THE SPORTING WORLD Cf jrvm ask "Spike!" Sullivan where tsabrofce into the fighting business, he , vd tetf you at Klnsale,. Ireland. . If ,. yon tusk, him the name of the first man be ever fought, he will tell you Dan Kelly. If you ask him how long the fight lasted, be will tell yon nine rounds. , If yon ask him -. what, dub pulled ff the fight, yon are in danger of getting a fanny punch In the chops.' ,' Tbere Is a story connected with Sulll nn'i first fight. ',. . ,. "Spike" was about 15 years old when ' beot bis Initial try out. It was with v bare knuckles, In front of an old tav arq, at Klnsale. One day Spike's" fa ttier told him to take the family horse flown to the tavern for water. t'Spike ';. lumped on the nag's neck and gave the ; beast a few jolts in the flanks with his brogBns, and away he went down the " road. On the way down e- neighbor's - toot, with whom "Spike" was not on friendly terms, brushed by the steed : tbat "Pplke" was steering and made sume remark about Sullivan's mount being tod lazy to trot his way to the ; water. 'Spike" at once made a propo- 1 eltioo for, a race, and it was accepted. , ' The race was run, and it seems the re- .tnark about "Spike's" horse being lazy , carried a good deal of truth with it Sullivan's steed was beaten off, and when "Spike" arrived at the trough the neighbor's boy gave him the joyous giggle. ', .So ye bate me," said "Spike." "So I fljd that,'! replied the neighbor's boy. Well, thin, ye niver saw the. day ye could bate me with these," exclaimed Spike," exhlbiting-his mauleys proud ly. "Be gob, I'm not the one that won't try y-A With this remark the neighbor's boy lamped on "Spike" and knocked him doirn. "Spike" was up In a hurry and oon put his man out That was Dan Kelly, who at the present day beads ."Spike" Sullivan's very creditable rec ard. y-c-S'::-i':- "How many rounds did you fight Dan Kelly at Klnsale?" asked a friend of Sullivan, after he had heard about , Spike's" start In . the fistic game. Nine rounds," replied VSplke," "Nine rounds !" his friend asked In astonish ' ment "How in the world did you ever count the rounds in a fight like that with no referee, seconds or timers V "Too see, It was this way," "Spike" started off. : "I figured It out that I knocked Kelly down nine times. tNine times, you see, at that time meant nine rounds." "How do you explain thatf" hdS friend Inquired. "Why, that's, easy. (We- fought under London prize ring rules.'' Nine :. knockdowns was nine rounds to be sure, and J. had no trouble In counting the knockdowns. Ah, It x was a great foight IH niver forgit if : Dates Mnt Hot CoutUex,-1 Chulrman A. G. Batchelder of the national Cycling association board of control, has determined that there will be no conflict in, the matter of dates bttween the big cycV tracks this year This sort of bickering between the promoters haa been found detrimental V mmnr anA it lino Iwvn tltlxWMHl. Batchekler informed the managers f the Waltham and Charles River tracks, which are quite near together, that It would be well for them to divide this year's holiday dates and hot fall to fLirhtiiur over tbem. end they concluded to aocopt his suggestion. . It Is probable that Jay EatOU and , , , . Archie McEachcrn. the cycle., racers, wlll be matched soon for a serica of race at the Vallsburg track. Newark, W. I early this season. Those matches will. Include both sprints, and paced dis tatke races. Eaton will probably, Via ttie sprints,, but the' distance , and, pur suit races will undoubtedly go to Mo; Eaohem. In all of . the events the en- tire puree and the -aide bet will go tQ J: the rt oner. . , -4- :. .v ' , Cirnel-at t P no rtn. ' Oocfighting is one of tbe cruelest of so colled sports, and ytt tbousands of dillars ore spent evtry year oa this taxstlme," If tie term is permissible. Those who are interested In It have so cnAMno:. rrrr.3 jacect. 