PUBLISHED eERY HPTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDHY, VOL. V. NO. 184. E3NST0N, N. 0, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1002. PRICE TWO CENTS TELEPH011E . COUHTY GOES -, THE GIGANTIC I . " . . - ! . I . ' ' ' ' ' - :'3 FRMCHISE FOR WATS01I : ; BEEF' TRUST HEWS AHD GOSSIP i ., . mi r- ii ir n.r ti ii 9 i ri i i J V JUDGE ALLER 01 THE PROPOSITI )I Thfnks One Won; Enough For Any ricwo. , n Communication. i ' I notice that application Is to be made thla week or a SO years' telephone fran chise. . ' ! 4 " -.' i - . ' ' One telephone company is enough forleounty, except In the senatorial prl - any place. More man one means mure ezpenw, more poles on our streets and more mutilation of shade trees. .With two companies In & town, erery person wno nae one pnone, almost oi necessity has to nave two. The new company only proposes to put underground wires on paved streets Within thirty years all companies will have to put them underground on all streets. - The 'proposition- to place 'phones In houses and charge only when used' Is deceptive. Such a franchise-as Is askeel tor is worth a good sum of money, Even if ; the new company would place underground wires on all streets, It would still entaU great additional x pense to the citliene of the town. 1 ", i . O. H. Alwn, GUM BRANCH. - ' October, SI, 1902. ; Frost is plentiful this week and we saw some wayesteraay morning. j v.4--4.. m vnn -mhn rv.rA hla nUTTia ininuij - f!l""LVTJ''rrr be was on bis way that be came from Martin county! He was riding a bicycle and his actions esmed suspicious Decause os aia noi struck the South CartH'm ""f 0a" tb' polls ciom' M th ,tart flhme time Since, three young nini went f?'? ba.d to th rl Pr ' of tIw dy cut to bunt some wine. They found It and when one of them woke op ne ronna bis money all gone. He tnreateneq, wn sv warrant tnote wno were win nim.i r4 to hBcX W wine young; men, ; v ; ' ,.. STRABAHB ITEM3. November 3, 1902. MUi :'-1riS nfr and fWl"EI-l morTvisite d at Falson. Satnrv nd i cT.,n-- . -: w y-' h Mr. A. W. Whitfield andda('ieK M Bessie, spent Sunday In Klnstyw. The school at Moss Hill began K0"iv . under 'the management of Mrs. JuUl e I Brvan". of Institute, nstitute. Hf ? ' ' ! 1 J j Th- ihnn at: 'Hardr bearan.todav I with Miss Mary Hodges, of Klnston, as I Miss Carrie Hardy left Sunday to take - charge of her school at fink HUI. Nancy 8uFn. the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Button, was In- tt-rred at Holy Innocents cemetery Sun day afternoon. "He that seeketh me early shall find me.".. ... . .. . - Mr.-Clyde Whitfield spent Sunday In Latf range.;, .- : . . . . . , DIXONVIIiliH ITEMS. Miss Mary Faircloth' and Miss Bruce I Dixon went to Klnston last week, where j juiss aireioiu wjus. vm mi ? iuuu, i wnere sne WUl vieie nuaue iur euiue tlms. .i-;v.f,v;:a'.' iyii Miss Plttman, of Klnston, opened school Monday. She Is boarding with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Overby, Many of the farmers In this section have a srood deal of tobacco to sell yet. Messrs. Taylor & Moye have several for I contracts for delivering lumber dwellings In Snow Hill and Other places, Mr. Frank Jackson has made more rlr monev on Mr. D. W. Dixon's land to the horse than any one farming that we have heard irom tbis year." f Mr Hill, while attending the Raleigh fair, lost or had stolen about U0. He Misses Elancbe Johnsori and" Minnie I P.onas sent Saturday nfaht here;-, " ' I There will be a basket and apron party : Union Chapel November 4th, at nfght. F " , at coo-ir.TOii iTEiia :,: November 3, 1902 Mm. 8. T1.' NoMts F; eut Sunday with relatives 13 Aydon. - Dr. t-i 1 t. C: ClwarJa vl ".".! friends ia f. iow LI'.l C-itar,! jy. I'.ts. D. v. son, of i.l- 1 f T.i 1 ' VT. 1 ' f it; l. ;. '.3, v:..;. i l rj erounl Lr-rs D.II.rix : y : 'i f. ' - - y. IV 3 I ii .If tf 'ii' 81 800 ESTIMATED PLURALITY Cwg ProbaWj . Cairles First Kinstoo Precinct Election Quiet , Not a great deal of Interest Is being manifested In the election ' today, there