CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT An Act Sopplensatai to ai Act Eatilled ' "Ai Act U Amend the Comtltstloa if 1 North Ctrolina," Ratified Febrnary 21, 1899. the Sane Belaa Chapter Twa Handrail aad Elnhteea of the Public . "Lawaofl899. The General Assembly of North Carolina do Enact: Section I That chanter at 8. nublic laws of 1 8oo' entitled: "An Act to Amend the Constitution . of ' North Carolina," be amended so as to make said act read as follows: ' . .- ... . That Article six of the Constitution of North Caro lina be and the same is hereby abrogated, and in lieu thereof shall be substituted the I6UO' 12 article of void Constitution, M an entire and indivisible plan of aid Coi suffrage . ARTICLE VI. ; N SUFFRAGE AND ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICK. ' : Stction 1 Ery ma1 person born in the United Statas, and every male person who has been natural sed si years of age, and possessing the qualified tionr"Set but in this article, shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people in the State, except as herein otherwise provided, . .. s , Sec. s. He shall have resided in the State of ': North Carolina for two years, in the county six months, and in the precinct, ward or other election district, in which he offers to vote, four months next proceeding; the election: .. Provided, that removal from one precinct, ward or other election district, to another in the same county, shall not operate to de prive any person of the tight to vote in the precinct, ward or other election district trom which he has re - moved until four months after such removal. No person who has been convicted, or who has Confessed nis guilt in open ' court upon indictment, of any crime, the punishment of which now is, or may here after be, imprisonment in the State's prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person shall be first restored to citizenship in the manner prescribed by Sec 3,' Every persota offering to vote shall be. at the time a legally registered voter as herein pre scribed, and in the manner hereafter provided by law, and the general assembly of North Carolina , shall enact general registration laws tc carry into effect the provisions ofthis article. Sec; 4- Every person presenting himself for reg istration shall be able to read and write any section of the constitution in the English language: and . be. fore he shall be entitled to vote he shall' have paid on or before the first day of May of the year in which he proposes to vote his pqll tax for the previous year as prescribed by Article 5, Section t, of the constitu tion. But no male person, who was, on fanuary 1, "1867, or at any time prior thereto, entided to vote mrUr the laws of anv State in the United States wherein be then resided, and no lineal descendant of any such person shall be denied the' right to register and vote at any election in this State by reason of hi failure to possess tne educational quauueanons herein prescribed: Provided, he shall have regis tered in accordance with the terms 01 in is section prior to December 1, ico3. , t V The general assembly shall provide for the regis " tration of all persons entitled to vote without th V ed ucational qualifications herein prescribed, and shall - on or before November 1, 1908, provide for the mak ing of a permanent record of such registration, and - allpersons so registered shall forever thereafter have the right to vote in all elections by the people in this State, unless disaualihed uuder section a, or this ar ticle: Provided, such person shall have paid his poll tax as above required. -, ' . '. '; Sec. 5. That this amendment to the constitution is presented and adopted as one indivisible plan tor the regulation of the suffrage, with the intent and pur pose to so connect the different parts, and to make them so dependent