-; ; ; 1 I 1 I I t::t-"" I I 1 f D TU WEATKC::: Showtra tonight; f 'r If properly worded etf i , popl Uuoking about July bargain T and warmer Saturday. fi....ii i i i i 4-4 ".. 1 I 1 t I ! 1 ! 1 ;.j PUBLISHED EZeRYK VOk V.-NO. 76. KINSTON. N. O, FRIDAY, JUNE 27. 1902. , ' , . PRICE TWO (OITC, "M ' ' '"' ' " """ " ' ' ' IM.1. I, 1.1, ,., 1 ,. , , ,, ,.,,. - - T " 'I I ' "I I I IV III - ii - I n ll-lll'llir- ' I ' ! OLD com . 1IEUS MID GOSSIP c:d o etekesti IaNedofaBfcroatory. , North Carolina la In need of a reforma tory for yonng criminals. The leglsia- tore of 1903 can do no pnblio act more -commendable than to create such an In- oe conceived aa his life's ambition to en jrtltution. A thlrteenyear-old-boy of ter the medical profession. ' He com. Scotland county has recently been sent menced the study of medicine In 1893 to the chain gang, where his associates under Dr.; H. Tnll, of thia place. He re hardened criminals, : for stealing a package of stationery. v At the last term d Halifax county court a boy of youth- fnl age was also sentenced to serve a term in the state prison. These cmiaren need to be brought up In a better atmos- pbere than that found Inside of prison walls if they are ever to be any good , to i the state.-Littleton Beporter. v CiwelLoo Better. ,t Lexington Dispatch: Frdm present to; dlcations the corn crop ' In - Davidson mnntr this rear will surpass all previous records.1 Parties from allovertbecounty peak with enthusiasm of the excellent tend and of the bright outlook for a f . ; . a t .. M avreat cron. Wheat, too. it is oeueveo, in n . l h thiui wu i- naobul and. taklna all things into con- Maratlnn. our farmer mends i are to be congratulated upon the indications lor bountiful crops this year; rV Tarboro Southerner: ilm&Mriv SSS?,aa no lea. than sixteen sheep krUedbydogs. Several others, were in- 7'.L .nraiu..van ot- V irr -,u. M-ih. aay ... , wawneaanucuSii.uK nines, which they killed l.l-.JV.... ..V& If , an owner xhnndw JZ ?! x.-a. V v Hill Mtwwa u. , , - ,; , : , AWesToShot. ' Ealelgh Cor. tTllmlngton Messenger: ?Iews reached the eberia Thursday oi a posb'.LIe houcUa '"In" ' tWcouuty ;"tiiar Konao whArn alare lorce oi negroes is tuHJlEg a branch line from the Seaboard , Air Line to a cotton mill. A negro named Kirby was shot in the back of the bead by another named Moore. 1 he lat- ter asserts that the shooting waa acd - dental, but contrary statements are made. ! A deputy sheriff was sent to ar-1 rest Moore. t Stealtn Vaeee from Graves, Greenville Reflector: Sunday morning a white woman was detected taking from graves'ln Cherry Hill cemetery, J- 1 X uuntuli t,r vases, uihubo auu v 1 Cowers. It hr.s wen not:cea ,ior some time that such articles placed on gravee to hold flowers were being stolen, and Sunday morning a gentleman watched the cemetery with the above result. : j CA tSH.l Burned. , f?a1?rrhan(1 KTewe Observer: Swift Creek iil mills were burned Monday night. The entire plant wasdestroyed. Losstl.OOO; no insurance. Cause of fire unknown. TLls mill was located near Eattleboro in Edgecombe county. It Is hardly prob able that H will be' rebuilt. Attendance Small. '' Tfce attend mee at the annual meetinii cf t'efi i LlTior Dulr's assocUtiou las ' ,a tt I. a, la verysmaJ. Wed. y ' y t e "board of control," or execu tive com iu'. vie was ia s ..'. The gen eral pullle expected that there would be a lare attendance. nYbo. June 23, l)02. lloit all tbe crops are dolrj fine. I'r. T,. P. Tsvlor ppnt E iturdy n'-h v ' li l.f. J. U. Turn.: of Ormoud- I'r. Jp-n'i '-r-r of Richmond, Va., ) I n ?y. r ,'1 returned bora front J P ll "a of r.pr v.i-.'i 'y aid .... 