DOINGS OF A DAY If J BUSY KlflSTOfJ. fsnai of Local and General Terence and Information. Be- HAVflJ TOP OPT YOUR? Ofnolal Circular Letter 6f Im- , portanoe to All Parents. The State anperintendent of public In- etroctionhae sent the folio wng latter to county aaprlntendente: "I enclose s printed lint of books adopted for oh la tbe public echoola by tbe State text book commission and'of prjcee and exchange prices of Jtlwes books. I desire to call attention to tbe fact that tWuasOf tbeaa books In tbe public aohools will be com pulsory, under tbe lair, after ' July 1, aster. ' I iwj, ana tnat u oia booka now 10 use linnw Pnaaui: Last Quarter 3d; eW I m not exehanmd hnfrtM that Hm tha moon 9th; Unit quarter 16th; full moon Wcoang) prto)f( according to tbe eon- lldTj .MABCU. !90a. Sun Hon Tne Wed Thu Frl Sat TT. - - 3 8 4 5 6 7 -8 10 11 VJ 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 20 21 33 33 24 35 2 U7 28 29 80 81 x" A CARD! ' ! ..JU.i. a .a Kis: WrfiLSJ $ At ? Considerable Discount of ouu , nut yrevni ww puppora oi 017 . ,1 ' .i" u WT. BINES. The Original Cost. If arch 28. Fnnrlaee 5:53; aeta 6:18. Dar'a length 12 hoara 26 minutee. . Moon acta 10.4C. KINSTON KINBTOSOOPB. tract entered Into wltb the pnbllahera by tbe Btate text book commlaaion, can not be taken ad rentage of bjr patrona oi toe public ecuoojs. . l wian to urge you, therefore, An noujncemont! ' I her-by' announce- myself a candidate before the Democratic primary for aider I man to represent toe Third ward. -r' - Very reapeetfull.r, . , Ji 'jr. C. WAGNER. I hereby announce mystlf a'can-l dilate for ht Democratic nomina tion for Mayof of Kinstrn. , 1 J - . , Respectfullr, ( , , -, - h T. MIDYBTTB. Announcement! " notice to all tbe teachers In your county llovlne: Pictures of Dally Events 1 urging them to notify all children and Am a candidate for Mayor. If I elected will serve the interests off to eend written official the town to the best of my ability. Respectfully, ' GEO. B.WEBB. ' . Street Happenings. , Dr. C. B. Woodley haa moved to the realdence recently vacated by Mr, C. W. 5;btiee.':-U'7':' -'';!.';; Iter. W. G Johniton went to Trenton ', Teaterday evening to attend the Jonea ' Onalow Union. He will return In time to fill hla pulpit Sunday morning. There will be epecia) Easter eerrlcee at tbe colored graded nchool building Sao Aay afternoon at 4;80 o'clock. Bt. Rer, JL A. Wateon.D.p., Webop oi .me aioceBe, will be present. A '.' .. ', ' Tom Hall waa ahot In the left tore leg by Jim Dixon, both colored, thia morn- i lng. Tba sbootlngnocarred in a woman'a room in the build lng commonly kno wn as busiarda' roont" Both claim the shooting waa accidental. Tba wound la not a one. -, 1 , Dr. Ewarde modeatly and properly asks that credit be glren to Dr. Baker, tbe resident physician ard surgeon of Plttman hospital, for conducting the lemarkableoperation told of Wedneaday. We presume it was generally understood without saying that the resident sn geon was lo charge, but Dr. Edwards , was one of the chief operators as stated. The sister and intended bride of Sam ; Phillip, colored, the supposed cow thief now In Jail, who was shot a few days ago, while trying to escape, visited tbe latter in hit cell yesterday, and the In tended bride shed copious tears. Tbei cow baa not been Identified,' although , Phillips' slater said neither she nor her mother owned a cow, which gives tbe lie to Phillips' assertion that the cow he .tried to sell belonged to bis mother. '' . The representative of the Imperial Tobacco