if' V S I 1 1 ' I I I 1 I I I . . I I 1 i 1 EiwIJ Cwli Al ' T TIIEWEATKin: 4 U stepping stone to wealth. - Fair and arm. , I'I'I'I I I i I I I I t 1 I 1 I 1 1 ' I ' 1 ' I " I ' f 1 f . n excepT pbicb two cents '-Tl i liil, lr LUij)o (HDKOIiM STATU i . ID MID OrD 1ID CTESESTIH EUfEXESS. J 4 1 i Kalelgh Correspondent Jfow Bern Journal: r The . .Independents In -Waks ' county, bow eomposed ol down or two of Democrat!, the other being ex , Republicans and Populists, will 1st the Republicans fill in, the'gaps la the .ticket ' they put np. Chatnnan glmmons says it " Is vsry natural that the Republicans an J Popujtots, who now sompost the bulk of ' the Independent s should, do this filling In. Th.Indeptendents will also endorse At- warter. A Republican says that he thinks this Tery natural as Atwater was the great s promoter i of this Independent movement. It is believed ,that the Bs - publicans of party will endorse At- The corporation commission Monday took o si ' Interesting "cW, Two "or ' three months ago as a passsenger train r on the Seaboard Alr: Lint wa leaving Raleigh; north bound, It was, met by lumber car, which was loose and coming . tlik way. Tbs engineer ' was Instantly , MJeif;;m wrecked. ' The railway officials say sev era! cars had jbrqk.enfloosffptttbeyiJds, that an engine was sent after them, bnt thatpns went so far It was not Jotud and that it was this one which" did the fatal work. ' There area number of wit nesses' before the commission. ;; S ' In the ease of BT iFV" Beawea against the 8enJeard Air Line railway a verdict ' was rendered . Friday-, ;' Seawell. being awarded f 4,600.-SeaweD Is now a Be- : publican candidate for Judge. While he was , Popnllst. nominee for Lieutenant Governor he was pelted with stale eggs at the station in Shelby. He clalme that Tiaatinnld hnon nratected . mr ths railroad, but charges tbat Instsad f tfiisl the depot agent was among his Assail- ants. He asked forf t20.000r : ' ; M W V Tbs, y41ct of : -fiMaor. 4,500 damages against the Seaboard Air Line because some employes of the latter threw at him at the depot In Shelby occasioned .some jpurprlse here. The railway' will tae the ease to the bupreme court. , . , Ah arm of a 'young white man,. John nkUMiu.n wm tnm nil k mttoii ft TtUnti . KiU ftn fngln ahospital In that city." TEENTON. j September 23. Messrs. T. D. Warren, F. P. Koonce and Dan Dixon attended the speaking at Klneton yesterday. ( Mrs. J. B. Koonce left last week for her borne at Raleigh. 1 , Mies' Annie TrOtt of Maysville, visited relatives here Sunday. , . , Mr. Barbour of Swansboro. Is visiting bis sister, Mrs. B. E. Wlndley. Miss Lona Ward of Olivers Is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. B. Parker. Miss Birdie Koonce left Saturday to attend the Rhodes school at Klnston. Messrs.' Murray Whitaker and J. R. - Barker left last week lor Trinity college. Mr. Geo." Taylor,,' who returned from terday morning for 4 Wmterriiie l;gn schooL ; 1 " , . ' i h i ' Mr. Fred Spencer .will leave today for Klaston. : i " - r ' The many friends of Miss Lola Scott, vik.ithi'? at C. C Perry's wCl be glad to know v jat f ! e is now tp from ber long spell of typ'uold fever. ' , , Prof. W. II. Hammond opened school yesterday in the school honsa at the cemetery. Mr. Hammond taught for several years at the hiprh school under toe management ol x rou w.u. unoaes, and was liked very much by all. It Is hoped tbat be wUl have much success. The Methodist Sunday ecLool of Tren ton appointed Miss Rena Haywood as delegate to, attend .the Sunday school conven'Joij at Llorehead City, beaning the 23th !nt. ; , . " - '. Rev.' D. C. GeJ ie beaa a' protracted meetic Sunday at Cypress Creek church. Con.CC. r i.: will cp" upon the iHHues of t:.e d iy Et t' e court house Monday, f pt- -b. This is .the same day tie 1 per ' s r 6. Tbeeotn marlt-t Las opened and Is as neuaJ pyir-tl.' ' r prices thannefrh borinTf ma. : It ts fcrootbt as t ;h as fc , r "t ia t1 lnst 'week, gola it ady 6t 8.13 to 8.C3. GOSSIP Owes IT is IXis to a Kpfl rs Kl !. Mr. D. r. Pr-.tf, vc'l --xa tron-hout 1 '"'or i : i ; --it V,'. Va!, r l : - (. . . j , t ; Ha.fn-. of a r ' -"r. ! ) v " ? f t Lir"'- b.