1 t! e xyi until t!:e -'jJi pee 5 Cat tliC.r t:. re really a !is t f;5cs very dl-ervct (rcr.i 't ' - II i ' rture tLov s a cL": f --rcJ f'-i.:'t-r c -. r; n wL'.!) V. ? r.l. which will begin at Hoboken on July IS, is the Intercity championship con test This contest will be open to one picked team , from every city. , Each team will . consist of four men, each one of whom must be a resident of the city which his team represents. Prizes in sufficient numbers have been provid ed so that one-half of jthe teams com peting will receive one. ' Applications for entry in this competition will be open with the geue'ral committee at New Chambers street New York, until liay 15. More than one dozen teams have been organized now and others are forming. , ,. . -, TIm Sharlc'a Slovtlu .' H doubt the shark's mouth Is placed touch beneath the projecting muz (fle, under which also the nostrils He, that It may serve its proper purpose In the best way. In all records of the babhs of the fish we are told that it can and doesblte out large chunks of flesh from the dead bodies of whales and eren from living victims of Its at tacks, and It Is easily seen that If its month was like that of other fishes the necessary leverage would be lacking. A farther reason seems to be that the shark by this peculiar position of Its mouth is compelled to turn upon "Its back to strike and Is thus able to de liver its onset from below with more deadly effect ' , vThis formidable strength of jaw Is backed up by a most terrible array of teeth, of which in some species there are as many as six rows all around. Each tooth is saw edged and pointed, and some of the largest are as much as two inches In breadth at the- bae. These lie flat against the jaws and can be raised by separate muscles at will, so that as the Bbark darts upon its prey, they spring oa end. as a cat's claws are stuck out from : Its paws. Thi srrttijriuj: out, will nat Gi'.or, auyr tiur, !c ui.ed to ".retura. ko that a Vnarfc mwt!i !s n verttn; Mh nv. In the "good old days" a man's care for; his health was marked by the completeness : of the armor in ' which he lock- i ed himself up. It was very un healthy in those merry days " of jovial ; robber barons, to be outside of the steel case of knlgthood,! It was steel vs. steal .every' hour of the day. . Ia our. times a man ; needs to be' armed inside . rather than out The gentle eerm is ike love in that, lie ' laughs at iock diths." You can't lock him out but you can make it so mighty uncomfortable for him that he'll be glad to get out and seek some other lodging. '. ' . -,." The greatest protection against disease is a healthy condition of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. : Health is the true armor against the perm-. The Health-ot the stomacn ana t ..11 .A Amv. . m i a ...hmJ wrttfl ,., . Jt :ther.Mood; strengthens the stoInacht nourishes .the nerves and gives j new life to the lungs.. ...... -' i There is no alcohol or other intoxicant (contained in "Golden Medical Discov-, try." , fcal -Discovery and vennX viaUof hi Fleuwmt PeJleU'a rear mrothis cpring. nd have had no . . trouble wilh ttKlitreiiion ince," writai Mr. T. : Thatnninil. of 'i owaMmi. Hroadwoter co.. Moa- s una. nvcs fai: io teit how thankful i bim ifor, UK iriitri, mm j iiuu puuii vvi ij ... nv .uu w : Ktmrd that the doctor could do me ao good. I fpX dtrurn in weigh to iij poanda, and ra not able tu work at ail. Sow I rc-iijlt nearlv 6o and can do a day'a work on the (arm." Dr. Herce's Pellets cure biliousness 'VJczcin Izzzvjo VjCICm . Zckicx, Kax., Ja. tl. I ased Win of Cardni far ner- otunesa and weakness (a tha womb. waa weU and el way 1 uara ui It doe area mora than ia claimed -'.Trr tot u. iras. v. m. BOisvaaT. again. I am a midwife . 1 recommend Wine of . I - . . 1 . ; I U my laay irienae aunn( i ncyandaiterbtrtnasatonic. ladT who Ukea U finds that . r an pruttE'rf K:bo5y knovi-s a 1'm.e worran. bea po to medial CoHo, Siy books and t J Lcturfs. Thfy karn Indirectly of the diseases cf tr n, tut tV.ey a-1 rra ad can never fully tm.lerstand the ailments, the su-crlijs. the --:...'s cf mothers, ives and siiters.''