1 Tt, "7 w: ii v: ? t J ( Good Record. KInston young men who have gone oH to various institutions to receive train ing for vocailjns in life have aa rale made exceptionally fine showing. In fact this has been eo to inch am extent that It ha often caused comment. ' A uuuiuer ui years ago, about eight, a yonng man not now known rery well to the large number of newcomers, but well mown to toe older Inhabitants, left Klnaton lor the atate university. After attending that Institution a few yean mapped out a course of study that would giro him the opportunity of placing hlm- self at the top of hla chosen profession, After studying here he left for a training at ceusvue Hospital, New York. From there he entered the medical class at the University of Pennsylvania, wrognked ae one of the first schools for the study of medicine and surgery. Turing his iconrse oi learning be has achelved many rok dietlngoleheoient, which at his 0," request were not published In hie me paper, , but which his intimate nen keeping track ;ol; him have L. 1 d n . . . .uuwu. vurfmy xoiaatne was amomr the graduatfng class of that high lnstitu tion Of learning, the University of Penn ""wi. (w ivBiur man reiernMi tn vr. raQ lauoqm, son of our towns- man, ur, W, Ij LaRoque. The faculty of the institution of which be irraduated showed their appreciation of the brilliant record mde by him during his coarse of P ftog poi htm thshighM ar tha 7 lat instltutloo ngnim wldent phy.iclan and "rgeon to the Unlveis ty hospital. This WD,cn to the one student in the graduating medical class who In the ,&tlnnnlt. , ti ... .. I ua maae inei mtometer, given by Dr. Judsonflo. , , ..v.. . m T. thoronghness of his training .this young man naa taken to reach the top, the fol - lowing history of his course, is eiven - Studied inwards otruiai.'pi!ito.-1: J was assistant in medical disnensarv 0 Uaiverslty hospital, registrar in dispen - nary for ear dloeawa hospital and medical ecbooL records ' ro Bush hospital for tuberculosis and Billed 1 diseases graduated from Phlladlnbi Lying-in-Charity hosnital for dfc-eaeei of VOmen and children and vu '0? membership in 8igma Xi honorary sclen-1 tine fraternity. Kinston fa Indeed proud A.I til .. . . . iuwve wnonaaacmeyea eucn honorl in ma luuwu tuia lovea DrowBSion. Ann 1 rgrts that he has decided to locate fnr . 1 1 nin j, . ,. . . . Mravtu-e m ruiiaouipnia uiscead oi Jtine- ton. . 4 I BASE B ALL. STATE LKAUCTE ieieraay a results. . wnsboroO; Wilmington 12, Durham 0; Eastern Carolina League. ' STANDING OF THE CLUBS. : ' Won. t Loet. Tarboro 2 v 0 PC. 1,000 Wilson.. 1 .500 .250 Kinston., 3 Iieady to Tield. '1 used DeWitfa Witch Hazel Salve for pilxs and found It a certain cum," says s. t Mmditb, Willow Grove, DeL Op. wntion are unufct sary t' cure pile. i'iiwv always yMA to DeWItt's Witch llut-l S-ilve. Cuivs skin diseases, all iuds 'l wouods. Aeopt no counter 1 "it. J fl Hood. KING COHTIHDESj TO KIPROYE PISSED 1 FAIRLY C0XF0RT1ELE CAT TQOa FOOfl tfld WiS Afteff UdS illOTCd to Sake. Thwa JIm Been a Iietara ot Pal In tie "Woand, But nit Conditio U Con sidered Satisfactory and the Pablle is Pleaded at the New Royal Family Spent a Qaiet Xventna. London, June 2d Midnight Those around King Edward continue to be i t wished at his rapid recovery. ' The slightly annoying symptoms mentioned n the bulletin Issued at 11 o'clock to night are quite inconsequentlalcompared to the fact, which the Associated Press has learned, that hie majesty again, took food tonight and was afterwards allowed to smoke a cigar. - i- l 5 The 11 o'clock bulleUa fo'Iows: "The king has passed a fairly com for table day and . has maintained : hie - 1 "trength. There is a returning desire for - 1 w'1'c'1 been TerT carefully given. munuu. nwa m ,va'u " IM wounq, - Signed. Trevea, Laking, barlow I Qasn Alexandra sat with her husband. " tne eveHW and only Ult hitn after he I Qad f&'ten into a peaceful sleep. : m f j"' tha 'ood bad been admtalatered to be royal pawn, ana oi tne return oi pa.n in me wound can be safely taken as merely an maM i pnwie , the silgntest advew I yniptom, however unimportant, I Tfc. nv a . bvvij notes.' . ; , t,.VIr.'