Co., Meis.W. C. Reed, James McDonald and A. F. Thomas,, who were In JKlnton yesterday looking over tha situation' here for tba purpose of estab lishing a stemming plant and appointing ' a representative to buy tobacco on tbe focal market, left last night for Golds boro. Tbey secured yesterday an option on the building and land now occu pied by the Bandolplph Meade Tobacco Co. This property Is owned by Mr. 8. H, Abbott, but i rented until August by ' Mr. Randolph Meade, It the Imperial repreaentatlves can secure hia release of the place they will either sell or tear down the present building and erect a .large stemming plant No one baa aa yet been appointed buyer on this market for the Imperial Co. Much interest la felt as to who will receive the appointment. A number of the local buyers have put in . applications for tbe position. Tbe Impe rial representatives are expected to come back to. Klnaton In a few days and con elude definite arrangements. patrons of their schools, and to give notice to all tbe people of your county papers urging them to take ad vantage of these exchange prices before J uly 1,1902. If tbe patrons of the public schools fail Announcement!: We purchased of Mr. If Pearson the entire stock of Furniture lately owned by Vess. Dawson &Co This purchase so favorably made enables us to pat on sale a most complete variety of Furniture at prices reduced by One-Third Less Than Present Values. , This is an exceptional opportunity, especially since many fnmitnre manufacturers have recently again ad vanced prices on their .'products 10 per cent.; A fact which we ignore in these offerings. , ' ' To give you a little hnt of what you may expect we quote the following few items picked at random: . 150 Dining and Suit Cane Seat Oak Chairs, $1.00 kind, at..................;...:..:..; ; 69c bflCh 58 Oak Rockers, Cane Seat, fa kind, at...;. $ 1 ,25 each 36 Oak Rockers, $i.5oand $1 75 values, at $ 1 , 1 0 each Am a candidate for the nomination nt I Mayor before the Democratic primary. Will annreclate tha minnort of nrr frinniiH to avail themselves of these low exchange and It nominated will serve to tbe best of prices before tbe beginning of the next Wu? ttM ,Dter?,,I0 Lt?N'? 20 Kitchen Safes. $2. tsnal orice now l nnrh school jecr, ihey wiU flud themselves ' ' - ' " J " , V V9 1? Kitchen Cupboards, 4.50 sort, at...... $3.25 each under tte hard necessity of being com pelled to buy new booka at the full price, and their old booka will be left as uselee proi erty on their ; bands. ,Thla would mean, of course, a great loss to the " peo ple of the 8 tat 3 aud a decided gain to tbe publishers.' Any book that has been used or could have beeu used by any child in the public schools of North Caro lina before July 1,' 1902, t may be ex changed for a new boot: of like grade upon the same subject at the price quoted. I send you under sefarat cover 200 eopleaofthla letter.; Send a copy to grounds of PURE DRUGS rightly You OwMre Us for doing right. , The druggist who desires to grow in the confi dence of his neighbors has no other safe and sure way open to Mm. " We solicit yonr patronage on the every teacher and school committeeman." I ' at' iam iMf aitnni JSr. naMw mrua(,I)soiireallkllM7UI.eii1 SrM AS SMtliaalUinwfOa.VhloujorV.f handled and at fair prices. - We have wb at you ... want will please you. , and I Special Notices. Foi Sals. 50,000 Shingles. Samuel Abbott. i - f 'V,., Pumps and Pump Pipe cheaper than ever, rump put down Tor f o. 1 , , Moons & Pabbott, Kinston, N. C. Pine Western Beef, Pork Loins, Freeh Boiled Tripe, and Sausage, at Bond's Market every day. 