- A woiroa Lrars. Mrs. r-.vert ?w. h.e t:s passed through the triits -.dt.L-i.';.t;.or.s of her ' i he has teen rear by when her sisters suf f.rei Lhe has sr;n C : 1 r.haved and c;red;lh Y.'ir.e ot CarduL U U iy or,:r she re;-: rT- -: - t t ' .. -Tr. tl t ; cf i'i s: :;, ! .', 5 i"i c DR. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, - KINSTON, N, C. EJ-OflSco Ovt Dan Quinerly't atom, ia tha afota kyBuildinj. next to C. W, Pndgen & Co.'a stor. DR. THOS. H. FAULKNER, ; DBflTIST. OfiSce Honrs: 8 a."ui, to 6 p. tn. Rooms over the Bank pf K'nston. Barrett & ' Thomson. ABOHTTEOTS, HSFayetteville St. Ralbigh, N. C. I0"Write for our - "Brochure"; of yn fotmation. - COFFINS, CASKET5, Trimmings, &c. - tWe have a fuH supply. , BIZZELL & CHESNUTT, N Queen St., Near Jesse Strond's FOR SALE! '-.v.k. f . .'I , ,,, v.. A 50 Tons Agricultural Salt. Can be used in place ot Kainit. Much less cost. , J'ii'c'i f f. W. I2EWB0RN & CO. . To all who are building, and to those who intend to build soon : " W ara running a Sash, Door and Blind Mill in Kintton. Wa ara fully equipped, and ara making Building Material of every description, auch as Saab, Doors, Blinds, Store Fronts, Counters and pnt op Shelving. We make Mantels of all kinds to order, and Grill Work for hallways, and Fancy Scroll Work of every description. .;.v V'.S' ,,. ; r u,--. , v- v.- s : We are up-to-date on Turned Work. ' We can give you Porch Columns, Baluster Spindles and Newels. Railing for Stairways of ail kinds, and Corner Blocks, Print Blocks, Rafter Drops and Brackets of any de sign wanted. We dress lumber for. the public any way desired. We can make your Window and Door Frames com plete, ready to set, with or without the inside Trim mings. ' We can' give yon a patent Pulley that is up-to-date. . We guarantee it not td break or pull out. It will cost you less than the old style. Call and see us and let us quote yon prices on frames and the above mentioned material. We will give you a chance to patronize a home factory if we cannot save your money, but we guar antee our prices, material and workmanship to equal any other factory. . . - . Call on or write us. We are located between the electric light plant and the Gay Lumber Co. - BAKER & VAUGHN, ' KINSTON.N.C. From the Lenoir County Cotton Patch to the Le ' noir County Foot. It, is possible that by " purchasing ' the excellent hosiery, for man, woman and child; made by the ORION MILLS,' of Kinston, N. C, that you may wear socks or stockings made from cbtton spun in ?the Kinston Cotton mills and knit in the Of ion Knitting Mills; thus en couraging the cblion grower of Lenoir county and two splen did manufactorif s"giving em ployment to labor' in the couu ty. Thus you will be assist- ; ing the cotton grower; the cot ton picker, ' the cotton ginner, the cotton spinner and knitter ' all people of your own neigh borhood. v ' ;' ( 1 16 arr X T ' 31 - ; V U it a.-y weni-r that thou: ' ff ether v.c;r.:.T J tt 11 ty I; row. T! rv 1 ;e z l ;l exr:r:-ce to p:.'. ';t t' : n. T.hrv fp.-::.i ,t!.e tldires f--n r- h to r :.:h,tc::::-5 1, v . cf Ca-dJ hr'-s ycurj h h , I . 3 :; all wc-r-r.'y Li. GOO BRICK I . We are prepared to make as good brick as has ever been made in Eastern North Carolina. We are better equipped than ever to supply all the brick you may need at short notice. The price is right. ! ABBOTT & JONES, ' ".' ' ; "J. , KINSTON, N. C Communications addressed to Clark's will also have prompt attention. NOW READY. My shops are now 'fitted with the latest and most modern ma chinery and I am v prepared to do any work required of first-class machine shops. s I carry in stock: Pipe, Belting, Steam Fittings, Steam. Whistles, Asbestos, Packing, , ' Bolts and Screws all sizes and in fact, All material used in fitting up ma chinery; I Sell Engines, Bolters and Machinery of all Kinds, and Can Save Yea Heney In Yenr Parchates. ' Call at my shops near A. & N. C. depot. ' . E. M. HODGES, , KINSTON, N. C Straw Hats ! We call your special attention to our line of STRAW HATS. Prices to suit .one and allfrom 10c up. Pants nicely put up in cartons, one pair jn carton prices from $1.00 up. Try one, pound, of best ZAMOJIA , COFFEE . at 25 c, and you will use no other. ' ' ( Thanking all for liberal patronage, we are ' " lYourd truly; TUfiSTALL & HILL, . , ; Brick Block, No. 49. .