DAILY FBI PR subscription prices: una week 10 cents uue montn U6 ' f kree montbs. tl.00 twelve montUB n.oo Monday Evening, Sept. 10, 1900. A protracted meeting is in progress at l'arrott school house Quite a large number of Kinstonians went down to Morehead yesterday to take in the sea breezes. There were two additions to the M. E. church yesterday, four penitents and one profession of faith; Dr. V. IS. oodley is fitting up an up- to-date drug store in one of Nelson's new brick stores on Queen street. Rev. D. C. Geddie is protracting a meet ing this week at Sharon church, Neck township, assisted by ltevs. Roy all and Tuttlo. Aide (iardner, aged two months anu one day, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Gardner, of Grifton, died on Thursday, SeDt. 6th. We extend sympathy to the bereaved parents. Tomorrow Tuesday night the Ju nior Missionary Society will give a meas uring party at the engine house. Go round, get measured and get free refresh ments. Everyone is invited. The White Supremacy club at Institute will be chanced to a Bryan-Stevenson- Kitchin club next Saturday afternoon' at 4 o'clock. Every white man is invited to come out and join regardless of former party affiliations. Kinston is the best cotton market we have heard of this season. It sold in Kinston Saturday at 9.80 to 10 cents. Mr. A. L. C. Hill bought 50 bales Satur day from Mr. W. L. Kennedy for 10 cents straight through. Rev. F. M. Royal, returned missionary from North China, will address the peo nleof Kinston on presentconditions there at the Baptist church tonight. Every bodv cordially invited to attend. It is an evening of great privileges to those interested in the Chinese question. R. E. riDkm. the popular and success ful excursionist, will run another excur nion to Baltimore and return. The time is tomorrow. The fare will be lower than ever. From KhiBton to Washing ton, 1). C, and return is only $6.00; to Baltimore and return only $6.50. The weather will be cooler and the trip will be a pleasant and cheap one. Further particulars will be given by Mr. John F. Mewborne. , A very amusing "drunk" was carried to the lock-up Saturday night. He . was a white man, and he evidently started out to "paint the town red." Policeman Rouse speedily put an end to the fun, though, aa he put the irons upon the gay young fellow. This did not stop his tongue, however, as ho enlivened the occasion by first roundly abusing the officer, and then breaking into lively song, attractingno little attention. When the guard-house door closed upon him, he, seeing a partner in distress already in the lock-up. greeted him with: "Hello! PERSONAL MENTION. , ! .1 Mr. E. R. Wooten went to Weldon to day. Mr. Jurney Wade went to Caswell Sun day. Dr. II. D. Harper, Jr., left for Greens boro this morning. Mr. H. B. Shaw, of LaGrange, spent Sunday in Kinston. Prof. L. C. Broaden returned from Goldsboro Saturday. Mrs. Caroline Lamb and children went to Rocky Mount today. i lev. and Mrs. ts. W. Bpllman came from Raleigh Saturday. Mrs. E. B. Marston and child left for Richmond, Va., this morning. Mrs. T. II. Moore and Miss Lillie Cobb went to Newborn Saturday. e5 son," then continued his song. Soon a heavy fall was heard upon the floor, then a long, long silence. Mayor's Court. The following cases were disposed of by Mayor Webb this morning: Monroe Willis: col., for assault on Em ma Wade, col., was fined $3 and costs. Geo. .Pettiford, col., for using profane langage on the streets, was fined $10 and costs -David Organ, alias Doc Scott, for usin . vulgar and profane language, was fin 910 and costs. Bryan and