4. . ; i i i i i i I I l i . i i i i t i i i i- THE WE ATM U?: f Its Eaj to Win. RESS in bnifoees b to have things ,FaIr and w-trmer to. n'gataid Tho"J y. , in stock the people want and X .; let Uwa know U. m i i i i i 1 1 1 i i ! I 1 I 1 ' 1 1 I 1 t l PUBLISHED EERY HFTERNOON' EXCEPT SUNDRY, VOL. V.-NO. 61. KQTSTON, N. 0, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28. 1902. PBICE TWO CENTS. UAl OLD WORTH HEPS AMD GOSSIP C3D1KD IITERESTKG HAPPEKIKGS. Wants to Corner the 'Whiskey Trade. . Wilmington Messenger. A well known liquor dealer has proposed to tb city Authorities to give 30,000 for th x dnaiT right of selling liquor In Wilming ton. Tb offer la bonaflde and tb party lias offered to give a satisfactory bond of hia earnest The matter will be laid lief ore th next meeting of the board of aldermen and the first thing they will Save to consider it ' whether they will -lnnwr1toirrftnlanchaorivileae. tx i j v . . . as it is in the natur. of . a monopoly. Some lawyers are clearly of th opinion hat the board cannot accent the propo- Mnn hntntWa thmk the matter, can i ... ... w un- be arranged that It can be legally don, Some lavor the acceptance 01 toe propo - sdtkm, as it would be a clear , gain of iAM i.ti...ihi Tk ny.ntu ZlT Z Z Z'iVfwn a v77 lrom liquor license is 15,000 a . year. Tber would, however,. b popular op- noeltion to it, and the proposition will no doubt startle tb sixty odd liquor dealers in the city. The outcome of the matter will probably be high license Money In Lettuce. - Stateavilla Landmark: Th . growing of lettuce is a big industry IntheFayetto- ville section and during tb past season thousands of dollars worth of lettuce jgrown In tb territory contiguous to Fayettevill and In tb truck section In astern part of the State was sold oa tb Northern markets. A correspondent of the Lninberton Bobeeoulan says that one man near Fayettevllla cleared 9340 from th lettuce sold from one-fourth of an acr of ground. Tula is quit remark- able, yet there are other similar instance. Tb wonder to soma ot us is that there la such a great dsmand for lettuce that ao much of it finds ready, sal at good . Ttrioes. for to many people fettuo as an edible vegetable is junt about as In' Tlting as corn fodder or ordinary grass. Two Valnable Dtacoverto. -.Henderson Gold Leaf: Asbestos has I Deen discovered in vanes county, ami while investigation nas not oeen uaae .... .. . 4.1 euiflcientiy w aeiermm in xns wu . . . j-'. ... x m. a quality, it is oeuevea linan u exwia in paying quantity and commercial value, It nas neen iouna on several pruyerw. i In digging a well on Dr. B. J. land, in the country, a mica vein waa gmed to reallwthat he would noTie trnck. ; The sheets were small but thf cover, He was willing to depart and fee outcropping indicated Its presence in with JftTOf ; whIcb to hy WM galiu Dnr. larger quantities. - i I Wm It Mule Suicide I j Greenville Reflector: Mr. Jasper Walker, I who Uvea a few miles below town, came up Sunday evening to visit a friend in Weat Greenville, lie drove a mule and hitched th animal to a tree in front ol th house. Later when he cams out to return horn the mule was dead. The animal had wound the halter around the tree until it could get no tighter, when it la auDooaed he fell and broke his neck.. It wm a gray mule, too. SHORT STATE STORIES. Stateeville Landmark: Major Clegg lound on th MJiligan pi c in Concord township the largest white oak bethinka he ever eaw. Three feet from the ground the tree measures 18 feet in circumference and ita great limbs make a shade that is 91x93 leet In diameter. . : ' Tarboro Southerner: " Some persons, It " la aaid, are estimating the cotton acreage aa all the way from 10 to 25 per cent. greater than last year. Two well and generally known conditiona negative any such increase. There la not enough labor available In the countj to make it possi ble. More land haa been planted in corn than in several previous years. BASEBAXIm STATE LEAGUE. New Pern 9, Wilmington 0; Durham 3, Greensboro 2; Charlotte 8, & LV.at!ve standing of t'-e clla toi- j: Won. Lost. P.C. O-i .j 18 3 .P!' T ' ' i .....13 7 . ... ia 8 . - M "-3."".'. 