t V'THE SPORTINfi WDfU n I D,xon- P08 200t and ga,oon n DR. RAYMOND .POLLOCK, H inc. orun i iinu vvunuu. Sllt0 aTenue. New York. u uvuvik oiauic IB'vUV UJl UIQ UCSl I In America, and Mr. John TVV Schorr - lias recently turned over the manage 1,'ment of the horses to his son, who will -campaign them during the coming sea .;son.' , ' - - The all aged or handicap division ,!n dudes W, Overton. Tlmemaker and v- MePheta Great ReeoHL In his JS fears' service -with the Clu jjnnatl.team "Bid" McPhee, who has retired, played a total of 2,129 cham pionship games. In which be made 2.342' base hits and had 1-U3S fielding chances.- Ai no time Cld he fall below a fielding average. of .919. a able record for an inflelder. years he held first rank for six jjrears and third and fourth rank .for two years each.; In batting hej usually ranged bet-veen J-iO and .sua KINSTON,- N. C fSTOffice with Dr. John A. Pollocki TO!E$ ;HlliIi Dairy and Stock Farm, IE. R. 6 I. M. TULL, Prop's, v P.O.: K1NSTON, N. C REPEATING A GOOD iSTQRY. , JOBJfNII SCHOBH. Streamer, while among the 3-year-olds ' Jn; the , barn are Sam Phillips, P. W. Brode and Greenock, a trio that have .valuable engagements in derbies and .other 3-year-old .classics up the line. mhe juvenile division of the stable is .also very strong, including as it does -10 or 12 magnificently bred youngsters that represent an outlay of more than v For. the past three or four years the Schorr stable has Invariably Introdue ved several high chns youngsters, and 1900 will hardly .prove an exception to the rule, , In Tommy Burns the stable has the best race rider in the west, vand with George Walker to help, him young Schorr ought to do i well with the magnificent collection of thorough breds that his generous father has Just turned over to him., ' . .. She Was Not a Drlaker and Xliaca C',v;,.; Its Point. "My wife has just heard that old sto ry about the man on the train and. the corkscrew," said my neighbor. . "The story goes this way: Man rises In a car and says, 'Is there a man from Bangor, Me.; In the, car? TJother man gets up with an Inqulr I ng look on ; his face. Tm , f rom , Bangor, says be. ' Well eays the first feller, 'let me take your . corkscrew.' "My wife thought the story was pret ty good. The other, night I was out in the sitting room reading, and she was la the parlor talking with the woman from over the way. ' I had to stop read ing and listen to this: M 'Oh, say, srtys my. wife. I beard an awfully funny story the other day. Now, let Lie think a minute. Can't be that I've, forgotten it : "Let's see. Ob, yes.". This la it... The other day on the train a man get up in the car all a once and snouted just as loucras he could, "Is there a man from Bangor, Me., in this car?li Every, one jumped and looked at the man. One person down near the door stood up and said. Thoroughbred Jersey and Guern sey Calves for sale at reasonable prices. . Dlttterii Enfer. Will give competent service to all so unfortunate as to need such service. Jnst simply give me notice sod all de tails will be attended to. - Caskets of all qualities carried in stock. and by patronizing my establishment iron, will get competent services at as ow prices as from anyone. I respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the people in this sec tion- Very trnly, - . GEO. D.WEBB Residence Phone No. 6 . Shop Phone Patronize Home and 5ave Money I J0.1ES a WILLIS, Shaving and HalFdresslng Patriot The hose and naif-hose made by ' the ORION MILLS, Kinston, N. C, are not only . economi cal for you to wear; ' because ' ' of their fine wearing qualities and comfortableness, but they Children's Hair Cutting Under Hotel lull. Easy Shaves and Artistic Haircuts'. .: Competent Assistants. ' " ' i , Oean Towels. 