(j&nston us? 'Day 6y ld. MAY. jitwa. Boa Monj Toa Wed Tbuj Fri Sat 7 j -- a 8 i 6 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 18 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 ai 22 as 24 25 Sift 27 38 39 80 81 Ifooa Phases: New moon 7th: flrat Qarter 14th; full moon 23d; laat quar-1 day night at 8 o'clock, when a perrna tr Wth. v , I oent organisation will be effected. Over Wkathxb Forecasts fob May: 1 to 3 cooler; 8 to 4, damp, foggy; 5 to 6. than- ."m,VJt,,8'.d?!t.C!J n.fD.d. 18 to 14 unsettled, rariabla; 15 to if torm.v;lto20theavyralne,tornado"j 31 to 22. cool; 23 to 25, fair and cool; 25 to 26, fine, seasonable; 27 to 29, warming wp; 80 to 81, rising temperature. May 14, Bun rises 4:55; seta 6:57; Day's length 14 hours 2 minutes. . ,' Travelers 6lde. '. I TRAINS ARRIVE Aim IJEAVE. " JLAV.C, East, 8. 68 a. m., to New fcero only; 4.82 p. m. West, 10.13 a. m., S.28 a. m., 7.87 p. m. A. f. L., north, 7.80 a. m.; south, 4.45 p. m. . THE VUt. Close, A. C. L., north. 7 a. m; A AN. C, 8.20, east, and 9.40 a. m., west; ' 4,00 p. m., east, 6.80 west. Open from wet 9.85 a. m., from east 10.20; a. m., S.15 p , m., from west; 745 p. to., from --; "-;.. . , Cotton Market. - Futures pn the New York cotton ex change closed today as follows: , May, 9.28 inly. 9.04, August, 8.78 9 TRfnstoti IKfnetoscope. Moving rf Pictures of Daily t Events Street Happenings Tem Fbxb Puss learns that it Is prob able the sits for the ' new graded achool building will be determined this week. If not this week (he matter will be disposed of at a very early date. , The mayor rendered Ms decision yes terday in the case of Helen Urahatn, for using profane and vulgar language on the streets. She was fined f 1 and cost. Joe Taylor, for being riotous and disor derly; was fined 3 and costs. Bev. Sam Jones, the great Georgia preacher, will deliver one of his famous lectures in the Farmers' warehouse on Saturday night, May '21. 60 and enjoy yourself mingle your laughter wjtnj tears., . Sam Jones atorm. . will take you by The Furs Phkbb acknowledges receipt of an Invitation to the commencement exercises of Ciaremont college, at Hick- ory. The invitation is ons of tbe hand-1 aomeet we nave seen. It Is beantllully wrraved. and contains tbe nlctnrea of - . I ute graauauig cutse. Ioe cream and other Ices will be served at the store recently vacated by Messrs. T. W. Mewborn A Co. next Friday night under tbe management of the ladies of j 8t, Albau's guild of the Episcopal church. The public tequejted to attend. Don't forget it, . . Tbe Imperial Tobacco company hae rurched lb lot m.r ,, A N r urpiin wuorv luw uui k.lOS!On UU MUIS ,ow stand. The company will very some two-storv brick bulldlnir nn that I lot. The old oil mill main building was purchased from tne company yesterday by Prof. W. H. Rhod e, and some of It will be used in the erection of the build- Inge of tbe Kiustou School company. A meeting is to be hold at Goldsboro on thtt 20th for toe purpose of organis Ing a baseball league to include Tarboro, Goldsboro, Rocky Mount and Wilson, The promoters hope that Klnston will iu iu uiw aua ney uge tne basebau ib ns 10 sena a representative to the meet- lug. cunce cue very pretty exhibition of b ll playing by the Klnston and Golds-1 boro kids that town has gone daft on a. . - I Daseoau ana is sure to nave a strong team In the league. This league is to be I strictly amateur and local, which will , make it all the more Inters. ting and ex-1 citing. The Injunction against the county com missioners restraining them from running j me county lenoe on tne lands of W. H. , Jackson and others has been dissolved. The order was signed by Judge Allen, but be later modified it, allowing the fence to be erected on the land of Mr. W. H Jackson. This was dons to h.nflt number ol farmer, desiring to maks crop. tisjear, oat wan tea utem protected Btkiuo. um i-BToge. 