I J ' V" A ' iSJ f t t J 1 . I 1 1 1 i i i i i t I HE ree Press 1 1 I I 1 1 ' I I 1 V Its ay to m THE VEATi: :ER: f 'air and T ia tin m b to ha.ru thinm Cool tonight. Fair and ia Mock thapaotlawanl tad. .L warm (Saturday. Imt thxm know U. i ... l-l-l i i n i l 1 . ! pOblished. eery hfternoon except sundry. VOL. V. NO. 63. EUNSTON, N. C FRIDAY, MAY SO. 1902. PRICE TWO CENTS. Daily OLD HORTH STATE . HEWS AMD GOSSIP CDDIID HTERESTHG HiPFEXUGS. York pushed North Carolina to 4th place J T)TJU)T ATTD1I I ITT and took third. Now New York city has f flj&IlUllJUl A ' ALL FRESH FACTS III A FEW LINES Items of Interest for Male u 1 Female a greater population tnan tale entire 1 state. ,:y ;v"...,'f.,:.v.v,.'.: -Kiit'fhi .HEW, TO SCIEMCE IT. PEIEE STILL MTEHSELT iCTIYE SHOUT BTATJt STORIES. A Primary Candidate. "t Charlotte, Hay 28. Charlotte has a ' candidate for the eenatorehlp, Robert A. Ford, principal of , the Bontlj graded chooL This afternoon be announced xdmself. He eaye In part: "I have been waiting to have some one of our public jnen take a bold stand and speak .out for the people on the question of selecting oar United States senator by the people. Onr tspreeentatJvee seem to be but play Ing with the subject and there is bo tell ing whatf will be dona. 2 The voice of the people when properly Informed is the vntaa of God. and as one of the people 1 demand a primary throughout the state, I will cut the knotty question and I here, by declare myself a candidate for 'the Senateeubectto4hsaction' of a 8tate . vrlmarWthe clan of which I shall pro mt hereafter). I am rock-ribbed and hide-bound in my adherence to the dis tinctive Democratic principals as enun- dated In the sucoeeaiTe national platform from 1876 to the present time I .seise 4.ha nrawnt condition of things as a srreat oDDortunitr to express my. views, and my hopes of being elected are of secondary consideration ; and lmport- .mVV''3'':'V' A Gaaatly Find. . Charlotte Observer. Last. Saturday 8. B. Lanier of Pender county ,w bile go ing through an BnirequeDted cart road leading through a s wamp, a half mile from Bannerman'S bridge, on the north east cape Fear river, came upon the eke! ton of a man tains in thee wamp. Vultr tires had picked the flesh from the bones and all that remained was' in a heavy pair of boots which the man wore. The man's clothing which had been tors off by the vultures was near the bones, The remains were Identified by the cloth ing as those of Lymus Mitchell, a negro about 40 rears of air who had been missing since the Slat of January last, When last seen alive, the missing man -was with two1 negroes named - Louis Jacobs, of Columbus county," and Robert Keith "of Colly, Bladen county. These two men were suspected of murdering Mitchell and were arrested, Salisbury Sun: Mr. W, J. Estridge, formerly of Union county, ndw f of. thte city, tells us of one of the strangest case? on record, with which he is perfectly familiar. Mr. John Belk, a well to do ' farmer of Union county, who lives about five miles from Monroe, has 14 children. The third of these Is a daughter ol 18, a bright young girl, who has never spoken - n) W father- .lt,hono-h nh fifn. MM vswat w w- j 0 , verses with any one else in her presence the finds it impossible to utter a word to her father, .Both the young lady and - her father are deeply distressed over the former's afflction which has never yet been accounted tor by ' the physicians : who have investigated her case. Very Clever It Would Appear. Charlotte Observer: Out at the Ging ham Mills in this city there is either a very clever or a very foolish mule. She works six days in the week and rests on tne caDDatn: ana tne iew uuiixuii uuura i . . .. . . . a .V x t- I ht thla mnla haa been keot In her stall after Sunday have been a period of great agony for the anlmaL On the Sabbath she blinks and sleeps and nothing short of force can make her leave her stall but at the break of day Manday morning if somebody doesn't come and take her out and hitch her up to something she goes atark raving mad. Certainly the mule sets an example that mankind may fol- log with profit but is she a fool? A Meal that Laated. Newton Enterprise: Mr. Leach,, who returded recently from Lucas mill pond on a fishing trip, tells the following: Late last fall Mrs. Lucas had a hen that had a nest under a grape at bor near the house. Every day eggs were missing from the nest. Mrs. Lucas picked up a porcelain door knob which she placed in the nest as a nest egg. The following day the doorknob was missing, supposing tit hounds bad stolen it. Early this spring a neighbor living half a mile away filled black snake six feet long; on examining J the snake he discovered a large s wiling in its stomach prompted by curllt he cut tne snake open and lo, tliere wiie j the porcelain door knob. How We Crow. According to the last census Noth far o'ica has a population of 1,803,810, and U the 14th state of the 45. TL!a showei an lnerc"" of 17.1 rr cnt. over If3, and ia ,.nci; J.i tL!36t...ar..