A . V i ei i i " i i i i i i i Daily . Free FreSSo ijiJ Ker.t In ttajrtlclfl iH avail In i It oi m voa l the people know of the I wnmt ir , 1 I ' I ' 1' 1 11 li, illi! v v.";.". 11 111 '" ; " 11 " 1 1 1 ; ii i i .i i i ) . ' i " " i I i " 1 , 1 . 1 " ; , r ;w ,M;, PUBLISHED 'EERY KFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDK Y, V' y VOL. Vr-EOi 106. 4?;":. . . : KINSTON, N. a, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 1002. : - PBICE TWO OENTS u 11 i - - ' - i - - i , . . i i . i . . . i i- ii i i . i i i 1 " V""" ' ' ' "" ' '"" "' ' ' """" " " -THE ALPHA OF - A USEFUL LIFE FIHAUTI OF TEE LEWIS SCHOOL A Remarhblo Entertainment is tie Court House. Dr. and Mr. B. II. JUwIi Kulorlsed by Xur roriMr . Pupils and Predated With a Beautiful Silver Serrtce-Ora- ttonn the Did Credit to Tutor and Pupil ' A Feaat of Love and Reminlsence. Walt not my friend until I'm gow, ; ; To praise and call me dear, t . And chant in glowing terms my worth, '. Bnt tell me while I'm here. ;iy To Dr. Richard H. Lewis last night - came an experience that rarely comes to man, the privilege while ytt in Bound mental and physical health and with ' prospect ol many more years of "sweet ness and light" before hint, of listening to a flood - of flowery rhetoric, which though happily ante-mortem was poet mortem in all Its characteristics. Who can fathom or appreciate the bute h Lbwm and orakucbildbeit - amotion so deep dowa In the heart of this dear old man that the f made do trace npon hi mobile countenance as be listened to the words of prates and looked Into the loviofr-eyes of three gen- 'erattons nf pnpils hefore him? Kart? It was siniqoel It is hardly probauW tba luke was erer seen' on any stage or roetraeo. Others may hare :; trained as many pupils and have lived i to aes as great practical results f'otn his life work, pnt it in -flonbtfal If ever an others combined whh these the deep and reverent low which enBhrinee Dr. Lewis In the' heart of every pupil and who conld look intra father and mother, daughter and brother, granddaughter and grandson with the name degree of af fection and know that it was returned to the fn II in every individual case. Love was the keynote of this anfqae entertainment.' the 'dominant strain of every address either written or oral, and it even showed itself In the choice of songs. . The exercises were-cpened at about $ o'clock with prayer by Rev.- C W, Blanchard, who thanked God for the privilege of showing the deepest appre ciation of the Alpha f a noble life and toucbingly alluded to 'these who In dis- Ttant climes were upholding the standard of truth and nobility by principles Im planted inN their hearts at the Lewis chool. v.. ' . The members of the last school, as sisted by some of the older pupils, sang "Auld Lang Syne," after which Chairman Wayne Mitchell read 4he a very compli mentary letter from Gov. Aycock. . Km. Z. V.Peebles read very pretty greeting from Mrs. Irene Grlmsley. Mr. Plato Collins' response to "the in finenee of the Lewis school npon Kington and Lenoir county" was a pretty and ef fective .piece of oratory which reSected credit both upon his early training and lis catsral ability. Ills tribute was a glowing one. Ce said: "No more pleasing loty was erer asa'gtei me than tL;a of Jaj'ns a tribute before him who Erst won ny boy!; a leart as J cor."'..3ce.. lie eemed to s! aly ee'h bey ail gUl, sad te knew tlieia ., J Le knows now c::r la- i.-lt"': ,'jf .1 vr'.'.ii.i r i 1 L3 t J ,r 1 t t r It- 1 ani e . 1 i.i i ie- t' " brstat's c i, i It-. ; - f '.