'Phone 14. ' Our Mlllnery Opening was a success, as evidenced by the unusually large sales. We thank those who have so liberally patronised us in the past and assure them that we will continue onrefforts to pleaae. '--.' J. M. Stephenson. , I represent capitalists who wish to In vest large sums of money in Kmaton real estate and industrial stocks; to establish new plants or finance thoae already scartea.. . - ,;. " 1 n-p ; uias. . vvnit. Cashier of tbe Dive Bank, Kinston, N. C. CANDV CATMAfmO 1 ill,! 1- Genuine stamped CCC Never sold In bulk Bewer ef the dealer who tries to sell omethinji vst at food" A CARD. I hereby announce myself a candidate for alderman Second Ward, north end, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. ' .' " ' . V ; D. V. DIXON. , E. HOOD, Druggist, S "est Goods at Lowest Pricti" . 53 Bed Room Suits, among them ' - , , values ranging from $20.00 to , , $75.oo, we now sell at... $15 75 to $52.25 6 Enameled Iron Steads, $ 4 kind, at......' $2.80 CSC h 3 Enameled Steel Beds, richly brass trimmed, f 20.00 considered reasonable ' for. them, now at.. $13 25 each 12 Sideboards, one prettier than ,' the other, $16 50 to f 43 values, ? ' " now at ......i...... $1 1 to $30 each 40 Curtain Poles and Brass Fixtures, ' ' everywhere priced at 25c per set, here : 18c SSt It i'ojM to Truth t lh ItbfSiot The Latest New, York Vogue Your r inger Tips. This is to be a Linen sea son. Paris said so first New York of cource followed suit, and now the en tire fash ion world is talking Linen. We have bo-ght our share and are showing full ltne of Silk and Linen Batiste, Grass Linen , and - ''' Linen Grenadine, and with the exact colors and materials in ; ' .' J Embroideries and Insertions to match'. Ours is " truly an elaborate showing and a, glance at the second ' north window will prove the asser tion,. Get in line and have a Linen Suit this season. Novelties For Easter Gifts. You can find in our stock lots of suitable Easter Nov elties. Maoy . - inexpensive articles, combining beauty, , appropriateness and genuine ' artistic value. ; IWBpecUl atteatioa la directed to . ear abowins of Colored Vaabrellaa ; fa our window.' , ; . ths jswir.Ba, - KINSTON, ' M. O. Among these offerings are Dining'Tables, Hall Racks, Chiffoniers, i v 1 - Dressing Tables, Center Tables, Desks, l , , Bed 5prings and Mattresses; . and other single pieces of Furniture o which we shall call your atttention from time to time tnrough this medium, but KINSTON, N. C. 4 . f ooooooocxxoo6ooooobooooo( NOW s the Time to "Use :'; 1 4 Why Not Come Here earliest convenience lock around see Looking' is free no purchasefi no pay. what is And if at your offered. you want some of these goods on easy terms don't hesi tate to say -See how much cheaper we make 'em to you .than other' dealers. " 'Ml Just a little trea ment with the above and you will have an abundance ot Eggs to sell. For, Sale! -SOLD BY-f'j TDl!3-Dil!lDaC3. ill rl .ii..;.-:;! ...w - ..!:. C Phons 53. Crick C!sck. roexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsoooooo Purely Personal UX00OO0OO0000000000O000OO Mrs. J. T. Kelly went to Caswell this morning., , Mrs. Adelaide Fleming went to House thia morning. , fc Mr. J. J. Street, of Goldsboro, waa in Klnaton today. : ; Mr. T. J. Turner, of Newbern, was In Klnaton yesterday afternoon. , Mr. P. 8. B. Harper epent yesterday with relatlvea In Greene county. Prof. B. 8. Skinner, of Beaufort," came thia morning to visit Prof. & F. Hoell. . Miss Kathleen Kllpatrick left this morn- Ing to visit friends at Barton Heights, Ta. ; .