W . 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 v;DHILY: I REE :FRESS.fl Don't bo BasMal 1 'Mluldaniiwutl If ake it known through T t,THK f BEE 1 1 BESS and the -want will be supplied. w t I I 1 I-1 I i i i liillL i - - . . ' ". ' " ' j 1 1 11 '. ' ' . ' 1 . ' ' ' . '.. ' '. : ' V , PUBLISHED , EWERY KFTERNObNEXCE V 4 VOL. V. NO. 31. . , , KINSTON, N. C, MONDAY, MAY 6 1902. t . PRICE TWO CENTS. - " ; 1 OLD HORTH STATE . HEWS AHD GOSSIP CDD WD IITERESTI55 H1PPERI5GS. Io Definite Hews From the Young Woman Wbo Disappeared. ' 3tmt it Appearesne Haa Ban Away One . Xto Shot nd Three to be Hanwd for On Mnrder Wlaetoa Borg-lara Blvnl lacDnrfaem'e-ManBal Training In Pub lic School 8uicide From Despondency. Lenoir, V. C, May 8. Nothing definite haa developed as yet in the ChOden case, A lady 'who formerly lived at Lenoir recognized some one much like the lost - jrlri at the Morgan ton depot. This girl aid her name w&a Hattle Linn and ner- ously evaded all question. . The lady, ' however, is positive that the person seen waa Miss Childera. ' The ticket agent at Morganton says a party answering the description of Mlsa Childera bought a ticket and boarded a westbound train Thursday night, but does not know what point the ticket waa sold ' to. Miss Childera', friends are all trying to follow this clue, but many still tellers there has been fool play. - - . ,The affair, is far from being solvedand there seems no proipect for an early solo, tlori. There seems no doubt that Miss Qrildere was mentally deranged, and many believe in the suicide theory, as she had spoken of ' this mode of ending her trouble. . Many rumors are being circu lated, but nothing definite has transpired . as yet. Morganton, N. C, May 8. Miss Cordie Childera walked from Lenoir and took the train here Thursday night lor Ashe- Yllto. She gave the; name of Gray at Chesterfield and Jennie Lee here. She denied that she was Cordie Childera to friends here. - " Miss Childera taught school in this county awhile and was an attendant at the hospital hers. Fulford and her ancle were here today. Tlwy da W-Qtt the pond " 8t Lenoir searching for the body. There . Js no news from Asheville of her arrival. She is an illegitimate child, but she is - highly educated and pretty. : While here - she inquired about Western points and bad plenty of money with her. She waa nervous and it is believed she had become insane. . Four Deaths for One. .... Windsor, N. C, May 8.-On Thursday morning, May lit, .the prisoners, John Bellfield, Junius Bishop and James Ste- " phenson, were arraigned before the Super ior Court of this county, charged with being accessories in the murder of young Thos. Stephenson, of Boxobel, who lost his life in April from the effects of bullets " by Milton Bellfield, who was afterwards , shot and killed by an officer In Weldon hi an attempt to arrest the criminal. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. The defense was ably represented and -it i the universal opinion of all that the result would not have been otherwise in any aspect of the case. The defense has given notice of an appeal on the ground that in the absence ofaconspbacy, which the defense claims the fit te failed to . '. prove, the jury could not find a verdict - of murder in the first degree. The pris- oners were sentenced to be hanged on August 1st, 1902, between the hoars of 10 and 4 p. m. ' The Season at Morehead. . Balelgh Times: The Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City was leased today -to Mr. A. N. Perkins by the stock company own lng the hotel, of which Mr. C B. Barbe Is president Mr. Perkins was the former manager of the Hotel Benbow at Greens boro, and the late proprietor of the McAdoo Hotel at the same place. He is well known as a thoroughly experienced and up-to-date hotel man, and is well fitted to assume management of this popular summer resort. The season will open at Morehead City about June 15th and closes about the first of September. All Indications point to a large attend ance and a successful season under the new management. . Another Carnegie Offer. Greensboro, N. C, May 8. Andrew Carnegie has written Mayor Osborn offer ing to donate f 30,000 to a public free library building for Greensboro, provided tie city will otl'gate f 3,000 per year towards Its support. The matter will be considered by the Board of Aldermen next week. Vr,t Other to Know. "I have nd IV.7iits Litt'e rvr!y T.'.e- -s far co i '. in ani torf-ij l'rer end t 1 -y b'9 p 1 r .l for it:. - W9 O 4 A .' I t. I am :'. 1 t t er, !.-r w ' . n v i 1 1 a f 'i 1 ti 1. 