PUBLISHED E2lERV KFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDRY, 701 V. NO. 114. KINSTON.X On TUESDAY. AUGUST 12, 1902. price two omrra THE QDESTIOH IS : ; STILL METTLED AID PUBLIC FEELIHG UHAdATED Still Good Results May Come From " Referendum.' - bwi TmitMi nnnnrt to Chamber of Ct mmerce. Old Wheat U Threahed Over ' and a Committee , wlU be Chosen by Ballot Next Friday Night to AuUt in . . SetootfuKaSlte. The Chamber of Commerce meeting last ' night aurpassed anticipation In the way of excitement, but vout o! the violent storm, 'line thunders and lightnings ol rhetoric and an angry sea ol contention ' came a white-winged dove of peace, which The Free Press earnestly hopes will be allowed to find a permanent reet- lnafolace. ",' There le etlll a greatdeal of excited and acrimonious talk, but a calm and impar- tial judgment would convince ail 01 me wisdom of referring the Irritating school site matter to the Chamber of Commerce and an admission that the outcome of - ' the meeting, the appointment ol a com mittee to assist the Board ol Trustees in olpetlnir a site, is calculated to bring peace, provided all parties to the issue nil! lay aside personal feeling and abide br calm, unbiased judgment. Thls, however, seems to be Impossible, and as divided pnblio sentiment now runs It looks like a hopeless task for any com . mittee to bring about a consummation that will pieaee all. This appears lmpoe slble because of this dissension,' It is not a question of public sentiment, but a di vision ol public sentiment, and both aides claim a majority. Therefore, where aver the site fa selected there is bound to ' - be dissatisfaction. The people may aa well make ud their minda right now thai no committeeman aettle this matter be-J yond dispute,- " the 01y wing wr wiem to do la to take a part in the selection of thecommlttee by voteand agree, aa good and loyal party pollticlane do, to abide ' by tfie" result,"whether It W pleasing or finofc ! - '' '"""?"'iV":i "But." will say a great! many, "thai committee is to be elected by the Cham ber, of Comnw rce, and we are not mem bers and will Jhave no vote.7 Kignt nere will come' a test of sincerity-- Member J ship In the Chamber Of Commerce Is open to any good cltiien .There Is tfm4 for anyone-who swauts a-voice in .tneaeiec- tlon' ""of "this" committee to hand their name and Initiation fee to ahy one of the membership committee and the first busi ness of the meeting will be to elect them to membership, whenjthJbayea full voice in the matter. This la a fair and open proposition jbt ' fered by The Free 'lYesa In the Interest of of peace and harmony. It places all on record In1 a double eensev? Every good citizen should be a 'member of the Cham- berof Commerce on general principles, but nov theshould become members and plaV their part or, refrain frdm find- tng fault at the work of the chamber or of the committee to be selected.. Candl dates Jo : membership jmay .band, helr names to the eecretar, Mr,1 Plato Col lins, or to any one of the membership ... t 1 'i 'r' Committee. WOICU cuunuui , ut mieeoio. Henry ' French; K." R.TanstaJl -and ' D. Oettinger. .... Let It be understood that this plan is entirely the suggestion pf The Free Press and Is evolved from a f atient hearing of auggestlona and arg"- "fs of represent- .4.1 - t LniL mlAam 1 rt fit A1f4ut thirrroratnit""'' -" ''' - ";rr1cl'nr ef fe Meetfnrv the old court room hold euch a crowd aa thronged "it to the" doors last night, among Which there were many ladles. C A few. minutes were devoted to dispos ing of the' smallpox matter, reported elee where, and then the real business of the meeting was begun by the reading of the following: ' ,!" ''T -'' To the Chamber of Commerce. ; ,-: -jr . Ge.vtifmen: Tbe womn of Kinston come bt-;ore you as supj i.nta tV.3 even inn, ae king yon in the name of the c " i ron who cannot 1:"'t t-eois-'-'ves ! rr"e in our Lc'f u r - r.J to t ' d school slue, tome aruethat wt-.ts are good forcL". i-'i, rlol'-ynfT aome children, but 1 w cuU c i your attention to the fact t -1 Ln- -d children aredoban,' , 1. "it.e p cf attending this eci.ool l-f-u" remote- situation (tilty yards 1. limit of the town) aud t!i very and th tl. 