TQ DAILY FEIE PBBSS. subscription prices: Ouwwt.... lOoMts One monta , ss 1 f fere msauis. ....$1X0 Twelve monma. : UM Tukhdat Evbmno, August 28, 1900. The Lynch Hotel prevent a neat) ap pearance since it baa been painted The A. C. L. depot Los received a set of platform scales to be used cere, Tney will be pat down at the depot in a few days. . : .-- - There were good sales of tobacco at all of the warehouses today. The weed fa selling at good prices on the Kinston market. There is complaint that the street sprinkler is not lined. It is hot, dry and dusty. The sprinkler should be used to dl aad every day that it is needed. Claude Outlaw, colored, was before Mayor Webb yesterday afternoon for an affray. The case was bound over to court. Outlaw was put under a f 100 bond, which he gave. , About fifteen conversions have been rnade up to date at the meetings being field at Worth's school bouse. The last service will, probably be held tonight. Everyone is cordially invited to go out to it. , The devotional meeting of the Ep worth League will be changed from Sun day afternoon to Monday night, com mancing next Monday. At this season of the year the meeting will commence at H o'clock t We were somewhat mistaken in a re cent estimate that cotton was damaged to there would be only half a crop in this ectioa. We are now of the opinion that about throe-fourths or an average crop will be made in this section. The colored graded school will open the same day as the white Monday September 2-Uh. The room' for the library at the colored school has been nlastered and kalsomined. Principal Mer- . ritt, colored, says that he expects a large opening of the school. All who intend Kouur should try to be present on the ttrst day. On next Sunday there will be a Sun day school rally for fathers at the Meth odlst t church. Every father who has children attending school there is espe cially invited to be present at this meet in at 9:30 a. m. At a lator date there will be a rally held for mothers to see the work being done for their sons and daughters. The ladies of Edwards' Chapel Sunday school will give the second icecream sup per for the benefit or the Sunday ecboo . oraaa fond at Edwards' Chapel on - Fri . day night, August 31st. The "grab baa" that created bo much amusement as the lost supper will be on band, Other features will be added. The pub ua is cordially invited. Thirty-six names havo been enrolled at the teachers' jmakitute, which is "twin X conducted at the court bouse this weei by bnpenntenuent roust, une session was quito interesting this morning. Arithmetic and school, government were discussed. Several visitors were in at tendance. A special invitation is given to all who are interested in this work to be present at the meetings this week. The foundation has been laid for a nice residence which Mr. W. T. Hines will have built on King street, on the large lot between Mr. J. T. Midyette s and Mr. J. 1. Ilaskitt's. It will be a two-story tmldia&of ten rooms, including the kitch- en,and will bo one of the mostconveniently arranged residences in Kinston. Some of the best timber which has ever been used for building purposes in our town will be used in the erection of it. Nearly every person in business should advertise In the newspapers. City popu latione grow rapidly, aud old residents frequently change their locations. To learn where to make purchases or where to engage professional or other services one must either consult the advertising columns of the newspaper or make in quiries at random at the risk of receiving doubtful information. .Newspaper an nouneements save both the people and toe advertisers loss or time. LaGRANOB ITEMS. 