Girl Warned That Lover Was Treed by Wolves , . - Henry Pope owes his life to a dream of bis sweetheart, Nadino Delane, A few nights ago Miss Delane dreamed ; that her sweetheart, Henry Pope, was 1n great danger,1 and she at once got out of bed and went to his rescue. She rode straight to the spot where she had .seen Henry In ber dream, end she was " somewhat surprised to discover thnt she had arrived none too soon to be of dBervice to the young man, whose peril (was even greater than she bad antici pated. .: - :' This strange affair happened In Ma- son county, Tex, about ted miles west of Castelle. Miss Delane is the only daughter of a well known rancher" on the Llano river, and Mr, Pope la a farmer and raises cattle in the. same neighborhood. The young man baa "been a visitor at the bouse of Mr. De lano for several years, and everybody tsnew that he was much more than a favorite with Miss Nadine. Though this region bas been sparsely ettled for a long time on account of Its close proximity to the mountains of the Llano river, the pastures are fre- f XASnnt GALLOPED TOWABD THX THE. fluently visited by beam and . large tands of hungry wolves. Coyotes are celdom dangerous, though they often Scill young cattle. The Iobo wolf is much larger than a coyote, and It of ten hunts in great bands. A pair of these ferocious animals are capable of dragging down and killing a full grown teer. When food is scarce in the re gion called the "Roughs of the Llano, numerous bands of these hungry ibeasts frequently swoop down on the 'pastures of the plains, killing and xn aiming hundreds, of fine. steers dur ing one night Though they are ever ready to fight a man there are times .when they are more dangerous than -others. It is certain that they will al- jways attack a man on foot when they Are hungry.. They have been known to prowl about over the plains in bands eager and ever ready to spring at the throats of horses, men and cattle. Nearly 'every cowboy in that part of Texas has a story to tell of a battle that he has fought with a hungry Iobo. , Sometimes long periods pass and the lobos are never beard of. During such times the cattlemen and farmers grow areless, and they ride about unarmed jgets hurt by a wolf. On Sunday morning Mr. Pope had tarted on horseback to visit his sweet-, heart, and near sunset when be was jwithin about six miles of Mr. Delane's ranch, he noticed a large band of Iobo wolves crossing a pasture and moving in the direction of a bunch of steers. He at once galloped toward a point of timber with the Intention of getting between the cattle and the wolves. Vhen he emerged from behind the trees, he found that the battle were Just in the act of stampeding, and the wolves were ready to fly at their throats. Drawing a revolver and driv ing the spurs into bis pony's flanks, he raised a cowboy yell and charged Into the pack, shooting several of the lead ers. The cattle proved .to be a gentle terd, and instead of running away they began to mill, doubtless expecting tliat the cowboy would be able to pro tect tbem. and be might have done so, 4ut his pony sterped into a prairie dog tole and broke one of his legs. Pope was now on foot between a Ijunch Of frightened cattle and a big land of hungry wolves. Lie attemrtwl to change posi'.'ors with the cattle, tut the wolves c ::.! 1 crc i-nd the herd. tr.l wtcn the est:'.? frcnrr.ei away i L. 1 f ; ? t? y Uhos I a to jf'p and 1 the ! I) i V .'V V ! .'; ." i : til. 1 CO; : f : t "'9 i a f ., i 1 three I:," ! r, f vhoy ' Sswvcd By a Drcixm geous young fellow said it gave bun some consolation to feel that he would not have to die fighting in the dark for the first few minutes that the young man passed in the tree be enter tained a hope that the pack would finally go away. On the contrary, their number appeared to Increase, and be could bear others bowling on the hill tops far away, evidently coming to swell the throng. He could see them gnawing at the roots of the tree, and there were moments when be thought that the little mesquite was swaying and ready to fall and throw bis body to the ground to be torn to shreds by the snarling pack. ( He was about to spring to the earth and fire bis last shot into the mad throng in the hope of reaching another tree when be beard the hoofs of norse ana soon axterwara his own name called. He was not mistaken.. His faithful sweetheart was riding toward him at a full gallop, directed . by the' bowls of the wolves. She had dreamed that she saw