IN FASHION S REALM. flTkl la tmm Tear of Laco Inatead of , Grace. So much lace is seen this Reason that one may call it the year of lace in atead of grace. Scarcely cnytilug is made now without it somewhere, even the most unpromising materials, sucb as hopsacklng and burlap. Wlien ac tual lace Is not added, the fine and or nate castle braids come in, and tbey have almost as much llshtness as lace ; itself. Lace is put1 on waists, on cleeves, on skirts and" flounces, and whole dresses are - made of it, and these are trimmed with still more that is to say, the dress is made of all over net, and the trimming is added in co many ways that it would be a dif ficult task to mention one-hundredth of the number.' But most often black is added to 'White and white is set on black. A case in point is shown In the Illustration, where: the dress is made kf black chiffon, which should come finder the head, pf lace, and there are , BLACK CHIFFON BimOtB OOWlf. tows of white insertion In even lines above the hem. This skirt is cut quite straight and gathered at the waist The two rows of white lace around the bottom are but part of the general acheme, for the belt is the same, and the deep flounce to the sleeves is also trimmed with it. These insertion laces jire so planned that they can be set on edges by gathering the upper edge .and sewing it ns though it were a bor der, Filet lace is quite a new one for -this kind of trimming, and it has prov- d very effective. The Irish and other real laces are quite as popular as they have been, but the very heavy varie ties are in less demand, as most of the gowns and other garments are of light er material, and to look its best the thick lace requires cloth, velvet and other rich material. An innovation in sleeves is to have the seeve proper end nt or Just below the elbow in a puff and a deep flounce left open on the forearm or cut so that the back portion is at least three times longer than the front. Of course this Telates only to the regular dr rss sleeve and not, to the separate waists .or shirt waists. ?' ' '-'V, The shirt waist, as a Fbole, is too great a subject for complete discus sion but a few words may be said re garding a few of the newest ideas. 'The waists dtffer very little from those of last summer, y Whatever difference there is consists more in the nrrange- than anything. .The very newest is to have the fold laid at the shoulder Just above the arm site, and this goes diag onally to the center of the front at the bottom. This leaves the whole, front looking somewhat like a shield bosom ed shirt. In many instances these fronts are then left perfectly smooth, but In others there are many fine tuoks .along the front fold. AH waists are pouched quite as much as they ever have been, but the por.cblng is all brought quite close to the middle In front. This leaves the back and sides trim and neat, with 5 no bagginees. ."There are no yokes to the shirt waists -of whatever kind for this ernfron, and ; the most of them have no plaits or tncks at the back. The tack Is fin ished with u couple of plaits taken M .at the bottom only. ; s Perhaps 1 should not say that no waists are tucked at the back, for many are, but the tucks reach to the ahoulder and do not finish with a yoke. Some of the shield shaped fronts are ridiculous, but others are: pretty for slender persons, but let the stout ones beware of them. It would tppear that the object of them is to produce the appearance of width over the shoul ders. Some of these shield shapes have bretelles down the back to the belt-' ! ;-. '; ,";: .. " -' y I see but few waists buttoning In the back, while many of those fastening In front have such pretty arrange ments of the buttons that they are real- The taffeta waists are laid in tucks, aome both back and front The tucks are in chisters of small one, with one large one between. Sometimes this (wide one is overlaid with laee or fine . fancy braid and ribbon, silk or velvet ' I in between the holes. vk velvet ribbon is still largely trim such waists and also fine -t. In short, one can have nost in the way of a shirt -win be all right TIMELY FOOD. . VTfcat t. Et Ik ItanH mm AmvtU la- elaaUa Hlats for VtmU The last month of winter and the opening month, of spring are the most difficult months of all the year to cater for the table. The heavy, rich food of winter begins to pall upon the appe tite and meat of all kinds becomes dis tasteful. In view of this the New York Tribune offers these hints: At this season, when meat is some times forbidden, except in a limited amount the cattle and , poultry have bqen shut in for months in the stalls and barnyards and are in the poorest 'possible condition for food.1' Beef and mutton are hardly fit to eat after a long confinement of this kind. Veal and lamb are not old enough at this season nor as good as the flesh of ani mals which will be bom later and fat tened in the open air and sunshine. Poultry of all kinds is so inferior now that it Is far better to buy the refrig erated poultry packed