k&JLjy AV. JIUJLA AAA L 4; &tZ8?$zvt -!cn,v jaajR--oFA' the U GRaWT PAU-AUiKiCAN-kxPOSITIOiN.' VXqvi.'taU ..rl tvitlnjcs nad Garden tain" jLCociM Sculpture aid Colot ; Deenrn : i o !i-Tho CxblbU CI vlalona. ; Every .Cay. .bt'lax .nearer: to comple- tiou,tUe cveat.-4'aU'Auierlcan Exposi tion to be Ldil ai Buffalo next year. Every v one of t Le score of colossal Iwlullags Is imcler ivay, and a nuniter " - of them are under roof. Thousands .of men are at work, and the hammers are ' playing a merry tattoo that thrills with - enthusiasm. the thoughtful listener who ' 0 stPDs within the irates. -.Already one inny Wre a foretaste of the Imago of exquisite beauty which .will ..spread , Its wings when . spring again stirs , to life the sleeping earth ' next .year, s Jn horticulture and floral rt?eanty this Exposition will stand peer 'less and alone. In several other points 1 1t will surpass anything the. world has '. . ever seen. " ': Let me.,-flrst speak' of the court set ; tings. By th:s is meant a symmetrical - placing of the principal large buildings with reference to one another so as to form a system, of, connecting courts, each with Its special' features yet each 5 a part of one great, beautiful picture The principal, courts are the Court of Fountains and , Vaz&. ..which' form 1 a . north and sout h perpendicular and con . nect with a transverse court called the Esplanade. v Two minor courts open y Juto the Esp!.i n;uk, known as the Court of Cypresses uud Court of Lilies. These courts, about 33 ncres in area, with the magnificent decorations V which will complete .their beauty, will give to the . eye a vista , of exceptional grandeur i from whatever point they may be seen. .' vIn sculptural and plastic decorations 'j this Exposition wilt set a new pattern .'for nations ta contemplate and adore. ,1)16 exterior of every building will pre sent a richness of design and delicacy . of detail unparalleled In the history of expositions. : ' Majestic statues and costly modeled groups, tacking , only life to" complete , the Ideality of their purpose, will ( guard entrances and , bridges or send down their blessings upon the enterprise from lofty domes and towers. Again, from all the buildings will be diffused a radiance of color that will .. vie. with the brilliant gardens In Its agreeable effect upon the eye. Such elaborate color decoration upon the ex . teriors of a great group of buildings Is t a distinct departure from the custom observed at former expositions. To the prismatic brilliance of the gardens and ' added 'water effects extraordinary; In conception and of supreme beauty. In all the courts will be large pools rip pllng and sparkling under the fantastic activity of numberless fountains. Many of these fountains are to be. elaborate t sculptured works, with Jets of water playing from hundreds of openings. m With all Its wonderful beauty by day tthe Exposition will be, like the cereus of tropical America, a flower of the night Then will It blossom In exquisite perfection. With, all the fountains playing amid floating lights Upon every . cascade shooting in veillike form from Its high niche In the tall electric tower; with more than 200,000 electric lights . fringing every building and giving to ' every Jet and ripple of water a fantas tic iridescence; with music lending the Charm of sweet sounds to the harmony of color and sculpture, flowers, foliage ' and fountains, the evening scenes at ' this Exposition will be such as no lover . of the beautiful will permit, to pass without at least one determined effort ! to "witness them. ; - ' Surrounding the main group of build Ings and bordered with a double row ''of trees and grassy banks Is a broad ; and stately canal more than a mile tn length. ., At tvrtaiii points this canal ( forms a pait of the court vistas., but 'has more to du with the rich embel ' lishmect 6f that portion of the grounds ' outside the main buildings. Lagoons that lose themselves amid lawns and gardens tap the main waterway at ' various intervals, and at the southern tl It,.. r.nt.KK.I. t. I.