MlL';:-iPHEE. FRESSo 1 i , Etct j cooa id . Is at stepping stone to T wealth- , II I I I I 1 1 . I PUBLISHED EVERY KFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDRY, VOL. V. -110. ICO. E3NST0N, N. C THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1002, PRICE TWO CENTS HARPER-D0SOI1 . BOARD QUARANTINES IiilL COAL liniERS ;, ACCEPT COIIDITIOIIS THET WILL fvESUIE YTOEI AT 05CE. President Rooseyelt Kames Commfssion FaToraWo to Bdtn Sides!" ' OLD H0RT1I STATE HEWS AHD GOSSIP ODD AID I1TERESTIKG HAPPEHSGS. IIAMIAfiE TODAY AGAINST HEW BER1I TOOK ACTION THIS AFTERKOJI BRIDAL PARTY WILL RETDRS T03IGHT Hadley-Forb, s Marriage at Gre n?OIe. ," , Parties Wen Knowii pere.? 5 Dr. H, D. Harper, jr., left this morning for Conetoe. where h ' will be married ibis afternoon to Mies Dora Dawson. Tbe following accompanied Mm : . Dr. H. D. Harper, sr. Messrs.. Carl and Jas- From that Place Mast Have - Health Certiflicate. " .' We decided to declare the quarantine beginning on 10:12 train tomorrow. Bryan will be notified not to sell tickets to Klnston, Falling Creek and LaGrange without health certificate, said certificate most say that the person : hasn't smalt per flarper, Mrs. B. W. fiatchsrkaU rela- P Bnd BO been exposed. In caes tlvesof the room. and Messrs. Hogs PBrBOU wimooi wrwncaw win not ds Irvine, W, A. Mitchell and Guy Webb. , woweatoge on t&e train at either The marriage wlU take place tms after-1 " ""iu " v noon at 4:&) o'clock and Dr. H. D. Har- 00c ft office nothing people buying per, sr., father of the groom, will perform t,cket" hT" Jrt,flcate- We notify the ceremony, . Dr. Harper has married I oryan no to ran excursion ror negroes, more people possibly than any man In win not be allowed to pass through the State, and In is Tery fitting and must Klnston. We notify ctrcus manager that be much pleasure for him to officiate at WU1 n them to show here In Ws son's marriage, Mr. Carl Harper, pas through New Bern. brother of the groom, will act as best The board wishes to express their con n,an. - - , Adeno In Drs. Duffy & Hughes who A Iter the ceremony, the bridal oartv nave toe situation In charge, belfev them will come to Kliisfon on tonight's A C H I 9 capable of managing tbe situation. ' 0 a. e-s T Tl-ii - ... train. A receDtion will then be given at I pups. v. x.. i-nagen ana an omoer will the home of the groom's father to a few h" charge. Dr. ft L. Phidgen. Sdpt. Dr. V. E. Wkvbbb. Dh. H. O. Hyatt, B. W. Cjjuiiy, , 0,B. WBB. : DIXONVTtLBL - ; ' October lj. Mies f earle Herring Is visiting- Miss good Intimate friends. 6 The couple will stay atthe home of the arroom's father for ft week or 80, when they will make their home on Independ ent Street. ' Dr. Haroer is one of Kington's most popular young men. in his profession of dentistrr. though a young matt, be has already gained ft fine reputation and there Is a promising future before him in it.. , , ;v 'v u . He posseses a bright Intellect and en sracrioir manners', which has made him many friends over the whole State. ' Dixon's gin, with Mr. A. Braxton as ,j m V vav. ...'. -- lir U. PTaMnA Cl t. II nn whom she has vIslted'anumKsr of timw. i,rtli of tobacco off of sUacr! i and and is well known here. 8he Is one of been offered f 600 tor balance of the an the handsomest ladies in the Snate. : Dr. tobacco from the eaiuft six acres. Harper wins a lady that he ean well be Master Dan Perry returned to Klnstop Tbe Free Pres. slncervly congratulate rBfflrPi!lT?