away In the fall when poultry was fat and In its pest condition than to use fresh killed stock. Eggs are usually abundant this season. Oysters are better in March and April than In any other months of the year. " Spring is the season for fish. The shoals of fish that appear in the spring waters are full of spawn and their flesh at that time is firm and excellent After they drop their spawn they are unfit for food. In some cases they are actually poisonous. ' While Lent is tisuauy too eariy ror the market to be supplied with all the varieties of fish found in the spring months, there is, however, an excellent variety of fish to be had in Lent Among them is always an abundance of excellent live cod, haddock and hail- but. Among fresh water fish winter pickerel are especially excellent and are considered among the best. Tne housemother will find her family is better in health if she introduces fish and green salads freely on her ta ble in February and March. Sweet and sour pickles and acid fruits should now be substituted for-sweet preserves. In February desserts should be com posed of light batter and other easily digested compounds, with enough acid fruit juice or pulp to correct the effect of the cloylug sweet desserts . of De cember and January. Canned and dried fruits are more valuable at this season and at the beginning of spring than at any other time. JEWELED HAIR NETS. Ta. Society Womu'i Terr latest . Wfclm la HalrSreaainar. . That the socletv woman Is arowine fonder and fonder of fancy headdress es is proved by. ber latest fad In this line. Sins is wearing her hair done up in a pretly little net of gold or pearls, with just enough of the unique about It to make Jt extremely fascinating. says the New York Herald. With the knot fastened at the crown of the head and the pompadour puffed WET OF FEABLS COTEBIKO TBS KNOT. out and rolled high, In modish fashion, the net is put on to drop, below the twist. It curves to fit around the knot, extends almost to the ears and rounds at the bqttoni. Another vuriety of the net is the enp- llke affair, and this 1b usually made of pearls, though a few of golden threads have been seen. This arrangement is worn with the hair dressed moderajely high, after the modish style,, and the flat knot is covered with the Cap of Jewels. : Sometimes, too,- with the very low knot the pearl beret in this round cap shape Is. worn in quite the old fash ioned, quaint style. Sometimes i' two kinds of beads are used, ; combining two sizes of pearls, gold and pearl, turquoise and pearl or. in fact, any pretty a,nd. effective com bination that one finds becoming. Usually pearls will be found more effective and becoming, than other gems, yet on one fascinating bead was noticed a more than merely pretty tur quoise and pearl ncvelty. ; The diagonal, strings of pearls cross ed each other to form the mesh of the net and they were held together with cabochon turquoises just a trifle larger than the pearls. ; Sliver Table Appolatnaenta. . Among table appointments are many novelties, as instance the serving spoon for Saratoga chips the - bowl fluted and deep, the handle heavy and orna mented In rateed flowers. .".. . . . The macaroni server is popular the broad, gracefully shaped blade polnt- at the end and one side finished with deep points that the utensil may cut as well as lift the handle flat and the ornamentation in a twisted pat tern. : ;' ; . The new asparagus tray is a thing of beauty, oval in shape, with remova ble drain in the bottom. Little claws raise the dish above the damask and jwithout the perforated inner dish may be used for ice cream, frozen puddings or even fruit The sliced tomato server is another attractive novelty, showing also In its round ended bowl a very beautiful perforated design. It may be used for serving cucumbers also. Table Talk. A Blonde's rrecldes show more plainly than a brunettes, but these discolored spots greatly mar the beauty of either. MMnMS BALM will effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness, Sallowness and all other blem ishes to beauty. IT IS A LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannot detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price 75 cts. At the Head of all Tobacco Fertilizers. MEADOWS' Gold Leaf TobaccoGuano. Specially prepared for CAROLINA. Insures a pers and Fills your Pursa On its merits : alone, use it!exclusively on his 60 As our goods are manufactured near you and not reshipped, we claim! MECHANICAL CONDITION. , High Grade Cabbage. ton Guano. Our Motto: "Not How Use our goods and have no regrets. E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO., AVnTrs, Factory on Nense River. Place your orders with J. -4. Still . Selling At Cost. "-I can save you 25 to 50 per cent, if you buy irom me Here are few prices: Shoes from 50c tip, Overalls at 80c per suit, Shirts that w re $i, now 75c, Sbins that were ' , f t- Pants Cloth worth 40c. now 25c, Ct tbnt were $1.50, now $1.00. .. Men " anicle at cost. Next to Slaughter Bros. . I . 