PVBL-ISHED EERY KFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDRY. PRICE TWO OENTl VOL. V. NO. 103. KINSTON, N. 0, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1902. i ti OLD KORTH STATE TO AIID GOSSIP c:a aid inEEEsnn EaPMjss. Ecillj Report ca Weather and Condi lion of Crops. " lMoacbt Still Continaea OTer Greater Part of the State Upland and Forward Corn Habere foat Some Tobacco "Fired" by the Hot Dry Weather-General Good Results to Caring Short State Storlee. 'the weather bureau of the North faro Una taction nf the climate and crop ser vice of tin Unfte'1 8tate maa the fol lowing report of conditions fur the-week nding M mday, July 28: Despite scattered showers about tbe 83rd of the week;1 which were heaviest lo the went, drought now prevail over moat of. the Mat?, especially ihrougb oul the Piedmont plateau and the coaa tal region, and cropa In many section are buffering everely for lack of sufficient moisture. The week on that account was unfavorable for the beat progress of crops,! though otherwise weather con dftlona were nearly normal. The mean temperature-for the week waa 76 to 78; the daya were quite warm, but without excessively high temporaturee, and tbe nights were agreeably cool; tbeiampunt ut sunshine waa abundant. The .local Talna mi the 23rd were very beneficial where limy occurred, bnt the only sta tion receiving an amount sufficient to thoroughly eoak the eoil was Charlotte; even where focal showers fell crops are Btn needing rain badly. , There con1e no qVa'tori that croiw have deteriorated rapidly In many conn tie In the rentral aat rtlon of the state, while lit the central-mountain section the staple crope are still la excellent rondition, ' . . . Upland and forward corn have Buffered most from brought; Iqrnaiy fWda plant" "have Bred tip to the a.a, nn 1 tfc appears Itnpnasllile that the grain could nil out ven with an abundant rainfall the com ing week; In many sections corn In still In very good condition, lor land crops and late planted being very promising. Cotton -also la now being damaged to aome r x'nt by drought; plants have not grown rrpfdly, and are shedding lower leaves and forma, but generally thla crop la not In had "condition; ; many corre spondent report cotton dean and well cultivated, and forming fruit nicely; In the south portion plants are heavily. boiled. Tobacco In some fields haa been yellowed or fired by drought before ma turity; the bnlk of the crop la ripening very fast, and curing la underway gener ally with good reunite. Peanuts, pota toes, field peas and srardena are being more or lese Injured hy the absence of rain; the Important crop of aweet pota. toes bna been cut abort. Turnips are be ing sown. Some land haa been broken for wheat. Melons are coming Into mar ket In abundance and are of good qua! Ity. Lite applea are dropping badly be fore maturity. Grapes are fine and the vloea are heavily loaded. The Import ant work of Betting out strawberry plants In the cant has bi gun. Rain reported (In Inches: Wilming. ton, 0 3; Weldon, 0.82: Ayd-n, 0.33; Greensboro, 0 38; Henrietta, 0.19; Ral eigh, 0.25; Goldsboro, 0 70; Luuiberton, 0.82; New Bern, 0 22; Charlotte, 1.60; Hitterae, o.no. Hardin-Changes Ilia Mind. Greensboro, July 23. President Cone cf the cotton mills of wLlcb ITardh-j, the e'oper, was the bbcl-t-er, arrived from New York tod.-y en J said EarJlr. 1 1 pred to ; -ate from the Et-f- f ,r-1 wonin, mr',.'. , r -,)v; j .r it,r - 1 wonl-l poire vt Ym f iV. i r'a ettor i''Tnir,,t, ai: ffj :.i veto l.-nji-t arriv. 