Hptutth? DAE t FREE; PR Ulill 1U" PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDRY. Vol. HT-No. 146. KINSTON, N. 0., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1900. Price Two Cento. 1. 1-40 v r i .Jv : Lll . Inn f-ih- , ., , ..... riPtr. " n ' '. .. .. - ' ' - l '".. . ........ i . ' ' ' ... . GENERAL HEWS. Hatters of Interest Condensed Into REPLY TO BERLIN. Brief Paragraphs. ' English eplnners have voted to atop using American cotton for the first 12 working dajs in October. At a meeting in Boston Friday the national party abandoned its idea of keeping a presidential ticket in the field. President Mitchell, of the coal miners, eays nine big railroads are responsible for toe present situation in the bard coal - region. On account of the stoDDasre of five ad ditional collieries of the Beading com pany, the company is returning orders lor coat nnnued. There was a disastrous storm in north- , ern and northwestern Texas Thursday night. Cotton is said to have been in jured 10 per cent. "A cablegram received at the state de partment from Minister Conger, dated Pekin, Sept.: 17, announces the arrival of special Commissioner Kockhiil at .Pekin on that date. . -, . Single-handed a masked robber held up . a passenger train on tbe northern racinc Saturday 'morning, soon after leaving Athol, Idaho. ' The robber got foOO in ; cash and a lot of jewelry and escaped. . At Pontchalonla, La., Friday night, a - mob took four negro prisoners from jail and lynched them. , They were charged with robbing the family of Henry Holfel ter and beating his wife so severely she lost her mind., ..' " s Judge Powers, of Utah, has given out a signed statement declining bis appoint ment by acting. Gov. Nebeker to the United States senate, on the ground that ' nnder tne Quay precedent tne senate , would refuse to seat him. " - , Further reports' from Lord Roberts say the Boers who remain in the field include a few-irreconcilables, bnt that the majority are fighting tinder compul sion. Gen. Delarey, it is added, holds 800 burghers as prisoners in his laager. William B.' Dunton was arrested at . the Chamberlain Hotel, Old Point Com fort, Saturday, charged with the embea slement of $10,000 from the. Union Na tional Bank of Chicago. Dunton came to Old Point accompanied by Dot Thur , man, a Chicago woman. - , The State Labor party in Montana refused to fuse with Populists or Demo crats except on presidential electors. The convention's action in nominating tbe electoral ticket o! tne two parties Is . conceded to add materially to Bryan's chances lor carrying tne state. ', our masted men held up tne express car on the St. Louis-Portland "Flyer" near the village of Woodlawn, Neb., forced their way into the car and com . pelled the express messenger to open the local safe, which they looted. Only a . small sum rewarded the robbers. , A sheriff's posse fired on a body of striking coal miners and rioters at Shen andoah, Pa, Friday, and killed eight per sons and wonnded a little girl. Twenty. five hundred troops were ordered to the scene in great baste and reached there Saturday. The situation has become quiet. , ': The lawyers who are defending Eetes u. Kathbone, tne former director general of posts in Cuba, have asked the authori ties In Havana for the indictment and extradition of Fourth Assistant Post master Gen. Joseph L. Bristow. lie is charged with being technically more cul pable than Uatnbone. ; Tbs East Preicrlptlpi for Chills a a Farcr U a Vottl. of Gnorx't Tiimiil Chill ! Tonic It u aunpl oom and qnuuna in a taitrlaat wociu-a no pay. rnca, aj . United ; States Will I Provide ; for China to Punish the Boxers. Con ger to Negotiate With Earl Li and Prince Ching. ; Escape of - Chinese From Pel Tang Forts. .Washington. Sept. 22. Tbe state de partment tonight made public tbe text of tbe notes addressed by it to tbe gov ernments of Germany, Russia and China in answer to inquiries from them as to the attitude of tbe United States toward various phases of the Chinese problem. Nowhere in tbe text is reference ' made to the withdrawal of the United States troops from China, but the official state ment issued by tbe navy department in advance of the publication of the notes bears out the prediction that the govern ment finally has decided upon such a material reduction of its military force as will amount to a withdrawal of the army as an offensive instrument. This statement from tne navy department, moreover, is lull or significance of a pur pose on the part of the government to see to it that if there is any, subsequent attempt at territorial aggression on tho E art of any of the powers who already ave declared themselves" as willing to abide by tbe expressed determination of the United States to refrain from seizing upon Chinese territory, then the united States is to lose no treaty right privilege wbicn it now enjoys, by sucb action. Ibe notes themselves are - brief, consid ering the importance of the topics treat- ed. The