1 I . I 1 I I l 1 I 1 . I 1 t I I I ARE YOU TIRED OF THAT 'HAVE DOPiEJ VotJ NO GOOD? , s-- ... . . HARRIS LITIIIA WATER Wt It flnshe the Kidnevs and Bladder and excretes tbe nrtc acid In the system. It has cured tboneands of niatisra ana au Kinarea Jieeasee, ana ITiWILL. CURE YOU I The man or woman who baa used IT arris Llthla Water hka made a dlecoTery. Case 12 gallon bottles, f 4.00, delivered. One dollar allowed, for return of bottles. Harris LlthtaWater carbonated In quarts and pints. As a table water it is unexcelled. For sale by dealers. : , Local'Dibtbibctobs; Txmplk-Mabto Dkuo Co. akd J. E. Hood. Cir.HI3 LITC1A SrHIXCS : 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 the lands of EASTERN good cure, makes Wrap - . one farmer in Jones will acres of Tobacco. FRESHNESS and GOOD Potato, Allcrop and Cot ' Cheap But How Good." NEW BERN. N. C W. GRAINGER, . 1 KINSTON, N. C. $oc, now 38c, Pants from 50c up . . , - .'..... .. rsets from iSc to 41c , each, ITa't; Undershirts 20c and 25c. , Every DAN QUMERLY. QUACK MEDICINES I Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Bheo- C0. CirrJj Srisjs S. C. i 1 1 i l 1 i 1 i 1 ISLBR & SHAW, """ ATTORNBY8-AT-LA W, KXH8TOV, V. C Practfcw aitaai aha at Laeaar, Wbtm, tame. Jom. aad Oatlea. aim ai aapanar mma u Dt.h. d. harper, dental surgeon, XIN3TON, N. C. Cf-Oftoa ovm S. P. Jokaaoa'. stora, tfaa lion la Bafidus, aut to 0. W. PcMcm ft Ce. Mora. DR. JAMES M. PARROTT, Physician and Surgeon, Kirston, N. C. - 0OStoa oa Gordoa Stmat. Honia to L and f te a. au Saadaya, 4 to j p. m. DRS. P. A. & R. A. WHITAKBR PHYSICIANS AND 8UBGE0NS, ' KINSTON, N. C. OAoa on Qaaaa stmt, two doors aoath of J. W. Graingar'a. Ona or tha odur but be foaad at the oSka troa t a. Bk to I a. m. OR. THOS. H. FAULKNER, i . OBItTIST. 4 Office hoars: 8 m. to 6 p. m. Rooms over Slaughter Bros. The ring is next in consideration and we invite your inspection of our line. Our prices are within the reach of your pocket. Our stock of Gents' Furnishings is always complete. Bear this In mind and when you need anything call on us. , Our Out of Town Friends are ' cordially invited to see us whenever in Kinston. They are reminded that we keep constantly on hand full lines of General Mer chandise, and that we will be pleased to supply their wants. TUNSTALL & HILL Brick Block, K. 49. Next to Temple-Marston Drug Store. BRUITING TO LEASE ARTICULAR I EOPLE is the kind turned out at THE . FREE PRESS office. Splendid equip ment and competent workmen: IMorfolk Oysters Received Daily AT j. t. sipnuEtr 2J KINSTON, . - . - IT. C. Sp DR. WILLIAM EDWARDS. ! , Physician and Surgeon, KINSTON, N. a Thone Vos.: ' Ofilos,61; residence, 10S Oiflos formerly occupied by Dr. H.O Hyatt W. T. PARROTT, Ph. G.. M. D PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON, Kixbtos, N. C Okftcs Hours: 9 to 10 a, m.; 4 to 8 p. m. W. D. POLLOCK, Attornby-at-Law, KINSTON, N C. . BBBBBaavaaBaBaaaB j MTOffice in rear of Court House. LOOK HERE! Wbera are yon going? Down here to HarreU's Repair Phops. Ton know thai they do the best work tn tbe shortest time (or the least money. Brand new cart wheels at f 14. Call and see as. v W. A. HARRELL, Manager, Southwest corner Gordon and Heritage Streets. Klnston. N. C. WOOD YARD. Hard and pine wood delivered at $2.50 per cord. Sawed for fire place and heaters at $3 per cord. ' Leave orders at my residence on Ring street, near the court house. H. C. V. PEEBLES. H. W. SIMPSON. Architect and Superintendent. MAIN OFFICE, NiTWBERN, N. C. BRANCH OFFICB, K.N8TON, N. C. Co as alt as on all matters pertaining to balldlng. We guarantee good eerrioe. C. E. LINCOLN. Ifanager Klnston Office. ; Shaving t -v and Hair Dressing Parlor Under HOTEL TULL. Easy Shaves, Artbtic Hair Competent Barbers. . 1 A TRIAL SOLICITED. Hoore fl Hooter, -DBAX.BR IK , n J, Fresh Meats Cfhicapro Beef, Etc. Maekkt Hocks: 4 to 13 a. m.: 4 to p. m. erTnone 27 TUCKER'S Granite and Marble Works, WILMINGTON, N. C The place to buy Monuments and Headstones at bottom prices .Lettering and hnishine- the best, Write for latest designs. All work delivered. All work direct from q turtles. Consult MATT SLAUGHTER, Agent for Lenoir county. Tailoring Establishment. I have just brought to Klnston a fine line of Woolens for Spring Suits. The goods are nr? open for your inspection. : Will run an up-to-date, first class Tailoring Establishment in Kinston. Ask a trial for your work. Bear a reputation well known in this part of the State for the best of tailoring. A fit guar anteed. ... . 5. J. WALLS. In Loftln's bnlldlna. nostalrs onooalta Western UnJ"n Telegraph Office Summer Sehool " FOR TEACHERS University of ffarth Carolltm Ninth Session , ' , JUNE, 16JTJLY, 5. Twenty Instructors. 3,500 Teachers have attended la the past. Expenses Low. Address. F. P. VENABLE. President, Chapel Hill," N, C Uerchatidise EnTelopee hare been ad JeJ to tbe materials carried in stock by Tua Fkes Prxss Job Printing Department. Jffi I III STAPLE a FAKGY GROCERIES

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