jffiristori id. j & august , ioa Sua Moa Tm Wad Th FH Bat T" 2 t 4 T 8 9 10 11 13 13 U 15 16 17 18 19 90 91 92 93 24 99 90 97 98 99 80 31 Weather Forecast for August 1 to 8, mild oeriod. cook 4 to 5. warmer: 6 to 7, dry and hot; 8 to , local storms; 10 to ?' -WViVVj'h'Sin 16, wry hot; 17 to 18, high tempera- tore general; ltf to no, severe tnunaer and lightning; 21 to 22, unsettled eon. tlitlona; 23 to 24, variable; 25 to 27, cool wave, lair; 28, warmer. 29 to 81, UM Pha.-New moorw fld: first quarter, 10th; full ,moon, 10th; , laet quarter, 26th. , .- r Augusc iz. bub nneB, o:j.o, eew, v;oo, Day's length, 13b, Sim. Trareler Guide. ? THAWS ABK1TB 19D LCAVI. A. k V. C, ast, & 63 a. m., to Kew- era only; 4.83 p. m. . West, 10.19 a. m., 1 8.28 a. m., 7.87 p. m. A. P. L., north, 7.80 a. m.: south, 8.43 p. m. TBI mails. -- Close, A.C.L., north, 7 a. C, 8. 90, east, and 9.40 4.00 n. m.. east. 6.80 west, m; A a. I . m., west; Open from I west 9.8S a. m.. from east 10. 0; a. m., .15 p . m., from west; .745 p. m., from PRODUCE MA RELET. Retail Prloea Today In Kinatonl Stores. Dried Urn bMix, tje qt. Country hunt, 17 IC lb ana, tjeqt, Jountry null, 17 i-ac id. mm, loqt Virginia hama, 16 l-oc lb. : qt. ' C. R Sida maat, it u lb par quart Cabbage, 5c each. JMMd eotoml MWU, Wluu pu tee ' TmhIam ae fiatr Com, 95c bohL . tritb petstoc, ee pKk. Black watatnt, jc ptwk. : AppUM, ace w tje pec. Itwl, jc pack. " tgg, 17 l-e ilo. Oraigaa, y to 6C dona. Lamona, a$c do. Bananaa. ao to doe. iHKka, c each. Chyhana, ic aacb. ' Ouinaaa. (e aach. u,wuc., v iMiiatu, Men. ; - ' I VrmcJiickeDt. to Butter, (table) wto i lb I vu, jc gmiioo. Artco ,i p-k powa. Ooolung butter, japnai. Prone., -j to locpoend Diid pMcbw u i-m.' , ..' Rye. t bwhei. - reeai, mc yen. - , v nicKKMmti, c quu Wluat, buKL . ' Oaw, 6C biubl. - CI IJfr(Hftfri- tf '' Uin3l0n V I (rietoacope Moving if Fleturas ot DaUy ZWnts Stret Happening's The Christian Endeavor society will I meet at the Christian church tonight at 8:15. , ' r i . . : . : I The Democratic county convention ( . will meet tn Klnston at the court house at 12 m. Saturday. Subscribers to the telephone system will please add to their list Mr. C.' R. Dodson, stemmery, No. 47. Miss Jennie A. Culver of Stockholm, N, T., has been secured a musical director In tbe Rhodes Military Institute. She is highly recommended. 1 A force Is at work on tbe sidewalks now. It will take several weeks though for all the walk to be cleaned of grass. Another force Is needed to cut the weeds down In the streets, '"if" Ths colored excursion from James City and New Bern, which was scheduled to come to Klnston "and' wbich was pre vented from doing so by the prompt action of the mayor and board of alder men and chamber of , commerce passed through, Klnston at noon, probably for Qoldsboto. . .... A momentary biasing up of gasollns In The Free Press engine room when the nglne were being started np at 7 o'clock this morning led to an unwarranted and unnecessary alarm of fire. There 1 no danger In it and the flame was quickly extinguished, even before the bell rang the 1 " - The remains of M John; THostettf t were taken this morning to Buffolkr a., iormtemnenW'Mc andMrs.' JM. Hos tetter and a commutes from the Elks', eonatying'oH Messrs. ,E. , B, f Lewis ,aad "W, H. LaBoqus left with the wmalas. About a dozen of the Elks' went to the train to pay thelt respect to' their' .men her departed.', . '-w'y-'i-Cv la Tssterday's article on the library, new subscribers should have read