TTvl .A TT TT TT Tr TT"" D.IRJP DP ill :JM lE . ':-! . , - i .v ' ' . 'I i . . . i i ' i i f - , , , , i , , , i i I , ' i't " " ' , ' " .. . . . , ' . ' .. 1 1 1 1 i i. i i ! i i - FUBLISHEDEyEi?Y,EyENiNC EXCEPT SUNDHY. Voim-No.32. ; . ' IHNSTON, N. 0. MONDAY. MAY i4, 1900. Price Two Cents. , -;. it si jr. ''i' 'S'f'wEi' ,-'.-.":... -f ' 4?" V? v -'v. ; f- - " -'' i - : '. T"' .; i-4-?' Hi-,''', ! ".-:.i'.y '' ;,,'; ' 5 ,' ' "i; s,-.e . ', '-i-. . rt';.: f .. ,;.,! , , , . . . . ' 1 .. .. . . . ' - . ........ i . I . GENERAL HEWS. Matters of Interest Condensed Into " ' Brief Peraflrrapna. i . The house on Friday passed 180 pri - rate pension bills. , . , . Six men were killed bj a mine explosion ; Saturday in Wise county, Va. Turkey has 'sent a repreuentatiTe to . .Washington to endeavor to settle the in ' demnity demands in an Indirect way, - J Troops were ordered to . Martinsville,' Va., Frday night to protect from lynch ing negro in jail there for criminal aa ; fault on a white woman.; , ' i ' Labor troubles at Tampa, FlaT, hare taken a turn for the worse, j There is now ' a general strike in all the factories of the Havana-American company tand ? fullv 1,000 people. are out. ii lii J fi.JU-. ' At Philadelphia, Saturday, the . jury awarded Mrs. Elizabeth G. Reading $25, , 000 damages against Mrs, Anna Gaazam, a wealthy widow, for alienating the affections of the former's husband. The West Norfolk (VaL) Lumber Co.'s plant was burned Friday night. .Loss $00,000' to 975,000, covered by insur ance. Friction caused by the connection " of a pulley with a post caused the Are. A dispatch from Hong Kong says that ' . within the past three months three ship loads of arms have arrived there for the Filipinos, who; claim they will open ag- - gressive hostilities as soon as the rainy season begins. . " It is now estimated that the shortage in the Havana postoffice, due to the pos ' tal frauds. will not amount to much over $100,000. The special agents declared ' theyi never .investigated and endorsed ,:.NeeV accounts.! taS-Tkftpt 'nt Buencamino, at one time a member of the Filipino cabinet, who was recently liberated by Gen.. Otis, announces that be has become reconciled, to American sot reignty, and that he will devote his in: flaence to bringing about peace. Chas. A. Towns, nominated by the Pop nlists for vice-president, is quoted as ex4 . pressing f a , willingness to, run. but a dis -patch from .Washington says hi wiirp allow himself to be used as a cat's paw; - by Butler, and that he will not embar. rass Bryan, to whose success he. Isjcom. . ' mitted. V "i jw i Mail adrlces from Yokohama irtve par ticulars of the conflagration in the town of Fukia, Japan. . Sixteen hpndred houses, ' including 80 temples, and all the princi pal buildings -were burned. Sixteen per sons perished and one hundred persons were injured: The property loss is esti mated at 12,500,000.". ? :t i An engineer, a fireman and five tramps Were killed by a collision of trains in a tunnel of the Baltimore & Ohio road at Philadelphia Saturday midnight. -The tower watchman was asleep and did not put on the proper signals.! Hssays it was his fault; that he was overworked and went to sleep. He is tender arrest. . . A mob of 75 or 100 men at Bin ton, Vs., lynched William Lee, a negro, Saturday night. - Lee was from Beidsrille, N. C, and bad been working on a railroad near Ilinton. On the night of the 0th he tried to outrage Mrs. H. 11. Diefenbash, a tele graph operator, but was foiled, by the . timely arrival of a train. Heescaped,but was finally captured. , Solicitor General Richards, at the re- quest of the secretary of the treasury, has taken initiatory steps in actions against the states of North Carolina, Louisiana, Florida and South Carolina, to recover the following sums alleged to be due the United States, respectively: $146,140, $269,035, $248,750 and $54,220.' They are based on bonds held : by the United States as trustee for certain Indian tribes. - . ' The U. 8. senate on Saturday rejected the proposition for the government to build an armor plate . plant, by a close rote. Senator Tillman oZered - several amendments, which were defeated, mak ing it quite cler that the opposition don't want the government to establish a plant under any circumstances. Sena tor Chandler made sensational charges of fraud ia connec tion with armor plates and patents on same. ' - - ' . The U. S. senate on Saturday adopted a resolution repect;r the onveilir'T of a tattle of Lafayette at Taris, July 4, 1000. The preaat'.e recites that the school children cf the Uc'tod States had contributed J0,CC3 for the stafrae, and the fOTerntnent of the Ucite-d F.tates bad - lid t" 0,000 f ?r the ppiastal of the rife. The r-"' "''n "Th-t 9 l c; la cf t.i I J.::-l L .r.'. jl:.' "; ; -.Isprreciate Va ceremony wi'.h f .l i -scf the r' ''-t ' " " ' '"tic",t- J t' t j r? r -j. 3 i ' "it 3 Li 1 1" " ;.inr 'a-i gr&'..'.zZ with wLI..h tl-y rL-h the cc .cry cf IsTz jr ' r 1 :-a cf t'l cou-.;rjr.f l j, . : -z: coc-- 1, r - ". f 1 ta rzf.:-; a i;!-,T.i'-?e cf the U-lt'J I. tsfs. ! -,ttherr-?-.'.,,--.t cf the f tct 1 - ' jr . " ItT U( ' i C. r jrt Mmm Wae m. Cwrrectloa. That, was a fine report yon had of jaielxploslon,f puffed. tb JaX tnsn, who did not know there was an ele ratot In the building- and : climbed three flights of stairs to the editor's tot flee.1 -fine report, J must say." And sarcasm fairly rang lu his tones. pid you know that tt was my furnace that blew up, that I stand the loss, that but for me you wouldn't have the ltemf "If you are D. J. Jones, we did." am D. Jacobin Jones. Ton didn't even spell out my middle name. "You'd think that my wife and hired girl were the whole thing the way ou wrote t "The girl was terribly burned, and your wife was badly burt while saving the girl. You don't appear to have had any hand iq the matter,"; '-, : , "Didn't, bey?. Did ,yon notice how islowlyCl si ; down When Lvcame In here? Did you hear me stifle a groan) I'm sore as a felon from the crown of my head to the sole of my foot That's what. I am. .But there's not a word 'tlKWtltlt;V'ii-& , "Were you In the exptosIonT Mo. , Wish , 1 Jisd ,bcen. . When I heard the . report, X knew some one must be' hurt. : l ifell down stalra ; I ran flvs blocks: for, a doctor. Whei I got-.nome,tlv'.wa so' exhausted .that I had to retire, and this morning I bad to roll out of bed on a chatf to get up. It wasn't my fault that the doctor was out or, that an smbolance was at the house when I got back. :Yoa can say that I showed great .presence of mind and got ; out . and 7 bumped , myself or stop , my . paper. . ! Good: day r Detroit Fre' Press. r - '. U' ''' "' ' - r:'' M ;T ,if.:V.Tr' Tae! Pr:tke Heat. y'.::. ; "There la,r says; a, tra veler, ,a stock saying ,whlch.',they; hsfat Queens town. Ireland; It la there the steamers pick' up the jmaila which can .leave Ixndba It? hours , later, , than the boats do LlTfjrpooi and Dyertake.tliem there. Frequently; howeyeiv delays occur, and then the iwsserigcts.lll tln)e by. going sshoCv?. and stheC native,-is always, in wait tosell .thei shlllalah and other things u"efc ks bog pak, jewelry, canes, etc wj !ch" are', supposedly Indigenous to and fiianicterlstlc of Ireland. -! - f -. "Some uf the shlllalahs are Wonder ful and. awfui to look upon and have no jwf slhle place In real life, their only object being to Jake In the unwary transatlantic traveler. One I saw theirs had a-bead fully six Inches In diam eter, w.tyh projecting .knobs and roots thickly covering it. . It was so heavy that to Hft It was an effort snd to car ry it any distance without using a dray a t physical impossibility.