I :p. PUBLISHED EiERY HFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDRY. VOL. V. NO. 103. E3NST01T, N. 0, FRIDAY, HOVEli 1002. PRICE TWO OEUTa- ,1 Iiillll OLD WORTH STATE HEWS MID GOSSIP ODD 1KD IITEKESTIKG H4FPEMGS Dr. 4. v Luuu ), ( Nw Bern, bitten through the uomt Ux n patient's dog, which proved to be a mm ions wound. He ii confined to hts room bom It. Wake Forest had a Are Wednesday, that burned the cotton platform and one " hundred bale o( cotton. The fire was caused by it spark from a locomotive smoke stack on a passenger train ol tne ' (Seaboad Air Line, t ; ; ' s, , . Elm City, N. C A' painful and almost serious eicldent. befell Mr; Edward Simp- on, cashier of the Toisnot Banking Co., near Wtdtftkers while driving. Hie horse . ran away, throwing Mr. Simpson out of the buggy and breaking hi leg just above the apk'e. A warrant has been Issued for F C. , Ebbs, of Madison county, chaining him . with embewllng 7,, guardian money for a boy who had been injured on the Southern railway and recovered this sum, in subsequent edit for damages.. The boy bad never received euy of the money ' from Ebbs. ' Walter L. Main's circus has brought snlt against the Seaboard 'Air Line for S)5,p00. The suit grew out of attach vent proceedings brought by the Sea board, 'n which they ' attached ten of Main's horses for an alleged . violation of contract. ' " , ' Reldsvllle, N. C Monday a.i. moon Mr. Fletcher Stelltpgs, who. was return- .log to his home In this count, found that a wagon' ahead of him contained the dead body of M . Wf'.am Hooper, ' who died while pasiua; through the out skirts of Reledrille. Mr. Hooper Is suppofad to have dd of heart die- Near New Bern, twocolorvd yubt, 14 and T years kif agH. w fnt ut bird hunting a few : dj uver .'L:Mig . & .ix b, -one tl'r frum. th iju,Tuy excbaug d sliotM ac tli I)i di, nud as ' Tom Taylor , turned, be cried to his cousin, Lu'ajetr. Lo .l''. Immedi ately a load of No. 8 ' 1 : t struck . Lalayvtt t's heart," ktlliu umh n tly. The coroner wa Hummoi i-ri'ii jury . held an Inqueat. Tliey rfude i1 a ver dict of accidental kiliiuK, Fewer GuiIouh; Wear Lot aer. Easrlnnd'a Coal. A wall thirty feet high and thirteen feet broad could be built all round England with the coal annually raised in that country. , ' " . Tamarisk Timber. ' Timber of the tamarisk wood has been found perfectly sound Jn the an cient temples of Egypt in connection with stonework which is known to be at least 4,000 years old.. Flttin a Cork. It is commonly the way when one is trying to fit a large cork to a small bottle to get a knife and trim the cork. , This Is a waste of time, for it is only necessary to let the cork soak in boll; ing water for 'five minutes, and it will fit the neck of the bottle without any further trouble. Cardled Costard. Table Talk says the rapid use of the egg beater will restore the texture of a boiled salad dressing, a boiled custard or a plain cornstarch pudding which may have curdled in Inexperienced bands. Use the beater after removal from theMlre. London Deaths. ' Out of 100 deaths In London forty take place In winter and twelve in sum mer. Twenty-three acres of ground are needed to bury London's dead of one fear. . . r, . ' Trolled Sardines. f iirdlncs broiled In a chafing dish are nice fur ':'t, :,iy ii!ijt surpers. .Use J : t CH,!-, U of the oil In the box to cov. r the L( ;t,,; ) cf t'.e C'.sh and keep the -') fr.ji h'.U V.:. r. When tbey are trovr.(l ( "y wi;'a 1 i ! t'i s ' ' i f. :: Lbcr : i j ! If rve Ut. I.: t t: i l.-M ' W. a HBRBBRT OIUTI ALLY ILL. 8trloken 'With Apoplexy, Wad nesv day Night ml 10 o'olook. Comraunicaud. t Yesterday morning at an early hour tie people of Klnston were shocked at hearing that Mr. W. 8, Herbert, Editor of The Free Press, had been stricken with apoplexy and was lying in very critical condition at his home on east Gordon direct, -, 0rlng to his recant Illness many, who beard the . import thought It was exaggerated but very soon his friends began to beaelge his' home for Informa tion and found that the sad newt was only too true. , ' Mr. HerNrt oomplained VTedneeday a'-rdoon of feeling unwell and remained in his room where Mrs. Herbett served him with supper. No importance