-,.-,!....,. Intn lakes where (here have been planted a wonderful variety of water plants to be ready for next year's blossoming. In that part of the great . Exposition plot known as Delaware Park Is a lake half a mile long, surrounded by wood ed banks thr.t will contribute rv.t:h to the beauty of the Exposition." So much fi.r the uncommon beamy 'of this prcat en'.: a prise. Now of ti:e more practical a.ile. The exLiblt t6 be contained iu the buildings will In clude nearly everything of commercial 'value or Industrial utility. The divi sions, each of them a considerable ex hibition la Itself, are as follows: Elec tricity and electrical arpliances; fine arts-palnttegr" scolprnre;-"decoration sraphlc artstTDOsraphT. lithocranhr, steel and copperplate printing, rlibto- mct-uauicai provessus, uniwuijr, engrav ing and bookbinding; 3iberftUafctSsrdr ucatlon, engineering, public works, con; structive architecture, hygiene and san ltatlon. music and the drama; ethnol ogy, archaeology, progress of labor and Invention, . Isolated and collective ex htUlts; agriculture, food and Us acces sories, agricultural machinery and ap pliances; horticulture, viticulture, flo riculture; live stock horses, cattle, sheep, swine, pet stock; forestry and forest? products, fish, fisheries. : fish products and . apparatus ' for fishing mines and metallurgy, machinery, man ufactures, transportation exhibits, rail ways, vessels, vehicles, ordnance: ex blbits from the Hawaiian Islands. For- to Rico. Tutulla, Guam, and the Phil Ipplne Islands; . large exhibits by the National Government from all depart' ments, and special exhibits from Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Canada and from vari ous states and countries of Central and South America. .:',-.; v ;'.'' '-:'r ""' To describe properly a single one of the exhibit divisions would require large space. , It is the aim of the super intendents each to have the very latest productions, so that the highest, devel opment in the western hemisphere in all lines of effort may be shown to advantage and to the profit of all The : Exposition will 'thus offer. through Its exhibitors, ' : the western world In the latest aspect of Its civi lization. Owing to the nearness of Nl agara Falls, and having the unlimited power developed there at Its; disposal, the Exposition Will give particular at tention to electricity. Of the Niagara power 5,000 horsepower is "under con tract, and about 4,000 horsepower more Will be developed upon the grounds. this large volume of power for the uses of the Exposition is sumcient alone to drive the machinery of a great city. .- ',--" "VVC v,:V Buffalo is preparing to receive hos pitably millions of visitors next year and the twenty-six railways that enter the city are making ready to meet the extra requirements of a tremendous business which the next year promises to bring. Maek Bejwitt. The Senate's Hole In the Wall. When the nineteenth century was as yet only half grown, senators applied customarily for their toddles at the so called-Hole In the Wall,- a small clrcu lar room just off the postofBce of the up per house. The latter body, as will be remembered, then occupied what is now the chambpr of the supreme court. and the postofBce was across the main corridor of the building on the same floor. .When a wearer of the toga found himself In need of a "shifter," he had only Uo cross over to the malls department and pass through It to the little circular room ' aforesaid. which was about the size of a pantry. The Hole In the Wall was the first senate restaurant, and the bill of fare for edibles was short, though to the point. There were ham, guaranteed to have been smoked for six months, a veritable sublimation of the pork prod net; likewise corned beef and bread and cheese, but very little else. They served, however," as an accompaniment for the fluids, and when the Hole, was crowded, as was often the case, sen ators ate their sandwiches outside. In the postofBce. Washington Post. : ; "-' .'