Jhinston & jJay by Daj Continued Story of jCocal Cvents 114. . , AD0D8T im lu uoi th wed t m sat t 4 '5' '8 7 10 11 13 18 14 15 18 17 18 19 SO SI' S3 S8 U 88 38 97 28 99 80 81 r Weather Forecast for Angnst1 to 8, mild mrtod. cool: 4 to 5. warmer: 6 t 7, dry and hot; 8 to 9, local storms; 10 to 12, cloud's, foggy; IS to 14, sultry; 15 to 16, very hot; 17 to 18, high tempera tar general; 19 to 20, severe thunder ad lightning; 21 to 22, unsettled con ditions: 23 to 24, variable; to a, eool wave, fair, 28, warmer; 29 to 31 elondv. damn, local ratal. Moon Phases. New moon, 8d; first Ouarter. 10th: full moon, 19th; last quarter, 26th. August 8. 8un rises, 5:13; sets, :50 Day'i length, 13b. 48m. , Vew x. m.. Traveler Omld. , TBATNS AERITK AXD LXAVI. A.&N. C, ait, 8. 88 a. m., to bsrn only; 4.82 p. m. Weat, 10.13 S.98 a. m.. 7.87 D. m. A. C. L., north, 7.80 a. m.; aonth, f .45 p. m. TBI MAILS. Clow, A. C. L., north, 7a. m; 1 AN. C,8. 20, east, and 9.40 a. - m., west; 4.00 p. m., eaat, 6.80 weet. Open from west 9.85 a. m., from aaet 10.20; a. m., .16 p . m., from weat; 7'45 p. m., from Oat. r , ; - " ' ' ; PRODUCE! MARKUT. Retail Prioea Today In Klnaton Stores. tWUii TJaia H.na iu at. Oountr ham, if X-.C lb IMad colorad baam, toqt Virginia nam, is id. cqt. UK.ticnnM.tiHW. Whit, mi loc Toautoaa ys pr quart Cora, 95c buahal. . Black amlnata, aft pack. Maai, 5C pack. - v Oraofaa, )o to 600 dona Banana, ae to a;c dot, . Uuck.ru, sc aaca, frying cttckaat, Vmanr. jc Oeotuoc battar, Driad paacbaa ta i-ac. - tia.ni, aoc pack. Wfcaat, fi-ej buluL Cabbaaa. to aaca. Irith potatoea, aoc pack, Applet, aoc to jc pack. Kg(i ,",c aoa.. -Lamooa, $c dot. Duck, ate aack. Guinea!, ate aack rat, 15 to JO. Bauer, (labia) jato jsc lb gallon. AaricoU, m-ac pound, ar, e pound. Pranaa, I i-s to tec pound Kva. S1.00 bathel. Macklebarriat, to quart Oat, 650 buthel. ttinston ftfnetoscope Mo-viaa. w' Pleturee of Dally Evtmta Street Happening's Work In earnest has now begun on the brick stables for Mr. A. Mitchell on Queen street. Twenty-Are men can now, be seen gradually raising th walls. - Th largest melon of the season Is In ' Temple-Maaton'a show window. It was raised by Mr. Dick Alexander and tips the scales at sixty-one pounds. ; " , Prof. A. J. Barwlck came yesterday evening from Goldaboro but returned this morning. Be will stay here until abont Sept. 1st preparing several young ladle and men for college this fall. Messrs. L. V. Morrill of Snow Hill, and Q. H. Simmons of Catherine Lake, have been appointed by Governor Ayoock as delegates to the National Prison assocl& tlon, which meets In Philadelphia 8epr, 1817. Th telegraph pole near the A. A N. C B. R. depot on Queen street, which was ' marly In th middle of the street, has been moved a few feet closer to the side. walk, a new pole being put In place of th old on. Miss Cora Lee, daughter of Mr. Sam Lee, died yesterday at noon of typhoid lever. Th flower had hardly blossomed ' In womanhood when It withered, and died. Bhe was only twenty years 01 age. The remains were Interred today at Holy Innocent Chapel near 8vn Sprfngt, Lenoir, Greene and Craven counties are among the forty -two counties In th state which bav taken advantage of th state's offer to help In establishing six free rural libraries in th different townahlpa. Most of th counties only got on or two libraries, and som have not vn taken enough Interest to get on. Tb East Carolina Land and Improve ment company advertises fin city lot Jo? sale. All the lot of Mr. J. W. Grain, ger are placed In the hands of this com pany. If yon desire a nice lot see this company before buying. When desired, liberal terms will be given, and th com pany will do what It can to nabl th workman to build and Own his home. The East Carolina