s 1 i L4 DAflE:r;lHE 1 U!. I , Ji; ii ig. I- , V PUBLISHED, EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDRY. . oLEI-No. 148: 1 KINSTQN.'N. 0., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1900. Price Two Cents. GEHERAL.dlEWS, of Matters of Interest; Condensed Into ,. Brief Paragraphs. , , .; "If.- . "; " r. ...... . Ornamental glass workers ntimberiDg 275, struck at Chicago Monday, lor more ; pay and lees work, i riui. ilia. Egbert Mills & Co.. stock brokers New York, failed Monday. Liabilities ? 250,000, with enongh assets to cover. ' About 7,000 to'12,000 Boers, ! under Steyn and Reite, art planning w naraas the British line of communication in the Transvaal.' 4 :! In Jefferson county, Ky., Monday night Dr. H. M. McCullooab.ehot and killed Geo. Owen, during a quarrel over ft pea fowl.' i;s 'yu n-: ; i- Dr. Nansen and Ihtu Ddke ,of Abruzzi according to 4 dispatch from Christiana, have agreed to undertake ; a joint ex pedition into' the North Polar regions, it A Lorenzo Marques cablegram says British patrols nave . reacnea tne .ror- tueuese frontier. Boers continue to trees above and below the portion held by the .British. Tberiding horses 'are 4ttSa terrible condition. ,ii ? UriJ'il-Vjs fc A thousand men went to work at Gal yeston Monday gleaning the streets and beach front of debris and dead bodies. The saloons - have reopened. Railroads find it difficult to get men to work upon the tracks between Galveston and Hous ton. , , 'r A forest and crass fire which has betn burning for several daye near Oc cidental, Col., has done oyer a quarter of a million dollars damage.- un . Monaay it was with difficulty that Occidental was eared; The towns of Freestone, Bodegar ; end Sebastopol are .threatened.- I The state department was notified last week or the fact that tne rrencn govern ment had adopted an attitude similar to that of the United States in replying . to ;he German note. In addition it ,was -tated that the government of Russia vas in line with that of France in this uatter.: ttz Mcat:m-i4-';inM ! The postmaster general has issued an ?rder against the endless chain system f aollincr nrnda. Tha order itRtn that 1 such schemes are lotteries nd-under Le law canoot.be sent, througn tne tails.. The order Js based on tne decision f the attorney general of the United 'ate. :, ,. t . In tbs strike regions of Pennsylvania crt . were do flisturDances juonaay. wothontand mors miners joined the tlrm t':nanJ tril:ora attended t f ' w&lof tL.r commit killed by the . s fm. r Tjcfl (tompers, preei l A - i. at 1 : r&Jua of Labor says - l x ! wsj t!tstroyedby Mt ft ' t. One hundred t ; LA tarn was I - J dlnprtJyon . i j L ri 1G , i r,t 'i thsstonn 1 1 II the occu t iiit ditri. Eight t l from tne ruins. I , . r? 1j cia tt L!j test A man 1 : tt Lit Lett Lea L Ulka or sings Lit Lca Lt praya Prayer ii Utaca, ccnslact, character, and every 3 r.sy Uli wifJj the Almighty any ra when his heart seeks the presence :.:oil;cv. Wiillasi Kader CoEr legalist, Zr.rt rrar.ciscS Jl l' ,, . , . l i tt ; J. AOBkal Ilcaowm. riirby cocld become famotzs It h ca't so lazy." -, . - 1 Ch, ho will get famous yet." . S 'What do you meant.... - 1 '? Vf'hy, he takes such , good care of .self thct he will live to be 100 and famed for that" Detroit Fre i'our l:air Is older than .you . We jhoutj fiy yc j .crc' Ycur hair-. bck3 y. Ti want to ret t.c ct:: cm: cf thit hair Hair Vrv.iiKSit. J. C. Av: - C , ,'l ' 'til ' ' t. j - , v , , v k t i t t ... ' v; Photo copyright, 1000, by Elmer CWckerinsy Boston. t'.f. 'ft ' ,'WILLIAM 'H. .CRANE AS , DAVID HARUM.N- , Here Is a David Harum -of real 'flesh and blood. At least this la the war: William H. Crane looks when be is' ready to portrayiha charactecof tha ge ial tiorse trader,phlloacrfthe"ranti pbilanthroplst on the stage. If the ma ' thousands who liave laughed with the warm hearted hero of Homevllla e tend to the play .the same appreciation and Interest which they have given1 the book, Mr. Crane's theatrical season will be a most successful one. CI i rl 3 5 Photo by iim lupom, New York.. . ; r.:a. percy rcckefeller. "V-v ;. , . Another scion of the Rockefeller family -la .soon to be married.. Tills is kfr- rercy Rockefeller, son of William Rockefeller, one of the oil kings. Tho foung man was graduated from Tale nt sprui and his cnajrementto ISLiJ Etlllman, a Kewport belle, has just beeu aunauuetd. The wedJSng ft to