'lrate onxhtt ite or aa th-1r r' -ht to attend the p 1 -c"'-H'p il 'e. Mora than ti-'- )' oft . t. hnuicLlldrco live eo'::.i c : : ' f. We of;, n Le ts ve m'!"f tis t . .- v. ) ( (I 1 i :a the your? 1 U r-i- -TV H -Tt t ) t! t of eh"! !wn wf v-!-. botve At iv t ! .' i r: t W."i t , i-ai 1 ;!tO: rt io. -t : . r la t i i r t r .(lr young glrla who attended the graded achool avery day of Isat aaaaloB, but we did not Uiink ol the dlfflculUea they had to overcome In order to make that record. Their mothers tell ua that they ware often wat to tha waiet when they reached achool and their clothes remained westlll they returaea noma in tna afternoon. Any teacher will tell you that tha child who Uvea remote from tha achool al way a has an excuse. They go to achool late. They thna lose a great deal of time from achool and both teacher and tha ' pupil lose Interest when the .child la ao often absent, , - " How many men in this assembly give tbe achool a thought In the mornfDg? Doea not all the burden and anxiety about the child's ' welfare fall on the mother? It la she who packs the lunch basket and sees that the overshoes. umbrellas a. d wraps are ready if she la aMe to have such things. Do you aver tnincorthe, women who cannot, send their children to school well protected against bad weather? ' One lady in Kins ton save that every time it rains, hack fare for her oblldren to get to school costs ner tnirty cents, another says she has to fend her children off with wornout shoes n their feet and not a piece of wool on their bodies aa large as their hands. ."Gentlemen this oondltionconfronte von in Kinston and we beg to- aturgeet that you take for rour subject tonight this question:" "Why did' l vote for bonds and who influence J me to vote?'- Call on each member to speak or to tell why he .voted and ask If he is satisfied . with the results. ' - . . - ' - The ladies ask this oryou and thev are trusting you to give a central school And they do so solemnly remind yon that tcey have prayed to iod to direct the conduct of this body. , , ' The communication was laid ,on the table and the president called for the re port of the Be ard of School Trustees, which was rendered orally by its secre tary, Mr. N. J. Bouse. Be said t was not his purpose or the purpose of any member of the board 'to do anything secretly and he deeply deplored the evi dence of public feeling. He said toe board had been prohibited from selecting the Webb lot by injunction whloh waa not lifted until last May. Meanwhile It had been at work on other sites. Option was served on Mrs. Perry's lot at tbe east end of Peyton avenue,' but it waa found too small. Then a lot owned by Mr." W. C. Field waa considered, but it waa decided that t was so near' tfte present site that the same objection, would be brought against It. Only a few month! ago the board In a body inspected the plot owned by Mr. Gabe Cox at the corner of Peyton avenue . and 'Independent street" This site was regarded aa desirable ln every way aud it waa thought It would 'be aa acceptable, to all parties aa any' that a ibid be selected" The board was willing to pay a reasonably high pr'ce, but con sidered Mr. Cox'e figure of $6,000 as altogether too high and dropped It. Ever since the injunction was removed the board baa been endeavoring to secure a more' central site and there never was a moment when the board would have declined lo select a central site if It could A RICH GIFT .TO , : THE CODIITY CRATOI PORTRAIT OF ITS PATROL Capt. tf. Wt Carrawaj Tells Jh'TuU . ; County Is Called Lenoir.1 j V Preeentea Handsome Crayon Portrait 6f General William Iieaolr,'' Patriot ; and f Fearless Indian and Tory Fighter, Then .Faithful and Efficient Servant 'of the. People. ' ' ' ' ' " -" ' ' In tbe show window of Br W. Canady ? & Co. is a handsome crayon portrait, '. I ii. . r . .mi: ! T .. r T I many mo mzv, oi ueu. n imam uvuvir. i It Is enclosed In a heavy oak frame and In the comer is this Inscription: ' , Presented to Lenoir County," by j W. Carraway, R-p. Sa. 189S- j 1901, and . A. Farker, photograr pher. v , - p j have been gotten. "It is "easier to criti cise than to act," said Mr. Rouse, The board, he said, had always tried to do its full duty and had even gone beyond it by advancing money to pay teachers with UUDCVUilkJ. Mr. Routte's report was greeted with great applause and it looked as If it was all over.'