1 c i k-ow It," -,z-., a j, i :. i: s 9 or c. stress. :re, i . i ..3. BuricIaraBaay at Wtnton. J .Winston Journal: " There seems, to be a gang of 'harpers in and about the city that is hard to. catch. Almost every night, recently, thieves haveeDtemdsome store or residence to the community. Ao addition to the lastwasmade Wednesday night when the store of J. B, Commings was bioken into. Only 4 small amount of money was secured. ' The raid upon provisions was not noticeable. About a mile and a half east of the city, the same evening, the house of Win. Allen was entered and the burglars secured a lot of pantry articles. They also raided the hennery. , - ... ': ; j Manual Trainina; In Fnbllo Scboola. Winston educators are moving in the direction of manual training in the public schools. C. F. Tomlinson, president, and G. F. Webb, , secrtar 'of he school board, were in the city Friday night, re turning from a trip of inspection of tb." Durham schools, and reports great satis-, faction of the resnlf of the experiment there. In the Richmond graded schools students are taught, ahortbandj book keeping, typewriting, drawing, etc, as much as reading, etc. Suicide From Despondency. . Winston-Salem, N. C, May 8. A yonng man named Burma committed suicide near Bockford yesterday. After takinga big dose of morphine he went ont in the woods and stuck his head between two large saplings that had grown near to gether.: He was dead when found. De spondency produced by bad health' was the cause of Burrus taking his life. He leaves a wife and two small children. , " m in' , ! SHORT STATE STORIES. Raleigh Times: The scarcity of farm labor has brought about a- serious con. dltion of affairs In this section.' Farmers from various parts of Waks connty declare that the negroes are leaving and some farmers are without the money for the necessities of life much less to hire hands. FThe State Agricultural department has issued, nnder the title "A sketch of North Carolina," a book which is a condensa tion of the larger work, "North Carolina nd its.Jarcesr" which la being dis tributed. There is a great .demand for these books, from all parts of this conn cry and from abroad. , ' For eight years past earnest efforts have been made in the successive legisla tures to secure the establishment of a State orphanage. All have failed thus far, but now a very determined effort is to be made. There was a conference at the office of the Raleigh Christian Advo cate. Active work will be done in the various counties to press the plan. His Bad RecoreT. "There goes a man with a mighty bad record." "You don't say! ; He doesn't look criminal.? . . . - "Who said criminal? He's a bicycle racer who has never done better than a mile In 2:47." Baltimore News. Dangerous if Neglected. Burns, cuts and other wounds often fail to heal properly If neglected and be come troublesome sores. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve prevents such consequences. Even where delay nas aggravated the in trv Dewitt.s witcn uazei carve enects a cure, "l naa a running sore on my if g thirty years," says H. C Hartly, Yankt e town, Iod. "After using many remedWs, I tried DuWitta'e Witch faasl Salve. - A few boxes healed tbe sore." Cures all kin diseases. Piles yield to It at once. Beware of counterfeits. J. E. Hood. , 0 .'I'll j i.Tr;rp i3 to rouxD in T:;n rrcTUiL cut OUT A,D FIX IK I LAM; f?ira FRESH FACTS IN A FEW LINES The highest mountain peak in Colo- iado is Siena Blaucu. which la 14.4S3 feet high. Tbe ivcry market shows signs of a steady decrease, and tbe extinction of tbe supply Is fcttrod. ' France annually produces about 143. 209,000 pounds of chocolate and bon bons In about equal quantities. S Tbe picking of the raisin and straw berry crops In Calif ornio is almost en tirely in tbe bands of tbe Chinese. Lawton. Okla., six months old. has 7,000 inhabitants. 183 lawyers. 45 sa loons, 27 gambling dens and 4 schools. Mosquitoes ore 'fond of anything Wue, That Is a scientific discovery that is furnishing an argument for changing the color of tbe United States army Shirt.' ' ; Farthing breakfasts, consisting of coffee, bread and butter and jam. tire now being provided by tbe Salvation Army for poor children in .Newcastle, England. , T, :L Carter, one of Mosby's men has bis name on the monument in boa or of dead Confederates at Front Roy L : He is now postmaster at Orange Court House. Va. ' British fruit growers are adopting the idea of covering their crops with pnpr sheets during the cold nights. A small outlay In labor and paper , results In considerable saving in the long run. In the work of restoring the Am