IflTlF 11 ITT 17 rnPT1 Onf fll I With many thousands of laborers over Hr ft IM r nnn PlYi' fthe country striking for wage coatt- " ' ienfc with fictitious high prices , of trust . : articles, there does not appear to be such profited, but not so the laborers.' Among the delegates to the Republican fitate convention was Editor Norton, of the Asheville Gazette, a Republican paper that has tried to pose as Democratic Dirty fellow, dirty paperl prosperity. Bow-red at I . o. wcoca tiunr in ni tcutK-r. For White Supremacy. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Fox GovtKNoH: CHARLES H. AVCOCK, of Wayne. Fo LlKUTUNANT-CcivrBMOU: WILFRED D. TURNER, or Iredell. Fob SBCtfTAnv or State: y). BRYAN CRIMKS, of Pitt. For TurAbUsm; BENJAMIN R. I.ACV, .f Wske. Fo Stat Auditor: B. F. DIXON, of Cleveland. DR. For Attornbv-Oknrral : ROBERT D. GILMER, of Hsywo.d. For Commissioner of Lpk and Pwnrtwr, H B. VARNF.R, ol r'svHton. THE WORLP OF SPORT. To Bernard NIcholls belongs the dis tinction of baring defeated Harry V anion, tlie auif)kn .English golfer. The evfcnt took iice ttt Ormonde, f la.. a couple of wKa ago and was very naexpuOlcd. -Nicholls, however, Is by no Hieans a player to I despised, hav ing been connected with the game for a quarter of a century In England. NhrboHs came to this country about three years ago and fur two scauwaui For Cori'oration Commissiowkhs : FRANKLIN M'NKILT.. of New Hanover. SAMUEL t. ROGLRfe, of Macon. For Summintenprnt Puiiuc Instruction THOMAS F. TOON, of RoIen. For Commissioner or Agkic ultlrk: SAMUEL L. PATTERSON, cf Caldwell. sguu. - in. -J. a. ir ius - -" ff e'g -"" ? --1 1 it i1 BUTLER-PRITCHARD CHEME. m..M TTi.i.-c- Tih-uh iWiiibn thr Ufi!fitrh 1 Tost sizes up the nitnutioa con uctlyiu the following article, which to worth v of every white man's careful consideration: Some of our friends assume that tie two conventions Mr. Butler's und Mr. Tritchard's have ench put up a whole State ticket to be consolidated lat. r by cutting out some parts of each ai.d dove- f tailing the two together. We think they are mistaken. So far as the two Ktato tickets are concerned we think they are up to stay, and jupt as innch a matter of concurrent action as though one body had named both, or both bodies had only named one. Were complete fusion to tak place it is feared by both Senators Butler atid Pritchard that more of those who vot-Kl for Mr. Gothrle In 189(1, and largely voted with the Democrats inl808, would vote theDemocratlc ticket this year than would follow Butler, and it is to hold thane together bv appeals to then as prong of whlehTiad become Imbedded In the gutta percha for about an inch. The remainder of the pin was twisted firmly around the balk - This freak of the link was 'accordingly added to the Club's raosen'm of oddities In golf.- The story has also been told of two balls colliding In midair.' and a membet of the Dyker Meadow club, Brooklyn, bit a bird at one time while playing a tournament Rabbits have also been struck by golf balls, and. what Is gravely reported as a truthful Incident at an English club, was the unexpected finding If a sixpence by a player on top of his ball after a long drive from the tee. t A Rapid Observer. Ilere Is a story with a moral: A countryman had Just returned from a Journey to Parte. One of his cronies asked him what opinion he had farmed of the Parisians. "Delightful people,- he replied, "but frivolous, changeable and altogether Incapable of forming an attachment of any . duration." "Uow long were you there? asked his friend. Three days." Chlaagp. News. 1 IVIOORE HOOKfcft, Dealers jn'all Kjndrof Fresh Meats, Fish, etc. & GROUND BONE for Poultrythe best feed knovvn for laying ucQs. oive ii a uiui. iuuis uuiy, MOORE a HOOKER. BLIND BRAINS.;. Are those used by the merchant wHo tries to sell goods without advertising. He that is wise doth advertise in THE KINSTON FREE PRESS. : r . lb Few Evil 9lrHa. Evil spirits are held -In great dread by the Chinese, who believe them to bear special ill will to the eldest son. of the family and to delight In ploying unkind tricks upon him. To prevent this the eldest son in one family was named "Sixth Little Sister," the child's parent, evidently being under ttte Im pression that evil spirits could be de ceived as to the ses of the little one. members of the Populist org.uiizution that Butler, with the consent of Pritch axd, runs his" separate ticket. Thiy cal culate that If they can fool and hold the Guthrie vote away from the Democrats, they stand some chance of repeating the result of the