-'..i 81st of the C2 st-.t.s r r. 1 tNT!t2r.i. Ia 17P0 North C&ro".:3 was tLa tltrl ':.: !i pcr-!.----a, cc'y Tlv'-.U e-.l r,-3-rf.Tt.: ' i tiT;-yJ.z2 tcr, let b ISC 3 1'ew , The tobacco crop 'of i Warren county promises to be much larger this year than it has been for several years past. , Wadesboro ' Messenger -Intelligencer: Fourteen cases of smallpox were dis covered in the vicinity of Wingato last week, v U V i ' '): ?: v ? V Charlotte, May 28 Chief of Polios Irwin today received a telegram from White Plains, N. Y., s toting that Bud Abernethy, one of the moet noted, crimi nals of this entire sectlon.'bad been cap. tured. Abernethy tried to kill an old negro here last fall, . He later assaulted Constable Porter while in custody and finaly escaped. . - " t '. Anti-Saloon League Endorsed. Whereas, Intemperance is a great and growing evil,' the great enemy of the church and righteousness, and Is destroy- ing more lives, blasting mors ; hopes. deadening more aspirations, l darkening more homes and causing more sorrow and suffering than all other evils and ' i Whereas, the open saloon is the chief agency which fosters and nourishes intem perance and is a constant menace to i the peace and happiness, of society and the home and a constant Snare to the young, Where a, We believe the Sunday school should occupy no doubtful or uncertain position as 6 this great' evil therefore belt r-r' ': r Resolved. That we. 'the members, of the Sunday school of the Klneton M. E. church, South, hereby endorse the Anti Saloon league recently organised In our state ana county ana we pledge it our earnest support In Its eff orts to suppress tne liquor tratflo ana to create a nealthy temperance sentiment in our stats . and community. , , , , . - Adopted May 18, 1902. "" J. J. BlIZBLL, , mi. -r 6-P. Flxmwq, .CM. Jordan. : . BOR9H BftANOH. " ' ' - May 28. Crops are looking very well in this section. - .--. ; t --. . n - A lot' of the 'Woodlnirton boys and girls attended church Suuday at Smith's New Home. ? . X- Mr. LouU Tyndal and wife visited Mr. A. ft. Tvndal Sunday. Mr, Simpson Howard is having a large canal cut through his swamp. Mr. Z. V. Howard is putting up a pack houee. Z ', 3 : v Mrs. E. A. Daniels of (toldsboro is vis iting friends and relatives here. Cotton chopping ia the order of the day., Mr. Frank Howard of Falling Creek vielted Mr. Simpson Howard Satprday uu ouuucj. Mrs. Lotty Kornegay and sons visited Mr. A. tt. Tyndal Sunday. Mr. N. A. Tyndal lost his hone the other day. Mr: Burwell Stroud of Klnston Is vl tbls i lting Mr. Charlie Stroud of Repose week. s PINK HILL. May 29. The farmers in this Section complains of a bad stand of. tobacco. . Corn crop looking well. Some of our neoDle attended theclosimr 1 , . n i mi i .. T exercises oi oeveu opnngs mgn scnooi last Friday. They report a good time. Mr. Thurman Davis leaves to day to attend the commencement , at Trenton hlghschooL , Mr. J. W. Woriey has purchased a new horse.. . , , - ' f. .JiwVii ' "i - I , v '. , - - --- - - :J rroT I ma' Prof. Hill Tells of Els Failure to Reach the Crater. - A a other TraaMadeva Xxploalon Thara J day Moralnr-Americana Nearly Caofht ; -Prof. Hill Deacaada .'tha Awful Deva , tattoa and 8aya Nearly All the Paenom- asa are New to Science. Fort de France, Island of Martinique, May, 28.A tremandous explosion of very black smoke from Mont Pelee oc curred at a quarter before 9 o'clock this morning. Fear was entertained for the safety of George- Kennan, the Amer lean author, who, with a land party. has been examining the northern part of the island. The governor of Martin'qne, M. L. Huerre, was at once seen with the object of arranging for - a rescue party. but about 11 o'clock Fern and Clerc, a wealthy landed proprietor, arrived and announced that Mr. Kennan