oc cur la Newport early thLj fall and 1? to be a most brilliant affair. ' -'I V. I . , HXJMAME SOCIETY., polds Regnlar Meeting. Desires ft t Hospital for Klnston. Oommlttee Appointed to Sollolt Funds. ,.. The - Unmane Society was called to order ia tbe Bank of .: Kinstpn . rooms Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock by Presi dent Dr. II. D, ..Harper. In the absence of the secretary. Dr. R. Vi. Lewis acted as secretary pro tern.. . . f . , : . . Tbe treasurer' made his report,' which was approved by the auditing commit tee. . ... ., r. The treasurer has on hand $13 50. ' i'ians;ior future wont: were tnendis. The following ' resolution, offered by Revi Ci Wr Blanchard, was unanimously iteeoivea, rrnat we, tne onlcers and members of the Humane Society of Kins ton, N. ft, most heartily commend to the citizens of Klnston the consideration . of establishing a hospital, for the benefit of its afflicted ones who 'may need special care and -treatment.' :4 -v-'-f f'?:i'-;.r, On motion of Rev. E. D. v Brown; the president appointed a - committee . for soliciting funds to be used by the Humane trict bounded on tbe west by Queen St. bn the east br IndeDendence St.i on i the soutn by Gordon St. and on the north by tne town limits, k :- i Rev. D. H.Tuttleinthedistrist bounded on tha west by Queen St, on . 'the north by Gordon, St., on tho eaBt by tha A." A N. C. R.v R. and on the south by the town limits. w..r--- j t: Rev. W. O. Johnston In the district east of Independence St. and north of the A & N. C. R. R. - .; if ? Rev. C. W Blanchard in all the district west of Queen St- s - r. , V - ? Ihese eentlemen. or others ; aDoointad by themv expect to call upon - all - of our citizens for a contribution and it is hoped tnat tney wr.r respond liberally. .. , j, ' B M ' .... ....... . . TOWN BONDS SOLD. ! '' f O-mhMMmi .. -i" Eleotrio Light Plant Again Owned By the Town. Lights to be Ex tended to New Parts of Towtu The town bonds for 125.000 have been sold to Fuller & Co., of Chicagcs; ' They bear 5 percent, and sold at. a premium of 1,025, the sum realized from the bonds beinir 820.025. ! 1 "' v . On yesterday the town aldermen set- 11. J , At XI. J . . . mm uea wuii id citizens woo so inaiy came to the aid of the town after tbe fire that burned the electrio light DlantThe electric ngnt plant is now- again owned The electric lichts will be extended to the newly built np portions of tbe town Those wishing incandescent lisrhts4 can get them by; making, "application for same:-'1'" '-.',-.-.,;"-f'.-;- -f '' Connection was made with .the Chris tian church yesterday, and that ;church will be lignted by electricity at the " next evenlnor service. -- y . The town aldermen' " deserve credit for uaving manatrea so wen unaer sucn ; dis couraging circumBtances Vhich aVione time confronted them. - VVt3 ' September 26, 1900. Mr. Lewis King is reported sick, but hot aangeroTisiy;-- Mr. Lane Yoffle returned from Newbern yesterday evening. v Mr. Ptm Fisher, of Trenton Hiirh scdooi, w very sick. ; ; " , Mr... IX O. PnJen is having a fine dwelling bouse built, : "- '. . We are elad to note the proarees made oy tne u. M. A. society ol UTenton. Mess. Ilammond &, Crock are havimr the Trenton water grist mia repaired. E. A. Rhodes wUl leave for Baltimore in a day or two to buy a fall stock of goods. .''-Jr; ! . Mr. Carraway, of Mt. Olive, is holdinir a protracted meetinsr in the Methodist cnurcb. ' ; ,- ? - v. , Mr. Lon Tovlor, our deputy Bheriff. re turned from Dover yesterday, where he had been on business. Mr. Mark 'WUcon has returned from Newbern, where he bad twain the em ploy of H. M. Pollock. ! r Mr. W.lI. Cox's dwelling house caught fire yesterday morning, but was put out before any serious damage was done. Mr. Jones Jennett, of Hyd county-has come to school to itoi. i.nodes. lhis makes eleven pupils from IJjde he has Lis session. Tns Feke Teess, Saturdav's rapef. oted that cotton sold for only t cents tie Ee ttrr.rT towr.i and Bold la inston for 10 ceuts." This is a mistake as it 8:1 inTnntcaa:l day for D.a and reacbej to 0.07-' ' ' ' " TTe r.rn sorrr to r t d ath of Mrs. ' Ufi:3, w.: rf Ilr. ll. J. Ulln. the ' -sy tvenir? acd wasbcrie-J yp. '. v. i r, . . rtr: :r! t-' .! t a 2 "1 Tr i r STATE HEWS. ;' '. ,- . - ii ir:':';'::''; ,;; ,'.'