was attached to the complaint as he baa not been strong since his return from' the hospital at Richmond where be recently went fpr treatment and where a severe operation Was performed upon blm. . Shoitly after retiring Wednesday night, Mr. Herbert's attention was attracted to him by some slight noise, when she aroused hfm and asked him it anything was the matbr. Hs replied: "nothing is the mattsr, only I hnve had a bad dream." Again at about 1Q o'clock Mrs Herbert heard him breathing very hard and laboriously and again endeavored to arouse him but without success. She then became alarmed and aroneed Mrs. ft. D. Hawks, her nerrest neighbor and Dr. if. - 0. Hyatt "was hurriedly sum fuontd. Or. Hyatt and Dr. Hargrove soon arrived and found Mr. Herbert un conscious and lu a critical etat). After a short consultation tbey pronounced it ecrebral bemorrhag j or apoplexy. . At the time of wi Iting this article, 10 p. m. Thursday, be was Ij log uncon- lous Just as be has lee n " day f nd without eiij perceptible change save that perhaps his pulee and respiration show a bade of improvement v 1 1 p j) siciau fear that he will not live. , " It would be a renl calamity oKlntrtit! t)eeb'wld die jiwt at the prime nlb't tui-.-hooit and usefulnt-mt an1 inan.v hearti ttu out to hhn and hi faros'y n tbelr hour of niity uil dvHtiess. Mr. Deri art Is one of tbe best known meu in E'islsra Cnrollua by reason of hts 1 'fx eonn c'lon with TheFne Press, the '?!-' entatlve paper of this section of the Staid. H9 has always been Wrles in advocacy of tbe r'gbt as he saw it, and has w .elded a"powei!ul Influence for the Hood of the town of K'uston and the surrounding county. . , j 109 nopeisur.versaiiyeniercaineutnaii his useful cartr w U not be thus ter- mlnated. Dr. T. H. Faulkner. The, erniriltlnn nf Mr. Herlmrt tndar la much Improved. HIb puli , temperature 'd respiration show nearly normal and h - doctors expect bioi to soon regain cuucc'ousnetta. ' His condition though i stilt ciitlca'. " : Caahlons and Pillows. When making down pillows, wax the inner covering, and then the down will uui. wvitk luiuujju. A yj uv vuto uvu luci wrong side of tbe tick with a hot flat-1 iron rubbed with beeswax, rubbing tbe iron over the wax each time before putting It on the cloth. ' ' China's Humid Air. In southern China the air is so humid in summer that despite the intense beat, clothes cannot be dried in tbe open air. ' .. . Antlinltr of the Fan. The antlijuity of the fan in tlie east, particularly in As!a, extends far back beyond the possibility of ascertaining its date. In Cbina and India the orig inal model of the, fan was the wing of a bird, and at one time was part of the emblems cf imi?rial authority. Great Odd. The odds against a whist player hold ing all the trumps are 15S,753,DC3,C toL ' A r !ronr cel JTayor. j rocau-2 to found it utterly fe'porai t'e to ihr. 'f everjli 'j wi'.ti L's t!s c!.;t ' 3 a uuyor cf t"..e i;tt!a Frraeli t l cf it. i "ir i i; i i.-.. :r ; 1 'i I s t :f cf . BOILER EXPLOSION, TERRIBLE RESULTS KILLS FOUR IXD WOUXDS FORTT. line Pda F uraaces Tbfou Into One Ka s or DfiWs. ; 4 , Lebanon, Pa., Nor. 13. Tbeexplobin of a larga boer in Scrap Puddle t uruw, No. 8, at tbe West Works of tbe Amnri- can Ironrnd Steel Manufacturing Com pany'iplnntlatstbts afternoon, caueed the death of four workmen, and about foily others were more or leas serl u!y Injured. The dead ate: Jacob Bricker, aged 67 years, of Sunny Side, a bVorar; leaves a wi'e and six children. Walter Turner, of this city a puddler; leaves a wife and one ch' d. James H!eslnger, of tMsclty, a puddler; leaves a wi'e aud four chlldrln. WllMam Oakee, af d 4$, puddler; leaves widow; died at hospital. The calamity is the worst that ev-r oc curred in Lebanon. Tbe boiler exulode I without warning, and tn an 'nstant to. entire plaei was black wlthdeath-rtt- liig debits. ; The wteck and ruin of tb one puddle fnrna?)a was comple Mnoy were attractsd to the sceos and w pii g women and cb'ldun crowded bout the placi making frantic effotta to fjaln tidings of their loved ones. The excite ment was so Intense, however, that con siderable time elapsed before any infor mation eorld be given them.. i ewer Gallons: Wears