---' '- ' ' 1 ; f 1 1 v t vo t ' ' i : -.if r i .v I : (;.'' : 1 ' AC. : . uqjxt ttunp last eruption, 'i'Mn e,l SseVeo tmnlim, , I few York, Sept. t 21. The Q tehee Steapiship Company's steamer Corano arrjTed today from i Jthe West Indies. Among W' passengers' was Captain Walker UcKay, agent tor the steamship company in tbs Wsst Indies. Uaptaln UeKayiald:' ,:..V ' 'v" M 1 was at Fprt-de-France, llartlniqae, August 80, th day of the most recent eruption of Mont Pelee. The sxploslon was terrific and the rumblings and de tonations wrs continuous for a long time. This eruption, It is estimated,' caused the death of 2,000 people and covered an extent of territory ten times greater than, did the, eruption of May last, This time fbe track of the disaster was beyond tbs ..mountain ndgeand spread out oyer hs interior. I saw the mountain in eruption. , There appeared tombs', nnmeross apeitnres below, the edge of the crater from which the steam was ejected. The great cone Is truncated aas cnangea eonnaeraoiy u p- ice. Tbs natlTeS were abandoning sections of tbecountry in proximity io the mountain. "The government nas Warid5,,the .: peoplBl .to remoTS thejr sffect to Vgk ground, In ,tbe Jatw- lor In anticipation of posslbls tidal wavis. ,4i;;yifc;r;i ,,'ir'-'V'jA' i I'U&rtlniane. in the northern Dart. Is in fdf blssohi ati rls thrtrlng. W4 ehtpplng more freljrbt now : than: befors I we ernpuon. n is a miiwuw wwu m peppis are starnng anf arecrqwaia the fertile parts of -tt Wand. ; Th Xact U, that considering so many hare, been rlctims of the eroptlons, tbs fugttlTM are comparatively lew In aambervt There Is no . need of food supplies. The natives 1 rl 'A ? J 1 '1 " i '1 t'' L S WUi np go vo worx as ug as iney can pnoOjdibriotihinj .ppml$ ppom ; fo, all aid employment Is easllj ob tatned i' h . 1:,:.; !v,:.c j ?ston, 3. i Spt 18. there was an eruption of La Soulriere at mid- f t '. W no-lossot life. I A peputtarity f this eroptlon Is lonnd In f n0 fio . wre - 1. ; -.L.... I,. ... Beptember 2.2.- There was preaching at Hebron Sun day. r a nrotracted meettmr beirins al at Smith's chapel Sunday; September 28th Messrs. Basser ana yvus till conauct tne meeting. , Messrs. Albert and Herbeit Maxwell kit this morning' for Falson, where they go to attend .school. , . u Mrs. Nannie 8mlth Is quits sick, to the regret of her many friends. , . Mr. Oscar Smith of Richmond, Va., was home on a .visit a' few days last week. : :;, .'' v.."?'"-v2-i';.- : Miss Idella Howard Is teaching at Gum scnool nouse. . ' . . . Mr. Van Kennedy of Pender county, Is visiting friends and relatives In this com munity. ... i 4 . ; Misses Stella and Jennie Maxwell went to Woodlngton Sunday. . . Mr. George 8m!th has gone to Pender county to stay rorawmis. , , : Siomsch Tronbls. .... '!. .' "I have been troubled with my stom eoh for the past four .years,", says D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield, Mass. "A few days ago I was Induced to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. I have taken part of them and feel a great deal better, If you vave any trouble with your stomach try a box of these Tablets. You are certain to be pleated with tne resBlt. Price 25 cents. For sale by J. . Hood. - THE WZEUTTLES - 0' "FECST" ;. . ''4 . . im-.iii. ipn iin-ilH in ,'' ' ll';.. ' Stae to f up icoeftti Jrca At- Charlotte Observer: Gxeenibpro, Sept. 21. 8epator Prltehard left tonight fpr Klnston, where he will tomorrow, ineet Locke Craig, esq., In Joint discussion. It is understood that Mr. Craig went on to Clniton today. ;; .; ', .',",. 'v j A queer stats of affairs may develop at some of ths places where these gentleman ha vs engaged to speak. From various quarters the Intelltsenoe reached this city today that ths friends of other Demo, cratlo candidates for the senate are deyi bg a.meaps lor administering a rebuke to the gentleman from Buncombe for ac ceptlngSeaatyr Prjtchard'e ehallege o ' a Joint discussion, and m tola way .play- big spectacular role throughout the Campaign. Whether the morement has tbs sanction of tbs other candVUtes it notkxiown tq thewrJ,bnt.tberto.fo ioestlon about the accuracy of the jore- that the rebuks shall take the form of