THE DAILY FBI FBESS. subscription prices: tn wta .. 10 cents vw month as ffcree month!.... ...... .,.$1.00 Twcitb monws suw MONDAT EVEKINO, Oct. 1, 1000. Cotton cold in Kins ton at 10 cents to day. - There were big tobacco sales on the Kinston market today, especially for Monday. Tickets were sold to 47 people at Kine ton yesterday to people who spent tbe day at llorehead. " Fif teeb car loads of cotton and tobacco were shipped from Kinston on tbe A. & JN. V. u. it. Saturday. . Those participating in tbe Old Maids1 ; convention are requested to meet in tbe opera bouse tonight at 7:30. V Her. W. O. Johnson closed a meeting at Richlands last Friday. The results were six additions to tbe church by con feaeion and baptism. Electric lights were turned on at the Christian church last nisbt for tbe first time. They are neatly arranged , and made a pretty snowing. There was one : addition by letter to the church at this service. The Sunday school conference that had been in session at Laiirange adjourned Saturday. This session of tbe conference was the best yet held, and was largely attended. Many people from Kinston attended. We wore told this morning by people who are in a position to know, that Simmons will carry Lenoir by a big majority. Mr. J. U. Vox said every man be had seen today favored (Simmons, and be talked with quite a number. Ilev, and Mrs. D. H. Tuttle and two children returned from' LaGrange this morning.' Mr. Tuttle filled tbe pulpit at the M. K. cunrcn tnore yesterday, itev. W. S. Itone preached at tbe Kinston church yesterday, both morning and Charles Albert, 18-montbs-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. K. Bagby, died this morning at 0 o'clock, of bronchitis. The burial service will be held at the house at 10:30 tomorrow morning, and tbe burial will take place immediately after at the cemetery. The meeting that bad been in progress at Sandy liottom, conducted by lievs. I). II. Tuttle, W. A. Jenkins and J. B, Webb, closed yesterday. A church will be erected at that place. Rev. Mr. Jen kins left on the morning train for bis borne at Goldsboro. ' There was a runaway on Queen street Saturday evening. A mule hitched to a cart, and without a driver, went plung ing down tne street at a lurious gait, scattering portions of the cart in many places, running into other vehicles and creating much excitement.- Tbo mayor bad more cases before him last week than in any week for quite a while. Chief of Police Rouse informs us that be bad 12 coses before Mayor Webb during the week the fines amounting to $25. The three other police also did a rushing business, so the town treasury was conmaeraoiy neiped last week. Mayor Webb bad another busy day aturaay. Air. Judge rerry was lined 2 and costs for drunkenness. Mr. llaskell Terry was fined f 2 and costs for beinff drunk and nsinsr profane lan guage. Mr. E. E. Rouse and Mr. C. K. Bai ley 's case came up Friday afternoon. Mr. Bailey was found not guilty. Mr. Rouse bad to pay the costs. Mr. Jeff Hill was up for an affray Saturday morning fined $2 and costs. . Mr. Thomas Singleton was found dead at bis gate in Duplin county, on Tuesday morning, Sept. 25th; lie. was a good and clever man, loved by all who knew him. lie had started to town with a load of produce about 3 o'clock, and about 5 o'clock his wife found him at the gate dead. Hart disease caused his death. , lie was 88 years of age. lie leaves a wife and mother and many friends to mourn their loss. Last year chrysanthemum shows were held all over the country, several being held in the larger North Carolina cities. There is no reason why Kinston should not have a show of the pretty Japanese flowers. We may not have as big a population as other cities but tbe flower-loving women of Kinston raise iuet as large chrysanthemums as any body, 1 Bring out the flowers in Novem ber and let the people see them. . The firm cf Temple-Marston Drug Co. has been dissolved, Mr. K. B. Mam ton purchasing the interest of Dr. R. II. Tern-1 Sile. The business continued by Jr. Mnrgton under the same firm name. Mr. J. L. Harwood. of Wilson, a regis tered pharmacist, of five years' expe rience, will have charge of the prescrip tion counter. Dr. Temple left this morn ing for New York, where he will take a two-months, post graduate course. lis will then resume the practice of medicine. We learh that a fatal accident occurred Saturday morning at Mr. Calvin Tucker's gin, about three miles from Grilfcon, by the explosion of the boiler. One nrgro employe was killed outright, and an-j PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. R. Ball spent today in Greenville Miss Rachel Bright went to Grlfton today. Mr. C. F. Harvey went .to Ayden this morning. v Mr, F. C. Lopps went to Seven Springs yesterday. - - Mr. P. M. Hood spent yesterday in Goldsboro.. Mr. W. M. Beasley left yesterday for Durham. 1 Mr. D. S. Barms left this morning for Tarboro, " MissBernice Wooten spent today in Graingers. ... ... Mr. J. F. Wooten, Jr., spent yesterday in Lalirange. Miss Kate Brown left today for Scot land Neck. - Mrs. M. E. Chad wick left this morning for Raleigh. Rev. J. J. Harper returned to Smithfleld tola morning. Mr. J. J. Bizzell spent yesterday in and near LMJrange. Miss Sadie Kornegay returned from Uoldsboro yesterday. ' Mr. T. J. Rouse returned to school at Ayden this morning. Mr. J. II. Dawson, returned this morn ingfrom Smithneld. Mr. Geo. 