? .,' inston 'Day by 2 ld. OCTOBEB ltH)2. Saa Mob To Wad Thu Fit Sat 5. . 8 7 8 0 10. 11 13 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 90 21 92 93 94 95 28 97 '28 99 80 81 Timtei Qalde. TRAWS AJtBITB AMD UATI. A. I. CL, East, 8. 58 a. m., to Nev torn only? 4.82 p. m. Wait, 10.19 a. to., . 8.88 a. m., 7.87 p. xa. , ; . A. C. L., north, 7.80 a. m.; outh, f .40 p. m. ;r ',:.,i,;;,,.!!, M maim. ,. ., Close, A, a L., north, 7 a. m; A ft N C8.30. Mt. and 9.40 a. m.. west: 4.00 d. di.. east. 6.80 west. Open tram Mt 9.85 a. m.. from east 10.20; a. m. .15 p i m., from west; 745 p. m., from PRODUCE MARKET. Retail Prloes Today Btorea. in Klnston tULmA fflma tian. . nt flnantf llama. 1 M lb Diaad oolorad bras, loot Virginia hum, i i-M lb. WUU MAI MIL C. K. Sid, Mil, l M ID, Toaaatoa se pot quit Cabbaga, jc aaca. Cora, 90c baahat - ' Irian aotatoaa, yoe pick. Biacc waiaata, ajc pasa. Appua, k wij IfaaL ace Bock. Ranuu aa aa aae Ann. re in, vi hi aus. Caiduaw, o aaca. Baiter, (labia) jota ju lb Frying chickana. i J to as, Aaricoto. - pound. Vnaiar, if, gaJloe., Pram i-a 10 oe poond Uookuf butlar, yo poaaa. Kya, i.eo Dssaat, Driad paacbM is 4C Oats, 35c buahal. Waaat.li.-it IRfoston Etfnetoscope Moving f Pictures of Daily vnts Strt Happening OS The Round Tall Crab will meet at Mr. T. C. 'Wootan'a to-morrow (Tues day) afternoon, at 8 o'clock. Knott Broe., eoid on their floore In ten consecutive days, 950,000 pounds of to bacco, dating back from laat Tuesday, We venture to say this Is a record breaker for North Carolina or Virginia. Have you registered? Hon. F. M. Simmons, chairman of ' the State Democratic Executive commit, was In the city to abort , while Satur- day plght between trains, on his way from Ayden, where be spoke Saturday to a large crowd, to Raleigh his home.-'' Mr, C E. Jordon, who had been em ployed as foreman of the job depart ment ofthe Klnston Pnbllshlngeompany, left this morning for Charlestown, West Virginia, where he goes to accept a simi lar position. Callie Is an all right printer, and ws hate to see him leave. Mr. J. H. Herbert left last night for Rocky Mount, to be with his sister, Mrs. Geo! L. Parker. Mr. Herbert was threat ened with a malarial attack, and had high fever, and went to his sister's for rest and quiet. He expects to return, If well enough In a day or two. . LaQrange won the last game for this wason from Fort Ran on their ground, on the 4 th. Scores 7 to 6. It was a very interesting game and bard fought battle. This makes 12 games for LaQrange team, winning 8, lost 8, tied 1. The Farks team have played 14 games, won 10, lost 4. Mr. E. L. Mlller.'bfSeoeca, Kansas, who has been spending several Weeks at his old home In Klnston, left for Southport this morning, where he will Join hfs wife and go to Greensboro tor a few days, be fore returning to his home In Kansas. Mr. Miller Is editing the Rural Kansan, at Seneca; Kansas, which paper la taking a decided stand for prohibition in this state and as a Warm campaign Is on there be hurries back to get Into tie thick of the fight. . Mr. A. A. Slagle announces in an ad vertisement today In our columns that hereafter he will reserve Mondays, Tues days, Thursdays, and Fridays for white people only at his riding gallery back of Mr. McKinne'a . store. The other two days will be given to the colored people. This will make It more satisfactory to both. Mr. Slagle baa tha reputation of running an orderly and clean amuse ment, and has had very liberal patronage from the people at this place. . Have you registered? Mrs. A. E. Palmer died yesterday after noon at one o'clock of blood poisoning caused by child birth, and her remains were taken to Wolftrap, Va, her former home last night for Interment. She had been a great sufferer