4 1 1 I I !! All Cr&irj Ms . j 4 filled with nrntfiAMi and J. my : Free , PWesSo . IS i dispatch by advertising f T in Thk Fhk Pbbbs. , T K I 1 1 1 I I . 1 1 . 1 PUBLISHED EriZJBRY HFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDRY. VOL. IV.-NO. 31L KINSTON; IT. a, TREDAY, MARCH 28, 1002, PRICE TWO CENTS,; ' Mill" FRESH GOSSIP - -ORTHEcOLD, j: . NORTH STATE. CBD AKD , ISTERESTIK& ' H1PPEHIKGS, Industrial Notea proapocta of a Good rriiltVea Myaterioua Hot Walt Near Lacla Developinv old FieMa Mad Cata Attack Several People- BIsr Coa, , altumrnt of Short State stories.; ; The building for the United States bio logical laboratory, near,, Beaufort, for the study of marine life is ' half finished, . and will probably be read Jor use next summer. The city of Raleigh, appropri ated M..200 to the OUvia JRaney library, The building for the textile School at t the A 4k M. College isnearingeompletlon, The , University of North Carolina will . establish a medical college in Raleigh. The new 17,000 building for the prac. tice and observation school at the Nor mal and Industrial College ready for , use.' It contains eleven large class rooms, Office, rooms, an office, a library, and C an assembly room large enough to seat four or five hundred.Thlrty of the J thirty-four white i schools of, Durham county hare libraries.. , These contain about 8,500 books. Bellhaven town ably has voted a special tax for public schools.-Mrs. J. M. Odell and Mr- P, B, Metier, both of Concord, bars each given 1,000 to endow a scholarship at David son College. Mr. J. B. Duke will place a heroic statue of President McKinley on the campus of Trinity College.--Profe88or Baskeryile, of the University of North Carolina, has received a grant of 1800 from the National Academy, of Sciences to aid him In his researches on the new element be thinks he has discovered in thorium. The A. ft M. College will try to raise money to buttda chapel in mem' ory of Stanhope Pullen. ; .... ' Asneville Citizen: According to old fruitgrowers Indications are for a big fruit crop this year,; The .prospects are considered most favorable for one of the 'largest ever raised in this section. It was at first thought that this crop was injured by the recent "cold, spell I On the contrary, It is learned that the cold weather, if anything, was an advantage to fruit The effect of the, cold was to keep the buds back, so they w ill bud out ; later, and there is less danger of damage by later frosts that may come. Peach tree twigs examined minutely under a microscope show that the buds have .' been in no way Injured by the recent cold weather. : The mysterious hot well of Gaston county survives and grows hotter. Mr. N. If. Mcintosh; who tuns a grist mill at Lucia, had been feeding his boiler from an old.- well." Recently the water from the well began to grow warm until finally it became so hot it was necessary to stop using the water ? for the boiler. The well in question Is at Lucia, on the public road between Mt Holly and Lowesville. Forty feet from the hot well another well was bored and the water from this last well is cold. There was much excitement at Hoff man the other morning, caused by three mad cats at the residence of Mrs. L. Hart- lly of DrTayloe was poisoned, had to be sent out of towok , The feeling was such among the colored people that she bad to leave, as the poisoner's death was partly attributed to ber leading him opt. " RaleighTlmee: The Dan Yalley Lum ber company was incorporated today In the office of the secretary of State,, The headquarters are at , Mi . Airy, Barry county. The authorlsedcapltal Is 200, 000 divided into 26,000 shares of the par value of 10. flJ r, ( x . . '; Favetteville Observer: In the past two weks Clerk of the Court Maj. A. A. Mc Kethan has sent four - white persons to the asylum at Raleigh on affidavits of member of their family and physicians that they were Insane, Plans and specifications for a new city NEARBY HEWS. Looal Happenings Reported "'By Free Press Oorre-. ' .'': eponde'nta. ' , DtXONVILLB. Farmers in this vicinity art still mow ing oats, -i j;i v,i4ra;i!VKii The fine weather Sandav save