jffinston tld. JUNK itoa 8aa lion To Wed Tho Frl 8at , i ' 9 ""IT""! rT"r 8 9 10 11 li 18 14 15 18 17 18 19 30 21 22 23 34 35 36 27 28 88 80 ' Wvi Vnnwr.kmr rm JnwK. ft lint anitrr. dronffht: 4 to 6. areneral fall of temperature; 6 to 7, cool and pleasant; 8 to 9, warmer, 10 to 18, hot, ' aoltry; 13 to 14. tbnoder etorme; 15 to 16, eool; 17 1 19, fine, seasonable; 20 to HI, cloudy; 23 to U3.damp.drlizly; 34 to 21, iceneral rain; 28 to 28, beary than Cer storme; zv to ov, riear, svaaoiukuie. ' Moo Pa asks: New moon 6 th; flnt quarter 12th; full moon 20th; last quar ter 28th. Jane 20. Fan rises 4:41; sets 7:19; Dayi length 14 boors 88 minutes. - ;Traelers Galde. ' TRAINS JlIRITI ho ucatb. A. k V. C, East, a 68 a. m., to New. torn only; 4.83 p. in. West, 10.13 a. m., S.38 am., 7.87 p. m. A. C. L., north, 7.80 a. m.j sooth, .45 p.m. . TBI MAILS. Mose, A. C. L., north. 7 a. to; A ft N. C, 8. 80, east, and 9.40 a. m., west; A.00 n. m.. east, 6.80 west. Open from vest .85a..m., Jromeast 10.;a, m., I 8.15 p . m., from west; ro p. m., irum WSt. ;.', " Cottoa Market.'; v: Q':. fotares on the'New lork cotton change dosed today as followe; j June 9.02 July. 8 65, August, 8.88. PBODUOB MAEKBT. Xtc)tall Prioea Today In ELlnaton Stores. I DM tim fcwat, ije qt Dritd Mm hui toe qt. I prml colood bttn, uqi vt '.s" T Wkiu pwi toe ql. Spring oo.ont, fC baacb. I lTT KXrXr- tSSSS. n,95cbii . whij. poiio jopck, Ma. ic Mck. vT' ' Kga, jedsn. v - I KMiuu',iotosc4M. packi, jc pwc, ' I ChK., to 4S- Brouiog .. , i vmkw, tie fiion. ; ' j " t. r- - ...Vi. n. 1 chickcM. to to 3& uumh isc viica. I mf. In ifL IHUMU C Vookinf bntwr.ypoiua. uma pptH,i Pout, $1.33 budL . PruM, 1 1-3 to IOC pound. WbMU, $is bobcL v Ky,70cbBihl.. , . Oott, (couooy) joc bs. 0U (wUrn) foe bulul tdnetoscope Moving Pictures of ; Dallr Evnts Strt Happenings The Temple-Mar ton Drag Co., baa in stalled a National cash register which i gives rebate checks. The register Is a I beauty. ( , ' Bchulti Bargain store will commence a I big sale tomorrow. Goods are to bej sold regardlees of cost Sea "ad" in another column. Neuss Ruling of the Fraternal Mystic . ... c. vauuy. --w 77""" vwv stalled. - Joe Mills, an aged co.lored man died at his home near near Klnston yesterday afternoon. Uhe remains were ournea in tne coiorea cemetery nere toaay. i AIU1S Was WBH IUUWU IU A.IUBIUU CM1U had a number oi wwte irwnas. : Mr. J, W. Alexander of . Klnton owns a rare cotn. . It was made In 1T08. The J name "King George" can be easily read on one side of the coin. Its value Is not I known, nr. Alexander louna on His t fathers' farm, near Klnston. 1 ' I Mr. Agnes Hill, wifs of Mr. Ben Hill, of Ktnston, die l at her borne lat night at 8 o'clock after an Ulnees ot about 5 weeks. : The remains w?re today taken to Lane's Cuapel, in this county, ' for in terment, ine deceased leaves uusDana and one child. Cotton blossoms are appearing here and there over the country. Two blooms 'were sent to The Fheb Pricks yesterday from Mr. W, L. Kennedy's farm, at Falling Creek and one bloom was sent by Mr. F. B.Nann. Thi prospects for a good cotton erop are bright ' ' - Klnetonians and others from this see- tlon are invited to attend the Falcon, July 23th and doses on August 3d. Ar- rangementa have been mads to furnish board at about 50c per day. A number , of able preachers will be la attendance. I Master John Davis, aged 9 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Davis