4 7 k a , t TKE DAILY FREE PRESS,'' PUBLISHED EERY EMElNiESUNroY.; ,,;. , J; . Vol. HI No. 157. KINSTON, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1900. " Price Two Centa. V general mm tiatters of Interest Condensed Into Brief Paragraphs. A strike of 1,000 coal miners occurred Thursday at Blockton, Ala. ThA lfl tBt mnnrt, nf th damftcra to cot- ton br the Texas floods places the loss at 400,000 bales. ' . There were two hundred deaths from disease among our soldiers in the Philip- pines in the last two months, v Gen. MacArthur has sent the First; recr - iment to Marinduque to rescue Captain Shields and his men, or if they are de&d, XO Bevereiy PUniSO ine JCUIDIOOB. , , mi m a ft ..... xne yeuow lever situation m xiavana ia not improved. Datiog the montb aeDTCmoer xoi cases were omciaiiy re- fJk Vcuf VV l IU KM U1VI VCUt VJ Ul V Cl V.OU V 1 The chief fire station at Waltham, Mass., was burned Friday night, with six , houses and two pieces ol apparatus, Beven firemen were hurt but none erl ; ously. ' ' Vice chairmdn Johnson, of the Dem ocratic national committee, gives - out a table estimating that Bryan will receive 32(5 electoral votes McKInley 88 and iid . doubtful. - According ' to Poor's Manual there were in this country at the end of last December 190,833 miles of railway, the increase for the preceding twelve montns being 3,981 miles. But for the prompt action of some of , the leaders of the coal mine strike there would have been a serious clash with the deputies Thursday. The strikers sained greatly in number Thursday. They have , not lost a man yet. Albert T. Patrick, a lawyer, and Jones, tne vale of William Kice, the Texas mil lionaire who died suddenly in New York Sunday before last, have been arrested in that city charged with forgingirnaturee to checks drawn by the late millionaire. wen. Ale Arthur reporter to the war 'department Thursday that five soldiers died in the mountains of Laguna pro vince after having made their.: escape from the insurgents by w nom they had been captured. The date of their death is 1 unknown. - The Vatican authorities have informed the Italian police, In connection with the recent burglary and theft of securities valued at 157,000 lire, that more than a fifth of the stolen property came from 'America. It is said that the thieves are being tracked. ,' The conference between committees representing the Southern - Spinners' associaton and the larn Merchants as : sociation with a reference to revision of prices for yarn have completed their work. An average increase of 20 per cent, was decided upon. The Dowaeer Empress has deputed the highest official of the empire to make all necessary arrangements for a most im- 1 '- 1 T1 . posing' muerai iu uonor oi uarun vou Ketteler, the late German minister to .China. She has also ordered the erection of a suitable temple at the capital to his memory, - Many golden opportunities hare been lost by tbo t rno sunar from rheumatism. By taking Kneumacide . now iney wm d permanently ana pouureiy nin soia oy j. c xiooa. ; Gen. Carr atMt Holly. Tarboro Southerner. " Gen. Carr, candidate for the senatorial nomination at the hands of the Dem ocrats, in a speech at Mt. Holly, Sept. 3rd, 1UU0, is quotad as saying: "If my friends will only turn out on election day and work and vote, victory is assured, and aside from my personal interest, 'it is of the utmost importance that there be a free and lull ballot, and an ho"nest and fair count. " Isn't this an uncalled for and gratui tous insult to every Democrat in North Carolina? ComiDg from a Democrat and one who aspires to leadership, isn't it with very poor grace? , fc Cor, a Col j is Oae Day lak LaxjmvB Duetto Qt'mmi Taaurs. All r' orr-us refund the money li it (ails to con. Liovr t lijDiinr, i boa K. W Carrylns; Ont h Rale. liter who Las beca cItIhi nlvlce to pecjle ca horr to lira to ta 1 11 sn js that cue cf tha cnia rzlzs t3 ' V. )vr li to go away frci tLa t;l'j t meal fet'.Irj as If yea cc Jll c;t r-v lcz:3 CTtry f.!- c;-' t t3 at cur t:-ri:rt 'i I ' Tho Vanity of Men. ' "Vanity, vanity, all Is vanltyr saltfc I the preacher. Which Is usually Inter preted to mean, "All women are vani ty." In point of fact, the observant are agreed that there is no sex In vani ty, more than In mind., An elevator at tendant not long ago glanced disgust- edly at a man who during a long trip up ten or more stories occupied the en- tire time at the mirror. He cunea tbr ends of his mustache, arranged his tie. I adjusted his hat at a more'becomlng angle and was altogether so absorbed that he was carried beyond his destina- j Hon and had to walk down a flight of 1 stairs. I Said the elevator man to a woman In J car;,"They say that a woman can't I , K lb-lrnr rlnaa trlfhftlit lnnlrfno . - fif herself, bnt as far as I can eee fino ain't -In it with the men. A woman o iir tn glass, for the men keep It busy all the