him In a tree near a well known point of timber surrounded by a pack of howling wolves. ' ' She awoke greatly distressed; but, persuading herself that a dream was an illusion not to be depended upon, she again, fell asleep. The strange dream was repeated, and the now thor oughly distressed girl sprang out of bed and after securing a well, loaded Winchester and saddling her pony she rode with the speed of the wind to the place that had been so faithfully pic tured in her dream. --, The little mesquite was fast yielding to the attacks of the sharp fangs of the wolves when she came within sight of the surprised young man. He recog nized her voice, but he could hardly believe the evidences of . his own senses; Nadine, now thoroughly cred iting ber dream, 'galloped straight to ward the tree, pouring a blaze of fire from ber Winchester. Tope dropped from the swaying : mesquite on the back of the pony behind the glrL : Splendid Courage . Of a Swedish Maiden Tor two days and two nights pretty Mary Olaf sen guarded her father's wealth at ber rifle point and the min ers of Arizona are making up for her a medal of the yellow metal for which the risked ber life. ' A month ago Olaf sen, with his eight een-year-old daughter and son of twelve, came into the PJcacho Blanco country, when the rush of prospectors Into that country had Just begun. Olaf sen luckily fell upon a very rich piece of placer ground, and in a brief time he, his son and daughter were panning out large quantities of the glittering dust On a ledge far up a hillside from bis placer fields Olafsen dug out several pockets of nug gets. In his cab in was stored a quantity of gold reaching well up Into the thou sands. Ramon, his trusted man, advised Olafsen to send his gold to ft safe place, but the Swede laughed and de clared he could not 1 leave his work to look after his stored wealth. , . One day Olaf sen fell 11L and from the Mexi can camp below a Mexican doc tor , came. For days, the min ers daugnter watched at his bedside, and he steadily grew worse. Finally in total exnaus-' tlon she left Ramon and the doctor to watch by the sick man and retired to the main room of the cabin. Half whispered talk in the room adjoining aroused her, and. rolng to a crack in the wall, she peeped through. The" doc tor was giving her father a potion and Ramon, the- traitor, was "pulling the bonrds from the floor where lay the hidden gold,, where he bad spied arid watched Olafsen place It ' Seizing her father's repeating rifie. she threw open the door and covered the Mexicans. Ramon cowered on the floor, but the doctor , rushed for the girl. A bullet met him half way, and he lay still wliere he fell. The young son of Olafsen rushed in at the gun shot and while Mary kept the faithless Ramon under her aim the lad bound the Mexican tightly. It required but a glance nnil a whiff of the medicine to tell the girl that the doctor had been slowly killing her fa ther. Hours of hard work by the girl brought him back to consciousness, while her brother climbed the moun tain in the rear before dawn and has tened by a circuitous route to t est white camp, twenty miles away. Early in the day the girl saw several Mexicans coming from below, tlouht- s ia search of their countrymen. As the tc-arcst came la e.'ght she frei a ihot over L'j hi a J cr.i ail day kept lr ..h. f;-ir f'.;i wr 1 fa c 1 i a i sionauy to show 6he ('. 'y. t ii t' e t C: r n i t r' r,"? I'nrt e tr; -er. : 1 one at -r-' p- ! t r' ' '. a C ' -r To GEMS IN VERSE. Wkeat I Has Las. When X had leas, I prised It mor v Less love, leaa friends, less worldly store And not that bow 1 would have ims , Ot thes the treasures I poaaaas Or that to add to ray small store I would not easerljr hare moral , But Juat to teal the olden thrill ' -Of having; on thins all my own A sled to akira the snowy hill. , A friend to play with ma alone, A mother to remove my tears And just again nave fourteen years! Oh, It was Joy to be alive, ..