; : THE DAILY fz$$(&&& t PUBLISH ED EERY EEN INC " 'EXOiB'RTiDKy.-.. . i:.' " Vol. Hi-No. 36. ;4 1 KINSTOnn! C, FRIDAY, MAY18J9Q0.' v - ' Price Two Cents : 1 GENERAL HEWS. Matters of interest Condensed Into Brief jParagrrapns. ' : ?.One iiundred and thirty-flve motormen on a street car Kdo in Dayton, 0., are put on a strike. , 4 f The .Norwegian bark Johannes "has been wrecked off the Island of Oeeel, in - the Baltic. Of her crew of 29 only 12 were saved. , ;.'';.' - A Are at the Tom'a Creek mines, Wise . eounty, Va., Wednesday, destroyed the tipple and other machinery to the value : of flOO.OOO. - v slCVr - - August II. Pless jumped from Brooklyn bridge Wednesday afternoon 'nnd was drowned. He had beeu,"jilted by a girl to . whom iiewasengaga A movement is pn foot to invite the Confederate Veterans' association to at tend the unveiling of the Urant statue in Statuary Hall next Saturday. The Houston (Texas) Tost fiuds that Va aironoo inprcfLHA nf 'Ott()Il in Texas is - 10 per cent., and estimate that the crop Will not be Jess tnan z,uu,uuu uuiea turn . it may be 8,6.0,000. ' Thft DemecraUc' convention of- South Carolina met Wednesday, and wis " hur -inwltniir-theMtttrtimei-a decade. Bryan was endorsed, and the national delegation was instructed' to vote as a tinit. - ";--"' . ' Assist tnt Attorney General Boyd has .rendered a decision in the case of express companies, in which he holds that they jare not liable to ta x as brokers by reason bf-their JwHuing money orders and travel lers' checks. f Fire M Greenwich, Conn., Wednesday night resulted in the totnl destruction of flVe business blocks, including the pout office building, Roman -Catholic church, and considerable damavre to other prop- t erty.: The total loss is f 175,000. ; .-The.' first-class : battleships Kentucky, 'twin sister of the Kearsege, was placed ' in commission Wednesday. She will im mediately take on stores and .ammuni tion. Cnpt. Chester, her commander, jwas f in charge of the cruiser Cincinnati during the Spanish war, ; - J 'J ' -''Parties arriving at Meridian, MWs.,. from the interior of Nesobac,oiinty;Mi8A, ' bring information of tlie killingr of Sam - Hinson, a negro, by a uiob of white men "Beveral day jro.. Xlinsou was euiploj'ed .on the farm of Mrs, Kliza Adams and at- '., tempted to murder lier. Four Italians, three of them brothers, AiA ..t:'Sniih Fuik: Pa.. Wednesday, and ' three others afeina criticaHvonUitlon asd a result of "drinking wooa iu-oaoi. 1 a party of nrtners -weicpicjuckiantl the supply of Whiskey became exhii.ustet :A gallon of wood alcohol was prepared -with syrup and drauk, with the above result. , .1 h'-A special from Augusta. Ga., enys: It is announced here tuatCensus Supervisor Smythe, iu making his appointments of enumerators, has named 14 uerotS,.three of. whom are women, to d tUe work in Augusta. Indignation is expressed by the . citiieus over this action.-uiuny declaring they will not submit to beinn; interro: gated by the black Enumerators. . 