Jft'nston jst Way 6y Way Continued Story of jCoeat Cvents MUSIC CLASS. Ild.j ADQU8T l03. 8u Moa Tm Wad Thi Frl Bat ' -- J- 8 4 5 7 8 0 10 11 13 18 14 16. 18 17 18 19 80 91 92 93 24 28 38 97 28 99 80 81 I PoUosmu Brlnaon to right alter the huckstsrs and merebaaU on tba Ifllkr block about kssplng ths ddewalkf frea from e&fckra coops and other objectloo- abl matter, and the better condition of things on the block to a compliment to hie eagle eye, and atoo to the wlee co operation of the merchant. There to room for more work of this kind In Kins ton, and "a word to the wlee to eoffid- I will begin teaching a Maste Class 8EPTEMBEB 8TJI, and wonld like to have all interested or intending totakeleettonaeorrenpond with i or aee me. 1 teach by the synthetic mevnoa. wnicn la Known to be th htat and easiest. Special attention to KJndermrten wuri. , y . . , v .v For fuller particular apply to -MISS CORA FIELDS, ' 107 B. Klotf 8trMt ' Weather Foncaate for Angnatl to 8, mild iMrtnd. eonl: 4 to B. warmer: fi ta 7. dry and hot; 8 to 9, local storms; 10 to t. 12, clonda. foggy; 18 to 14, sultry; 10 to Th teachere lnatltnte for Lenoir & SaWV toff arethTdTr onnty will be held at the conrt houa. In mil liirhtntnir. 21 to 22. nnaettled eon. Klnaton the first week In September, An ditlona; 223 to 24, variable; 25 to 37, J Interesting program to belcg arranged cool waje. lair; w, wanner; xv to ai, The p,, teachere of the county Moon masse. new moon, na; Quarter. 10th; fall moon, 10th; laat qaarter, 20th. August 13. Sun rises, 5:16; sets, 6:52, Day's length, liih. 4Um flrat I ftnJ tnoM Intending to teach this year Traveler Guide. TBAtNl ABBITC AR0 LK1TX. A. t V. C. East. 8. 53 a. m., to lew. hern only; 4.82 p. m. Weat, 10.13 a. m., 8.98 a: m.. 7.87 D. m. "A. ft Li,' north, 7.80 a. m.; south, ; f.45 p. m. ...... .. . TBSUAIM. Cloee. A, C. L.. north. 7 a. m; A AW C, 8. 30, east, and 9.40 a. m., weat; 4.00 p. m.,' east, 6.80 weat. wpen from weat 9.85 a. m., from eaat 10.20; a. m., 8,15 p . m., from weat; 7 45 p. m., from tut . 1 B 3 tTuTP P are asked to get the new grammar and the new arithmetic which the state now requires to be need in the public schools. Every public school teacher in the county is required by law-to attend every meet ing of the Institute." . !Purely iPorsonal Items About People Who Come and Go Ice I Ice I The ice business which has been ma by Mr. J. C DAIL will be continued at the same stand on Gordon street, across from B W. Canady & Son's hardware store, and will be managed by Mr. CHARLIE BELL. Your patronage is so licited. Yon will , be given prompt and courteous ' treat ment. ' - . Phons 127. Rhodes Military Institute. (CO-SDUCATIONAL.) KIN8TON BU8INK89 COLLEGE. Traim trail for Codec or Buiinaaa life. New. )arg and attractive building Sit unparalleled in Beauty. -Meaitn condition excellent, tignt com petent teacher. Total current expemea for the year, Jfco, Sao, ft 40. uterary tuition per month, fa.oo to $4.00. Buuneia, $1.00 to S3.50.Muuc, aj.eo 10 vt.co. , . fall Term begin Sept. n, too. Addreit , V. II. RHODES. Ifcfhetoscope - is ot Moving it Pictures of Oallr X-vemte Stret Heppaninge Master Julius Sugg spent today' in Greenville. f Mr. L. T. Farmer returned this morn ing to Wilson. Rev. J. O. Guthrie went to Morehead City yesterday. Miss May Orrell returned this morning from Slew Bern. Miss Mayme Dawson went to Golds- boro this morning. v Mr. W. D. LaRoque, jr., returned this morning from Suffolk, Va. Misses Minnie Ashford and Francis DeYane. SDent todar In Dover. - . .- . .....-...! Judge 0. H.Allen and children returned PTcnasing yesterday from Doplln county. Mr. G. V. Cooper returned yesterday Mrllinery and Drss Qocds it i-l- fMr.N. B. Moore baa bought out the fee busineM of Mr. J. Dail and will con tlnue badness at the old stand. 