fr Locomotive Strangely Lost In ' THe Quicksands Ou a hot July day in 1S93 two men , stood together in a cab of one of the big freight engines ,of the Santa Fe road which was snorting and puffing in the station of Albuquerque, Si. M. awaiting the signal to draw out - Bill Seavy, the flreman, was address ing the grizzled old engineer In a serf- ous voice. " "She said. The aand will block' your - ears and blind your eyes, choking op your throat while you gasp and stran- gle under tons and tons of lt'A , 'Vyho said sor asked the engineer crossly, looking up the sizzling line' of track, the rails so hot that they would blister the hand that touched them. "Little Anita, the Indian girt who Urea up near MulVey's place. She came . to me yesterday and looked into, my face with those great round eyes of hers - and, '; waving her band, . said. 'There's trouble coming, senor; horri ble, dreadful deaths coming.' Then she told me about the sand, and then she fell down, fainting: It was awful aw full" And the young fellow covered his eyes with his bands and swayed to and fro, moaning. "Ah, bosh!"' exclaimed the engineer. though the corners of his mouth twitched suspiciously. Then as he straightened up, as though ashamed of his weakness In listening, he grum bled: - "Too much 'red eye. Cnt it out, boy. j Cut it out, or It'll get you. Here's the signal to start, boy, and away we go.' And he threw open the throttle, and ' the long train moved along, gathering : i speed as It moved. ' l-'.i.---,t': But the fireman did not seem to heed the words of the older man and shov eled the coal into the open maw of the engine, from which, the bright streams of-flame shot forth, in a half hearted manner, bis mind still dwelling on the words of the Indian girl. . The engineer, a man of more practl cal mind, seemed anxious, too, but from an entirely different cause. Peer lng around at the flreman through a cloud of perspiration, he said r "I'm kinder scared of these rails today, boy. It's' been so beastly hot that I'm al most; afraid they may bunch up and throw us. If that should happen along about the quicksand district, your In diaxr girl's Treaklnesr might " - come ' true." And ' hrf eyed the young flre man quizzically.- The fireman turned deadly 'pale t un der' his plastering of grimy coal dust, and, grasping the' engineer's' arm, he ( groaned ; in - an agonized - voice: "Go alow t Oli, for God's sake, go slow!", Along hummed the train over the glistening rails. "flashing-through ? the little towns and hamlets ' which they passed like a long brown snake, the merry whistle of the engine cutting the " still air while a cloud of black smoke drifted back like a streamer of piracy. They slowed down at Socorro for the engine, like a Roman giant, to gather speed for the climb at the ridge near San Antonio; then, opening the tnrottles wjde the - black monster twitched and shorted up the long hill, bearing its heavy burden of freight cars after 1C And upon reaching the top' It gave a prolonged whistle of - trl umph as it started on Its down war plunge. Meanwhile the flreman seemed to have forgotten his dark forebodings' of the earlier part of the afternoon and was whistling1 cheerfully as he shovel ed on coal. Down the hill they plunged. the engine rocking and swaying from Mystery Of the Desert s' ' ' '-"r THB EKOIXB LEFT THS BAILS. its ppeed, despite closed throttles, when SudJenly it gave a frightful plunge, rose fcfsh from the rails and crashed Lke Elone away down into the bod of ;'' '.'nr. J which bordered the track. tlLl'.zs Into It with tbe rnpi lity of a I ' cf f , f 't Into the ocean, I . tivo ' ' t c;irs wt!ch 1 i c v.; ; 'ir : 9 C w a . : ' r i- 1, !. i t t: i err i . i a r ! ! 