4 . fLock Lynn Heights, summer resort town of Maryland, is in a predicament Apnictural joker put out a to n. ticket composed entirely of negroes w'uith was elected byfive majority. .The peOle wei busy, aud very little interest was take n in the. election, but no one thought the negroes would be elected. Tne latter de clare they will serve, and Lock Lycn Heights will be the flrnt Maryland town ever governed by negroes. The people are very much stirred up over the mat ter. - ; - .. ' N Thompson Arrested. Havana, May 16. Warrants were is lined this evening for the arrext of E." P. .Thom j;sori, tue Havana postmaster; W. ,U. lleeves, deputy auditor of the island, .and I'M ward Moya and beorse ilascaro, Cuban clerks In the stamp department, -and by 7 o'clock all wpru lodged in the ' Vivac. the Tombs of . Havana. This was .done under the advice of the postal in ;ppector, who arrived today. It is,con-'fiideri-J now that lleeves is equally guilty witbee! - ' THt'IIHDAir. '? Tittsburg 3; I'hiln.f -Ipbia 4. Cincinuuti iJ; Lrool-iya 4. Question Answered. Yes. Acjst Ilowsr still h itliejargpst rJe of any riit'di- ine istbcitiilzcd world. Your mo. hers ai prrnuniovLprr never thor?Ut of u5n., tviiy iul.:g el-. for. lndi-j-stioj or' l;iio-siuv. ' Dor-tors were t in-", ; .J tLy sviJol'.i I:niri cf .rpon t.,rV ! rro u i'.T'.inn, rf lb art. tjt'-. t -t tzi ry-i.i m l ftrp f "a uc. r.-i or:. ." ; i ' 1 i ' . ' : 'I (c. ;, t ? rr - r .. .';; " Vi ! ! ' "i '.-" ; Iff.-,' t t . . i ; ..if - ELpt,&, OAPTUREI) Bv Baden-Powell:' Also Krujrer's ' Qrandeton. Rumora ot jtelief. . LondoriViiay U9! The 6l6sin days of the drama at ItlaTekimvr havebeeo marked by intenertyoX.dfftnitttic'Snferestaa niw expeqted as ithT out "of, proportion with the forces enff aged. 'The news that "the half-famished gar ison was not only able to repelau attack, but ' to inflict such heavy loss in killed end prisoners as re ported in the despatch from Cape Town announcing t;h capture of Commandant .Eloffthe grandson of President Kruger and 90 of his men, makes Great Britain more than ver proud of .Col. .Baden Powell's little "band aud increases the national di si r for their i elit f to a fever pitch.: Lord Roberts and his large army .t. k'rnnriHtnd nnd !en. liiiiler's thous ands are Alfros entirelv fnrrottenr-Ev-il'out ryone is thinlnns or talking of ofel-iug and the iajest "exploits of the defenders. Humors continue t ife that the relief of the place baft been accompliiied. : ' Ji'heie waji.conhidert-b!e specula turn as to what Col. Budeu Powell would -do ! liiu .w.ttr . luiuii 1-4 and wlthMr .h vli.miv htm nntkft dleti'd bi : foiise as to render, him open to -annihilation in organized.'- These clohs wrvbe- working ; "'hool 1yuiu umight with an address by the event of another at t a k by the npe-i'bodie8 imd hot; dress-parade. riauia-; .upt. V. II. Mebaue, and will close jto rior Boer numbers.; But Loiirenxo Mm-t tioas; llnongti them th- DeiiKM jratic-i niorrow night with-a concert. At this aues Blre.Hiy nears -rumors ma t inesei have tn n cur. off br the reiievinsrcolumn, Gni. BullerSsmatiftiir eo'od P' osreTi-s in pMnntiiHn t,h riiHriHid nti.l drivintr the Boers out of ,-atal; he 'nccupuiiun- oTniofe service b.v belonging toaclub, tnn - Mr. Gray Britt, of nenrberc, 'died Tues Daniihauser .shows tha be i-t ttieefjngi "J" reuiaining outside. ISvei-y white man day night of Bright' disease' of the kid- with little reHst:iice on thu pur: of the butighers. i Lord Kobertsis stiU gaUiernighisfoiTt'S together, previous 6 striking the ytfai river.. - f ; ; r ; -naveu commit tee to iook atter .ttie tlit- dreir; .witU ' other , relatives and,.frieuds ' S'T-U ; feieut parts of its work. Thcouimlttrtf ; wlkKluourn his-untiuiety death.