. I 'a8al eac himself from tie connection j WIEn eiaie anair nna in eorrooorauon 1 ' De tatement that the physicians ar j iat!a8ed wlib their patlanj'S oondv i the Associated Press learns that besides 1 personally opening telegrams Wednesday 1 evening. King E lward then insisted UDon ful1 Inspection of the honor list. There I WM one appointment of considerable I Importance which had not been definitely decided at that time; the king approved this nomination and gave the final order tlw lPartnient interested.thas saving I one 01 tae r8C,Ptenta 01 nonors from se- I A. . , . ,,D"'U""''U",,',01,- -" vi m miuraura ueuv ui the king's Illness, no less an authority .1 .VI. I w ,"uuaireBUWBUWU8on,en- writing to the Lord Mayor of London tiut..t.ti,..iiui..u 1 .1 V"' """ " " eipreesiouBn V ' The queen rejoice, to think that the bulletin of thia morning glvea a favora- Prince of Wales, the arransementa for il- lumlnatlng the city which envolved the I costly erection of set cieces for electrfcitv i ...... .,. . .. . , . I MU K gnis wiu De aiiowea to remain and wPbe Btllized 'Immediately . Jt is authoritatively announced that the king is out of danger." . p. t. n , ' , i By the kings personal desire the royal vtuvuw 01 oconaera in tne army win go into effect Just as if the coronation had occarred. The last intimation eaitablr brings to a close the day which was to have been notable in English history.' The most striking feature of the coro- n .tion da.v, an it is still called, was the : ' FBQFESSOR WOODROW WILSOU, TJ'k NEW PRESIDENT OF PRINCETON ITVlVK"ltSTTY. . - Woodrow Wilion, the ttem president of tenity prendntf ia the world, Ha is but 4S the schools of Augusta, On., and Columbia, eonelndRd to abandon it in favor of literature and bifrher education. For some renrs Pro fessor Wibon has beea a member of the Prineetoa faculty and liia selection aa president oi the nnirenity is said to have come as a reat surrritie to him. Dr. Patton. the nnanlJn in. s tractor whom Professor Wilson snoiMeds, will uaia wui oe given up to literary wore. uoi vernal aubstimrlon of services of in tercession for tboxe of r .lelns. , The servieea occurred throughout theconntry aud on board the grAt fleet that lies un reviewed In Portsmouth harbor. la face of today's favorable bulletins tears and litanies are obviously out of place. The crowds that packed the streets of the metropolis until midnight tonight evidently appreciated this;-' they did not "maffick" but there was general rejoicing, which, even with the most un ruly section failed to become Inordinate. All night long the strand was thronged with crowds of people who usually con fined themselves to taking afare well look (,rat'.-z?2'alji"r dlaarDearlnar rrom n ,ron of Buckingham palace. I " n,T a lim Katheriog awaited the night oenn, ana wnen that waa posted, the rft'1 ,Jen, save for a few stragglers, I ""came derted. I Inside the pahv-e the members of th roval fami,Jr 'P80 qnfet Tening"sd tn nnmber of callers was smaller than I anT n,ht this week I ABOUT THB HOSPITAL. ramllPmt.nHn TTnir." AiAn4-. - .v Wuv(iw Reaolutio Ttin tPantla D.4.U'. TTI xmtMinj i mwivin) : uumu lane in Ufc , .v... and a tne,p tlnf last night adopted Upital and Dleduln ita.nnnort. The resolutions follow: - niiy from the establishment of a hnsnltn.1 for t!ie caro ' the aick and afflicted and P"1"' . 