m daily mm Physician' and Surgeon, 1 y W. S. HERBERT, Editor andProp'r kinston, rr. c. Catered atF.O. aa, second class mail matter: ; 9OfficMa Gordon Street." Offics hoars, 9 to to m.m.,aa j loo, p. m. Sundays, 4 to 5 p. m. a, National Democratic Tioket. Fob Prwdbnt:' WM. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. Fob Vicb-Pkesideht: AD LAI E. STEVENSON, of Illinois. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. ELECTORS AT LARGE: LEE S. OVERMAN, of Rowan. , DAN HUGH McLEAN, of Harnett district electors: First District C. L. ABERNETHV, of Caueret. Second District T. C.WOOTEN, of Lenoir. Third District-H.U COOK, of Cumberland. Fourth District B. C. BECKWITH, of Wake. Fifth District W. A. GUTHRIE, of Durham. Sixth District W. C. DOWD, of Mecklenburg. Seventh District J. R. BLAIR, of Montgomery. Eighth District W. S. PEARSON, of Burke. Ninth District J. M. CAMPBELL, of Buncombe For Fi it-Seventh Congress CLAUDE KITCHIN, of Halifax delivered his charge at Greensboro, . why Ilojton'went a second time to the grand tjiwy to get a true bill, and why Jodge 'M charge Is g being . distributed "throughout the State..; The Republicans hope to intimidate the registrars so that all the negro boys and convicts can vote as they did in 1890. One other thing is plain: The Republicans hope to carry the State in November. They have made no canvass in the east and so far have j. m. Parrott oppos been "lvm' low, and saying numnv li they can see a way to rush all the negroes I QR C. B. WOODLEY, MR.. OARR AND MR. SIMMONS. It may be true that Mr. Carr served only a few months in the Confederate army, but this does not alter the fact that he baa been the best friend to Corr federate veterans this State has known. While generous in all things he has been especially no to the old soldiers, and helped them- every time an opportunity presented itself. This is no especial rec ommendation for him as senator but is a recommendation for him as a man, and it is a sorry politician that would ques tion the motive of acts committed years ago because he now aspires to the senav torship. The man who is poor in purse cannot be blamed lor not giving, and surely we nhould not blame those who give of their abundance. Durham Her aid. We agree with what the Herald says, but it seems to be true that, as expressed by the Tarboro Southerner, "It is evl dent that Gen. Carr'a left hand has al ways been thoroughly acquainted with every movement of the right." "Charity vaunteth not itself," seems not to be appreciated by . some iof Gen. Carr's friends. . ' ' Others of Carr's friends have made most vicious attacks upon Simmons, person ally and as head of the Democratic or ganization in North Carolina. . The character assassin can befoul any ; name. There are none perfect. It is un fortunate that personalities have entered the senatorial contest. Friends of Carr and Simmons both are to llame for per sonal attacks upon both candidates, but Simmons was attacked first, and human nature is such that not tn retaliate was impossible. 7 Thk Fkek Press has a strong admira tion for Simmons as an able debater and hard worker. We don't think he has an equal in the State in debate. He will be able to defend North Carolina and the amendment in debate and in every way most effectively. He will rank with the best argumentative speakers in the sen ate. If anything can be accomplished in the senate for the good of North Caro lina, Simmons will do it. He hasn't the money to give swell suppers, etc., to the . nabobs, but will devote his time to the actual duties of the position as will best serve, the Interests of the people of his , State. -.A..; - V . We have beard Carr men denounce the methods used to accomplish the glorious victory last August and condemn Sim mons for leading such a fight, the plain intimation or contention of such Carr men being that the victory was a stolen one. , ouch pnnets if their contention is false, are slandering Simmons and the entire Democratic party in North Caro lina; it their contention is true, how can they consistently gather the fruit of such rascality? Don't they know that the receiver of stolen goods is equally guilty with the thief? But the truth of the matter is that those friends of Gen. Carr who charge Simmons with election frauds, are only taking up the cry of Butler, Hoi ton A Co. They are