Union Chapel 8unday school and service a large attendance, i . , Easter egg hunt at Union Chapel Sun-! day evening and exercises Sunday night, March 80th, promises to be a treat , for I hall and market house for Goldsboro D0W cwiaren ana grown folks. have been accepted and bids wfll soon t Dr. H. D. Harper, 8r., of . Kinston, en- be called for, j Goldsboro also expects to get a anion passenger station.' James L. Fowle has . donated f 10,000 for a hospital at Wilmington, to be known s the James L. Fo wle Memorial. ; An unknown tramp was killed oy a train near Salisbury. . The body was taken to Salisbury and buried there man, on Beach avenue. Mrs. Hartman and child were attacked and bitten badly. The cats also attacked Master Frank Eutler, jyho was coming up the street, and bit him on the face. The parties loft for Charlotte immediately to have the mad stone applied. The cats were finally killed by Mr. Ballentlne. Morganton News-Herald: Mr. Robert P. Orr, of New York, and his associates who within the past two years have in vested about $50,000 In the John's river j-old fields of Burke and Caldwell coun ties, are making additional purchases of mining properties this week. They have Teat faith in John's river gold mines, TvL'.th tLey will develop on a larr;e ecale. TLe largest consignment of e s that ever f aswd throtish Salisbury v as re cors!,' 1 at fencer Sunday when 13 cars '1 w I.h ben fru't passed ttrorrh ( rouia to ITew York. The train load of was v&'.ieJ at C 17,000.. There is r o record of tle number of dozens aboard. ! '.;t,t I tie f . j: Cruise for Inland Sal ors. . Arrangements are now being made for theNdrth Carolina Naval Reserves to take their annual cruise to Charleston on the Hornet during North Carolina week The Hornet will go Into commission on April 6th and go out of commission April 14th. According to the general order the Kimton Division, Lieutenant Moore and staff officers, will leave via A. N. C. R. R. ton the morning of April 6th and join the Elizabeth City and Newborn divisions at Newbem and proceed by special train to Wilmington. , , ' i ' aiaaoataToar BawtU With Vmm Candy Cathartlo, eiira eonstipatloa tonwet. Bo. j5o, , If O, C. O, iiiy, rtrasKiata raluqA rooncw joys ths frtdndship of a host of people In this county, who are pleased to note his I axaptance of church work at Hooker-1 ton and who confidently look forward f r a great restoration to be brought I about under bis skilful guidance. ' WOODINATON. ' 1 March26. ,. Planting corn will soon be the order ol the day. , The tobacco plants are looking nice in this section. - . - - i Miss Sallie Harper and sister, Mrs. Min nie Tyndal, spent Monday in Kinston. Miss Janie Stroud, who had been visit ing relatlvesjn Kinston; returned home 8unday. : ' " Mr. Mark Smith and sister.MissEmma, visited relatives in Kinston Saturday and Sunday. There will be an Easter egg hunt at the Uoiversalist church Sunday morning at 11 o clock. Mess. Waller Bros, have had their boiler repaired. They say it looks like a new JJJUllLlUU" , THIBLI TOPICS TERSELY TREATED. Short Local . Stories, Editorial Kotes. tHK WORLD'S SWIFTEST ELECTRIC OAR, V ,; The eleotrie ear piotnnd kerawith was built in Germany with tVia ezpeetatios thnt it would ipead ovar terra firms at tha rata of 133 miles aa hour. It failed to to do this, bat paaasueera were whirled alone at the rata of 00 miles per hoar, which speed has never bees equaled or excelled hy any other electric oar. -The ear runs ever a new aleetris line eoa- aDoting Berlin and Hamburg. ? , , oqe. Tney nave renrea it to ur. rnomas HiU, of near Kinston, Mr. and Mrs. C R. Str.tud, of Repose, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William 8troud, Sunday. - 1 1 , , OOiiFOaT. ., March 24. Master Jamie Rhodes is spending this week at Trenton. Mrs. J. L. Hardy and daughter. Miss Llllie, visited friends near Rlchlands Mr. and Mrs. J. M. It. Brack,' of near Rlchlande, visited at Mr. C. A. Rhodes' Sunday. . ; Mere. Ira Blalock, : Frank Satterfleld and Ike Koonce visited friends at Tren ton Sunday. . '( " " . S Mr. and Mrs. G, R Jones and Miss Ma mie Walters spent Saturday and Sunday la