KltcbJn Clubs. In accordance with the request of the president of the national association of Democratic clubs and the recommenda . tion of the State Democratic executive . committee the voters of Lenoir county ar requested to meet and organize Bryan uuu ivn.,uiu uiui'n dm tueir polling place, or at the most convenient place in the precinct for that purpose on Sept. 15, 1000. The voters of LaGrange and Kinston townships are requested to meet Friday nigni, csepii. inn, ior sucn purpose, in ateaa oi on tae lotn. n .i t . . rrecincs cnairmen are earnestly re quested to give this their attention at once, and send in to the county chair man a list of their members. Every prospect for victory in Novem i . i . . uer is ungns ana encouraging. UtX us begin the campaign with enenrv and en thusiastn for the principles of Democracy upon w uicu nang me preservation oi the iue ivepuoiic J. W. GmnroKR. Chairman Co. Democratic Executive Com mittee. British Occupy Lydenburg; London, Sept. 8. A dispatch from Reitfonteion of the 7th says the British have occupied Lydenburg. The Boers were completely tn anouvered. They bolted through the village in the direc tion of lllgritns Kest. Hamilton out flanked them on the right, causing them to evacuate their strong positions. They aoanaoneu some artillery, it is reported that President Kroger and Steyn have lied and that Hamilton is in pursuit. AUGUST FLOWER. "It is a surprising fact." savs Prol Hon ben, "that in my travels ia all parts of the world for the last ten yearn, I have met more people having ud -Green'! August Flower than any other remedy for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stomach and for constipation. I find for tourists and sale n, or for persons filling office positions, where headaches and general bad feflinzi from irrrmUr habits exist that G rwn Ansrust Flower w a trntnd remedy. It dxs Dot injur thrtm byfrerpPDt uw. and is excellent for sour stomach and iniction." 8am; e bofc t frw at Terp!-M3 ton drr? tor. I Zoli byd?&- in a!I civilljel countries 1 Misses Bessie Wooten and Phoebe Shaw left today for echool at Red Springs. Sunt. Epting. of the Kinston Furniture factory, spent Sunday in Goldsboro. Mr. Ralph Harper left this morning to attend school at the State University, i Mrs. J. H. Banks and daughter, Misff Gwennie, left for Norfolk, Va., Saturday' Mr. D. S. Barrus and daughter, Miss Yida. left Monday for Washington, N. C. Miss Bettie Ruth, of Raleigh, came yes terday to Visit ber father, Mr. J. O. Ruth. Mrs. II.' 0. Hyatt returned Saturday from Waynesville, where she spent the summer. Miss L. A. Willis, of Raleigh, who had been visiting Mrs. M. L. Marquette, re turned home today. Miss Ha Rountree.of Rocky Point, who bad been visiting relatives in this section left for home Sunday. Miss Lucy Basden, of Caswell, who had been visiting at Mr. J. T. Cockrell's, re turned home Sunday. Masters Matt Allen. Marvin Meacham and Lloyd Wooten left this morning for school at Trinity ttollege. Miss Minnie L. Kelly, of Caswell, who had been visiting Miss Christine Lewis returned home Saturday. Mr. J. P. Taylor, of Newbern, who had been visiting his father, Lapt. J. i. lay lor, returned home Sunday. Miss Louisa T. Harrison, of Washing ton, D. ft, who had been visiting her brother, Mr. H. C. Harrison, leftforAshe- ville this morning. Misses Henrietta Wesson, of Winter- ville, and Julia Worthington, of Ayden who had been visiting at Mr. Geo Worthington's, returned home this morn I Have Now on Hand One Car Lead of Nice Wood sold by car load or wagon load. ' . v ;" V" . r . . Prices reasonable. Try