-. It was murderous looking weapon, and a blow from It .pn the head would have done for an living thing, even a darky from Georgia. :". V-. V- . A "';. 'J.: . ' ",'Why I asked in my "surprlsei .'what on earth do you use this for?V.v ', " ThatT he rejoined.' 'Arrah, that s what we pay the rint with, . -. v ""I've got It yefKew York Trib une, i-; V: l k This word Is In constant use In Northamptonshire, England. It has two meanings, one being "to throw;" e. zH "I'll sock a stone at you." A fa vorite diversion among boys Is ?sock: lng" birds. . They proceed along the hedges, one boy or more on each side, all armed with stones, with which they unmercifully pelt, or "sock," any poor bird they come across. The other mean ing of the word Is "to beat or to clout.! . gVTUfetch yon a sock o' the ear hole." r; ' . ' '. , 1 have known "sock" In this connec tion all my life, and 'it is sometimes now used here. "IH sock him," TU give him bellsock," "lie got a good aocking" are common forma A for midable fighter Is. called "a bellsock er." "Sock" is common when speak ing of "thrashlESs" given and taken. , "To give one socks,' meanirg "to five one a good beating.' Is la common ess in East Asxlla. And so 1 "j -'J rp your socks" for "make haste' sad "set to work." ' ' A stone in the heel cf a sock or stock. Irg Is a well known extempore life rre r TTtrcr taker. Notes and Q-rrlea ; r - " Tie extension of the ahs&Iute dc; X'.:zsl cf the "dress su"t" la ia ir; cf ever vrl :t!rg irberty Is one cf 3 tnarrdous coctraJLctlcns cf tuns a : -ture. Taken la coaectlon with t i I'JT white ih'.rt front, the t!;b c 1-!:-, the r recipe t',e, tl-e ecarjckJ sh .-, the ctr.'a Int and the tcrrcit. It c it:-jtci a nttn'st on Lun aa f rer " i Trh':!) Ia tzazj cs?cs J"v::M 4 t-'Z'.:,'.z tortrtr. &z h I'Ve c ir i? r-;' r " r r INTO KROOHSTAD ' A'M - ihi-ff.'V.y i I mm 'i ' ) i ii In 'I '', ' Gen. Roberts Enter Without Op- position, fiteyn Flleii ' AftvVtto- ly tTrgtng Burghsra to Oontlnuo Fighting. tTranaraalers Leava for tha Vaal Baylmr They Would No Longer Fight on Free State '.,-.. :r'-m- "' ; ; London, May 12. The war office has received the following dispatch from Gen. Boberts: . . . "Kroonstad, May 12.1 entered Kroonstad at 1:90 without opposition today when the Union Jack was hoisted amid cheers from the few British resi dents." ' if:, ,''4 - "President Steyn fled last evening after vainly endeavoring to ..persuade the burghers to continue opposing , us. The Transvaalers said they wonjd no longer fight on Orange Free State soil and made off for the Vaal river. Frei Staters ac cused the Transvaalers of having made use of them and deserjing. Many of the Free Staters have gone to their homes. . "Befors leaving Kroonstad President Steyn, , issued a , proclamation making Lindley the seat of government of the Free State.,, , "Gens. Botha and Dewet accompanied the Transvaalers. ' 1 ; Satisfactory to British, . ( London; May 18, 4 a. ' m.-The situa tion at the seat of war in South Africa Is as satisfactory, from , the .British view- Eoint, as the most sanguine friend could ave hoped a week ago. The occupation of Kroonstad especially places the whole of the Orange Free State in British pos session : It Is srident from Lord - Bob erts' last dispatch that the Free Staters are scattering to their homes, while the Transvaalers have gone northward, de clining to fight longer In the Orange Free State. . What little resistance the former still are likely to make, seems to be , cen tering a Lindley, whither . President Steyn has transferred bis government. It Is evident that the strat- -j ; of Lord Roberts, and the rapidity of Lia advance have.bewildered and disheartened the Boers, as their resistance since, the Brit ish reached Zand river has been slight. t The only point In the Free State where the Boers seem In any . force, . except at