1 Specialty. - are made at home. The man ufacture of them . gives em ployment to people', right In Kinston. Every dealer ought . to handle them. , - ' Be sure to insist on having goods made at the ORION MILLS. By doing so you will not only save money, but will, be help ' ing a home industry. t-3-A TRIAL SOLICITED.' KINSTON NOW c' Tommr Byan la Jfenrlr Thirty. "If I were going Jto fighter a $10,000 purse, do you know . what weight I would do?" says Tommy Ryan. "If I were matched for a .large stake, -1 would do 147 pounds, and yet I have lust tipped the Scales at 108 pounds, which is the most I ever weighed. The reason I am so large is because j haven't been doing any work lately. I ' have . been hunting and seeing the sights with Jim Jeffries and forgetting "that such a thing as a boxing glove is made. Let ine get 'down and do some hard work, and all this fat will disap pear quicker ' than I' took . It on. I have read in the papers how large I was getting, that I would soon be a , heavyweight and' challenging Jeffries. But it is all nonsense. When I fight Jack Boot, which I hope to soon, I ex pect . to . give away 15 , pounds. The weight is 158 pounds at 3 o'clock, which means 1C2 pounds anyway. I could not do 150 and eat everything-In Sight." . ,v ; Regarding bis early life Ryan said: "My father's name was Youngs, and he was a; Frenchman, and my mother was half English and - half German, .There Is neither Irish nor Jew blood In me, as has been reported. . I ran away from home when a small boy and went to boxing. My folks were against it. so I took the name of Tommy Ryan to keep them In the dark. I selected the name Ryan because the mayor of Syracuse,': who was a good friend of mine, . was named Thomas Ryan. I have . celebrc tel my thirtieth birthday, which mal- - ni jil3 years In the ring. I won't - ha a 0 i a f bt much longer before)! will be eldest pugilist In the harness as to point of service. As to the number of fights, I have had so many that I 'have lost all track of them." - , My shops t Are now fitted with the latest and most modern - ma chinery and I am prepared' to do any work required of first-class "I'm from Bansror. sir." The other man machine ShODS. then said.;Wiil you be kind enough to pT carry in stock 1 Pipe, Belting let me take your screwdriver?" There! j Steam Fittings, - Steam Whistles Isn't that funny r v , ; ; - v 44 .'He, ' he, ' be,' snickered : the . other , woman a little easy. 'Yes, that's a real cute story; just as funny as it can be. But what did he mean? - I guess ' I don't understand what It is about.' . 'I could almost hear the wife think ing. Then says she: 'Well, my gracious. that doesn't sound so funny . now. 1 wonder what the trouble is with It? Guess lt didn't tell It right. But no matter, - Oh, you were going to tell me about that' new ribbon cake that' and then I continued with my literary studies." Lew la ton (Me.) Journal. Som Mlslnke; "What does she fay?" asked ' the erafty politlc!n:i who had referred the committee to hit wife' for Information i as to, his lntiatlou.. "She refiiwn, to talk." replied ; tlie spokesmnu cf the committee. fTaen' Its wasn't my wife you met. gentlenien.7 he rejoined, 1 with great positirenpKH. ,-It was somebody else.' -Chicago Tiibnnp. , ; . . Asbestos Packing, Bolts r and Screws all sizes and in fact, al material used in fitting up ma chinery. , ' I Sell Engines, Bollsrs and MaohiDery fall Kinds, and Caa Snva Yon Money la Yoor Parchates. Call at my shops near A. & N. C. depot. , , E. M. HODGES, KINSTON, N. C. We Recently Received A Car Load of Sit Mi a we can now suit you at a very low price in a fine drive horse. ' we : also nave on : nana some draft horses. ' Medium-priced horses and mules for farm purposes. Rick Paclllata. 