-' :,v One ortno xe3u., j-oh rgitratipn will thateverv voter " .- Btiiaor New: ' a'.--,'!-';; ; f: '7.vt, -.'' 1..' dui.v .wintered. The conuiiittee on ' GLEKPIELD ITEMS. " lAttliG (tneVtiugW the Sv-iutK ro !Cottpn'-campiiigWliteratiirwilldis.ti.-ibutea.mong . -piuneiV 'lijwHnirtloriii.rairr.-'bHitit", CU tw'.pjjiubw',aiid'- 'orjicw,,"1 all '.litcratqre " ..'' Alay 17, lypo. lust ve.,k,iivaV;iientioiied iii 'unevfi sent ont, which wilt'cofltain a full dis- .' "rs, Staton Su'g,ef Kjnston, is spend the spec ies tTmt ' ti e t toxv'riiiig gloryjof etiasion of (he amendment. The com-5 'g ttns week4' at . her, father'- Mr, J. J. cotton faci-orii'K t.f thyuiii M that, tbe-y inittee on speakers will arrange for- pub"; -Muore-. ;, .; i - : ; , - ? make tue voineii o tlK vural disLi fias. wage-earners and teiwupporting, nua;tiienuspiaeM ot tne club.- And the com-" enuuie nmm iu rare ivr nuu oupui i vuw iminv mi uniigira u J0 poilH w ill oesjKiCiaiiy lOOacCO. f. ' , I -. ' -:- , ... aged and iiiflrm parents iu the - decline oT tgi vea uch dutjes us (he-name of the comi Mbl'-dt"' VaAe mi - Mma Pthul !'i?A. JiK.. There are ahun.b..-of good sidestomitte indicates. the growth of the eoito-t industry in ,t lie IquoteJioui .e eonsfituHor; Atrticle rXmotiSKS WLbmf- South but this is -certujJy. 9ue of 'tiie 2: . '"i he purpose; of : the irgHnizationr.yf TXl-yl' bm80 - C best of them, r, t. -V V- ; : :c -wutbe to ftrliy restore to, nnd make per- fi"' Vf ikertpn, and -- inaHetitj.i.Mori1i Carolina the suprenmcy -PBpfr ntHiu,llil , Be H4 r of t he tit fact; to promoter individual i T' i .bu"rda h,l Hnd buudy Wltu About two yeari before Mt. SawxPp retired from the senate bis ipall on morning contained, a touching letter from -a .man in Maryland whose home bad Just been brightened by the or: rival of a . bouncing boy- The parent went on to tell that the boy. -"would be. named -Phlletus SawjeeT ones and expressed the" hope that tbe child, would grow .up honor Jo the nai.;'nd1tlMpqftse8Sw-;'of the Jine traits of 'character that dlstlngulshod the generous hearted man whose name would be borne by himself. r : ,;,, Senator Sawyer weni to the senate chamber with ' a , warm glow in , his heart "and the determination to send that fond parent a nice big check. He felt so, good 'that be showed the letter to Senator Allison. The Iowa man chuckled as he read it and produced, a letter almost identical, except that the young prodigy "was to be named Wil liam Allison Jones. It was too good to keep, and they told the rtory to Senator Edmunds of Vermont That stately bid gentleman melted sufficiently to smilingly produce a letter of similar purport Then there ensued a comparison of senatorial notes, showing that the youthful Mary lander had been fairly loaded with dis tinguished names from Justin Morrill Jones to Don Cameron Jones. That Maryland Infant received no birthday present Milwaukee Wisconsin, i' -V '. EUiailr MaaajreA. J. House Hunter But are you sure that the cellar is perfectly dry! Seal Estate Dealer Oh, you may:4e sure of that! Never was a drop of Va ter ever seen In It even In the wettest kind of weather. ' , House Hunter Sorry about that--Do you know I have a theory that a damp