ot Jones county, died at the home of. Mr. J. L. fmlth in Klnston yesterday evening. e remains were taken to the family aveyard this afternoon and Interred. I Ir. and Mrs. Davis were vleltlng at Mr. "h's when the child wastakenUL Hs 1 1 on fueble all his life. At '.I.'jI lawn party was' given by 3 C -lotta Newborns and Winnie 1 1 'r. Levi IIH borne's, la Kins- 1 ' t' 9 yoti'Tr r'6fle preeont ' ' n F..'lt-r, Lula Kate : ' : , L:::'.,a Fill, Alien, vl'jTborne, Continued Story of Cocal vents f f!)lJl.rlAtfa Paarttt nANM TAan finatl and Mattie Phillips, Harry Hooper, NelJIs Canes, Lottie and 8usle Canady, Camilla AMridge, Katie TonstalL Vary Boss, Eunice and Maggie Darle, Katie Hamilton, Saale and Norab Perry, Bon- nfeOrmond,Leora and Mary Hooper, 5.2?S !!f borne. Purely Personal Items Abort People who Come and Go Judge O. H. Allen spent yesterday In Uoldsboro. - Miss Ethel Hod area left this mflrolnir ri.it a wn.n; e - . n . ' ' Her. 0. W, Blanchard went to Winter . r. o. a augnan oi nonoiK, va., is letting his brother. Mr. J. u Vaughan. Messrs. Bryan Gardner and Geo. Blount of Grifton spent today In Klnston. Miss Kate Edwards otGoldsboro.came tMt mnrnin ,:M w n r,arAan ' , - - - - Mrs. W. W. Bouse and daughter, Mies Iiena of Btrabane, are visiting Mrs. W. G. OI tne groom, wbere tbe , beautiful piee ITfLrrwr ' ents and a xnmptunus feast was in walt- Miss Keels Murray of Trenton, came this jnornlng to visit the family of Dr. B. A. W hi taker. v s Mrs. M. A. Moore of Laurinburg, came yester.lay afternoon to yinit ber son, Mr. E. D. Moore, Miss L'ssls Blddle of New Bern, who had been visltiog Miss Sue Cobb, left hie morDlntr for Dover morning lor H- K. W. Watson of Wilson, whohad rMfag reiattTOs herd, left for her home this morning, Miss Athlfeo Dixon who bad been vis- fJ , . k.u. u-' tL.1 r , w. . . ... . , - t ( Ayaen tnis morning, fc i - - Miss Lena Dawson came from Seven Springs last night and left for her home at Llttlefleld this morning. Mrs. Anna Barden of Durham, who had been visiting her son, Mr. W. . Barden, left for ber home this morning. . ... Masters James and William Joyner of 1 Greensboro, and Emery Rouse of La. Grange, are vlsitlug at Mr. W.J. Rouse's. Mrs. Geo. T. Hewlett, who had beeu visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Wagner, left for her'faome at Wilmington' this morn accompanied by Master Johnnie Wag ner, x-w .-i-w- - v v , BBV. D. EL TUTTLB ' and W. M. Baxter, of Elisabeth j; Olty, Neariy Oome to Blows. Elliaheth ratv. NT. fi: Jntie 1 rtTh- r "i . - l Anti-Saloon League people are making an aggressive campaign.' Drl TraceV:a noted lecturer, is addressing multitudes I nlrrhtl AiMa muiMiiin Ru n IT T;Unrm . .V-in k-h of temperance. . L.at nfght be made statements con- struedbyW.M. Baiter as reflecting on hlnj Tbli morain., uMter visited Tut tie and derranded explanations. Warm wnrds followed. Baxter sarin: "If It wer BOt for my respect for your cloth woul(j j nmp you M qjck 8 s 6ng gbt On a pOtatO. Tuttle replied by divesting himself of his coat and saying: "I place my man hood on a level with yours. Dont stand back because of my cloth." Baxter da manded that explanation be made pub- iicly. II Tuttle falls to do so sensational developments may result. In the Oouotry. Coaaiiuiicaicd, ' J ',,'''. I have been la the country for a few days visiting my children While there I took a "nap" on the porch and was awakened by tte birds singing in the grove. When