for four or five days until death relieved her. Mrs Palmer, who came here from yirglnia " to Jo!a lr husband, who Is auctioneer at Knctt I :ts. warehouse, was 22 yrars o'l, t 1 torh not Larlrg been a rest . X cf t- 'a dry tut a short time, had tul- -r llfr "J to those who knew her iir j vsjs. Tie remains were ac c 1t-T:c-"--p ly nr. Talmer Continued Story of jCocal venti Rev. J. H. Griffleth, Jr., left this morn Ing for a six weeks trip to northern cities In the Interest of the Episcopal church. Little Reynolds, colored, an woman) was taken to the asylum at Ooldsboro this morning by Deputy Sheriff Sutton. Don't forget to regis ter. Yesterday afternoon, ncoopleof colored people, smitten with . an lneoptrollable desire to launch themselves onto the aea of matrimonial life, drove up to the Methodist parsonage and were qufckly made one by the . Rev. E, Co) trans, whose reputation as a bliss promoter Is rapidly extending. The" happy - couple whose names were John .Whlteflold and Keoecca House, went on, their way, re joicing, happy in the thought that the never smooth road of true love had come to so happy an ending. f f j ?-0 g Don't forget to register! There are only 16 more days after today. To those in Klnston township w would say that precincts 1 and 3 are bounded as follows: Beginning at the west end of Gordon street to A. C. L. depot, south to Orion Knitting mills, east to end of Cas well street. All south of this boundry is the first precinct, and yon register at the court Louse with Mr. i. O. Cox. North of this boundary in . Klnston, township is precinct No 2, and you register at Mr. G. B. Webb's undertaking establishment with Mr. J. L. Murphy, Green County Man Killed. The News and Observer says: Charles Oadum, who claims to be half Indian and to have fought in the Mexican war, was shot last Monday morning by Mr. Bob Sugga at the letter's home, near Jason, and died last night from the effects of his wounds. He had been farm ing on Mr. Bob Suggs' land. Some days ago the two men had a dispute over th crop. Last Monday morning- the old Mexican soldier started over to the horn? of Mr. Suggs, who was standing in Ll yard, and told Oadum out to come in. The old doctor, as he was cald, went back home and got his pistol and cams back. When he reached the gate he was again ordered sot to come In by Mr. 8uggs. The doctor pulled his pistol from bis pocket and fired three times. Mr. Sugga walked in his house and got his gun. tie returned and fired once, the load striking the doctor in the arm, Again the doctor fired hla pistol without effect and again Mr. Suggs fired his shot gun, the load taking effect In the doctor's chest, t Up to this time the verdict of the coroner's Jury has hot been learned hers, but it will very probably be Justifiable homicide. -"a v - Watch out Wllaon. Wilson sold 6,126,292 pounds of to. bacco during the month of Septeatber. Klnston for the same period sold 5,917,- 226, a difference in Wilson's favor of only 209,062 pounds,' which shows that Klnston is surely working her way to first place in the tobacco markets of North Carolina. , , - ' Look Out Tor Fever.- .. Biliousness and liver disorders at this season many be pervented by : cleansing the system with DeWltt's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gently, but copiously, and by reason of the tonic pro perties, gives tone and strength to the glands J. E, Hood - Tbb Fbek Pates Job 'printing depart ment probably has on hand a larger sup ply of papers of .every description for printing than any printing establishment In Eastern Carolina, not even excepting the city of Wilmington. If this Is not the ease it will be' so within six months. ' We have been constantly increasing - onr stock and will keep largely