1, l.oi.r, r;j t' V.atV x ci 1 ' if ? f " ) rt f i I. I i'nir.t, f T'nf 1 t' . ! i S-r? -::. Hi? rt I r H'V'. t.e ft Hn Con1 1 'i ! " "i .'" i'c n, J J ' j I, :; . y f i 'It' t Le jrra- t 1 1 1 ment lit! ton waa arrested ana is now De lng held pending an Investigation of his conduct. , i ' Wke father Like 8on. f4onthern lines. Julv 28. Jesse and Will Davis were canted before C. W. Shaw, chnrsred with the theft of several c' H:kM and cash from J.E. Buchan. They wre young boy and confessed to . tbe d' ed, Implicating their fathers, Andrew fvt-l William lavla. The four ot, them ere commuted to Jail at Uartnage to awaft tlie action of the conrt. . The amonnt taken from the Bate waa about f 33, halt o! it being In checks and the other caeb. Children Killed by Train. Charlotte, July 28,-On the trestle over Richardson's creek, two tnllea, east of Monroe. Teeterdav. two little negro gtrla were Instantly killed and a third fatally Injured by an 8. A. L. freight running from Monroe to Hamlet, five little girls were near the western end of the treatle .when the , train No. 9, P- nroached. Just beyond the trestle there la a long curve and the engineer did not get a clear view of the trf stH until wltnln a abort distance of It. A large water tank also obstructed his view.. The little girls seemed not to have beard tbe ap pioachotthe train, which waa going rather rapidly. The engineer did every, thing possible to atop his engine and the little orirle ran rapidly, for safety, but only two of tbem escaped. . ' '.. , ' . BHOHT 8TATK 8TOBIE8. - Golilehoro, July 28,-Mr. J.l B. Ella worth of tbe treasury department at Wnslilnflrton baa arrived in the city to select a site for Goldaboro'a public build ing.. He la no w earefolly eotisi ing the many sites which ere f ff 'ivd through sealed propoaaK - . Winston Salem, July 28. A neirro whose name 1 g'ven aa Will loples, pla waa found dead today near the rail road track twoniilos thla aide of Ker nerivllle. The railroad people eay that be either fell, jumped or waa pushed off th?xcii"Ion train that Kit here at 11 Jim Wilcox, now In jail at Elizabeth City' for the murder t Nell Cropney, declares that he la confident of a new trial on appeal to the sup -erne court. He la atill an Inveterate cigarette smoker, but bears prison life cheerfully and be lieves he will be acquitted. ,s What She Mlat. Captain We ran Into a denae l!og last night ' - Miss Tooriste Etow strange! . Why, the shock never woke mo up! Ohio State Journal. - , , Tba Old, Old Wlab. We wish It were tomorrow -. What time we work away And later think with sorrow, "An, if 'twere yesterday!" Chicago Record-Herald. . Wldow'a Wlah.' . Young Widow I wish you were wealthy, . Singleton Why? Young Widow I need the money. Town Topics. 1 , Self Hate. "I hate a liar!" Wigrgtns cried. Bald Jlsrglns. "Then 'twould seem . ? You really ought to try and hide : . Tour lack ot self esteem.' ; Philadelphia Press. , Auythlnft to Oblige. Illred Girl (about to leave) Mra. Mc Jamcs, can yea give me a recommen dation? Late Mistress-No, but I will.-Chi-cago Tvibune. , Ml , . , , , ; . ., GREATEST TRUST WORLD EYER SAW COYERS NEARLY ALL' THE . EARTH Rockefeller, Rothschild And Noble En ter Into Agreement ttn.kla Al-n AVII1 Rlffht tbe Momnx.l.v ; Boston Maa Play Knave and la Out KoaTed Enhntain Over Bonr Generals More About tbe Western Ear. bq.nak.e Fatal Fire in PitUbar. . London, July 80. In Its Issue of this morning the Daily Mail declares there is no longer any donbt that the three Jhonster oil.. Interests of Rockefeller, Rothschild and Noble have entered Into a working agreement. "Thus," says tbe paper, "without any publicity the gneiit- est trust the world baa ever' seen haa sprung Into being." , . , , The combination, says tbe paper, has been hinted at In messages from Baton m and Moscow, and It has been more clearly ahown in the offers made to Russian oil exporters by representatives of the Noble