- :" - 'J - -The portrait is tbe work of Mr. Parker and is perfect in execution. Accompanying tlw portrait is a letter from Capt. W. W. Carraway t j Mr. B, W. Canady aa chalr- ttriau of, the board of county, commission eT, which explains tbe portrait and the reeson of its gift to the county,- which follows in full: , Monticello Farm. Tnntr (Vinntv N (. June 11, 1902. ( To the Honermhle Board of County Contoiiuioaent Mr. Chairman and Geutlemen: '' All through 1 life I have had the question asked me by the rising generation why Lenoir county was called Lenoir.' It oc- enrred tar me while a member of the leg islatnre, that H I conld find a good pic ture of Gen. Wm. Lenoir, In whose honor out county waa named,'- that I would have a copy made and present the same to the county of Lenoir, so that coming generations might know 'why their conn ty waa named LenoJrV l Through the klndnesa of Mr. Frank A. Clenard. engrossing clerk of the Senate, erfonl willlamaon m which who toarried a grand-daughter o! Gen .tlon put an end to the Cherokee Wm. Lenoir, x I obtained a photograph . Ha Tn M ha ttken from a life al oil painting the carried $ t wlth lt ud n0 M property of Mr. W. T. Lenoir of CaW- nQh(m he WM well knowa p,, :CZZZZZ3! fH-'hrrN.i:-':' - ' ' ' - , " 'l;;isV:?:'.'fc":h: ;;l.' v t r-"-' 4'?,: : th 'i;?J'v '.; . "' ' t: . -'.' ' . tv - . ' ' '; : t:vt ' . s , ' Jit iff: 'ffl'15' HIIELY TOPICS ' 1 TERSELY TREATED. Short Local Stories, .Editorial -Zotcs. (. ;.AN AMERICAN CRCUS M BORDEAUX. i Ate i v'' When .1 "num & Bailey'B circua pitched Ita tents, in, Pordeaujc, France, re cently. tbc .: cvaa waa erected in tbe place des Quinconcea, In tha , very heart Bf the cit d tbe principal public square' and show place of Bordeaux." That ' private : arprlae of this kind should be given tha use of a public park Is ararprlsiufc Americana, who relegate such ebowa to vacant lota. A clrcua in Madison are park. New York, or on Boston Common would almost be cause for -. ot . , , ;. (,, Pity fa akin to love, but kinship doea not aJwaye signify friendship.- !" " a)""""" " " -First get a man's heart and yon will not have to draw a revolver on him to get his parse. .V The most noticeable trademarks are tha wrinkles on buslneaa men'a browe ln dull times. s , , . ,, ; ": Calling a man hard names la often only another way of saying that ha dares to differ from you In opinion. - . ',,' Opinions area good thing to have In life,: but an extra pair of suspenders ia often of more practical value. When bullet or sword-thrust hushes : tha breath t f one upoo the field of battle, the heart of some woman la also wounded. . Genuine good breeding Involves the sort of right feeling that mates it Impossible to be otherwise than polite on all occa sions. " . " r r; Every individual In tbe world infloencea some one person, and.the greaterrwe make ourselves the greater we make me one else.' t .. .: " . ' " I welt county. ' From his grandson; the to travel unless undergoing the strictest I.' I.LLI.1 Ilk.. - L 1 W.JJU - oVlUOU BV WI UBUIW tuwiug uiewir, o. urn ,.. Kna Mnnnfaln hM h ; Gen. Wm. Lenoir waa born In Bron- ,n f . .n mnA . K .... WW ctjuuiy, a.,iu ui aaaj,i th,,-, M. ,- -a w if - a 1' , L.'rt til- Kit.. I 7w"B" , ' j , ' - , wmv ew w nv ew we wmv o vu uc iuiuvio movearowcomoe county, near lar- h pa88ed through different gra(Je( Mwy, "urin Boiit no, fju. jcore frnm rt,iWW unit tn a. ma(nMnn..t ' - ,a TTs. T tawUBh latter capacity, he aerved 18 the old field schools. At twentv he mar-1 , ' f .