upon each other that the whole " ahall stand or fall together. , J ' Sec. 6. All elections by the people shall be by ' ballot and all elections by the general assembly shall be viva voce. , ,. Sec. 7. Every voter in North Carolina, except as in this article disqualified, shall be eligible to office, but before entering upon the duties of the office, he ahall take and subscribe the following oath: lf dosolemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the constitution and laws of the United States and the constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discbarge the duties of my office, sf" ..i.-.. So help me God." Sec. 9. The following classes of persons shall be -disqualified for office: First, all persons who shall - deny the being of Almighty God. Second, all per sons who shall have been convicted, or confessed their guilt on indictment pending, and whether sen , fenced or not, or under judgment suspended, of any treason or felony, or of any other crime, for which " the punishment may be imprisonment in the peniten- tiary, since becoming citizens of the United States, I or of corruption or mal-practice in office; unless such person shall be restored to the rights of citizenship in a manner prescribed bv law. - 1 Sec. 9. That this amendment to the constitution ahall go into effect on the first day of July, 190a, if a majority of votes cast at the next general election hall be cast in favor of this suffrage amendment. Sec. II. This amendment to the constitution shall be submitted at the next general election to the qual ified votersVf the State, in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as is pro vided In the law regulating general elections in this State, and at said elections those persons desiring to vote tor such amendment shall cast a written or printed ballot with the words: "For Suffrage Amend ment" thereon; and those with a contrary opinion shall cast a written or printed ballot with the words "Against Suffrage Amendment" thereon. . Sec. III. Tha votes cast at said election ahall be counted, compared, returned and canvassed, and the result announced and declared under the same rules and regulations, and in the same manner as the vote for governor, and if a majority of the votes cast are ' in favor of the said amendment, it shall be the duty of the governor of the State, upon being notified . of the result of said election, to certify saif amendment under the seal of the State, to the secretary of state, who shall enroll the said amendment, so certified, among the permanent records of bis office. Sec. IV. That this act shall be in force from and : after its ratification. , -N . In the general assembly read three times, and rat ified this 13th day of June, igoo. lIs, . . , . C. A, REYNOIJ3SV . , ' President of the Senate. H. G.CONNOR, , Speaker of the House of Representatives. . ,' . - State of North Carolina, I ' Office of Secretary of State, i - I, Cyrus Thompson, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify tha foregoing and attached four (4) sheets to be a true copy from the records of this office. . la vitneas whereof, I have hereunto set my band , and ah. led my official seal. Done in office at Raleigh, this the 15 th day of; June, in the year of our yjom 1000. (SeaL) CYRUS THOMPSON, Secretary of State. rillirrtcjn Won the Ituce. At one of the regattas of the Nation al Association of American Oarsmen during tbe early nineties James Hiker ton, for Luauy years the champion scal ier of America.' was matched to row doable against another team. He and bis mate were tbe champions, and the general belief was that they would win without effort. Bat the night befora the regatta public opinion ? suddenly and mysteriously changed. Mr. rtl kcrton knew that this was not caused by new development of strength. In his opponent or any' loss of skill