1 Prizefighting is a good game for the fighters. In these days, when John L. Sullivans are scarce, they become rich by; Wfully-guarding their . wlnsinfi and. refraining from being , good fel lows. There is little danger of any of the noted ones being driven over the hills to the poorbouse. . While the repeal of the Horton law will separate them after Sept 1 from the money of the easy and Indulgent sport loving New York public, most of the chamois pushers are already com fortably fired and may exist without working hard for the rest of their lives. Of the fighters now before the public Tom Sharkey Is perhaps the richest Tie Las never been accused of squan dering over $3,000 in a nizht. and ac cordingly Le has plenty of cold cash ' and a v;;.'a at 1 ccpglzcaJ nay worth ecmetlizg like 10.0oX Cf tie others "Kid" McCoy can sla L!s cLcck for J23.000. Tctcr Maler has about J'.C Joe CLorrsski is worth Once or twice a -rear the rood hemse- wue Jias a uioroagn nouse cleaning.; The bouse naa been swept and dusted every day in the Tear, but the housewife knows iimi m rpitc 01 viiniance ausi accumu lates in cracks and corners, and is Only to be removed by special effort. it's tne same war with the bodv. You look after it every day. Yon take all the ordinary precautions of cleanliness and health. Yet the body needs it special cleaning to rid it of the accumu lations, of waste and poisonous matter hich invite disease. , Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, taken reeu- larly once or twice a year, would save many a sickness. It purines the blood, strengthens the stomach, and cleanses the body of poisonous accumulations. ast nriff? I had a n-te attack ofpnes- noma, wbu i left me with a bad cough, and alao left mv ivsr in a ycry bad condition," write John M. Isu-atII, Kq., cf Brut, Cherokee Nat.. Ind. Ter. I hud no appetite and waa to weak I could acarcely walk. Ur breast waa aU tore with ronnmt anrea. I rot two bottle Dr. Pterce'a Goldea Medical Diacovery, which I believe aaved hit liie. I cannot extma at -rratitude to yoo.. I am able bow to do Terr (ood work. ' Dr. rierce's Medical Adviser, in twoer covers, sent free on receipt of 31 one cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. A '-rtss Dr. R. V. rierce, Buf alo, H. Y. 1 c. r, ; 1- e ! ) r it' :s : 1 owl s a h '. r-t ?T. Tcrry la ire rt i:n AnnounconiDiit! Ve are conductbj aa exclusive V,"tclcali -Grcccry Easiness in the trie store c-pesite the Court Hours in Kicstca, and invite raer cbant3 to i-r-c;t and price ocr goods before prrchsairs;. . -Trice 1 r-r.J Cls rnaraste?d. Call and' took v OunjGtbck. at T , We will be. pleased to show you and treajt; you with every courtesy, and when you buy from us you buy from j reliable ' horse dealers who give a guarantee to satisfy every customer. , " ' QUMERLY & BECTON, klNSTON, N. C. . Bricx Stables, . - , Gordon St. Call on us at H.. E. SHAW'S law office. We will give all busi ness : our prompt attention and guarantee satisfaction. ; Will pay for the Waited. -100 acres of farm land. cash or cotton on short time. One hundred acres of land cash. ; ' ; v- For Sale! " A very desirable 7 room house and lot in Kinston, on Gordon sreet. : Good water, fruit, flowers, etc. , 'Nice lot in town of Kinston, 50x150 feet, opposite M. E. church, on Caswell street, the highest point on the street between the monument and knitting mills.- ',; W. --:;.. y On house and lot In Kinston on Pey. ton Avenue, 4 rooms, outhouses, etc. One house and lot on Caswell street, near Knitting Mills. One farm in Sand Hill township. High state of Improvement. Cheap for casn. One farm near LaUrange containing 325 acres. One farm near Seven Springs contain ng 327 acres. , - 1 Kinslon Real Eclats Agency. TUB . HEELEY INSTITUTE, v;.:' t .Pot the Cure of the . - Iatmcr omui cocme mi ottir iirci iiilio lloia NcmEiiinstlcnMTotoBaU . GnnrisDono. n. c. '- This Is the only Keeley Institute la North Carolina, and owing to its beauti ful and healthy location, its elegant buildings and attractive environments, its well supplied table and skillful man agement, it presents to the unfortanata a oeriect nom for rest and complete restoration.. :;, ? -vi; :c ' : v , . If yon have a friend afflicted with any of the above addictions, write for tfceu Illustrated hand-book, entitled . "Th Nkw Ma. Address , ,0 Greensboro, N. C. i WILBIEGTOa AID WELDOI EilLEOAD ?ONPKN8D BCHKDtTLa. ' TRAINS GOO bOOEB. OATSO rf ' -'-. cf8 . . j . . VaytTta.1900. Hjj k 2 3k 9h - 62 of dag o 9 eif Leave weldoo... 