1 . , Fbcjb Press Bdkkau.. Y LaGrange, Aug. 27, 1800. Mr. Joo. A. Clark, of .Wilson,- spent aaaaay wgni nere. Mr. Fred fynjth is having a cot ton sued bouse bout near his ginnery. Mr. John Graham, of Virginia, is visit ing bis rather-tn-law, Mr. S. I. Wooten. Dr. J. M. Hodges has broken, ground fov the erectiea' of a wing to the Fields' Hotel. , Miss Alice Sutton spent Sunday at home. Sbe is temporarily staying in Newbern. ' "'" - - Ifess. Fred, Smith and George Wynne returned from Washington and Baltimore Satjinlay. i' ' , Mr. S. I. Wooten began the erection of a dwelling on hit lot adjoining the Fields' Ilotel today. Mr. W. O. Smith, of the department of agriculture, Washington, D. C, Is stop ping, at Fields' Hotel. Eer. D. H. IYtre left Saturday for Eonntree' church, Fitt county, where he will protract a meeting this week. l5e Debnftm-ICiney School opened the 22J instant, and has enrolled opto the r n,n70 ftudeota. Twoetatee and six 4-o ' utiee are represented. . :. ! Nannie R Cox, of LiUsrille, Anson co-.t.v, arrired Wednesday morning to tak charge of tlie music department of tLjDebnnvKirt-y kvjoooL -t Capt. Tt,l I',r k' a-ls me to "Oar b v 'D.vt t ;if.t wt.'l cbaense Kinston in PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Randolph Meade returned from Danville, Va., yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murpbey returned rom Morehcad City, this morning. Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Tunstall returned yesterday from visiting in Greenecounty. Miss Georgia Oxley, who bad been vis itintr iu Kinston. returned to Newbera yesterday. Miss Saddie Grainser returned yester- dav from a nleosant trip visiting friends in Virginia. 1 Miss Gertie Dill, of Morehead City, came this moraine on a short visit to her sis ter, Mrs. W. S. Herbert. MesafLILFegram, J. W.Carlton and PrentisB Wooten, of LaGrange, were in Kinston today, but returned home on the morning train. Mr. W. C. Tilebman. who had been visiting friends and relatives in Lenoir and Greene counties, took the cars here this morning returning to Washington, D.C. - Mess. Frank Webb and Harry Steven. son returned from Greenville yesterday, accompanied by Mess. B. E. Patrick and It. C. White, who spent the night with them and returned this morning. JASON ITEMS. August 2G, 1900. Afifia Helen TIardv entered school at LaGrange Wednesday. Miss Lena PhelDS is very sick with a ever. Mr. Herman Hardy spent Sunday near Goldsboro A nice and much needed rain visited this section lasf week. Farmers are through curing tobacco in this section Dr. Parker and brother. Mr. ltobert. spent last week here. Mr. and Mrs. liuorn uaraie aim rnaKwr Dnih spent Saturday night and Sunday HE Air U . UlirKUIlUUB , na OIOU uiu JJii. Jno. L. Phelps and little daughter, Miss 1'neipi , of Bi Emmab eston. The Best Preicrlptles for Chills mA .. I. . Knttla of ObOVK'1 TaITBUUS ChIL Tonic It is Haply iron and quinine in a tatrM form. J4o con no pay. rnca, is Get vour neighbor to subscribe to The FbkbPrem. . A few more Boarders desired at tfBaileyJ Those desiring to secure good board a. e.S Ti a . k a rcasonaDic raie are soiictiea to give us a trial immediately. Use HICKS' CAPUDINE Headache Cure : For Nenralfflo Pains, Sluk or Nervous Ueaaacne, Lagrlppe, ete. i 15c, 28c A 60c. - At Drug Stores, U HflHOUtelEIlT I have purchased the stock of MRS. C. E. McRAE, commonly, known as I ."THE CASH NOVELTY. STORE." and will continue the same business with Notions and Millinery added. Will continue sales at Reduced Prices in order to make room for fall stock. A share of your pratrouage is souciteu. MRS. LULU BRUT0M, KINSTON, N. CI