- , ;.,:, Misses Ethel Wooten, Lillle Smith and Lucy Brooks wont to Grlfton this morn ing. - , . . Mrs. N. J. MIdyette,'of Btchmond, Ta., came last night to rklt her aon, Mr. J. T Hldyette. ' , . Mies', Eunice Chadwlck.and Master Frank Hawks left this morning to visit I relatives at Weldon. Misses Helen and Katharine Brock, of P.alelgh, came yesterday afternoon to TWt Mrs. 8. IL Abbott . : DESF0RTI1E ; DOUELS if tM timl nmUr. hMltbT wowmenl of lh I koweJs evrj day, you'r 111 or will bo. Kup jour buwela apea, uil be wll. Fore, In lh thaiieof via-1 tout phrnloor pill polwjn, U aanccroui. Tb cmootb. HI, aslest. n.M( perfect oftl kilna tba bowi WUIMMHIWIUI CANDY CATHARTIO 1 Several town lots,1 lo cated in various sections of town, suitable.for bus- -:..;. riikTmt ark wsr :-- live rrir vmmtm m. t r iness housesor residence. FllNtt DKO. LUlUDtlK VUZ lKAlN Y, Also other town prop- I Special Sale OP Ob v EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Ftouut, PlthU, Potent. tU Oood, Do Good, iar Sicken, WkNk. or Uripe, it, t&. and M ma Kr bos. Wrlta far fraa wuDpla, and booklat oa alth. Addrm - a muie BJuiiBT eomrr. oiiciee r saw yoks. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEW Baby Carriages A ready for your In- are here, spection. Prices Are Right tobacco f rrr and SMOKll . Yonr u -- . J ca r cartel er ny form of tob and terms to suit you. to see us.- Come ti li 1 1 . be mr'., atroiin m" frn erty. Cheap for cash or good paper. Apply to DR. J. .I. PARROTT, KINSTON, N. C. VIE 1M1U ' for eulogies of Our Millinery Stock liberal purchacc3 and or ders pieced Wednesday. We are-now redj to malio or trim to cuit indi vidual cuctcrncro. Easter 1J i kMW.J Lt . Ja C--e-v y Tf.--m es Mills located at Junction of A. & N. C. and A. C. L. Railroad?, KINSTON, N. c; Wa aiuifactnia rough and draued Kiln-Dried Pin. Lvmbar of amy dercription commonly used foi banding! purpotas. mclading Moldiog. Molded Catinn ud Baaa, Hand Rail. Stair Rail. Etc. Wt aaka Laths, Shinglea, T obaceo Stick aad Bed Slatt, and get out Material for Tobacco Hogihaadi, Meal and Cabbaga Boxai. Wa ara alvaya In tk. market for Lamber, Log and Standing Timber, for which are pay Cash at market price. If yoa ariah fto boy or tell sea as and get oar pi ice. Wa try to deal sqaar with alljand considerm.awdoreprecionsthaii gold. l:lt'lll!l'lllI'!rIM'lI a - t I 9 4 1 1 ! '1 '1 Are Yon looMng for Tronfcl . We are sure we are not, and what's more we want to make - as little for you as possible and to that end we make it a rule to sell drugs and chemicals that are the purest obtain able at the fairest prices. Ey so doing we save you run ning a mile or so out of your way, to obtain sometlilr "just as good or better" elsewhere. We are in a position to demonstrate tte truth of our assertions by any fair trial. He IS a ViC2. .'::n who judges goods on tidr r-crits entirely, and ret tyvLati3 said of then. T.'h-t v;z sny .' about our. drrs aad druggists'; sundries, we cay fertile '' 'express purpose of Laving people inquire lilo cr sizis- ments and jui2 for themselves C3 to tL 2 r- :1 articles in questica. Our policy is to invil: i all times. Ve con t care IlO k cftLe ':i at 3 it. aff eta I GUARANTEED. ' ' ' 38 inchc3 wide. 01.5O quality, $1.25. S3 inches wide. 92 1-2 c. 3 inches 7ide, G10O Ve We ara d? ays r : : 1 io f f tatioa ci c;;r s "'"'.7 t- : t: f 1 i c c ' rcr.1- e iuo Tijrir tr taking t- la I n ci'-a. Owt' ' " 1 t. A mt -