- Dr. Harper ahd extends to them both its Sunday t t ivsu the her w hbol work." Jieartfeltbeetwlfhes. s , . , 1 Mr.T.B.Tvndal'schil(rH.t(lfT.f,. " 4 -",' 1 nnrl will ha- hitriurt at AnkAw this afternoon. t" ' May Falrcloth. Mr. Frank More made onlta a land sale a few days since. - Both steam eaw mills are now rannlnir Washington, 0. C, Oct. 15. The strike Is settled. Secretary Boot announced at 1 o'clock that a common ground of agreement had been reached, ' The president has namel a eomtn'.s- slon of six persons to settle the strike. The official statement will announce tbe names of the strike settlement com f mission. It is believed that the sixth . ! representative will be chosen from the ' ranss oiiaoor. . i The president will nrs the Immediate ; resumption of work at the mines and the : administration believes the requests "will be forwarded at once, , ' I ' i , " s t President Mitchell has called a meeting of the, exectttf re council and , Jtho strike will be called off at once and mining Burned in two or three days. Some of the members of the commission Were named by Messrs. Sargent and Mitchell at their I ; 4, conference with the president today, and In latr, meetings tonight Mr. Sargent officially represented tbe Mine Union leader. . I ., ' , I . V ), On the commission if a rery prominent representative of organised labor. The commission as finally named, It Is said, la perfectly agreeable to all parties. - Tlje fllembers ofth strike settlement eommlsslon are: - , h - BRIG. GE.t. JOHN M. WILSON.' ' B. W.PARKER, OP WA8HINGTOf, D.O., connected with the Geological Siif- yey. v ,' . . ' , itTDGE GEORGE GRAY, of Delaware. E. E. CLARS, of fedair Rapids', Iowa. THOMAS H. W ATKINS, of geranton. BISHOP JOHN I 8PAUL0IXG, of CARROLL D.WRIGHT. . ! n, 4 i :)-- - . Its' . ('( r N -f 1 i i ' 1 ' W""", ., , , 111J L ,Mr. Geo. B- W Had ley, of Larangp, and Miss Clara Bruce Forbes, of Green ville, were married at $he home of the 1 bride yesterday, Both 'these young peo ple are pearly as well known In Klnston as at their1 own hdmesand both hare ft World Combine Threatened, London, Oct. , 14. Labor leader Ben Tillef today hints that a world's c6mbl- patlon of miners Is possible to support tne antnracite miners in America. Tie Wlfffftbs-Boutt' Marriage. 0 the nrrn'mg p) da ., ttb,.' 'afc S;3b"T 'clock at the hbWf Mr. A. J. Scotf, 1 1 1 - f ( BE r.Mark H' lAwAt c"iptyf J SCENE FROM "THE. ETERNAL CITY." THE MOST SENSATION f ; ; AL PLAY OF; Ti REASON. , ;,V. , ' For the first time on an American' stage a play has been offered in which the leading character Is a Roman Catholic pope. This is done In ,"Tbe Eternal City." fc dramatized version of Hall Caine's novel of that name. In which Viola Allen and E. M. Holland have tbe principal roles. The1 lines vhlch go with tbe acene here pictured are as follows: ' : v Roma: "Holy father. If David Rossi were your own son would you still ask me to denounce him?" ' ' ' - -r- 1 Pobei "More than ever: more than ever then.' '.., M and Miss .Aaidie- Vt-Scott, of 0l'sl0w, were unitf d in tbe ioly bonds of wed JocVi Rv, S; , W, Siiiiren officiating. Mr. fTlxglns Is one of our successful young farmers and has' many friends in the county who wish him and hischarm Ing young brtQe unalloyed happlneBs and abundant success.; The bride is one o 1 Onslow's fairest and 'beat, and we most' heartily congratulate' Mr." Wiggins on winning such'a prize.' . , - . 'iJ. -' itai ASoiit Pwpfe w Wk) Come and fio rSl .11 I Q 0 larM nomher of friends in Klnston. ""a eoai men are already After th marriage they left on a bridal wo,k,D this direction by stopping tour." After their return they will Wke wppiy w com rrom Wales. tne;r nome in Lurange, Tha HruAn villa Rjiflwtnr rtt TatAnln.T marriage. ' L- t .'. 0 I! 1 1 Thi mornlno' thrt Methodist rhnrch 1 A I was the scene qt one of the most beau ujiui . iiianiiigco -ever Boiemaiicu " I Hadley, of LaGrange, to Miss Clara I 0 Bruce Forbes. The whole chancel was I ) a mass aisle was an arch draped in tulle and tO UO SO." There IS ail Entirely smilax, and from tho centre one was ' , r . . V, n.:- .lis' ' suspended an exquisite, wedding beU of l- "fcv li?umuil MHaycjir. pure white" chrysanthemums; over all I (J was the soft glow of myraidsof candles f) Yniir Old Ppo-Utrntfnn Will nf Pnfitfo Forbes. The whole chancel was 0 . . ' . . 