Craven county. Miss Annie Rhodes, teacher at Pollocks- opooocooo:oo4oo Tnle . T)Bttod at Mf a A , Bhodes, i The BaiPQiaiti Countof . day day and returned Sunday. o4oo4-04K)4o4'0o4-o4e404o4-0'f'0foo4o4,o4KHoi0'fo4of0'fo t , SPRING HAS QOMEL . We mean: of course, our line of Bed Springs. You should Inspect them. You will find them all bargains. We have $ complete stock of Furniture and can supply any of your needs In that line. KJ-Give us a trial. ' - QUINN & MILLER. YOU DON'T MEAN IT I ; ' I certainly do, and It Is good for either Bread or Pastry. How can he do It? He simply bought one car load at the right time and the right price, and It Is right Flour 4.50 per barrel while it lastsat 1 W. M. CARROLL'S. v Staple and Fancy Grocer. north Street. ' DT YOU ABB once a customer of ours you will always he. We keep a full stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries and can fill any of your housekeeping wants In tnat line, uiye us a trial. We 11 treat you right. ' J. H. ALEXANDER. General Store. North Street. 1 ? BARGAINS IN PRINTING those Letter We have some more of Heads. Note Heads. Bill Heads and Statements In fine quality colored bond papers, pink and blue. They are good valae lor price cnarged. If in need of some stationery examine tnese goods before making your selection. Letter Heads 500 for 11.75, 1,000 for 3.00. Not Heads '500 for fl.85, 1,000 for J 2.25. Fine Old Hampshire Bond pink Note Heads 500 for fl.65, 1,000 for f 2.65. Fine blue or pink Bill Heads, 7x8) Inches, 500 for f 1.40, 1,000 for 2.40. Statements, elegant quality bond papers in bine, pink, lemon or salmon, 500 for 1.50, 1,000 for 2.50. ; '.WB LIKID TO SAT. V -So does everr' bnaTthw nnrann aofia. clalljf, when they have something nice. If you buy your groceries from us von will have it and it won't cost you more than it's worth either. Just stop our wagon or pnone your order. : it will nave prompt attention. " LaBOQUE & ROTJNTREE. The Up-to-Date Grocers. ' .:' '-.THE RIDING SEASON is here, so come and trade your old wheel for a new one and make the exer tion of life easy. ; ' KINSTON CYCLE CO. COME UP. Yes, if you buy your Seed Oats from us they will beyond a doubt. We also have a large stock of Hay. Grain and Feed. We are headquarters for everv- At m a . " cmng in our line. Come to see ns. ,. NEUSE MILLING CO. W A. LaRoque's late stand. . r ARE YOU ONE Who Is going to build or anticipates building? If so we wish to let it be known that we can furnish on receipt of order Framing and Box Boards, cut from Long Leaf Fines, also all kinds of Dressed Lumber. Come and examine our stock and get our prices before pur chasing. Thanking our customers for past patronage and hoping to renew same, we remain, xours truly, THE GAY LUMBER CO. Prompt Delivery. ORMONDSVILLE. . Mrs. A. B. Holton, of Ridge Springs, visited relatives near here Monday. Mr. Shirley Kllpatrlck, of Kinston, Is visiting his sister, Miss Susie,, near here. Mess. Elias Turnage and A. E. Denton, made a business trip to Greenville Mon day, , c '" , " ' ' , Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Edwards spent Sunday night with Mr. Elias Turnage and family. Miss Margaret Ormond and Mr. John nie Syllvant visited friends in Greenville Wednesday. Miss Lizzie LswId, of Henderson, is spending some time with Mrs. Jennie Hardee and family. ' , Mrs. Irene Ormond, Miss Susie Kllpat rlck and Mr. Ray Turnage visited friends in Kinston from Friday until, Sunday. It seems that the farmers of this vicin ity, are very eager to get to work, as they have proven since the weather allows Mesa. H. L. Hold well, R. P. Taylor, W. 8. Dail. Marvin Taylor, Jasper Fis- zelle and Hugh Tunstall visited friends near Fountain Hill Sunday. Miss Susie Kllpe-trlck, of Kinston, who la teaching school near here, will give a box party Friday night, April 4th, in the tobacco bouse owned by the late Mr. John Syllvant. All the girls are invited to bring boxes, and the boys full purses. The proceeds will be given to ward buying a library for the school. . Gusty and dusty this morning. ' . - a a : Nature's breath Is sweet and fragrant now. y- , s . ; . ' Local gardens