on bis own part. After making some quiet Inquiries he discovered that there was talk of bis rowing mate harlng been bought up by the other side and of an arrangpinrnt to throw the race. lie didn't My Anything about his sus I icln. but u l:t a the two men were pratcil la the a!;c!l and were well out L:to the dcop water he leaned over to L!i and nld: "Ixh X yon lloom'cg cu'.tLroat! Tc j"re rot to tt!; i, drown or wia tL!s r- --; Ycj k: -" t ! He wcxfat rr'iy Lvcn'rg Vat. - 1 :t 1,., T Hoei View From t!i Grant Tomb. Person of romantic temperament bare discovered that the best place io New York from which to swatch the moon rising: In the east Is tbe porch of General Granfa tomb. Standing, as it does, away from all other buildings, at the highest part of the Riverside drive, with the beautiful Hudson river flowing softly along n hundred feet be low, tbe noble edifice In which lies the herd Is as full of poetical charm as tbe Alhambra Itself. ' As the moon rises one, can see the rays touching column after column of the mausoleum, throw ing Into deeper , shadow the recesses and giving the whole building an ethe real aspect which is strikingly beauti ful. Young couples who are strolling along the drive make it a point to go up to the tomb to watch the moon rise, and the Idea Is becoming so popular that tbe charm of solitude at least has certainly departed. New York Letter In Pittsburg Dispatch. Qe can't Believe if. He's blowing with all his might and can barely stir the record- - ing hand trom rero. There's many a big, healthy looking man who is yweak in the lungs. Probably half or ,two-thirds of his lune surface barely Knows tne contact ot oxygen, lie s tne Jcind of man, who, when a cough attacks him, goes- galloping down the road toward consumption. Many such a man has found strength and healing for weak lungs and tissues lacerated by coughing and drained by hemorrhages, in the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. The healing power of this medi cine in pulmonary diseases seems . little short of marvelous at times, so extreme are the conditions which it cures. The "Discovery" contains no alcohol, and no naicoucs. -s.-.i-y. "When I started to take your 'Golden Med ical Discovery,' writes Mr. A. P. Novotny, of New York, N. Y., Box 1417. I had a regular consumptive cough, of which I was afraid, and everybody cautioned tne and warned me con cerning it. I was losing; weight rapidly, was very pale and had no-appetite, whatever. Now my condition is changed entirely. I do not cough at all, have gained eight, pounds in weight, have recovered my healthy color, and my appetite is enormous. I can recommend your medicine to everybody" who may be in need of the same, as it is a sure cure." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. t&'Orx Tuekahoe. Dried Peaches, Apples, Apricots, AT...... f. P. ASHFORD'S, On Taekahoe. We now have on hand several hundred thousand of as fine Brick as were ever offered in Kinston. If you will note their , ISize, General Appearance and Quality yon win buy our uncic every time. S t&SAMPLES can be seen at our office. ' L. HARVEY d SON, KINSTOK, N. C. cf f,'crth Carolina. TtsEiilcf.s... - Tis Stile's Ed:::tlc:il Sjstea. Three academic courses leading to Degrees. Professional courses in Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. Summer School for Teachers. Tuition, ?5o. . Scholarships and Loans to needy. Tree tuition to candidates for ministry, minister's sons and teachers. 512 students besides 161 in Sin- mcr :ocI. S teachers in the f-".-.::y I'cr Catalogues and iz.:i F. P. -11 r-- A I I I 1 DR. 3. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, s- .' KINSTON, N. C. tJ-OfSce Over Dao Quinerlv's store, in tha Uose leyBaildinc, neat M C W. Pndgen & Co.'; store. DR. THOS. ft. FAULKNER, ' " ' DBflTIST ' ' v :i -fv' Office Honrs: 8 a. in. to 6 p. m.; Rooms over the Bank of Kinston Barrett & Thomson. . ARCHITECTS, iiSFayettevilleSt, ? Raleigh, N.C ' iSrWrite for our f Brochure" of la. formation. , . - ' E. A; PARKER, llfl Artist, Enlargements of all kinds at lowest prices. Also enlargements from Kodak negatives. Just received some new Backgrounds, and new designs in Cards. Remember, I make likenesses. I cannot photo graph your feelings or imaginations, .. , Youv Patronage Solicited. FOR SALE ! 50 Tons Agricultural Salt. Can be used in place ot Kainit. Much less cost. T. W. NEWBORN & CO Touufct Hill Dairy and Stock Farm, E.R.&I. M.TULL, Prop's, P. O. : KINSTON, N. C. Thoroughbred Jersey and Guern sey Calves for sale at reasonable prices. An Announcement! We are conducting an exclusive Wholesale Grocery Business in the brick store opposite the Court House in Kinston, and invite mer chants to inspect and price our goods before purchasing. Prices and Goods guaranteed. SUMRELL & McCOY, Wholesale Grocers, Kinston.N.C. Op Course You Are...... - HOT! ......But you can get cool at ..Skinner's Fountain.. You can get Ice Cream Soda, Champagne Phosphate, Wild Cherry I Phosphate, ; Claret Phos phate, Claret limeade, Claret Ice, Cherry Snow, Pineapple Snow, Peach Cream Soda - and anything else in the Cold Drink line. Ice Cream with Crushed Fruit at . ' . J. T. SKINNER'S. Your special attention is called to Tobacco Twine, Thermometers, Overall Pants in Wbite, Blue, 'Brown , and Tan. Pricc3 right. Give 123 a call. Yours to pleaco, tu::'gtall d mil, : ii to 7c ,:r-:.:j"- rj err- FiFlifl! Oiii anil Eolto. Will give competent service to all so unfortunate as to seed such service. Jnst simply give me notice and all de tails will be attended to. Caskets of all qualities carried in stock, and by patronizing my establishment iron will get' competent services at aa ow prices as from anyone. I respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the people in this sec tion. : Very truly,' GEO. B. WEBB KINSTON, N. Cl Residence Phone No. by. Shop Phone no. 59. . NOW READY. My shops are how fitted with the latest and most modern ma chinery and I am prepared to do any work required of first-class machine shops. ' I carry in stock : Pipe, Belting, Steam Fittings, Steam Whistles, Asbestos, - Packing, xt Bolts and Screws all sizes and in fact, all material used in fitting up ma chinery. I Sell Engines, Bolters and machinery of all Kinds, and Can Save You Money In Your Purchases. Call at my shops near A. & N. C. depot, E. M. HODGES, .KINSTON, N. C. You Haa Better Haie A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY and not need it, than need it and not Have lt.M. We are oreoared to write all classes bf property, town or coun-i try, at lowest rates consistent with safe insurance, and on very reason- . r 1 aDie terms. , L. HARVEY & SON. KINSTON, N. C A. & N. C. R. R. Fab8eng:r DEPnTMENT, Newbern, N. C, June 7th, 1900. RATES TO MOBEI1EAD. The following special rates of fare (sea son 1900) from stations named to More head City and return. In effect) Jane 7, 1900: ;- ; : , SEASON SATURDAY. STATIONS.. . '" TICKET. NIGHT. Goldsboro ..;...f 4.00 - f 1.50 Best's 3.75 1.40 LaGrange .............. 3.50 '. ' :, 1.30 FalUng Creek, 8.25 1.20 Kinston 8.00 1.10 Caswell ................... 8.00 " 1.00 Dover 2.75 . .90 Core Creek.............. 2.70 , .85 Tuscarora......;.. 2.65 .80 Newbern 2.00 .75 Riverdale ............... 1.75 .70 Croatan 1.70 .65 Havelock 1.00 - .60 Newport- . .60 .35 Wild wood ..... .40 . .25 OERMAMAKD 8UNDAY STATIONS. BALL TICKET ' EXCURSION Gqldsboro ....... ..N.1.25 1.25 Beat's... 1.10 1.10 LaGrange 1.00 1.00 Falling Creek,. .90 .90 Kinston.... .80. - r .80 Caswell......t...... 80 . : .80 Dover .75 .75 Cqre Creek .70 .70 Tuscarora ............. .65 .65 Newbern........... .60 .60 Riverdale.............. . .55- . .55 Croatan.......... 