ilGIITING WITH FIRE THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST GRASSHOP PERS IN CENTRAL CALIFORNIA. Baralasr Them Oat Faaad Ba the Moat EsTaetlva Meaa at Deatrejrfac . Pasta, Which Threat Graat Daat. ;;ft ta Tatatlaa. ' '' ' (Special Correspondence,) : ,.-.: i'-'i, Sacramento, July 30.-rentral Callfor- 'ola has been invaded by atvsst army of lirassboppers hlch threatens with de struction the pasture,' crops, orchards ' and vineyards of a large section of the tatev,The. situation is most serious In v El j Dorado, placer ,and Sacramento counties, where a systematic fight has been begun against the invaders, in Which have been enlisted, the services of Professors Wood worth and Clarke of the State university. Various weapons are employed, but the most effective Is to burn out the young Insects before they are able to fly wherever the use of Are is practicable. v . . , ; , j Mayor's Court , Isac Brown, colored, lor breach o! the peace In engaging In an affray was found guilty and fined f 1, and coats. Isaac Brown tor assaulting Jim Hooker, not guilty. Will Brown, colored, was up for breach of the peace, and being found guilty was asked to contribute to the towa exchequer the sum of f I, and costs, 'Elbert AJbritton, colored, was op fore his honor charged with two offenses against peace and dignity of the town, one for assaulting Nora Albritton, coir ored, and one tor belug riotous and di orderly, be was adjudge guilty In both cases and fined S3 la the first and 13 In the second. 7. 77 77,7.7 ' Frank Pats and Ed Sumiell were In dicted for using vulgar and profane Ian gnage and had to pay $3 each and costs, Robert Simmons had been imbibing too freely and had to answer to his honor tor being drank on the streets Sunday, $2 and coits he was asked for. The eases of L. D. Merrltt, J. H. Haw. kins and W. L. Mason, which were held Professor Clarke hat .been living among the grasshoppers since they ow Saturday's court, were made their appearance. He says they disposed of. " Not gufltiy as to" Mer are the locusts which appear, periodical- rltt. and niltv as to the other two. Hawkins and Mason appealed to the ly. The only way to fight them In. the pasture lands is to burn them out, but In orchards and vineyards trenches and other systems may be used. , ;, - There is only slight danger from the burning of the fields, when the work Is properly managed, but a few acres of orchard were destroyed the first week ; of the campaign. " ' The breeding grounds of the grass noppers in this section cover some 8,000 acres of more or less untiJlable rocky land which is used for pasturage and is of small value for this, renting, as it does, f or 15 cents per acre annually. This- pasture land is today literally warming with young hoppers which have not yet attained wings. Fighting them wjth fire is not now such a diffi cult task,', but when the myriads can take to their wings and float away on tbe breezes the conditions are seriously changed,' and that is why the scientists have been strenuously urging the early use of fire. t , , . There is no possibility of closely com puting the numbers of the little green Invaders that perish In the fires, Cen aus figures of the locust legions within the borders of the state would reach Into untold millions, into'almoBt innu- meratie millions or millions. , superior court. It is claimed by some, that Merrltt, who is principal of the col ored graded school, Is not popular with his people, and that.thls