-it c? c r t '. ' ! . i - ' i l't J ' ' 1 r r II tii - f -V ex- ' t i ? ' he read Included many of the leading bsslneN men of Kineton and many fat other piacsi. ' ";''.r y i ' '' Mr. T. C Wooten said It was his pleaa on and doty to bring some offering . to the least of memory, and referring to Dr. Lewis he said: " "His life to wlth hit peo ple, hie work is finished, hit God awaits him.?' He mentioned a number of law yers of prominence and several who have reached the bench in this and other states, whose principles" and education were grounded la the Lewie school. The children tang an amusing song entitled "The Fatter of the Shingle," and Miss Myrtle Taylor gave a very clever recitation which brought down the house. t . . , ' Dr. C. L. Pridgen told of the influ ence 'of . the school upon the med ical profession and Miss Payne ; Kll patrlck amused the audience with a well rendered recitation, then Mr. J. . A. Mo Daniel sang "Ben Bolt.? , . Mr. E. B. Lewie' "In Memoriam' was a feeling tribute to those who have gone betore. Mr, Jasper Howard told of the Influence of the school upon teachers and Bev. Mr. Cowan told of the Influent e upon the pulpit, saying at the beginning; "It id better Jo bring one faded dower in Kfe than baskets of rosed red and white after dearth." He said it was time that something was said about the Influ ence of the school In raising up noble wlhes for all these doctors, lawyers, business men and preachers, and In this he struck a responsive cord. . Dr. Faulkner reminisced in his usual happy style, and then came the event of the evening, the presentation in a beauti ful and feeling, brief address by Col. W. D. Pollock of magnificent silver service, which took Dr. Lewie completely by sur prise, Witt hokiog voice be responded: "I cannot say XaQies and gentlemen' can scarcely say anything but yon have brovght back the old days so strongly yo must alio wine to say the old words, 4glrii a4 boye' i Any heart that could not be touched by this is no heart at aH. I am glad that In all these addressee the term the (Lewis school' has been ed 'Or? only once for there were and are two Lewises, a lljer half. In her name! n4 lnths'be.meof the, Lewis school 1 accept the gift. As long as we hVe we hall cherish' this token of esteem and j gratitude for what little we dl l 1o yon,told; here today, ejveraglng seven 4bHan and wlsh'for yon all peace and prosperity Airing the remaipder of jour lives.1 AH aeee,' and old and young pnplle Reined tu ringing, "I Never Will Forget the -Om TTMnee,'? , Bev, Cowan asked a wenedlctlonand the last "commeneemeoC" for Dr. and Mrs. Lewis was over until they shall 'participate In that grand and glorious commencement where jadgmetrt ie ipronovnced "Well done, good and tfatthfril nervants ye have taaght well and wrw.ght well receive yoor 4po-, mas aud your reward of everlasting dlfe. peace anil happiness." It.U fifty years just two weeks ago ehvyiDr. Lewis began teaching and twen i-x. years of that time have been d- voted to the young of Kinstoa. Over SeOO .pupEe, &OW Scattered la aim est 1 every etate and every land, love and veie Dr.iLewls and his "bigger half.'' An Imoienae Cotton MUL. Durham, N. C., July 30. B. N. Dafce,f Jsew York, president of the Er win Cotton, Mill company, and Secretary Erwin bawe decided that the company will build a' cotton mill on the Cape Fear river In Harnett county. The mill will employ 2.000 persons. It will manufacture denim and will operate 70,000 spindles and 2r 000 looms. The bnlldingot this great plant will necessitate the establishment of a town of five thousand Inhabitants. , It Is stated that engineers will begin at once the work of laying off the site. t BIG TOBACCO SALES : ALL OYER STATE eaMSMMMMsaanMaisaMeaMaaBjai BUT KIISTOH HOLDS THE BAUER Coldsooro Onlj One That GlTes Ds. Close Hnb. OreearlHe's Six Warehouses Did About Half as Much BaaiaeM as Klnstoa'a 6U Aad Wileoa was Conaiderably TJadar naif. Rocky Mount Foltowios; Close Variety of Tobacco Kotee. Goldeboro Aug. l. There were over a half million pounds of tobacco sold on this market today. The tobacco buyers had expected that 100,000 ' pounds would be sold on the opening day, bnt no one had counted on half a million. - Greenville, Aug. 1. The Greenville to bacco market optred the new seasos to day with a qnarter oi a mlllipn pounds. I All six warehousoa had fine sales. There wa spirited bidding and much' onthusi- asm among the buyers. Pricvs started off well and very satisfactory to the farmers. Wilson, Aug. 1. The Wilson tobacco market held Its opening sale today and there wait sold on the