and his party were safe on a plantation at the north end of the island. -. I Professor Robert T. Hill, United States Government geologist and bead of . the expedition sent here 1 by the Na tional .Geographical society, who left Fort de France Monday on' horseback for the volcano, returned home this morning, completely exhausted, 8peaktng of his expedition to Mont Pelee, Professor Hill said: "My attempt to examine the crater of Mont Pelee has been futile. , I succeeded, however, in get? ting very close to Morne Ronge, "At 7 o'clock Monday night I witnessed from a point near the rains of St. Pierre a frightful 'explosion from Mont Pelee and noted the accompanying phenomena. wnue tnese eruptions continue no sane man should attempt to ascend to the crater of the volcano. , "Following the salvos of detonations from the mountain gigantic mushroom shaped columns of smoke and cinders ascended into the clear, star-lit sky , and then spread, iu a vast black sheet, to the south and directly over my head, Through this sheet,: which extended distance of 10 miles from the crater, vivid and awful lightning-like bolts flashed with alarming frequency. They followed distinct paths of ignition; but were dif ferent from lightning in : that the bolts were horiiontal and . not perpendicular. xms is lnaieputaDie eviaence oi tne ex plosive oxidation of the gases after they left the crater. This Is a most import ant observation and explains,' la part. the awful catastrophe. This ' phenom, non is entirely new in volcanic history, ''Nearly all the phenomena of these volcanic outbreaks are new to science, and many of them have not yet been ex plained. The volcand Is still Intensely active, and I cannot make any predic tions as to what it will do." . BASEBALL ' ' STATE UUOTTE. New Bern 8, Wilmington 2; Charlotte 5, Greensboro 4, Durham 8, Raleigh 1. Relative standing of the clubs today: T pr I uuaif r e . I Won. Charlotte ..1 8 Raleigh .....u.... 13 Durham..... ......13 - Greensboro.n...M.....10 New Bern , ..10 Wilmington 8 .857 9 9 12 12 20 .571 .571 .454 .454 .050 o ,t::zh c? roca. yr : HERBERT G. SQUIERS, MINISTER TO CUBA. . Cnole Yarn's flnt miniiter to Cuba la a diplomat of eonaidfinibl experience. Ha was Meretarr oi the United S tares legation at Pekuiy ia 1900 and dutplnyed gnat reatranefnK aeal during the neg of the lerauona. The plan by which the south wall of the Tartar city waa seized waa hia. II ia a Weat Pointer and fought Indian nnder General Foraythe at Wounded Kjwe. ' - r - ": . i "V DOVER, -'' - ' " -" My 80, -' Huckleberries are beginning to come to nwkft. le said t tiers an unueuaiiy Luge crop of them Mr. Jw 11 West wen to Kinton J- terday, returning on ih afternoon train Messrs. Geo. Sumreli and T. W. Mew born of Kinston were In Dover between trains yesterday afternoon. All reports that we hare from crops In that budworme are playing havoc with I com this cool weather. Owing to the accidental breaking of some narta of the Goldsboro Lumber Co.'s steam feed their saw mill has been shut down since Monday ( afternoon and awaiting ths coming of a duplicate of the broken piece Trom urn tity, y&. , . They expect to start up again tomorrow morning. , . .. s , . - 4 . . The writer In company with Dr. Ray Pouock nbyed a ride through ths ooun try to lunaton tenters a v, tons getting a much meded sniff of fresh country air after month of clone confinement within the city (?) boundf. We were glad to meet Manager Her bert, Timely Topics man and Reporter Koonoe and And tnm, as well as the en tire Fnra Pbebs force, hustling and brim full of business. , Policeman White is working a sdfuad of men grading and improving the side walks on Dover street. There is much sickness in and around Dover now and "our popular physician. Dr. Ray Pollock, is kept right baxy, but we are glad to Wtru from him that there are no very serious cases at present. We expect to report the jingle of the marriage bell In tne near future. We are Informed that a certain Dover bells was complaining a few days ago that she lost her beau (bow.) We would sympathise with her, it we did not know that no such sweet belle as she can go a Miss for lack of beaux. The first shipment of potatoes from here this season was made last Wednes day by Mr. William Rogers, off Mr. B. R. Taylor's farm. We hear that the crop yield of them will be very light and of inferior quality. We Invite Tan Free Press