9 11 .4 T-vi i 8 1 -4 1 ' 1 1 liS X C s t ! -y: C ' t' at V. ' f w. .... v' . i. Art Evening of Melody, Kinston is to bt favored with inimical entertainment of . tb highest arthtle merit on Baturday evening. Two hour of catatic delight are in ft r for the lover of true melody. ; Th favor cornea throngh th Influence of th Daughter of tb Confederacy and what it I may b learned lrom th following from th Dar lington, 8. C., Messenger: Th concert given in tbe opera house on Friday night by to Anon Trio wa a mct successful on. This trio consists of Miss Vardell, of Charleston, soprano; Hubs law,, ol Worth Carolina, planlat; Miss Reymour. of Ohio. violinist. All ol thaw ladies are members of the faculty of Bed (springs seminary, in Porta Carolina. not very far from th 8ontb Carolina line. Th program which they rendered waa a railed and pleasing one, and every I number waa given with great fidelity to spirit of tha music. Each One gave her numbers without notes, even h( moit difflcult jnitrumental 'pkcM being so given. The last number was a trio' in which " took part. Th beautiful song "For 1 " Eternity" waa selected and this was a., -edb yaJ, a b?tlore ot imagic present. The obllgato in this on I tb violin, in th hand of Miss Seymour, I we a moet exanlsit one. " AU tne cboolmates lri Dariingtc-ni and these, after th perform- auce, renewed acquaintances begun under far different circumstance. , Altogether th enlog was a moat ebjoyabl one, and when these ladies com into this Mo tion again, aa It Is learned it is their in tention to do, all who have an oppor tunity to do eo should hear them. . ; LaGrRANGR; jr . ; .,',w , 4 MaT27. Miss Etta Smith, of Fkldeboro, la visit ing friends here. ,.- . Mr. O, Taylor la building another two- story brick store adjoining the on he I now occupies Mr. C P. Barrod will bearin theerectlon of a brick atorehonse on th lot recently uurchaaed on West Caswell street, in Jnne. ' ... Mr. Shade Wooten. ir.i left Monday lor Hot Springs. .Ark., to recuperate. He Mrs. Harper and little son, of Gieu vllle, are vlaiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Sut ton. " j, - . - . ,A R"freshlnar rains have arladdened th hearts of aU, " - - . t Died. The Rev. TL W. Porter. of Oravan conntv. - ' AtlA nn arAa. tjiav hi ut RR tui , d 6 monl;n8j . . v A 0o NOTemoer H, 1901, Mr. Porter waa n,.-, tn Um Tlnrlnla Walter, of T.nolr conntv. For more than a month he was In a declining state of health and in his illness h quoted quit often th 9i8t pgalm, eapecially dwelling on the thought ot deliverance found in the 14th verse. Bis waa a triumphant death. "Servant ot God, well done, ' Thy glorious warfare's past, ' . Thy battle's fought, thy race is run, And thou art crowned at last." How It I Done. . The first object in life with ' the Ameri can people is to "get rich;" the second, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the second (good health) by us ing Green's August Flower. Should you bn a despondent snfferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc., such as 3 ck Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, our Stomach. Habitual Coetiveneea, Dizziness of the Head, Norvous Prostra rbn. Low Spirits, etc., you need not suffer another day. Two doses of the well-known Aogunt Flower will relieve .you at once. Go to J. E. Hood and get a sample nottie rife, itegmar sue, yd cents. Get Green a Special Almanac . .... , j - ' FARU WORK V IS' BOOMG Favorable Opportunities for During Past Week. Work The etatexHroate.- crop ad weather bulletin for the week ending Monday, May 26, says: - . y While the reports of very many crop correspondent Indicate that favorable weather prevailed during the past week, the irregular distribution ot rainfall has has been a disadvantage, and, Id an in creasing number of counties, the need oj molstur is again beginning to be sert- sously fell . Showers fell on tb 20th and 23th, but were local ia character; the largest amounts occurred in the sooth went, th least In th eastern portion of the State. , f , , Daring the middle ol tn week th von ditlons were very favorable for the pros- ecution of farm work, which is well ad vanoed, ., The r temperature was abov tb seasonal average In spit of-several rather cool ; nhts; f which some what checked tb growth ot vegetation.' The amount of sunshine was abundant; 1 ; Altogether th favorable opportunities for work were fully utilized by farmers, and hardly ' ever before have lesa com plaint of trouble from grass and weeds been received at this season of the year. Iu view of the past cold winter, supposed to have been unfavorable