are coming on ata great peae. . t t i iv The mercury has joined cotton' and ' 1 on the rise. , t. i ' , -' , .. . A The air Is balmy and mallow today, but a little too numerous. " When you hear a good local story tell it to Ths Fkes Puss and have it m , balmed in print. t ' , No matter how it goes out, March haf bf en acting beastly of late, and there's) no lyiu' about that The Gul 'sboro Argus takes up the amateur baseball league propositloa Mess Frnk Johnson and Zet Manlng, of Pitt cunty, spent last Sunday at Mr. E. W, Jacksou's. , Mr, r Hugh Lassfter and Mfc ' Mary Lassiter. of L'szh. Mess. Ollie Wllkerson. I it ' I .aaa','B of Scotland Ntk, and Krrol Dixon, of enmusiasucany. Are Ja-inston tans goins; Kinston, -spent 8unday at Mr, J. , J. 80 8' In the game? Lawrence's. ., , ,. . . What with the boom In tobacco and cotton and the prospects of a big fruit year it looks as if Mr. Farmer will be Mr. Frank Qulneriy and Miss Jessi Bryant, Mr, Carl Harper and Miss Erma Cummings, Mr. Herbert Cummtngs and Miss Inei Wooten, of Kinston, Mr, Hugh Tunstall and Miss Effie Grimsley, Mess Roy Taylor, Walter DatI, Jasper Frizzelle, Marvin Taylor, of Ormondsvllle,- Miss Sallie Palmer, of Hookerton, spent last 8unday with Misses Verna and 1 EtLs' Hill. strictly in it this year. The board - of county commissioner are respectfully reminded of the need and Importance of a county map.-. Some ' steps should be taken to provide one. . There are over 25 buildings in course of construction in Kinston and still there are not enough homes to go around. We're "a comln" and not "agwine." , tie an evidence of Klnston's progres- siveness that It is to have one of the finest and most modern school buildings In tha State. Even those who were against tha project will be proud of it and will soon) je that it is a good investment. Resolutions of Reepaot. Whereas, God In His infinite wisdom has seen fit to call from our midst titt Fannie A. Berwick, who died on thelitis ' day of March, 1002, be It resolved: -' ' ' 1st. That in ths death of sister Bar- wick Union Sunday school has lost ' a most efficient member and worker. - - ' 2d. TbatBro. Bar wKk has lost a faith ful wife, the children a devoted mother. the brothers and sisters a loving sinter, and the neighbors a true friend., 8d. That we bo win humble submission. ' to Him who doeth all things wslL ' - - ' - DOVER. ' March 26. Mrs. A. p. Thompson went to Kinston Tuesday and returned in the afternoon. Tne (foidsboro t-umoer Vo. has pur chased a machine for loading logs. It am. frtnow - Prof. E. A. Slmklns, of Seven Springs School, and Prof, R. G. Maxwell, of Out law's Bridge, spent Saturday night In Dover. The public or free terras of Dover High School ended last Saturday. Prof. L. L.' Hargrave continues the school with very encouraging prospects. . Mr. tl. tr, vaugnerty, wno was run over oy a pair ol norses and . a wagon a few weeks ago has so far recovered from his Injuries that he was In Dover today. Rev. C. W. Blanchard is expected to conduct services in the school building here on Thursday night of next week. April 8d. Turn out to hear some good preaching, , I 4th. That we extand to her bereaved Eggs have at last come down In price m"J onrmostheartfeltsympathy ratt" 1 I ...... -.-.-.-...-.:.-.-.-..--..........:...:...... . . I I l . . .-.-.--. . .-. .-.-.-.-, . , - , , - , - , - , ! t r, -V - ,r...rT i were t,V.i. J from Tea- f ....... . . . -H I l I ' i i I ; , I T , )owt'3 rvtnucrat: Aboct 50 more t - - j k v.-- ... . a .&. s X last Pat ' i t e t 2 i n vfs rri. - r-r-, - ,. 1 luS pa -, , : ... , . .... i , -., Cl 1 - - J - k 1 1 - J - 2 ViO-a te to J. r .:i 1;' '. ' CIV::": A .'AY ! "k;ef:--:v!-jr Ith every p'r cf i D; .'t .::: ..... l - i " ' r--T--'--T,..T- - r i , , . . - .... , ... i " " JUJ 11 " - ' ' ' " i. ... i, u. i ..o. ....i, ..i lj Jj'i-i it.i, ! surevci r-t th " f Candy Cath i ''. 