I awoke I never felt more Ilka writing than when I wrote the to! lowing: - BACK IN THE 00UNTKV. It's nice to get ont from the rush of the aty And back in the sun and fresh hrwn And loungs In the porch of the old tlmey And hear the bird- .in h. Sweet memories fly backward, to days ot ,"wa" ,n T breast; W wJd wood.0 ' WV "T ,D Each night tucked me snugly to rest. J. Daju - .. ' How It la Ztoaa. The first object in life with the Ameri ean people Is to "get rich;" the second, how to refrain o-nnd ha&HS -tv, can be obtained by enenrv. honeetv and saving; the second (arood health) by us ing wreen s august r lower. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects of I ry spepsia. Liver Complaint, Appendicitis, Inrf 'potion, etc., earh as Sick Headache, Pa'pttation of the Heart, oor Stomach, Habitual Costlvenees, Dlizinees of the Head, Nervous Prostra tion, Low Spirits, etc., you need not tv, -r another day. Two dos of tLe well-known Ansst Plov r v ;l r' re youatouce. Go t j J. II. Luo.i e l r t a iamr!e bottle fie. I:. -r s' t.i cents. Get Green's Special Aktxr rvc? LaORANOB. ' Mr. IV. 8. Ustell was tbe IS ret to sho us a cotton bloom. U racked ou from among to many June 17, ; Col. N. B. Whitfleld nd daughter, Jaote, left today tor f(ew Jlaren, Coun., to spend tbe summer with tot colonel' Drotuer. To rural free delivery mall boxes hare am mi aua are on sale at O. Taj lor UO.'S. ' The DOStofflc is nnw Installed n .anLnJL'hu to mope m,uo- dious and eomforthU Miss Blanch Murchlson left today Rocky Mount to Tlelt relatives. Mr. Jan. Royal and family retained J? Mount Ollre from a visit here to rela- l S?WPS0 pajr Knee Pants, SgSfiJSSS uuvn,fuia wiu snre sneir laai ntrtAin. ment Saturday night. , . 4 ...... t Parks team defeated Eureka at Knreka onJouelSth. 8oore23to4.. TheywiU piay attain on raru arounda oa June 21 at 9 a. m. and at 8 d. m. Parka will play Pink HU1 at Seven Sprlnirs on July! Men's, B .ys' and Children's a at 10 a. m. and Klnston at 3 p. m. BTirroH-PKcLi. , i ne rresoTterian cnurcn Dresented 1. -I . . L . ft ..14 ... . . wiMiuir s gut wiin us pnniani iignt ana lAnnrni nswnnLt.lsinsi nffAVAFcriesin tkAftmi I Plants and wax tapers around the altar " : B--,yvvwU and the beamlntr faces of beautiful wo - men In front of the altar, assembled to witness the marriaire of Miss Lora Peele. I talented sUrTMIw. MIhs Attie Fields playing the acconinani- meut.'. At lt conclusion Mies Murchieon iTI Si." " wn2"! d wJreadmiul.toredf by Mr- Thomas bo tenderly and iuo I . J 1 . . .11 . . a preslrely yrtwiivi) inriuruie eui eitcrea outies, nam tne tiMTpniv rwnAiiiittniiii v.ni bestowed the party repaired to the home of onr prettiest youpg ladles and for I modesty and sweetness of character sue ba but few equal and no superiors. and has an enviable character, for tnor- "lJ. energy ard serenity, OLOSS - , 1 Jane 17. Miss Ella Button of Ktnston SDanf List vwk no oiihm .mma ueatu .! . . . . . r. w . . . Mr, W. L. Miller of U. 8. seoloirlcal sur vey is camped at Clos. When the tents were going up several asked If vi were going to hare a circus. - n We hare had a' delttrhtral rain todav several farmers are' planting field peas anu setting out potatoes. : v Adrertieing in your home paper; Is great advantage bees In. our country Home, 11 mileeiof Einston. ws onlv have to refer-to the Fbke Press and wecan send I0' wjoul having to go MtaSwnifSS S ,0 uur paper, to know the price be guided "J " ' ' A