1 1 of paims, ferns, chrysanthe- (j Let Everybody Register Who is Entitled in pink and ; white, I Over each A , , . r' c . t 1 ' ' '' " fcA , : greatly 'enhancing the beauty of the scene.; Promptly at 7.30 to the thrill ing strains of Lohengrin's march. played by Mrs. J. B. Cherry, the bridal party preceded by the ushers, Messrs. Mark Quinerly, Haywood Dail,' Joe Move and Dr. ii A. Move, entered in the following order:' From the left aisle Miss Mamie Hiries with' Clarence Jones;! Miss ' Mary Moye with vDr. Green; Miss Bessie" Patrick with Robert Jeffress; from the right Miss Nannie Cox with W, - E. Hooker; Miss Lizzie Jones with Emmett Wooten; Miss Elizabeth Laughinghouse with Charles Stewart Carr. The bridemaids were handsomely gowned in white cloth, with black picture hats, and car ried pink chrysanthemums. Then fol lowed the dame of honor, Mrs. Mark Quinerly, in lawn tafTctawithLaFrance roses. The maid of honor, Miss Win nif red Skinner, pink cloth eppliqued in ecru with bridesmaids roses. The bride, beautifully tttired in a go: away gown of blue and carrj:" a shower bouquet of brides rose .5, er.tert J from the left aisle on the arm of her brother, lir. Charles Tories. She vt.s met at the altar by the groom arj Lis b.-t raan, lit. Kirby Satton. The 0 0 0 0 f) n u 0 0 I) 0 0 ' You to Vote this year. ' - . ' Unless you register before the books close on the 25th of October, yon cannot vo a tbis year. ; ' 1 - ! ' ' The books are now open for registration, and will be open for that purpose every day, 8unday excepted, until sunset Saturday, October 25th. - Let every person who Is entitled to vote under the amendment register' at once. '".' Register yourself and get your neighbor to register. , , ' note Fimsr; ' The adoption of the Constitutional Amendment made an entirely new registration necessary. The disfranchised negro registered In the campaign of 1900, and, if the legleHtura had not provided for new registration this year, the names of all these negroes would remain on the registration books. . ., .., NOTC CICOflD.- ' An entirely new registration this year was necessary to pat the amendment in operatioo in this election. ' - 0 0 8 11 0 0 0 I) 0 0 1) Mrs. J. J. Rogers went to Trenton yes- aftsrnoon. , . Mr. Frank Hynjan, of New Bern, was In the city today. " I , Rev, J. 0.' Gnthrle came yesterday afternoon from Raleigh. Mrs. Plato Collins and children went to Warsaw today to visit their parents. Mrs. J. 8. Wooten went to LaGrange this rooming to visit for a few days. Miss Carolina Claypool and Mies Dod- son went to New Bern this morning to attend the meeting of the U. D. C. MIks S. B. Moore, of Augusta, Ga. who had been visiting Mrs. W. A. Bobbltt lor some time, returned to her home last night. . , , - ' - -, Mrs. A. C. Howard returned yesterday afternoon from an extended visit to her daughters at Cnarlotte and Winston Sal-fin. " ' . ' Mrs. SfrllA Austin, of Terra Haute, Ind., who had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. E. Kornegay, left last night for her home. ' ' ' For ft pleasant physic take Chamber- lain stomacn ana uver i Ablets. Easy to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale br J.E.Hood. r:oTC Tinno. Each Democratic pspx r Is requested to leap this in a prominent jla 1t the paper nnt-1 the registration closes. : ; ; uotz rcurrni. at some promfcent jlare la tbe votirg cere- r of - l : I'll br t! 3 a ! ; .'. r '-'y was v. "11. iirpres-Eare. we.: the s 5ve!y Th t L ... lc. 1 t re n t: r r Cut this out and post it I recinct. F. Cl-ln -vi Ciztz D:::i. Ux. Cc::i. ":I!.D, .52cret::ry. , BESAOA. ' , October 12. Preaching at Hebron Sanday. Dr. j. F. Maxwell and dauarhter. Miss Vevil, Messrs. Ralph Smith and Rufue Stroud. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Howard And Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, attended the association at Hallsvllle last week. Mr. and Mrs. J F, Standi,- of Kenlv, who bad been . visitfug , their son, Mr. Harvey Standi, returned home this morning. - . ' . ' . ' . Mgor.- Albert and Herbert Maxwell, of Faiaon, were home on a visit Saturday and Sunday. . :- , ... , Alls Cornelia Mat well left yesterday to take chara of her school near 8arecta. ' Mr.' Ed Tyndil's house was burned last n'ght. VLt a the Are was discovered th diulng room was in flames. , Cause of fire unknown. Lverjthing In the house j was lost. No lDsarance. j , , His I ff Pavl Y-w f'humbf.rlaln'a CoMe j Cbol'Ta and 1uu-rboes Kmedjr. ! "B. L. Tuyer a well known cooper of t hi" town, ? j he believes Chamb'lairi's Colic C ; fcti.l I)iarrhfM' Kernedy trei I i ! ' .j ; mer. L'e hsl be n ft brsi ::':i v .til what the doctors; fill' ' ''-" !.. ry, andcon'dB''tnof !j. j !: r tf I i a; y po 1 no:l f9trli-lthin' 1: -re L!..afmn.ii1.e r'ef." ' ! " ' m-r'-hbtt, Eiucotk, :.: 1. 1 err ' ty j. e licoj. BETWEEN HEfAtS.V" .Gypsy Qwvrt, 22. has been eo)J to J, H. Sinter of Indiiiuupolls, Ind. ' Consueln tbe daughter of Dtrec- tum. 2:0514. has lowered her record to 211214. ' " Democracy. ' 2 ;07V&, , recently lowered the waablngton state record to 2:08 at Whatcom. - , Le Roi, the pacing son of Altamonnt and the duni of Kla ninth. 2:07'j. bas lowered bis record to 2:ia ' Mobel's third, fourth and fifth bents in 2:104 2:10 and 2:1 U4 demon strute him a very hlsh class trotter. After bis recent experience It Is re ported-that Scott Hudson has declined to drive Prince Selma, 2:10, again. , It seems wrong to see only two horses start for a three thousand dollar purse, as happened recently at tbe Em pire State track in Kew York. , , It Is a great Axtell year His get are winning right and left, and , recently be put two In the 2:10 list, the trotter Ozanam. 2:09A and the pacer Ax, 2:W4, the former beating the hitherto unbeaten Anzella, 2:07. Three of the most prominent horses now racing In the middle weal! are the trotter Tonso, : 2:144,, and the, pacers Btranger u., g.-Oil',, and Brown 8am, 2:11. The first once sold for $00. the second for $33 and the' last for $57. :!:-?f:-i ' lSW. 'ilii Poets yield .12 to )3 per cent f their weight In sujjnr. , ; i ... . Milk' la' Chins. : ' , '; ' The Chinese have the Idea that milk revives the outhful powers and that It has special virtue as winter food for old people. , . .... T Waterproof shoe. : Boots and shoes may be rendered permanently , waterproof by soaking them for some hours In thick soap wa ter. A fatty acid is forced In the leath er' by the soap which makes it Imper vious to water. -:' Swlaa Teaeaera. ' i The public schools In Switzerland are operated by the government, and civil service rules are strictly applied. The teachers, who are mostly women, are very well paid and never discharged except for cause. When they get so old tbey can t teach, they are pensioned liberally. Tbe result Is that the coun try has an excellent corps of educators. Man-lag- la lntt. In Swedish towns the average mar rying age of males is thirty and a half years and of females twenty-seven and three-quarters. v Ormi. Every day of your lfe you take Into your system cerms sufficient to end your life were it not for tlie protecting aei oa of the tief nsive a-t uu in your Mood , ,' Fayettsvilla, Oct. 14. News reached here this afternoon of a terrible affair in Cedar Creek township. Larkia Bedsola was attacked by bis wife and two sons, Amos and Jeff, and cnt all to pieces with an axe and knives. It will be a miracle If he recovers. The quarrel arose over some food. v cv-?. . Goldsboro, N, C, 14. An infant gtrl baby, Just