Coeli church at Rome the famous Bio ral frescoes of Plnturlccbio have btvli completely ruined, several large n&l! na vmg been an ven into tnem. Before long It is probable that tbe .dogs as well Ss the daughters of rlcti and fashionable folk may be sent to Paris to finish off their education.' school for dogs has been established In that city. , T - , , t Systematic inquiries into tbe present condition of bird life in Missouri brii g to light tbe surprising discovery that within the last fifteen years Insectivo rous birds have decreased 62 per cent and game birds 80 per cent . All . British military,, convicts wjjc have been sentenced to penal,,servltu. It for sleeping at their posts have hnd tbeir sentences commuted to ligb ones. These military offenses are now being met by lighter sentences. - .The vegetarian novelties in hats r .t. bonnets in London include the suti;i tution of the rosy red tomato and ihi flower of tbe French bean for the w.np and other animal decorations now iv.u monly used on ladles' headgear. . An Essex England) clergyman. v periencing a difficulty In obtaining lh services of a bell ringer, has evolved n device whereby, with the aid of t:if electric current, he rings his own bti by pressing buttons in the vestry, Some of tbe out and out New Yrrk chappies have taken to wearing t :i monocle, which at present Is in great ei favor than ever among London dandies Eastern opticians notice an apprwia ble increase in the demand for slutlc- glasses. The Bank of Netherlands is now lending $5,000,000 less than It did a year ago, tbe Bank of Italy $0.G50.WW less, the Austro-Hungarian bank $17. 450.000 less, the Imperial German bunk $16,450,000 less and the Bank of Spain $25,000,000 less. . The Four Hours' Sleep society Is the latest thing in associations, and It Is Chicago bred. The members argue that more than four hours' sleep is unnec essary, and they pledge themselves not to have more and to bring up their chil dren on the same plan. r 1.1 1' ! ' IP 'tl. c I ' CV y ' SULTAN OF SULU AND TWO BHvwri iiMviva) v w a u niiov) w imi fiuwiu J uvio sjcaais savw usaw iiliiiavit wait sna the fieroert fighter in the Philippine.' They are ruled by. the cultaa of tialu and by anmeroua leaaer aultaoa and dattos. Th killing of an Amenoaa auldier eaaaed Uia war. AN OBJECT LESSON. ' O How KinBton Has Been Benefited ; ; All Around. Thk Fbes Pbess is reliably Informed that purchasers can be found for all ' the eommon stock in the Kinston Mantel company at 25 cents on tbe dollar. . 8o Thk Fbkk Pbess' idea to save thin mill to its stockholders made their stock. which was of no value at all, worth 25 per cent, inside of a week. . ( This ;is a pretty good record, shows (he value of cooperation and ' that it pays the people of Kinston the poor people as well as wealthy ones, widows and children as well as men to stand up for and support a paper with ideas. A paper with ideas, working for the com munity's Interests (and the welfare of the community contributes to tbe welfare of tin paper) la worth much to the com munity. Just think bow disastrous the failure of this industry would have been to Kins ton and her citizens, not only directly, but to a far greater ' extent Indirectly, because the evil effects of such a disaster wonld never have been overcome.' Not during the present generation could con fldence have been restored between our citlsens. ' , - t , , , Hereafter, we pray the crackers, block era and 'dissenters to please consider more earefnlly the stand they shall take. 'Let there be more patriotism. Narrow selfishness will no longer pay In Kins ton. It will not pay any of our citizens to try to thrive upon what .would be disastrous to this community. In fact it will no longer be possible Jor any man or set of men to breed very much dis cord In KinBton. So the part of wisdom is for every citizen to broaden his Ideas and act more in harmony with all other citizens of Kinston. An Interesting Sermon. ' ICosjiatiaicattd. The morning services held in tbs Bap tist church by Rev. Mr. 8pence were not only impressive but of such a character as to infuse into his hearers a deep desire to lead a higher, a more useful Christian life. His theme, "The Joy of Religion; that the activity in services, begetting self-abnegation toward man, and arous ing the God-like qualities in the exertion of trying to assist in saving others, bet tering him here and fitting him for eter nity. The music and singing was a sweet melody of praise, calming and elevating. These people are smooth, quiet, yet so very persistent In their belief. From the dawn of the Christian