increasing it so as to be able to fill almost any else order (no matter bow large) without having our patrons wait until the mater ials to print their work on is received from the mills. Isn't such a print shop, giving you good, quick and cheap service worthy of your patronage? t-: aaWTmWffmiajia"WrT,,liaftm",Tawai"a JEW FEATURES Ready-to-wear ; Waist New Line of Goods These are Bargains and Styles to interest the ladies. . Come quick, for they are bound to strike the popular fancy and the choicest will go rapidly. , j. n. STEPiiEfisoirs, C;:::":3:-"::r'3C"::. SPECIAL NOTICES nn rmin WAirrs mnssix mi 5i LImi av Charge lea thee 10c To Lai, For Sale, Help 'Wasted, Work , Wanted, . Articles for TZx cbaafq, Loci, Tmvud, Bewarda, etc Mackerel at Mack Mewborn's. FRESH Richmond sansam todav at WE WOX't haadlttJoaf bread After to. dev. Mark Mwhnrn, PICKLED1 HOG feet and codfish bricks at Mark Newborn. N. a SMOKED hams A sides at Mark newborn. ,,,' t ROOM for rent over mv store. B. H. FRESH Oat meal at "W.,' D.- La- Roquu's, Jr. v LOST One wmU and. black SDotted dog, answers to name of WheeJer. Kinder will return same to J. W, Dixon, junston, a. v. , TRY A PAIR of Doutrlass Shoes and oe convinced tnat (bey are tbe beaV ( BOARDERS WINTED-AddIv toMaa. W. . JONKg, 11 mount Ht. , - " : -r a-a J arva . . a- a. 8 EVEN SPRINGS WATER ALL TOD can drink for 5c at Hood's fountain.) . MEALS, 8ERVED CONVENIENTLY at meal hours by H. C Bailey In rooms up stairs on (jneen street, Ho. 214. CHOICE BEEF STEAK at Holland's Market dally, at 12 cents. Orders filled promptly. - Phone 177, " MESSRS. T. B. POWELL & SON Will open up a first-claw pressing club for cleaning, repairing and oyeing clothes for laaies ana gentlemen, up stairs No. 116 West Qoeen street. Room for merly occupied by G. J. E. Phlseae, S. H. Loftin's building. Mebbks. T. B. Powell & 8o. ANNOUNCEMENT. Hereafter until farther notice, I will reserve Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, for white people only at my riding gallery, and Wednesdays and Saturdays for co'ored people. Thanking you for liberal patronage, and ask ing a continuance of same. - i I am yonrsto serve.' r; A. A. SLAGLE. Manager Emporia Amusement Co;; back of H. W. McKlnne's Store, i.. - - EtabliW in 18 js. , v : ARTOPE, MARBLE AND ' AND AGEtTSFOB IBOX TKSCTSQ. Main Offict and Electric Powar Plane MACON. OA. " Slaughter Brothers. BeUlnc Asrents for Klnston. The Central : Llarket We have opened a new market, No' 104 Queen St , NEXT TO S. A. QUINERLY'S, And will 6ell FRESH MEATS of all descriptions. -; Our market will be run in an up- to-date manner. Everything about it will be fresh and clean. Prompt arid careful service will be given to all orders. We solicit a trial; , , Dressed , Poultry will be made a specialty. Free delivery to all parts of the city. Pnone No, I&Z. HOLT ON & KENNEDY. Schools Bells Will Ring Buy Your Pencils, Ink, Etc. at HOOD'S DRUG STORE. We have a big line and cheap, too. H1NES BROS. LUMBER COn PAN Y, Hills located at Jcnctlon of A. & KiriCTON. V. ataasfactor, ro , : and dnuad Kili-Dried koiWing parpoaam, .mC ; Molding, Woided Caiii ak. Lathi, ShingVs T r Stick, and Bed E'utt, ad Calt( Bow. V e a e a!wiy in tka sr)(t lot ttf Ctih at ait t ( -s. If yea wish to ! r w m'i tha aiU anOonv . .jrl msraprc);-ia i i "I 5ttTVfTTTH I Hlah-'Claias-'ClbthYiv'tT'ia od Cota fuf nlahav. , ' From H to Foot ' On Prlte Only.? aV 1 . SI .,' $ Wc have i Now the rage in New York City Stop and See Them Colors... Grey -ANDi Tan 1 Si A; Qtaincply, Klnston, Jir C, a 102 8. QivS2 Phone 7. yk AKI HUH nAKKEU. mmia-! -m Trk FsKKPsEssroomaaretoocrowded with vastanantities of all kinds of papers and envelopes.' Wearedeslronsof redocf Inir stock and wlU make especially low prices on very