Russian and Chinese answers being in the form of diplomatic memo randa, are short to a degree rarely seen in diplomatic exchanges. But in both cases being completely , responsive and favorable to tbe inquirer they will escape criticism on tnat score. Tbe answer to the German note is care fully Dhrased so as to soften the unaual- med refusal of tbe United States govern ment to make the punishment of the Chi nese ringleaders a condition precedent to negotiations. Also it is noted tnat in the expression of a purpose toinsistupon the ultimate and proper punishment of these offenders, tbe state .department goes far beyond tne lierman declaration on the subject. The announcement that the department intends immediately to begin through Mr. Conger, conferences with Ching and Li Hung Chang, although distinctly marking "the fact that these are only preliminary to final negotiations, will have the effect 1 to force tbe other powers to an immediate determination of their policies in this matter. . CHINESE ESCAPE kl- 1.4 a. t. ., wtu iui uuutUKrmpii a Y; GENERAL DE WEll ,. ... i .!..,;:. S ...... . Here is the man whose matchless military skill has been prolonging the (rtr in South Africa. Great Britain's soldiers have never had a foeman more worthy of their steel than General Christian De Wet, the brave Boer who kas harried Lord Roberts forces and led his best officers on many a wild goose chase over the veldt 'Had it hot been for De Wet the cause of the Boers would have been dead months ago. 4 Even the British have been impressed by bis valor. Here is what the London Sketch-had to say of him in a recent number: "We all like a brave and skillful foe. ; General Christian De Wet has so frequently given a whole cordon of pursuing brigades the slip that he has won sincere admiration even from those he has outwitted. A bora soldier, Christian De Wet offers an example of activity, steadfastness and of earnest irlhprpughness In the performance ol' duty, which are the essentials of success in any walk of life, military and civil alike. This costly war will not have been in vain if it teaches the war office and the nation that we can no longer piay at soldiers." Turkish Folic Jajatlc. A trifling dispute between a Kurd and an Armenian on a street In Con stantinople tbe other day led to an amusing Instance of justice as it Is dis pensed by the Turkish police. . A tobacco box was found on the pave ment as alleged, by a Kurd. An Ar menian claimed the box as bis own. Neither would give In. and tbe dispute waxed warm. From words they were near coming to blows when a police man came up, but be could not decide tie question of ownership. At last tbe Armenian suggested that the policeman ask what was in the box. "Tobacco and cigarette paper," said tte Kurd promptly. Tte box contains nothing but 10 piasters," said the Armenian, enilllns The ct2ccr craned the box and. CnJ- ! tie Armenian was r!;l.t, settlcl tho cl.'-rute by tiring tin the box. "The Armenian is the owner cf t! 9 I . x." Lo MkL "The Kurd U a Vzr." Here to Fmcte the Kurd over tLa ! -a J. "Allah to rrs!?r ! Tor my trou V.? la Ck'.Z:t.z VJ.3 corr;::rctcl iZzlt I t ::i keep tt? ID r'.-.?trc ' Under the Noses of 8,000 Allies. . Allies Lose Heavily. , Taku, Sept. 20. Four thousand Bus-1 sian, 3,000 German and 1,000 French troops, with a detachment of Austrian marines, began tbe attack upon the Pei Tang forts at daylights Tho attack was answered briskly front the forts, the bombardment continuing until noon. but it was noticed that the forts did not reply after 10 o'clock. V Tbe allies sent forward at noon to dis cover the reason of the cessation of the fire from tbe forts and found them de serted, there being only four dead China men within the wans. . The allies were much chagrined, as tbey believed ' they had the place completely surrounded, making escape impossible; yet over 3,000 men got away in broad daylight. : The Russian artillery fire had proved effective and the forts were badly damaged. . , Tbe liritlsb abd Italian commanders bad decided to Join in the attack but tbeir troops had not arrived in time. Tbe entire line between Tien Tsui and Taku shows reinforcements were heading for tbe forts. Three members of the allied forces were killed and 50 were wounded through the explosion oi mines laid along tbeir line , of march. Berlin, Sept. 21.A . dispatch received here from Tien Tsm gives the loss of the allies at the capture of the Pei Tang forts at lzii men, including seven Germans. Tbe Chinese, the dispatch adds, escaped in Doats. Mr. W. W. Pritchard. of Spring Hope. was mangled in a cotton gin Wednesday morning about 7 o'clock. He had fust completed a gin and was examining some detail, when he got bis right arm cacght in tne saws, lie was instantly drawn up to the gin, and before help could arrive and the gin could be storped he was horribly cot Dr. Whitehead, of Rocky Mount, who was summoned, hopes that the arm can be saved, says the Wilson Times. 