.; Interesting , North Carolina , Items v -In Condensed Form. North Carolina and Virginia Universi ties 'will play football in Norfolk, Va.; on Nov. 24th. - . " " ". High Point Enterprise: 8. Cecil was in town Saturday and gave an account of tbe killing of a large hawk near Ken neday'a Mill. .. Tbe hawk measured 4 feet 8 inches from tip to tip. When shot it was devouring a large turkey," making the third turkey it had killed this season. ' The ' Star says Wilmington was last 1 week the third cotton port in America with resDect to receiDts. "She is eclinned , only by New Orleans and Savannah in ' the race for first place.' Her old time rival Charleston has received ? since SeptemberlBt only 19,731 bales while the receipts here have, been 48,028 bales." . v lk Jones, a negro lineman, met. a horrible death at Charlotte Monday. 1 He was at ' the top 'of a 50-foot cole stringing : neWwireS.'. when thet? cole snapped just at the ground, fallingacroas the street with the helpless man strapped 1 to it. The pole fell a-roes the body of the negro whone back and shoulder were broken. Jones lived only an hour after the-aecident' happened,; n b juft-H. : . Ooldsbord Argus, 23th: The : home of Mr. Amasiah Parks, inSaulston town ship, is the scene of much sadness today1. Two of his children! a boy and a young 1 lady, both lying still in tbe cold embrace of death, Yesterday at 12 o'clock his son Sam Jones. 13 .years of age. died from tbe effects of a yellow chil, and last night his daughter Lena, 17 years of age, died of consumption. Two dead - in the home at one time.,; iif,f.-t.--,!j;VP.:.i ,.. A meeting will be held in , Raleigh on Tuesday, Oct. 23, intbeauditoriumofthe agricultural building, for the purpose of organizing a State Literary and Hie torical association. The chief purposes of this association will, be to. promote the reading habit among the people of North Carolina; to 'stimulate . the pro duction of literatnre.in'our Stat; to .col-. lect and preserve historical material. In carrying out these purposes the associa tion will nope to aid in tne improvement of our public schools, in the establish ment of public libraries, in the formation of literary clubs, in the collection and republication of North Carolina literature worthy to.be preserved and now rapidlv ' passing away, in publication of an an nual 'record or bibliography of North Carolina literary productions, ; in the collection of historical material and the foundation of an historical museum, and in the correction of slanders, misrepre sentations and other injustice done our State. Both ladies and gentlemen who are interested in this movement are in vited to be present at tbe time and place above indicated, to take part in the con ference that is to be held, and to enroll themselves as members of the associa tion. - .- .., ,,. v FALLTNO CBEEH ITEMS. ; i;i . ".! ' .'iV.'i'.. o. x " l 'aA ,i . .. Depiemoer i, J.UUU. 1 Miss Bertha Fields is spending today at LaGrange.'- "- i ..; ...i. Mr. C. E. Rayner.of Kinston, is visiting at Mr. Jesse Wood's. ; , , f :. Miss Aylmer Sugg, of Kinston. visited at Mr. Dempsey .Wood's 8unday. .Falling Creek baseball team played nstitute Saturday. Falling Creek won. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Herring and ' Miss Hattie visited at Seven Springs Saturday ana Sunday. . r. im i. j , 5-:, ' Mr. Herman Turnage, ' of Institute. spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. V. J. Herring. ( r. . ... Mess. Will Gray and Mark Hardy, cf nstitute. spent Saturday night with Mr. Eugene Wood. ' ' . Mess. Hugh Bryan and Stephen Hardy. of Institute, spent Saturday, evening at Mr. li. F. Fields'. Mesdames Debbie Albritton, of 8wans- boro,- and W. -D. Ilayner,"of Kinston, are spending this week with Mrs. W. L. Kennedy., . . , , The Colorado river is his-her than ' it was in the terrible flood of last April. Tbe rush of water from above was ex pected to reach Austin. Texas, at 12 o'clock Monday night. All the rivers in northern and western Texas are raging and vast damage has been done, ban Saba, a town cf 1 ,000 people, baa been partially swept away by tie flood in San 'Sanba river. ' ' Fres ef (ir-s. Any adult su"'riEg from a cod settled on the breast, hrorictii.is, throat of zzz outlet of aii j nature, who will ca!l at Ten:r'j:.-irstc-n Vrr.z Co., wi:l be pre- ntJ with a snrrsf .e bott.e of, r- !.re'a eman T:p1 free of cr.arge. U.r one tone to it e fr;v n to ore r-'rpnn, ana !' !- i without or. r frnn fv v - !urh in all y i -i i t , T 3