'B. Wilson, of Dover, spent yesterday in Kinston. Misses Nellie and Lillie Cobb returned this morning from a visit at Newborn. Miss Emma Cobb went to Perfection yesterday, where she will teach school. Miss Leah Oettinger returned Saturday night from Baltimore and Washington Miss Bettie Rnth, of Raleigb, who bad been visiting relatives in Kinston, retur ned borne yesterday. i - Mrs. Nelson Whitford, who has been visitinor Mrs. Carrie Schweikert. returned to her home at Newbern Saturday. Miss Lena Spain returned this morning from Newbern, accompanied , by Misses Mattie Green and Neta Jlolton, who wiu visit here. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rosenthal, ol Newbern. came from Raleigh Saturday, and spent yesterday and today at Mr, a. Oettingers. Mrs. Alice Harper, who hud been visiting at Mr. Will Button's near Kinston, re turned to her home at Greenville this morning, accompanied by her little grand daughter, Mi9S Alice Sutton. Mr, John M. Thompson, who has held a position with the Hines Bros. Lumber company, left .Saturday v to accept a position with nis brother at fcSmittmeJa. Mr. inompson is a clever gentleman ana made many mends here. The Beat Prescription for Cbllle ad Few la a bottU of Govt Tatbtssi Chiu Tonic It ia limply iron and quinin in taattlast lorn, no cm bo par. rnca, aj . Special Notices. Case of Fox River Butter just received by i! rench & Sugg. Car load of 6-inch Drainage Tiling for sale at Dixon & Hooker's. , A nice line of lunch boxes and baskets at Mrs. Bruton's, at Cash Novelty Store. DR. C. B. WOODLEY, Physician and Surgeon, kinston, n. c. iSTOfSce in Drug Storenext Bank of Kinston v . & ! ffi ffi ffi -ffi 3j ffi DR. G. B, WOODLBY & GO.. DRUGGISTS, Next Door to The Bank of Kinston, KINSTON, N. C. & & & & & 3 & 3f . & ust Think of4ha Gccd Thincs Ycu Can Get At SIWlJvfElS. Artistic Job Printing :. at The Free "Press ", Office Clearing Out Sale AH Suxmner Goods at and below cost Some goods we will not consider the cost to close them out. When we say st and below cost, it really is. We have already reduced prices, but now beginning on Monday, August 6th, we mean to clear these goods out at any 1nce. Come and see what we are eel. og below cost. Few Fire Screens lelt at 98c. . New York Racket. Store, No. 41 Pridgen Block, KINSTON, N. C Dissolution flotico ! The firm of Temple-Marston Drug Co. has been dissolved by mutual consent, ut. R. H. Tern pie retires and Mr. E. B. Marston assumes sole ownership. The business will be continued under the same style Temple Marston Drug Co., , , All parties owing the ! firm wil settle with'B. B. Marston. At accounts dui by firm will be paid by B Marston. (PR. R. H. TEMPLE. E. B." MARSTON. I thank the public for the pat ronage extended me, and ask my friends to continue the same to the Temple-Mar&ton Drug Co. DR. R. II. TEMPLE. Dissolution Notice! The co-partnership heretofore existing between J. C. ymnerly, S. A Quinerly and E. T. Becton, under the firm name of Quinerly & Becton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the firm of Quinerly & Becton must make immediate payment. Settlement may be made to either of the un dersigned. 1 The horse business will be con tinued at the same stand by J. C. Quinerly and S. A. Quinerly Un der the firm style of J. C. Quinerly & Bro., who desire your patronage. October 1, 1900. J. C. QUINERLY, , S. A. QUINERLY, E. J. BECTON. THERE'S better than now to drop in and pick out a piece of Jewelry for yourself or as a gilt for your friend. ' Drop in. We will treat you right, v DENMARK: Tbe'7oul!, Mtet Me at the Oavx Fenntala. GET YOUR SBE J ill Hi Seven Top Turnip, Southern Trize Turnip, Comfortable; Desirable, and Stylish. - T' 'rhir1 OR if Skirt, We have the goods to make them. Camel; Hair and Cheviot, ' In Oxford Blue and Tan, Plain and Plaid Backs, 60c to $2 a yard. OETTINGER BROS. t-A,h ' " - ': 20"Our store will be closed Wednes day, Oct. 3d, on account of holiday. JUST IN 1 Lowney's and Royster's pine Candies Come to see me, boys and young adies l Respectfully, J. E. HOOD. lAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaiiAAA Have You Seen The Bargains 1 On The Notion W i':t -i Table mi ppesh in any style .AT. . B BROp'S Mamnt, tSTAbove the Saloon.-a THE BIG STORE, KINSTON N.C. in IH IH III HI III III III m in in in HI III IN III III III Ml W s 8 I n IS3 1 Crystal lee delivered at your home At I -2c per. Pound, Ice Wagon ; makes TiailTT ;'. ,V PHONB NO. 26. . t ... KINSTON, N. C. DOW'T READ THIS ! Young Men, Old Men and Boya 1 When you get ready for your Fall Suits, tee our eamples of Tailor-made Clothing something that is worth two stock suits to you everytime. We represent the DESBESTZER BLOCK TAILORING CO., and will gladly show you samples and quote you prices on the latest fall patterns, such as Kerseys, Vicunas, Westover, Doe Skin and French Broadcloth. , - INFANTS made separate. tt. B. PATE. t