being practically no opposition in 'fie manes. rroDaoiy eu per cent, or tne reglstared votars will cast their ballots j In a quiet way and return to their buii - Inees or work; Of this. vote, probably i uu per cent, wui os case lor toe jJemo- 1 cratlc nominees, and figuring on a basis pi adUO registered Totere, which Is ap - proximately comet, the Democratic majority will be between 1600 and 1700 J In the county. f ' , . V . I There are very few defections in the I vote cast, and of course there will be no big difference-in the majorities of the j various county officers. v v i I f It Is thought by a good many that M,r. D.W, Wood wDlrun behind Mr. T. I II. Hill,, the independent , candidate for chief jaatfee of the supreme court, but His pretty safe to say. that neither will git I over 300 votes in the county. Of the senatorial candidates, no' de I finite forecast cab be made as to " the I division '' of i sentiment, and but "tittle i neara irom tne out-of-towt precinct, I kn rnf.M will Ji : it . a . vuli viain wiu uvuuuew cnrrj una nrMiyaras. executive officers will be the dlcated by the rate at 2 o'clock, which Is: Craig, 75 Watson 50, and uverman 85. ! These figures may change ? "B Dfongnt down this afternoon by i toe acuyity oi tne opposition, viTats t n w i) n i in m vij crrr m e -:;ti- j". -r;.T-rM.. no.dpubt that Ak and Ab r ; . op., . - . I i. . -r-.r vu, ,u.,. :niTAAh'f,0t,.fLt?Wn pe'h"" VJ'JZ? rttdI" shorf thafc Mir.i:-MW h- count, Dy fiot less than 500 nluralitv. ?- - - - t For several " months im . rkenM&. routher has been troubled with Indies un.i He tried eeveral remedies but got uo beniiitfromthem, WeDUrehasedsom of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab. and heeommencad takinsr them. ' Insldf thirty das he had gained forty pounds in flesh. He la now fully recovered. Wt have a good trade on the Tablets. Hol ! let Bbos. Merchants, Long Branch, Mo r or saie Dy !. . uooa. RABBIT TOWN. Octobei1, 30, 1902. We bad a good rain Monday. Miss Lucy and Nannie Tnrnatre. of institute, visitea nere Saturday. Mr. Klrby Pheiphs, of Beston, visited Mr. Will Hardy Sunday. Misses Lillleand IdaHerringepe'nt Sun jay witu miss Aaaie . tiardy. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hardv snent Sun. aay aiternoon at Mr. x. u ilart s. : Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson and child ren spent Saturday and Sunday near enow xim. The Beat Remedy for, Cronp. i nis is tne season wnen tne women who knows the beet remedies forcronp is in demand In every neigh borbood. One of the mortt terrible things in the woi id is to be awakenfd sn the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the child ren. 1 he cronp remedies are almos as sure to be lost in case of croup as a revol ver is sure to be lost n case oi nu 'glare, There used to be an oldfashioned remedy Chatnberltn's Con h Remedy , Is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the thJ Pnt to ."thrhow up the phlegm" ?.n,,'ki,,.r; &nd S'T" reIttf ,a a shorter time. tiive this remedy es soon as the croopy cough appears and it will prevent the at tack.- It never lal.s and Is pleasant and etU to take. 1 or eUe Dy J.L liood. Will r'llov Claxali-Kl lJaeit.''." tt Will 'gi'atify ribt thlsikiii; w-i fu lo It-am that llic iirc-liHi'ot. -"witli ihe uttrport of tbe pixier aiuliontles. i.' i!wiled that all of the 111 new crnuient buildings shull lie pl.-inned "nf built on Clascal lines ami mod f ' i r tiany ycais t'n'IP h;l been i for j;overn!i,eiit 'e !).. us tnro-.-a tuvti of then) ii, . i . Ja,.t o;i tne viMon I tL.a t;it? i. !s whii h f ? tr t of e;'-s a ! HAS CAPITAL OP OYER $500,000,000 To Control PacUnV Houses "and Raise Prices. J Chicago, Nov. 2. A semi-official stab: I ment In toe big beef trout plats wt I made yesterday, s Tha capital Is ti h 1 $500,000,000. It is to be derided lut. I floo,UUU,UUU bonds, f iOO.000,000 pre. I ferred and $200,000,000 common stock. IThe bonds are to be under written by tie I National City bank syndicate, .with Pru ident Jtmes tNtillman as the mar" gr I The underwriters are to receive 10 to?! 1 cent, of the bonds. r Whether additional-compensation Is ti. be paid for la stock is not, stated. Tbf bonds, if they carry 4 per rent. ' Interest, j would command about 90 ' In the i pen market, and the proceeds to the true' I would be 1 around $8t,OO0,0f 0.' 