-. '.. .v'He Obeyed.' - . Murat Halstead, the great journalist of wartimes, went to General William T. Sherman's headquarters once for the ."latest news from the front";. Hal stead, was armed with many fine In troductory letters, but decided to rely mainly on .one given .him by Thomas Ewlng, Sherman's brother-in-law. He found the general and presented Swing's letter. . The general opened it somewhat Impatiently, read a few lines, folded It and said: ' 'Ah, you come from Ewlng, and you desire to have 'all the latest news,' the next probable move1 of our army, eh? Well, there's a train leaving this town . for Cincinnati at 2 o'clock! Here, take this ticket, and step over there and get your dinner, land then get on that train." Well, but. General Sherman" be gan the newspaper man. But Sherman waved him off. "Go over and get a good dinner; we have plenty and always strive to treat our friends well. But be. sure you don't miss that 2 o'clock train! And Halstead wisely obeyed. When yon want a pleasant physic try the new remedy, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tbey are easy to take and pleasantin effect. Trice, 23 cents. Samples free at J. E. Hood's drug store. Ci:T.t:r!:!3's C::: HeseSy a Crtat Ftvcrl's. Tie soothing and healing properties of tl remedy, ita r-'car t taste and prompt end penrr.:n::t cures Lave made it a fTf-it f.ivcrite wita people everywhere, lti' r" '''7 r r;z -1 lytaothrs cf sir. all ch'.lircafor cc.J, creep and whocr-'r-? cr--h,as italwp.rs aTorJa q-:;.k nl.f, t-. i as it centers no cr-Iura or other 1 -r-'-ldr", ii rr.-yla ; vtn c"".3 c ".' 1 1 a latyn ti ; is'.-Jt l'cr f I r J. E. HooJ, Cr: .. t. Will rive competent service to all so unfortunate as to seed such service. Jest simply give me notice and all de- U'.'s will be ttencei to. Caskets of all qualities carried io stock, and by patronizing lay establishment touwiU get competent services at a low prices as from anyone. I respectfully solicit a continuance of the pairont-e of the pecjle la this sec tion. Very truly, - GCO. D.WC03 xiyrc :', k. c Lc? Those bar ridgev through jdcnM thicketa cUdlnf. . Stealthy and fure aO t follo my prey I along tn dark n?op in UnRled feral biding, ' Belentlcw I trail! aad Ttniortelcsa 1 atari Strong sra my ilnewa and tqcVleM my winding; ftuiaelcaa aa dew la the tall W my pawa: ' heattied in tb folda Of their velvety binding ' Tougher aud barpr than iteel are tny claw. Swift aa a iword are my eye in their tee king, : 1'lercing the day or the blackest of nighta; ' Sieck la ray muzzle, with blood often reeking; , Ready my teeth, for the foeman who Sgbta, I am a king; dost thou aak me to battle t - Gather thy strength, for 1 give not a algal Vnatl An thou sounding to soon tn death ratUet drink to thy health, m the blood that a i thinel- aifi- L Townaend la Orerland Uoathly, Can't be made by foul hands and clean, pore blood can't be made by a foul stom ach. The blood is made by the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition. wnen tnese are diseased they contami nate every drop of blood made from the food they act upon, and this contami nation is car ried through the whole body. It may settle in the liver, kidneys, heart or lungs but the root of the disease is in the stom ach. Care the stomach and you core the disease. Dr. '. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the organs of digestion and nutrition perfectly and permanently. , It purifies the blood, and so by caring the cause of disease, cures many forms of disease in organs remote from the stomach. For the past sixteen years I nave bad toroid and indigestion and tried many doctors 5 'NfcpV ' liver and indigcsi Suggs, a lonths age e's Golden I rot six each and I received a good result in week, and and patent medicines but I could not get a cure," inanr I would scorerT six bottles of Simeon Suggs, of Clyde, Sabine Far- try Dr. R. V. Pierce's Golden Medical Dii writes Mrs. Simeon Sugga, ish, La. "Three months ago I thourht I would and his 'Pleasant Pclleta.' to-dar I am cured sound and well. Tha avmn- toma were coated tongue, specks before the eyes, disposed to be cross and Irritable, foul stomach, baa taste In the mouth, tired feeling, a feeling of dread or fear, headache, yellow skin, etc. These symptoms did not all appear at once. If suffer ers from such troubles wiU take Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Pleas ant Pellets as directed In pamphlets wrapping bottles, they will bring back the bloom of fife aa It did with me." . & Q Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets core bil Jousness and sick headache. joriEsFwiLLisr and Haifdressing Parlor Under Hotel Tell. ' " : Easy Shaves and Artistic Haircuts. , Competent Assistants. Clean Towels. Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty, 9"A TRIAL SOLICITRD.-a As Christ taught, by parables, so does Coin teach. The book is an a'legory, and The Most Wonderftil Book Of the Age. A copy of this book and Teh Twice a-Week Fees Press a year for $1.40. The book alone, 25c. Tax Duly Free Press a year and copy of the book for $4.1 5. Send orders to - THE FREE PRESS, KIN8TON f . C. X Pi 5t CIovj a VJomcn GaffcFO. ' Howkx, lira;, Nov. 25. I wfll always praise Wins of Cardai . II ' has dona ma mora rood than all the medi cines I hare ever taken in my life. Please end book about female diseases to tha ladies whose namaa I enclose. Sirs. HUrarlB BTODGHIH, ft isn't necessary for a woman to rive particulars. When she says she has "female troubles", other women know what that means. It means days and nights of endless suffering-. ' It means headaches which no tongue can describe. It means that terrible bearing and draggin; down in the lower abdomen. It means agonizing backache, and shoulder ache, and arm ache, and aches in the lower limbs. It means nerves on edge the blues--- despondency and loss of hope. It means debilitating ' drains that the doctors caQ leucorrhcea. It means martyrdomsome times even death seems preferable. And still Wine of Cardui wiU utterly " nut those diseases and nains to rout : It has cured thousands of cases when nothing else on earth would. To the budding' woman, to the bride, to the wife, to the expectant mother, to those going through - UQItr AIVISOH lErMTaUIT. s Far ad vice in eases reqnlrinf special Ciroctiona, address, string symptoms, U-)k TtMTj Bpt, TtotRaTTASOOM i amicus fctt, Chattanooga. Tean. . the Change of Life, this Vegetable Wine is a blessing. Druggists Sell Urge Bottles for $1.00. 4s n X Imnrovad S&tK U mmm immi : severe POT and all MALARIAL DISEASES take YU QATAR! CHILL TOrJIC(lEP7ei) Superior to all Tssteless Tonics. Tb Danpi will auicltlr neocnix the anrtr Qualities f TTTCATAf I IssrTe4) esr tb assay sxalM TaMrlu Taalet. Thef an snrslisbls and tii 4-ws is aacsrtatn. ToeaAaa Chill luil (Inprorxl ) raporuai i tosaa nt BMdiciM. tomnito, eacn becua. eoniun at 1J 4. u 1M. v&icl (inrcsoat maians, I au.1 wsic minin4 FJE Pi I " whk-h rmdocsa s hesrtT snfetiis. Am Dtmtciaaor dnumrt will Ml than is HO BKTTEH PRESCBJPTTON for MAI.ARI aad iu tn4rd dimm. PttMuit o taks; n mo akkea or anaaata. and la amrtnhi toth moot l,rri st-nnch. PRI('E.