'rawrnai oraer caring lor lte aick ana csaownj in times olemerirenpvi Resolved, That Neuse Conncil No. 237, of the Family Protective Union heartily endorses the movement for the erection 'f a hospital and pledge our Individual up "ts 01 snw ana inat we aa a body win our efort8 , f, same, r-v - i- , Reflved. That a eopy be famished Jhe Khbto Fhkk pBEhS for publication and that a copy be spread upon our miuutes. R. A. Whitakbr, Pres. A. E Moorb, Trees. C. H. Haynes, Sec. - A Menu to Suit Any Appetite. It will surprise any readers of tbeFnEK i PnEss, who has not noticed it, to see how great a variety of reading matter it fur-tib-hes .daily to Its patrons. I rive below a nimble enumeration of the things found in a number of the paper picked up at rar.lom: Advert ments, almanac for month, e-jrlirts'tural items, baseball ce 3, 1! jrejhical sketches, continued si-' 1, clurcb services, city loca's, clos-Icj-vLlngof malls, deatts, fash- ' , houbkeeplrj bints, tumorocs Lortloutural Items, b.I.Ivtts tl t.arri E;tlr;;i of 8x;rtk3, r ?r7M&', proJaoe marl, t, Tew U- - i v. r. :. .1 1, r '; -1 rsws, r U I 1- 3 f ' ', :rt e .:ri. ?, "7 1 r Ii ? f 11 ' r f 2 1 1 Princeton naiTnity. la one of th yonnMstnni- and wa bom in Virginia. Ha was dv.Mtu:l in' 8. C, and at Princeton. He studied law. but retain two prufeasorshipe, though most of Jiia , . PEN, CHISEL AND' BRUSH Tbomus Hardy has refused to' sllov. ti publication of a pocket edltlc his novels. Miss Williams, a sculptor of Atlanta ;a.. tins Just finished a bust of Card! n:il Clibbons and has placed It on exbl bltlon In New Orleans. . Booth Tarklngton says that when h returns from his bridal tour to Europt he will turn farmer, as be wants tb rest and quiet that only the country con give. ": .! u-f.:.-:''. r,-v"' Mrs. Lily Martin Spencer, the artist who died recently, was prominent fifty years ago. the critics having nothing but the highest praise for ber work. fhe was the daughter of a coUtlcal ex tie from France and was a student at the New fork Academy of Design. A French painter of historical pic tures. M.' Henri Dupray, has flnlshwl fifty-two battle scenes in which Eng lishmen are engaged, beginning with the battle of Bastings and ending with the relief of Peking in 1900: The pic tures are exhibited in the Dore gallery. London. - THE CQOKBOOK.' Powdered coffee Is more economical than coarse and gives a better flavor, Pineapple extract is a delightful sub stitute for wine or brandy and tbt flavorings In pudding sauces. . ' V - In icing cake, where the Icing Is soft enough to drip, pin a sheet of white paper around the edge of the cake and leave on until the frosting is firmly set - s For cream sauce put two tablespoon fuls of butter In a small' pan and when melted add two tablespoonfuli of flour; add one cupful milk and season with salt, pepper and a little grated nutmeg. Hot bananas constitute a nice dish. Put four tabiespoonfuls of sugar and four of orange juice into a saucepan. stir in six peeled bananas and cook Ave minutes, ? Either sponge cake er lady fingers can be served with tbem. . COLLEGE AND SCHOOL. , John W. Abercronible. a .native of Alabama and relatively a yountr ni.tn. has been elected to the presidency ot the state university. . Women teachers In Prussian schools get, besides free dwelling, only $175 1, year to bt-g!p with. This Is raised t" uW arter tuiity-one years of service I'roressor Papln, Inventor of tht oceun telephone, began bis career 1: this country as a Turkish bath attend ant lie is now a professor at Colum bla university. Caius college, Cambridge. England. U pronounced "Kees college. The found er or tne college was John Kees. As an undergraduate he was named Calue since Latin bad to be used, but bow ever be wrote the name, he was al 1 s spoken of as "Kees." as are bl ndants to this day. "7 FIF1T FCnSONALS. " '-' '! r? i Is one of those rich men .0 believe that they cannot afford tr t ' .. I;. Lalt ; :;i ore Am wlcan, ' ' ' CIvorced will cake no partlcu t . ';ce ta Mr. Lease. He has - Lin;--If for seven) 13 City Journal, cf riynouti church. t 1 ' e r a c c n r ) 1 , 11EYA1ID0LD : FRESHLY TOL1 Items of Interest tor Eale'isd Fez:! Natal was annexed by the Prltl: ii ftfty-ntn years ago. Onions are a preventive and often times a cure for malarial fever. U. 8. Jackson of Boston has Invented a devlee to secure privacy on the tele phone.. ' . - The Brazilian coast city of Bahia baa about 200,000 Inhabitants, who live in 17,000 houses. Since the art of abbreviation Is per fected fa America dealers In plneappk call .'em pines. ""',".'',.'