7 l:i a : n had witnessed. And the rails whanget and buzzed in an agony of grief be cause of the awful murder which had been committed all through two ends of track projecting upward from the heat sent down by the sun. The In dlan girl's prophecy was fulfilled. , 'Two years passed by, and, although the disappearance of the engine re mained as great a mystery , as, ever, still it was beginning to be forgotten, as such things wills M- " 1 ; One day a gang of workmen were en gaged In driving piles about ten miles down the river at the -edge of the quicksands, when one of the workmen, driving bis shovel down Into the ground heard a clang and felt a thrill pass through his band. Quickly draw- lag bis shovel up, he found that th edge was doubled. . Seizing another shovel, with an oath of surprise, he began to dig furiously Into the sand, and after ten minutes' hard labor be uncovered to view the circular top of smokestack of an en gine. Calling the foreman," be an nounced the astonishing fact to him. and the foreman quickly telegraphed the news to the head office. A crew was set to work digging around the spot, and after two months' bard labor the engine which had been lost two years before was brought back to the light of day, with the skel etons of the engineer and flreman still Inthe cab.-' v- i How the engine ever moved ten miles from the spot where the fatal plunge was made Is still an unsolved mystery. Found Death vt The Winning Post That death frequently stalks near those who win victories has been dem onstrated again and -again. A recent case brings this claim strongly to mind. .During a ball . game at Dal- .- SOKXBTimi WAS SXXX TO JTAIiTXB. las," Tex, on the 4th of July Charles Harrington Of Dallas. twhUe In1 tbe pitcher's box, was struck In the stom ch by a ball from the bat After be ing struck Harrington ' picked up the ball and threw a runner out at first The ball was returned to him, and as he "'caught It and was in the act of again pitching It he threw op 'his bands and toppled orer; a corpse. .Tragic events of .this. sort seem to happen In connection with some sport or other, mi ( - One of the best, known among recent professional cyclists to' Australia was James SomervHle. .Three years ago he was farorlte among fifty starters., for the Sydney Cricket duh vcupr The eyent one mile was xlecliled on an as phnlf track at fiydney' during a big iectrlt l-nght carniTal.'; 8omerrllla'a only serious rlTtl was another, fast rU. Percy CAS. There was a roar e applause ss these twe swung inta the home stretch- well.-ahead f:lt -other jomtort"ad rely yard apart This distance they maintained till wltLIa tifrtr yards of he Up.r At falter; his hands sloped from the ban. 6 u.v vers, kiki ibbi neazeir xorwaro But his machine,' underwits terrlie Im pulse, hot enwardr ihtt- rliar's feet la their toe dips, still revolving, with the pedals. . He crossed the line. a. few 6 lnches'la f.-ontcf C::T and then ml 6 and machine collapsed In a heap. He S was quite coaa when picked up, and the doctors said it was net, the fall that had killed fclaw Heart failure had been the result of the strain, and he had been dead before ever he breasted the tapel - Fatal Baatlns- Accident. Many fatal accidents have happened in the hunting field, but never perhaps so extraordinary a one as occurred to the master of the Westchester bounds in England. The season was almost over, and it was arranged to take a photograph of the hounds on tbe morn ing before the last meet; The master at upon his horse with a stuffed fox la Lis arms, and around him were ."rod the huntsmen, whlrpers In ; sfvrral irominent members of the i. Tie il.o:-rra;h had Just teen t ' 1 vi 1 1 st Cat rise ent one cf the ". 