non- subBcribera. New subsciibers have as much right to borrow book as old nb frtbera. Non-subecrlbers may not take any book from the library, but may read any book there, If they remain la the li brary room to , do o, . without , any charge. ' 4 f-J ' ' ' Dr. James . Parrott, who has made -several trips in the country during the paf t few days, predicts a dull week in the Xbaston tobacco market. He says farm labor Is very scares and the farmers are all so busily sngaged pulling fodder very little enrfng is being dona. The tobacco Is comic g along all right and soon ths fanners will be at!e to give It their nn dlvi ' j atte ntion and then the market v 1 ! 1. ' - -: Tie I Vt rrepcrlpt ion for MavIsHa "J Fver U a bottle of Gors Tastt- - " T n(c. it L sunp'y iron and qainine ia c :in. So cure o pay, tne 50c Continued Story of " jCocai G vents Tba Tobtvseo Board of Trade held their ivlar monthly meeting last night and elected on eDembershlp.that of Edvvdi & Folkrtoo. ' It wu th regular meetlng for election of officers, but that tu pott poned on account of Chamber of Com merce meeting at the court doom until th Uat Monday sight in August. ; Messrs. W. C. Flslds, Ir and H. D, Harper! Jr., gat a melton feast to a party of tea at the latter office yesterday morning complimentary to Miss Era a.t. . . . n,. a wuo., .. wu Llcsis Smith of Suffolk, ,Va., who are Siting ber. ' Tbey all spent a pleasant hour and left voting thabosta a eoaple of I pfeasaBtentertalner, j Nothing doing In the: matrimonial line (last week fa Lenoir county, which same ehows that our young beaac and belles are neglecting - golden opportunities to launch Into a state of connubial biles. We feel sure that this Is only a temporary lull In business and hope this week will show better results,, as Klnston has es tablished a record In this branch of I Industry from which she must not recede. 1 1 1 vnn mvnr lie u r ki.iiiiihmi niw I nsfii. a i . ni i ni.ll . r -- . . one occured last week ana toe bystanders were treated to a lot of choice Chinese elDletlves which were wholly onlntelll gible to them except when a few Aruerl canlzed enss words, such as "damme" . n1 hMflt, er brought Into tlav. The Chinese laundry down the street i conducted by two celestials, and It seems that they had a misunderstanding about the business which resulted In the afore said row. No bones broken, nor deaths recorded, The A. & N. C. management Is prepar ing to glv the people along the 11ns a , . . . ,- i i.v grand Weal DJ . lOKUJg nu; wuu w u u ito "the land of the sky." A special I " ' r I train will leave Morehead at 3:40 a. m., on Tuesday Aug. 19,stoppingat Klnaton at 6:87 and scheduled to reach Ashevllle at 7 p. m. Round trip tickets from all 114Mwsttof,TJiewna;.wlBeot5 and are good to re turn on any train out of Asbevllle up to and including Aug. a This Is a fins' opportunity to see the magnlflcent mountain district of North Carollria at very small coat, , An Impromptu dance was given at Qoldsboro last night, complimentary to the vlsltlni ladies, to which several of Klnston's devotees of the terpBlchorean pastime received InvlUttons and attend led. Among the number were Mies Mamie Hlnes and Messrs. W. C. Fields, jr.; Har- vey HJnes and Frank Qulnerly, a whom expressed,: themselves a having spent a delightful evening and are cor respondingly grateful. Muslo wa fur nished by Whlteley' orchestra, a new band of musicians organised in Golds boro, and who dispensed dreamy walti music to the " tripping of the fantastic toe. V 'it t - iv: ;:K yM t: t Mrs. Theresa Francis Chad wick died uddenly thl morning at 9 o'clocSTaf her; residence ; on ; East King street, of general detillty. , Mrs. ' Chad wick had been in a feeble state of health for a long time and ber dissolution, although , sud den, was not much of a surprise. She leaves one son, Mr. E. W. Chad wick, and several : grandchildren. Mrs. Chad wick was a Dunn before her marriage, one of the oldest families in this community. She was a sister to Mr, Wm. Dunn , and Mrs. Susan Nichols, both n whom sur vive her, though mors, aged than she, who was at ont 65 vsars old. The fun Lralwm toke place tomorrow at the old family burying ground of the; Dunns at 10 o'clock. 1 Will leave Klnston ' resi dence at 9 o'clock; ' i 1 ' r ' r Toa Know JVTirtyoa are TaklBS? Whea yea take Groea Tattelea Chill Tonic eae Iwaiala ia ptaaily analaa ear aeety-Sea. tie anoanaf thai it ta aiaiply voa and qauioe ia a T ..-SS.SRirf J LOWHEY'S GOODS MUTtUt " - , NAI.2 ON EVERY PIECE. LOWTsfEY'S Qiocchtc Ecnbons Templc-Alarston Drusr Store, Trick Block 1 hone 50. ti- f; ,:t J , FALLINO ORESJEC : v' ' August 11, Mr. Isaac Fields lost two tobacco barns by wind Wednesday and Mr. John Fields, jr., ioe niacorn Darn., The crops are looking fine. ' We have had several good rains during iue post, woe. . The farmer will begin polling fodder ton wees. Dome lew car ted last week. Messrs. W. G. Sumsrll of Klnaton and E. G. Dunn of Balsfgn made a business trip ners xnnraday alternoon. Mr. RIctor Sutton of LaGranM anent a a . . I . a " w aays iasf wssx wno rsianvea, . ; Mr. John Sutton of LaGranaM intDt ouaaay wna ut. &.r. ttosss, n . a n m a, ST Mr. K L. Sntton soent Bundav Stimbao. :-;.-';ii Mlase Mollis Water and Bath Ranee 01 LeUirang spent Sunday with Mr.- R. K. Kouse. , , Mr. and Mrs. J. F. 8ntton nwnt Sat urday and Dunday with Mr. W. U Hardy Quite a number of vonnor neonla of inis vioninr roens ttundar at iiorehaad . . . . . . . T J - . . Cty. Boy Cared of Colid After Physician's . . Treatawat kad Failed. . , My boy when four years old was taken witn colic and erambs in bis stomach. I sent for the doctor and he injected mor- pnine, bnt tbe child kept, getting worse. I then crave him half a teasoooiiful of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy, and in half an hour he was sleeDlfur and soon recovered. -F. L. Wilkins. shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wllkfns Is ixiok-keeper for the Shell Lake Lumber to. For sale by J. E. Hood. 1 ? - WFE VUSVJRMICE Tl,a r,nm. .nt ..n Vrlr,. vam . .5. v.- , v vu ina same policy in tne same company and at the same rate thaf ntlir igtnl Affiu. ru. 1" r.T. i 2 T' wait uuv unuuil we U1C BOinc agent f,; WUeu yon do, you further the spirit of co-opera a.! J .t 1 . nun auu ueip me Home aeeni to De aDie to neip you. - - . 4,- .am ( E. J, BECT0IV I nral Irants 1 IT 1 RIITPrfCI I LOCai agents W, A, mil tULLL 1 (.8TBIL II? ATT Diss9lutibn Notice." The firm of W. D. LaBoqoe. jr.. and A. firm name of LaBoque & Bountree, was dissolved on June lvtn, 1VU2, by A. If. Bountree withdrawing from the firm ; W. D. LaRoque, Jr., will continna tbe business at the same stand under tbe name of W. D. LaKoqus, Jr., and will set tle all the business of the old firm: AU persons owing old firm are urged to settle at once. We thank our friends and the public generally for past patronage and ask a continuance of same with, the new management. -y.-: ?. W. 1). liAKOQOB, JR. A. KOUNTRXB i Ceiling" F!looriritg aid all kinds af maBifactired f " - limveri . , GET OUR PRICES .