and Rotbaehild Interests for the absorp. tfon of the whole of their output. . , The exporters have been bidden to sell through the agenclea of these interests t ft price arranged by them, or ti fight the comhinad forces of the three oil giants. This offer waa made openly an I w ith th4 Idea of maintaining prices and It has been refused, the Russian exporters xire lemng to ngnt. It was doubtless this combine, contin nea tbe Daily Mall, which induced the Russian government to Issue Invitations to an anil-trust conference. The apokea men of the great combines dwlare It means a fight to the death, and that the indepecdent exporters can not hope, to win. - t BOKR GKNEHALS LIONIZKD, Uolorey, Ilotha and De Wet Are Gl ren an , Ovation. ,. Cape Town, July 29. Generate Delarey and Botha were given an ovation vester day at Stellenbosci; They were driven to the t wn hall and each of the two carrlagea wj&a drawn hy sixty students At a lunclion which followed the stu dents acted aa waiters. General Botha, la a feeling address. said the day of surrender was the most puinfnlof his life,, but now that it bad been done be prayed earnestly that bis hearers should consider it God's will Although Africander nationality, In c manner, had been hurled. It would re main the moat Important factor in the social life of South Africa. General Botha paid a tribute to former I'resldent Stn a abilities as a statesman. "Now let us atop bothering ourselves about politics," aaid the general, 'and try to make ouraolvee .happy fn South Afr'cn, because we have no home ele. where." BUNCOED OUT OF ?.500. Gold Coins Ponrod Into a Can Traniform - ed Into Copper Pennies. . Boston, July 2S). The story of a bunco game In which the victim lost f 2,500 watt told in polk court today and, .as ti e result, Frank Bornstetn wns field for th arrand jury on the chirgn of larceny of the f 2,500, five-dolUr. gold coinp, on July 16, frocn Barnard Bennett, of this c ty. It was In evidence that Bennett wus induod by BornHtein and a confed . i .a i i " 1 . . r .. ,..zr: . i, : . I j. wtcuaM n. Tcnnxn . TITB! MVRTF.RTOTTS '. The Latimer ease is proving a puzde to'the U 'AlbertC. Latimer, whose wife Glares that bed.rMmapP?r,tobtf.rfrn.i,lut with S neiBlibor, antt niuiam p.. imum i greatly dupleaaud by his atwnuons u jure, erate to go Into a plan of counterfeiting EngliKh sovereigns, ne - inrnmueo uu gtl I colnw, which the otlier men appar- ent'y placea in a tin can anu i " wwuu red. After ronstd- erble juggling of th can Bennett re ceived it to carry home, lie grew sus picion and concluded It was an Infernal machine. A policeman opened the can tA Q 07 in rmnniea came out. Bennett and BornBteln were arrested, but the otler man lo free. The Earthquake la the Weit. , nmftha. Neb.. July 29. Reports re ceived today from points la northern an i weBtern Nebraska Indicate that yes terday's earthquake was more general than waa at first reported. At Ualtaaie buildings wer ConsIdeabIy shaken p and at Battle Creek' the' disturbance lasted ball a minute. Tilden, Norfolk, CrelghtOn, Plain View, Pierce and Nellgh renort shocke lasting O seconae, ana at Elgin three distinct quakes were felt. At none of these towns, nowever, was there any serious damage, breaking ol windows and dishes and cracking of planter being f be extent of the' destruc tion, r Fatal Fire in Pittsburg-. Piltsburar. Pa.. July HQ. Slx; firemen injured, two elght-stoTy buildings almost comnlerelv deetroved. a number or otn-- ers slightly damaged and a property lose estimated at f 300,000 Is the result of the fire on Liberty street, which . rged fiercely for seven hours. , DOVER.; ' ' July 28, Miss Lizzie Fd wards left Sunday night to spend a week In Kinston. Mesdames W. H. O'Berry of Kinston and Chas. n. O'Berry of Wilmington spent 8anrday night and Sunday with Mrs. Geo. B. Wilson. Only a email audience heard Dr. Hall's lecture last Thursday night, owing to it not being much known, but those who did hear him, without exception, were completely carried away with his lecture and are far more anxicjns to hear him again than they were before. Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards of New Bern were vmiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Edwards. Sunday. Mr. Ed wards returned to New Bern In the after noon and Mrs. Edwards took the cars for kinston Sunday night. Mr. Herman Russell of Richmond was here today visiting bis eister, Mrt. L. H. Outlaw. Mr. and Mre. Dudley Burkheimer and children of New Bern are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. K. West. When our daughter vlnlts us again, thpre it a certain sweet belle in town who we hope will come to our home to kiss her good-bye when ehe leaves, because we aretoM "tat when she klsws a young lad v friend i' od bve.e'ie kirices the lady's ' '.... . ..... A 1.1 ... v n. s.. t . m mi ninou i vout a aien f ro'fi a pr 1 ty f' - t . tor so fills Y.le a dog in a re-'iloir-on-Ice." .v Li::' I r. I tjr i Ckri-('!it.r left last wcok i:?.-cky Mount. 1 I'd" ii k informs us that i h'. 1 1 -n in the aljaceiit . 'J : e ('.-ctor WH-ma to I U i. -y no" 1 C .11. I". TI e I Y.l 1 an i "'. in.'i- ! t-.'" t 'i t ) . ,t At'i,''i. ' r ' . . t w r ,' . tj ' VI II MnS. A. 0. LATTKKB. k -Mum LATIMER CASE. Brooklyn polico, and at present the jnnto he waa ahot .by a bunjlar "rnnataHt .i.i6 -- uauiuw. A FITTING- FINALS!. Re-TJnlon sf thoPupUa of the Lewis " School. " - - ' The arrangements for the reunion , of Lewis' school Friday night are now per fected. It la thouatht better by thoae who have charge of the meeting to have! .. . ' . I .H tll k. .nnUI It 10 tne coure uuuiw, vm v w u and more convenient nt the first named piece. Tbe court house 1a being cleaned up and a stage Is being built 1 just as it used to be in the commencements of Lewis' school years ago. In fact this la on of the great purposea of the reunion to have a meeting aa nearly like as pos sible to "tlie ' old commencements. Old eongs which were" formerly sung will probably bring a tear to many an eye., The meeting will begin at 8:.'K o'clock promptly. AH of the former pupils are asked to come early and take tne front seat. The publi of Kinston is cordially Invited to the seats In the rear. Special seats are to be reaorved tor the ministers of Kinston. ' , The program 1b as follows: Music piano, Mr. Adolph Einstein. Prayer Rev. C. W. Howard. 8ong-"Auld Lang Sine." By tbe en tire school. Greetinir By Governor Aycock.' "Influence of I.ewlH' School on Kinston and Lenoir County." Mr. Plato Collins "Influence Upon the Preaa." Mr. Ralph Harper. , , " - Solo Mr. Wayne Mitchell, inftimnreof Lewis' School In Busi ness." Mr. W. J. B. Dale. - .'Influence Upon the Bar." Mr. T. C. Woolan. ' SoDg "The Patter of the Shingle." Younsr people. Recltfttion-"If You Will Chaw To bacco." MIbb Myrtle Taj lor.. 'fnflnanpA of IAW la' School Coon tbe MeJicnl Profeselon. '-Dr. C. L. Prldgen Recitation Mies Pajne Kllpatrfck. Song "Ben Bolt." Mr. J. A.McPaniel. "In Memorlam."-Mr. E. B. Lewis. Song "Ear Away."-Messra. W. C. Fields. Sr.; leaf: Arthur Einstein, bari tone; Mr. Rosemond, tenor; Dr. H. D. Harder, jr., bass. ' "Irfluence of Lowis School Upon the Teachers." Mr. Jasper Howard. "Iufluencc for Religion." Rev. Cowan. Quartett "Gathering Home."