- , . - .Who, Come land Go years, - f i (Continued on eecood page, fifth column.) Cut this ont and take ittoJ. E. good's drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's - Stomach t and - Liver Tablets; the- best Dhveic. Thev cleanse and Invigorate the stomach, Improve tha appetltd and regulate the bowels. , Reg ular size, 25c. per box. ' ' ' ' " ' rted Miss Ann Bauara, oi fiaiirax county. ; xt iu'iliihch w. hLjL.t ... a part of Surry'county) andaettled where 8tate8 He flUed ftt diflerent riod h WHkesboro now atanda. , ,,!,, Affl. 1.L'- KJefore leaving Uaiirax he eigned a pa- miHHinnnr nf Avf rt nlia.trmn.n nr thm T . --"1 ... per called "The Association Paper," ask Ing the sentiment and opinion of the peo pie ln regard to the freedom of the colo nies He waa clerk to the committee of county court and clerk of the superior court of Wilkes county. , !, ', rr Ha waa one ot tha original trustees of tbe University of North Carolina, and safety of Stokes county until the state w-a na t,Bon f h.A : conewiUHonwasauopwo. , 6a aarwil man fa In hnrh hrah-a On .the commencement of hostilities ii.t4.M rr ... v wuv loinvmi : AAV ' nun Bvaiv ij with Great Britain, Gen. Lenoir took: an the Senate for 5 year;, for several years keea were frequent ln western North Car olina he formed and commanded a cot pany to defend the settlement. He fought ,th Indiana and Tories. . Ha joined-Col.r, Cleavelan s, regiment aa a lieutenant, and aerved with Gen's Ruth- ii lt li I. BP", !! )X4 .! THE WEEUTTtfS IN ANTWERP. -.?v -,:-' i f-t. t-. -;y ... .... ( v . . . .,5 ' vl..' ' actlva part. DepredaUons of the Chero-1 h9 wa8 ft member of dottncH of atate and president of t9at board Member' of atate conventions which met to consider the constitution of the United 8tates. While speaker of the Senate Dobbs county waa divided and Lenoir county waa born and named Lenoir in honor -of thai christian-, soldier am, statesman xl unbending integrity, and. firm patriot. ''And no w.Mr. Chairman. I" have the honor to tender to the Conntv of Tno1r this crayon portrait, ln behalf 'of myself and Mr. E. 8. Parker, who bore l alf of tha expense" In making thla "plctJrer"; I have the honor to be, f! fJC;Eeapectfu"y Yonta,- - , . WjW. Carraway. -1 Cn 1 rfr,'I t ttt I. Ill .XTot a Candidate. ' ' - . Kinston, N. CL, August 13, 1902 Eeitob Fbek Press y . . . , My name has been spoken of in connec- ! Mon with the nomination for reprssenta ! tive ln the lower branch of the next gen eral assembly. ," 1'Jease say to my people, first, that I am not a candidate for this or any other office. However, I sincerely thar.k those who favor my nomination for their goo will and kind expressions. - What ma' could be any other than uratefnl lo those nice things said of me by my mu-h valued and ever faitLfnl friend, Dr. R. H. Lewis? , i The action of tie late primarv of that fl-.nd oi l t m: ' '-, Falling Creek. In which 1 1 8 spent 43 rara of my life, is tro!y rra.j i e ad will never be erased from my rrrnory. Eowever, the demo cratic j : ; 9 re notllr?; on the contra-y, It has doue tea times, yes. t'.rv I tinnps, i.n fir me ti.aa I can ever hope to do for i 1 1 ,ave been the reolpioTit of nameron? t ' a of honor and trust from n 1 an i. ; ' ! mem, It jr'rn me and m:s f s . ii Tf.-'.-' run f.r t -e pa 23 yer. ion - r -x-.: t, j f IS ' 1 tolliOOl. wL'- h sc. 1 1 iw to me aa only a h' J-1 oms c.'aLi. try res;-ect?.:"r. Cecece F. rAniioiT Mr. S; Wi Isler went to Goldsboro last Before yon ran in double harness, look . well to the other horse, but see to it that the other horse doesn't have a chance to look well to yon. , Even if work were tha aole aim of life, it would be folly to neglect relaxation -r ,for no labor can be efBciently and perma-' Upntly carried on without it ', i , w .' . A thing la never worth while doing If ft doea not do na eoroe distinct good, if It doea not make us better, whether spirit ually, mentally or physically. TiMiLY Toprs : Iq the midst of these- political ..alarma ,ndi,r graded achool, ings last night. tnat we would keep hustling after that faa Melisses May returned yesterday g01 busa I; gotachanca to rifUtWiaCravefcoMtyJ SOVl SJ, T ' W h .f'.'". " ".: 'V ?; chairman of tha county commissioners ?JMajorH.F. Brown came from Ralelvh I alarms and various .other , ff treasona. yesterday. , j, n , k i . ; ' f 1 tratagema and epblls," letta not forget ' Prof. E. A. Simpkine returned to Seven that Jou and 1 have lromleed each other, Springs last night. I na" would seep hustling alter that t Mtea froni ii fiL.1 wi w w .v Ichalrman of tha county commissioners