time." The man who carries a tiny comb or brush In his pocket for use In public places Is by no means exceptional. He may be seen on the cable cars, the 'L" and in elevators brushing his mustache and eyebrows with as much care as a woman could give to the arrangement of her curly front locks blown Into dis order by the wind. , Of course neatness Is commendable, but there Is always a touch of the ludicrous In a man's tak ing the little case from his pocket, ex tracting the comb and .coaxing his hir sute adornments into a more becoming curve. levr York Tribune. : tT r ' Like a Man. Soon after the conscript law was passed by the Confederate congress Captain Slack was appointed enrolling officer for the parish of Claiborne, with orders to have its provisions duly exe cuted. His manner of execution was the reverse of that suggested by his name and created a lively sensation among the f'bomb proofs," who, find ing the pointed, arguments of his mus kets irresistible, :mQred rapidly and fir a right line toward the front Not long after his arrival my sister had occasion to visit an old lady whose son was no toriously of the peace persuasion. She soon missed his familiar presence, and the following conversation occurred: "Mrs. -, where Is John?" . "Gone to fight for his country, child." "Indeed, -1 thought he was one of the exempts." . ' "Lor', ; honey, Cappin Slack don't know no exempts. The other day I see his men a-gallopin down the road. I hollered to John they war comln and told him the chlmbly was a good place. 'Twasn't no use, though, for they found him quicker than a cat docs a mouse." "Well, Mrs. . what did John dor "Do? Why, he came down and 'list ed iye a man." Lost Cause. j The rope'sj Official IMag-a. The pope has three special rings for his use. . The first la . generally rather a plain gold one, with an intagl io or cameo ornament This is called the papal ring. The second one, called the pontifical ring, because used only when the pope pontificates or ofllciates at grand ceremonies, Is an exceedingly precious one. The one worn on these occasions by Pius IX was made during the reign of Plus VII whose name Is -cut on the Inside. It Is of the purest gold, of remarkably fine workmanship, set with a very large oblong diamond. It cost 80,000 francs (1,250) and has a contrivance on the Inside by which It can be made larger or smaller to fit the wearer's finger. The fisherman's ring, so called be cause it has a figure of St Peter In a bark throwing his net into the sea, is a plain gold ring with an oval face, bear ing the name of. the reigning pope en graved round and above the figure of the apostle. The ring weighs 1 ounces. It was first a prlTate and not an official Tins, though It has been used in the latter way since the fif teenth century and is now the ofUclal seal cf the pores and tbe first among the re!.?ns. Gc l Jea Penny. Independent. We c r...re the 1:. ! : r.: r.- cf a v estera r-ct who sars ia a preface t? V.i volume: "If the critics dca't li-e VJ.i b- k, I wih t fit ty t: l t: t I If they ten rp tr i'.--' ' Iu v. ' ! t Vrr C . t ti ta! r; 1 . I c :j ! - ' i ( r-, I i' '.1 -.:k la t! ? 7-2 to t'.:r, y i. . ! . I t REGISTRARS INDICTED. - -' - si i n - Bills Found Against Six; in the Federal Court. Greensboro. N. C, Oct. ..4. The erand jnry.in the United States district court today returned bills against the following persons charged with tne "deprivation of the rights guaranteed by the constitu tion of tbe United States":: Hunter L. Wall and J. T. Thompson of Winston W. L. Roper and R. O. Fry of Montgom ery county, i. A. Perry and William row ell of Kurke county. 1 The indictments set forth that on the first Thursday in August, 1900, an elec tion for governor and other State offl cere and for members of the general as sembly was held at ea h voting precinct in North Carolina, and that the regis trars unlawfully and willfully refused to allow the persons named in the bill to register for said electioni The bill charges Thompson with turning' down . 24 ne- irroes: Wall 12: Roper four; Fry seven Perry seven: Powell nine. ' Tbe names of tbe negroes are given and tbey are all her to Rive testimony, a& companied by a number Of others. Great interest is manifested m tne matter and most strenuous efforts will be made to convict the registrars. It is believed that Judge Boyd will inflict heavy punishment ir they are convicted , - Commenting on tbe above the Raleigh Post save: - The indictment of the Winston, Mor gan ton and " other registrars by the grand jury at Greensboro yesterday is not conclusive by any means that these officers are guilty of violating tbe law It is merely the attempt of Attorney Hoi ton to use bis negro witnesses now with the hopes that the registrars and other election officers will be intimidated next month. And this parading .the negroes and using them to secure the indictment of these officers