'i fv .t r' ' t cf the stuITod fox i..'.'-''.: a r '. s vr"ar-l toward It. 1 r ' 1 :t. j I ' ' 1 ; - r" rr ;'l rtt sni- ; - 1 I 1 . r a (' - ply ; r ; - t : !' ' 11. is- term I. ig-, 1 1 ? DR. WILLIAM EDWARDS, - Physician and Surgeon, KINSTON, N. C Phone Wos.: Offloe. 61: residence. 103 OtHc-e formerly occupied by Dr. H.O. Hyatt. . . . , Summer-Goods lyi. I-. it FOR liadies . AND Gentlemen If you have not purchased your Straw Hat, or if yon need anothet it will pay you to see us. g9Our line of Gents' Furnish ing Goods is up-to-date. Heavy and 'Fancy . Groceries. We want to supply you In this line. You are invited to come to see us. TUNSTALL d HILL. ' Crick Clock, Hi'. 41 Next to Temple-Marston Drug Stor ' , H. W. SIMPSON, Architect anil Superintendent MAIN OPFICX, HtfWBBWr, ft. C. BRANCH OFFICB, KTNSTOW, V, C. Consult us on all matters pertaining t building. We guarantee good serrloe. C. E. LirXOLN, . .. D,T ia,Klaaton Office. , CAPTT0LA AVENUS I " to 810 ro tio , ro x aio 70 aio ro x sio ' ro bio - - : g ! 70 tl0 ? 70 tlO 70 s S10 . , - 70tl I ft - 7 tlO : 70 s 810 ' ; i - r 1 4- - 7Oti0 , SOLD 3 70 t SIO ; 70 s S10 g ,70tl0 'r0stl0t ;;v;" j ; g - ', a - h ; 70810 ; t SOLO 7010 -! 70stl0 , 70s10 ' "TO a' 110 - ' ORA1N0ER AVENUB- ' : - ' - 0 Kf4o4o4o4K4o ;UUPQUlIIw 'IS NOT NARCOTIC If CURES .-..VcV' T'iM All Hca2 hv maavinf the.'canse'and - relievln? the nerve tension : cou at au vrzx chores 3 r " O000O0OOO0OOO Drj F. A. a' R. a. tniTAKEs i rnYEICIANS AKD EUSGE0N3, KINSTOX.N.C 1 Oflic oa Ohm itrMt. two doon tenth of I. W. One or thc othtr suit b foasd at tha omc freai .. to la. a. JAMES SPRUNT INSTITUTE, KCNAHtVILLC. N.C. An KTal pTce trt end tout daw rter. location healthr l. 1 each in tmu-nAMd. Preparatory ; nd c- :ate c-u'-r. i umaa isad under I : t ti;. 1 f r, S liuentg y oDtii.D Coanty T'f-'.i lied course, t .0 : p n iiual fee fur one r term be nt S-pt, put c W rite i t caui' at Tee . t. ";; I'. 1 irtijM a. m. .. cownS Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, "' K1MSTON, W.C :'' OSkM owf Buk of KJattoa. Practka vkwrrar tka tmnhm an dtjindt erchants Diners Transportation Co. - Steamship Linos ' Norfolk to : ; Boston and Prorldence. Daily service to New England; - Freight handled with care 'and dispatch. .." -, - ' Accommodations and cuisine un surpassed. R7 H. WRIGHT, Agent, , , ', Norfolk, Va. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. C.S. HQS KINS, G. F. A. nJ. C. WHITNEY, - - ad V. P. and T. M General Office, Baltimore, Md. VOOTEN & WOOTBN, ; Attornbvsat-Law, cxmston, n. c CiBocrr: Lenoir. Jones. Greene. Plt and Onslow counties. Supreme Court and ceaerai uourt oi Eastern ttorwiwnuna W, P. HAUNim, . HARDING & HARRIS Attorneys-at-Law, KINSTON, - . . NO. Practice in all th- torts. Office over B.W. Tanady & Son's store .iVoi) cAn nAitE.. your life easier by buy ing your Ice Cream from Skinner, , ' ; O r ' Delivered in any quan tity from on quart up. Phone 140. - 'M 1 : kiNSTOW, h. c .CAPTTOLA AVBNUB CAPITOLA .."j These, are the most desir , able, as w.ell as available, vacant lot in Kinston. This ' , map, (which, by tbe way, is a . . , very creditable piece of work : set up in rules and type in Thc Fbbb Pbess shop), will give, you some idea as to the loca- ' - LAND & COWPER , w.tion ot these lots.. , , w T. , , v l The prioes are reasonable and terms liberaL ; If you want a building lot be sure to see us before purchasing, . , . j f. Liberal terms sjiven When desired, i- . We wish to be in position to help negotiate safe - loans to enable thrifty worklngmen to buUd and own their own homes and pay for same on tbe instalment plan. Therefore, such of our farmers and others who have money, may apply to us. ,;. We promise to treat such matters strictly confidential, so parties, can safely apply to us to negotiate well secured invest- . merits for them, and, of course, we would not advise an investment we would not make ourselves if we had .' money to spare.' ' ' . 