1 The Bank of Klnston received one de- ff 'w, Hertfort comt Alft uta .mnnnl I nip tn 197.A8K HQ. I ', ' IrVSJie WWCa.T WMVasaa w fw w w v - " ... . a ..a w" -t. t in v,. Misses Eunice ana K.ate cnadwick re- know it J turned yeaterday from Weldon, Mr.J.F. MrPaniol of Jones county, MJrs. L T. Haskln. and Mis. Bertha .MM.ar,h-.r,.n!tnhAnoontheKlns. PWdiof Falllng Creek spent yesterday ton market thle week, and It Is said he ta Klnston realized thirty cents' a pound for ft. Prof. Harry Harding of Greenville, .i hi v.tj , 'A. came vesterdav and went to New Bern sq prayer lueeuug wui uv uuu 1 , - Methodist and Presbyterian cnorcnes this evening on account of the nnloa Miss Eva Webb left last night to spend . fjMMtlnff tnmnrrnw evening m ineunns. some -uuie amoug. win inuunuuiw ui tlan church. western ortn Carolina, Mr. W. R. McNair of Henderson, N. C, Misses Bessie and Ruth Whltaker, who ' came yesterday to accept a position with had been vlsltlngat Dr. R. A. Whltaker'e, Dr. C. B. Woodley. Mr. McUair la a full returned this morning to Trenton. registered drug clerk and has had fifteen 1 Miss Nannie Taylor of LaGrange, who years of experience. had been visiting Misses Lula Sugg and The first Installment of the thrilling Carrie Blanche Cummlngs, returned home and enarosslnff storv. "Black Rock," will last night, appear In The Free Press next Saturday. Look out lor the beginning and you will be sure to follow It to the end. : A lantern carnival at New Bern the first part of this week realised 30 for the M. . 8unday school of that city. Over Ui ' children were in the parade, which was pronounced by all to be an Imposing sight. , The delegates from Klnston precincts Nos. 1 and 2 are requeeted to meet In the grand Jury room Saturday at 11 o'clock for the purpose of nominating a town ship constable and eight magistrates. Mr. U. IS. Webb nas received a conve nient arrangement In the way of a casket track for nee la handling corpses indoors A full line of Summer Hats and Baby Caps must be sold and now is your time ; to pnrchase--be-tween reasons. Dress Goods ; in any pattern you may wish. Call and look, over our stock before Jtijk-Ctaaa Ciothtor . andStnlt' &urishr J , :from Jftad to Jcot On Prc Omly & gaaBsaBMBtegBagssB5BBCgSBSs I i MJI1.0U.CCE1TM. ' We have opened in Klnston a GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS STORE for the purpose of supplying the needs of the i people who have in the past had to take I what they could get or order goods from the cities. , . Experience baa taught us what the people want and with that experience i and good judgment we have carefully se. I Jj lected a line of (roods that meets the an-1 3 proval of the best dressers when seen. " Our line la complete in every depart ment and in no city store will you see better goods. ' We are not lacking in anything to dress a man completely. . No need to look elwwhere. Come here first and you are satisfied. Always a pleasure to show goods, even though at the time you do not Intend purchasing. Oftentimes you see things that you did not expect to see, and HERE YOU SEE THEM EVERY TIME YOU COME IN, and that cannot be ami anywhere else in town. We have standing . orders with our wholesale houses to send us the new things in their different lines as soon as they are created, whieh of course means that you are in style if you buy from us. Judging from the patronage we are receiving, considering the newness of our business, our efforts are very greatly appreciated. O, Ji, Quenerlv, s I ex Jftnston, 7f. C, 102 S. Que on Sf. tPhon 7. A. P. HARRCLL, Manaskn. Mtttntttntttttmnxttt XXX)XX4ftXXX)XXXXw M It Pay a to Trade fit 1 b Big Store N M M S mm unim iirinnnri a a ar i a m r wm