will be worth thousands of votes for Mr. Bryan. In a partisan sense Mr. Hoi ton has rendered the Dem ocrats a great service; but it is a disgrace to his office that such use of it should ' be made, let tbe benefit of It be whatitmay Southern China In Great Excite- xnent. .. . , London, Oct. 5. A Hng Kong dis patch says that southern 'China is in a state of great excitement. A rebellion is threatened in Kwaisin, where the Chinese regular troops seem unable to retain or der. In tbe Canton district there have been anti-Christian riots and several mis sions destroyed. The general position of foreigners is unsafe owing to the im minence of native uprising. Matrimony Leada Crime "I began the 'career of crime," said Jthe famous criminal, "when I married the second time." . "Did your second wire lead you astray?" asked the sympathetic visitor. "Not so much as the first one. It was she who preferred the bigamy charge." Stray Stories. If a girl has a piano, it Is dangerous to give her a bust of Mozart or a pic ture of Beethoven, for then the parlor is changed to "the music room." Atchison Globe. ; , - The tip of the minute" hand of the; average watch travels nearly four-i fifths of a mile every day. We hear a good deal now adays about "catching disease." Why notabout catching health? Good health 13 just as con-t-ou3 as disease. 'iCcthir like Aycr's Pills every diy ar.d a fc.v cf Aycr's S:r:;rrii!i at r:--!:.-ir.t:rva!3 to ;crp to the jtar.d- Tl. ir.': cf the joy cf :'. -vs Too Many Risk. ' They .had come up from lower Mary- f and man and wife to have their tln ypes taken by a traveling operator at the ; Marlboro fair, The : bushand .thought it well to have a fair "under standing of the matter beforehand and so be entered the gallery on wheels and asked: "How much fur two plctur's? , . "Fifty cents," was the reply. I "Will you take a prime coonskln In payment?" r ; "Yes." ! "Will we look haterair ; "You will." "Kin I stand with a knife m my hand, as If ready to tackle a b'ar?" ' "Toucan." "Kin the ole woman hev her hands clasped and her eyes rolled up like some of them rich folks?" ,. "If she wants to." "And yo'll take all the risks?" "What risks do you mean?" ;V "Waal, I hain't purty nor proud, but the ole woman Is, and yo'll hev to take a twist out of her nose and shorten up her chin a leetle, or she'll git right up arter seem tne pictur ana light on yo' like a turkey on a 'tater bug. The last feller that was here only survived two davs arter takin her nictur. and jthought It was only squar to tell yo 'bout ft." . The artist declined to take tbe risks, and the man picked up his coonskln and went out, saying: ' "Can't blame yo', stranger. Can't blame yo a bit Yo' don't want to be (tore all to pieces and her this wagin wrecked fur the sake of one coonskln. I'll git the ole woman seven yards of kalllker, and she'll hev to roll up her eyes a that and let the pictur go." "Washington Post Colas and Conductors. . A new Industry , among street car conductors was revealed to a patient passenger on an up town Sixth avenue car the other day. The conductor, who was in a talkative mooVopened -con versation ' by exhibiting a coin of a mintage which commands a nremlum and remarking, that many such coins, which were carried as pocket pieces, came into tbe hands of himself and. his fellow conductors In the course of a year, either from passengers who were temporarily oblivious more or less of their surroundings and their actions or rora men who had gone broke and bad to get up town. - From that he Dassed to the totlc of ibogus coins. Ingenuously confessing that conductors who took bad quarters ,or half dollars by mistake and were too conscientious to try to work them off ou passengers sold them at the car house to other conductors at a ' dis count of 5 cents. The squeamish con Vhiftnra h( o-rnlnlnod hud ruthor lnsa i ' " - - 5 cents than to try to pass the coins nr trt lns tho fnca vhIiia nt tha onlnn ,The other conductors, be said, were always ready to make the 5 cents and there were of course always passen gers available to whom the coins might be given In change. New York Sun. Because Sho Loved Him So. "You do not care for me!" he cried despairingly. "You do not believe In my love I" "On the contrary," replied the up to date girl, "I am giving you the best possible evidence that 1 do." "But you refuse-, to marry me," be said. ' . 'And why?" was asked, with the air of one who thinks she has been deeply wronged. "It is because I believe yoa love me and I care enough for you not to make you miserable. Nothing could be more unselfish than my action. Yoa are poor. You could not supply me with those luxuries that I crave, and the fact that you had to deny them to me would make you unhappy. The greater your love the more wretched you would be In such circumstances, and it is to save you from this unhap Dlness that I refuse you. I shall sac rifice myself LV marrying some one with lots cf money, but it will be for you all for you." Chicago Post Podslair Cannon Shot. Last Friday Lucy Crs. Knox) din ed at General YVashlrtoa's. Last Sat urday, let It le rm eEilrcre-J to the tca- r and tklll cf the Prl'Jsh trocjs, they c t a greater C:?ta::ce thna talf r-' 'a :-.ri f! t-cr.l C.l Khat? Y.ly, :rr : h I a r'p.a's f-v:c? with the r; Va ra cf a r-.'l frrce. I hare 1:1 113 - ef C. t' 1 r,::f r 5 cf t. rr.