for tb develop. ment of Insect life, the unusual prevalence ot Insect pests of all kinds is very remark. able. ' Cotton baa been chop-Jed to standa over a large portion of -th State, bat much of that work remains to be done; a good deal of late planted haa failed to come np to th drier localities; cool nights operated to check' growth slightly, but have not seriously Injured cotton plants, which appear ' healthy and tigorqu Corn contintiei to do better than any other crop; It Is being thoroughly weeded apd well cultivated; so much damage haa been don by bud-worms lnlowlands tjiat some replanting is neoweay. Trans planting tobacco is over half finished in toe northwest section;, reports , on to bacco are the lea't favorable; in the east many plants died on account of drought, the tanda are poor, and plant surviving have not mad vigorous growth; insects ot various kinds are also injuring to bacco; some resetting is being don, Wheat and oats are poor; where showers occurred heads are filling fairly well, but ktands are so thin that only a very short crop can bs made; spring oata need rain generally. Peanuta are not yet up to good stands. ' Rice on the lower Cape Fear ia in excel lent condition. Setting out aweet potato slips la proceeding slowly. The prospects for fruit are not eo good, as report of dropping are nnmeroup; this refers chiefly to apples and peaches and is apparently due to blight; grapes are doing well. , Bains reported for the week (in inches) Wilmington .60, New Bern 1.12, Lumber- ton .74, Goldsboro .10, . Weldon .66, Raleigh .80, Greensboro .60, Liberty 10, Charlotte 1.50, Marion 1.10, Balaam 1.73, 8ettle.42.:U':t;!i:l-V:Vr:'::.v ladlea Can Wear Shoe i one sixe smaller after tuini Allen's Fool-ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. . It makes tight or new shoes feel easy: cine instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery ol. the age. Cares and prevents swollen feet, blisters callous ana sore spot. Allen's root-ease is a cer tain cure for svelline. hot. achmt feet. At all drae. gists and shoe store, esc. Don't accept any substi I i nil pacKTte r r p,-. or snau. Aooreea, i Alien o. V nuica, um imjt x. I. . 't I I ft ry n it vms,4 rir:ji v if '6. AiP , I THE GtBAN FLAG FLYING QVEB THE PALACE, HAVANA. . 1 ' Cuba's Ion; dream is at but a bright and nappy renlity and the five barred flaa; with single star, th Gag of Gomes, Paliua and the martyred Marti and Muoso, now floats ivboro the nalane in Havnna where T. fjitnuU Palma, a Cohan elected by Oubana, ia hard at work as president of the new republio. l"he soentt at tlra pttlaoe whan the Cuban flag waa hoisted waa a particularly imptesnve one.- ' ' . SPitrey Persona Items About People Who Come and Go Mr. S. A. Taylor left this morning for Oxford. ' ', Mr. J. M. Qntnn spent today in La- Grange. - Miss Myrtle Taylor left for Oriental this morning. . Mr. Ed. Harvey went to New Bern this morning. Mr. Claud Jarman went to LaGrangs this morning. Mr. J. L. Smith left this morning for Norfolk,; Va, Mr. J. L. Williams returned yesterday from Wilmington. Mies Llllie Parker went to LaGrange last night to visit frlenda. Mr. T. N. Johnson, of Onslow county, left Kinston this morning for Durham, Mrs. G. D. Hawks and son, Master Frank, and Miss Kate Chad wick went to Weldon today Miss Ethel Hill, of Fountain Bill, spent last night In Kinston and left for La Grange this morning. , , ; Mrs. Maggie Griffin, of New Bern, spent last night with Mrs. T. F. Hooker and left for Durham this morning. . Mrs. N, J. 'Midyette, who had been visiting her eon, Mr. J. T. Midyette, left this morning to visit at Ashland, Va. Mrs. J. G .Thompson, of Forsyth county, who had been visiting at Mr. C. J. Smith's, went to Snow Hill yesterday. Mr. George Koonce, of Wake county, spent yesterday in Kinston and left this morning to visit relatives in Onslow county. Mrs. C. T. Rogers, ot Daplin county, who had been spending a fews days with t relatives in Kinston, left this morning for Greenville. '.'