row Is the out- Caesar Gaeklns, colored, was before Mayor Webb yesterday charged with larceny of a bundle of clothes from another colored man at Mr. H. W. Cum- mlngs' store. The evidence showed that tbqugh Caesar got the clothes no Intent to steal was proven as Le also had some bundles on the counter, and picked this one up thinking It was his. The bundle was recovered by the owner and the prisoner was discharged. - 1 DOVER, August 11. Rev. Mr. Llueberry, principal of Wester ville high school, preached In the school building 8unda.v and accompanied the pastor, Rev. J. B. Newton, to his home at Ft. Barnwell, to preach there Sunday night. ,.',! ;v -Misses Winnie Oldham of Wilson hospi tal and Sue Wilson of Klnston spent last Thursday with relatives here. Hiss Old ham is a trained nurse and has been on professional duty at Klnston and Snow Hill. .The writer was pleased to have her visit bis home and to find that she fc-MJP'Sf H ? atecsj0f this I knew her as little Winnie, two years old, nas grown to oe sucn an amiaoie ana winning young lady. ' - '' - f The fioldsboro Lumber company has put in another trimmer to enable them to buy and handle other lumber besides the large output of their own sawmill. Ron your eye over your reflected face in your truthful mirror. Is It such as Nature gave you in color and smoothness v':'1 ' Fauf .mi'"-' ' Keep out the pesty Hies by hviov your. Poors and Windows fitted with IE them to fit make any door or window. Come and see our Idea), and 20th Qentury Ice Cream Freezers; kind Captain fC. lU Hawk, a Sacra men to owner of Placer county rancbnrop- erty made ah estimate of he numbers Of grasshoppers on his' property. ' - He found 800 of the Insects to the foot, or , about 12.000,000 to the acre. On a ranch of 600 acres at these figures, be states, there would, be 7,200.000,000 of the insects. The number in a township would reach beyond calculation, and Jn all the threatened counties they would be as uncountable as the leaves of the Ha or. have freckles, sunburn, tan, sail owness, etc, clouded its former flesh-tinted transparency? if so, apply l: : . " v y , ; . ; gan's and redeem Nature's, gift, m Delightfully refresh ing and entirely free from all injurious elements. It gives a complexion that makes a lady ; look years "younger. , It is a LIQljlD,' easily applied and sold by druggists at 75c P" ilagnolia Calm H. W. SIMPSON, Architect an;) Superintendent, MAIN OFFICK, NFWBBRN, N. C. , : BKAKCH OFFICS, XINSTON, N. C. Consult ns on all matters pertaining t building. , We guarantee good service. : C. LINCOLN, Man' star Klnston Office. ..YOU CAN LIME.. your life easier py buy ing your Ice Cream from Skinner. .-Delivered in' any quan tity from one quart up. J.T.SRINNER, Phone 140. iiNstow. w. c Also our large lot of Water Coders csrWe make you comfortable. :tt;; j.-.i tyi.f:.t. ; , nivriM p UIAUW HARDWARE, uririir-n cs nuutxen. KINSTON, N. C. i 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 ii-1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 . 1 1 1 t ARE YOU TIRED OF QUACK MEDICINES ' THAT HAVE DONJ33 YOU NO GOOD? HARRIS LITIIIA XifMm It flushes the Kidneys and Bladder, and excretes the uric acid in the system. It has cured thousands of Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Rheu matism and all Kindred Diseases, and i ' ' 4 . 