-.... To watch In aprlns the birds arrive, To hope for what before me lay, But m theae fuller daya I say God pity him who has to live Possessed ot all this world can slrel Mary A. Mason in Leslie's Weekly. The Blae mmi tka Gray. v. By the flow of the Inland river. Whence the fleets of Iron have fled. Where the blades ot the grave grass quiv er, - Asleep are the ranks of the dead: Under the aod and the dew, . Waiting the Judgment day Under the one the blue, - . . t. ' Under the other the gray, ; :. These In the roblngs of glory. Those In the gloom of defeat All with the battle blood gory. In the dusk of eternity meet: , Under the sod and the dew. Watting the Judgment day . Under the laurel the blue. Under the willow the gray, . From the alienee of sorrowful hours The desolate mournera go, Lovingly laden with flowers Alike for the friend and the foe: -Under the sod and the dew, Waiting the judgment day; Under the roaes the blue, - ' : Under the lilies the gray. , Bo with an equal splendor ' The morning sun rays fall, With a touch Impartially tender On the blossoms blooming for all: . . .- Under the sod and the dew. Waiting the Judgment day; - Broldered with gold the blue. Mellowed with gold the gray. , So, when the summer calleth. On forest and field of gram, -With an equal murmur falleth ' ., -' The cooling drip of the rain: ' Under the sod and the dew, : Waiting the judgment day; wet with the rain the blue, , Wet with the rain the gray. - Sadly, .but not with upbraiding. The generous deed was done: In the storm of the years that are fading NO braver battle was won: . Under the sod and the dew. Waiting the Judgment day , Under the blossoms the blue, v Under the garlands the gray. No more shall the warcry sever ' Or the winding rivers be red: They banish our anger forever When they laurel the graves of our dead: i , Under the sod and the dew, 1 : Waiting the Judgment day; . Love and tears for the blue. Tears for the gray. - , . Francis Miles Finch. VaWsat aWatai "ttTakaaa Vriiftea. The man who wins Is the nan who worHs v " ' The man who tolls' while the next man shirks: The man who stands In his deep distress ' With his head held high' In the deadly prees Tea, he Is the man who wins. The man who wins Is the man who knows The value of pain and the worth of woes, WhOf.u.on learn, from the man who j And a moral fin da In his mournful walls; x ea, fie la the man who wins. The man who wins Is the man who stays in tne unsougnt paths and the rocky waya ;. r And. perhaps, who lingers, now and then, xo neip some laiiure to rise again; An, ne is tne man who winsl And the man who wins Is the man who hears The curse of the envious In his ears'. But who goes, his way with his head held bitch And pasaea the wrecks of the failures by I For he la the man who wins. Henry Edward Warner In. Baltimore Mews.. . ...... . .- ;! 1 . The Great Potnre. ," " The sweetest song has not been sung, Nor has the loudest bell been runs. The brightest Jewel still lies deem i ne la ires t rose Is yet aslecn. The greatest ship has never sailed; The highest mountains are unsealed. The largest house of brick and beam la but the vision of a dream. The swiftest locomotive, too. Has yet to show what It can do. The richest mine Is still unknown The airship's but a monstrous drone. The telegraph la still afraid , To apan the wide world without aid. ' Point out the man who'll say to you All the&tectrle mind will do. The greatest city still shall rise; Ah, who will solve the mystic skies T Niagara's falls remain unchained: The arctic's spheres have not been gained. xne steamer, submarlnely plied. Is anchored fast In fancy's tide. The world's great plans have not been heard. . ' And peace today Is but a word. Think, then, ye men of little worth Who say there's naught to do on earth. M. A. Kay In Success. ' ' . Riches. Rave you a Uttla baby boy A few months more than two rears old. witn aon Drown eyes thai brim with Joy And silken ringlets bathed In cold. Who, toddling, follows you around And plays beside you near th. hearth. . Wtiose prattle la the sweetrst sound To you or all clad notes of earth? T'ive you a little baby boy Who, when tbe vole, of slumber calls. Reluctant leaves each tattered toy And In your strong arms, weary, falls: . W ho, yawning, looks with sleepy eyes Into your own and faintly smiles. Then shuts his lids arid quiet lies And drifts away to Dreamland's Isles? Hive you a little one like tMs, ' Who puts all troubling thoughts to flight "hen. climbing up. he plants a kiss Cf love upon your I ; s at nH-htr If n. thpn tiumUy bw your n- Ar.l l..t your l-!rt la thankful prayer. r you in- rs.-K-r lr t'-nn he Hat. . 1 1-1 c. -7. U .1 ve. on Iews. 3 1 1 J ; r i your reflected face In your truthful mirror. Is II such as Nature gave you tri color and smoothseca i t or have freckles, sunburn, tan, sallowness, etc; 'clouded Its former flesh-tinted transparency? .If so, apply ' Magarfs MagnoHaSata and redeem Nature's gift. , Delightfully refresh ing, and entirely free from all injurious elements, it gives a complexion that makes a lady , lock, ;years younger. 