'i " , 'I ( , i i I C ' . . - C 1 e.i C C C ' .... f . " - FOUNTAIN HILL. . v - March 29. Quilting is the order of the day, Miss Emma Brooks spent last week visiting at Newborn, Mrs. Irene Bland and little son OfSe spent last week at Grlfton. Mrs. Gusaie Dixon and daughter, Miss Athaleen, went to Kinston Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Patrick, of Grlfton, spent last Sunday at Mr. H. F. Brooker's. Our nt 'hbors go skimming most every night, but haven't caught many shad yet. Mr. and Mrs. George Rouse, of Loustn Swamp, p;ent last Sunday visiting Mr. J. J. Lawrence. enough for us to sat a couple of them for Sunday morning breakfast. They have been kept up at Christmas-time prices .until recently. I Miss Bettle Thompson, -of Goldsboro, spent Saturday night and Sunday with her brother, Mrs.. A. P. Thompson, and went to Newbern Sunday afternoon She returned Monday night and left for home Tuesday. i Jim : Alexander, one of the convicts working for the Goldsboro Lumber Co., was accidentally knocked off a hand car the other day and run over by the dump, having his right collar bons broken and otherwise severely bruised. The com pan 'a physician and surgeon, ' Dr. Ray mona roiiocx, was sent lor and gave him the necessary attsntlon I mg that tbey may find comfort in the 1 promises of God's word. 5th. That a copy of tbeee resolutions be spread upon the record of the Sunday school, that a copy be sent to the family- - ' of deceased sister, and also a copy be sent to Thb Kinston Fkke Piuss with the re quest to publish. She sleeps in Jesus, cease thy grief; ? . Let this afford thee sweet relief sThat freed from death's triumnhnnh reign. In heaven she will live again. Miis. BKTrie Outlaw, Miss Nkllib Davis, T. E. Elmo be, Commit'ae. . J. Rev. R. B. Hines, organizer of lodges for the Bankers' . Union of the World organised a lodge here Monday sight with 15 charter members. The election and installation of officers was post poned until a meeting to be called next week. Mr. Hines left for Kinston Tues day, but Is expected to return and preach in the Methodist church Sunday morn ing and night. k Ouhatn, of Pitt county, spent ' ijr night and Sunday vi..tlrj lit. and Airs, tisanes Ud- mon Rouse, of Eiro, a I. ! ask for Cascarets te e renuine Cascarets rtic! Don't accent i.tutes. lir.itaucr.s or Genuine tablets s!;-' " Never soli ia Lull-. ICC supreme foe Latest Newspaper Law. Some decisions of ths U. S. court on this subject are: oUDBcriDers wno ao not give express notice to the contrary are considered as wibhin to renew their subscriptions. If subscibers order the discontinuance of their periodicals the publisher may con tinue to send them until all dues are paid np. - . refusing to take periodicals from the otce or removing anl loavicaf them un cj"cJ for is prima facie evidence of inten Kor.al frau i. Uoili r this law the man who allowshis eutecrj-tba to run aTrrj for some time ti7..:i 1.3d tlca or'rs it d.'.coL.Ixined t r or ' rs t' a postm i; ter to mark it "re ! ; 1' cilt ave a card sect notifying tie ; '.' ' I V. A'j to crrest end ae, tie e j t i f rtl'i. i ' Oobfed -rate.Tea. - ' , It having been previously decide 1 by the Alfred Moore Waddell chapt.-r of the Daugbtars of the Confederacy to have V CoDfederats Tea on Tuesday evening. April 1st, at the opera house, the follow--. ing committees are requested to meet as the Kinston Library rooms at 8 o'clock: p. m., March 29th, (Saturday) to com- I Iste arrangements for the same. -? ' Music Miss Caroline Ciaypoole. chair. man; Mrs. J. M. Hostetter, Mrs. Jas. F. ' Parrott. -. -v Arrangements Mrs. J. M.D'xon,chHr- man; Mesdames J. B. Parham. (i. P. Fleming, A. J. Long, A. S. Wootan. E. B. Marston, W. A; Bobbitt, J. F. Taylor, Dan Qulneriy. Plato Collins, Misses Bet tle narvey, May HarrtlL Refreehmente-Mrs. H. E. Shaw, chair man; Mesdames N. J. Rouse, 8. M. Har rell, S. H. Abbott, J. T. Mldyette, M. Stanley, A L. Rountrce, Laura Miller, J. B. Cummings, R. W. VTooten, L. Harvey. D. Oettinger. Miss S&ll'.a PonrV Ths event promises t o be of unequal en- joyment, entertainmprt tr J citractlon. As' as Irom Its social f t' 9 i given ia behalf of t' 3 c 'l C - ' solders. An arprec ::.te r- "? c fa'J to give this effort .:;; t Dar-htort titer most 1 - f - - -and support," The j - t f t ' ' Ufcledlabehalf of t' ' ; : ra&Ks ci lae 01a p-,. cever te forgotten. I : 3 1 j c a 19 rate ,rnot i V 9 t t-