floors of toe va rious warehouse here between 150,000 and 165,000 pounds. The prices were up and the breaks here considered as very satisfactory ones, preparing for( a big saw this year. v Bocky Mount, Aug. 1 -The Rocky Mount tobacco market opened today and aeplendld crowd was pres nt.. The sales are estimated to have been between 125,060 : and 180,000 pounds. The -prices 'ran high and the oUeTlngs were of excellent quality tor the opening sales. Dnnn, Ang. 1. Dunn's obaso market. opened today with the largest breeA since its establishment. One hundred thousand pounds were sold, for wU eight thousand dollars was paid to the planters, and ahetft fifty vthoneand fnonda is KTSuooTuVeonnt of Sack Jf warehouse capacity. Greensboro, Atg.l. Over onehwadred thousand pounde-of new . tobacco -were . i j.. Tntshurg. AglTheregnw season for sales of tefcacco bearan yesterday, There were more than 125 loads eold on the market, aad'tbe prlcs were Wgh, an average of between . 9 and 10 cents, though there were many cake at 25 cents per pounl. TOBACCO. Selma, July 80 This town turned over a new leal in its Industrial history today, and established a leaf! tobacco market. Selma has always 'been modest burg, and we are not fcr the habit Df putting on lugs, but we were arrayed 1 lnff. tndn,v.orffeonalvaed InrinnslT and they were tobacco lugs of the great est golden hue. tit was our first sale of leaf tobacco, aed It was a hesamer, for when the sun went down up there above Raleigh and Winston and Defham, we had maketed liour little burg more than 70,000 pounds f the goldea product, and our citizens, onr buyers, or bankers and our visiting iarmers were sfll rejoic ing. (Winsted.Conn , July 29 Reports reeeiv. ed htre today from many email towns In this section Indicate great damage to crops from the severe storm of last night I'JJiU ' ir ; CONGRESSMAN LITTLEFIELD, 'WHO, WILL PUSH ANTI-TRUST LEGISLATION. . i ConpeaimaB Charles Eigar Littlfield. to whom it is said that Preaident Rooaavelt has entruated the taak of pushing anti-truat leriaUtion in aocordanoe with the chief execn tire's Tiewa, represents the "NeUoa Dingley" diatriot of Maine, lit. LitUefield is an able lawyer and an oloqueut speaker. -" ' In Canton, IS is said, $20,000 will not cover the loss to the tobacco plants, which were badly cut and ruined by the hall which fell The hail stones were as large as butternuts, , . .Through the efforts of Hon. G. W. Coiner, Virginia State commissioner of agriculture, Prof . R. E. B. McKinney, an expert of the United 8tate department of agriculture, baa been sent by the de partment to Investigate a disease which has been discovered ' npon tobacco plants In varione parts of Virginia, Prof. McKkms fa making his headqnart rs at the etate experiment farm at Baxe, ' - sSwcpald aad Beryl. Emerald and beryl are precisely the same substance, except (or coloring matter. Amethyst and rock crystal art likewise IdenticaL : - 'Feree e( m Cjrelem. :-, During a recent cyclone at Karachi, British India, trains were stopped by the force of the wind, which blew .at the rase of a hundred miles an henr. Eaartlah Fadar ' English fadge la made by mashing a bpiled potato in a little warm water and adding to it an ounce of eogmva teaspeonful of carbonate of mda und an oance of butter. Stir Into this by degrees a pound of wheat meaL Knead, roll out to thickness of a third of aa Inch, cut into shapes mad bake half an bour. The PintapeJ. An saverage sized pineapple yields nearly two pints of juice. Cathertae de Medlel. Catherine de Medici always wore ' a wide black skirt, a black pointed bod- Ice with wing sleeves, a black -collar, ruff ahaped, and a hood that ;eame down In a point over the forehead. ', . 1 Bread Raaaehtlpa. , To make bread ramekins rub togeth er four tablespoonf uls of grated cheese. yolk of an egg, a tablespoonful of melt ed butter and a little anchovy paste. 