Land and Improve ment company has leased the house re cently placed In its hands by Mr. T. C. Woo ten, corner Gordon street and Tiffany avenue, to Mr. J. .J. Rogers for a period of two years beginning September 1st. In the meantime a room will be added and the place made still more attractive. I.!r. Roger Is a good tenant and has se cured a nice home. - In a case Bp before W. F. Dibble, J. P yeeUrday la which J. W. Hood was euicg the Atlantic Warehouse for the re coTery of the amount of two plies of. to ta.'eofik!J to tare been lost in that V BTfhoc-e lt f.'ptember, judgment v f 1 f r d ' slants. The plaintiff sndtook appeal to the Mfss Grace Herring returned from visit. lag at Rocky Mount and Goldaboro this morning. Messrs. Ri E. Cox, 8am Cockiell and Uoyd Wootea returned, from New Bern last night - , c- t Mr. Paul M. Hood of New Bern, spent last night in Kinston, end 'Went to Goldaboro thla morning. - Mis Hansy WD lama of LaGrange, who AM been visiting at Mr. Z. BhodeeV tnrned Iwmelaat evening.' ' " lUlm Sallle Tomlineoa, who bad been Tlsftfnff Mlea Estelle Wooten, retained thla morning to Fayettevfue. Mr. and Mn. U. E, Hardy of.Aydea who bad been visiting at Mr. L. McCul. i, Tn flaw Bun baa ban team was beaten by tb Aurora team yesterday by a score of 18 to 0. Loyd Wootsn pitched for Aurora and played a mate hlsea game. Only one hit was made off him and be struck out over twenty mem. Uoyd Is a huT team and always comport him self in such manner on the diamond aa to Urn's, returned this morning to Ayden. reflect great credit on himself and borne Mies MitttoHoUitigsworth of Mamolia. who bad been Visiting her sister, Mrs. It if not likely that the interested par-1 W. E. Perry, returned to her home this ties will forget the regular meeting oil morning. . - 1 1 t of the Chamber of Commerce Monday Misses Minnie Tunstall and Janle Ty. svsmng. bus mis is to remina tnem son, who had been visiting at Mr. K. B. iL..ll. 11, 1 , L I M I wmm .... tiwc n wm do very impairaaa on ana TUUStall'S, returned this morning to a there will be a great deal of business Greenville. to be transacted it will be a long meet ing and should therefore begin early. Therefore everybody should be on band by 8 o'clock. . y ' Mr. Brantley Kennedy of Deep Run, was In Klnston today, and said tbs crops in bis section have nearly doubled In value in the last two weeks. The tobacco on his own farm has been primed four times, and Mr. Kennedy thinks that there Is as much there now as ever. For over two weeks be has not cured a leaf be cause the tobacco bae taken on Its second growth. Many of the leaves nearly dry are turning green and have gone to growing. Mr. Thos. L. Willlngbam, special agent of the Union Central Life Insurance Co., of Cincinnati, delivered to Mrs. Nora O. Taylor, a check for 11924.21 In payment of a policy held by her on the life of Capt, Mrs. George Schweilky who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. John Brown, left this morning, returning to Newport News. Mr. F. M. Harrington has been con fined to his room several days with an abacoRs, which J now healing up and be will be on duty Monday. Mrs. Javes Spencer cf New Bern, came from Washington and stopped with Mrs. A. Mitchell awhile, and returned , to her bonis yesterday afternoon. . A Happy Reunion. A happy reunion took place yesterday on Heritage street, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zacl Rhodes, the occasion be ing tbs 85th or Coral anniversary of their marriage. . A more pleasant time has seldom been spent in Klnston. The J, D. Taylor, whose tragic death recently entire family was present, consisting of was recorded in the columns of The Free wn cmwren, ten grand children, five Prers. The amount of the policy Was eons-m-law