50 -, .50 Havelock. 45 r .45 Newport. .' .85 .85 Wild wood .25 - .25 Note important! Season Ticket sold dailj good to return until Oct. 81, 1900. Week End Saturday Tickets sold on Saturday only, good to return until fol lowing Tuesday. German and Bail Tickets pold only to ten or more on one ticket cood to return nt morning. Sunday Excursion Tickets sold on Sun- i? -"-- dsv, good only on Nos. 7 and 8 trains. : Ticket limit cannot be extended. 1 Tbe rat supersedes all previous rates in conflict. RATES TO SEVEX SPEfifQS. : Rummer excursion tickets (seanon 1900) from A. 4 N. C ttatioBB round trip tickets will be sold to LaUrarr to forties TbStirgtl abm f prints at tha nllowir. raU cf I '.re for tl.e rouii i trr: (;.-'..!ro...... .70 Npwlrn. 1 "i Kineton ,f.;" Live ra!. 2.75 Iover . 1.0 J.Vwrrt - 8.4V cv rr-" k l.r ) : - iv:-j ?. i i. ' ci ;! . i . k r?: i t) t : ;-n t ? (. - : 1, 1 J. L. I C. r. A COFFINS, CASKETS, Trimmings, &c. I-We have a full supply. ' - BIZZELL & CHESNUTT, Quefiin St., Near Jasse Strond'a. Dr-DECKERSN SHAKE 110 MORE! 50c. a bottl st druggists or direct from Dr. Beckct Medietas Co., Pattrsoo, N. J. JONES & WILLIS, Shaving ' and Halrdpessing Paflot Under Hotel Tull. Easy Shaves and Artistic Haircuts. Competent Assistants. ' Clean Towels. Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty. j&arA TRIAL SOLICITED. THE KEEliEY INSTITUTE, , For tbo Core of tb LiQnor upiGm cocsme m oitsr rci tiocs Kerve Eiiacstiaii sail Totacso BiK ORDBnCDORO. fl. C. This is the only KeIe; IcsUtute ln North Carolina, and it heauti f nl and healtby location, its elegant buildings and attractive environments, its well supplied table and skillful mat agement, it presents to tbe unfortunate a nerfect horn: for rest and complete restoration. If you bnve a friend adicted with anv of the above addictions, write fcr tbrfi illustrated htnd-boolc, entitled "Thsj Nkw.Maw." Address , 1 '.' - Creensboro. . A REAL GRAPHOPHONE Slmpt . Clockwork Motor. Mccbaaisai Visible, ' Darsble Cos tractloa. NO BOTHER, MUCH FUN. All tha Wonders and Pleaaares of Nigfe-PricM laikin' 'iacaina. iTben accompanied by a Recorder this Graphophone can be used to make Rc -.ords. Price vith Recorder. 47.50, Reproduce! aU the standard Records. ? or4tr osd atonaf to our mtarttt tffict. C0LIM3IA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept. 30 NIW YOIIC, t4Vi4 Breadwajr. CHICAGO, 88 Wabash AfS, ' 'ST. LOUIS, Tio-rii Olir St. K WASHINGTON, eio Peaasrhaals Af . .rHILADELPHIA, lou Chestnut St. , BALTIMORE, lo a aaltissOf, SI." .BUrFALU, jtj siam m. SAN l aANClsco, t Geary ft. rflsi 31 Doaierara a. iiaiwa. -BERLIN, fi KroiMnstnssa. HILIIKOIOJ IID DELDOJ BULBOID TBAina oonu boors. F0R. . -pJV DATID ' j . rfSjf . Hay i7W, 1900. ft Jj5 3 k 6 3 0 3 o? 5 e - 61 ao x a sag z a c . H K r y L4Mtve weMon. . M m 8 bs AT- KockJ Ml 1 00 9 i2 -. . tcare Tarboro. lift.... t ( ... Lt. Booty lit.... l uk 1 82 a 87 r it' Uara wu&oa... no n U 117 C4 LeaTeBelma. ... tbf II 10 .; Lt. yayeuerlile i li At. Florence... f tu .. ... ... P. M A. at. Ar. Goldstar... IV ' Lt Goldsboro.. 6 45 180 L. Matrnolia .. TH 4 AT. Wilmington. ...... I it) tut m r. St. A. M. P. M THA lU HJ' SOUTH " "S ef J So? ? 5 X 2 iOst A A AC. A. at. r. at. Lt. rvtmne 1 si .... t . " Lt. arttine u 4i .... .... Uar'tn.... ft(i IV M .. AniT i nn' t:r .. 11 Is . . . . Lt. wiimincuo ..r., Lt. stsjmon k iJiP L. MiOtnt 00 . a- iB p A. II v. If . Sy Leave iMt t 11 f it t . I at. Eiykj "t i .110 iiu iu Arrfr Trtwn. 4. Lfstt Ttxq. It r . . Lt. Hncty 1 a LmT . . AT. Wloa.. I6' ... r v. a. f. H . Tru'O CI Vhr IlB"n rrD-a Bcia 1 n t ' p. m. , he;f :T r , '' r,a k it At i-om p. as.. .r-e-. . ? . m., t -.0 t .f . n. K4!tTtrf i , t -j a. to. i-rff t" r a. m . an t - st l". ;, a ti... '.loa il. i a. vJ i - ;U - " t. VKii-viM.wi' rJ Hr-.i 1 h t '.-"!

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