8alt andtepper. Rub all until smooth. Toast slices of bread without crusts. spread mixture over them and' brown in oven. ' Oalea Taate. To take away the taste after eating onions put a little powdered camphor In a tumbler'Of water and with It rinee the mouth out thoroughly. - A Parahtr Bit of Mania. Mr. Crowe composed the famons Seesaw waltz merely for his chil dren and had ench a poor opinion of Its merits that lie sold the copyright to Metzler for a few pounds. The pub lisher cleared over $75:000. In the y?ar 79 the crater of Vesuvius was to a great extent covered with rlnes, and Spartacus and bis gladia tors used it as a camping place. Kew Mexico' White Saada. Hie "white ands" of southern New Mexico lie in the San Augustln ulaln nd ere a sheet of pure gypsum sixty iLs hir.s and five to twenty broad, "l.e !'e "snnT of gypsum raised ty t..e si i ,l rcserctles a line of break- t' Alli'n'a Foot Fe, - to le vhken into thr thos. Voot feet . i:-r. hoi. and t tird ea.iiv. or t .t rr e. try A ieo x : - . aM mitkf wa,;- jf ta.v. . s-- ir:'i,m; r.ai s. r ' : . f- c ' 'i a'1 i fir i -.n of . i ' t Irv it f - :, r - - 1.. t A r- Raatr Flatlrona. Beeswax and salt will make your rusty flatlrona as clean and smooth as glass. Tie a lump of wax in a rag and keep It for that purpose. When the Irons are hot, rob them first with the wax rag, then scour with a paper or cloth sprinkled with salt The Chinese Lanaraaa. ' There la ho word in the Chinese lan guage that conveys an Intimation of what we term, public splrtt, nor U there a aynoaym for patriotism. ' Cockroach lledicln. The cockroach has been used for ages by the Uusslun peasantry aa remedy In dropsy. Investigations by competent persons show that the body contains an active principle. This bas vecelved the name blattlc acid. Maaeharla, .Winter. The winters . are very cold In Man churia, the ground being frozen to the depth of several feet Lara. The retention of beat In lava it al most Incredible. Lava is so bad a con ductor that it la possible to walk on the surface of a lava flow when it bas cooled and yet see red heat in the fis sures below. Woaderfal , Water, Hair is alleged to be restored to the bald and plumage to naked bird by the waters of Casciaua, north Italy Ho'raeradlah Saaea. For horseradish sauce to serve with cold meat mix two tablespoonfula of horseradish with one tablespoonful of vinegar, add pepper and salt, mix thor oughly and stir in four tabXespeonf uls of cream whipped stiff. - I ' . Drew Death fet HTna. I Unrequited love drove a young man ' to commit suicide la a St. Petersburg I hoteL It transpired that be bad asked a little girl in the street to choose one of two pieces of paper which he handed her. On one was written "Life" and on the other "Deatk." . The girl chose 'Death." On the west side of Mwnnt Etna there are several villages in the midst of former lava streams and with all the houses built of lava. Pantry faaeeta. "l- - To rid a pantry of Insects etir a cou ple of pounds of alum into four quarts of boiling water. Then take a brush anTapply it as hot as possible, to the cracks and crevices, shelves, etc Ia the BcehlTe. ;. In the beehive proper there are three personages the queen, the worker bee and the drone. The queen is of first and greatest importance, She is a fully developed female and Is the moth er f all the bees in her hive. Frait Tree. The nursery price of a fruit tree Is a mall part of its cost by the time it reaches the bearing stage. To buy poor trees simply because they are cheap is certaiE!yj)oor economy. Self Protection mans that you be on the alert to that you got I'alnkllier (Terry ravin) when you at for it; some deriVrg will try ami persuade you to take sometLin eire, ci;ua to ij j't as puw; inst npon rstth'sr Pafuki'Vr. the reti,e.ly wl.lt n Lis Iven tLe world's f.