4 ' ItbaUQUID, euUyppUc4auidg4ldbydnijtaat7Sa ; .... V , Furniture ; and House Furnishing Goods. Oar lines are jnoi e complete than ever. We can fit np your home with new Furni ture, Carpets, Mattings, Stoves, Cooking Utensils, Ctc. . See us. v' t9Cash or credit. f QUIJIII S ffllMiEfU ' KrusTOj, N. C. . . HARVEV & . SON, LEADING INSURANCE AGENCY. KINSTON, N. C.r OR. C. 1. PRIDGHN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, stlNSTON, W. C - (SnOffica with Dr. Jno. A. Polloo. nKt to Hood's dmo; stors. HOUSE &ORMOND, ?;6rmond Attorn hys-at-L aw, kinston, k. c. - - . Will DtMtie .hi.i thair Mnrioc are desired. On. mautber of th. ira can alra a b. lonsd al their eCaos, at th.marot thm court n wm , durias o&c. hours, battraw th. hoar, ot a a. a. and 4 p. a) If you V7iit up-to-date Tailrit'g d ne' place your order with 8. J. IVilLLS. Everything guaranteed with a guarantee that is good 1 Could you as fairer? KINGTON, N. O. n?i on r v r rrr Willi t.JlL i -t V SS B V - Kfm a. t .. ycur llfo eerier by 'buy inj ycur Jco ureara lrcra 1 A,ma. .. tity L -c 11 czlo qur.rt up. j. t. c:;u I 1 m I Si."" a . : W S . TO, N. C HERE IS A BARGAIN for you ! Our entire line of BEAUTIFUL TRIMMED HATS to be closed out AT COST. We will also sell cheap for cash Laces, Ribbons and Notion . Come and inspect our line. We can save you money. . HISS MEACIIAMaCO. A, J. Lorrm W. A. MrronB-l LOFTIN & UITCnLt. - AtTORNBVS-AT-LAW, . , XINSTON, IV. C. Office in Court House Building. TUCKER BROS., , WILMINGTOV, N. 0. The tlace to buy our Cemetery Work a; Bottom Price in Foreign And Domestic Granite and Marble, Lettering and Finish the Best. Latest Designs. , .. All work delivered, ALEX FIELDS. Agent Lenoir County. I I I I ' 1 I t I ' I I 1 1 ARE YOU TIRED OF QUACK MEDICINEG THAT JEXJWZ33 DONE YOU JVO GOOD? "llflDDISllTIIIAlVATEB"! j It flashes the Kidneys and Bladder and excretes tbe uric acid In the system. It has cured thousands of Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Eheu matlsm and all Kindred Diseases, and IX WILL- CURE YOU I The man or woman who has used Harris Llthla Water baa made a dlsooTery. Case 12 gallon bottles, 4.00, delivered. One dollar allowed for return of bottles. Harris Llthla Water carbonated la quarts and pints As a table water It is unexcelled. For sale by dealers. ; Local Distbibctohk Timpijd-Mahstoh Dbtjo Co. ajto J. E. Hood. , D1BBIS I ITEM SPSIXC3 CO., Carrls Sprtzffs, 8. C. 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 i ' 1 1 Tobacco Flues ! CO' I! m j Csl VadsW Have Plenty of Sets Already Made. Can Deliver On An Hour's Notic Rcoiino:, Plumbing, Heating end General Repair Work Done in DON'T DO IT Don't tear vonr Elcvcle to tieces trying to repair it yoaxaelf, but uring )i w uuo situ masra ii..-; ipe ialty. We have pone but ex p rlenced mechanic is this depart ment and will guarantee you Perfect Satisfaction, in every jtb tarred" put.'jWe re-'" pair piece by piece and toroughly tes. every machine before it is sent ' . ' , j . ' ., ' . "r line of Bicycle Sundries apd will " be pleased to have you call aid examine same whether you' pur chase or not., K " ,' Nj . ; . " , KIlISiOHCTGUCO. C. E. SPEAR, tstr-' Choice Fdnci? Q'roccricG; ; You can supply yorr table witli ' nearly all the delicacies of the season from 0 store. "PROMPTNESC'V ISOUR "MOTTO--. : If you are not , among-7 our cus tomers we invite you to give us trial order. " Everything nice and fresh. ' FRENCH Cl CL'Zl We make a specLlty of goods la original packages, Barrels, Lii or Cases. ' . .: Will srtrs oomDstsoit aervlca trt all in nnfortunats at to need such sorrlm. Jncs simply grlrs ma notloe and all detaUa vU Casket Of all onaKtlM earrlad In strMk. and by Datronlilnar my aatAhllnhmnS Ton will get competent serrloes at as low prices aa from anyone, I respectfully solicit sv eonttnn.nna n the patronage of the people la tola astv tlon. Very truly. cno. o. txtnoii. sTW STOK, it. 0 Besidenea Phone Vo. CS. Ehon Phmi LOOK HEFIEI Where are yon mlnn-? Dnwn h. HarreH'e Bepalr Shop. Yon know that they do the best work fn thhr.W time for the least money. Brand newcart wheels at 14. Call and see ns. W. A. HARREI.I. UM. Southwest corner Gordon and fierltaire I 1 ' I I 1 I 1 ., 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l i ...ILiIi3 K r, 1 : y 3 J Rrct-Cfaca Alanner. 1 1 I ' c M. ISLER, J. w

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