and La-, Grange Sentinel to give chicken and dog i mtfkrU a. nasxt; 9Wl hop it anil lAft Hrt vui i stories a seat 'way back and let Dover come to tne Iront with a cat tale in "ginny-wine" fact. On last Saturday night Mr. W. A. Wilson, his clerk being sick, was Kept so busy in ms store tnat be nad not time to ao any snoppmg pre paratory lor ttunaay morning breaslast. and his cat, seeming to realize the sltua- ation, went on aoa brought m three pounds of beef steak, . wrapped up in Drown paper. ; rass tne case over to us. The closing exercises of Dover hiah scnooi win tase piace on xnursaay ana Friday nights of next week, June 6 and 6. . Hon. . M. Brinson of Ns w Bern will speak on Thursday night and there will be exercises by tne grammar class. Dr. J. C Coggins, president of the Christian college at Wilson, will deliver the annual address -and a concert consisting of an entertaining program win ds given. GRAINOERS. May 29. We are having some right cool weather. Mr. G. F. Johnson SDent Satnrdn. mgac ana ounaay near Beuian. , - t a. m rs 1 a-v . " Mr. ana Mrs. 1. K. Jonnson anont oaiaraay in ajnecou. U'a Iola Phillips of near Glenfleld spent a iew oays who aiim xmie Jacxson last week. I'r. J. R. Fields attend Rev. Sam Jona' lect;:re in Klnston 8aturday night. 1' T8. Dock Vincent and Charlev Lit. i;e ii near lnierviiie spent Banday ni .t with friends near here. Ur. and lira. B. F. Jones and little dar-' ter, Glad's, vlsd near Renston Eat riiy and f anday. 1 to bear Mrs. Fe!lx fc!nrr is im- .Iter several dajs illnegs of ,1 lever. f "3 lire. Clayton Wirus, eyect j wiih Urs. R. T. Laoston. AtRY GROVE ' .- -MayBlU Rev. Grubbs filled B., W. Nash!, a pointmeut at Lounm 8wramp (Sunday'' ' Crops are looking well in this' wrk. Mr. Uardy HU1 has been on the- Vk list at his brother's near Glenfleld th As week.' . " " , - '' - " Miss tola Sutton of Greenville come Toesday to visit her aunt, Mrs.' D. G. Tai lor. , . . . ' v ' Miss Lilla Simmons of klnston who had been visiting relatives here last week returned borne Sunday.. ' ; Little Misses Pearl Phillips and Rachel Sutton were well amused at Capt. Car raway 's Haturd ay evening looking over his curosities. Captain is the man to amuse children. ; U V' i A good many of our people took - in the Sam Jones lecture Saturday uight and 8anday. 1 1 . ,r , ,, " Mr. Sam Carraway while swinging the oitber dav fell and broke his arm. We have a remarkable turkey hen. Tb hawks played havoc with beryonngones last Sunday and on Monday seeing hr family so small In number she weut to our nearest nelghbpr't and sto efrom her a beautiful drove of younj t'irkev uud brought them home. .' , WOODINaTON. May 27. Tobacco Is looking nice.. . . . 4 Tne fruit crops are nue in this section. Mrs. Henry Smith spent Saturday and D'inoay in Atnston. , , Little Miss EfBe Dawson, of Kiustou is visiting relatives here. Miss Rebecca 8troud is visiting he brother: Mr. C. R. Stroud, at Reoose.triis wee. - - , Mr. David Williams and slater. ' Miss uenie, of Cades, were guests at Mr, Simp son narper s ounaay The children's day service will be Sun day. . AU are invited to come. There will be a fish stew at the mill Saturday afternoon, June 7. Everybody is m vi&ea to neip eaten nsn. Among those who attended church at Smith s New Home from here Sundv were Misses Rebecca, Janle and Maud Htroud, Florence and Ellen Waller and Oale Rouse; Messrs. J. J, Harper, jr. Isami iriu i?j i: i t Eddie Williams. Eddie and Rosen Roma. Thomas, Eddie, Paul, Carl and Travis Stroud. . HYCO. May 28. we were all glad to see the nice rain tnat fell bunday afternoon. : Mexsrs. D. E. Dail and R. P. Tavlor at tended the commencement at Ayden yes- Miss Rosalie Hardy waa here Friday afternoon on her way borne from Instt tuts. She ha been attending Ormonde- vine nign scnooL . Oll-rellka SkaUav -' On the Pacific coast are found nu merous little shells of sea nails of a species called the "ollvella," because of their resemblance to olives, out of which the Indians used to cut disks that were extensively used for coins. ' - ' How It Ia Done. The first object in life with the Amari. can people Is to "get rich,-" .the second, how to regain good health. Tha flrat can oe obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the second (good health) by us ing Green's August Flower. Should you be a despondent sufferer from m.nr nf th effects of Dyspepsia. Liver ComnlRlnt. Appendicitis. Ind'pgtlon. etc.. aiwh a S'.ck L'eadacbe, Palpitation of the Heart. -our cbomacn, ii&Dirnai uoetivenese, Dirzlness of the Head. Ivervoni Proetrs, tim, Low Pfl.