-Measra. Fields, Einstein, Rosemond and. Harper. Renilniacences By several pupils, some young some old. Addrc-HB Col. W. D. Pollock. gong "I Never' Will Forget the Old " By the entire school., KJ'iMtcby Mr.. Adolph Einstein while the'erowd is leaving. The following old , pupils have been stLcitd as ushers,, who w ill keep perfect order during all of the exercises: Messrs. F. C. Dunn, W. O.. Wooten, Herman Cau ady, O. K. Lalloque, Graham Faulkner a-id Jfke Otfttingfr. iviy of the former Btudvnts have not yi-t Landed in their names to. Mrs. II. ArcLLe'.l tin y arerfr,i'd to do so at once fi r n of all the'studr-nts who have er attended lewls' school is now being niado out. He Wat It." C ...;-y-v ..o t:-". 1 nie"ahawf baked N .-.v. i-u't that w idlculoiis? " . :.v-l.-; It i:-!ial!y Is -ovv --I-!: v,.slL TIUELY TOPICS TERSELY TREATED. Short Local Stories, Editorial Botes A man may he handicapped andstlil be bareheaded. , , , . - " . Fortune does not change men Ik only unmasks them.' The truth Is what peoP1 ? Um j ,t f y i; ; Tn.'ratltnde. although one of the vilest oi quibj i vuw , : a la -iaa ni TiiiH iti iiiuuuuos lis . i old bachelor says that weeds ars not weeds whan they become widows. I . A.n talk himself out ot job aster than he can work hlmaelf Into one. vtrikMM wAti lia.vaw the shinnies they do not alway" go tne root o! th mou ' ' ' The'conductorofan orchestra Is the fastest man on record. Why, be even beats time. . It may feem paradoxical, bnt It Is trus that you can think ot people a great deal without thinking a great deal of them. tH avervthlnc they know and a good deal they don't know, while others know lota of things tney teH.. nu .-.r .ton to think that yon U1IU JVU ' "T can open your mouth only from He nn. derpart? Not sven a derrick; ran r.w the roof. ' Ti. 4 1, Kaiint.v nf nature that we lWe, k.,. nhiloaoDbv that we live weP- which Is in truth a greater beneftt than life Itself. it . Ana, ManA If von would win Itti life's game be honest and urgeW;tbis pair ot cards will beat lours oi any umer kind. ' ; " :; ' The number of people who wish to see the truth Is very email. Fear of truth governs men more than love oi truiu, nnleaa truth paya them. Boston women can use big word and atill be plain spoken; that's the good ot having a school ot expression which every woman must attend for a time at bast. '. : Home peopie u w e- - : of themselves that they wonder how the world got on before they came and ' are troubled to know how It will get on after they are gone. 'iAwaiwHv haa ever been considered aa the state In which a man the most easily v. ma ,rtn.!nted with himeelf par. tlcn'arly as he Is In that state free f om flatterers. ' ' The fllnir. avmnathetlc, generous heart which recognizes the rights and claims the worthy endeavora ot othere, which i pained by their Buffering and rejoices In... their joy, is the only wustwonuj ot that social morality on which general well being depends. Good tor Rev. Gaskill! To hlslnfluence ... annear to le Indebted tor Tuesday's refreshing showor, according to the fol lowing, which was received in tne even ing mall: TnoaJnlv 20th We got tbe rain just the same. To Eiutob Fkeepsss ' A m-eting at 11 (Eleven) a. m. to pray called by tbe Uiwrtu preacher of the Town- lira - - rvtKiiri i nw " -- . i a Tt :aak!!l a stronar man of .Lroa fell on his kneee and before he arose the r&ln drops was fa'.'.'.cg on the roof! Thanky Master Jewus and after a good nhout they came out savlD-i God answered their prayers quick Faith la the victory. A WORSUIPPEB. . . " . . s: Allans Foot-I ICS, D'tvOJS ' t.tVfj &t ' -i l.tl ' '.e Into Tour Shoe powder. It cure painful, imait t i -d It growirg aii., nd ipia-n'jr i.t of com nd btmkms. Il' tl overy of thease. A'.Vn's too- ' rw f' ! tl'V. I' 5, c '..'ii a j h .t, I a - ... rifv ;; .' ;r-niit llcply. -a c.H'sn't take!' r .i with an inward art). 1 irk'

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