1 Wall i;bk4L. It is recorded cf a yours fcp wbt risitedone cr the liothschii-a that m was so proud cf his maladita t! cr tettens that be U2s:.-tvHl cpoa cxhatit- Izx thca to his host The latter looked at them t-.l eaid Vito it & rrr-ttv ' r- n I Viva a. . . ... t.:tr;.x9 ca..3 ci is ia rccra." THE RAir:C0V. YOU.'.'G VANDERBILT'C- C!G SLOOP. Racing 70 foot yachts 13 truly a millionaire's sport Here U a picture of young Cornelius Vanderbllt's tig sloop Rainbow, which recently contested for tLs Lipton cup. tho cest Fru f Chirjj. Any aizlt sr.fTorin.'x from acod puttied oathe fcreaet, bronchitis, throat or lung trout. les or and nature, who w. 1 ra.l at TeiD'a-I'irston 1'rer Co., l? rre wnteJ wiib a samr.le botUe of Ih'VM.'hee'e 'an r jrep, iree of charge. Vr.ly one ? f t t j ere r---r!on, ani cone to t wss ta I::-'i li"J a c I.at-retas f.r:a ci ito r-3 sr. 1 tzi r::? I r j.t, ij v. va f .cu.4 f.rL'.i e:.e Cv: J f It :.t 3 I 1 t: a .- i w ii..c-1 cr..leT from rar -3 t'.r-it cr 1 : - ' r"jpiy r t -i a f-. e a.i l'--.'- . n ti.;raa ; -r: : v( i T - , ' 7 :crl3- Tk Sllaaloaarr'a na. Cannibal KIcg-Ericg ca the L! Ca and let's roast this fllow. Captured Bllsslonary O tins, but tire me a dose cf quinine before I die! Ton see, I am a victim cf the tahlt I rrcrjme three cjr.rea of quinine every 11 Lours. Ca:i al K'.zz-l pass th3 fellow r?. I can. st"l taste that qt:I:ce Cccd we r--.5": l two mccths sa Ujhl-liJ STATE HEWS. Interesting North Carolina Items In Condensed Form. ' TJOninhliro will hn.v A. f.nwt. fair and carnival on October 9th, 10th and 11th. The Cartham Blade atatMi tbn.t Tlnat Iangly, .of Glendon, was drowned at Deep River, near his home, a few daya ago. -"CXvV-vv ..; AmhlAA ' t.ttA 1 0.voaj-lil inn nf Mm. A. R. nhnmhlpn. nf Dnrhnm wna drowned in the Neuse river, twelve miles from.Burbam, Friday morning. Mr. W. A. K. Williams, of Warrenton, has gone to Grand Rapids, Mich., - where he will engase in the manufacture of glass counters, says the Warrenton Record. The United Ktaten ban hnncrhfc n. lit.tlo inland within a fsw Tards nf thn town of Beaufort, and on it will establish a biological laboratory, It is said; that ' as much as $10,000 will ; be expended there. Wilson Times: Just as we cn to nresn (Friday) we learn the sad news of the J ... I. A V - . V . iiui.u ui tue vnerauie ex-juuge J. vv. Lancaster, who has been sick some weeks. The deceased was 81 years old. and the - oldest member of the Wilson bar. The cotton sin -of N. M. Blalock and James Jordan, 12 miles south of Raleigh, was burned Saturday, together with 1 o Dales of cotton. .Loss f 1,200 to f 1, 500; partly insured. It is said that the flamed originated from friction of the . rapidly running machinery. Brigadier General .' John M. Wilson, chief of engineers, United ' States army, orders the construction of an im portant addition to the secondary bat tery of Fort Caswell. There will be six fifteen-pounders and one five-inch gun, making the total number of the secondary battery seven. Of the two guns with the mounting of which the secondary ' battery was commenced, one is a five inch gun and the other four and seven tenths. AU are rapid-firing. Fire at Concord Friday morning about 2 o'clock burned the house of John Isen-hour,colored,-f and'twenpied br Mrs. Christiana McLelland, no insurance; a bouse owned by Mr. C. B. Wagoner, $150 nuowBUUVVy aVIWVUOalUI CaU QUUOU 1U ' sured for f 500; two stores belonging to Mr. M. C. Walters, insured for 9400 each: the house of Mrs., Mary Flees, insured for $500, and most of the furniture in the, dwelling houses and the goods in tne stores. Tbe total loss is about 15,000, with 2,500 insurance. Washington Gazette-Messenirer:' Mr. Robert Jennett, of Lake Comfort. Hyde . county, says the great fire that so much bad been written about ox late is still burning. That since it was first dis covered it has burned over a tract of land thirty miles long and two miles broad, and now the great Bonnell farm is on fire. The land burned over is . burnt about on an average of three feet deep, and, though the damage was great, - the majonty of tbe land sweet bv the fire was a kind of a prairie and was . worthless only for the timber that was on it '.. If sarsaparilla and the other vegetable ingredients that go into the best are good as medicine, then Ayer's Sarsa parilla is good. If not, we are humbugs. Your doctor will td vou which, because he can have the formula of Ayer's Sarsaparilla ;ny time for the asking. If you are tired, half sick, j-alf well, if one day's work causes six days' sickness, get a bottle cf tho old S-rraparilla. Get Ayer s, and insist on Aycr s parilla. . J. C. Ann. Company, FrivUcl ChmNn, Lowe'A, V.i-t. wr.cn you mnt bar cf t.V civl. :r. 1 won J. T 'S t '1 r " a of tr tll.S tr.;- r. ' 5 j- r I t ' ' - . - : I I : r i:. 'i . " ! t j '. r . ;-r.. ( i i " ... ' 1 l i. 1 c;t, : I ' r t I " t au :. I. t-y c 1 : 1 JC1 t'V r : - : : -r i ?'J y I I r 1.:.' Ar-r'il'.'rV -r A ' -t' C'. j 1 . 4 t' A - C--j