ffrosWJln thMPfmocr5,ts wUl bf.aske to remain at home, or apt to go nea,tbe piace ox speaxmg. .tw neuter were is any such movement on In Klnston Is not known, bnt It seems that the freeslng-ont procef , ' to useralpb, to a,t tempted ,t Wllmtngtpa. , Sbonld,. toe plan siiccjd the senator and would-be senator may lnd themselves talking to empty benches, as Republicans are scares In soma of the eastern $own,,an4. If tbf Democrats 'should s,tay at borne there Would in the very nature of the case be no andience. inere is, nowsver, two side to-this sltaationand, thee to , a poeslbUfty that the movement may have boomerang enecc in tne event tne friends of other candidates should openly make the.attpmpt to ifta Mr.'Cjalf ,Jthe cold hqulderA,and pihod Jail, the friends Of the Buncombe man might claim with plausibility that theUneshad been drawn and that the popularity of their maa had ; been jpnquestionably established. Mr. Craig bad heard, nothing, qf the in tention of bis opponents before leaving Asbevllle, so the future . may have some surprises In store for him. Boys and Girls) of tbo OarnlTftl. A large number of girls and boys' havs not taken a part in the lantern carnival which Is to toke place next Friday night. I find that some of them are anxious tto take s lantern, In the parade, bnt have not offered to do so, because It was no convenient for their mothers to make a costume. Now I want all the girls and boys who have not taken part to see me before Wednesday nlghand think I can find something pleasant for them to do in the carnival, and they can wear their usual drew. They can come to the rehearsal at the court house and consult me about It on Tuesday and Wednesday from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock. I hope all the children who have taken characters to Impersonate will be at the rehearsals or be sure to let me known tbey are obliged to 4e absent' We need a large number, not for the drills, bnt for the parade, and I am sure yon will all enjoy It. - - ' Mbs. AbchbelI, IN VIECA. u TV j es- PLiI f 6 illlXISTEH A rJt -t !",,; iioira'pEir'a sicop gbeat eruption.',,,. l'w k tJ TliSalMBlAfMiiBBAeniMtlilfatIlM which mmbUt ttrok forth Bnia mnM) a Jlnwter slmoss as rribl spthst of last My. ThiM tim nor than 1.000 nenona -we killed and maovaawirtd iniur4 sad a'SumW o Uvw. Mova Bonce Sad Patebaw fWSf1Hewhi eeewthslgrDMtaretitioa..'are evarwhalned. ,.. ,.. r TfXIX THKTCPMBINSI nay ik Steal AsBstieaaXmpettet V' TfcntXtasXet W jPeoe., ?iti , ndooi f ept, 20. The tobacco sltua. Mon to absorbing columns of space In the London dallies. . A. recent dinner o! the Wholesalers association was prodnctlve of Varied speculation, owing to A ,ipeec.h of chairman, who ; mystorlopely hinted at possible govemment actlpq ad verse to imported manufactured tobacco and ft speedy tad; -ol , the . present ttrade war by the amalgamation q! tha AmerV oanv and Imperial, Tobacco companies. Those Interested In and conversant with the real situation assert that neither ths American nor the British companies jfe&s rips for any sort of a conpromlse, , and that the real fight has not ;et com menced. ' ,v ."' .',' The board pf directors of the Klnston Lfbrarj association; hanks. Irs.!J J Rogers most sincerely for deyqtlng one- ha)f of the proceeds, of "Fruits of His Folly" tq the support of the library and appreciates the kindness of the young la dies and the gentlemen who presented It so admirably. The library has al ways been supported by the efforts ,qf women Hke Mrs.ogers, who are. capa ble and generous of tbelr time and talents. Richard H. Lkwis, IX OKTTUfGCR, Mss. .W, C Fulos, ' , Sxbil Htitt, . Mrs. W. J. 8tanubt. Old Maid Inanraae. J Women Insure s against being old maids In Denmark If they marry be fore they are forty, what they have paid in goes to the lets fortunate, and these last are pensioned for the t mainder of. their lives on a scale pro portionate on what they paid in. - Dwarf a.ad Glaata. As a rule dwarfs live much longer than giants. The latter usually Jytve weax constuuiionsr tneir oiooa circula tion is sluggish, and they have brittle bones. vpt Saadwlehaa. - To make nut sandwiches chop tbf nuts .very, fine, using