5 rj . s, a - , . . If you wish to loan or borrow money,' to rent or buy, or rent out or sell property we win do the best we can for you, so don't hesitate to call on as. -ElST XiSCLIIi L1ID ilD UPCTIEIT CO., WexttoCTCPies0oe, ;"sTurax6jr, . c. r If you want tjx-to-dato Tcilcrln j done place your :i.8.lJ!:t7fiLL8; Evcrythin j fjusrantccd with a guarhjitcd that i3 ifjoodl1 Could you - ircr ? KmSTON, N. C. If You T7ant a ' Pamp Hcpaircd or a e;7 ciz ptt do-a, or Awnlrs rat ir:"t:-ica:icar:e 1013, .trro C. d:pct. e-rt cf A. JULIUS D"LL. r:. . 115. Come and see our Ideal and 20th Century Ice; Cream; Freezers. Also our large lot of lHater; Coolers. t&We make you comfortable. DIXON a HARDWARE, ? ARE YOU TIRED OF QUACK MEDICINES THAT HAVE DONE YOU flO GOOD? : HARRIS LITIIIA WATER It flushes the Kidneys and Bladder and excretes tbe uric actd In the system. It has cured thousands of Kidney and . Bladder Troubles, Bheu- t matlsm and all Kindred Diseases, and IT WILL. CURE YOU I The man or woman who has used Harris Llthta Water has made a dlscorery. Oase 12 gallon bottles, S4XM), delivered. - One dollar allowed -for return of bottles. Harris Llthla Water carbonated la quart and pints. : As a table water It Is unexcelled. For sale by dealers. - - - Local Distbibotobs: Temfls-Mabston Dbvo Co. ahd J, JE. Hooo. : ' B1SBIS ItrniA 8PRIN6S CO., Htrrla Spring 8. C. I I . i 1 I . i . 1 . 1 I I i I l l l I l l l - f I l I ', I AVENUB CAPTTOLA O o . a M o M ' 5 o o o 0RA1N0BR ! ... ' - ' -t .. . e ' o ' o ' o M T ' M M " M S S 8, t t I ' N ! ' j " o j .... o e j o n m m . ! n i S . - .. 8 ; .. O . S MMH"ilYlltaiaiilfMlMMIIMWMMMM : O IO O 1 3 I i ' 5 s - a o ... o e ! o s . s ;s ; s LENOIR STREET. TheChiiiiese '' ' believe that a mao'a sonl ' ' 13 la his atonucb, 'and if . mat were so, our custom, era would all be good people because we have r more pood things to eat than aqy other grocer in the city. " We have an array of edibles that will please the rcost fastidious Uste. Everything that can be found b i strictly , upto-date grocerjr store. Yours to please, W. D. LaRoque, Jr. Up-to-Datb GiOCHX, Phohb 7. KIX8TON.I.C Cr.n. d. n, di::ttai, cuugson, r rrrriTc, rr. c. " -' tJ-OXca tw S. P. Johatoat (ton, t tao Uf' UTBiiHtUof, azt to C. W. rrfc'jto 4 Co.' Mora, -' Keep out the pesty flics by having your Doors and Windows fitted "with We make them to fit any 'dqor or window, i f - HOOKER. KINSTON, N. O. ' ATENUS O M M ; m , O 6 AYSNUK i 0 , w a o ' Q - X . o AVENUB of "t . ti J s5 o O o M 2 ... M M . LENOIR STREET HACKED?'? BT1' OVEH n C30,000,000.06f Fraaklfia draw the l!htnfn fmm th' fllonds and Edison kasluikdalttaJk. WVi - a "Phonograph,' is a wonderful talker," 11 can't flgun worth eauft. figures bn ' press business men mora than an thin else. The Dnloa Central is a bij fountain from which sllrery streams of dividend -have been flowing for over thirty yscua, f A-VVVior m ppucy ana get la the swim THOMAS L. WltXINOHAn. SmcW Aft, Unlo ' Coatral Uf laiaraaca C.. klaat . CT Seamless Hose and Half-Hose. THB ORION 1111.13, KInston. . v,., manuiacturers Seam less Hose and Half nose, la natural tint, fast and staiales3 black or colors. These goods, while not quite so low-priced as the goods with Ecans, e.rz i cheaper In the lcrj rra. Tbtj wear lender. LclIIzs, tlrj are more ccnfcrUbls to V. t fect. ' ' 'A:i ycr dealer fcr V. . - o . lHLLGsocl.3crt:;:' '