-lts, 9trt yoa need not eulr another day. Two dowa of th well-known Ar ; t I'lower wUl relieve you at once. Go to J. II Ilood and pt eamrle bottle f.-e. I"Tilar sire. 75 cents. Get Green's IV racial Almanac CURRENT COMMENT. It la Interesting if not significant that the six honor graduates at Annapolis this year are all from the west and south- Louisville Times. , u Before congress admits Arizona and tet a prize for a name to fit the combi nation. Philadelphia Ledger. . King Edward's coronation medals'; are being made In this country. Isn't that AnAiinh tn .la. ilm law totH nf tha British lion T Atlanta Constitution. . The sticks are coming down in Wall -street, but the u)ply of rockvts never gi.ves out, .We shall see them going on merrily again before long. New York Mail and Express. -; . If President - Palma ' exercises fi the - yiuprr Biuvuui i nwuvuii ur itih uui stray ,too far from the safety , valve. There la a powerful bead of steam on In Cuba. Washington Post , J And - who was Rocbatubeau, whose statue is to be unveiled In Washington? ITlfit! Waa ha not rhr nnJv -flcnra in ths American Revolution that has sue ' ceeded in keeplug Out of the "historical novels?" Louisville Courier-Journal . LAW POINTS. sT determine wbctbei u right exists otiiicr a t-orurat-i -or .wtiat construction may be placed-tliwt-oo1 acquiescence by one party in the known construction of the other and compliance with his demands bused on the contract are ma terial in evidence. : (37 8, E. Rep. 854.) Where on a contract for the purchase of goods the buyer tendered bis check for the proper amount in payment and no objection was made to the amount or form of the tender the seller cannot afterward object that the tender waa not made in money. (65 Pac. Rep. 858.) , . TVhll tha inturnrotntlnn fit tha nan. ties as ev'denced by their acts, will in enses of uoulit be resorted to Jor the purpose of uiTlrliut ut their true Inten tion, this ruli' U Ufver allowed to gov em when the effect will be to over throw th piiilii K'l'uiS of the coutracf,' (91 III. Api. It'. 28. 1 BALLOON AIRSHIPS. '., The Sevcro aiivhlp. - which exploded over the city .of rarls. causing the death of the ueroniint and his assistant, very probably embodied in its construc tion some of the elements of final suc cess In aeilnl navigation. Philadelphia Times. As the neverat accidents which befell Saptos-Iiiiiiont showed, and in.leed as the twbavlor of his balloon made clear nude? the most favorable aerial condi tions, the motor driven airship Is a most dangerous plaything. Philadel phia press. , ; f be dirigible balloon Is and must al ways remain a fair weather toy, of no practical Value for .purposes of trans portation and Impossible of profitable utilization. The fate of Severo awaits every adventurous aeronaut who tries to sail a balloon against the wind. New York Times. CROWN POINTS. RTlng Edward prefers "God save onr gracious king" to "God save our lord the king" as the opening line of the national anthem. It is rumored that Queen Nathalie Is , about to marry a French , nobleman; bence her recent conversion to the Ro man Catholic faith. Queen Alexandra has a quaint treas ure cupboard which contains casts of the beads of her five children taken at the age of two years and again at tha age of twenty. - ' - '-. Eing Alexander of Servla has created a new decoration called the medal of the Queen Draga. It ia to be bestowed npon ladles who have rendered service to the present dynasty. ST, PIERRE. . J The destruction of St. Pierre Is ap parently more complete even than that of Pompeii and Herculaneum in the first eentury.of this era. Philadelphia Times. '"v ''-'''."''.. To suggest that St Pierre was de stroyed because of the "vice and Im morality" of its Inhabitants dot's not stem to be reasonable. It is far more satisfying to think of the destruction of the town as the work of the ele ments alone. Baltimore Sun. BETWEEN. HEATS, " 1 Searchlight, 2.-C3M. will be raced til season. Team races will bs the featnra of tla mstinee at Detroit this year. Dolly DiUou. 2.07, fcna tcea a d fa :14 this season, a talf H Ben Walker L a rr ''.I'JZr ts til driver of Eleata, la tar t": i- tlis r?ar.

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