.. ' Messrs. Horace Jones and Will Harper went to Goldsboro this morning to play three games of baseball with Mt Olive against Goldsboro. AN ODD CALLINQ. The Profeealonal Baslaea Awte an4 Hla Method. One of tbe oddest of occupations is that of the professional "business ad viser.' If your affairs are not conduct ed to your liking, this gentleman for a consideration will station himself In your oQce In a position to see all that la going on. He will nose into your af fairs for a week or longer at your op tion, at the end of which time he will be prepared to point out the faults of yocr system, employees, who neglect tlip'r duties wastage of suDDlIes and and suggest means of improving. o ::ng ana conducting your affaire on a sounder basis." Tl a words quoted are from this mod- ect gentleman's advertisement In trl ; this man, after a week'a observa tion, will undertake to rearrange the rac Co: ! - complex See systems "for a deration" and five you advice gratis, for nothing." Aa cSro-eni-:en catch at straws, eo 3o men a.T.:!r. ere t.-; 'y an 1 lici- 7 T.v r-'- . st v. ' i C t tl t ? c. rr.i. . r" c in b- lu t cf i t) nrS. sr 1 i : t:r t 1 f ; ' ... -- t f r 1 ' a mmui Hit mmniiui 111 ' "Tit Plasrw la Anatrall. , y Plngu haa broken out again with grrat severity in Australia for tbe third time Id as many years. The state of New South Wales seems to b the greatest sufferer. As In former yea rrf. the dissemtattt'ni has been tracedf 'is rats. It Is said that one man. whetthv covered two dead rodents in hja cellar, undertook t to bury "theni and stricken the next day Wirtifre&aae. An elnbonrte system of extermination of the rats by poisonous vapors Is lie lug carried out. and the government has placed a bounty on each animal killed. In this way hundreds of thou sands are done away with. William and tk Baallah Throa. . A glance at the list of royal pcrsoo agea lr. the direct line of succession tn the Brltih throne reveals some Inter esting' facta How many people know that there are only two adult males be tween Emperor William-and King Ed ward It la, however surprising It may be, a fact that the German emperor Is tb third male successor over twenty one. He stands twenty-fourth In the list, but most of those before blm ere women or children. Only two are men of fun agetbtt king's only son. the Duke of Cornwall and York, and bis only living, brother, the Duke of Con- naught ' . Garden o Taraat Lota. In PhNndclpft a there are 633 gar dens on what ivere formerly vacant lota Five years ago the Philadelphia vacant Lot association was organized. Twenty-seven acres altogether were se cured and a hundred gardens started. Tbe officers of tbe society found a big demand for the lots by poor people, and they cxve gradually Increased their holdings until now over 600 gardens are in operation. Last year the value or tb products amounted to over $30, flwx . Reallstle. Recently the .daughter of the post mistress of Maygar-Czernya wns called to the public telephone, when she heard ttie voice of ber Jealous sweetbeurt. Gustav Tlbold. who from the town ball of Taba telephoned the alarming mee sage, "Would you like to hear bow shoot myself?" Scarcely , were the words ended when the girl heard tb:4 sound of a shot, and subsequent lnqnf rtes revealed that the young man had Kiiiea Himself m the manner he had In dicated. The Brain of aa Eeklrno. Althougb general conclusions cannot be drawn from a single example, tin result of a careful examination of the brain of an Eskimo man by Dr. Ale? Hrdllcka possesses much interest. As a whole he found tbe brain to be bear ier and larger than the average brains of white men of similar stature, while the cerebrum rather exceeded the av erage white man's brain In certain de tails which have usually been regarded as Indicating superior intelligence. Wis erst Hot Evea Una In Vlle. Ten miles southwest of Findiay, 0 lies the peaceful bamlet of Mount Cory. It Is a modern Utopia of righteousness. EeTenty-flve hores compose the vil lage, and seven of them are occurred ty preachers of the gosrf L i No saloons are tsere. In winter the reJents swrp yarns ty the side of the friendly sUve in the cornor rrocerr. and in anmn - they whittle hlciory sticks and cut thflr Initials ia the soft plae of the rtoretoi.es. ' re ia a rr njrr, t ut no trawlers are evrr tror' t !' re I'm. an.l h'.a r.',- -s ere tl i cf a notary or unit: t-'-, w! r a llr. i bar CoweJ c i NEW AHD OLD ; FRESHLY TOLD Stories Called at tbe Rational Capitol For the foreign relations committee poorrt of th senate was reserved the honor ot having the finest table In the National capltol. It Is the longest, the best, the most expensive, the most or nate and placed In surroundings which bnly superlatives can deacrlbe. Just