a few hours old, was found on the front steps at the home of Mr. Vashen Rose yesterday morning. The child was nsatly and comfortably tucked away In ' m basket, in which were an abundant sup ply of baby clothes mac' up of costl material and In good st; Is. . - Mr. R. Frank Hornhuckle, overseer of the carding room of the Atherton mill, met a horrible death at this mill Tues day at 7:30 o'clock.: In attempt ng to replace a belt on a pulley, while the mtitiliuti a In Aifitlnn ho WAarailfrhS in the belting and parried over the shaft- , tig several times. Before tbe ponderous , machinery could be stopped, the onfor-t tunato man was dead. ' North Wllkesboro, Oct. J4. Our peo ple were both surprised and pained to , learn yesterday morning that Hamilton :. Barnett, ol Elk township, had committed suicide. ; Sunday morning be waited one of his house and told his people be was going to a turnip patch. After waiting: , for his return several hours they became alarmed and a search was Instituted. About sundown he was found dead twinging from a limb near, the house. , , , , LlKbtnlntr'a Rp!Ur. . It has been ebJm.iUu that a tl.ish of lightning occupies ess than tuie-nul-llonth part of a second. As oue-teutb of a (second la needed for the full effect ? of any light upon the eye we get only a' very rulut ktvia of the brilliancy of tbe flash. l. , p:".,. r;p' '' ,- Lan)r 1 SeolUad. Since l&S the number of lunatics in Scotland has lnerered by 180 Oer cent. while the pdpuiatlbu increase bat been ' only 49 pVr cent , - Odd Car For Raaaaaattant. , The gypsies have an odd cure for . rheumatlnm, and as It Is cheap and ut terly harmless It will not hurt to try It Tbey carry a goid sized piece of brim- sioue in me pocuet ana warrant u to cure tbe worst cases. , Hlldew Stataa. Mildew stains may easily be removed by wetting and soaping the spot, cov ering it with powdered chalk and then putting It In the sun to bleach. Damp it from time to time as It dries and then wash It la the usual manner with soap and water. II iscessary, repeat the process. ..... White Tailed Eagles. . , Although the golden eagle has disap peared from Wales, white tailed eagles are still to be fouud In north Wales and Shropshire. .,' . j A Weak rinlak. , A newspaper thus describes the ef fects of a hurricane: "It shattered mountains, tore up oaks by the roots. dismantled :. churches, laid villages Waste and overturned a haystack." Kaaiai aa a Terrltorr. 'When Kansas was first organized as a territory In 1854, Its area Included part of the present' state of Colorado, extending as far west as the crest of the Rocky mountains.' Denver, Lead- Vine, Pueblo and Colorado Springs are bow located on former Kansas soil. Hraelatae aa liar Fever. - A German medical Journal reports the case of a man' who was attacked by bay fever to winter because be bad cultivated hyacinths In bis room. Tananarv. j . ' : t Tammany lived In the seventeenth century. He was a native of Delaware, but settled on tbe banks of tbe Ohio river. He was chief sachem of his tribe, and his reign was discreet and peaceful. His great maxim was: "Unite. In peace unite foe mutual happiness; la war, for mutual defense." Xenacat Stilt Raee. Tha longest race ever run on stilts took place from Bordeaux to Elarrita' In 1S33L The distance is 203 miles. - ' Alexaader tbe Great, . Alexander the Great used his sword against women rather than for them, and one of bis favorite pastimes was beating bis wires with the flat of hla steel blade. - Tarkeataa Co art ah I p. ; In Turkestan every wedding engage ment begins with the payment of a substantial consideration to the girl's parents. If the girl Jilts her lover, tbe engagement gift bas to le rtturr-sl unless the parents have anthr hu c Li ter to give as a substitute.

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