sustaining the contention of the negro party. If elected senator, bow could Carr de fend the North Carolina amendment and North Carolina Democracy? More espec ially after his publh talk of "a full vote and fair conn t" a plain int'matioa o - fear that the Democratic organization ("machine) would not give him such. and also an intimation that such was not bad in the August election; or else It was a bid for Topulist and Republican support, and he is getting their support. In this fight for Democratic preferment, only Democrats should be appealed to. ' Some of -Carr's friends say that Carr tv as only advocating honesty in his veiled attack on the Democratic organization; they raise a great cry In favor of honesty. Now if Simmons' election methods were dishonest, can such bonest people accept oCceas'the result of the victory thus won can they do so honestly? It must be plain now why Judge Boyd QR, JAMES M. PARROTT, V Vf W. T. PARROTT, Ph.G.,M. D., Physician and Surgeon ' " KiNSTON.jf. c. ';7.;- f6TOHice formerly occupied by Dr. ite A. R. Miller's. " - Im li 01$ wtssssi ireevore" and all MAkARl M DISEASES take - YUCATAN-CHILL TOf JlC(Impyei) . Superior to all Tasteless Tonics. The people Will ouicrlr reeoenfae the KaHrler Qualities of TUCATAS (InsprTd) over the many ao-called Tutrlru Tonics. They axe unreliable and the doss is unoertoiiv Yucaian Chill Tonlo (Impnmd) requires no aoakinir of the bottle. The medicine is therooirhlT disaolted ; each dose contain the same pro port! ..f medicine. Formalaon each bottls, consisting of LHNIJ( which driresont malaria, IKOS which tones njp the system and PEPSIN which produces a haart? appetite. Any physician or druggist will tall yon there is NO B ITTKB PRESCRIPTION (or MAT. ART A and its kindred diseases. Pleasant to take; doee not sickea ar . nauseate, and is acceptable to the moat delioata stomach. ' PRICE, SO Oats. For sale by all dealers. The OAjmjUSsrj?XX1? MBOXOXITB CO., goLS 1'BomiKTOKS, EvnnBVillO, Md. .jirc,rcl. to the polls, they will do so on the morn ing of the electics-TJjey are saying notbmg now, knowing tbat activity on their part would arouse the Dembcrats.- Ilaleigh News and Observer. West Virginia is a doubtful state be cause of imported negroes. The Wash- ngton Post says that Republicans in Washington admit, in a private way, "that it was necessary to import 8,000 negro voters, although illegal." This confession shows the shamelessness of Republicans, It is less than two weeks to the elec tion Democrats, should, bestir them selves now and bring out a full vote for Bryan and Stevenson and Kitchin, and also for Simmons. Bryan has been speaking to great crowds in West Virginia, arousing in tense enthusiasm. It is now thought the Democrats have fine prospects of carry ing West Virginia. Soldjin Kinston by J. E. HOOD. Physician and Surgeon. next Bank BSTOffice in Drue Store of Kinston. v " Calls left at Drue Store will receive prompt attention. v H. R. SHAW, Xawykr. All matters attended to promptly. Practice in State and Federal courts. ' fgrOffice located tack of Court House, Kinsjow, N. C. , . WOOTBN & WOOTEN, y i Attorneys-at-Law, KINSTON, N. C. Cibcuit: Lenoir. 1 ones. Greene. Pitt and On slow counties. Supreme Court, and Federal Courts of feastera north Carolina. OR. H. D. HARPER, DBNTAI, SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. . ' v.-' ' i v-L".t J. W. COLLINS, :yHARDWARE, No. 14, Queen St., . Kinston, N. C, A Large Supply of COLE'S Air-Tight 'HEATERS. . Best and Cheapest on the Market. 2,000 pounds Shot, a Supply of Powder, Loaded Shells, Etc., Just Received. t!-Office Over Dan Ouinerlv't store, in the Mose leyBuilding, next loCW. Pndgen ft Co.'s store. - DR. THOS. H. FAULKNER, OHNTIST. Office Honrs: 8 a. in. to 6 p. m. Rooms over the Bank of Kinston. ! A SlTera Carsro. From the time wo first got on board the slarcr. Bays J. Taylor, Wood tn The Atlantic, had we beard moans, cries and rumblings coming from below, and ns soon as the captain null crdvr were removed the hatches had been taken off, when there arose a hot blast as from a chaniol house, sickening and overpowering. In the hold were 300 human beings, gasping, struggling for hrpnrh rlvlnc hpir hnr11a ' llmhn nnrl faces all expressing terribly suffering. Fresh Trout, Mullet and Croaker j In their aconlzlntr ficbt for life some daily at had torn or wounded