- A- KinstonTJaiitel Go. CIN.-CHO CIN The Drink That's (Wadfc Itself Famt5us; c The greatest Anti-Malarial Tonic and Nerve FStimtUantktiown to the Mtjdical Science. 1 " There iarnothing' so refirtJning and invitror- atintr ain.lfisr ofdeliclouar Cin-Cho." i nere is tone ana neaxm in every arop. TRY1T.: 6c at all Boda Fountain; b is c? .MANUFACTURED BY- Cin-Ch Company. ft . J. K.AJITOPE. . ARTOPE, 1 MARBLE AND QR f -V . ' .AND IRON FENCING - HINES BH0S. LU.1BER COnPAIY. Mills locate! at Junction of A. & N. C. and A. C. L. Railroads, KINGTON, v N. C. , We manufacture rough and dreased Kflo-Driad Pin. Lumber of ery docription eommon'y bJ ft r buBdinf purpose, iaclnlirg Molding Molded Cas nj. and Bate, Hand Rails, Suur Raits, Etc W. aaV Laiha, Sl.inglea, tobacco Stick and Bed Slats, and get out mnten'al for Tobacco Hoheas, al and Cabbage Bote. We ere alwaye b the eark . tor Lumber, Leg and Stsuidi-g Tiraber, fh:vh paj Cab at markst prices. If foe iih to bay 1.1 ae1: e and get oar pikes We try tn d- 1 s . e rub all and cotisidtr oar word mortprecioea thar gold. NOTICES the recurs waht3 ccriissn) hem XJaei ae Caavg lees tfcaa 10c Ta Let, Tor flata, Hela aUd. Work Wsjeted, Artielee' for fa ekaas, Loet, roaaa, Bewards,e4. Lost Monday svenlng about 8 o'clock, Aug. 11. between Hotel lull and Dr Wood lev's drug store, a black silk tie. to I whicn was attaensd a diamond s:rew stud. Finder will be rewarded by return ing to Mr. narry atevenson. 8ven Springs Water-Hall you can drink ror 00 at uood a fountain. a a. n . m . . - For Rst. Tbe rooms occupied by Messrs. Land A Cowper over tbe Bank of Klnston. Will be vacant 1st of August Apply to Mr. u,ubttinoeb. Fob Sale One Perfection steam power feanut Koaster and r auitiese Corn Popper combined. For particulars apply to w. A. WiLsoH, Uover, . u.; For Salk. The East Carolina Land and Improvement Co; has for sale a five- room dwelling In East Klnston at 11,250 upon liberal terms. - 1,400 pounds N. C. bacon just received. tlams. Hides and BDouidera at , w 'v.: A. V. Wnvtum Co The E. C. L. A I. Co., next to Free Press office, nas lor sale a small stock of goods at Coahoma. This Is an opportunity to get into tne mercantile business. . - 'uu u improve rr-i. n u r ji t , ,,, Ui BM on nana not oniyover a I hundred of the finest building lots In I town, at reasonable prices, but also I , 1 i TJ i. ll 11, I iwverm nuuws iu iviunbuu. it wiu pay the home seeker and those who wish- to ll hnna nrlnta tn onnfur arlfh f h. V. C. L. & I. Co, Office next Free Pree office. I 1 wiwn s Tnnvn m-v Tnni, j county at once to prepare for position I "' w - .av . V -a a" a a uui vuv4 I ,n the K0,pernment service Kail way Mail I v.ersa, , Awtter uarners, vustom iiouse hni Departmental Clerks, etc. - Apply to Inter-State Uorrea. inet., Cedar Kapids, la Wl wpffn Torn tmatKncr vntini, man travel and canvass. AU commission. No experience neceseary. uxpensesadvanced' Call and see me at Bailey boarding Douse. -1 . D. WILPON For Bent A desirable store room on uasweu street, uast junaton. t or a small grocery or confectionery store this s an elegant opening. Kent extraordi narily low for a quick tenant. Apply to Rast Carolina Land and Improvement to. . .... .. WASHINGTON LIFE Of New .York. - . Wllliamston, N. C, May 19th, 1902. Mr. J.O.Guthrie, General gent Wash- lngton Llfe,N. Y, BalelghN. C, f, f Dear Sir r through yon surance Company prompt payment of policies No. 124,409 and No. 125,559 on the life of my late nusoana, m. ju