" i The twins had been a source of joy and speculation lor three or four weeks to Sirs. Branhild and her husbandto Mrs. Branhild especially, for anything in the khana of a baby aroused the deepest sympathies of her nature, ' perhaps be cause she had never had one of her own. Nevertheless, there was no Infantile dis order for which the little woman did not have ft sovereign remedy, and her diagno ses were unerring. She could talk the language uini uauies uuueniuiuu tui av - fluency and expression that mothers of six might hare envied, and the most ob streperous little brats that ever murder ed midnight sleep would, under her gen tle ministrations, become simply cheru bic. . , , ' .' Mr. Branhild was interested in the (twins simply because they would have in xexestea anybody, as tney were wneeiea past the Branhild cottage, one at each, end of their basket carriage, looking as 'fresh, plump and enticing as two pink v4i0rrloa mi otnlfc- th mnKt rhrnnli 1 .misanthrope would have felt an impulse to arrest their progress until he should have pinched their,' soft, round cheeks nd coaxed the dimpled fingers into ding ins touch of his. ' They were dark eyed twins, with quite' a profusion of -soft - torown. hair, considering their age, and the girlish looking woman who wheeled then. had the same eyes and hair. They alwaps passed at about the same hour in the afternoon, and they never came back the same way. ''I; wish I knew who she. was said Airs,' Branhild to her husband one even ing. She looks so dignified I'm afraid to speak, to her, but I must hold those dear little things if J have to put a tollgate nfctpsa the sidewalk. Aren't they dear, VrtAV . ' , ' "They're mighty cunning babies.' said Hr. Branhold. "I suppose she takes 'them for an airing in the park and goes home around the block. Why do you jvant to know who she is?" " i Naturally I want to know everything iabout her. 'I want to know their names tend what she feeds them and how old khey are and whether their father doesn't (Worship thembut of course he does. I never saw two such sweet little girls in all my life." - "How do you know they are not boys?" I Mrs. Branhild looked at him scornfully, but vouchsafed no other reply. ' "Then why don't yon ask her and find out?" "I did bow one afternoon, but she look ed up so coldly and bowed to me in such a freezing manner that I haven't had tlfa "courage to try it again. I suppose all sorts of people are everlastingly stop ping her to ask about them and she is tired of it. Perhaps I would be, too, and jei ours, jaraoiuiu Bigueu. - fit would tickle yon to death, and yon know it would. Here they come back dow the same way, but she's traded car riages or something." v i "She has, hasn't she? , But that isn't the woman surely not. There'st the twins, though. Why, Fred, those are not the twins it's another set!" i It was another set and another young mother, and the eyes of these twins were blue, their hair flaxen what there was of it and their gender masculine. ! "Did yon ever hear of anything like that?" said Mrs. Branhild. f "Why, I suppose there is more than one pair of twins in Chicago," said Mr. : iBranhild. ";. ,: But the remarkable thing was that from that day the blue eyed babies were driven daily past the Branhild cottage as regularly as the brown eyed pair, and little Mrs. Branhild was at a loss which Hot the two to admire most. The blue ieyed ones passed at about 3 o'clock and Ithe brown eyed ones half an hour later. "NoW, I should say there was a special Providence in this thing if it wasn't for (that half hour of difference," said Mrs. foranhild, musing, with a prospective jeye. "f'l wonder whether they don't pass somewhere. I suppose not, though. 