Longer. . AIRY G ROVE ITEMS. . ; Nov. 18,11)02, Rjv. S W. Sumrell will preach here again Sunday. . v. , , Mes Effl- Klttrell.of Wlnterville.i- visit ing Miss EesMie Moore. - - r Mr. Heber Wortblnarton and Mia Bar bara Taylo'r vinlted at Kinatoa Saturday ana sunaay. ... Mr. Arnold Kilpatrirk SDent Wednes day night at rn Barn fit. There was a Hg" corn xhucklng at Mr. Letuuf! Taj la lust nutu; anotbe.oe ac Mr vmx i tk lor s toiixht. ' Mrs. Lmmf White, f Institute, who Had visiting ber Daren ts. Mr. and Mrs. LemnelTayior, returned to her home last Tnursday, SUPERIOR COURT. , . ' THUBSOAY. ' Court convened this morning at 10 O clock. State vs. Dock Britt, larceny. Guilty. Six months on oublic roads. The case of Debro Wade was called this morning ana in tne aesautt case ne was fined 75 and cost. In case of concealed weapon be was (taxed with cost . State vs. Emma Kennedy, larceny. Not gaJ State ,vs, Oble H1U, assault. Not guilty. - 1 ' ! Tne case of A. B. Harris was called this afternoon and be was sentenced to jaU for 00 days with permission to hire out. State vs. Garibld Tilghman, Urceny Guilt. Six mouths in jcuuuty j iil with permits)on to hire out. State vs. Geo. Mills, assault with deadlvweanon Guilty, Stats vs. Geo. Mills, larceny. Fewer Gallon-; Wnars Lonsrer. Rattlesnake Venom. A rattlesnake that Is five or six feel In length will yield a tablespoonful of venom two or three times a month. It - takes its poison sacs at least a week j to fill again after they have been eiup- uea. . - - A Wanaa's InTcatlon. It was a woman who Invented the tack puller, which Is now so widely used in this country. The tnck puller is simply a leverlike arrangement .by means of which .the .tacks holding -a carpet to the floor can be easily aud speedily pulled out. . F.at a Good Urea Ufrmt. Statistics cliow Unit tlie lo-i.rrst 11 vh! people have tfenernlly Ix-en those who made breakfast the piiiuipul we;.l of the day. ; . - llunri In n !-. It is said tliiit some nf the Veoe tlans tbose who have never been to the niaiiilu nd ba ve never wen a horse fi all tliir lives .A sbownnin once tro':,.;Lt one to a fair and called It a r r-.'-ter. and the factory Lands paid a c, rter t) f tie r "rvtL r Tnti - 'C -A- -3 vfc A MOTOR OAR The Caaiulian Paoifia has tiikiiraratad. M Banff, motor oars from which some of the finest aoenorr in the Rooky mountains may be viwd by the tourist. The ears an run by raaulioa and have a ipeed of 25 miles aa hour. True Happtaeaa. ) Cider in the Jlmmyjohn, Possums gitUn' ripe, -Backlog In the chimney n' a V i Corn , s Cob. ! Pipe! AUanU Constitution. 1 Rival Goaalplaa- Circles. . Mrs. Subbubs Well, where did that bit of gossip come from) From the ewing circlet Mrs. Buklots No, indeed; it came from my husband's whist club on the 6:35. Town Topic. Woild Be Hla Balratlaa. 1 When hunters go beating; the furse, My feelings It badly unnerves, . For 'twould save me much pain - And be really a gain ' To shoot on my wife's new preserves. -New Tork World, Miaaed a Trick. .: , The8pis-Why did she discharge ber Dress axentf ' ' 1 . . Foyer There was a fresh bit of acan- dat abont Iter, and be never heard olL: it rhlladelphlasTimes. - . . On Exhibition. Mo sermon l too long for her Who wears to church a new Fall bonnet or some styUah fur . And fills a foremost pew. - San Francisco Examiner. In the Moonlight. T love you more than I can tell!" he. exclaimed passionately. '-. "Well." she answered coyly, "they say actions speak louder than words." Somerville Journal. , , Properly Applied. That "care wtll kill a cat" la true, It when In range you've got one, -You use your cara In squinting through ' Tbe sights upon a shotgun. Philadelphia Preas. His Superior. ,' .4 . "Do yon believe In the equality of the sexes?" "Yes, I do. but I wouldn't like my wife to know It" Cleveland . Plain Dealer. The laezhanatlble Dtveralon. : Man ranges, leat hla life grow tama, - Through cporta of every clime, ' But Cupid plays Just one old game And wins It every time. . Detroit Free Press. . Convenient. D. D. You physicians do not as a rule believe in Providence, do you? M. D. Oh, yes; thafs how we ac count for the cases we lose. New York Herald. ' ::) ;h-. '' ' Contraatn. .' ; . j-v :; How