fiow some of the most prominent sena tors and most accomplished statesmen feather about it. It is safe to predict ihnt In the coming century, for it is not too brash to assume that the table will Last for a hundred years, men of this (tamp will seat themselves about it fre- fiuently and with elbows resting upon ts mahogany edges, will decide the fate of our relations with nations of tbe old world. . ' - . The table la twenty-one feet long, longer by two feet than any other table in the capltol 'The logs are Chippen dale" style, but are bound at top and bottom by beautifully cast and highly polished brass, contrasting well with the dark red of the mahogany. The top ts framed In polished mahogany, but its center la of dark green broadcloth. . Tbe cost of the table la a secret of tbe capltol architect, hut no statement of price or description in words quite con veys Its quiet elegance, . r Vitr Senator Lira, ' -. Comparatively few senators bava es- tablis'iied homes of a permanent nature In Washington. Not one-half of them' maintain a housekeeping establish ment. Of the eighty-eight senators now holding seats In congress thirty-three live In hotels and ten live In apartment houses. Three-fourth of those who re-. Bide in hotels are up town, the balance being southern senators who have quar ters in down town bouses that have be come famous In the past aa stopping places for southerners and that still have memories of great statesmen clinging to them that form an attrac tive feature for many of those who con tinue to give them their patronage. AU the -senators except . two; live in the northwest," , the venerable Senator I'ettu of Alabama being one of those who' has taken up his domicile in an other part of tbe city. He is located on "the hillw not far from the Congres sional library building and the cap'tol. A considerable number of those not in hotels or apartments' have rooms and board in private bouses. Jnattc Harlan'a Cr rat Drive. . v Justice, Harlan is a golflac; He aajs it Is tbe greatest game in the world. He plays (several times a week. Ho Is more than sit feet tall, weighs fully 300 pounds and has a deep, chest and shoulders a yard across. When be bits a ball squorply, It goes soaring through the air for yards and yards. There is out? hole on the Chevy Chase links called "Harlan'a bole." In some wonderful manner ' the justice once , made the bole in one stroke. , He drove the ball off the tee. and It rolled into the bole. The caddy spent half an hour iooklug for the ball in the high grass, while the justice fumed and fretted. Then somebody shouted: ' "WTiy. here's your ball In the holer' The justice was so proud that be would play no more that day. No one bas duplicated tbe feat . : Tito Minister to China. The report that Major Edwin H. Con ger will not remain much longer aa minister to China has led to the presen tation of the name of John ..Barrett, formerly minister to Slam, to succeed to the prospective vacancy. Senator Mitchell of Oregon the other day talked with the president about Mr. Barrett for minister to China. Senator Mitchell told the president that all of the Pa cific coast states would be delighted with tbe selection of Mr. Barrett It Is stated that the president might be glad to give consideration to Mr. Barrett If there was any outlook for a vacancy In tbe Chinese mission. No such vacancy is expected, however, and the story of Mr. Conger's going to retire is believed to be premature. The president knows nothing about sucb an Intention on Mr. Conger's part Tho Prealdent's Lite lnsnranee. Since entering the executive olnce of the nation President Roosevelt has tak en out eome extra life insurance. Tho amount is not known, but is reported to be $30,000 and was placed in one of the large New York companies. This was in addition to policies that tli president had carried prior to bis ac cession to his present office. President McKlnley had about $G7.000 Insurance on his life, and President Roosevelt's various policies probably smount to more than that The life insurance companies do not take into serious cal culation tbe extra danger that some people believe attaches to the occupar.t of the White House. The premium ca the new policy is no 1 r- r t' n char-r. ed to any other ran, a- 1 tie c nrn-y la said to cocsl.'. r IV ' 7 :,t r,.'.vi .t : ) f ne cf its ttt r: a a i : : i ? t 1 t 9 I r- s IV