era and down tbe corridors of centuries', despite of persecu tion, pope and potentate, these peculiar people have held together and have re sisted any encroachment of their religious liberties. It todk blood and bons to bide tbe bent, yet they have always met the Issues and have held their own. The rev erend gentleman earnestly exhorted his people to be forgiving, to be patient, to contend for the faith, and to love one another. On Invitation, Mr. Yasser, a talented young lawyer, came forward and united with the church. As the hush of the benediction falls humbly and solemnly upon all, tender memories come over us of former loved ones, the heart swells, the eye fills with a tear of silent by for the assurance full that they have awakened in His likeness and are singing of Els mercies In the Heavenly taber nacles. Elessed Eabbath day of rest sacred day of song. . -, P. O r business and profee!onal men ar! to call at Ihb Ieeb Peeps ? f.i look through t'e job print ' - - rtirent. They will to0.t!ess be f ' v,ei to see the many a.MUons an : . movements made tLefat few mo i Sa the equfpment. MORO DATTOS OF MINDANAO. ' TOADS IN FOLKLORE. Sicilian Snperstltton Coaocratna; the " I'arlr Little Creatures. The toad has a prominent place in folklore. We find tbe ugly little crea- ture distinguished In popular tradition, ana that in Its most permanent prov ince. In local worship and belief. The survival la so strange in Itself and so well fitted to Illustrate tbe primitive character of i fairy mythology that it may be accorded partlcuitir attention According to the statements of vDrV G. Pltre, contained In bis excellent ac count of Sicilian trnditidn, the faith of that island still recognizes .supernatu ral beings known as donne dl fanra Ondies from abroad), also entitled pat ronesses- of the housewbo hare at tributes In common with tbe fairies of England.;; Like the latter, during the nighttime, they ' enter ; bouses, , where they expect to find everything in order. Among mortals they have their favor ites and enemies, i Fortune is consid ered to result from their kindness. sickness and poverty from their perse cution. :::v"'';':rvA, ' It is a peculiar feature of their habits that they visit the domicile not on any evening indifferently, but only on Thursday, making their entrance by the keyhole or by cracks of doors, if day surprises them before they leave the cottage, they change into toads aul in this state remain until the following eve, when they are once more at liber ty to resume their proper shape of beautiful women. During the interval the toad is sacred, because It is Impos sible to be sure that any particular one may not in reality (be the lady of tne nouve. Legend, abound in which is related tbe reward or punishment consequent upon. the good or ill treatment of a Frt day toad. ? On this day. therefore, the usually unpopular animal is- safe from abuse and secure of attention, more especially if it chance to belong to a species possessing a particular arrange ment of the cuticle reminiscent of a lady's bead of hair. Any person who occupies himself with folklore becomes accustomed to remarkable survivals. yet it does excite astonishment to find so perfect an illustration of prehistoric thought in central Europe of the twen tieth century. International Monthly. Playlna; Wagner Upside Down. : A London paper tells a story of Wag. ner in the days of his youth and pover ty calling upon Rossini in Paris and noticing "a little composltkm" of bis own on me piano racK. ine repiy or Rossini when if was pointed out to torn that tbe music was UDslde down was perhaps hardly up to the best form of the polite Frenchman."- "loo see, t found it sounded better that way." Bill Nye's compliment to Wagner was in a happier vein. He told the great composer that he bad no doubt his music was really much better than 1C sounded. London Speaker. Sweet Sympathy. Mrs. Youngwed Yes; Mr. Toungwed didn't feel at all well Ufis morning, so I just made him stay home from the of fice,;..,::.;..,:.' ; '.. ; , Mrs. Naybor Indeed I I notice all your carpets are up and your back shed's painted and Mrs. Youngwed Yes: , I cot Mr. Youngwedto do all that while he was home today. Philadelphia Press. Mere Thaa Trade. . "You- played nothing but txazediee." said tbe friend. They were worse than trapeajea." answered Mr. Stormlngton Barnes ss be stopped Gjrorinz bis exDense ac count. "They were financial catastro phes.'' Washington Star. : : A Streanona Life. "I suppose a public man has to read a, great deal," said tbe thoughtful man. 