11 w 8 58 ....1. . Ar. Rooky MK... ICO 62 ...... ... . . Leave Tarboro... US1 00..;... ..... " LViRoekyKt.'... kl06 862 S87 ll 11 M Leave Wflaoa.... U 1085 T 10 867 140 Leave Belma..... 11 10 ...... ...... ..... Lv. KayettevUle. 4 SO 18 KJ ...... v Ar. rioreaoe.... 1tt tti ,., . ' ' ' P. M. A. X. ' . Ar. OoldSboro... ..,... ... f 66 ...... .... Lv. Goldaboro.. ..... jso Lv. Magnolia 751 485 At. Wilmington ea eco r p. st. a. at. p. n. j TRAIM WMf WORTH. - sfc rf -s" ' ; KQ HAS k& KO 3 . l '! ' L x A.M. P.M. I Lv. Florence.... ( ft") 7 85 I Lv. FayattevlUe. 12 .. ... 9 41 lLMTe6eima ISO 1064 ...... ' 1 Arrive WUaon... 1 1 85 ...... 11 S3 1- ,.,' . ' ' ' F. M. A.JM. Lv. WHmlnatoa. ...... ...... . .... 700 sus Lv. Magnolia.. ... 130 1110 L. eor08boro... ...... 8 00 ...... B87 1SE8 .'" P.M. ' . A. M. P. M. P. M. Leave wuson..,. 1&5 l3 hss 1045 ns Ar. Rocky Mt.. no 10 UC7 11W 1 S3 Arrive Tarboro.. ...... 6 48 ...... ...... . ... Leave Tarboro... lir J...... ' Lv. Rocky Mt... 8 80 ......I Ull ...,.. ..... Ar.Weldon 48". I 160 ..... ... J'. M- IA. M. P. M. Train On tba KiBHtnn Rranna Rniui iii-m WeldOB 8:51 D. m.. Halifax i-n n m ar.i.u Scotland Nedk at 6.-08 n. m.. OreenyiuV.K7 a. BO.. ElllStOn fBB. m. Hetnmincr iakram Rina. ton 7:60 a. m. OreenvtUe S:5S a. m.. amyina Halifax at 11:18. a.m.. Weldon lidaa. m eaeept Sunday. , . KMHHBOw, aen Pass. Agent, . IHNLY, tn'l Manturtr. T KMRKON.TraffloManainir As Christ taught, by parables, so does Coin" teach. 1 The book is an allegory, and f The Most .Wonderftil Book ; ' Of the Age. :j A copy of this book and Ths Twice a-TVeexFbks Press a year for. 1.40. The book alone, 25c. Tkx Daily Fbek Phkss a year and copy of the book for $4.1 5. - Send orders to ' ; - THE FREE PRESS ; KINSTOX V. C. AUanUc & N. C KallroatJ TIMB TABLB No. 11. : . . April 1st, 1900. . ; RASTfiOUND TRAINS. - STATIONS. - rrPhona a MOORE a HOOKER, ; Dealers in all Kinds of Fresh Meats, Fish, etc. -GROUND JCONE for Poultrythe best feed known for' laying hens. Give it a trial. Yours truly, MOORE a HOOKER. ! Ooidatora. Lauranva.. IK.i. lyuk . XiJUf VIVObHtt .... CaaweU.. Ham WTV, ........ ixtrecraea.. Tuacarora Clark's Newbera... Kiveraue... Croataa Harelock N-vport W)ldwoo4 Atlantlo Moreaead City......... More&aad City. (mil P. M I4C 400 4 0H 420 482 4 40 4 65 607 610 6 8! 660 16 18 a 43 4U 64 to: TH u at) a. mi Me t a a. A. M. 7 00 . 783 811 25 10 16 10 40 1115 1181 ISO tu 2 20 243 91 8 25! 831 861 401 M. A. V. 7JW 768 B2T 8fi0i 10 0:; JOtoi 10 8(4 18 &H A. M. A. M. 740 800 ' S08 820 880 84 866 OT SI 88 60 I0JS J0.18 348 30 80 30 48 10 64 1107 1118 A. 14 WESTBOUND TRAINS. B. W. CAJfADV. H. K. MOSELEY 5 B. Via CANADV & CO., General Hardware. . ' KINSTON, N. C. Gcrccn Doors, Window Cere ens, Ico Cream Frc:z:ro, Ico Shcvcra and Picks, t Lr.v;:i I.Iovcro, Ha.y P."!:c3, Reapers and : 'ovrcro, Berry 14 Fbjer Crr-dlco, : ? i. ci-a. . O STATIONS. fe- w , S. ps Sp. fc s. . A. M.'P. M. r. M P", yi. ., lice.) fes 7fH 140 KH BM S: 718 , .. lea; ttti 7 tT io- 8 5; st 10 1? 4 Si 6 4" 4T 8M 81 BIN 9u t sri i 8iH ICM 4fT. SIS 1 8-i ii aie it tti 87 8 lit 471 8 8T m ui . b j.i l)f ... . 6(4 84 6W t 4 ff 1 4 44 T 8 4"' 4 -- a a . t T : fi. 4 7 : i 4 i A. n.'A. P. M T. !. Goianboro.... rxwt ' Larnpa .... Failing creek KiDMO Cat well IKT-r , (ore Crf-k. Tawarora Clans... ... t-rn ...... 1 :T-r:.n .. ( r h 1 I I rt....... V : . ';X..... A ' - ' c ... . J C -T C: :.::.c.