big lots of printing. If von need anv eiintlng - a. a m . r. nnn & a r ti in xu.uw, w,w 50.000 or 100,000 lots give ns an op- oortnnitv to figure, with you. ' ' ' 1 - ' Incorporated 190a. WHITT & CO. GRANITE MONUMENTS ' . . ' ' Branch Offic. and PUr.tj KOCKT MOUNT, N. C. TOWN TAXES DUE The town tax list has been placed in my hands for collec tion, and your taxes were due CI .1 1 1.i W:" ;.a Please come' forward and pay at once. 5 ' Li J. MEWBORNE, ciek. Insurance Agent. :;;;LifeKS:SKS , Fire and , Accident Prompt Service. Monday-Qet Ready. N. C. and A. C. L. Railroads, N. C. Fin, Laabat of tmj dtacriptioa common !j atad Cot I and Baat, Hand JCailJ, 5;sui Raj, t ic Wm and Jet onl aiatarial for Tobacco 1: . . -hf a-.!s i'enl Lcn.ber, Logs and Sitaoclirg lu-V-er, for h f at aod ft Oaf piiCa, W, try la deal t ;-s. ' Something ;; - : : , j ; rfyawBawaV'BV'a'aW'lV ' The; Largest; and; Best ; Assorted t Line i. ;.:::of We ,h we ever shown in ' Ladie: Misses' and ; - ; l. -? 1.. . . ; : V ' i ''-' i Children's. 2 ; f ruuiic w. Otitic Opeta House Thursday, Oct. 9th, WHO WHAT WHEN , r .-" MliMa i nliLo.' ! . v -. . I Orielnal In Name i i v, , Orir ! . - Original In Nature. ''UAf, Original in Design. I A FUTE 0At FOR TBE LADIES ' Tbe Most Perfect and Complete MInNtrel UrganlcatlQu bxtint, A b et o! - Euro pean Novelties. 10 blgiaagnable Vandi vlUe and speclaltv acts. Celebrities Culled trom. the ranks 01 tbe world's foremost artists. More tban any other Minstrel Organisation travel ing. A Galaxy of Operatic Vocalists. Regular Prices. ' Seats on Sale at Dr. Woodley's Drug Store. rataftaa t Just Arrived t ROQer &; Gallot' S Toilet Goods at Templo - Marston's - t Drug Store BRICK BLOCK 1 ... A BRICK X Prompt Ghipracnt. $5.50 per 1,000 in lot3 of 5,000 f. o.b Kinctca. "Scf "Gn3ra-eed to be as good a r-.ir.r.J.ur.-.rea la eastern, N. .... cr r..:ucy rcf-r.ied. I ! Ml It rV to Trsde at the Mg Store id OAR&AIN S1LE AH This Week. vtNp ) goods will be charged at1 prices here quoted. Sale strictly CASH.i . All Wcsl Eiderdown alt Shades, RegnJar 40c Quality; n-t i, ;,.,.,, 36 InchArRiureL'elrcsa Black and Colors, Regular 50c Quality, This week 39c Yd. 38 Inch wool Henreitta In Black only,' Regular 50c Grade. . , , ,-' This week'. 39c Yd. - 50 Inch Homespun Light and Dark Oxford Regular Value 6 sc . ; This week ' 49c Yd. Lonsdale Cambric Regular 10c Quality and never sold ior lest. . - This week . SC Yd. flannelettes For .Dresses. Waists Wrappers, 'Regular or IOC yuaiuy,--: ; 1 This week, 8c Yd. light futlngs Ali s .. ..rs, keguiar f8c M i ThlsWek V. ScYd. hennants All Kinds of Goods on the .Remnants Table to be Sold This week About I -a Price. KLNSTON,; N; Cs xxxxxxxxxxxxx ' ' Notice. ' 1 Notice is hen by givpn that application r will be made to the Mayor and Board ot . Idornwn ol the to wn of Klnston, N. C, on Wednesday, November 5, 1902, for a .franchise of 95 years for the right and prlfllefTB to coDstrnet and maintain tele phone lines and a telephone system; to erect and maintain telephone and tele graph terminal poles, and to run, sus pend, maintain and operate wires for a telephone and a telegraph ; system, onr . and npop the streets, alleys and publlo highways of tbe city ot Klnston, N. & A copy of such franchise has been filed with the clerk of the city of Klnston,) N. C, and this notice Is given in apeor-: dance to Sec. 78 of the charter of said town. ,,.' The ' International Telephone Co., of America. . October 1st, 1902. , "rnr: uuuilL.; Black and Colors. ' Stylish and Strictly Up-to-date. Prices Rislrt. c- t.. i '" ' :ut:: cr 11. onrnini orcuniL OUR DRESS ; GOODS,.; H K. M v M M a at. 4 I.- 5?! ft' SI M " Hi ' . Hi a- M M H M 9 H M S" H S 8' 8- ft- H

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