and one daughterrIn-law, 13,000, but the company deducted two making the total of twenty-eight persons, payments from the face of it amount Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes have lost three due then by Capt Taylor, prior to his children by death but not an accident hav death, the last payment being May 5th, logoccured in the family. Their youngest 1901. Th expedition with which this cbU " years of age, and the best battues has been handled reflects greet pfltall every one of them, children and great credit on their agent, Mr. Willing- grandchildren, of sufficient age, can read ham and write. IWs is saying much for a J. H. Hawkins. L. D. Merritt and lly where every? member is at work. Ltwis Mason, colored, were before Mayor J A beautiful repass was served and all Wsbb this morning charged 4 with a went to thelr homes glad that they had breach ol th peace by engaging in an " been permitted to be together once affray. The evidence showed a general "Ore on earth. May they have many mix-up In which Mason was struck on mor "oh meetings. Mrs. Rhodes was the mouth by Merritt, presumably with recipent of many nice coral presents, a chair at which stage of -the affray The writer although not one , of the Hawkins took a hand and forced Merritt P?, did enjoy m nice dinner sent by away from Mason and into a ditch, these gopd people. May they have a long and happy life is ! the wish of their friend. B. 1 1 r art. Boy Cared of Colid After Physician's Treatment had Failed. My boy when four yeara old was taken with colic and crampa in his stomach. I sent for the doctor and he injected mor- pniup, out tn cnud kept getting worse. I then gave him halt a teaepoonful of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy, and in halt an hour he wai steeping and soon recovered. F, I Wilkins, dhell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilklns Is book-keeper for the Shell Lake Lumber Co. f or sale by J. E. Hood. , ' where they fell together, Hawkins on top, who proceeded to pummel Merritt on th head and shoulders with hie fist Mi rrltt's coat was torn and Mason had cut on the Up but, Hawkins emerged from the fray unscathed. Bis honor re served his decision until next Tuesday. W are reliably (?) Informed that a certain gentleman of Dover who Is noted f tt his piety and also one Who le very fond of hunting, and especially large game, made elaborate preparations afe v days ago to ferret out the whereabouts of bruin in the dense jungles of Dover pocosln. On the day of the chase this gentleman of piety and fondness tor hunting, buckled on a couple of small rapid-fire guns and shouldered a double a M : oarreiea snan gun auu prvceweu so cane Willfamston. N V. If 1 at), i ono what is known as a "stand" In the path of Mr. J. O. Guthrie, General Agent 'Wash bruin. He had not been m , position a . ington wie, x., aieigb. N, C. great while before be heard a noise that Dear Sir;. I desire to return my thanks sounded as If a herd ot buffalo was slam- tnrougn you to tne Washington Life In """" . . . tt . suranco Company of New York, for the pedlng In hie direction. He unbuckled nmnm tnii. v 'iq XZ hia small arms and unlimbered his heavy and No. 125.559 on tbs life of mv 'lat piece and waited quietly for his prey to j husband, M. L. Andrews of WiUtamston, come in view. WeU, it came, and "'.ri !rT"Jle,,1?5 w.ww.