the dam, down the face of, the sixty, foot depth intOt the: river kbelow.r s Tbis lefta yawning gap in the very middle ,'of the dam through which the debris . and water.flercely poured while the flood, al- tvadv raging, was threatenihgevery thing fn its path; Ibis suddett breaking of the dam but serving to add to the horror of the, catastrophe. The released water- poured mtoNtoe power house) catching eight employes at work there, drowning all oi them in-i stantly. The breaking of the dam caused wild excitement la the city. The i tele graph companies at once wired to places below here to lookout for the great wave and runners Were diMpatched on horses to notify those living in the valleys be low the city. ' The .telegraphic messages served as a timely . warning to. many, For Commissioner of Agriculture. Raleigh Newt -Observer. To the Editor: Hon. George F Parrott ex-State senator and one of Lenoir county's most successful farmers, has been endorsed by the Democrats of his county ior xmmitsiuuer oi Agncuiiure. - 'He is a good man. a good Democra and popular. He would add strength to our State ticket, and bis friends are very hopeful of his nomination, , Very respectfully, Wm. Cobb Whitfield. ' Pitt county. Monument at Fort Raleigh. Washington Pott, 7th.' , v ? ' :, . rEepresentative Small, of North Caroli na, and Mai. Graham Daves, of Newbern N..C.,.appeared before the ;C9intrtittee on Library yesterday in advocacy. ;bf JWr. Hmairs bin to-erect a monument on the site of Fort .Raleigh. Roanoke Island. N C, to commemorate and preserve the site of the first settlement.in.tbe United States of the English-speaking face, m 155.and also to commemorate the , birth of .the first child m America of English parent age. Somrlody .Got tlnrt. Bride's Little Brotber.(to bridegroom -Dld It hurt rou much when she did It? Bridegroom What hurt me? Bride's - Little uBrother-sThe . hook. Did H go Info your', lip V' ' ' Brldesrroom I don't know what you mean, Johuay. " ' Bride's .Mother Leave the table this tnstontj Johnny! . ' : . ? : Bride's Little .Brother What for? i 1 only wanted to know If It hurt, him. You Raid Hat sis bad fished forblm a long time, but she booked him at last and 1 wanted to know If STATE NEWS. Interesting North Carolina In Condensed Form. Items .the averted the state house were arrested for drunken ness by ;the poljce afid their comrades res cued them. A number. Of shots were fired. but no one was hurt. ' Chief of Police Williams ' sumnibned bis full force and went to the state bouse, to demand the prisoners. TbeBet-kham military authori ties intercepted the police and dissuaded them from attempting tocapturathemen wbonad started the trouble and who: ad been rpscued bv their Ciyrarfi"!e.Th hol- diersbf thebpposingadminiatrationT.ere drawn rp ready for action : Taylc'r Gets BTTrit tf rirror. TFrackfort, Kyi; April tAfnstice U" rigg,' cf .the court d teali, t granted a writ of error rorn tha dec of the court of appeals toihesnp court of the United States in the tc over the o2ces of rivernor and lie ant governor. T - r r. , 7 "?j other attorneys iur 'iaylor wl r- VirPchir"toTi r"rt "- ti f- write: j j.,k 1 1 , - j .:.J the docket of the supreme court. sl .on- 36 "St; 3-1 to the on no and swept away before the occupants . - . - ' . -. ..... . . . - could get tngetner.tbeir valuables. A crowd of white people, numbering about thirty, living just below in tents were seen at their habitations jUHt, before the dam' broke and- have not: .been ac counted' for 'slncn.It' is; generally; be lieved .that all pf them were swept away. ' It Is entimated that- more' than 100 hounes have been destroyed and the . loss to property will be gr'eat, in point of the jight and power plant- costtegjr f 100,- UUU. i i pepreaKing oi the catn enprnifed the old", waters' company's, plant -below e city and It -la .tonight Uing fifteen et under water, while, the city. Is in darkness and without water. 1 . JEffect , of Sinjtlas;. The dotlug husband was discoursing on the beauty or his wires voice. "She has a note of pathos iDiber voice." said he, "that will draw tears from the most hardened- I assure you 1 have heard her slug before a large audience, and when she has finished there : has not been a - dry eye in the room.' , 'Quite true." assented the cynic. 