cellar is the healthiest thing In 1' the world. In my opinion the water in. a cellar absorbs noxious gases, and, be sides, it so moistens the whole atmos phere of the house as to make It more grateful to the lungs. Beal Estate Dealer Come to think ef It It was that other honse on ths other side of the street that "has the dry cellar. The cellar la this bouse Is never free from water. . HeaJly, sfr,' I tLLnk it wlll.'sult you Immensely. Bos-' ton Transcript -. . . . . " . . Tkt Two SUM. What, the crcrlojer 'said: Tl."-k bcaven, I've pot rid cf t!.at Huls.r ;e at last. I ha J iven tiui Llnta fno--- but It was cf Zo esc. an! 'finally I ar; ally LaJ to ll.k t!a out of tlio p'.a. '. V.Tat tie r-K'fr f' "We tc-ftr't :t Mr. rorc-a JlazZ'.zz tas' p.-Ttrc-I ..'a c - t'. a v. ; "i t ? I'rr ": ' i- Tn ni?r.iNi7P r.i.imfj xvifVttWWWUMtolVUWMi ... 1 1 - . 4 ; rj y w Wbite Supremacyi Organizations to Be. Started at Once. -Hon. Francis D. Wins jon in Charge of the Work. Ob'jact. andt Purpose ofWciuba -7 Raleigh News-Observer. " ' Mr. Francis ' D. Winston, of Bertie county, is at the Yarboroufch. Hecomes joereatyne. invitauon- or the executive; committee, lor tlie- purpose of aswting erection of a nice dwelling on Washiug inorganmnfrW'hiteSupreTnacy clubs all jton street. oyer the State. During ja -conversation f ? jvrr. John It Peel has onened a o-meerv fl TlSuinn of eJnh wiM Can well and RaHroad streets. , the work ed at O'jce bv mem.k of mi i,r,rrt.tii.L-- in : each county I townships moiu tlfan onr club will liei; p"1 H.r " wppeai m uie gt.oa cuaracter ; . The ie State coirniutt? Iielieves. that .'a' man can render the iNtrttf and bin rui-n i s urged to become a meiuber of . one of ' tbesw orgMOizationsi' : Tile onraiiixar.iotiM ' in ttie cities wiir be in the wards -and 'in.! itjiej Vot ing ineciiiets. Kaeh club. will ; w cpeaknigs in every township under ff4.V- iii i.liir At til .i,t I jappointed by the count v clmif men, and , rr"" u " '.V, r.uu , empio.vea wr. they will be expected to vWit very town- i Ar,:,,",1 MtNeiil. Mr. l'earall ha : im ship in their county. uud an'anite for nt i ''''T'1 , , aPPearance of his "t"1"8 uy least one club theie. .. rid n ha ving the f. out painted. . . ,v, tmi 1 .... i t. 1 . did.ites on the part f the votw. and '! AJttie Albfitton, of Snow Hill, 1 lwing the heart' 'tif- tlu cn-ganiziit?oiis'Molli3f-Har4yr' luBtitnteVaud lless. Her- in tlitfiiHitities.ifiid- State more closeltf t.ud easilv in touch, with tho to:wnshin'i fondT'li,ll,7''llon,' nd individual party I T'e-H.- a . . lie qnrtlinj'Htioiw for niembcrshiD uie f itfOI jojUin; l in thwi)h( of organisation ns - - Jjows - 4iftlcle 5; WJivi-ry r white man Vlni desires white troveuniieiit in ''North r....i:.i..',..,j ... :;.sin. . Jr.-.. . iijiu i!h liimn n j tine every Jinie tientle aud bonoialile meaiiM to rWton-' and ie.riunneiitly .establish whitesnpiviu xfey tbereiii, unci wU.o nnpoees To nfp. I ort candidates pledged , to effect Utai imii jmikw iu ineeusui'ig Kieciion, snail iej eligfble to membership in the township c'lib " v s . . ' I t.U tlupuno.e ot the executive vmt ,..itt t.vi..,.