'It Ik I taid that' the outside' plants purchased wM take up the bond proceeds, . y I The immense capital lends assurance t the story that the combine will take over the Uaion Stock yards here and the stock yards at Sooth Omaha, St; Joseph art Kansas City: Mo. and East St. tbuii. This would give the cbnlbfnatldri a com- 1 olete'control of the backing market anri I shut any" Independent competitor from the vantage ground p! operating in th- 1 . Chicago crowd-Oustavus Swift, EL C. Swift, Ogden Armour, P. A. Valentine and Edwin Morrlse. 0n the -"ormous capitalization largely creased prices are considered inevitable. . .ABemarkabieiteoorM. i mn.rkn.hlarwnr1 It hni henn In nm tnr pd. It has lour beAa the standard and I mtin reliance In the treatment of croup Mn thousands of homes,, yet during all J the manufacturers In' which ft failed to !t..c.t! .When given M soon a. the cniio becomes noarse or even as soon aaispoiis. enureiy neeuiess as to wnemer thecroupy conah Hpneaw, it will pre - 1 A1 i..L i tAi 1.. I 1 m-wia Mfc.- w ' 7 joplnm or other harmfut substance and may be given as eoi ndently tn a baby as so an adult r or sale by 3. ti Hood Indigestion Is not a disease In' most cases, but merely an admonition. It means that the individual Iihs uot .vet found a diet suitable to the needs of his system. - ' ' ' ' Whea Cervaatea Woddcd. ", . In "Don Quixote"; KaiH'ho 'UaU?ie to ride on bis - ass after 'hav'ai ,j mentcd the animal's dontb. CamblinK KllIplaoH. In gambling the Kllip; nos aro tv- most persistent race on enrtlr. " .As &o as a servant or day laborer nois u niu.'j staKe ne stops wont, ana jraui' to .i rich quick. If successful at play, tbe Filipino never work more. If h" lo:' everything; he will do anything to re gain his losses. 'Tear Threadbare Coat.' To raise the nap on cloth, soak it in cold water for half an hour, then' put It on & board and rub the threadbare parts with a teasel or with emery. For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad c Id you need a good Coh Remedy to 'loosen anb reHeve It reliable medicine . like Ubamcei-ittin's i allay l tion of the throat and lungs. For sale I by j. t;. Uood Druglst Lady Henry Somerset, who is bi-rt' as the represntativf of the Women's Chritian Tern era nee Union of !reat Britain, says that fifteen yesirx apbthe arrests for drunkenness In England av eraged four men to one woman, but that now the average Is .three womeu to one man. If this Is correct, the W, C. T, C.'bas a iarg tield for missionary work aiiiona Its own sex. to say noth ing of tLe uien. According to a late i.i roving & (n. Corisii-' at the f -e was r ' f . caMcp-raia. Mr. j-n la tLe Ital- ;uwa!) la I a lake rt" rv z ttie assur- e cr T.,a t -ir-' ' - : t'se i- -:--r e t: t t t I i re- 4 1 ,,('! ; ? V READY FOR THE ,! Here 'ls shown kk lWank 'GriHWoVd .waiting for the signal to be given to Ak and Ab and Arbitration. - In the days of Ak and Ab, who lived In davea and bunted the dinosaur when he did not hnnt thwri. diftDutes'. wi .ttli in . vrt-v nrimlHr 4nn- Th A hat flf per. and the quickest eye got, the biggest piece of meat AVe think that we of today, belong to a far higher order, of beings than did Ak - and f AI. - Long ago we mastered all wild animals, and many of the forces of nature which ul were . most , unpleasant 1 baibarlans- I greedy, selfish and , much lacking .In 8elf Control, They were quite ready to fight for a choice piece of dinosaur. " uu lwt " vu"' "l -d lb one who survived took the 1 r not thev were his bv ritrht I ' . " Just ow , we are pointing witb more I or le8S priIe. to the. commendable man ner in which we are settling a great dispute In which a small number of rich but powerful men have been at odds