Gentle Hint.' .A In our style of climate, with Its sudden changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often Intermingled in a single aay.it is no wonaer mat our cmldren friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, half tho aeatus resulting- directly from this cause. A bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept aoout your nome for lmaediate nee will P?TOnt serious sickness, a large doctor's tvtll aaniSJ wukKeawtai rhaps death, by the nse Df three or fonrdoi oses. or enrinir Con. sumption. Hemorrhaffes. Pneumonia. Severe laughs, Croup, or any disease of toe I nroat or liungs. Its successs Is sim ply wonderful, as your druggist will tell you. uet a sample bottle free from J. E Hooa. iteguiar sine, 7 mm Special Almanac. Get Green's D DINTING TO LEASE ARTICULAR. EOPLE is the kind turned iv out t at THE FREE PRESS office. Splendid equip ment and competent workmen. OOOOOOOOOOOOO f o o o o o ! Capadinc' IS NOT NARCOTIC IT CURES All llcaaaclics o by removing the cause and o relieving the nerve tension - Sold at all Drug Stores '- 2 . o o 4-OOOOOOOOOOOOO HINES BROS. LULICBR COriPAflV, ITIUa located at Jcr.ct!:n of A. z KIMGTOri, W quofacturfi toub n J c i TZa-T ' 1 i buSdlDf porpoiisi, ixK'u-;'-; g ISIoIdl Q. and C'- V ; rse. V s in t' e m ;- r I y Ctxh t ma-''- t j ' -i. T ; 1 " h to t i j r-l 3 The entire stock of CLOTHING, consisting1 of the 45U Men's Suits, for 1 50 BOVS' Yam Su ItS. . , 7 7 -Uiia, 4UU Kfiee OUitS, XAfl Mon'e Dno 0UU Pfllr Men S antS, to np.xt 5;days. sale I uuixiixiMiiuiiJj - . . I t II rn fl tf I II n O 9 1 wulH,uu M,,U t . : . . . I tiding mca a large siock ; Cothine which we must sell is the cause of our inaueuratintr this aicreat sale . ims will r vnnri I oDbortunitv to biv a snit or cants f vnfAif sr ' ISavi tin1 I - ' . I save 1 miney We have all the new styles and convince you tflat.thlS Is no burning sale. ; Remember : for ny purchase made Of us not satisfactory we will refuod Mf W Watch the Window. Yours to please, !( , SCHULTZ Leadina Outfitter. ; KINSTON, N. C. SPECIAL NOTICES THE FEOPLE'S WANTS DEPRESSED HERE'1 fie Ilne no Charge lees than 10c. To Iet, Tor Sale, Help Wanted, Work Wanted, , Articles for Ex change, Lot, Found, Bewards, etc. t Waktkd.A good milch cow. .- Mooue & Pabbott. Nice fresh bntter for sale at 20 cents a pound at J. B. Cummlngs . SiTDATioN Wawtkd. A ttood. sober. industroue mau, capable of Uuiug most anytnlmr la general mercnaudise busi-i ness.:. .. Willing to start at reasonable 1 salary1 with cbahee of promotion. Apply EastCaboukaLamd&Impeovkment Co. Fob 84LK. One good drive horse and nice pony. Both gentle, Apply to Matt Slaughter, Klnston. ThsFbeuPbabs is prepared to suddIt eiegant ana Deautuat calendars - to ad vertisers. Don't place anCorder until yon see onr samples. Don't forget thlsl j Bqabdebs Wanted. Ill King street. -' Mbs. H. C Bailey. Wasted. Any time within the next! two months a four-room house, good I location. Apply at i bee Vbebs office. Fresh lot of assorted fancy cakes In. eluding tbe celebrated "American Bean-1 ty" barrel ginger snaps, at Myers & Alid- ystte's. If yon wish to rent, bny or sell real es tate commission the East Carolina T.nn1 and TmnsAwnniAttt PiitnAAnw SVn A s. ao for you. They are getting some at- tractive propositions in hand; Look out for a big advertisement of fine town lots soon to appear. ; Because of lack of time to attend to It the accounts due W. 