-imi!y dot t"r f. r t) I vt-ari; it never f.li to Pt-;) .Ji-a-rVnod, pri; ; paT-s la st-irr-v i or l , i'lt-'.vrj, it- L'l-- !:' a TIUELY TOPICS V; TERSELY TREATED. Short Local Stories, Editorial Estes. Old Sol is shortening his day's work steadily now. Minute by minute the days grow shorter. We have turned back from the fourteen hour day and are on the toboggan slide to the shortest days and the end of the year. They will oe npon us Derore we can realise It f It Is already -'the old year"tha greater part is gone Into eternity. We have all made records. What have they been? ; Have we benefitted the world, have we benefitted anybody? . Have we done anything "even unto the least of these" to cause a kindly remembrance? It Isn't "hav we gone to church so many timet and mnde so many prayers?" It ; Is have we done anything to make the world brighter? There are other ways of doing good than methodically trudg lng to church) going through a form, then trudging back home. Timely Topics has naught to say against church-going but .on the contrary strongly commends . it But it should not stop - there with those who desire to be right with the wcrld and right with their ' God. Relig ion that Is all heart and brightness and sunshine, constantly doing and, saying things to make others happy, is a kind that goes very well In this world and will come pretty near landing Its posses sor in elyslan fields on the other side of the divide, ', -? "Though I speak-with the tongues of angels my words are aa sounding brass If I have not charity" which mar.s love and action. If the heart Is filled with love of ft fellow , man outward form amounts to little. To one, form is neces sary; to another It Is superfluous. Each should have charity for the other; iTra should be In e very heart, then ti e great problem ts solved. A number of the young men abont town who are always looking for en op portunity to infuse a little excitement nto to lagging nouro, met np ttn a Tartar the other day and got ail that was coming to them. A stalwart young man came In from the country determined to increase Uncle a f i.l 1. f- - a I. ! bus a etruij wiu uie iwrnuum uu.iuf weight, which Is equal, to a bunch of wildcats. , He had all the physical requi sites for a soldier and to spare, and he was very much astonished and angered at being rejected because he could not read or write. He told the recruiting agent he was going to put the law on htm and went out In search of it He was steered into the office of a well known and popularyoung attorney who was never known to miss an opportu nity for a joke, and he instantly insti tuted a court of Inquiry. . A charge of breach of promise accentuated by for gery and lapsus linguae was recorded against the recruiting officer and the first step taken to prove him a recreant to his trust was to prove that the party of the first part was all right for a sol dier. It was first determined to prova that his heart was sound, and to do this the examining student had the victim partially stripped and buckets of cold! water were, dashed upon him. It took; a good many buckets full to determine. just how sound bis heart was. The vic tim finally tired of the ordeal and ex- pre seed a few choice cuss words, where upon be was declared In contempt of court and sentenced to thirty days fn jail. He declined to go, and a "deputy was directed to take him. The "deputy was wrestling with a big "chaw" of to bacco which was thoroughly salivated. The fighting blcod of the would-be sol dier was np and "be let out hie right with the force of a pile driver, catching the deputy fair on the lump In' his cheek eaueed by the "chaw." It was like hit ting a wet sponge and a stream of di luted nicotine shot half across the room spattering everybody within ten feet, and the back draught nearly strangled the "deputy." But his troubles were- ' not over. The aoMlpr ship and tore away hts mainsail, expos ing a generous amount of manly bosom. , Five other "deputies," by order of the "court," then fell npon the soldier and finally overpowered him. Tbeywere all glad to release him on his own recogni zance, but h9 gave notice of a "repeal" and said he would be back Eaturday. The "court" and "dprutW are think ing of spending Sunday at Feven fprfr --s ana II you re several sleek lot ouDg men hastening toward tbe Lirts of town and a lor ! i, 1 v!J:ml eagerly following i i t" s ant e you tnav snow a wc . 1 I e s. ; l.M-,'(J'--rorL"r-;..-..l."

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