with a large number of Individ ually Insignificant but collectively po tent miners. We have agreed that the right8 and wrongs of the affair shall be determined by a few disinterested outsiders. We are declaring, and It is true, that the best evidence of a highly civilized state Is the development of an acute sense of justice. - But let lis not deceive ourselves. Why were we so anxious to have the merits of this quarrel weighed in, the scales of Justice? Was It wholly be cause of an anxiety to have the wrongs of either side righted, or was It be cause the squabble Interfered with our personal comfort? -: If we could have dispensed ; with coal as easily as we could do without lignum vltae or cochi neal, do you Imagine we should have been so bot for arbitration or so pro foundly glad when it arrived? Isn't there a good deal of the Ak and Ab spirit in us yet? Historic Buildings at World's Fair. It seems likely that one of the fea tures of the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St Louis In 1904 will be a unique collection of historic buildings, which will greatly add to the attrac tiveness of the fair, v 'vi The suggestion is under considera tion that the Moore bouse, in York- town. Va-i where the articles of capitu lation for' Cornwallis' surrender to Washington were drawn up, -be taken down, shipped to St Louis and recon structed on the fair grounds. Another suggestion Is that the ancestral home of. the Washington family In England Le treated in a similar manner. Both buildings, of course, would be of great historic Interest to the millions of vis itors to the fair. ' ' Et' Lou's it ; If has soma 'buildings which r..:e!.t !1 be utilized for. tfce I r.rpose o" tie fair. One cf tl.f f e is tie Fremont r- "n, from which the C reclamation cf the ztcl. Tt'3 ws is- m Art. SI. 1C3L ". I r t f t" e wvt- V Ur.: i t: : :'ra. f t r:--"r-'. c:ru v :,r er ra r f 1 ly r WfSTT??TOErrW 1 i HUNT. AT TUXEDO. , ' Uray master of the Tuxedo bounds. start the cbasa " ' , - Soldiers In Peace Times, 1 . Under favorable conditions of peace the mortality among soldiers Is prac- tlcally the least known., with a death I ot on 5 In every 1.000. , Com rPreq wnn a aaimer s me tne pinciu danger, for bis death rate is 11 in 1.000, or more than twice as great as that of bis militant brother. ' i . Malaria. - 'While malaria Is not contagious from person to person, It Is nevertheless ad vlsable to keep infected ersons from healthy places because they Infect the mosquitoes that bite them and these In turn lufwt otln-i Uumait beluga, vS'V ' ' ' ' " " ' ? - Smokeleaa Powder. Smokeless powders are ui,t absolutely smokeless, but give off a vapor that at a distance of 'MO yards can be distin gulshed. . ' : , Paatearlsvd Milk. Pasteurized milk will keep from i twenty-four to forty-eight hours If kept j In a temperature below BO degrees. It I must be renietiibered, however, - that pasteurizing does not make bad milk good nor sour milk sweet. The milk must be good to start with. Walla and Hard Wood. It is claimed that you can drive nails Info hard wood without bending them If you dip them first lu lard. ... ... China's Population. . It Is stated that the Chinese popula tion of today numbers about 426.000,- 000 of souls. Including 8.500.000 in Manchuria, 2.580.000 in ' Mongolia, 6.4ao,000 in Tibet and 1.200,000 In Chi nese Turkestan. The state of Minnesota has no valid Inheritance law on its statute books Judge Bunn of the Ramsey county court holds that the taw of 1901 la un constitutional and invalid, and deci sions : of .other . courts have already found Irreparable flaws in the laws of 189? and 1902, so that there is no in heritance law whatever. ,. '5 .Vp to Date Prom Paris. ODD AID INTERESTING H1PPES1X6S, . building at Greensboro, fell down an elevator shaft Mocday morning, receiv- : Ing in juries that may prove fatal. ' -1 A man supposed to be J. B. Farley, of Randleman, N. C, was ran over and kUIed in ths Southern Railway yard at Manchester, Vs t , ', 'n. 1 - Mr. M.i L. Jones, prlncli al