-J i..,--, A ;.... lownsliin in' Is'orth Carolina, in eood working order, bv tirfe first- day of June. Later on, an organizer will be appointed for each congressional district, who will have charge of the; work -.within that territory. . v - The plan of organization and constitu . r snccinct statement of the plan, purposed Jitt'S KSIk"' and work of the club. These are being jJfSSf SP-tlJ Wltb h,.m. distributed to the various counties. t?m 5 u T"'' f ItisoroiMdtohave.Iawn In thi,m.and threatening toshoot. Early white I siiprenwic.vMlub day. Qu that day every clubiu the State will be in session, and i aa ...x:xl. "s amendment aud the supremacy of the white race i These tjnbs are formed somewhat on I the plan of ttie white povei-n.n.t unions. of two years ago. they wre a most potent factor in the la.t campH.'Ju, and ; the cldU this year will bequj? 8o. 1 1. 1 quote you the preface to the constitu-. Our Stat Is the onTv community in . the WOiId with a maioritv. of white oters where it is seriously p: oiHw.d to j i! peoj le and commit tliem to a ixditical . V UU IIIU llOUUa VI I 1117 X IIIir'T and dominated ulmpt entirtly by negro i JUI1UCUI.C. . l 15y united effort of the rood- pru.l, i th.e ytnte.lrrt-npectivetf pnrty.ifi'TlaS ; the State was rewned "from n'vro rule, , and the amendment to the eontiiutioii; Democrats to a joint debate on the fran to be voU-d upon by tliejiecplein August, ' chine amendment. The Democratic chair is submitted for the pnrpoi-e' iI forever -man dt-vlined on the ground tli'nt the removing the darrer of rfurrene of ne- l'or-uliN had diibjred that was noiMsue gro tiwendency m the Stute. ' .' ' with themT '. Tne nw-Kityxf continual co-opcrition ; Ten dajs ego the Democratic. State ot the w Lite peoph'.t'f the' "SS'i'te for' Velf 'chairman challerrged the Kepu titans to pfotoctioa it -lio .vn by v bjcr-'ti.ntnbe a Jojnt del-ate. .. yet no reply has h- n party tbax . iM-groiz-J. 'ti-e .Ktate,. and revived. It is axWtaiued that it. Top wh'.ch f.r tLis rml ils o.L- r fi!-o-t-foni-.'.nlist cbaiftnSfl-'ftli') sent a chilleii2t; to ing was2.ur!i.i;-Vii.i pnwir-i.i Jc'9$, -.Is the llepubltcats-for a joint debate ncflia :ions!y us .ir..tV ; . !- torr: ' It is cebj-rt tared that this is a plan to t-to.e ft to t!.e control i f ,s -,t- and forr-e a jo'nt dilute 0:1 the Democrats cMuar.r inde's t'.;e L..;t.i..t. with th with ilij"rcrjiuli.ts or c!m have nouest r; cf.li"O.0CU r.r?r votes i- - ' i y ri-t 1 t!La the IpuMicans a ad I'opults are r-r it, it rr .--dju I '. -C V.'. ' f--.'j"ol j .r to t .r- . ilo to Ti; Fx. 4. - LaORANQE ITEMS.- . . .in i . ,. f , Pkke Phess BritK. v' , u LaGbanoe May"17, IHpt), M?.,J. K. AlUridgo opened ' barroom fadre Ttaesdajr. ' . ' r '.., -UrJ. W. 1 Smithwick having nw,Tesiknce,tiuiied. ; V ' Dr. 0. U Wifson afidf i W it Taylor s'pent Wwdnes'drfy in now Hill. TJrs. S. L Wooten " &nd on, Kay, are visiting relativbb iu Washington, 1C. ; PrtJi M. Hadley and JfU left Wednes day "for Poitamouth, 'Va., and Atlantic City, N.J. . - Mr. John Willis Sutton has . begun the 'f. v it. L. Pearsall him moved his toek of grocei ies into Mr. Simeon Woo- he dosing exerciKts of the tuiMle "rw- " -im uoums.