election of 189b, u!eut trie amendment and possibly elect tlie State ticket.: Their hope is to deceive thobo who voted for Mr. Guthrie into suppos ingtbey are standing by their party as opposed to both the Republican 'and the Democratic partios, and then secure tlfir vote against the amendment and for fusion members of the legislature. The defeat of the amendment and the capture of the legislature Is their earnest purpose, j let the State ticket succeed or fail as the j case may be. One part of the scheme w as divulged by Senator Butler's proposition for a joint canvass between the Demo crats and Populists, hoping thereby to wideu the breach between these two ele ments and the more easily to organize his lorce against the amendment, and in behalf of the fusion candidates for the legislature. This scheme was unmerci fully exploded by Mr. Simmons. Thei : only hope now Is the two-ticket scheme. This will fall as did the others, if our people are wise. The .white voters of the State must be made aware of the trick and that it all means the defeat of the aroendmen t pri : marily. Thousands of Republicans and i those who voted for Mr, Guthrie a t as earnestly in favor of the amendment and all it stands for as are the Democrats and will so vote. Some may be deceived by the "individual conscience" ; tf " the Butler scheme, and the two-ticket, dt vi.-e . of both Butler : and Pritchard, uU- special and energetic efforts are nmde to " reach them and expose the lecc ptlon attempted to be Imposed tpon th ia, ; Our people all Intcrestedki xo)d gov ernment must not sleep on their: duties. The enemy Is unquestionably upon us, and while victory seems certain, we may make up our minds that we mmt fght, and fight hard, for it BXRNARD BICHOIXS. acted as professional coach of the Lieu ox Golf club of Lenox, Mass. lie then returned to Europe and spent several mouths at Cannes,, lfrance. When be again visited the United States, he was selected as coach of the Philadelphia Country club, and has been connected with this great organization for about a year. Previous to his departure frem Eng laud NIcholls ' conducted an athletic goods store in Liverpool, and was al most a daily visitor to the lloylake links, Cheshire. lie played brilliant golf In England. In 1891 he met the late II. B. Talt In open competition at lloylake. NIcholls was a professional at that time and Tajt was the amateur champion. The former won the match after an excit ing game NIcholls is a warm friend of John Ball, Jr., and Herbert Tweedle, two famous Englfstt golf experts. A Tboaaaaul Hii Automobile Race. It Is probable that from 85 to 50 mo tor vehicles vrill take part In the L000 mile race of the Automobile Club of Great Britain. The distances to be traversed daily vanr from 80 to 124 miles. The- race wtfl be ran about the letofUay. . . Itales FVr Whist, If yon the voders gantt of yftitt wmfld know. From thil great priocinJ It pradepta flow Tnwt yvur enra hand m fwir partner' joinedl , I'Uy not alone, but both cnraltiaed. Yo-jf flrtt lead make your partner asderatsad wut a ut cntu oumvoflfM of rout Tiitx , And thanM then is neMlt tfia atraasaak That your ftrtt ieU be troth jmt nit that1 ka Auong th Poultry. "Good morning. How do you do this morning?" said the duck, meeting the. hen. "Mne of your business," replied the hen. "lou are uo doctor." "Quack!"' squawked the duck angrl- fy. "Tliat's w&at I said." cackled the lea. .Detroit Free Press. Study the Points of Our 1 Carriages, and yon will find that they are perfectly built on designs that are absolutely ' correct. From the building of the body to the putting on of the tires; we know that everything is O. K. in . the con struction of the carriages we sell. If we do not have in stock the exact combinations that yon want in a vehicle we will take pleasure in making it on short order. An Ellis buggy is a irood buggy. We give an absolute guarantee with every buggy bought of us. ELLIS CARRIAGE WORKS, I H eSBBSk 1 $ IWiSTOfl, tf. c. i Each d.iy In the year the owners of , slot tnnrhfnes In New, YorTc city pur chase l.iX! pouads of chocolate with which to flii the machines. In the conrh Ins: days It cost from 3 to 6 to go from York to London. DR. H. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. We are making a specialty of GENTS' SHOES this spring. We have them in varied styles and can suit anyone in Style, Size or Price.', . . ' A Chocolate Colored Vicl Kid, in button or lace, a beauty, for $4.00. ' ' A Black Vici, a good shoe for only $3.50. Black Surpass This is the shoe ot which we have had such an enormous sale. . Price $4.00., We have just received a big line of ;PATENT LEATH ER Shoes. Price $5.00. These are' beauties. Call and see them. . j ' m ty-Office Over Dan Quinerly'i tor, in the Mom- te Qw-aOkfl "Si tf-kfcl ttt leyBuUding, next to C. W. Pndgen & Co.'a atore. JsJ V" Cll 1C5 V-JTf-Ff-FVl.555e DR. THOS. H. FAULKNER, OBflTIST. , Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Rooms over the Bank of Klnston. A full line of Gents' Underwear, Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, Fancy Hosiery, Negligee and White Shirts, SERGE COATS, Double and Single Breasted, from $500 to J8o. ; In fact, our line of Gents Wear for the Spring; will be full and complete. - DAN QUMERLY, Queen Street. v . JKINSTON, N. C. 'I aa t.lowet t enlargementi from Kodak negative. Just received aome new Backgrounds, and new designs in Cards. Xememberj i make ukenesiea. I cannot photo-1 grapa your teelings or imagination. ,. v Voay Patronage Solleited. ' w-t trit 1t wf Ktft rtt ft mmt w xi r,., w arft.lw aw rfa j el'lsS4psJaaiyW ' We believe the amendment will b car ried by a good majority, but don't let us be so sanguine about it as to bget politically, with the opponents of tae amendment and they will leave no etcaa unturned In their efforts to M;tt it. The question is: Does North Carolina favor permanent white ecprema? Let the answer be In the affirmative an 1 let it be emphasized by the bijrgtt po8ible majority. Work and "'work'' "earnestly from now until the polls are" cl.d in August. Winston Sentinel. - In thia. wth ace ari klnff. load king, tkea ao With king and queen, king- ljo baa first placed ' With toe. queen, knar, lead See and then tb .quean; . . With aoa,. four sasel eana, aoe abould ftret'be Witii queeei, ktwre. lea. jo let the quees pra- . . ceae; . la other cases m tf lowest lead. Eft jrou return your f ft end's, your own suit play. oik wurape yo mux return without delay. When you returs your partner's lead, take paios To esad kin Uek the best your band eonUlna . If you received sot more than three at first j If you bad more, yon may return the worst. Bat tf yov bold the master card, you're boad -la general to play it second round. . Whene'er you want lead tSi seldom wrong To lead up to the weak or through the strong. Iteeeond band, your lowest should be played, Cnleae you tneao "trump ctgnar to be made; '' Or, tf you've king nd gueen or aoe and king. Then one of these will be the proper thing. Iliad well taa rule or trumps; you'U often need ' then: ,.,-. -v,,', . When you boM tve, 'tis alwtye beat to lead thea; vr ir ine ieaa woa'i oomt in erne for you. , Xlieti signal to your partaer to to do. Wateb also for your partaer't tnunp request. to wtucn. rnitn ices thaa tour, play out your 1 To lead tbrough honors turned r U bsdtJsr rsiaat you want tbe'trump suit cleared sway. For eequences atern oustota has deaed lowett you (Trust fitfU fou don't lead. weak suits you ought to caoote to throw awtT. Keeping the strong o help you via tat day. lleavrd oat t be-Lis sua. A good story from BcoUand thit has recently been going the rounds Is said to have occurred on the famous Mus selburgh links, near Edinburgh. One 'of the members drove hut ball Into a eand bunker and the first shot to dis lodge It Beemed to bury it-deeper. Tin second and third strokes had 'no better result, trhen a peculiar piece of wire on the ball attracted the player's at tention, lie picked up the ball and dis covered that la some mysterious way tthad picked. uj a Judy's balrpia,jone j BUY THE GENUINE !MIP QFfIGS ... WA3T07ACT U ai 3T ... CALIFORNIA. f:fG 5YRUP CO. rtr xnrrr. the haws. FOR SALE I PRINTING? 50 jTons Agricultural Salt. Can be used in place of Kainit. Much less cost.' ' ' T.W.MEWBORM&CO. COFFINS, CASKETS, Trimmings, &c. tSfWt have a full supply. BIZZELL & CHESNUT7, V Queen St.ear Jesse Strond's An Announcement ! i v ; .-..- 1 : - We are conducting an exclusive Wholesale Grocery Business in the brick store opposite the Court House in Kins ton, and invite mer chants to inspect and price our goods before purchasing. trices and Goods guaranteed. SUHRELL & f'cCOY, Wholesale Grocers, Kinston.N.C. - V tZTOn Tackahoe. Big Hominy, Pancake Flour, Oat Heal, Canned Goods, Sweet and Sour Piclcles, AIL FRESH. What Kind Do You Wmt? '-;..v..:s-.; BILLHEADS; - LETTER HEADS, : - ENVELOPES,,. OmCULARS, " ' ; DODGERS, - - - : 1 1 L . OARD9, POSTERS or what? We print everything from a Card to a Newspaper. Print it well and quick. Cheap too. W CZCT IIINSTON, N c.

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