'They probably miss each other by about a minute. That's the way it is in this life; ,we miss things." She sighed a little sigh nd thereby attracted the wandering at tention of Mr. Branhild, who patted her hand and said, "I'm glad that I didn't miss you, my dear." . -. J Bnt . Mrs. BranU'ld's estimate of th ,ways of Providence was not well based after all, for about two weeks ago Mr. Branhild, looking op the street, and Mrs. Branhild, lookiDg down the street, both simultaneously exclaimed. "Ilere come the twins!" - 1 And, sure enough, this time the blue eyed and the brown eyed were approach log from opposite directions and would soon meet. Mr. Branhild carefully meas ured the distances with his eye and then turned to his wife and said, "I believe j tbry will hit jost aboot here." - Tbe little womaD made no reply. She ( xr as too absorbed in her own calculations, tnt la a moment the said in her turn: ,"Iil just bet you that they meet right la front here. I wonder if tbey will How could they help it? Ai the 73 ran V.'. U l.fid predicted, the two pothers, with their duplex ofTsprlns. met J a front cf tie cottase and no introJci :'.oa was T ' -".TJ. ' !' -let cf the brown eyed and mother ' f f ; l ine ? !: "Why. if you fccTpa't r f. ! i:.vir..-:.r. j .el V r.r car- - - ' i r ' t - r" 1 r- r - ' a 1 I 1 1 r In one arm, sue called to Fredito come down to look. , ,-,., I . And a little after that all tour of the babies were kicking their fat little legs on a shawl spread on the neat little Branhild lawn, and it turned out that after all there was nothing naughty about the mother of the brown eyed ba bies any more than there was about the mother of the blue eyed babies, or about little Mrs Branhild herself, for that mat ter. 1 , . The shawl on the lawn Is now almost a regular afternoon institution. Yon can see it any time, yon msy happen to go down the street, witn tne two mowers and Mrs. Branhild in attitudes of adora tion at the dges, while TJncle ; Fred smokes his pipe on the porch and looks benevolently down on them. "It Is really one of the sights of the city, if yon are only lucky enough to end it c-nicago liecord. - If brass or copper, after cleaning, la robbed with old, soft newspapers; It wB look much brighter and keep clean much longer. Dyspepsia Cure niirftcte tvhivt vnu cat. am -" w - - Tf i-tflniil trroaf a ftiA fond and aids Nature In strengthening and recon- gana, lLiSineitSlUiBeueieuu.Boow an. and tnninj. Tin nthfif nrenaration can atnroacli it in efflcleacy. Jt In- eiantiy relieves uuu lieriuaueuujr w. f 31 A X TJA..tki1n Jjyspepsia, j.OUigesiiuUf iicanuu'"i Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand 11 ot.hr nRiilta of imnerfect digestion small slse. Book all about dyspepsia maUeairee prtparta ey c w. us wi 1 1 a vqicu8b. r J. E. HOOD. : A few more Boarders desired! at 4otel jgailcy T Those desirine to secure good board . .. .. . . i jr. . a. i ai a reasonaoie raxe are soucucu a Kvc us a trial immediately. Morton's Bakery DELIVERS Fresh Bread and Cakes Anywhere in the City. FOR SAEl BLACKSMITH SHOP and tools, v : Apply to" JESSE H. BELL. You Will Find IN OUR STORE a fall line of Staple Dry Goods and Groceries. . We pay cash for our goods and get tbem at bottom prices, and will sell as close as any mercbanidoing a square and honest business. : We Solicit Both Town and Country Trade. I ! Wekeep a free delivery wajron on onr stretsfor the convenience of our town trade, and a free lot and stables for onr country customers. Come to see us. . .v Yours very truly, XVH. ALEX LallOQUE, Queen Street, , Phokr 76. KINSTON N, C 1 w h t: - or ; l.c- .. ey. '. I-z't te t:' " 1 t i , ;' , : - - i: v . I e 1 1 i ..; t i e f.-ir'i rzrc s t' CM :r c li '3 ;.. ' - --o ' . .and all MALARIAL' DISEASES take '. YOOATA TbpeoplwiU quickly Toeacnim th 8aprlrQna.Utlesof ( lartnO m r Mm Mir so-calll T(lea Tcalca. - They &ra anreilftble and tba dM nBoeruuau Yqci Chill Tonla (Imprord) rnquin no ihaking of tbo bottl. Th mtiiclo it tbnroatrhlr dutolred ; ich do oontajnt th iam pruportiMi at owdioiM. Formnlaon WMib bottlt, comnun of (JUlXliKB which drirmout malaria, IKON which loueinj the riteraand PEPSIN wlurh prmlucM a hearty appauta. Any phyticiaaor drugtf at wilt tell yoa tharala NO BETTKB PRS3CHIPTI0 J for MALARIA and iu kindred dmeaaea. Plea Mini to take; doea net atekea or nauaaata. and it a'rptaia ro tne moat neiioata atomacru jrtcit;. atw i crni. rat aaia ay bii aeaiera. ?laa OAX-Cit-i'JCIjJX'X" JVTTilPXOXrfflil CO., SuLB BurBirroBS, EvanSVill, lnd Sold in Kinston No. 14, , " Best 2,000 of , 111 FOt THE COOK I O. K. BLUB FLAME warranted., .,;; ' ' Come and examine the O. K. JEWELL Steel Range, the LOYAL VICTOR Oast Range; also the many kinds and qualities of other stoves. We are selling them low down. - pur Paints Are Firsi-Class ! Oui ! dolors Are Genuine. ' t t Our Oils Are Pure. Our stock of Hardware is all right. Come and see us. - Respectfully, tsrTho flaw Hardware St:re. PRINTING? What KindHDo ' : " You Want? BILL HEADS,; LETTERHEADS, V : ENVELOPES, , II CIRCULARS, . ; " DODGERS, ! ; i i w If POSTERS - 1 1 r - - . , . ' t ' we. print fc.cy ryiiim.irqni 5;.vara (tq ,n7 "j ,qi! Chcnp too. .... . 