-Ne?t to Temple-Mnrstoo : Ornir Store. - - . We Recently Received . A Car Load of : . : r. . We can now suit you at a very low price in a fine drive horse. We also have on hand some draft horses, Medicm-priced horses and mules for farm purposes. Call and Look at ' Our Sloe!:. We will be pleased to show you and treat you with every courtesy, and when you buy from us jou buy from reliable horse dealers who give a guarantee to satisfy every customer. Coffee mm JONES t& WILLIS, , . Shaving and H addressing Parlor Under Hotel Tell. Easy Shaves nd ArtUtic Haircut. . . Competent AaaiaUuiU. ' Clean Towels. . Children's Hair Cuttitfg Specialty. tUTA TRIAL SOUCTTBP.-S KEEIiEY IJ1STIT0TJE, For the Cure of the Lmnar ODini cocme tin' CDir vm mt Hons Nerrc EitatsUci iil Tcissj mx GRnnnsnoHO. ti. c. . This is the only Keeley Isstirate In North Carolina, and owing to its beauti fol, and healthy: location, its -elegant buildings and attractive environments, its-well snpplifid table and skillfnl man agement, it presents to the unfortunate a oerfect bom for rest and complete restoration. If yon have a friend afflicted with any of the above addictions, write icr tefir illn&trated hand-book, entitled VToM Nkw Man." Address Greensboro. 5. C. 7ILEIi:GT03 UD VELtH EHLECD Jan.i4tb.ieoa 8 BO gQ ;- ;. A.H. p n. Leave weldon... 11 w ew AT. MOOkratU... UU 9 63 LeaTsTarboro... 12 tl ...... Lv.RodtyMt.... 100 962 Leave Wilfton.... 16 10 26 Leave Selma.... J 65 11 CW Lt. ."ayetierUle. 4 80 is 90 Ar, Fiorenoe.... T2& i 24 . P. U. A. at. Ar. Goldsboro Lv. Ooldaboro Lv. Magnolia ... Ar. Wilmington SO KG KO P U. A. B). P. X. a-' tm...'. ST 40 HIS 7 10 ) 149 aaa e4a t.. J 01 tu w 4 a 940 900 P. MdA. at. P. M, THAIS taVl" SOBTH. i Q aft KB a 5 k5 . w A.M. P.M. Lv. Fiorenoe.... 94ft..... t45 Lv. Pajettoriue. liso .. ... 94s .... Leave Selma 160 ...... 10M...... " Arrive Wllaoo... S8b ...... 1188 ,. ... ...... . ,.. . P. M. A. M. Lv. Wilmington. ............ .... ttb 949 Lv. Jstatraolfa :. . ... i Mil L. I4oidaoorc... ...... 900..,,,. 93 1999 . - - . I.. A. M. P. M. P. M. Leave Wilson.... 985 6 4H 111.1 10 80 .119 ar. Kocky Mt. . 9 to 9 8f. 13 0y im l it arrive TwDora.. ... . o ...... ..... Leave Tarooro.. Wli ...j LV..HocTMt. 890 ...;. U09 ...... Ar. weldon..... 4a..... 104 ..... .... . - - , P. Ji. A. at. P.M. - . Train en tue Xiaaxoa ttranoa ftoad leaves Weldon p. m.. Halifax 4:15 p m., arrive eootinnd Meek at 8.-08 p. m., oreenviun9:R7p. m ., K laaton 7:66 p. m. Returning leaves Elua ton 7o a. m. Greenville 8:&si a. m., amviog Ualltaz at 11:18, a.e.. Weldoo Ui . ai-daU? except Biiudiii . , KV - .frnm- v. , ... 4l. Atiantic & .N. iViiuH TIME TABLK Na Jl y V APKJL Zt, J900. SA8TBOUHO THAIS 8. ' - f $ .5 52s- O ; f i gp t ! ' ' ' t, r. X. A M. A. M J A. M. Ootd.ibora S4o tw 7 T40 UdBt'b- 4UI.7 83 -9 00 LaOnuiw 4 W- 91) 10 809 Kaiiijik Creek..... 4 ess 97 KlnRlon.......l..;.. 4Si 914 -BW '990 Caowell...j 4 4 8 9iW -949 Xover. 46fi 1016 4i U CowOreek 907 JO 40 30tt CJ Tuscaroia.. ) 11 1& 30 to -ni Ciart- , t ll i 0 30 -9 5 Newborn..... 66t) 190 it) 60 dm Rivwdile ... C 15 213 31) 19 Cioatan.... 918 SSij 3019 Eavclock- K 84:1...... J0 4J , hewpork 9 4 9 ..... 30 S WUdwood .. .. 94t 9Sfj 1049 Atlantic... 9 64 8 311 10 64' Moreiiead City t C7 9 611 HOT Moreoead City Tlf 4 01.... 1118 P. U. P. M.U.3I U.-M WS3TBOTOD TWAINS. - - JTM11 . r Tic- o 5.51 r. 5 8TAT10K8. C JltH 5 5 13 2 - - IS a w :A. M IP. M.1P. M p. . H. 7 40 GoWsfcoro..... lw-ii a LrBre...... ttinni? creek. Kiiicta ....... ('(swell Ioter CoreCreti.... 1 us.-rora rum's... ... t-e-a, (f u..... 1 r ; tH! t I" : HQ ....... 1 i llift; Su 7'l 194V 10'l US'! 10 1 ! fc' 9 4': 9. S 9 t 1 " 8 i ' a 1 .. t 1 ' (-' 7 6 6 (I 6 IN 4f.H 4 Kil 81! lt. ti4 1 a-) 1 ?-t 114 ! 10 1 J.H-. t 4 (. 1 K P j esv .?! JfT ft IN 6-M 4f : ". 4111 13 7C7 J7 447 r7 15 67 f.'7 14 4 41 4 4 4 ' ,' .V 1 I : r 7: 1 S3 0 !? ! I I H n L V 0. DEG70II, X: r- - t - .J a - , Treat 1 t ,11.: i .... I C r - :