Lord Boberts' front, is on the southeast, where Gens. Bundle, Campbell and .Bra bant are holding them In check west of Ficksburg and Lady brand, and are grad ually pushing them back, as well as effectually defeating all their efforts to break through and threaten Lord Rob erts' commouications. . r: jv v r There is no further news regarding the advance of the relief column toMafeking, but it is possible that Lord .Roberts' suc cesses will result in forcing the Boers to raise the siege. ! v:'--':,. AN AMERIOAN , WHITE ROLL. No Natire Born Illiterate White ' Man Loses His Vote by. the Lou . talansv Oonatitutlonat Amend ment, ; . :' ; .'.. ;; r.v - I New Orleans, La, May a.-"The only white illiterates disfranchised In Louis iana are those foreigners who were per mitted under the constitution of 1979 to vote under a mere declaration of Inten tion to become eU.'xens. Of this, number those who took oat natnr&!!zatlon pa pers were very few, but the- ends con tinued to vote from 1879 to lb'JS - under their declaration of. intention. This il literate foreign born vote, especially that portion which was Italian, had gotten under the control of so-called political bosses, and a prejudice against it had arisen in the better element of the people, second only In intensity to that against the negro vote and when the constitu tional convention of 1893 undertook to eliminate the nerro vote, there was, es pecially in the city of New Orleans, a de termined demand that this illiterate boss controlled fort'TU vote shoe 11 also be eliminated, and the e"ect of the suffrage provklon adopts! was to eliminate every Literate fort r who had not bees natnr&hxel pr-Tiot to Jan. lit, 1833. : "Today co f-n':rcaa votein Lou isiana as n L. .ri.;, vko hai not . been naturalized prior to Jaa.lVlS33, and ia the future foreigners can only vote in Lonhs'aEa who are duly naturalized, and rc i either tLeeiscatiociUorproperty Q" ' i. .. '. : - ' tl.z.laat!oa cf J tlees 4 thbns'an2 cf Illiterate fore'ers, to tic 3 cpoadecla ration cf 1-'. cr'y, a-coccts for the fill lr 3 c 1 cl te L.,.4re--atratioa ia Lcr' . 1 "L ry c r. live I era v, hlia ia ia Lou Llaca, -wh " -r f i'-l or.rsedacated, vct-s tad Ij i . . . .. ila Lis Tote. - 1 ' Accra, Cw!l C ' t. I'-y li:-fo-s rrtrt art r:rrt t' t ' --"'if.rt - '- t3t' ." " j! rke: -a c t i ' . c r t tc ', ' A Sermon on Temperanoe. Rev. D. H. Tuttle preached a power ful temperance sermon in the M.E. church Sunday night, taking as his text: "Woe unto him that giveth his neigh bor drink, that putteth the bottle to his lips, and maketh him drunken also." I Following is an outline of th sermon: . Who are they that put the bottle to other lips? : , 1. Parents who drink, or allow use of strong drink in their homes.-- 3.-Those who treat to drinks. . (a) Young women who offer wine to young men. (b) "Old acquaintances." , (c) Bus iness men and politicians. , , 3. Physicians who use strong drink in their practice when something else could be substituted. : . 4. Legislators who make laws favor able to the sale of strong drink. 5. County and, town commissioners who grant liceuse when not compelled to do so by-law. 1 ' - - 6.--Every voter who rotes for licenue or for men who they know will vote to grant license. s i v The chain of responsibility is complete between all these classes and the persons who . are in any way impaired by the strong drink they put to them. ; k . . ; . - FALLINO GREEK ITEMS. 1 - - y . May 14,1900. Mr. D. E. Wood spent Sunday night at Institute. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Herring visited at Kinston Sunday,- . Mrs. Maude Hadley is visiting Mrs. Qlenn Mewborne at Institute. Rev. T. H. Sutton filled his regular ap pointment at Trinity Sunday. Miss Mary Hodges, of Kinston, spent last week with Miss Lillie Hodges. i Mrs. M. H. Wooten spent a few days with Mrs, W. L. Kennedy last week. .. Mr. Atward Biuell, of Kinston, spent Sunday with Mr. Fountain Parrott. ; ' Mr. A. D. Parrott, Jr., of Kinston, Vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Par. rott, Sunday. ; s.h-''.