( nta. For sals ST all dealers. X-hm OAUIjiiTiaOT SdJUXlZOZr J3 CO Sou faoi-ajrposs, Cvanavllla, Ind. Re--: lezzt Thczc I.'o. B. W. CANADT. -H. B. MOSELEY. : i i 4 4 I obacco TA;in0, Thermometers and Iiantcras I , Cotton Bagging and Ties, h D. ea a ;t&pn Taakahoar '. Rn?d Peaches, h j : Apples, 'Apricots, AT T. P. ASHFORD'S, On Toekabo WOW READY. My shop are now fitted with the latestand most modern sna- chinery and I am - prepared to do any work required of first-class machine shops. I carry in stock: Pipe, Belting, Steam Fittinn, Steam Whistles. Asbestos, Packing, Bolts : and Screws all sizes and in fact, all material used in fitting . up ma chinery. - I Sell Engines, Boilers wi Machinery f all Kinds, and Can Save Yen Meney In Yonr Purchases. Call at my shops near A. & K. C. depot.1 E. M. HODGES, KINSTON.N.C CILMIIGTC5 IID mm EULECIP. ' CQNDtXSMD aCESSUIJl. " TRAINS OOXltt bOOTH. DATED July 820, lect. Learo Weldon.. Ar. Bookyilt .. Leara Tartoro.. Lt. Rocky Mt..,. Mara wiuoa.... LeareSelma . IiT, Kayetterilla. Ar. Floreuoc ArGoldsbere.... Lt. ttoldaboro... xt. Magnolia.. Ar, Wilmington it k a A. M 11 to 100 r. m. is a 165 16 4 80 7)i5 SI P. V. If 81 9 62 10 85 11 If I 12 22 a m A. 5k Sk5 Oi3 P.M. eoo! 87 7101 76SI A.M. P. M e 3 KQ 515 667 a i 7W : SCO A.M. 3 pjf. e n a o a a a ' aas SSO 4S5 00 roc TRAIN GOING NORTH. I V ejfg eJ of aJ V 1 kq agg kS bo ea T- ' "'' A.M. :.: P. M. ' Lt. Florence.... w ...... 7bs ...... .... LT.Fayettettue. isao .. 041 .. .. LesTeSelma 1 so 10 M . Arms wuaoc... 1 as uta , 5::-?ilSlatt'a- - : IjT. Harnolia.. .. ... ana 11 10 t. eoldibero 4 60 a8T iatj . . ; A.M. P. M. P.M. LesTe Wilson.... a 86 6 8a u 3 lots lis Ar. Boekyvt.. 880 aio 1107 lias iu ArrlTeTaraoro g t - . Leave Tarboro... u Vf. Kooky Mt.. 8 80 ...... LJ07 ...... ..... Ar. Weldon 4 as 1 ou ' ;- " PM. A.M.P.M4 Train on tne Klnatn slraanii nam.it ium Welllon 8:55 . m.. Halifax a-17 n mt amna Bootl&nd Neck at im p. tn.. GreenTiUa67f. m., Klnaton7:66p. m. Ketamiiur learea Kiaa. ton 7:60 a. m. 6reenTlUo sas a7 an., utitii Halifax at 11:18. a.m.. Weldaa lia a. except 8 and ay. .B.KKNLT.n'manaror. -wa , T . KM KBbON, TraflloHanaaTar AUantlc fi N. C Uallrcad man . tabus no. 14. ... JULY 18, XQOO. -XA8TBOTJND TRAINS. STATIONS. u. ........ Golflgboie.... beet's,.... LaOranre Fallinir Craek. jLinaton.. Caawell... UOTer Cora Creek vuscaroia , Clark -a.. Rlverdaie Croatia .... .. .. Eavelock Newport.... .... Wildwood Atlantic- More head City.. jaoreaeaa taiy .. ....... 640 4 CO s0 4 0 4821 4 4 .4 6M 6 07 6M 6 25 6 50 U esc S41I 4i eti 7 07 116 5 sc uu A.M. 7 CO 783 Sll 14 as 1015 10 40) 11 15 1181 ISO) 1 12 : f H 8 06 8 84 8 4 8 52 4131 4 a at s a A. M. 7 40 800 80H 830 830 8 46 8 Ml 07 21 Z6i as1" 13 CO 50...... 1815! 1018, 10 30 10 43!. )0 4Vi 10 64 nor 11 151 A.M. (A. If. A. MJA.M. 7&H. 7 68 810, 88 ,. 8 60 08 10 , 1010 10 so: 110s 11 6 U28 1140 1168 11 6 1204 1217 1826 P.M. - . WRUTBOTOD TRAINS. CAI.'ADY CO., S Ml Ml 3?-f ?M ! ! ; I ; i It tit KIN5TO.V. N. C a t ? t at JSt it 3.5 . 1 I S a. r .O wc . o P tr " a. t. (X ! -ft. A fc. b-Q Ia. M.'r. j. r. m. p. it. " Goldsboro 3105 63 8 0r 7 14, beel'B 10 441 6 Ml 7 8s 8 44...... LaGrT(ra., J03!t , in 7r 84 ...... Faiuug Creek... loss 4M 7ir 8ii..... Klnaton 1012 707 tn..... Caswell tbM sm S&s ,. Vonr 4i 8 84T ,t;... Core Cm 9r JOi 8:v. 4?T.... Tusrarora iwj 18s r, 4.... Claraa.... 1? lf Sir 411 N-wtrn 8 87 J04T 88:;..... 8 87 piTerdaie.... 81l)iJ 6lt 818 Croat an 8 f''1 l'U4 t(i ;n I tfK)ft tt , 4(6ftl 80 vwrrt 74 ; tc--i 4--, I VlUooL. 7S-1 8 47! 4?' t " Ai:"t4c 7 54 8? 4 T S-H ) irt-Lead Try.. Ti".j 8 4T'. ... k-or ee4 City .. 7 i 7 5- i 4 ) I u A. V. A. M.I P. at.. P. V -P. U. 3. I. rXfX CcjCri-' 7 . . nf .

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