- -: cording to the gentleman himself, It was SSSSS: X i either a cinnamon or a Rocky mountain f policy reached the company, the claim grlizly bear that quickly despatched was settled by you as soon as Admiois. three ot the four dogs he had. The gen- watorwas appomtea. i take pleasure tleman forced the fighting .though, so EaWSH closely that bruin took to a tree, from patronage ; and meeting all promises which he was speedily dislodged and promptly. Respectfully yours, .. put to death; not however until he had - ; Mrs. Lucy T Andrews. killed the remaining dog. The gentle- Kt V. J. O. bUTHKIE., (in 8181 AC8flt SPECIAL NOTICES v lt ttltttXlL ttttlt ei!!i!irig;i;a;.''in.'K;K'r TiananrswixannissaMU tit Unci ae Ckarge lea than 10c To Jjiik, Tor Bale, . Bel "Wanted, Work fVaBtad, Articles for Xs cnanga, Loet, Toaaad; Bowarda, etc. f 8 the Stetson shoe . , . The eslsbrated CROSSETT shoes, com. prising all of the newest shapes and toes I are ber ana open lor your inspection. races tz.ou. 3.uu. aa.ou ana si.uu. i 8. A. Qulnrrly, high class clothier and gente furnisher. One price only. Moxky To Loam The amount wanted cuts no figure it the security is all right Apply to The Dnu Bank, txas. t , vunn, cashier. The best shoe Is the Str tson. Soven Spring Water all you can drink for oc at tiood s fountain. Fob Rekt. The rooms occupied by Messrs. Land & Cow per over the Bank of Klnston. . Will be vacant 1st of August Apply to Mk. D. Oettinoeb. Fob 8 ale One Perfection steam ower Peanut Roaster and Faultless lorn Popper combined. For particulars apply to vv, a. wilbon, Mover, jn. u. Fob Sale. The East Carolina Land and Improvement Co. bas for sale a five room dwelling In East Klnston at f 1,250 upon liberal terms, v ; r The E. C. L. & I. Co.. next to Free Press office, bas for sale a small stock ot goods at Coahoma. This Is an opportunity to get icto tbe mercantile business. Stetson shoes come in all the latest shapts. Wanted 5 Yotjno Men from Ino!r county at once to prepare for positions In the government service Railway Mall Clerks, Letter Carriers, Custom House and Departmental Clerks, etc. Apply to Inter-State Corres. Inst, Cedar Rapids, la. The shoe that is to make Klnston famous, Stetson's. Sold only by 8. A. Qulnerly, high class clothier and gents' furnisher. 15.00, 18.00, 17.00 pair. ourg To farther reduce stock of . ' Muslin Underwear we offer the remainder at the following low prices:, Govns V!oe $r.75 Value t.2$ Value Value i.oo 85 Price $1.25 ( Price ; i. bo Price .85 Price .60 Skirls r 1 . . : j , w vaiue pi. 50 rnce Corset Covers Value $i.co Value .75 Value .60 Price $ Price Price 8 M ; M M It foj to Trad at Tbe Big Siton t M M i 1 s Every yard every piece e v e r y t h i n g must be sold, and 5 quick. We need tbe room and must bave 9 it, and besides weS fCIearing, I Out it he ; a Summer 1 Goods uon b want to v carry 7 over these goods un- h til next the season. rnnn LOVNEY'S GOODS Fresh Today. , WASHINGTON LIFE Of New York. "NAME ON EVERY PIECE." LOWNEY'S tun BQUaHMVb SBX- soHSwaaBsissoHiHa URNIP iSHB You can find the best varieties of fresh seed at flOOD'S DRUG STORE. Phone No. n6. a ii All M . s N and everything elseg iui- ouxuiuer use is to a bo sold at near to M M a Ihlie never was g better time than now a 3 to save money on g g what you buy. g g M: Fancy Lawns White Goods Underwear Slippers -Etc. I HALF PRICE 8 aa mi. m aT a w jt mxasy . m ., a KLNSTON, N. O. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Ceiling . Flooring aid all kinder nainfctare4 linker. GET OUR PRICES ' Chocoktc Bonbonsa ALARM CLOCKS Temple-Marston Drujr Store, 'Brick Block Phone SO. man Is now scouring the country In search of more bear dogs, and any one having such will find a ready market at I Dover. ThegrlMlyproved tobeaskunk. will ba In Rimtoa for atmal day. voamn t sa. a. a; amitn's. -G. KOONCC, tntiu Local Aacar, The home agent can give yon tne same policy m the same company and at the same rate , that the other airent offers. Why not patronize the home agent f When you do. you mrtner the spirit of co-operation and help the home agent , to oe aDie to Help you. rE.J. DEf T0 Local Agents ! W. A. MITCHELL (.SYBIL HYATT We have sold lots of tbem this season to use around tobacco barns. ; They are not tbe cheap sort usually sold in dry goods stores, but tbey cost you no more. y Every one has a guarantee, V and the price is-only $1.00 . DENHARK, THE JEWELER. 