lilttle MIsa Marv Rlmnaon Rna Ift thin I xi . . . . ... Ii ' . TiV. 7 ZiLZ t A loe oiner oay ana lound, him "reason. , mnrningforWUford to visit frlenda.p able." I reminded him that George Tull'a 1 Mr. George Hadley was In Kfnetoa a bottom land-.)1iaW,'cwlW:bl.Mlck for few ionra, yesterday, returning from macadam and that the Way to etart ia Greenville to LaGrange. to get the conntv and town to chin In Mr. I. M.Tol! left this taornlng for a and buy a rock crusher and ateam road ten days' visit tp "the land of ihe ky'! I foUer ;nd go to work. Tbat'a . all we the Blue Ridge mountains. : I Vv, k fieed, ,yoa know, exeapt to, know how. ' . Mr. Alex Fielda returned vesterdav 'Go ahead and write it up ln from a abort buslnesa trip tc Richmond, he Free pre88 and I'" 't9 bJ Jon-", .. Washington and Baltimore. now, mat ia a Tight smart 01 a etart for ylMl-aE-t-n Trlnn whA hail W 7?" thtokf hava ' " at Mr. Plttman'a, returned to ,her home "poked 9pon Mr. Canady aa opposed, f at Bonnerton this morning. to good roads,, becansehe topk no Inter. . xi nil. Tj-n ,.-1 lt 1 1 ' PB ,pm roaaaconvenwon, at Mr. Ralph Kilpatrick, who had been huw-h Rnt .!a i'Ju' " parenta,teft for Pannaaoffkaa, hi. .whanjoige, bli.tarU now 1 .hom4ttmoratog.j: yfiijn;:ia ... 'that he show. . dlmo.itinn wt I L sa Llrz!e;A;ienarllttlaJa Mary ail jret together behind UnLctWVlm a?4 Moora Ayenwha had .been, visiting ,atl above., tie a. 'pack of flrecrackere to hia JdW H AUen- Hrdt -W- coaMaliand let-er go, Nw.aomS'peppl; f !l0ril"tlW" JA1P3 'my tWCanadywaa giving ma a LiatofDeleKatAo..,, In eonvention and campaiga,.bnt ont r ; ' ' upon Buch a base Insinuation! I wonld Thefollowinr "townships- have-jnat not think ft to a mome'nf.1 '- rO;KKo1r, aent In tbe list of their delegates to the democratic county convention to be held in Kinston next Saturday: - - v '. " 1S8TITCTE. . ' . .:- : . The- convention of Institute townshiD was call d to order by Mr. E. B. Byrd, wito Air. w. r. tiaray aa secretary. The following delegates were elected : 5 '-;t , , Prompt Action. ,,ti ; At the. Chamber of; Commerce, meetingr,.; last night Mayor Webb reported, that ,', negro excursion from., New Bern, . wa , t ached nlftj. to coma to Klneton today, and . asked what action be should take, Tha ) mayor of New Bern had notified him. that F. R. Ilod tree. J. W. Gray. J. T. Kennedy. I there were five case of amaXnox amor? J. A. Aldridsre. Alternates : , H. B. War- the colored Deonle than,. Tha Chnmhar t Commerce unanimously asked the board of aldermen to keep the excursion , from ten.. Ella Sullivan, 8. P. Hardy and U L. Pate. fn motion the chairman and secretary were added to tha list of dele gates.' -". ' ' fT' '. . Mr. u. u euiiivan waa nominated for townah constable. - - , Tbe following were nominated aa masr- ic t rates for the township: ers, E. B. Byrd, Ray Dawson. P1KK BILL. " "" - . rink mil township has elected tbe fol lowing delegates: B. K. Noble, G. L. mith, Vance iSofcle, iilaney liarper, W. . Join's. r The delegates were fnstrurted to vote e-nd use all their influence fa- Mr. Gorire uracrforthe It stplatnre and Mr. Plato CoLins for clerk of the court. ., The followir from Trnt THE"T. coming and tha board Immediately did, ao. The aldermen were quickly gathered and without debate adopted a resolu- J. W. Broth- t5o Prohibiting the train from stopping here. , ,. . ; , .. , DjseBtarr Cored Without the Aid of a t " .' -' - Doctor.. i. v . ; "I am just up from a hard spell of tha flux" (dysentery). ys Mr. T. A. Pinner, a well known merchant of Dromiiiond, Tenn. "I uwd one bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Item edy and was enred without having a i doctor. I consider it the best cholera medicine in the world." 1 here is no need 01 employing a dwtor whe en t:i'n -.ev wlr ar list are the d-legatea , ia used, for no d-tor ran pre- ri! e a bet township: II 11. leu un, J. j ter medi'-ine for bowol coti;i!aint. in fir-o- Outlaw, C. il. Fordham, f.-int form, e'tker forcl.'ljren or bi ts. It MarAy, ..ick liarner, Brown ii..ams never f-V anl ! r.npf fo fs T. and Oscar Hardy. . eal at J. E. Uood'a Pitt Ztori.' "

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