'Yes," answered Senator Sorghum; "tbe demand for anecdotes Is so great now that a man baa to keep digging in tbe library ail tbe time In order to keep co the STjoply of stories about himself." TIMELY-TOPICS , TERSELY TREATED. . Short Local Stories, Editorial; Hotes. ... ':;.'v,::' The weather of yesterday and today' has been deliriously delightful . Carnegie libraries are becoming so numerous it will soon be easier to give a ' list of towns which have or are to have ; them than of those which have not. anil " still Kinston is not in it. Can it be that Mr. larnegie has never beard of tbe future metropolis of the Old North State? Now that these warm, bright spring . days have made us forget the winter of our discontent, when all nature 4s being arrayed In the beautiful attire which foretells glorious summer, householders . and those who own ai d control premises should take a spell at spring cleaning and do a thorough job. It is not worth while to argue that this cleaning Is neces sary;' that ; is settled without argu ment. It Is necessary for the health and ' it ought to be necessary for appearance sake, fought not to: be necessary to '. force people to clean their premises; It ought not to be necessary to have to urge them to, but It Is. Now what we waalj to say once and for all is to urge all good citlsens to ' comply with the requirements promptly and without waiting to be urged. Proper sanitation is for their own benefit and tha( olf, their . neighbors. Clean your premises and keep then) clean, and use plenty of .lime. .' ' ;MJMM 'liMi)-M . LaGrange Sentinel: It is. a fact that there is a cat in LaGrange that provides meat for tbe family. Not many morn. tags ago a gentleman went into his utcnen beiora breakfast, and just as he went in the house the cat went in too. . carrying aitringofnlce fish, which it pre sented to its master. He took the fish. placed them in a bucket of water and went out. - Soon bis sister went into the kitchen to cook breakfast, and. seeing the -fish, and suDDOsinar her brother had canght them somewhere, she dressed them and hied them for breakfast, thus the cat provided meat for tbe morning meal. Bro. Fbke Pbkss, is not this a pretty rood , cat-fish story? It is indeed, and we are really glad to learn all of the wonderful things are not monopolized by Kinston. We want the entire county and surrounding territory ' to show up well In wonders and marvels. Kinston must lend, however, and it is " now up to the ubiquitous reporter to find a cat in town that by her or his In- dustry and close attention to detail sup-". ports an entire family not ' simply one littls mess of fisbl ' The publishers of Ths Fbm Phibs are not In business for health or excitement, but just like other business men they are looking for the big round dollars. They have learned the lesson of helping others ' while : helping themselves, and have proven beyond question that that is a paying policy. Just what is meant by these remarks is shown In the news Item headed "An Ob- ject Lesson." Ths savingand reorganiza tion of the Mantel company was as much a part of tbe purpose in calling tbe opera - bquse meeting as was the organization ' of the publishing company, and the suc cess in one was as great as in the other. The metropolitan papers make a great deal of fuss and noise about their, public benefactions but ws are not seeking pub licity or praise for this act and desire only to Impress upon every business man ' how easy it Is to. help others while help- ' log himself and to express the, hope that tbe example will be generally followed and that the Kinston slogan hereafter ' will be HELP OTHERS WHILE HELP ING YOURSELF. ' ':; ? : - No man of sound common sense and udgment who will give It five minutes thought needs to have pointed out In detail the tremendous possibilities of the . sentence.' .'::; X 'C V ''-.' :' '. Take the price of land, for Instance; ' Common sense should Impress any man that the town cannot grow, much be yond the point it has already reached untU there is some reason for further growth created by additional business and manufacturing. These we cannot get if we hold factory and residence sites at prohibitive prices. So there we stop, barricaded by our own acts greed de feated by greed. Manufacturing is tbe keynote to growth and progress. Don't shoo away the f goose that lays gol tin eggs, but scatter plenty of corn for it and entice it into the yard. Tou see tbe point! Ths Fbxs Peeps is rrerared to suri'v elegant and beac ' 1 calendars to a i- yertlsers. fon I j an orc?r nr . youseeourtarr; . l e a t urjet t .. i

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