-r v-:;h rrctt r::Af STATE. 1IEWS. Interesting North Carolina Items In Condensed Form. At Elizabeth City Thursday night a man named Freeman, charged with the murder of Chas. Chason, was aquitted. Mr. W. Duks has given another $100, 000 to Trinity College, making his do nations to this institution aggregate half a million. .' ' Mr, Mebane, superinendent of public instruction, was thrown out of a wagon at Newton, and painfully hurt so he i confined to his bed. . ' " , Greenville Reflector says the prisoners in Pitt jail had broken the bolt and lock and were iu the act of escaping when Mr. Buck discovered the plot and prevented : The FayetteTille Observer notes the death of Mr. James D. Nott. a brave Con federate soldier, aged 05. lie was treas urer of Cumberland county a number of. years was honest, tyue and upright. Mrs. D. C. Maxwell's dwellinir and a : good portion of her furniture at Mt.Olive were destroyed by fire about half-past 1 o'clock Friday mornihar. Tbe fire is sun- 5osed to have canght from the kitchen, 'he loss was partially insured. Secretary Pearsall. of the Democratic State committee, says that while now the senatorial matter is attracting far mort attention in this State than na-. tional matters, be believes it will soon be fought out and that then the people will rot.nrn tn tha main laana. Y,n II.. ... .ww. u vuv .30Ut2, tUO senatorial dispute will sabside and the main issue cpme first. Hillsboro Observer: Bright and earlv Tuesday morning, September 26tb, about two miles east of University Sta tion, Deputy Marshal Loyd and another man raided and captured a large illicit distillery. Besides capturinir a lar&re 100 gallon copper still, the officers cut down and destroyed eighteen stands of beer, said to contain about 2,000 gallons. Sam Nots and wife, the necroes charor- fed witbiihe poisoning of Dr. Love, were icugwi in jau t aioemarie weanesaay night. On the way there from Locus Level, where the preliminary trial was held, tbe officers encountered a crowd of men who took the negro man .and with 1 a rope around his neck, extorted a full confession from him; They then returned him to tbe officers. Cottfcn plants present a very strange appearance. A new top growth has formed within the last thirty days or . ess, and this top is full of blooms and squares." which are youmr bolls. It requires 60 days for, cotton to mature from date of bloom,' and it there were warm weather till mid-November, there would be an addition of one-third to tbe crop. Of course there is no likelihood of tbe weather remaining warm so long. Raleigh Cor. Charlotte Observer: v Francis D. Winston, who is hard at work organizing Democratic clubs, said a few nights ago that tbe white Republican leaders were working hard to induce their people to vote the Democratic ticket next month so as .to be privileged to vote in the senatorial primary and knife" F. M. Simmons, whom they so bitterly hate. lie said that they had gotten their people pretty well in line and that the hitch was mainly in the eighth and ninth districts. lie said to day he understood they were getting in those districts, too, and that the break as regards Blackburn in the eishth is equivalent to saying that he can't be elected, and that it Is just as well to do what mischief can be done, lie says the quarrel with Blackburn is for tbe pur pose of dropping him. v . Right Hcodenoa Cold Leaf. "Find out what your enemy does not' want done and do it again." Our enemies, the Republicans, say: "Elect anyone senator but Simmons." Uur enemies, tbe McKinley Populists, say: "Don t elect bimmons senator." The money power and trusts say: Don't elect Simmons senator." The disorganize in our own party eav: "Don ( elect bimmons senator." The majority of the Democratic party in North Carolina, like Henry Watterson, ay: "Knowing what our enemx co not want us to do we will elt lion. F. M. Simmons senator, and then If he aerres c as well and faithfully ia the Unite! btates senate as he has done lsewbere, we will elect him asrairi at the end of Lis term." A'JCUST FLCVEH It H a nrpri-'r? fit." f.ijs Trcf. iq rr trart U in all rarta IToTten. "t r l the worl J lor tr I v 1 1 n re r th l i-t t n jf i-n, I tare 1 (iron's T rf r.-. 7 If! 't r t ' A r "-t How r t' 1 r- t ct! I r.'v- ; -!.vC r 1 l.urfir. r.:. I : rr-- , .1 f r. 1 f r. : ' ' -r ( r ' - : . r I ' ! r r. I f. V - v J. C. Av:-. Cc-T '.w,

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