01 roTing stock. Thlsl mere! aftVcted one strip of land belong I t-i. . . 8 an ! 11 . . . I attorneys Umn. LoftlT and Ehw lr carrlod tb. matter Utora Jndgs T!-.bfr!.iie. who dissolred ths minnctlon u t,. in.. j 1 I r r 'trs, ;.:r Mewra. Jackson and r l-om Isterftring with the county Continued Story f Cocal Cvonte commissioners In srectlng the fence, Tbe Mn tba Temple-Marston Vng Co. cer commissioners of course will give I talnly bad an eye to business when the tbe bond, 1200, which to al way required In sneb eases, to Inaore Messrs. Jackson and others against damage. The mat ter will be heard In court and disposed of I ome time thla aummer. A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce I I la called to meet in tbe court house Frl- one hundred members bare been secured, The committee will not be able to reach everybody, but everyone Interested is rgl to be at the meeting Friday night. Don't feel slighted because the committee failed to see you. You are wanted to see you.: help swell tbe list and nse yonr Influence toward pushing tbe town's best interests to the front. :' Prof. Boone, the wonderful mind reader and hypnotist, known nearly tbe world Over, who has buried men alive while in a hypnotic state, and accomplished many other wonderful things, will appear at tbe opera house in Klnston two nights, Monday and Tuesday May 19 and 20., Read what tbe Spartanburg, 8. C, Daily Journal says of him: "Prof. Boone, the mind reader and hypnotist, 'performed a very wonderful feat yesterday afternoon, when, blindfolded, he drove a carriage containing six cltiiens and drawn by two horses through tbe streets, found a key which had been hidden at the Spartan City club, went to the poatoffice, un locked a box and delivered a letter found therein to Floyd I, Liles, to 'whom it was directed. A large audience greeted him at the opera house ' last night and was greatly entertained by bis exhlbl tlons of mind reading, slate writing and card trick and exercise of the hypnotic Influence over a number of young men. K committee of 12 well known citizens was called for by tbe audience and went upon tbe stage and Prof. Boond P611"! formed a number of difficult feats of mind reading. , iPurefy Personal Items About People Dr. H.O. Hyatt returned last night from Greenville. ' Mr. L. nr. Jenkins returned this morn ing from Wilson. : ; Mr. J. W. Goodson returned this morn- Ing from Goldsboro. Mr. J. w. Bmitn, of Wayne county, spsm toaay m Jvinston. Mrs- Cora Williams left this morning to visit relatives in Durham. : Miss Kathleen Kilpatrick returned borne yesterday from Richmond, Va. , Mrs. Nannie Johnson left this morning .Twk. 1 .v vuiutuuwuuvj WW TIOJW VUabtTVJ. Mr. 8. L. Thompson left' this morning for Pamlico county to spend a few days. Miss Elisabeth Greene, of IaGrange, came yesterday to visit Miss Lucy Cox. Mrs. Elisa Rants returned home yester day evening from