strange life's various contrasts are; Bometimes they fill us with regret; The small man smokes a big cigar: The fat man cmokea a cigarette! Washington Star- - Snpreme Teat. "He's the very soul of generosity. Isn't her 'Yes. Why, they say he even gives money to bis wife." Boston II era Id. When Rolln Saw the na. I think that God made little pigs. Not for the pork man's trade. But sent thprn here upon the earth 60 footballa could be made. New York Times. r Aleehollo Fnmes. It la Elated that a walk through th cc.ara at the London docks, wnere ?e quantities of spirits are stored. Las at lu st a peculiarly stimulating ef fect followed by depression, headache aid 1. a 1: a. Creaking- Klngea. ; nli? quickly curci by drop :'. i (1 oa tVe tirr-'s, or a tiny ? L 3 C IN THE ROCKIES. In enniMetlnn with Ita main lina at annh nlanu CURRENT COMMENT, . Now that silk is made without worms let us Indulge the fond hop that era long cheetw may be made in tbe same manner. Judge. England la amazed at tbe good sense displayed In the settlement of tbe coal strike. England is long on amaxement for evety thing American. Detroit Tribune, The defender of one of tbe St Louis boodlers alluded to bribery as a con ventional crime.' What is needed now is some good conventional punishment to fit It Pea ver Republican. - Tbe Italian statesmen, publicists and economists are endeavoring to devise1 means to meet and withstand the ter rifying American Invasion of Europe. The only way to bead us is by doing better work in less time or by discover ing cheaper raw materials. Memphis Commercial Appeal. COLLEGE AND SCHOOL. Miss Julia P.' Gulliver has been in augurated as president of Rockford college at Rockford, I1L Chlciigo university publishes so many kinds of papers and periodicals that it bas found it necessary to set up a I large printing establishment to do tbe work. Professor t rederlck Illrth, teacher of Chinese at Columbia university, told bis class the other day that tbe Chinese language is not particularly difficult of attainment but that they must not ex-1 ! pect to chat with their laundryman in ;- a few weeks. I Gambling; aa a XewIt-r, j Some years ago gambling was problb i ited In a part of Slam, and the govern ment did everything it could to sup-T press the vice. ; It turns out however, that this laud able action hag seriously deranged the : ' labor market The Chinese immigrants 1.1... In Hi. mlna. .anl tffimltlltlir ... , t. 1 among the necessities of life, ana tne I prohibition kept them away. Now tbe government bas bad """"-"- j ingly to modify its policy. It now e r acts that where there is a sufficient ' I large Cb inese population , gamblii , bouses will be allowed. The gamblln. is to be restricted to Chinese. Londf Express. ! , ' Teaching; aad PreachXagr, The thing for ministers to do la ui to preach about the gospel, but to preach tbe gospel, to preacb Christ " : This is what makes tbe difference be-. tween teaching and preaching. ; Teach- j lng Is dogmatizing or theorizing about I something. Preaching is holding up a living character- Rev. Frank Crane, Chicago. "Let Vm Reason Together." The church should not be foolish enough to be carried aWay with evolu tion or the new psychology, but it must treat ripe scholarship with respect Like Christ the pulpit that attracts the college graduate must be in the spirit iwhicb says, "Come; let us reason to gether." Rev. Robert W, Rogers, Con ??regatlonaliBt Chicago. Snlt. , Salt is one1 of the greatest of natural remedies and antiseptics. A weak so lution an even teaspoonful In a glass of water, cold or hot Is excellent for indigestion. A solution of about the same strength will often relieve a cold In the head If snuffed up through the cose. Rlee and Hoaaaltoee. r.iccSelds are such great breeding I Prices cf cioTj!tocs that the Italian f jverninent r "'-'-3 a law as lor.s ago 1- 'j rc,T'.!atl;:3 t!;e pittance from i at LU.h tbe cultivation cf I 1 ii l ' ' J. " , RELIGIOUS THOUQHT. Oaaaa Gleaned Frem tne Teaeatngr . ef All DeaenUnatlena. " Skepticism Is tbe special foe of the young man. Rev; F. U. Larkln, lleta odist, San Francisco. i , - Mnst e tn the Peeple. If the people will not come to tba fiurcb, the church must go to tbe pec pie. Rev. Dr. Carson, Presbyterlaa, Brooklyn. Ileeeaalty mt Coneentratlen, . " Concentration on a relatively asrrovs) ' line of work is deemed the necesaarsi ' method of highest achievement Ber. Dr. Angell, Ann Arbor, Mich. , , JW The Ulsrheat Kanwleda. physical and moral Tbe blgbesa , knowledge is the knowledge of God.