anarews, 01 wiuiamston, N. C.s the same being for i8,000. f 1 T i - . , .a m a . a . a L - a t ' not wuneianamg ine racn mat ur. At- draws died before the premium on tbe last yviiKy x oviucM ,tiuw. vuiuycuij', uuo Claim i was settled by you as soon as Adminis- trator was appointed. . i take . pleasure in recommenaing you ana your company as being worthy of confidence and patrons? e and meeting all promises promptly. , Jteepectlully yours, Mrs. Lucy T. Andrews.' REV. J. 0. GUTHRIE, G rural Agent - will be m KiiMton lor several day, eToiNa-T Sa. ?. a"Miu.cr.r M. G. KOONCC, StciAe Local AatMT, jajftttr f a tJV i U IV f i D.S.WHITT. . A. S. BLOUNT. VVHITT & CO. ANITiJ MONUMENTS AGENTS FOR . R -r.lrv T.Tnnnf- TT n OHO ttexteAetAwxtlwt , S SATURDAY AUG. 16 MONDAY AUG; 18 A representative of ' 1 he ; Globed Tailor- ' ing Company of CinV" i v.cinoattl, 'makers .'of . "The BebtTheTe -is . ' In Tailoring, will display their, com-!! ' , r pi' te Hue of samples ::, at our store 1 (V, mm THI? - uTtblQliTeVl jSlA SONSUCaCSTS S0WINC3 You. can find the, best Varieties of ffC&h Se0Ci at : , HOOD'S DPGJSTQRE. Phone No. 116. A I I D HM Vf frlS VLA ffviTl LLUvlV? ,r . t , We have sold lols of ttem r this season to use around tobaccobajys, L..TJtiey-,are . not the cheap ort tistially;' ;. sold in-dry goods' stores, ' ; (but they oost you no more." .; Every onehnsaguanntie, acd the price is only , $1.00 , PENHARK, ki t THE JEWELER., ' tiu OCtf liiw illAVaalilta. y v. It your 8e wing ftacblne la out of order you will find a njan at 214 Blount street that baa bad tthe experience of 45 yeare rebnlldlDg and repairing machines. All work guaranteed from, one to tec years. I have come to live here.' I hirnfsh any piece or "part to any machine also fur nish hand wheels for wak inrjies.i -' - -sf -sat - -CIIA.BLE3 SANT. ' ".EOTEL FOal LEASE CS ECXT.'M . Will eltner lease or rent the Fields' Hotel at' LaGrange; i. Possession given the 1st of January, 1903. s Fo'partlcu lars write or see "-1 Dr. J. El. Usi'ti, LaGraxe, Iff. Alfllincrj) arid A full line of Summer Hats and Baby Caps tntjst be sell and now b jour time to pnrcliase be tween teasons. J war c .. ... in any pa'.tcra yc i r ay w'sb. Call and lo: ever c::r stack before I ... !n.. .:: XXXXXXX4XXXXXX " It ry lo Ttuil Ht 7Ae tSUtStoM J lfaL- $ s Closinsr I Out -th& IHanan I Shoes All men' who . weii Z Hanan Shoes and are S : 15 lookiDg for. a bargain h win nna nere somas & iutrestiDfirnewa. We S will not handle these S poods in future andS 4 to close ont the stock h ft on hand wh c ff .r m m AU the $5 00 Shoes ft n oxforda acd 4. high ft ' cut, in vici, kid andg ; aDd all the $6.00 Pat- $ . fi , u i r I ' f- r i riuLj nil - 3 eerv for$4.90l. g ' Y-u can save justS g $1.10 on every pairg g yoi buy.- Come be- g 8a taiivraa ruavst aiNM . e8 I KINSTON. N. O. 1 next eceeioH UIUVEI.SITY COLLEGE OF MEDICIHE-HC WEPIC?NE OEflTiSTgY PHAflMEY . Lecture Httl&Jir'i beurM .V , ; HninM.fa I'u.'Urirfln. A1 tJUorainricstf crooi, One hundrrd iwtre (.'.ataio'ue Pree.' i WANTED' Yon to write us for prices on rtre proof- Safes, Burglar Proof Safes, Time Locks,- Vault Doors, Deposit ' Boxes, etc, . We will save you money. ,-'. B. Barnes Safe Co.,' ' Box 22 Greensboro, N.C SPECIAL t ' - i . I-: a$-,0:iuil'PR;:: r Filk cndldr.tin Foulard3 V5-I11 behold r t half price. .! Cotton FcTi?crdo that vrcro COc. reduced to 19 Colored - La7ii3 that T7crc;i2 l-2c, reduced to- 11 10c. La7D3 reduc c d . toOc. .t.'.'.-.T".'.' riXo Gooda charged at t! e a. r 1- 8 M .