a visit in Washington, N.C. "1 ,71. . rni w n ii v. . -t. m. j yru.iUUu vum- Mr. Abe Schults went to Goldsboro this morning, returning on the afternoon train. ' 1 ' " Mr-Jerry WiI,l,n "turned last night trom Nw Bern ni wenl to DoyeP thta wo'0- , , . Mr- ThD Slaughter and two little girls, Goldsboro, spent yesterday afternoon 1,1 Klnston. Miss Annie 8mlth, of Durham, came this morning from NeW Bern to visit friends In Klnston. , I Mrs. James a Bell returned home yesterday evening from a visit to her daughter In Ay den. SPECIAL NOTICES THI rEOflTS WAHTS EXTRISSED HERE So X.Ue no Charge fees thaa lOo. To Let, Tar Sale, Help Wanted, Work' Wasted, Article for Ex- chaagv, Iioat, Fonnd, Bewarda, te wr slsdtor b&WrS npnasoown. Hsward ft wtarned to , .-! XT TT I l osuKure. , 1 CRiAM.-Orders filled promptly for kinds of Ice Cream In una- nnnH . I mon s?ock ta KtnetoT -W Pwy can tret 23 cents on La daVr tor same ar-DiTlnor. hT UttF v 1 uiuoft 1 Htllinrn. Vl" . , , , v t I Mhsl K. C. Lailet. I Ladle Cm Wmt 6 bos dm tlu Millar alto Mine Allan' Foot-E. powder to b ikalcan lata lb. .bo. It auka ughl or mv than feci ay( girt aoatant nlUf to cora ud bukma. It's th matt at comfort dacmrr of calloa and ftor apou. Allan's Foo-Em u a cat- o an. una. aaa vmnna awouea Mat, .utter. laia cura for wcUinc. Hot. achinc ha. At all orno wavm wwiwm, wy. ac. uwj vuuw tuta. Trial sackaca FREtt bv ataiL Addroa. I aim s. viauwo, 14 hot. w. . - Gfiailer lorn fas fill .scored the agency for the Charley Roues 5c Cigar. They are the flneat made. INSURANCE! Life, Fire and -Accident. Best Companies w 4.-J "preSenTOU. SAMUEL ABBOTT, COMING THE WONDERFUL BOONE YAKI CO. TO THE Opera fioase FOR . 2 NIGHTS commencing' CDonday, may 19 PRESENTING , y npQt gfji ' . " Mind Reading ; Magic and High Class Vaudeville Three hours of Science, Mystery and Fun. Tickets on sale at WoodJeys drug store. f. Ladies A full line of and . Gents Neckwearf Also Ladies' and Chil dren's Hosiery in all col- ors. atvlea and fliyfla orB Bl,yieB Bua BJZ08. A new line of Belts and Umbrellas to select from. J. M. STEPHENSON. tVOpp. Mayor's Office. i HINES BROS. LUMBER COnPANY. , Miils lofcated at Jonction of A. & KINSTON. W. anannfactBia roub(uid dnaMtt KQn-Driad baDding Mrpo, facladmg Moldinf; II oldad Cuing uk. Latha, Siinflaa, Tobacco Stick and Bad Slat, and fat eat matarialor Tobacco Hogslwada, M.al I aad Cabbag. Bona, W. an aJwayiJa OtariratoiiLambCT, Log. aad Standing Timber, for which w. pay Caih al awkat pricaa. Ii yoniah to bay wU with all aad coaiidar ou word mora pracioM than gold. Commenced Business E. F. COX, PrasidcnL Statement of The Bank of Kinston; uaiu ViAKUJLliXA, : V. at close of business April 30, 1002. ' - tOUFS. Loans and Discounts.......................................... 1160,049. 54' Overdrafts, Secured,...........,.....'..;..:..... 108.77! uveraraixs, unsecurea, , otocEsana xionas,.. ., uaniclng House, Furniture and Fixtures................ uasn on nana ana in iianJts........ Xiitiblllties. Capital, Surplus, Undivided rants uepOSltS, .. , . ore than double our fomer capital and an increase cf 25 1 5 accomaouanun ri.v uvtt same uare :n ccr5!.