1 MOV SESSION UNIVERSITY COLLEGE VI lilbHIVIIIk YiHGINIA. MEDICINE DEKTiSTfyPH ARM ftCf Lcciare Hall for "Ihecry, Laboratories for Proof, : tfoapltols or Prartice. On. hundred pa;e Catnuu Fr AGRICULTURAL AND IIECHAHICAL COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION : A combination of theory and practice, of book study and manual work in Engineering, Agriculture, Chemistry, Ele(N trjeity, Kechanic Arts and Cotton Manufacturing. Full Courses (4 years), Short Courses (2 years), Special Courses (3 mos ). Tuition and room, $10 a term ; board, $8 a month. 30 teachers, 369 students, new buildings for 500. Write for booklet "A Day at the A. & MV College."; Preset c:o. t. tv;::3TC3, r.z'c:0 n c. Surety Persona - ys Items About People r " VI10Come and Go SjBaaa.aaaaaBaBaaaaaaaMaaamaaj-.aaB.aaa Ml a Hay Onvl went to Newbern this morning. ; ' , ' - 1 Mrs. A. F. Griffin returned to Golda boro last night ' Mr. 8eth West ol Dover, spent yester day in Klnston. lllss Mamie Hantt of Raleigh, Is visits lng at Mr. J. R. Ball's. Mr. Albert Parrott, jr., retained from Morebead City last night Mis Mattle PhUlips returned yesterday HINPRPn. I I li.l'RPD fOH P A WV WATIIT je - ' ' ' J ' aVvwa aa w . 1 a awT a a ww. aa i s I HH VII YOUR SEWIXC MACKIXE. If your Sewlnir Machine Is out of order yon will find a man at 214 Blount street tnat nas cad the experience of 45 years I reouiiaing ana repairing maenraes. All work (ruaranteed from one to ten venxa. 1 1 . ..... . .r a nave come no live nere. 1 lurnisn any uieon or pare no any macnine: also lur- nisn nana wneeis lor weak laoles. CHABLE8 SANT. EOTEL F0.1 LEAS2 C2 REXT. WiU either lease or rent the Fields' Hotel at LaGrange. Possession given the 1st of January, 1 903. For particu iars write or see - Kinston Jtlantel Go, WANTED Vou to write ns for prices on Fire proof Safes, Burglar Proof Safes, Time Locks, Vault Doors, Deposit Boxes, etc. We will save you 1 money. 1 O. B. Barnes Safe Co., -" Box 22, Oreensboroi N. C (SPECIAL SALE OF SUMMER GOODS Dr. J. n. cts, LaCrtE-e, I. c. yjW b3 cold at half price. 5- Are 00f Yon - x; on,..., - v ; f... Cotton V7cro; PonJarda that Oc.reducedtolOc. 1 m ill Colored Lawns that t7cro 12 l-2c., reduced to 0c. A ll 10c. Lawns reduce toOc. from visiting in Greenville. Mr. Alex Fields left this morning on a busiiuss trip to northern cities. Mr. J. R. Hodges of Danville, Ta., came yesterday to visit relatives in Kins- ton. MUs Maggie Barwkk returned from Isitirgat Kakigh and Goldaboro tb!s morning. rCT.Vo Goods char-ed et V. prices. Mills located at Junction of A. & N. C. and A. C. h. Railroads, KINGTON. . . N. C. Wa ntaaufactura rough and irmei Kiln-Dritd Fin. Lombei of twy description commonly aW fcf bniidicf porpos bchidinf MolJingi, Molded Caiirgf and Ea, Hand RaOa, Siair Rail, Etc V,-. Ith, Shinjlei, obacco Stickj and Bed S'at, and get out material for Tobacco Hogsheads, Meat ana vaboag. Hoxea. w a ara aJwajn a th. naraet for Lumber, Legs and Standing Timber, for which wi dT Cah a market pricas. If yoo wiih to bay at ae'.l sea u and ge ear pixel, W. try to deal i ;naje with all and eonsidei onr word morepraciou thaa goid. for best CO" 4s and lowest f ric In jow- cry: it so yon nwn not n,..- tui store. Both ar lire. IMns, BrwK-ls, ilines 1 BHin. iff. u his ci &.i Ct'scnp- t!cn. t ..vt-rware, urr.arnenTa. J.-j prt.-p-l. coo'..; nieiltnm prirpd .;., low jTicvd gnoils to suit 11 tastes rtn.l jTi'f . C. BAILEY.

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