8. Herbert for The Free Pbess will not be out la the hands of lawyers for collection until July 15th. and the undersigned hopes that all per sons owlmr him wilt do their best to square up" before that date, as he has no desire to deal narshty with anyone Pleaee pay up at once and we think It will cause you, as well as us, to frel j better. Truly. W. S. Herbert. MILLINERY f HEADQUARTER. You will make a mistake if you I ail to see tis when in need of I Millinery Goods. Our work isi tasteful and the goods right tip to date And our prices will suit you. Come and see. CO. .loo -i A. C. L. r,2i!rcaJa, M. C. i -7 I-. j r 3 COfT'. !TsO r...!r F ."' JO i r tAXXAXUttMAXMJli9.t Pays a Trade at The Li? Store. 'rhone 35. Wear One S of Our Light Weight Coats, Coats and Vests or Coats and Pants and v " Keep Cool This Sf jj 2 2 g , ey , r l r : ' ' - ' or - warm Weatner. 3 ' Ml Styles and Prices from $1.50p. Crash Suits for Boys for $1.50 at Ia 2 V-c. l8tore closes at 7 o'clock p. ej m., except Saturdays. " - i i ---eeeeesss(-jrrTr i 0000000000000 O v"" vca cramon at ucwl StBrd: O - - Wedding Gifts o 1 ' Known (JnaUty "Artistic Merit Reasonable Gost l-o ; ; 1 .61 - o 4- o o o o 1 ' th jBwia; t O H a . e. p ooooo"oooooooo UNIVERSITY OP North Carolina. I THE HEAD of the State's Educational System. Haodemie Dpnrtmnt, ' One hundred and eto-Tit ahi.N.t.. vuiuiuu u ufocuersana to ministers BuiiB. ijoans 10 tne needy. , B STUDENTS 61 INSTRUCTORS a9W. "tiorfe8, water Works, Central Heating System. Fall Term begins September 8, 1902. Address . - F. P. Vff.ACLE, Preant, CJEf n. c H. w. slmpson; . ArrSft jMC..,!..,jia., rCIICI CUpCn.'tCTJCSrt, MAIN OFFICB, NFWBEXN, N. C. BRANCH OFFICB, XINSTON, N. C. Consult us on all matters pertalnlnst tc I building.- We guarantee good service. c.ELi::cci.r, , Manager Klnston Office. Pcbt .lt direct (The Eest Tonic.) VvTILL EUILD UP Tlia CON. . vALrccri.'T. vill. help vo::e::. VILL EUILD UP AND FEED TTTT rrnvr will Acr.icT all nvrsu;j 'TT T yrr-r "t t n.rs-r-' . vr r j; I Sacrifice Sale of Clothing For Men and Boys With the intention of cutting down our unusually he,avy stock.' of Clothing we offer the entire line-; at prices ' representing about oner half their .. value. All sight of . profit ignored we don't expect to make any profit, but we do expect turn the stock into money: The , following lkt will give you an , idea : $ 8 00 Suits Reduced to $4.9$ ' 10.00 Salts Reduced to 5.9 12.00 Suits Reduced to-' 6.98- , 15 00 Sui(s Reduced to $.9&"; p and s'ou throughout the entire ,. I nc. We intend to reducs our- ' Clothing stock1 at a'l haiards. . Now ' is , the opportunity of your J life to secure a great bargain. J8rSee the Window.' . . t3SW clnse eventngn at 7 r-'clock 1 v prompt, 8uturdays evcepted. kdtstono.:;; i?CKmOCXXKO000O000JO iCome in and Sea li V. fir,-;. ri...;.:.'.:..-;;. - ; what a complete DRUG ' ; , STOEB thia,is-and how t. " ' well we serve yonr every . need In DRTJO STORB things. We're Just as care-' " fnl though to keep out the "' poor things as to get In . enough of the good. ' A Hint for To-Day '.'QUICK 8ILVBR" "DEATH DUST" , . "BLACK FLAG", "SAPOUO" ' 1 ,, "JB0N?AMI". ' and :"ELECTRO-SILICON" TEDjl3-Orl03 DFl2 Co. 1 1 Pfccne 50, Crick Clock. 1 ( Threo ; Genuine Bargains .1 Umbrella 01.50 Strong frame cov ered with durnlilft' Gloria Silk and ood to ti2 every c!ny. Tlu l?zi value for the money vou ever . t

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