1 XT Willi CURE YOU ! . The man or woman who has used Harris Llthla Water has made a discovery. Case 12 gallon bottles, $4.00, delivered. One dollar allowed for return of bottles. ' Harris Llthla Water carbonated In quarts and pints. .As at table water It It unexcelled. r For sale by dealers. .' Local Distbibutom: Tkmplb-Mamtok Dsua Co. aitd J. E. Hood. a D1RRIS I ITD1A SPRINGS CO., Dtrrls SprluffS, 8. C. 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 i i 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 t I 11 i ll- eCAprrOLAAVENUB CAPITQLA AVBNUB CAP1TOLA AVENUE CAPTTOLA A VENUS Wt ara klad to report that Mr.' Joh E. Hill, who has been critically 111 for several weeks vfth typhoid fever, ac Mrs. A. 6 J Dixon, whose condition was very serious for a few da; s, are both con valesclng. Mioses Winnie Oldham nf Wilson and Sue Wilson of Klnston. and Messrs. Yin rent Murray of Charleston, 8. C, and trees.;,: The amount . of damage this great swarm would do If Its Invasion Luther Oldham of Greenville, N. C, spent "Is unchecked Is incalculable. " ' 1 8unda at Mr. Geo. B. Wilson's. Despite iMnnanimous declaration of Wt hear that crops In this vlcfnity, the scientists that burning of the fields Is the best method of fighting the hop- Vi'- f t r t- though they have suffered some from drought, are quite promising now. thoa on the swamn lauds of Messrs. Beth and Geo,, K. West and John W. Bhem being wepeclalJy fine. We . recently beard a lady say of young gentleman that when he went to get a shave he forget to tell the barber that he had a moustacbo ana let turn shave his npper lip. . Mrs. William Arnold had a chicken killed Sunday morning that seems to hv much twnsct-v of 1". Being hard to ca'oi. s e got he ne'sbor. Mr. A Uiiuu. to ebuut It. Mr. Uixon shot two rifle balls through the chicken's head, and It then was run down, caught and Its bead chopped o3 before lire was given up. This Is a f t none of that pious brothers bear yiuits. '; We are 1c' rmed.' tbat Bev. t. W. Fer ries of Goldsboro Is expected to preach In the Presbyterni thnrca t-tt Sunday mornln? and n' It.'' Lev. A.F. Iisrhton of tbe( , : "ia church has 1 ndlng inpc' :,' t to preach n t 1 tiLool bu' yw-PT' pi, l. . -na I. At stem xv tninsu foothills rx- - t, . - - -pers,ttle f at. c aea 1 ave t een persist, ent in eZtta to protect tl;elr' rangss,' and at one place a vigilance commit' tee was organized to prevent applica tion of the match. The owners of the pastors laeds assert; that fully 550,000 head of stock -1U depend this fall on , t' a Cry gTsais J tiiat ruin would rei jolt from a gcaeral use of fire as a means cf protection afainst the lava .n. ; , - la consi-xj'jMice of t:.!a t'.ror.z stand .ameg't' orrro'a of fe " "I propi ertycon, tIy f .:;Jas cf the tLrtutt:....;J ; cou'..'..".j3 lfa burned, e!" '1 t";e f;e taa ; rected over L'.::i :.-c.!j cf ecr 1 t, : -re t' W'-a, f t, , ..,ff lUT. ILe 1, - l j ; . - 1 i-i t".ei : , f - "j ssf-r' ! 1; f t" t V ' 1 " iff V.lZzi t'..i 1 j v ;"i l !L, . wstt iJi tonli. ,,-4 t- 1 Mrs. J, r ome "It H very wror f t t .11 a f ehoci,' said 1 j I .J 17: .yrix.Ie, who had u;lt la iue. " f. "Tien we're i oth oul sinners, ain't , le " -'' t "Botlil .tat "o you uiesmf "Why, you tUJ i.sus Smith yester f'y.t it yen fcopol' gbe'd call "aln, sa"af;er sLe wus tone you said you v J e'd never come aguln.' CUo Lttd Juurc&L "7 - .nr. a' c .rs Tit ,yci rr W two cr tiree weeks' bosri T-, t -e !s sore r '." fz-wrrei ie t-r"-j house kei'i't-r. "I;tt: -n. jou t. j, tl-.y worry ever U tj t'.at " Clr t--"r f3 I i .TS 1. ' 1 T U 7 Li it c "7 70 s S10 ' 70 s 110 70 I 910 70 s ttO -. " t, ; , ' , ' '. . 