IlftlC lUUil lillHOUilL : 5 g e aOV tm I M r A " SATURDAY OR MONDAY August 16th or 18 th The cost will be from $!5.0(Tto $50.00. with a Perfect Fitting High Class Suit thrown In. 1 Closing Out the Hainan Shoes 3 K 5 AU men who wear h Hanan Shoes acd are h looking for a bargain ft will find here some 5 g interesting news. We R win not nandie tbese m poods in future M M M 8 ' aaV rrrrrr rirrsTT rrrrtrrrt r H H M H 5 M M M 8 and m to close out the stock on hand wi r ffer , , g v AU 4 he $5.00 Shoes g oxfords and high g cut, in vici, kid and .aw . fj- and all the $6,00 Pat ?nt vici Shoes. M all h Wft AUSVJRMIGE M. STEPHENSON'S, Opposite Mayor's Office. TOUR SEWIXG MACIILVE. If vonr Srtwinir Mohlna In nnt nf irrlr The home agent can give yon you will find a man at 214 Blount ativet the same policy in the same I that has had the experience of 45 years comoanv and at the same rate M" an.a "pun" macmnee. All 4.1. 4. 4-x.j 0TK gnaranieea irom one to tea years, that the other agent offers, j have come to lire here. I furnish any wny not patronize me nome piece or part to any macnlne; also fur. msn nana wneeis lor wak latles, erv.d.for4pQS SPECIAL NOTICES THE PEOPLE'S WANTS EXPRESSED HERE 5w Line nq Charge leas than 10c. To Let, For Sale, Help Wanted, Work Wanted, Articles for Ex change, Lost, Found, lie wards, etc. Seven Snrinffs Water ail von can drink . . v. . . . ror oo at uooa lountain. FuU blooded fox terrier nucles for sale and at trains. It is mounted on cneu- Appiy w ; i u J. mkwbohnk. For Bent. The rooms occuDled hv Messrs. Land ft Cowper over the Bank of matio tired wheels and ball-bearing axlea. The Ooldsboro people now claim that their opening sales on Friday,' Aug. 1st, In round numbers amounted to two bun- dred thooaandr Thle la a big difference, 'lor at flrat they claimed they aold m halt -.A. million pounds. " - J Mr. Lewla Kllpatrlck, who la a dele- county at once to prepare for positions ats from Cpntentnea Neck township, is I t?e government service Kallwa.t Mall Tafa-kKoKt nna f vha nMnaa mam In hxm Clerks, Letter Carriers, Custom House ' r.w:AT. 17" T, ";Z Departmental Clerks, etc. Apply to wuuvj m. wm. -,ai u yuuii inter-BLaie uorres. Inst., uedar Kapids, la. anaira. neis o vearaoia ana in rail Klnston. Will be vacant 1st of August apply to ,. mb. u. uettimoer. Fob 8alb. The East Carolina Land and Improvement Co. has for sale a five room dwelling in East Klnston at f 1,250 upon libera terms.. , t ' t j WaJfTED 5 Tocno Msifironl 'I-enoir possession of all bis faculties. - Fob Bent A desirable store room on Caswell street, East Kimton. For a .Subacrlbar. will add to their . phone .17 BsU Mrs. Pattle B. Tucker, 1T0. Most narlly low for a quick tenant. Apply to very day now anewphone la added." In Eaat Carolina Land and Improvement fact during the past three weeka there Co. ' has been an average of more than one ' LiOst un Wednesday morning from a phone put In each day. . w w"" CTl l a-,n8WiD! The aalea on the tobacco market yea I papers of great value to the owner but terday ware not vary large but the prices t? no one else. ISame will be found In- want ruvrnn.1 tha ainotatint, ni .nM ,lde- Finder will be rewarded by retnrn- went beyond tbe expectation of anyone, ug to R H Woodell Hotel Tuli. One pile of tobacco which a farmer r-..u ...v nm.-TA tw-.;,. thought waa worth alx cents a pound, sell old Taors20for Scents. This la but for which he expected to get twelve, double the quantity usually sold for that brought twenty-five cents. Mr. D. Wood. P' I" . - ,ar?e Qintlty on of near LaGran ho w thl wentto SIZ TiSEi S& T tlie buyer and asked U the price waa not wKN Street gT0BEg F0B Salk:tv, , a m-rtsse, nut be tound It waa not. offer for sale, at an exrdlnir! v rRrm. Tie etmnal rlcuic at Itlver Side church, able price and on easy terrns, the follow. eonn'v ' wiU ba kAl-1 FHi1a I aescnoea property: t :tntoa la tte coun;y, wu be Held Iriday, ,outhera portion of Kinsron (Tuckahoe) . v .WUa...vn. .w wirjuiiyuwu puwif las uufeinp? portion 1 1 ner Cild drinke, Ice the city. One ton room, twoetory store- Cf r sliir,ntS Will bt ' i "ii Ji' fv n out r iV"!" i , . ftwi, Aisocue lour -Tooin -Steiu- sana so ! I, atures ol on lot - ,l.)f.t fror.'