5 CHILL TONICOniroTEU by J, E. HOOD. J..W. COLLINS, HARDWARE; Qtjtbbn St., - Kinston, N. C. A Large Supply of COLE'S Air-TiKht HEATERS. and Cheapest on thb Market. pounds Shot, a ' Supply Powder, Loaded Sheila, Etc.; Just Received. I 1 t'l!l II III BULU uu OIL STOVE. Every one ' .u DIKOW & HOOKER kinston. n. c i I i t CARD3, j 1 i , . . i 1 or what? j. I Print it vcll and BUY THE -GCNUINCT' sywoF FfiOS. MAX UyACTUBXD BT ... - . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. fry y org the same. To the Public ! We, the tuidersigned, are now ready and well equipped with mill and fixtures and abundant forest, and wish all purchasers of lumber to give us a call before buying else where. Fully thanking you aU for past favors, we solicit a contin uance of the same. : Terms, strictly cash. Z. EDWARDS & SOM, .. KINSTON. NC. JONES Cl WILLIS, Shaving , ; and 8 addressing Pavlov Under Hstel TuII. Ea7 Shaves and Artistic UaircnU. , .;:.-:.-. Competent Assistanta. Clean Towels. Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty. " "tS"A TRIAL 60LiaTKD.-O l7ILmST03iID HELD03 RA1LR2AP. ONDJENSM) 80HJUULX. TBA1S8 OOX1 U bOCTH. DATKD . - ' Jttt ' July 88(1,1900, j a Ig h . A. X. F, If. P. X. A. II. TM Leave Weldon.;. II M 8 68 7. AT. Bockyj&t... im 9pi ... .....i , " tears Tarboro... issi ... .100 Lt. Rocky Xt. ... . 1 06 9 63 6 87 6 15 a kl Leave Wflfton.... 169 loss 710 667tei 0 Leave Belma..... 166 11 in ..... Lv. FayettevUle. 4 80 12 22 , Ar.Florenoe..... 7 85 tst P. X. A. X. Ar GoldBboro..,. ......" , . . 1U .... ..... Lv. eoldBboro... ..... ... ...... 4t$p) Lv. Waffnolla.... ...... .... I,.,.. TB14S9 i Ar, Wilmington ...... smin . P. X. A. X. PJf. THAIH OOIMQ MOBTH. of e e ' . ' A.X. P. X. LT.Floremoe.... 950 T8o...v. . Lv. PajeitevlUS. u i ...... Leave&eima 160 ...... 1054 Arrive Wllaoc... S86 ...... ,118s . ..... A. X. P. X. A. X. Lv. Wilmington 7 on 9 S Lv.XagrBolfa g ju0 Lv. GoldBboro... ...... 4 60 987 1IM P. X. - A. X. P. X. P. X. Leave Wilson.... (86 1 83 uti 1045 us Ar. BookyXt.. ISO 10 U07 11 W iu AmveTarboro.. .J.... 8 46 ...... ...... Leave Tarboro... 1881 ...... .... Lv. Rooky Xt... 8 80 ...... Li 07 Ar. Weldon 4 83 ...... 100.. P.X. AxJp.X. Train on tne Klnnon Branca Boa4 leaves weiaon a:rvs p. m.. uauiax 4:17 p. m., arrives Scotland neck at fos P. m., Greenville t fJ p. m.. KlnatAn 7-Ran. na. RMnrnln. lunaii. .. ton 7:60 a. m. Greenville 8.-6S a. m.,amvir .u.u .1 11.101 ai.au.. nnuuu iiioa a. ku.. nkr axoept Bund&y. H. H. K URSnU 3n ...mr 9.Z KBNLT.Gen'lXanafer. t . JtMiciiaoN.Tratoe MABtmr AUantic & W. C. Itailrosd TIMB TABLB No. U. V JTJLY X8, J900. KABTBOCin) TKAIKS. o 5 gsp S STATION a jjH eg" ! 3 s s a Ha . . a. a P a. a a. a.Q P. X.Ia. X. A. X. A. X. A.X. GoldBboro....... 840 tou 740 7a Heet'a. 4 00 783 SOU 7M...... L&crantre ( 811 8 0" (, Palling Creek 4 0 8 27 8 SO 8 941..... KiBRtoo. 4&i u ea , tio Caawoa. 4i t5 8 46 9M...... Dover 4 6fi 1015 8 55 9 Core Creeks.... 607 1040 907 ! Tusa&rora ! 1115 9 21 J8f Clark's 6S 1181 9S6 19ft) Newlwrn 8 60 ib SfrH 1190 Kiverdale... ..... 815 91-' 1015 ...... Jl (rotn. 8 IE IS" 10 18, ji liaTelvck 4 8K 10 )...... ))o h-wporv 884 10 Cl 1193 Wildwaal S 4s 8 4? 10 iM )1H tlanuo IU 84' Ufi, ...... JJfH or- bead City.. 7 : 41 11 or 1217 xoreiie4 City .. 715 4?t 1115 uci P. X. P. M-U. X.IA. X. P. M. WE8TBOUXD TKA1U8. "3a 6TATIOS3. C J?, r-. "Vf s t -x 1 : i I I . J ' ! . Ej 'i i (.'' I 3 't1 i 3 . . . U If ' 'H b. . i.l' JV'l". 5 7, 3'. I '.t ' rro..j...'t - e ' t 71- I ' -V. II , t ' ' 7 . 1 :'-.-. ... '. ' 4; 7; f, i ..... ..v..,--- J-. 4. . f 13 t f t 1 1 ..... v - i . I , , 4 ? . a....... : r i 1 M -. ...t. i t U, .. . . . ..1 Iji .': K .