7010 .' rOcSIO 5 -70s 110' 70 s S10 70 a tl0( ( ' - SOLO ' ' ' jj ' r ! 1 70 M ' 70 S10 SOLD ' 70 s 10 ' 70 a S10 ' ,.s. . . - : 70 it HO . . 70 a S10 70sS10 70X 810 I' ' ' 70 stlO " 70 s J10 ' t 70 x S10 . 70 1Q n ORA1H0ER AVKNUB CITY 2 3 : These are the most desir able," as well as available, vacant lot in Kinstom This map, (which, ty the way, is-a r very creditable piece of work - set up in rules and type in The Fbsb PBEB8 shop), -will give : you some jdea as to .the loca tion of these lots. : ' v " The prices are reasonable and terms liberal. ' If you want a building lot be sure to see us before , purcnaeing. . . .--. Liberal terms given when desired. j We wish to be in position to help negotiate safe loans to enable thrifty -workingmen to build and own .their own homes and pay for same on the instalment plan. Therefore, such of our farmers and others who bave money, may apply to us. We promise to treat 'such matters. strictly confidential, so parties' can - safely apply to us to negotiate well secured invest t ments for them, and, of course, we would not advise an investment we would not make ourselves if we had money to spare.. : 7 - If you wish to loan or borrow ) buy, or rent out or sell property we will do the best we can for yon, so don't hesitate to call on ns. racia'tnir aid ixf: ltirntn SIT CO.; ?ertfos Pnm OaeW:; f KOTSlt3fV?f. jC, , o . ,,.: '' O .' o . o o o o. ' M K ' N M m . H M K S S S 6 ? g S t : S $ '. ' - , , 4 H . . !, Q t r O -. D ' O O JJ O - : O ' ' O O M M M M M ' M M H J . r ' - -C m . ",. , ' M . . m . aw. , m 0 ,0 ,5. ptj O tv T ? ' ' 0RA1N0ER ' ' ' ' AVBNUB , . ,1 , ': , 1j J" -. 1 o o ov o- -o' 'o 'o -o; w .M y ' s . M v, ': v,-- ,, M .. M , 5 'S 5 . S 5 S i: 5; S' - j.- .o v . o o o , 3 o : o ' o , ,0. H ' ,. " ' ." -M 7 I W! M ' M S: S S S S. 6 I I ' ' : " VgREON - - ' AVBNUB , 2 ;( ';' m o o . o vo,. o. o o. o fj : f: i; S. 5." ;s. i, s3 -8- 3 2 3 1 2" 3: .3. ,if'" .. ; a .' gaSl ' ea M " 6 S,. ..S S - S -8'. s -na LENOIR STRUT LENOIR STREET '-oofoooo-f c STfo? 0 Of O-frO IS NOT i;acotic it cures All nc--icl:c3 by removing the canse and bold at ail iru Lsores 4. -. - - ... . . ,.. .. - , . O. O'fO404'04,04'Oi04'O4,o4o4'0-i-0kOT order T7ith ,J.17.UL3. a giicjantco that 13 fjood I 'Could you 1 4T f 4sjSafi D73 r. a. & r. a. THITAKE2" ircr? K.D,3Iw.,,N.C "r ea Qwa Mrwt, to bnut.h of j. W. cur r tht BiBT M tonnd l lh e3c fraa tB. lo I p. B. ui;;DTorj, N. c. !T I N TTITUTS, II- a ... I , r r . - TisChln53 ' Mieve that a man's , so til ; v ii ii iis toafxh and if . ; taat were ao, onr enstom , --ro wottfd .rail be good people becaase we liave . more good things ; to . eat than any other, grocer in the city. 7 7e have an array of edibles that will " please the nest fastidious ' taste. J" Everything "that can be found in a strictly up-to-date grocery store. , Yours to please, V. D. LaRcque, Jr. BACKCD DT 1 OVZTi - t 'Franklin drew tls 1' ,it-.?r fan tVs clouds and Cd'.son t&sbi&di it 1 7. 711m a fhonosrapa,'; Is av won Jerl, tiliar, i can't f jura worth a eent. ; l'l??r' - press busiDs men. 'more thai nv t else. The Union Central is a t: r f,... .. : from which silvery streams of dlvl' have been flowlrv tor over thirty y?-s ' APP,7jfcr POiy and jet in the swim. THOMAS U WILUNOMArl, Special Art., I'tUaar t CaatoU lite Inaaraac C., klnjUu, ii. c. 5ccm!cc3 - Hoc 2 end HnlMicze. ' J" 'm'..Q, tub orjou :'itxo.-ni--i-. Phoki CT.. ECTii tii, r' . L. " ""j c c .. : .. .. , fit j r