themselves or BOYD'S MARKET. SGTEwt Street near new depot. The fLem UpdixXjEXPe Stope. Prepare now, for Comfort in Cold weather By buying - b ' . " Dixon & Hooker's Heaters. FRESH FISH IJ r 1 their neighbors dreadfully; some were stiffened In the most unimtural posi tions. :- . " Asioon ns I knew the condition of thlngv I sent the boat back for the doc tor and. some whisky. He returned, bringing also the 'captain,' and for' an hour or more we were all bard at work lifting and helping the poor creatures on deck, where they were laid out In rows. - A little water and stimulant re vived most of tbem. Some, however, were dead or too far gone to be resusci tated. The doctor worked earnestly over each one, but 17 were beyond hu man skill. As fast as he pronounced them dead they were quickly dropped overboard. The Oyster, A few more Boarders desired at Those desiring 4o secure pood board. at a reasonable rate are solicited to give us a trial immediately. Prompt Delivery ......FROM FRENCH & SUGG, You can always expect it when a w b t J We have the BEST HEATERS for the money on the market. One trial will convince you. The KING, The COMFORT, . The CENTURY and the BOSS. . . See the Heaters and get the prices. ; We are headquarters for Buggy Harness. We have been asked how can we afford to sell Harness so low. We always buy in such t quantities as to quote the low-. , est possible prices, and our ' sales are so numerous the small profit on each set added : together enables us to sell low. - Come and tpy.as. DIKOW& HOOKER. The oyster fs as fixed and sedentary you order your food supplies from J-T.18 New Hardware StorO. KINSTON N. C. as the potato, and Its cultivation is just as easy. In Europe Its propaga tlon has been reduced to a scientific basis, but in this country only a be ginning has been made. An cyster Is ready for market In about five years. The bivalves have 80 much to contend with that perhaps only one In 2.000,000 lives to grow up and be eaten by human beings. Chi cago Times-Herald, Not to Bo Eneoofeasred. " , "What do you think of a man who regularly carries his business home with hlmr 'Well, that depends. Now. if a man's business Is to sell liquor, for Instance, It Isn't just the thing for him to take a great deal of it home with him every nightBoston Transcript White's Black Liniment -full size 25 bottle lor 15c. It cures pain. J. . IToon M m mm mm mr u MAVUrACTVSED BY ... CAUFONIA FIQ 5YRUPX0. . lrOTC TUB UAH. T. W. nemto & Co., TTltlfsiIe Crecers, T7i::rjtj.l kinston. n. c. White's i :.xk Liaiment It curs Bdatica, r.biratisin and Nerra'.3, X2icbetUs ferine . J. E. lieon tOur prices favor our customers. To ilio Public ! 'We, the undersigned, are now ready and well equipped with mill and fixtures and abundant forest, and wish all purchasers of lumber to give us a call before buying else where. Fully thanking you all for past favors, we solicit a contin uance of the same. Terms, strictly cash. - z. EOY.'Anna & zz:i, KINSTON, N. C. this reliable store. We ply your demand for. , can sup Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. ft . Pickles, Relishes, Sauces, Olives, j Country Hams and other articles kept by al first-class rock bottom prices. FRENCH l SUGG. i a tiiiit CLrrvse miS-- 111 I - -5 1 Phone No. 32: , : " 40 f Just Received ll Of the Latest Designs 'i . ' in : . V A ' ill 6 f 3 AT ' I' S ' ! III! - r. - o 0 o c R o A GeMle Reminder! Ziblline Cloth, Venetian Serge Homespun Pesla, - Broadcloth, Opera Flannel, ; Lentinia, i These af e the days when the man who does a successful business must realize the lull scope and significance of the great vera, "hustle." You must hustle it you do any business. Every man who has a dollar wants his money's worth before he lets it go. The man who has bargains to offer must let 'the fact be known. If yon have anything special to offer advertise the fact, else the people will never know it. - As a medium for reaching the people the money-spending classes Thk Fbee PaES3 Is the paper par excellent. ft reaches the homes of the people throughout tmk and adjoining counties, and is read by ervbodv. An advertisement in its columns S-J i!l Jirove a paying investment. ' Try it. . 6 r: V 1 r.i:: - .- nnnnrt !I.VEERL C. 1 i O nita Given On Hpplieatlon. Cerrtspondensi Invited. X ..I - 4 I octcl;

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