-'.' :: i ;V;. .' JMrs., Jesse Wood and children, Miss Lottie and Master James, spent Satur day and Sunday at Kinston. . - .... ' . Mrs. Zuleime Wooten and son, Mr. Marcellos, andMiee-Marjorie Kennedy visited at Mr; W. L. Kennedy's Saturday and Sunday. "; : ? -r.v ;' ' : r- ' . J M 111 ill iml in ' .J fiohts with Filipinos. The . Americana ' Lose ' Tour Men ;K3XIeL7FpaV lVMan)hv May II. 'A force, of jCOO insur gents attacked 35. scouts of the Forty eighth regiment near San Jacinto, prov nce of pagaslnan pn'tMonday,'.' but were routed by the scouts', ten of their number being killed! 'iThe Americans lost two killed; .t.-V.i;rW-?? vi; . On April 56th the rebels burned and sacked thf town of Trocln, near Bulau, murdering . natives who were friendly to the Americans and two Spaniards The Americans killed 87 of the insurgents. On the same date. MaJ. Andrews with two companies of troops attacked Gen. Mojicas' stronghold near Ormuc, Leyts Island. Moiicae had brass cannon and plenty, of ammunition, but after three nours 01 ngoung ins insurgents ned. Tne loss is not known, . The. Americans lost two killed and. eleven wounded. , They destroyed the enemy's rifles and powder and stores. ,;; 1 . The Pearson Outragre. Ahrriil CitizM.- -V,".,' . - "- i The crime has been committed. William T. Crawford, honestly elected by the white men of the Ninth district of North Carolina, has been unseated in order to give place to Richmond Pearson, a mas for whom the people of the district have no respect ana to whom even the Repub licans of the district gave little support ia bis effort to steal a seat in congress. . ; It Is an act entirely worthy of a party that stole a presidency, that gave the negro the ballot to. humiliate the sonth, that gloried In the crimes it committed in the days of the carpet-bagger and would Jet commit if it were not for the man sod of the whites who must eternally stand on guard. . , . ; It must be little comfort to this politi cal What-is-It to recall that bs slipped in by a close share when the party bs pretends to belong to has a comfortable majority. He has been the means of dis franchising the whits men of the Ninth district, but what cares bs for that? He has the scat, and that is all he Is con cerned about. -' - . . . r. - Am for the Republican party ia North Carolina; it can no locjer shout "Pif ran chisemerit" at the Democrat. ,Tte Dem ocrat! rrcpoce ty pre.- "J, lawful means to jre-i z t' e ij1 -t t -o rrcsU t 11 r t t !. 9 1 : t. . 1 1 1' : I .. - 2. a r irty t"i iy a foci cr.s .C :zzJL' the wLlteceaof c ' ':t. Cathis one i.'"t al t r ' ' ! r ? a la overwl-' -C ilxx i r it t' cUon. : Tit ::t ' M k j riy -:; ' Int -' HI. tMCVI, E. V. . , .1. ... . , ' . ' T. : V :; I" -'i ij f r?-ared to do all 1'" '"f f ."! -:i job rr!;t! , 'if' t E . ' r, Ai"""' .4 STATE HEWS. . WMaaBBMSMMeMMMSMMBMMHSBe "'--.-. ' Xntexasttntr - North Carolina Items In Condensed Form. Efforts are beinar made to sret on abaea ball league in this Stats.' ' . ' e At. Durham Saturday Trinity beat ' Horner play ing ball, 4 to 1. , Insurance Commissioner Young reports J 23,300 collected during the month of pril. : 'Vjjr'v-'H'; i'f 7':" ":'i1 , Bock Mount Arjronaut: From forthAr observation we are satisfied that the tobacco acreage In Nash county will bs cut about fifty per cent. Plants are very scarce, a gosd many beds being a total failure. Our tobacco farmers have taken' bright tobacco. v Governor Russell's friends way that Congressman Pear-on . is "done for." They say that would hav been the re sult anyway whether . he was , given Crawford's seat or not. It Is the belief