'She always affects me that way. Even if she only says she's going to sing I weep bitterly." Moonshine. Ts PBrYa (ofd js Cat Day Luurtrv Ebomo Qi'tKOT" Tablsto. All! TaJta -nr:cts refund the tnooey if it fci!a to nn. CtO'i igntur i on nc Oox. t$c. Tits Fess Press does good printinr. It lioks nice and bupiness-like. "xou can t I get it cheaper, quality considered. Does it Pay to Buy Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something, that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then In either case take the Only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized coun tries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It hpt only heals and stimulates the tis sues to destroy the germ disease, nut allays inf animation, 1 causes easy expec toration, cives a cood night's reft., and cures the patient. TiTONEbottle, Recom- mrc f "d many years by all drur"n in the world. ?For salo by tha Temple-larston Drug Co. : ,' There are forty aspirants for eastern criminal court judgeship. The Dunn band has volunteered its music for the Democratic State conven tion and its services will be accepted f Burglars broke into the p8t office s,t Graham Saturday morning tiefore dav. blew open tH afe and stole about in stampa tu cash, t ; 4 i '" It was reported in Washington City Friday that the election committee would teport in favor of Bellamy in the Dockerv Bellamy contest election caxe. ' ; The University beat Horner nlSTfrt ball Saturday, to 3. .Boston League team and Oak Ridge played h gnnievfib Ureensboro Saturday, the bean-eatyjte winning, 9 to. 2, Durham county Democratic convention on Saturday endorsed Gen, J . S. Carr for U. S. senator and Aycock for g0v- ernor. it passed resolutions in Javor, of senatorial primaries. The Gates county Republican convenfc tion was held Saturday tmd was come posed of about 85 negroes, not a white mau being present. Gates county prom ises 600 majority for the amend mnt ' The cicrnrette fne.torv Iirh hecrari ntwrn. tioiis at Wilson. ' Its output is fold"'fo the first three months. The company will be represented on the road by Mr T, M, Washlngtpn and W. . M. Carter, -both prominent tobacconists. " '! , C!barman:F."'M';Simmona' announced ' Saturday that Mr; E. Y: Webb, of Shelby ' will be the temporary chairman of tho State convention next Wednesday. 'Hon. C. B. Watson is prominently mentioned for the position of permanent chairman. Mr. George Rountree, of Wilmington, will (deliver the annual address before the State University la w , s hooi I'ddsy--eveulng, .May j'4i illis Subject : will bej; !!Tbe Development of Law." , It is safe to predict that it will be u scholarly -and original pddress. J '.ewbern journal: The shortage ; In hay and corn in this section s apparent by the big Prices paid for. these farm products. JUay is at; the highest price in ten years, so dealers say, northern hay X5.r C6frlellH'readn rat' 60 cents- fer bushel;? This? shortage Jst due .toiiha stft(ms(oI August .aqd. Octobe, whch Farmers aris no;wrbuyrs joj ,corn"aid) f hay, a very'uhusual thing. H 1 At Chapel Hill "Friday evening the N. . ,U. UAiverKity .wpn thefou.rtb aniiuaUoter CQlleglttte debate frbn ibe University ol - 4Resolved, nThat,the Ebglihh MaUniJ.oI government answers l etter.tQ the needs of a.free aqd eelf-govtining popple than does,thatof the United S,tHtes." Georgia, throngh her representatives, Meis 'R. Hume.Smitb, andC:. Weddipfetotiihad decided to defend the English side of , -the question; ' while.qiitb Carolina,, t bropgh .her ; representatives,1 Mes.v D. ' jPifeston rarker ahd Wiley U. Swift, defended the American system. i. Ross and Randolph Fulcher. two col ored men, were riding home near Pol- locksville Thursday night, when they were called upon to halt bv three "men. They did not stop at Once, . when one ol the men ran up behind Ross, firing a 32 caliber pistol ball in his back, which went in to the' shoulder blad- and embedded itself there. ITie doctor Drobed and found it two-thirds through the shoulder blade, v Fulcher said they cursed him for not baviug any. money about himself. There seems to be a band of these rob bers in that neighborhood as tbis is- the fourth person held up by these three men within two months. Secretary John W. Thorn Don an nounces that the State convention will : be called to order at 11:45 a. m.. sham. ADril 11th. in the Acudemv of JLtnuip. The doors will not be opened ,to the public until .the delegates are provided with seats, t Delegates will be admitted by card admisoion. which will be furnish ed by. the secretary at the die trie t meet- IngH. Members of the State: executive committee will be admitted to the plat- 'orm when Dresentimr a i:ard. whic-h will be furnished by. the secretary. District delegations are called to meet at 9 o'clock a. m., sharp, to select committee men on credentials, permanent organiza tion and rules, platform and resolutions: also one vice president for each district, our members of the State Dornoc-tx executive committee of each d;-tn'ct, t vo delegates and two alternates I. era ach Z to the national coav: . ;n. There will be 971 votes in the Etat con- vention; necessary to a choice 48 G. '1

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