- Rev. Dr. Pennlman, Congregationallst,4 Adams, Mass. ' "v The Aare4 Chrlatlaa'a Teatlnar.r" The aged Christian is able from hi tecting care of a Divine Father's lovew) Rev. Dr. Frank De Witt Talmage.; Presbyterian, Chicago. Rellg;Ien aad Patriotism. i.ri Why put religion and patriotism Jo-., gether? They are one. Religion heaven's patriotism, and patriotism la country's . religion. Rev. John F.1 Brushingham, Methodist Chicago. ) ' Valne of Training;. Many of us underestimate tbe value'' of training. It is tbe trained band, thfe' trained mind, that counts id the hot1' competition of the present day. Rev. ; M. F. Larkln,' Methodist , San Frao ciaco. , ' . ,!) The Teachlagra nf Christ. In the teaching of Christ all the scattered lights of the Old Testament prophets are gathered up, focused aiijf flashed back on 1 humanity. Rev. Dr. O. Campbell . Morgan, Presbyterian New York, i Giving; and ReeelTlngr. - , - A church, that is always receiving and gives nothing out is like tbe pool that has no outlet It becomes Impure and all that it possesses dies. "There la that wlthholdeth and yet tendetb to ' poverty." Rev. Dr. W. J, UolUclaw, Baptist Atlanta, Ga. Making; Clrenntataneea. si'',, , It is fn-quently said that "clrcum stances make the man.4 There is much - truth in it in many cases. It need nev-r, er be true for tbe Christian, for Christ , came Into this world to make circuity ( stances and unmake them always ln behalf of bis people. Rev. N. II. Lee, Methodist Denver. ' Bleaaed Ittnarl For Pave Hearta''''f We can have pure hearts. The Sar '. lour promises blessed reward to those whose hearts are pure. The sight ofi God and the view of the Ineffable beaoi t ty and holiness will be the highest, privilege. The pure in heart shall see t God. Rev. Dr. Alonzo Monk, Metbo- dist Atlanta, Ga. preaching; the Word. For the time being it is possible to crowd a church by other methods than that of the preached word. What te people need and ' want to hear from, the pulpit Is not so much about capltfl, and labor, but more of the teachings, of the blessed Master, who came .to teach peace. Rev, L. M Zimmerman, . ' Lutneran, linlumore. Ma. - t WaibniK ears Lunaer. " A Docs- f the Word. ; .. r Let none be a mere bearer of the word, but a doer of tbe work. Let none complacently fold the hands and .re ceive tbe benefits of labor done for his' sake, but let him lay bold of the priawr clple upon which all successful worJsr Is done sympathy with it identifies- tion In it taking gratefully as is hi-, privilege, giving generorsiy as is biT duty. Rev. Charles A. CmpbelL Prea byterlAn, Denver. !, - irrj V Helody of the Heart. TiK God uses every means to reach tbV soul of maa and bring forth the r sponse of gratitude aud love. Nature about him appeals to bis sense of ttfe beautiful, and the stars above hkaa? bid him look up and worship theirs Creator. But the love of Jesus is bin". Irresistible appeal. May we come tutor such harmony with God that every f acuity of our being will vibrate inre J sponse to tbe appeal and all the time" make melody in our hearts to the LorcL t Rev. Dr. A. C. Dixon. Baptist Bos ton. . -'' Ftadlaaj the Right Path. We must take a great system .otr truth as Paul took all that came- to him as a birthright because of bis an cestral connections spiritually with the- i people of God. Then we must find -that which is beta r than something . We have believed some plan that Iim better adapted to our time, some fairer , flower which by transplantlp? l come to us. This we are to cultivate Thus we siall not lose ocr talr We shall not get away from tie c- tripetal fcfuence ttat radiates fr -tl;e Sou cf Cod. We (,:.' mt at a tarrrr.t cor ti-.e t. - t I'.y wi'.l. t remi-: ' t ft i' 7 1 1 ;, and Uh en r :.! e K;. f:n. C::rs v . : r ' I a c Ity tl t c :. j 1 1 t 1 .1T a 1 J C-1 1 4 r.ft s 1 I naantty. r 1 X i V - e is I 1 ' ' i 1 - i ;' t s f 1 e t ' - T