that the governor will have something to say in the war of excoriation of Cnn. ' gressman Linney in a few days. . ,, . Webster's Weekly: An old and success ful tobacco grower gives it a his opinion tnat one reason tne farmers do not ' have . as good success growing good tobneco as they once did In becauxe tbey have abandoned the old way of making bills. The tobacco bill preserved the moisture at the roots of the plant tatter than 'the present system of ridges, be says. Goldsboro Argu: It Is reported that the electric storm which parsed over this cty Wednesday afternoor, asitwas pass ing over ClarkV, aeration 8 miles this side of Newborn, a bolt of lightning struck a whits man's hand and tore ie off, with out shocking him other than. the. pain incident to losing, his hand. ; This Is an unusual occurrence. The man is "doing well." ' ' . Thomas Fort, a whits man tried to outrsgs Mrs. James Driver at Hope Mills, near Fayetteville, Friday night. ' Her bus band, who is snperintendent of Cumber, land Cotton Mills, was away from horns. Her cries attracted- assistance. The scounarei rampea wrong a a window and escaped. -. Wbeu last seen he was retiring into a swamp with a pistol in each hand. He is said to have been very drunk; ; Wadesboro Messenger and Ihteiligencer: The Messenger-Intelligencer has assur ances from every section of the county that the Populists - of Anson ,vHI 'rots with their owi. race in the, August' election.- Onlv a dav or' two am m. vnt.!A. man, who ones ht-ld important official position in : the organisation of .that party, informed us that he knew of only one whits man , in his" township who yi ould vote atralnst the amend mens: -Col. James M. Ray.of AshevilIe.reMits that bs has organized in the Eastern band of Cherokee Indians a camp of Con federate veterans compoeed ol men who served ia Col. Thomas hgion. The organ ization was effected on the thirty-fifth anniversary of the surrender of these In dians, as they were among the last Con federates to lay down their arms,. The officers of the camp are 8oo-Ate-0wl, commander; Timpnon Soo-Noo-Ku, lieu tenant commander, James Blytbe, ad jutant; Rev. John Jackson, chaplain; James Keg, rotor bearer. Jesse Reed, the pew chief of the Extern band, is a mem ber of the camp. The camp i given the name of Soo-Noo-Ku and will attend the Louisville reunion. ,..;,.' : :-. Raleigh Cor. Charlotte Observer, May 11: The Democrats need, money to carry on their great work in. this campaign. They need 115,000 at least. Of course it will have to come from what may bs ' termed popular contributions. rTh Re publicans nave a long list of ofiict holders revenue, postoffice wnd. census to get money from, and beside this get a great deal from outside. It ought to. be re membered that in the campaign o! 1896 the Republicans received no less than 133.000 from outside tbs State.: Then, as this year, North Carolina's .rote was recognized as important. . Ths 'Demo crats must reach ths rural voter; must do personal work with, him and .get literature to him. A man seen is a 'man convinced. The Republicans seek to fix a doubt In a roter's mind. They do not work on the voters in towns. It is in the eonntrv that thrr tm Tfcrv ajna boasting that the country voters "srs not turning out to hear the Democr". candidates. . They boast aUo that try have a foothold on SO.OOO of the rrral votersrwho doubt, or as thtRpr'-l" "is put it, "are not satisfied with tL t- i. menu" This was a phrase Dr. Awott used today. The Democrats want to reach, must reach and wUl reach this army of voters. . ' ' Ease EaU. SATTKnAT. ntUburg 5, Boston 1. Chics 30 13, New York 8. CinciLcati 5, Phi:a.3e:rhia 8. Et. Louis 4, Brooklyn 5. -rri.xDi5Q cr txx cxrea rtCa!'?LIa- 13 5 .7.J rrockfyn ; 10 7 .' J ' '":-.ti - 9 8 . u o ! " 9 10 T 3 .1- 8 9.1 -v i. :i r, M .; ,", : 1. -',. i t