me. ' J. A. STREET, Wood, Coal and JBaeblrteiry, - - ' KINSTON, N. C. -Plumblno and Pipe Fitting a specialty. Oysters Daily.... AT I Your patronage solicited. Prompt Delivery L. McLaurin, a Methodist pastor of Mocksvule, N. C, Rev. W. H 3., has been nominated for congress by the Prohibi tionists of the Seventh district, Th Beit PrMorlptloa fir Chills ad Few is a bottle of OltorE't Tatklssi Cmiil Tonic. It ia simply iron and quinine ia tastrWss wo cure ' oo pT. rnce, n$ . Special Notices. Get your neighbor to subscribe to Tax 1' RRB J'RF.RH. Car load of G-inch Drainage Tiling for sale at Dixon & Hooker's. . Frenh Fish and Beef daily at J. F. Boyd Jb Co.'a stand On East street, next door to Mrs. Hawkins' dyeing, cleaning and repairing house.' Everything ordered will be delivered promptly. JVIottton's -DELIVERS Fresh Bread and Cakes Anywhere in the City. osquitoes Can Be Killed BY BURNING Death Dust in your room before retiring. Buy it at HOOD'S DRUG STORE, where you can get full directions for using it. J. E. HOOD. .FROM. FRENCH & SUGG. : You can always expect it when you order your food supplies from this reliable store. We can sup- ply your demand for Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Oxfords It Paa to Trade at The BigSton. ..and.. Sandals. Downfall of Prices ! For the next two weeks we offer our entire stock of Ziegler's " Ox fords and Sandals for Women, Misses arid Children at the follow- ing reduced, prices : $3.50 Patent Leather Oxfords for $2.50. $3 Patent leather Sandals for $2. $2.50 Oxfords,severalstyles,$i.95. $2.25 uxiords and Sandals, $1.80. 1. 75 Oxfords,1 several styles; for $1.30. 1.75 Misses' Oxfords and Sandals for $1.30. 1.65 Misses' Oxfords for $1.2";. 1.50 Children's Oxfords and San- dais for Si.io. $1.25 Children's Sandals, 05c. The Ziegler Shoe leads all others. If you would possess a pair at these prices you must hurry as this sale continues but 14 days. j ; Hanan ; I Shoes 3 For Fall! OETTINGER BROS. r Pickles, Relishes, Sauces, Olives, Country Hams and other articles kept by a first-class Grocery at rock bottom prices. FRENCH & SUGG. Phone No. 32; QUOD HO tfIMB better than now to drop in and pick out a piece of Jewelry for yourself or as a gift for your friend. Drop in. We will treat you right. DENMARK KifisToiv ft C. 4 4 All the new styles are now ready. You can't fully ap preciate the value of "A Hanah Shoe" un til you have worn them. Get a pair today. THE BIG STORE, KINSTON N. C. J. W. COLLINS. HARDWARE, T0TXS AH TINW1BI. to.l4 Qsmb St.! - - WJISIOJ, Jt C. ' Another lot of thou popular FREEZERS, alt Water Coolers, Bath ' Tuba,- Mason'a Fruit Janv Thermometori, Lao tern ,Tobaeco Twiae, &c 1GB The very best ice de livered full weight as or dered. Call up Phone 12 and have your order receive prompt attention. ' y7e have a wagon to make . regular mps to an our customers.- We rcspectfullv solicit your patronage. 1 Mi Pure Crystal lec delivered at your home At l-2c per Pound. Ice Wagon ? makes 'Daily Trips. PHONB NO. 26. J. C, WAGNER, KINSTON, N. C. ' "KUDDer sonars 25g A-r.WiB. PATE'S -New Goods Received Dally. s iixo Meat Hi at thi Oiyx Fenitala. B. W. CANADY. ' H. B. 1I0S8LSY. 1 ..!' McCormick Mowers, -Ball-bearing, And McCormick Self-Dump Steel Rakes. Cotton Bagging and Ties, Gin Brush Sticks, and a complete line of Hardware and Agricul tural Implements for sale by : B. W. CAIIADY Cl CO., KINSTON, N. C TV0 POPULAR SHOES at Poi7ll JAS. f. PAnnoi I 02 u C2;50. ' irothicj Better Bold in nine ton at Any Prico. Sold only at . iEr.piE-:r:i:: r: ' 1 KINSTON. N. C. On the Corner.

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