-mnmp air. secretary itnted that he was in JJew- 'toiil nev ejrs.lhe remains were interred VVedaes ,'1mv. Mr. Iteit.trwktt iMM ...ia was a man whose influepce fyr good still liesL.' ""He lede&a wnJow iind wo 'chil- v gd"rain.wbiihr refresh everything great!, and w-iuucii needed bv thecronn. Mws Lizzie.Moore. ,K?rt '"Uh lay wood hwards .and Sam Curnn speuoSunday atllr. J. J. Moore's. Uev; C. W. Uobinson and familv soent '.Si.turday night at Mr. J,J. Moore's, aud ! im Suhdiiv nti fiiii'd hl nwnlur uni.ii.t. meut ut ltainlniw. He cave us a sood sermon, as usual. BLEW OUT HIS BRAINS. . Chazy Beaufort County Farmer I ; ;; Commits Suicide. " r Washiiigton.'TC. (T, May 17. Readinor T',U K , tl a J Vi ffrom here, committed suicide Sunday, ! M',y l8th' 'Jf ttbo25 oU, honwt and JMaustnous. On last Thurs- day he complained of a severe pais in the neao, was exceedingly nervous, walked ttie yard all night and at times carried a gun, saying the yard was full of men who desired to kill him. . Friday he was some letter but deliri ous at times. . During Saturday nitrht he rapidly grew worse, became craied. Sunday P?rning bis wife managed to : ZZLVZ I a 1 i t aDQ i ie" PI sent for as- isistance. Several irentlemen went and endeavored to get him out of the room. m , lJJT f Ca rr IIe refused, and said some one wanted to L fi dired.tbe Bberiff tto f?E 5, T l A wi f ,Tly?hf "" W iTl Bh. f1,1,Briw,ff,and d,,ld "a.d'be aJaf nd tue ne,Kbbre ay.' The load en tered the head, '"r -V.5:. !"r:.'-,BC,?lnn? : ine " t r .J '-J" u', px.lJ" " AOUBLEHALLENOE. ' After Refusal by tho Democrats, w . - " - , lUleijfh, May.lJS. As 1 nli.-t State convention Chnirryan' Marion Buth soon aJ'uftJ'op- alionrnd ritAte Butler ihiilleneed the w crkr t-i-f-iht-r. ... TI p U-t jo!) prfatir. at Iowr-t priffi. !.t? nV.f kiul to 1 e . d at l i 1'iZK STATE NEWS; Interestlnsr North Carolina Item In Condensed Form. . The next meeting' of the Norfh Car olina Corporation Commission will be held on May 24th. . " The llepublican convention of the 8th district nominated Spencer Blackburn by acclamation for congress. This is Lin- ' ney's district. ' ' . -. ., Oliver M. Penderarnss, son of Mr. i M. Pendergrass, of Durham, was killed at Calbayog, Philippine Inlands. He wa a sentry on duty when attacked by bolo- men. - '-.. K The St. Ixiuis Ilepublic notes the death of Mrs. Minnie Lawrence Siegrist, hang a reigning belle of that city, lle was j born in Wilson, North Carolina, aud was t the only daughter of Dr. J. J. Lawrence, who has become a millionaire in - St. . 1 Louis. Givenville Weekly: We hear that near : J- Winterville, this week, a large moccasin f was killed. It appeared so nwollen that la post mortem was held. The result was that 47 flsb, mostly pikes, some being ! seven inches long, were found to have I been swallowed by his mOccasinship,'; . j WilmingtonMessepger,17tb: News was" ' received here yesterday ; 6f a" shooting" affair which took place at Hamlet Tots day night Mr. John (ialveu, a Seaboard. ; engineer, was.shot in the legs with buck-. ' shot by a Mr. Strickland of ihat place," IM. . .111.. . . j ! r - ' , x ne ciiuiw 01 nue snooting whn not iiseer tained. ' - . - - ;- Wilmington Stan Mr.