.. ' -.n trt t. ?i t'e i " -1 1. , ben la- Both st-: hou are cow rt-nt! at a " ' " I; .t I i. ' WASHINGTON LIFE Of New York. i Wllllamaton, N. C, May 19th, 1002. Mr. J. O. Gnthrle, General Agent Wash. Ington Life, N. Y., Raleigh, N. C. , Dear Sir: I desire to return my thanks through yon to the Wnshlngton Life In surance Company of New York, for the prompt payment of policies No. 124,409 and No. 125,569 on the life of my late husband, M. L. Andrews, of Willlamston, N. C, the same being for $3,000. , Notwithstanding the fact that Mr. An drews died before the premium on the last policy reached the company, the claim was settled by yon as soon ai. Adminis trator waa appointed. I take pleasure In recommending yon and your company as being worthy of confidence and patronage and meeting all promises promptly. Respectfully yours, Mrs. Lucy T. Andrews. REV. J. 0. GUTHRIE, G neral Agent will bain Kintton for several days. ' (ToppiNa t an. a. a. millch's. M. Q. KOONCC, Spicial Locak AaiNT, . agent f . When you do. yon further the spirit of co-opera-tion and help the home agent to be able to help you. (E. J. BECT0N Local kgtlts W. A. MITCHELL 18BIL HYATT CHAULE8 SANT." Ceiling Flooring and all klncs or manafactnrcd Jwahttf tn DISLVICkHVFUtV SCA- soHSuaacsiflSowiHa TURNIP AFJB You can find the . best varieties of fresh B63d at N etrrla j nnn tr Via ra. m 9 M I 2iS Y' u can sav.e just ft $1.10 on every pair S you buy. Come be- fore sizes are broken, m X KLNSTON, N. O. 1 KtXt BKBSIOH DIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MDICINE-H WEDICINE PEHTiSTBYPKAKWACY, Lecture Halls jr 1 nevt y, Laboratories fr Proc, " r1opltalir Practice. One hanclrad pafte Catalofcnu l-ro. VAfJTED GET OUR PRICES HOOD'S DRUG STORE. Yoa write for prlces n Phone No.' n6. Klnston jiantelCo. CIN-CHO CIN-CHO The Drink That's Made Itself Famous The greatest Anti-Malarial Tonic and Nerve Stimulant known to the Medical Science. -There is nothing so refrosning and - invigor ating as a glass of delicious Cin-Oho. ' J ? ; I There is tone and health in every $FJh v TRY IT. ; 5c at all Soda Fountains,. -MANUFACTURED BY- Ciri-Gho Company. LOVNEY'S GOODS . Fresh Today;- Time Locks, Vault Doors, Deposit Boxes, etc. We will save you money. O. B. Barnes Safe Co., . ."-"' . . Box 22, Greensboro, N. C 5PECIA L OF ; ; SUMMER GOODS laafKmu - s , ' "NAK2 CN EVEHY PIECE. Chocolate "Eonbonsi- Hilli end Go,tin Foulards Temple-Marston DrukriU bo cold at half price- Store, Brick Block Phono 60. it T. K. ARTOPK. D. S. WH1TT. A. S. BLOUNT. ARTOPE, VVHITT & CO. MARBLE AND GRAIIITI! I.IOU UMEIITG AND AGSNTS FOR 3 IRON FENCIITQ. Rocliy Mount, IT. O. I ALARM CLOCKS We have sold lots cf tiera thbseasoa to r.-j around HINES.B R0S. LUiVi B E r COfl PAN Y, ' V'e buiUiing Ju 4 niAke Iath., - : i-df ';: p:,T Cah at r tth il and Co tti Et Jraction cf A. . t j o r . . 'i ' - - 'i-i t :H T 5 ao Sticka and V -3 aa a!wjn in tbt r : ket i ,vss. If y jo wish- I oi car word wtunsnem tobacco t : not the c! soli 5 1 J Lv.tf. C. r C. 7. They are p sort csually torCS, - t : :i d r-orc rintce, ; t .v ?: Ccttc'n FouJards that rrcroCOc.reducsdtolQc- Cclcrcd Lnwm 'thr ..t- T7crc12 l-2a, reduced to- All 10c. LaT7H3 r: uc : 2 toGc. r jXo Goods eh 5- f 1 1' 3 ft-Iees. - 7 i r

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