J. E. PHYSIOC Is Here to Stay ! X have prepared myself for it. I have ust received a full line of Foreign and Domestic .Samples of Woolens ranging from $15-00 up to $4.Voo, a suit I am not trying to compete with ready-made roods. I promise to give you a first-class Merchant Tailor's Suit as good as you can have made in any first-class Mer chant Tailoring establishment any where, and for as little money. You will find that I deal straight and fair. ant) always look to the interest and taste of my customers ' Wjriiave just employed a flr&t-class coat-maker. . J. E. PHYSIOC. done on your Watch, Clock or perhaps a piece of Jewelry needs mend ing r I'll Do It, and do it right. My work is guaranteed for twelve months. DENMARK Tbe tftoj!i. ACTS utNllT i af aF.NSe5THE SYSTEM CLEANS6, EFFECTUALLY) OVERCOMES 'oim 1(n,CIAL v BUY THE GENUINE MAN'FTj BY RRNIAfTGYRVF ..c.. ..'(?!,,: cal . n.y. t tCff StC BY flU 0PU66ISTS. PRICE SOc.PtfT BOTTLL osquitoes Can Be Killed BY BURNING. Death Dast in your room before retiring. Buy -. - - -; ,-..-'- it at HOOD'S DRUG STORE, where you can get full directions for using it. . J. E. HOOD. Crystal lee ! delivered at your home , j At l-2c per Pound. Ice Wagon makes Daily Trips. PHONS NO. 26. J. C. WflGJSlEt?, KINSTON, N. C. V Kaet Mi at tie Osvx Feontati. FRESH and All Varieties-' mnnTTiri U ! I m mm 1U1UU1 onnu. ; . Ruta (Bulk and Packages.) f EPiE-r:i:; : co. 18 811 nn JUST RECEIVED! Tlie Latest Novelty in .b'our-m-Hands and Batwinga is a combina tion of two solid colors. We have them. Have you seen them ? They are yours- for 50c, Also a big line of Bat- wings and Strings for 25c. OETTMGER BROS. 1838. 1900. Fall Term Begins September 12, 1900. Catalose on application. : 7 v : DRED PEACOCK, Pretldeot Ice. Ice. The verv best ice de livered full weight as or dered. x , Call up Phone 12 and have your order receive prompt attention: : We have a wagon to make regular trips to all our customers. , We respectfullv. solicit your patronage. v; f JAS. F. PARROTT, i S KINSTON, N. C. . f -i 48e This GreensDoro Feilo College For this week we will sell the BOSTON NEGLIGEE SHIRT at 48c. Stop and take one look at it in our window. Remember you get two nice Collars and one pair of Cuffs with each Shirt. t -v-':: - , ..7 tie:s! . ' '; , ... We have just received a new line of tied Bat Wing , and English Squares. ' , ; -U: , V h' ' WJ B. PATE. TV0 POPULAR SHOES , at ran.ua 02 a Nothing Better Bold in Kinston at Any Prico. - Sold enly at AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAliiAiAiS PajB 1o Trade at Tbe Big Store. 7 By Yesterday's Express, The v Newest Thing in . WATERHOUSE Neckwear for Gentlemen, are now ready for E your inspection. V Special Display To-night. THE BIG STORE, KINSTON N.C. A. & N. O. B. R. SUNiDAY Passenger Excursion Rates After this date the following excursion rates to Goldsboro and return will be In effect by Nos. 8 and 4 on Sundays: From Morehead City........ ..........f 3.10 Wildwood, ............. ............... a.sa " Newport, . 2.75 " Havelock,.;...;.. ................. 2.50 Croataxif 2.3C " Biverdale, 2.20 " Newbern.................. 1.90 " Tuscarora 1.60 41 Core Creek, , 1.85 " -Dover,......., 1.15 " Caswell,.. ;.. 1.00 ' CinstiOiaM 8o ". Falling Creek......... .65 " ' LaGrange, " . Bests .30 The above tickets are jrood only on Sunday by Nos. 8 and 4 trains and on dates stamped or written on tickets, and limits will not be extended. l, - S.L.DILL, '- V, " '. Q.P.JU Ang. 20, 1900. -v . : , - ; ; Oleek l Fans ' 02.50. 11' t o i - ia LaGrur- or iv v. 1 t!.at if Johnnie can t hoe: h cn.'t gire cp Lis pan." c. Fii e 3. Cr!;k l':zt. On the Corner. 1