almonds, English walnuts and hickory nuts. Butter ths bread, slice and put on it a thin layer of the .chopped nuts, a .little .salt and sprinkle of grated .cheese. -Put another piece of bread over this and press slightly. . In 1C14 staya were Introduced into the costumes of gentlemen to keep the doublet straight and confine the waist Tfc Galf StremaB. The gulf stream, flows at the rat of about two and a half miles an bouf. Fire miles Is exceeded n some places, and the rate varies much with condi tions of weather and tide. ; . Record la. Public Btim, . Eleven public houses In a village which only contains thirteen, dwelling! is a record which will be hard to beat. Such a village Is to be found In County Derry. Ireland, the only premises not licensed being the police barracks and a creamery. ' L - - . ' ; Terrapin FUblnar. ' The fisherman catches the terrapin with a piilr of tongs on the eastern bore of Maryland A Record Pall. Forty-five tons la the record of we!.' t fver ru!l"d by a pair of horses. TL.'s x- in tl.e shape of bark loaded f I fcnsifr? fee rv ajiii ,wm ipmi ' " ' t2 Map c t Hem sukLyidnfty. IrortsVrhMCiv am 0c Ante d n HUMOR OF THE HOUR . A ho fH Waji. ! "Now, gentlemen," began the fakir, turning to the crowd lifter arranging his paraphernalia; "I wish to tall your attention to a little article tarn Intra fudng,? which Is Without question -.the greatest invenkw f the twentletb cen tury. To all -outward appearances It to an ordinary keyhole plate for front doors, hut . Its merit lies In a secret process of manufacture whereby It is to thoroughly magnetised that It will attract an ordinary stekey from Itotanco of three feet lbobly there tont gentleman within the sound of my voice .bnt what has, experienced more or less difficulty In, discovering the whereabouts of the keyhole In the front door of bis domicile after having been detained at bis office till the milk man tomes. But with this little In vention in your possession, gentlemen, such mishap are a thing of the past After it la once firmly attached to the : ftoor all yon. have to do la order to con nect with the keyhole is to line up any where within .three feet , of the door knob, take but your key and bang oil to it, and the little life saver will do the rest The' regular price of these wonder workers Is $1 each, but In or der to Introduce them quickly and at the same time. win the everlasting gratitude of my fellow men I am of fering them for one day only at the ri diculous price of 25 cents and the gen tleman over there takes the first one. Thank you, sir., - Another goes right down here, another there. ' Now, gen tlemen, please don't get excited. Bear In mind tbat I have enough to supply each and every mother's son of you, so et your money ready, but don't crowd" Chicago News. , ., The Jarr. DtaardL Doctor," said the cannibal king to his court physician, ,"I am feeling mighty bad this morning. My stomach Is all out of order.' ;i'v." '.v-'vV r'-r'- "Um-m-mT mused the court physi cian. "Been eating some more of those rich foreigners J v.W't'.?? ;-,' "No," . moaned the king "The last banquet we ndd was twelve men that claimed to nave been professional jury men at home." -. ' r "Well," advised the court physician. "yon bad better send for your attorney general. The jury disagreed, and be should take charge . of the case." Judge. A To PlaJa. ghe He didn't succeed In convincing her after all bis argument ; He No; he merely made ber mad. "But bis explanation was clear." "Yes, and that's where be made his mistake. He told her It was as 'plain: as the nose on her face.'," Philadel phia Becord. . - . Prvphetla Werda, . . JlmBon I predicted that some day Dedbeete would wind up at the end of rope. ' : Jester By Jove, you're right I - Only yesterday I saw him colling up a clothesline for bis wife In bis own back yard. Ohio State Journal. CVIdat naaeaar His ITsaa, A dealer about to wire a receipt for purchaser did not like to admit be could not remember the name of so good a customer and resorted to the expedient of asking: - ; , "How do you spell your name?" "S-m-l-t-h."