owner of tbelola gold mine, in Anson county, recently took lg,00 worth of fgold to the mint at Charlotte. He said 'it cost him only 940 to mine It, ' Greenville Reflector: fJapt R. William's lost his county residence, near Falkland, ' by firs Friday nlgbt. Particulars are not at band. Cap. Williams was Away at the time. The house was Insured. Miss Anna Plttman; dangbler of Mr. H. A. Plttman, s. well-know n fsrmer of Mullens lection of. flallfex'county, and Mr. Bennle Wave were married last week byJRev. G. W. Phelps, Fplicopal rector. ZA dispatch from Baltimore says: Jos W, Murray, 80 years old, of Baltimore countyand Kenneth Street, 20 years old, of Henderson ,N. C, were found dead tonight ia a room In a small hotel. The gas Jet was left toned, on by one of tbs occupants of the room to which the men had been assigned early Sunday mora- Salisbury Sun; A day or two ago the deformed Invalid, who rode around the street fn a small wagon drawn, by, two , goats, got Intoxicated and was swear ing and became so iboistert us (that be bad to be taken in charge by the police. Hecoold not be removed from blswsgon " so the goats" were driven tl rougb tbs hallway at tbe city ball and Into one of the cells where they were? locked up for nuiuv wiiiF, g ne cri iiie,!! later inrDea oo and left town. ' ' " - 1 . t H-1 i i r i . . Jobn ,M. Gibson, of Cincinnati, and . Miss Henrietta G. Wolfe were married at Battery Park bote), at AshsvUkv Satuy dayevet-b. Be wae thought to b dying, but after tbe ceremony rallied and bis recovery Is bopd for. Ht Is a prom inent and wealthy man. , Tbe postofBce a WbMevllle. N. CL. was robbed one sight last week of about S00 in money and stamps. On Monday at Florence, 8. C, three tramps were ar- rested, charged with tbe offence; but tbs evidence against' them was insufficient; .A ttl, W.M M1....J "' uu viJvj naiv ivvnaiu, Dr. Francis A, Palmer, a New York millionaire! philanthropist, who died 8unday, left $10,000 to Elon College, N. L, This is Mr. Palmer's second donation ' to this college this year I February last he gave $20,000 . to Elon. i Mr. Palmer last week distributed six million dollars io educational inftltntlons In America. He was 90 years of ae. An exchange says: The scarcity of oys ters ic North Carolina waters this year I really eomthlng to think about. Tbs oys ' ters are said to f be so scarce that New, . Bern relies upon Norfolk for them.; There will have to be oyster-plan ting on a great scale, and proper conservation unless tbe State cares to lose a great Industry. Greenville Reflector-, Tbs store of ' Henry Stallings,' at Jameevllle,; was sn- tared by a thief Sunday night,' wbo se- ' cured $415 in money, besides tbe other valuables. Mr. Bines received a call to take bis dogs over, but did not set It fn time to take the morning train. Ha left by private conveyance since noon to take tbe train at another point. ' ' ' At Elm City Saturday, night, an At lantic Coast Line soutb-bound through mail train crashed Into a freight train. Engineer W. W. Carrie, of Florence, 8, CL, was Injured so badly that be died two honrs later, a The mail agent was Also Jn jired. Both trains were going In tbe same direction and tbe freight was just taking tbe siding ta allow the through .train; to pass. The engine and mail .. ear on the fast train weafomnlluli.A sit t raffle over the line was blocked for six or eight hours. . ; 1 " - )l special from Goldsbpro says: Tbs. finding of the eoror er's jury in the mat- , terof the killing of the negro Cox, near-' Mt. Olive, on Thursday evening last has . not yet leen given to the ptt"e. Tbe verdict was rest to the ecl e'tr fcr tv., d'strirt . for advice.. Tumor lsn ft t" a , ) i. ia tbe bcy from wbfeb tl L,'. J t'.c-tt weB f.--1, were t?o v. ? ' 3 t .'i t It ? Ill !.. i I . i i i ; 1. 1... r 1 !r ! i i V t r ' r i i eri-I i Ii ' 'i. I.ii- r k- : c..-,t u u -9 f 1 r ---stof. '. (" ' ' n At w? "if - 9 t t r! - I '- i C AT AVD F'lIKT. T: ? '," - i ' ? c-: cf tfci I-

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