- Nathan W, Humphrey, a prouuuent and well to-do farmer of Verona., 'Onslovf couiit.v; died' ' : very suddenly Wednesday mofning, from some affection of the' heart. " He had been working about sunrise and walked a short distance back to the house, nut down and died in his chair. Baleigh News-Observei: It is "a factj not generally known, but it is tione the less true, that N01 th Cai o'iua has an att tomqbile line. It is an extension of tlies ' Transylvania tailroud aud-runs. from- Brevard to Sapphire adistanreof about' ! ten miles. The road for 1t is hbw beiwir graded and macadamized .and soon -the machines will be put on. -! - j ' Frank DrakV:-Moran"HAlv1ffrand? James Drake wer found guilty at Lenoir Wednesday of u attempt to burn the 1 stdreof JamesDrake atHickUryiu AiHrt h, ' 1807. The court sentenced Fwufc Drake! and Morgnu Huwn as mvessories 10 fmiKV years eacu; aames uraue, as pi incipal, J to ten yearn in the penitentiary Tlie' i motive for the crime was thive-tliousfibd' j dollars insurance on h-es thunuthousand7 1 dollars worth of goods. '. ,:. . . Durham Herald: Wiley Whitfiej l, a I white man, was found t the o'iJ .Man- 1 l gum saw mill place on Green wtreet, iu a j stupor. Benide him lay an empty laoda j onm - bottle. H pi a'lably atteuipted. I suicide, as he aid his Tug hurt him, jiVa' result of a wound he received in the army land h thought he would end bia mis-. erien. Some liui Ago Whitfield tried to! shuffle himself off this mortal coil by the laudanum route and this second attempt' seems to indicate that he is in earnest. . Fayetteville Observer: Thomas Fort, ' the young railroad clerk and operator, charged with attempting criminal as sault on Mrs. Jas. B. Driver, wife of the superintendent of Cumberland Mills, at Hope Mills Friday night, was proclaimed an outlaw. from the court bouse door by order of Magistrates C. P. Ovei by and J. T. McKay. It is said that a few friends of Fort have been shielding him from capture at the hands of the posse who have been hunting him night and ' day. Later. Fort has surrendered to the sheriff. The taking of testimony in the case ot " the Western Union Telegraph company VS. The Corooration ComrnikHion hfnr ! the standing master of the United States circuit coprt, ex-Judge James fch JSlajp herd, was to have begun Wednesday at Raleigh. Oo motion of counsel for 'the telegraph company, the shearing ""was postponed until June 18, "at -vhk-tfr-fime witnesses will 1 examined in New York. Officers of the Western Union will testify at the hearing iMNew York This Is' the cae involving the assessment of thfe prop erty, of the Western Union in Nqrth Car- -olina for taxation for the present year. The company is fighting (he assessment of the Commission. . , w . . . Mr. John Birdsong, of Raleigh, and Mies Cm lie Suns, of Franklin, wen ro mantically married at" JlitUboro Thurs day. ' The groom is student of the A. & M. College and the bride a student of .the Baptist Female University, and -they an H9 and 18 yearsof age respectively. They I went on a Sunday school picnic to Occou , neet bee farm, near 'Hilisboro. They j-walked over' to IIillbon snd were mar jied. The Kaleigh Newu-Oberver savs ; several membenivf tb faculty snd of the j board of trui-tees of the Baptist IVn:ale ,ihverity wfre rreteut at the ri-nio,nd , as sotra a.b.v beani of the aCaiM.ier held a corAi! an'on. imd it- was t'vcidl 'tols?lt tul rinilrs, Ijirdnz lacV to th fHjl!eirtf where fbe tow is, tiadt-r ih !Wttkt smvu lanee of the nutlmn't'es'.fr. ' Lirtisoiiir tl-o returid. an.i is at the home of hi pirei ts. T'el ride is a -l.ir!i-tr .f f 1 -'pti-t r-:ni: t-;r at J'r -.:V':n. "''oil uuxty,x l,o l as Isf a t".- trr.p; .l ' for.

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