-Judge. . Candor. "Why do you say such bitter things of those you call parvenus?". Well." answered Miss Cayenne frankly, "I like money as well as any- pody does. , Maybe I'm somewhat Jeal - mm ' nmwr-1 ' r - u' fr ,.t, ... THE FRUITS of ras folly? PRODUCED II LCFTIISCFm EOUSS Was t Successful ETtnt ' tj Ec-s TUej en VMM . i ''The FrulU of Bis Folly" was pre. senod at the opera house last night by local talent, And the able manner la which every part was . taken showed splendid training and histrionic talent o ftd mean ability. Ths house was filltd wim mu unmiigent maa appieriaur au dience which will net the promoters ft teat little sum for the good causs for' Which It was glveav - &-Zl The several characters fa the play ao qultttd themselves in splendid style, and mads for themselves niche In dramatic Itotory.- :V,ZZi H'i I Following to the east of character: t Jack Dummlng A victim of his own fplly, and around whom the plot centers,. Iff Dr. H. D. Harper Jr., who plfyd his' fart wsO ad showed eonslderabls tal- i Percy Ogden A tine friend of Jack's, Wfts taken by Ux. 0. T. ppwpsr who did Soms acting of s high cgrder..f - i Ashley Dray tonA man of the world, Was Imitated by XL B. Lswto In.ft.WelI understood part and resulted ta great f redlt to him. Mr. Lewis ftctlng tha nonchalant,, roan of tbej worjd was ft h'shly creditable pleca of. work. I Hlrman Boggs Owner of .-Cowslips farm was played by Mr. J. J, Rogers In ft very amusing manner. - -f William Henry The hind- man, was Mr. A. C. Btalllngs' part, and was per formed, well, and the singing ol a solo was particular pkaslng to ths andience ' Who applauded to ths echo, j Dorothy Dunning Jack'swife, by Miss Mary Rogers was acompiete soccess. At ft loving, but mlsunceistood wife she acquitted hereelf In a splendid way. .n. n jk a..i.. r. i in.. Brsile Braxton, was , ftctsd w 1th easy grace that fitted the part to perfection. Her deep solicitude and true (friendship for ber fi iend, Dorothy, was beautifully portrayed. .-'V,iU;y -; -:, Mallnda7ant Boggs by. Mies Payns Kllpatrlck, was laughablt In the xtreme Her quaint expression, and strict re ligious ideas as portrayed, furnished many subjects ior .laughter, and was ' keenly enjoyed by the audlence.i ' s .' Barah-Hiram's wife, by Min.Bjbil Hyatt, was produced In fitting way, and she portrayed the provincial dame In a manner that made Sarah striking figure in ths play. - Polly "Flinders By Miss Eva Smith, was a decided hit, and Miss Eva, though quit? young In theatricals,- displayed ft keen appreciation of her part, and suc ceeded In captlvalog the audience at the start, and held them to the end. . , Taken all together, It was a decidedly enjoyable affair, and was met With great ' appreciation by ths Urge andience; The gross receipts was 112 of which 85 was obtained from the sale of re served seats., Something over $80 was netted, which will be equally divided be- ' tween the Klnston library and ths Chris-' tlan parsonage, both of whom we feel sure win appreciate and give the proper credit to the promo ers tad trainers, Mrs. J. J. Rogers and Mrs. Harding, who, with tireless energy, brought it to a sue- - cessful tosus. . .; Tratkful Sareaaai. " " Sister What-is the best way to re tain a man's love? "! ? ' Brother Dont return lt-rNew Tork Weekly. r .v. , . : Am AatM Relief. ( When autumn cornea and cools ns off. We'll mil and say. "Hurrah I" ' Sines men -and taoraa both may doff , Ttaosa comlo hats of atraw. Washington 8 tar. I c i i; if,:; I .-. I : rMHttlr AMtrM. He Too are not the girl to xlve your self awsy, are you? . ? t -. She No; but yon might ask father. Judge. '. ; " ii i . ':' T Mala PoIaC "'.''i ,,: 'She hasn't much of a figure, hat the?".,': 4 i-r-.- '., '...-..' ',.,--, : No; but ber father has." Life. Saaa Mea. Soma men fere like drums That are banged by tha bora It's the big headed one That product tha most noise. Leslie's Weekly. ', Tiv a Waek. "How many servants do you keep?" "Oh, about four or five a week." rown Topics. Eveaed f. . That beauty's Just skin deep we know. Put thrn we g-uess . That rule wUI work both ways, for bo Is uglinesa. Philadelphia Press. ous Detause -I'm not a parvenu my on a t..:,b anJ pulled on Ice. 'I self."

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