-t;ct with stfe ci.a miLru..ns. v cry icSueCH 1.1X. i YOUR MONEY IS SAFE,.... only when it is safely invested. Eurlars can annoy you; bad loans may cripple joa; speculation nay rain you. , THE CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK is safe because it is governed on a conservative basis. It holds your money where you can get it quickly and without danger of loss. ...J' . . ' - : . . . "I Here are the directors of this bank : N. J. Rouse, President; B. W. Canady, Vice President; J. W. Grainger, J. E. Hood, Jesse Jackson; L. Harvey, D. Oettinger,. - W. L. Kennedy, D. F. Wooten, 1 1 " J. F. Taylor. ' 1 - , ' C. F. HARVEY, Cashier. CHOICE (Fancy Groceries '. 'Phone us for anything you need. . We make Prompt Delivory Remember our. stock Is ' complete, and twe can ? supply your wants in . anything in the Fancy - . - Grocery line. LaKUUUt & nUUrjTR EE.jphone No. ra;. Uy-To-DATB Grocers, , Phohb 67. KINSTON. V. C ICE CREAM SODA AfJD ICE CREAM 5c a Glass. AT Hood's Fountain. It is fine. Try it. 4. E. WOOD. N. C. and A. C.X Railroads, . N. C. Piaa LuW o( rmy darcriptioncoiBiaoal a.l for; and Baaa, Hand Kail, Stair Rail. Etc W. I aaa oa and) f ear piksa, W. try to daai iqnara , March 1, 1 1897. W. C. FIELDS, Vio. President Condition of 453.02 . 1, 100.00 j 3,007.38 . 1,979.85 66,234.31 : . Ji33.023.77 is 1, 000.00' 21,000.00 6.913-45- 6. ait. 45 J iiS.011.45 .w.vr T - ' J v I 184 I IO 12 233.023.77 1a 1 year, tzii i-aas crs every tai.tr. . We solicit vocr accent. L I i sUi iU. Cr TOHKH-OO-Ki-fOHKH-O-l-OOOO 9 T 'Mme 35. Large -assortment of t is HEN'S -: AND BOYS' CAPS In " .'. - Crashes. Coverts, Serges. Cassi meres. Etc. Prices : ' : , , 50c and . 65c : t H98tore closes at t o'clock p. m., except Saturdays. 0000000000000 ICE ICE ICE ICE Let me supply your wants in this line. Free Delivery to all ; parts ot the city. Wagon makes daily calle. JAMES R. DAIL 0000000000000 3. Stof. claad .Ttniop at axcapt Satnrdajra. Do Yoa Want The Best? f : Inspection of our Dia- monds, Watches, Artistic ? ' ware invited it does not in o any way imply an obligation 6 j. to purchase. WhenQUAUTYisconsid- ered our prices are invariably & THB LOWEST, - J "Btwin of belna; offend too . O mnoh for your money. . O DGNMHRK, I KINSTON. N. 6. i OOOOOOOOOOOOO Spring Cleaning. Spring cleaning is new in order and you will want -' - A New Carpet, A New Matting, A Rng or Two, or some article of furniture,. ; ' perhaps. Let us supply your wants. , tYour credit is good. QiniUl & (DILIiER. Kinstow, N. C ' Sold in bi.T tla lotc; delivered r.t your doer LreD cf char o. Get your ticl:ct3 frcm mo end tho'v.T'-ca Trill 3 r.t yCUr hCUC 0 dcilj to 6 ' ' $ AT t I lot3 end lit CHCK4HOCHHKKKM It Fgjra to Trnde at The BigStoi; At 39C Yard we offer all our you the choice of High Grade Wash Goods and Foulard Silks that have been selling at 50c 1 and 75c yard.' In the lot will be found all of this j ((season's choicest. styles and designs, including ilouselinne DeSoie, Imported Swiss, Grenadine Effects and Mercerized Novelties. ; Not a yard in the lot was ever sold for less than 50c and the silks were 75c, J but now you can take your choice for 39c Yard. , These are not old goods, but all this season's latest andjLchoicest designs. The only reason forjheir sacrifice is that we. are 'overstocked and must reduce the line. BaT"We close svenlngs at 7 o'clock 'prompt, Saturdays excepted. ' 1 s KINSTON!! N.C. v Our Striped Wo for Ladic arvd Children a-f 25c Cor. Qnvn nA Cuawsll Sts. Phona 11 aTCCCSCSSCSSSCCCCOOOOOCCSni I. .CG-:CP0Gm I 1: S Gila j; -AT TIIE- Onyx Fcni.irjn. , r

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