. ' Lead deposits have been found c Sinking Valley, Lycoming county, Pa., and will be developed. The Netherlands rank in importance second only to Great Britain as a mar ket for American flour. : ... : , ' Philadelphia tm voasts a Wayfar ers' lodge, wbent the hungry may ret food tn exchansM for work. Chicago city eoaitdl Is contemplating the establlsMA of nine small parks for the benefit f the "no-room-to-live" poor. The Bulletin des Ilalles of Paris es timates the number of horses in the world at 74,600,000 and the number of mules and asses at 12400,000. : A philanthropic society In Philadel phia peddles ice in the. summer to the poor at a cent for several pounds and pure sterilized milk at a cent a bottle. A church Is to be erected at Alder- shot, England, in memory of the Ro man Catholic soldiers mainly Irish men who lost their Uvea in South Af rica. Telephone wires have been strung through the San Gabriel forest reserve, California, for the purpose of warnln the rangers of the presence of fore t fires. From the census of 1S90 the Ucll 1 States dcpn:-t:.:t :it of agriculture e li ma ted th.ir we had within our L r- dcrs 3.C00.U00 trotting bred or road. . r horses. If 0:10 wort to svrnllow a bee or a wasp while cntlnyr 'fruit and the 1 ' :" berstle were to stl:irf one in the tLn...l, Cecltledly the beet thing to do is to c:; t a s:m:ll onion. The Midland Counties (Euglar ') TnuVs federation has voiced its orl.i- lon that If works were started wl',3 th3 money tlut't would In tho usual way be spent In ftrlkes there would be 11 strikes to 'spend money on. ; The cereals (wheat corn, oats, rye and barley) raised in the United f lat s during the ptist flvo years represent a value to the farmer of ?0.2jO,OO0.CC ), or an increase of nearly 1,000,000,CC J over the preceding five years. Intemperance In anything brings IU own punishment by (lessening the pleasure that thing can afford. One practical lesson appears to 'be this: If a favorite odor or flavor is no Ion li t fully appreciated, it should be foregone altogether for a period. Mounted on Jet black chargers, with snow leopard skins on their saddle s. they are one of the smartest troops 1 1 India," writes a correspondent describ ing the Imperial Cadet corps, organize I in India by Lord Curzon for the sons c native princes. In Lisbon, Portugal a peculiar fea ture of an ordinance regarding spitting in public conveyances is that the fine is to Le imposed on the conductor, who is held responsible unless he can prove that he has informed the police of the Infraction of the rule. The Spanish Society of Dramatic an 1 Musical Authors has intimated to the Spanish government that it will cot allow any of its plays or dramas to be performed at Madrid unless the gov- lernment grants a subsidy to the new national theater now In course of con struction. '.i,.'-,v No hurtful microbes were found in the air of the house of commons wh- t it was analyzed. The fact was estab lished, however, that the atmosphere of the chamber was too rarefied an 1 dead. These defects, due to the meth ods of filtration and ventilation, .are t be remedied. V . . The Paris Academle des Sciences 1 ; examining a remarkable theory to the effect that the key to human stature lies In the gland situated in the thron t under the larynx. By artificially p tub ulating this gland it is claimed tb' t any child can be made to grow to wax! mum height . ' Doston is a shade more foreign tl Chicago. It has C3.1 per cent cf f elgn born, while Chicago has ov.'.v t " per cent But New York Is ir. ! -. f elgn than either, lie 1 mu: . foreign bom is 27 1 r : t. XI three run a cL-se nee f -r tl. ? 1 I. : rrancisco cv:a--s i.i wl'.'a C 1.2 1 r c :

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